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Life: 1)Made of cells. Cells contain DNA(brain of the cell) 2)Cells in a perticular order.

3)Regulate-Cells change to adapt to environment 4)Respond to signals-Plants grow towards the sun. 5)Transfer energy-Humans eat plants to get energy. 6)Grow & develop. 7)Reproduce. 8)Evolve. Acids & Bases:A dissociates in water into H+ and something. B dissociates in water into OH- and something. Carbohydrates(C1 H2 O1):Body breaks them down to get a quick source of energy. Monosaccharides-Sugars with 3-7 Cs. Eg-Glucose Disaccharides-More than 7 Cs. Eg-Sucrose Oligosaccharide-Approx 2-10 monosaccharides Polysaccharide-Long chains of monosaccharides. Eg-Starch Body breaks down carb. into glucose which is used by cells for e nergy. It stores glucose that is not required at the moment in polysaccharides c alled glycogen. Plants store it in starch. Proteins: Amino acids connect to form polypeptide chains which in turn connect to form proteins. Types of protein are collagen(provides support), haemoglobin(car ries oxygen) etc. Nucleic acid: Made up of nucleotides, whick are in turn made up of 1.Nitrogenou base, 2.Sugar with 5 Cs, 3.Phosphate group. Most imp n.a. - DNA- lives in the nucleus of the cell. DNA-contains genes-are the blue print for proteins(how amino acids shoul d combine to form proteins) Lipids(fats): Large hydrophobic molecules which store a lot of energy 3 types-1.Phospholipids-used in cell membrane; 2.Steroids-also found in cell membrane(eg.cholesterol); 3.Triglyceride Cells: Have organelles inside them. Types of cells:1)Prokaryotes(bacteria)-no nucleus and organells;2)Euk aryotes(plants,animals)-have nucleus and organells . Parts of the cell:1)Plasma membrane(skin of the cell).Plants onl y also have cell walls outside it.Phospholipids form a bilayer with proteins & c holesterol(which stabilizes membrane and prevents it from freezing in case of co ld) embeded in them to form membrane.Carbohydrate chains(which determine your bl ood type) are attached on the outside parts of the bilayer. Small molecules like O2 pass through memb. b ut larger ones like food cannot. So proteins create 'channels' else 'carrier pro teins' carry them into the cell. 2 ways(passive-no energy is req from cell) and (active-r eq) by which molecules transport. Passive:Eg.diffusion(O2 diffuses through cellmemb.),osmo sis 2)Cytoplasm(fluid inside cell) 3)Nucleus(brain of the cell)-Nuclear envolope( ~ to celmemb.) protects nucleus. DNA is in nucleus. The messengerRNA(mRNA) carries the DNA code from the nucleus to the ribo some in the cytoplasm which then makes proteins(RNA & ribosome are not ingredien ts of proteins-aminoacids are!) Endoplasmic Reticulum:Series of canals that connects the nucleus to the cytoplasm . 2 types of ER- 1)Rough ER-have ribosomes on it which mak e proteins that end up on the celmem. or other parts of the body as opposed to t hose made by free floating ribosomes which are used in the cell itself 2)Smooth ER-helps in creation of lipids a nd storage of steroids

The proteins and fats(lipids) cr eated are carried by 'transport vescicles' to the Golgi apparatus(an organelle) which packages and labels them, then sends them to appropriate destinations outs ide the cell through channels in the bilayer. Lysosomes(organelle):contain digestive enzymes which break up st uff harmful to the cell. They also break up dead organelles. The pieces are eith er spit out of the cell or used in the cell. Peroxisomes(organelle):contain a different enzyme which break up harmful stuff and also break down lipids Mitochondria(organelle):Takes food & produces energy which is stored in a molecule called ATP. Mito has an outer membrane and a fluid called 'matrix' wh ich also has its own membrane('inner membrane') Enzymes:Act as catalyst. Have active sites to which the substrat e(reacting molecule)attaches,reacts(Eg.breaksdown)and leaves. Lactase breaks dow n lactose, lipase breaks down lipids(fats0 and so on. Anabolic Rxns.:Smaller molecules add to form larger mole cule. Energy is req. Catabolic Rxns.:Larger ones break to give smaller ones. Energy is released. ATP(adenosine triphosphate):Stores energy released from catrxns. Provides energy for anabrxn by decomposing to adenosine diphosphate which takes energy from mitochn and goes back to ATP. Autotrophs:Make own food.[Plants-Photosynthesis] 6H2O+6C O2+sunlight->sugar(C6H12O6)+O2 Heterotrophs:Eat other organisms.[Animals-cellular respi ration] C6H12O6+6O2->6CO2+6H2O+energy Cellular Respiration:Glycolysis(breakdown of glucose molecule-in volves investment of energy)-1)An enzyme(hexokinase)causes ATP to ADP by giving 1 phosphate grp to glucose forming glucose-6-phosphate.2)Another ezym(phosphoglu cose isomerase) isomerizes g6f to fructose-6-phosphate.3)Another enzyme(phosphof ructokinase)uses ATP to add another phosphate to f6p giving fructose-1,6-bisphos phate. 4)

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