Game of Thrones 1 20 14

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Game of Thrones for 1/21/14

TEKS: Music Level III

Domain: Perception 1(A) define melody, harmony, rhythm, and texture of music listened to or performed, using standard terminology; and Domain: Creative expression/performance 2(A) exhibit accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and basic performance techniques while performing moderately difficult literature, independently and in ensembles;

Rehearsal Frame #1
Target Goal: Perform the unison melody from measure 1 - 9, with "normal" note length. Performance Episode: Decontextualize by taking away the accompaniment, and having the melody play the rhythm on their first note. o Alto sax, Tenor Sax, and Trumpets. Model the desired style with Trumpet. o Articulation: "Ta" for Saxes and Trumpets. "Let's play with the same style at measure 1" o Listen for discrepancies in style. o If style is good move on. If style isn't what I'm looking for I will isolate the problem and have them perform a few correct repetitions before I move on. Play full melodic line with notes. o Same air, just add the fingers. Recontextualize the ensemble by adding in the accompaniment. o Listen for Tuning between Bass Clarinet and Tuba. If style of the melody is good in context move on. If style isn't what I'm looking for I will isolate the problem and have them perform a few correct repetitions before continuing.

Rehearsal Frame #2
Target Goal: Perform measures 9 - 29, and bring out the subtle accents within the texture. Performance Episode: Decontextualize by taking away the accompaniment. o Melody: Fl, Clarinets, Ob., Bassoon, Bari sax, & Baritone. Model the desired style with Trumpet.

Articulation: "Tee" for Clarinets "Ta" for everyone else o Play > accents by using more weight (air) "Let's play with the same style at measure 9" o Listen for discrepancies in style. o If style is good move on. If style isn't what I'm looking for I will isolate the problem and have them perform a few correct repetitions before I move on. "Tubas, and Bass Clarinets. You play the same thing for a while, so let's practice this style where more people can join in." o (Trombones haven't played yet) Play accompaniment at measure 29 with distinct lightness in the staccato style o Low brass, Bass Clarinet, Saxes, Bassoon, & Horns o If style it's what I want, have a specific section model for the class. Recontextualize: "Play with that same style when you get there. Let's have everybody in. 1st time at 9." o If you have moving notes at 13, play with the same "normal" note length as you did at the beginning. Different notes, same rhythm/note length. o Be careful, not all of you play the first time at 9. If style of the melody is good in context move on. If style isn't what I'm looking for I will isolate the problem and have them perform a few correct repetitions before continuing.

Rehearsal Frame #3
Target Goal: Making a difference from the previous "Normal style" to the new "Staccato style" Performance Episodes: Decontextualize by isolating the moving note instruments. o Flute, Oboe, Clarinets Model change in style on trumpet o Staccato - not choppy "Let's play with the same style at measure 29" o Listen for discrepancies in style. o If style is good move on. If style isn't what I'm looking for I will isolate the problem and have them perform a few correct repetitions before I move on. Recontextualize by adding accompaniment (still no trumpet Soli) o (We just played this so it should be pretty close) o Critique if needed. Add trumpet soli o Tune low Ds o Probably need to get them to move more air o Long connected style (just for soli)

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