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Guided Exercise

1) Bold each word that is a content word. Highlight any affixes. Identify the affix as inflectional or derivational. The first one is done for you. a. Cheating requires more work than studying. derivational, inflectional, derivational b. A reputation of being unsuccessful can make it harder for a candidate to shake future accusations of weakness and disorganization. Derivational, derivational, derivational, inflectional, derivational, inflectional, derivational, derivational, derivational, derivational c. You must examine the possibility that the hurricane caused the failure. Derivational, inflectional, derivational d. This issue has basically disappeared, and freedom has expanded in American society. Derivational, derivational, inflectional, derivational, inflectional, derivational e. This mixture of people can enhance the issue of racism. 1 Derivational, derivational 2) In the paragraph below, highlight the whole subject of every sentence. Also, underline every main verb (you can ignore helping verbs). Though these numbers may startle the casual observer, this funding isnt wasted; Politicians must hire campaign staff, rent offices, and, most importantly, come up with an effective advertising strategy that will convince the public to vote for them. Roughly 50-70% of the money spent during a campaign is spent on advertising on local television (Schouten, 2010). Because most campaigns can purchase about only 30 seconds of airtime to show their campaign ads, the incentive to develop material that will convince the electorate to vote for them or rather, against their opponent, is high. For example, research by Davis and Ferrantino (1996) found politicians increase their chances of being elected by making exaggerated claims about the benefits that everyone

Adapted student writing.

Mallett & Voigt (2011)

will get if they win and by overstating the dire consequences that will result if they lose. Naturally, campaigning in this fashion can be dishonest; With so much at stake, sometimes ethical principles fall by the wayside. When a candidate loses a race after securing millions of dollars throughout their campaign, there is not only a blow to the candidates ego, but to her career. A reputation of being unsuccessful can make it harder for a candidate to shake future accusations of weakness and disorganization if and when she decides to seek office again in the future. This highly pressurized environment can lead candidates (as well as the public) to launch character attacks against their opponents.2

Sample student writing: Tyson, A. (2012). Character assassination, women, and politics: Trends and observations. The George Mason Review, 21, 64-73. Retrieved from

Mallett & Voigt (2011)

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