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Screaming Jenny



Co#yrig$t % &'() ec*y M+t$ All rig$t, re,er-e./ IS N0 ()121)()32 IS N4(50 1634()121)()3(

T$i, tale i, .e.icate. to T$e oy,7 Cl+80 Jimmy9 Jaro.9 : Ste#$en

Ac*no;le.gement, 4 i C$a#ter ( < ( C$a#ter & < (' C$a#ter 5 < (3 C$a#ter ) < &3 C$a#ter 2 < 53 A8o+t t$e A+t$or < )5 A Loo* A$ea. < ))

Fir,t an. foremo,t9 many t$an*, to t$e late S$irley Do+g$erty for telling t$e original Screaming Jenny tale .+ring t$e =$o,t To+r, of Har#er, Ferry/ S$e tol. t$e ,tory ;it$ ,+c$ inflection9 I can ,till remem8er $er -oice .e,cri8ing t$e ,cene,9 all t$e,e year, later/ S$e ;a, a tr+e >oy9 an. I am gla. I $a. t$e o##ort+nity to accom#any $er on +ni?+e to+r, of my $ometo;n/ Ne@t9 $eartfelt gratit+.e to my family for li,tening to me rea. -ario+, #art, of t$i, 8oo* to t$em/ O+t lo+./ BT$i, incl+.e, t$e .og,/C En.le,, #rai,e, to t$e e@#ert ,er-ice, of S$eila Haa8 at Sage E.iting/ Wit$o+t $er $el#9 t$i, 8oo* ;o+l. not e@i,t/ T$an*, to Jonat$an altDell for ,+gge,ting t$e name, Nic* an. Eane,,a/ I am en.le,,ly gratef+l to en>amin9 Nic$ola,9 Darrin9 !e-in9 an. !ri,ten for all t$e .og ;al*ing/ T$an*, to e ay +,er F#$otom+,e+mG for a+ctioning t$e #erfect #$oto,/ I am eternally gratef+l to t$o,e ;$o follo; me on Face8oo*/ T$e,e fol*, are ,ome of my 8igge,t c$,9 an. I7m in.e8te. to t$em/ An. la,t 8+t ne-er9 e-er lea,t9 a ,$o+t o+t to my fello; Ea,tern Pan$an.le Wrimo,/ W$en I fir,t >oine. t$e NaNoWriMo ;e8,ite9 I ne-er imagine. I7. act+ally meet my goal of 2'9''' ;or., in 5' .ay,/ W$ile t$at ;a, really a;e,ome9 it .oe,n7t 8egin to com#are to t$e amaDing ;riter, I7-e met in t$i, gro+#/ T$an* yo+ for t$e ;or. ,#rint,9 t$e #e# tal*,9 an. t$e a.-ice9 8+t mo,t of all for ,$aring yo+r o;n ,torie, rig$t 8ac*/ Here7, to anot$er 2'*/

Stifling $eat con,+me. $er/ Eac$ time ,$e ,creame. for $el#9 $er mo+t$ fille. ;it$ t$e acri. ta,te of ,mo*e/ Pain ,$ot t$ro+g$ $er leg, a, t$e $eat clim8e.9 $ig$er an. $ig$er/ S$e $ear. t$e ,$o+t, of male -oice,9 follo;e. 8y a lo+. roar/ An. t$en9 8le,,e. ,ilence/

( Amtrak Train, May 25, 2013 T$e >er*ing of t$e train car >olte. Eane,,a o+t of $er late morning na#/ Her $an. cl+tc$e. at t$e #a#er8ac* t$reatening to ,li.e off $er leg/ lin*ing +ntil $er eye, foc+,e.9 ,$e ,at +# a little ,traig$ter an. loo*e. o+t t$e ;in.o;/ Scene, of ,mall to;n life rolle. #a,t9 t$e ,+n ,e-eral inc$e, $ig$er in t$e ,*y t$an ,$e remem8ere./ T+rning to;ar., $er $+,8an. Nic*9 Eane,,a ya;ne./ FW$at time i, itHG S$e a,*e.9 gently n+.ging $i, arm ;it$ $er el8o;/ S?+inting at $i, la#to# ,creen9 $e an,;ere. ;it$o+t ,o m+c$ a, a glance +# at $i, ;ife/ FI+arter after ele-en9G $e ,ai. c+rtly/


I shouldnt have interrupted him9 Eane,,a 8egan/ On t$e $eel, of t$e t$o+g$t9 ,$e t$en acc+,e. $er,elf of o-er4analyDing t$e ,it+ation an. leane. for;ar.9 #lanning to gi-e $er $+,8an. a ?+ic* #ec*/ J+,t 8efore $er li#, 8r+,$e. $i, c$ee*9 ,$e c$ange. $er min. an. leane. 8ac* in $er ,eat/ Its just as well9 ,$e t$o+g$t ;it$ a ,ig$9 he didnt even notice. And if I had it would have just interfered with his typing. Wit$ $i, finger, ta##ing again,t t$e *ey8oar.9 Nic* ;a, o8li-io+, to $i, ;ife7, attem#te. affection,/ I love you too, my darling husband9 Eane,,a mentally m+ttere.9 ,$ooting Nic* a ,i.elong glare/ After a.>+,ting $er teal ,il* ,carf9 ;orn o-er a long4,lee-e. ;$ite tee4,$irt9 ,$e 8r+,$e. $er $an., o-er t$e leg, of $er >ean,/ S$e #ic*e. +# t$e Wen.y Cor,i Sta+8 my,tery an. fo+n. t$e ,#ot ;$ere ,$e $a. left off 8efore falling -ictim to t$e l+ll of t$e gently roc*ing car, ,$ortly after t$e train7, initial .e#art+re/ Anot$er $o+r #a,,e. 8efore Nic* clo,e. $i, la#to#/ He ga-e a lo+. e@$ale an. t$en cleare. $i, t$roat9 ;aiting for Eane,,a


to re,#on./ Hi, ;ife9 $o;e-er9 a##eare. to go rig$t on +ntil $e finally leane. .o;n to ;$i,#er in $er ear/ FHello9 anyone $omeHG Hi, 8reat$ tic*le. $er ,*in ;it$ a ,oft9 almo,t #layf+l inflection/ FHmmHG Eane,,a .og4eare. t$e corner of t$e #age an. t$en clo,e. t$e 8oo*/ S$e t$o+g$t9 an. not for t$e fir,t time9 t$at $er $+,8an.7, #er,onality ;ent 8ac* an. fort$ li*e Je*yll an. Hy.e on ;$et$er $i, la#to# ;a, clo,e. or o#en/ Una8le to ,tall any longer9 ,$e loo*e. +# at Nic*/ Her fro,ty re,ol-e melte. t$e moment t$eir eye, met/ Alt$o+g$ $i, +,+al attire ;a, 8+,ine,, ca,+al9 e-en .re,,e. .o;n in a #air of >ean, an. $i, fa-orite Doctor W$o tee4,$irt $e ;a, ,till $an.,ome/ Tec$nically t$ey ;ere ,till cla,,ifie. a, ne;ly;e., an. $a. 8eg+n t$e train ri.e acting a, ,+c$ ;it$ t$e t;o c+..ling an. ,miling/ +t once t$e car, ,tarte. rolling .o;n t$e trac*9 Nic* $a. #+lle. o+t $i, la#to#9 just to check a few emails/ Eane,,a $a. 8eg+n $er 8oo*9 an. t$at ;a, t$e la,t time t$e t;o ,#o*e +ntil ,$e ;o*e +#/ S$e ;a, .i,maye. to fin. $e7. mo-e. on from


email, to a #o#+lar -i.eo game in-ol-ing ;iDar., an. .ragon,/ Nic*7, gaming $a8it, ;ere .efinitely a ,ore ,#ot 8et;een t$em/ W$ile t$e online game ;a, free to #lay9 $e often ,#ent money for a..4on, to 8eef +# $i, c$aracter/ T$e 8one of contention reare. it, +gly $ea. eac$ time t$e co+#le ,at .o;n to 8+.get t$eir finance,/ Ho;e-er t$i, ;a, a ,mall i,,+e com#are. to t$eir arg+ment, a8o+t Nic*7, frien.,/ S$ortly after t$e $a##y #air ret+rne. from t$eir $oneymoon9 Nic* $a. in-ite. a 8+nc$ of t$e g+y, o-er for a Fri.ay nig$t gaming ,e,,ion/ He $a. mentione. t$i, gro+# ;$ile t$ey ;ere .ating9 8+t ,$e7. $a. no i.ea ;$at it entaile./ Nic* an. $alf a .oDen of $i, frien., from college t$re; .ice an. role4#laye. +ntil ;ell after mi.nig$t/ E-ery Fri.ay nig$t ,ince t$e fir,t gaming ,e,,ion9 t$e gro+# .e,cen.e. aro+n. t$e co+#le7, .ining room ta8le/ W$ile t$e g+y, .i. ma*e an attem#t to #itc$ in for ;$ate-er ta*e4o+t t$at ,er-e. a, .inner9 t$ey ma.e no effort to contri8+te to or re#lace t$e ,nac*, an. ,o.a, t$at .i,a##eare. from Eane,,a7, *itc$en on a ;ee*ly 8a,i,/ S$e ?+ic*ly learne. to ,trategically #lan $er ;ee*ly foo. ,$o##ing


tri#, for S+n.ay afternoon,/ In fact9 Nic* ;a, ,+c$ a tec$no4>+n*ie t$at t$e co+#le ;a, cele8rating t$eir fir,t anni-er,ary 8y a gaming con-ention in t$e nation7, ca#ital/ Once regi,tere. at t$e $otel9 Nic* ;o+l. meet +# ;it$ mem8er, of $i, gro+# a, ;ell a, ot$er gamer, from acro,, t$e co+ntry/ Eane,,a $a. 8al*e. at t$e i.ea of cele8rating $er fir,t anni-er,ary ;it$ a gro+# of game ent$+,ia,t,9 +ntil $er $+,8an. mentione. t$at $er fa-orite Doctor Who c$aracter ;o+l. 8e on $an. to ,ign a+togra#$,/ T$e ,cience fiction ,erie, ;a, one of t$e fe; t$ing, t$e co+#le $a. in common/ Ot$er;i,e9 ,$e #referre. $ar. co#ie, of 8oo*, ;$ile $e .o;nloa.e. t$em to $i, Eane,,a +,e. a lan.line to ma*e tele#$one call, ;$ile Nic* ;a, o*ay ;it$ t$e ri,* of $i, cell+lar #$one .ro##ing t$em/ S$e often too* t$e ,+8;ay into t$e city to meet +# ;it$ frien., for l+nc$ in tren.y re,ta+rant,/ He met +# ;it$ frien., on S*y#e ;$ile eating ramen noo.le, or a #ean+t 8+tter an. >elly ,an.;ic$/ T$e li,t of contra,t, ;ent on an. on/


T$e co+#le $a. met ;$en Nic* .+c*e. into t$e +,e. 8oo*,tore ;$ere Eane,,a ;or*e./ In a..ition to gently #re4o;ne. 8oo*,9 t$e ,$o# al,o $a. ,toc*e. collecta8le, from #o#+lar tele-i,ion, ,+c$ a, herlock9 upernatural9 an.9 of co+r,e9 Doctor Who/ Nic* $a. 8een on a mi,,ion to fin. a ,#ecific ,onic ,cre;.ri-er an. ;a, im#re,,e. t$at Eane,,a not only *ne; ;$at it ;a,9 8+t al,o 8oa,te. $er o;n collection of Doctor Who *ee#,a*e,/ M+c$ of t$e time t$ey $a. ,#ent toget$er ;$ile .ating in-ol-e. ;atc$ing cla,,ic e#i,o.e, of t$e ,cience fiction ,erie,/ Once t$ey $a. marrie. an. mo-e. into an a#artment toget$er9 t$e time t$ey ,#ent toget$er c$ange. .ramatically/ No; Eane,,a often came in t$ir. 8e$in. $i, #$one an. $i, la#to#/ T$e ga.get, too* +# ,o m+c$ of $i, time an. attention t$at ,$e >o*ingly referre. to t$em a, P$oe8e an. Loretta9 t$e ot$er ;omen in $er $+,8an.7, life/ Alt$o+g$ Nic* $a. agree. to $i, ;ife7, re?+e,t t$at $e lea-e $i, la#to# at $ome9 $e later c$ange. $i, min. ,tating $e #referre. to $a-e it in ca,e a client nee.e. $im to tac*le ,omet$ing ;or*4relate. o-er t$e ;ee*en./


!ut what if youre needed for something marriage"related over the weekend# Eane,,a $a. mentally re#lie./ FDi. yo+ ,eeH My la#to# i, ,$+t/G Nic* 8eame. at $i, ;ife/ $e should have left the darned thing home to begin with/ He loo*e. li*e a #+##y ;aiting for a re;ar./ S$e ret+rne. $i, ,mile ;it$o+t gritting $er teet$9 8+t co+l. feel $er *n+c*le, gro;ing ;$ite a, ,$e tig$tly clenc$e. t$e #a#er8ac* in $er $an.,/ FDi. yo+ get to t$e ne@t le-el of yo+r gameHG Her caref+lly4c$o,en ;or., .i,#laye. more *,, t$an ,$e felt/ F attery .ie./G Nic* ,ig$e. ;it$ a ,$a*e of $i, $ea./ F +t I can go 8ac* to it later/ It7, not li*e t$e $otel .oe,n7t $a-e WiFi/G Eane,,a f+me./ $ow dare he plan to play video games# And this weekend, of all times% T$i, ;ee*en. ;a, more t$an >+,t a mini4-acation to a conference/ It al,o ,ignifie. t$eir fir,t ; anni-er,ary/ It ;a, an e-ent to 8e cele8rate.9 alone/ It ;a, 8a. eno+g$ ,$e $a. to ,$are $im ;it$ $i, gaming, .+ring t$e .aily con-ention acti-itie,9 $er o;n afternoon of , in line


;aiting to -i,it ;it$ t$e goo. Doctor a,i.e/ S$e .i.n7t t$in* t$at it ;a, too m+c$ to a,* t$at t$ey en>oy a nig$t in a $otel ;it$o+t interr+#tion,/ FNot going to try #laying ;it$ #recio+, P$oe8eHG S$e co+l.n7t $el# 8+t a,* a8o+t $i, #$one/ S$a*ing $i, $ea.9 Nic* lamente.9 FS$e7, almo,t .ea.9 too/ I forgot $o; m+c$ it Da#, t$e 8attery to +,e it a, a mo8ile $ot,#ot/G Eane,,a *e#t $er mo+t$ clam#e. ,$+t to *ee# from ,aying ,omet$ing ,$e7. regret/ T$e i.ea t$at t$e 8atterie, $a. to .ie on 8ot$ of Nic*7, .e-ice, 8efore $e7. gi-e $er $i, f+ll attention ;a, +nt$in*a8leKnot to mention t$e a..e. c$arge, on t$e 8ill for ;irele,, #$one ,er-ice for +,ing t$e feat+re/ W$ile t$ey ;eren7t ?+ite li-ing #ayc$ec* to #ayc$ec*9 t$i, ;ee*en. ;a, #+tting a .ent in t$eir ,a-ing,/ E@tra c$arge, on +tility 8ill, certainly ;o+l.n7t $el# t$eir finance,/ T$e fir,t year of marriage ;a, a real eye4o#ener for Eane,,a/ It ;a,n7t t$at ,$e an. Nic* ;eren7t in lo-e9 or .i.n7t ,#en. any time toget$er/ J+,t once t$o+g$9 ,$e ;o+l. li*e $er


$+,8an. to ta*e $er o+t to a mo-ie on a Fri.ay nig$t in,tea. of , it ;it$ $i, 8ac$elor,/ S$e .i.n7t ;ant anyone el,e 8e,i.e, Nic*/ S$e >+,t ;ante. Nic* to 8eL.ifferent/ Wa, it really too m+c$ to a,*H efore ,$e co+l. ma*e a ,arca,tic re#ly9 t$e con.+ctor7, -oice ,o+n.e. o-er t$e intercom ,y,tem t$ro+g$o+t t$e train/ An o-ert+rne. railcar carrying a loa. of coal ,e-eral mile, a$ea. on t$e trac*, ;o+l. ,tall t$e #a,,enger, in $i,toric Har#er, Ferry National Par* for ,e-eral $o+r,/ T$e con.+ctor a,,+re. t$em t$at t$e to;n ,it+ate. ;it$in t$e #ar* co+l. #ro-i.e anyt$ing t$ey7. nee. .+ring t$at time/ He in-ite. t$e tra-eler, to .e#art t$e train9 ,tretc$ t$eir leg,9 an. .o ,ome lig$t e@#loring9 8+t ca+tione. t$at t$ey li,ten for t$e train ;$i,tle to a-oi. 8eing left 8e$in./ Eane,,a 8ent to t+c* $er 8oo* into $er ;ee* an. #re#are. to .e#art t$e train/ S$e glance. at Nic* ;$o ;a, 8+,y ma*ing ,+re e-eryt$ing ;a, ,ec+re in $i, la#to# ca,e/ &oo bad he wont leave that bit of precious behind on the train/ S$e #re,,e. $er li#, toget$er an. ,tare. o+t t$e ;in.o;/



T$en ,$e conce.e.9 but I guess having him all to myself for the afternoon is better than sitting home alone all weekend/ Eane,,a ,$oo* off $er negati-e t$o+g$t, an. .eci.e. to foc+, only on t$e #o,iti-e for t$e ne@t fe; $o+r,/ Wor.le,,ly ,li##ing $er $an. into Nic*7,9 ,$e ,mile. at t$e ,en,ation of $i, finger, ent;ining ;it$ $er, a, t$ey .e#arte. t$e train toget$er/


& Harpers Ferry, WV Ste##ing off t$e train9 Eane,,a an. Nic* loo*e. aro+n./ T$e $i,toric to;n of Har#er, Ferry9 We,t Eirginia9 ;a, not$ing li*e t$e 8+,y ,treet, t$at ,+rro+n.e. t$eir a#artment in Pitt,8+rg$9 Penn,yl-ania/ T$e ot$er #a,,enger, $ea.e. .irectly t$ro+g$ t$e train ,tation into to;n9 lea-ing t$e #latform relati-ely em#ty/ Eane,,a an. Nic* #a+,e. a moment9 ta*ing in t$e ,cenery/ FAre #eo#le ;al*ing acro,, t$at 8ri.geHG Eane,,a a,*e.9 #ointing at a line of ,c$ool c$ on a fiel. tri#/ A #arting in t$e tree, re-eale. a #air of train, cro,,ing t$e Potomac Ai-er/ S+re eno+g$9 a .e,ignate. ;al*;ay along one of t$e, ,er-e. a, a cat;al*9 allo;ing #eo#le to cro,, t$e ;ater from to;ering $eig$t,/



Nic* grinne. at $er/ FLoo*, t$at ;ay/ An. ;o;MG S$e follo;e. $i, gaDe a, $e #ointe. +# to t$e ,#ace a8o-e t$e ,#ot ;$ere t$e train en.e. an. t$e trac*, .i,a##eare. into t$e ,i.e of t$e mo+ntain/ He a..e.9 FSome $i*er, are ra##elling .o;n t$e roc* face a8o-e t$e t+nnel/G Po*ing $er $+,8an. in t$e +##er arm ;it$ $er in.e@ finger9 ,$e ca+tione.9 FNo ra##elling for yo+9 mi,ter/ I ;ant to *ee# yo+ aro+n. for a fe; more year,/G FJ+,t a fe; more year,HG Nic*7, grin let $er *no; t$at $e ;a, tea,ing/ FI t$in* t$at can 8e arrange./G Hi, -oice ,oftene.9 an. $e #+lle. $i, ;ife into a $+g9 *i,,ing $er on t$e fore$ea. 8efore 8riefly re,ting $i, c$in on $er $air/ Eane,,a n+DDle. t$e ,i.e of $er face again,t $i, c$e,t an. ga-e a content ,ig$9 remem8ering all t$e rea,on, ;$y ,$e fir,t fell in lo-e ;it$ t$i, man/ O#ening $er eye,9 ,$e ,#ie. a ,ign for re,troom, t$ro+g$ t$e ;in.o; of t$e train ,tation S+..enly t$e -enti4,iDe. Star8+c*, .rin* ,$e in$ale. .+ring t$e fir,t #art of t$e train ri.e ca+g$t +# to $er9 an. ,$e ga-e Nic*7, $an. a t+g9 $im



in,i.e/ T$e #ale #eac$ ;all, in,i.e t$e train ,tation .i,#laye. re#lica, of $i,toric #$oto, t$at imme.iately ca#t+re. Nic*7, attention/ A,i.e from t$e 8at$room, an. a co+#le of office, mar*e. PAIEATE9 t$e train ,tation com#ri,e. a co+#le of o#en room, ;it$ ,ome $ar. ;oo.en 8enc$e,/ Eane,,a ,mile. at Nic*9 lea-ing $im to rea. t$e ca#tion, t$at e@#laine. t$e image, .e#icte. in eac$ of t$e ,e#ia4tone. ,cene,/ W$en ,$e ret+rne. a fe; moment, later9 t$e ,mall room ;a, em#ty/ Eane,,a t$o+g$t at fir,t t$at Nic* may $a-e $ea.e. into t$e men7, room9 8+t t$en $ear. $i, -oice o+t,i.e t$e S$e ,li##e. t$ro+g$ t$e .oor an. ret+rne. to t$e #latform ;$ere ,$e fo+n. $er $+,8an. in #olite con-er,ation ;it$ an el.erly female/ T$e ;oman loo*e. e-ery 8it a, ol. a, t$e train ,tation it,elf9 ;$ic$ ;a, 8+ilt #rior to t$e Ci-il War to a tarni,$e. 8ra,, #la?+e near t$e entry;ay/ T$e ;oman ,at leaning again,t t$e 8ac* of one of t$e long9 c$+rc$4li*e 8enc$e, t+c*e. along,i.e t$e ,tation9 8eneat$ t$e nat+ral9 #rotecti-e o-er$ang #ro-i.e. 8y t$e #itc$e. roof/ A, ,$e t+rne. to;ar., Eane,,a9 t$e ;oman7, gen+ine ,mile reac$e. e-ery



ot$er #art of $er face9 from t$e cro;7, feet t$at ,?+inte. at t$e corner, of $er eye, to t$e a.ora8le .im#le in $er c$in/ FT$i, i, Mr,/ ro;n/G Nic* ,mile. at Eane,,a 8efore t+rning 8ac* to t$e ;oman/ FMr,/ ro;n9 t$i, i, my lo-ely 8ri.e9 Eane,,a/G =lo;ing at $er $+,8an.7, com#liment9 Eane,,a ,;itc$e. $er 8ag to $er left $an. an. e@ten.e. $er rig$t one in greeting/ T$e ;oman7, #alm felt cool in com#ari,on to $er o;n $an.,/ 'robably from the hot water I just used to wash mine9 t$e yo+nger ;oman a,,+me./ FO$ $oney9 #lea,e >+,t call me =la.y,/G T$e la.y7, -oice ra,#e.9 tinge. 8y year, of ,mo*ing/ =la.y, ,mile. at t$e co+#le for a moment/ Her ;atery 8l+e eye, ,ettle. fir,t on Nic* an. t$en on Eane,,a9 8efore ,$e a,*e.9 FHoneymooner,HG Eane,,a7, face fl+,$e. 8riefly9 an. ,$e felt a,$ame. for $er earlier t$o+g$t, on t$e train/ efore Nic* co+l. re,#on.9 ,$e lin*e. $er free arm t$ro+g$ $i, an. ,mile. S$e re,te. $er $ea. on $i, ,$ an. re#lie.9 F"e,9 ,ince t$e moment ;e marrie. a



year ago/ T$i, ;ee*en. i, o+r fir,t ; anni-er,ary/ We7re $ea.e. into D/C/ 8+t t$ere7, a .elay/G F"e,9 ye, I $ear. ,omet$ing a8o+t t$at/ A coal car9 ;a, itH O-er in r+n,;ic*HG Nic* an. Eane,,a no..e. a, t$e ;oman re,tate. t$e con.+ctor7, earlier anno+ncement/ FT$at7, in EirginiaHG Nic* a,*e./ FMarylan.9G Eane,,a an. =la.y, an,;ere. at t$e ,ame time/ T$e ;oman7, ;arm ,mile meeting t$e yo+nger one7, ,$ee#i,$ grin/ F"o+ li*e $i,tory9 $oneyHG =la.y, a,*e. $er/ Eane,,a no..e./ FI .o/ I7m e,#ecially intrig+e. a8o+t Ci-il War $i,tory an. $o#e to ,ee t$e African American Ci-il War Memorial t$i, ;ee*en./G ,lo;ly9 =la.y, m+rm+re.9 F=oo.9 goo./ T$at i, -ery goo./ Well t$i, to;n .oe, $a-e a lot of Ci-il War $i,tory in it, #a,t9 a, yo+ ;ell *no;/G T$en ,$e leane. for;ar. ,lig$tly an. re,te. $er 8ony $an., on t$e c+r-e. $an.le of $er ancient $ic*ory



cane/ =la.y, con,#iratorially lo;ere. $er -oice an. ;it$ a f+rti-e glance to ma*e ,+re no one el,e ;a, li,tening9 ,$e a..e.9 F +t t$e 8e,t 8it, of $i,tory in t$i, to;n are t$e one, t$at >+,t *ee# coming 8ac*/G =lancing at one anot$er 8efore t+rning 8ac* to =la.y,9 t$e co+#le #a+,e. for a moment/ Nic* rai,e. $i, eye8ro;, at Eane,,a an. t$en ,mile. #olitely/ FW$at .o yo+ mean9 Nt$e 8e,t 8it, of $i,tory in t$i, to;n $i,tory *ee# coming 8ac*H7G FT$e ,#irit,9 yo+ *no;/G T$e la.y ,mile.9 a, if t$i, ;ere t$e mo,t nat+ral to#ic in t$e ;orl. to .i,c+,, ;it$ a #air of ,tranger,/ Wit$ a c$+c*le9 =la.y, ;ent on to e@#lain9 FI $o,t t$e =$o,t Wal* e-ery ;ee*en. from Ea,ter to Hallo;een9 8+t ne-er on Hallo;een/ Too many ;eir.o, come o+t/ T$ey $o#e to attract ,omet$ing from t$e nig$tK,omet$ing .ar*/ Somet$ing t$ey .o not really ;ant to meet/G Eane,,a ,$i-ere. at t$e t$o+g$t9 gla. t$at Hallo;een ;a, $alf a year a;ay/ T$e ;oman ignore. t$i, an. contin+e./ F"o+ t;o



,$o+l. come 8y t$i, e-ening9 if t$e me,, +# t$e trac*, i,n7t cleare. +# yet/ It i, a .ifferent ;ay to to+r t$e to;n9 e,#ecially ,ince t$e #ar* i, clo,e. after .+,*/G FO$9 I7m not ,+reKG Eane,,a 8egan/ S$e felt Nic*7, arm ;ra# aro+n. $er ;ai,t9 $i, $an. re,ting on $er $i#/ He ;a, no ,tranger to $i, ;ife7, fear of all t$ing, #aranormal9 an. t$ey $a. a , agreement t$at any e#i,o.e, of Doctor Who t$at in-ol-e. g$o,t,9 or ;ee#ing angel,9 ;ere to 8e ;atc$e. .+ring t$e .aytime or not at all/ Nic* fla,$e. $i, tra.emar*9 #rofe,,ional ,mile an. interr+#te.9 FIt really .e#en., on ;$at $a##en, ;it$ t$e train/ We7re meeting frien., for .inner if ;e get into t$e city in time9 an. I #romi,e. my >o8 t$at I ;o+l. c$ec* in later/G &his may be the only time I have ever been glad to hear you say that/ Eane,,a loo*e. at Nic* ;it$ ,omet$ing a*in to relief/ =la.y, #+r,e. $er li#, toget$er in t$o+g$t for a moment an. t$en ,+gge,te.9 FIf yo+ $a-e no imme.iate #lan,9 t$en #er$a#, I co+l. ,$are one of t$e ,torie, no;/ It too* #lace o-er near t$at



-ery t+nnel/G Wit$ a 8ony finger ,$e #ointe. off to t$e rig$t9 in t$e .irection of t$e .ar* #a,,age t$at .i,a##eare. into t$e mo+ntain/ Eane,,a ,$i-ere. again9 an. t$en ;atc$e.9 incre.+lo+,9 a, Nic* ,$r+gge. an. ma.e $im,elf comforta8le on t$e ot$er en. of t$e 8enc$/ Eane,,a rai,e. one eye8ro; in $i, .irection9 8+t $a. no c$oice 8+t to >oin $im or el,e ri,* 8eing r+.e to t$eir ne; ac?+aintance/ Sin*ing ne@t to $im on t$e $ar. ;oo.en ,eat9 ,$e ,mile. 8ra-ely an. gri##e. $er $+,8an.7, $an. a, =la.y, 8egan t$e tale/ OT$ere +,e. to 8e ,ome ,torage ,$e., o-er t$ere9 rig$t on t$e ot$er ,i.e of t$o,e train trac*,/ T$ey ;ere little more t$an ,$ac*,9 8+t t$ey ;ere ,ec+re eno+g$ to $ol. tool, an. ot$er o.., an. en.,/G S$e no..e. to t$e area .irectly acro,, from t$e train ,tation/ T$e ,#ace 8et;een t$e train car, re-eale. t$e location ;a, no; occ+#ie. 8y a 8arrier of r+,te. c$ain lin* 8ac*e. 8y in-a,i-e ;ee.,/ T$e +nten.e. foliage .ra#e. o-er t$e to# of t$e fence9 it, ;eig$t ca+,ing t$e metal to ,ag in #lace,/ F +t t$en t$e altimore an. O$io came t$ro+g$9 an. t$e



,$e., ;ere efore anyone *ne; ;$at ;a, $a##ening9 an. 8efore t$e U##er To;n fol* co+l. tear .o;n t$e +n,ig$tly,9 t$e #oor fol*, from t$e Lo;er To;n9 t$o,e t$at li-e. .o;n near t$e ri-er9 ;ell t$ey mo-e. rig$t on +# $ere an. ma.e t$o,e ,$ac*, t$eir $ome,/ Peo#le 8+ilt little fire#lace, in t$e,9 8+t ;inter ;a, ,till $ar,$ on t$eir familie,/G T$e ;oman7, ra,#y -oice too* on a ,ing,ong ?+ality t$at ;o-e t$e 8eginning of t$e ,tory9 ca#ti-ating t$e yo+ng ne;ly;e.,/ T$ey ?+ic*ly fo+n. t$em,el-e, #+lle. into a .ay.ream4li*e trance t$at ma.e it feel a, if t$ey ;ere ;atc$ing t$e e-ent, +nfol. fir,t$an. in,tea. of >+,t $earing t$e ,tory for t$e fir,t time/


5 Harpers Ferry, March, 1847 Col. air cre#t in t$ro+g$ t$e crac*, 8et;een t$e ric*ety ;oo.en 8oar., t$at $el. t$e tiny ,$e. toget$er9 li*e an +n;ante. g+e,t at all $o+r,/ A ,mall fire#lace too* +# one corner9 8+t it, meager flame .i. little to .i,#el t$e freeDing tem#erat+re, in,i.e t$e #itif+l re,i.ence/ T$e room ;a, 8are of f+rnit+re9 ,a-e for a cr+.e ;oo.en ta8le an. e?+ally #rimiti-e c$air9 a ric*ety ;oo.en ca8inet t$at t$reatene. to fall a#art at any moment9 an. a ma*e,$ift 8e.roll on t$e $ar.;oo. floor/ Jenny c+rle. into a tig$t 8all ato# t$e 8e.roll an. #+lle. t$e ?+ilt clo,er aro+n. $er ,$,/ S$e felt $er 8o.y trem8le9 a, if t$e col. $a. ,ettle. .ee# in $er 8one,/ A gna;ing ,en,ation ate at $er ,tomac$9 ca+,ing it to r+m8le/ S$e ma.e a mental note to eat a little ,omet$ing in t$e morning/ Her ration, lately ;ere a, t$in a,



t$e o##ort+nitie, to fin. ;or*/ Wit$ no local family to $el# $er9 ,$e got 8y .oing o.. >o8, for t$e #eo#le on t$e ot$er ,i.e of t$e trac*,9 earning a 8it of foo. $ere or a fe; coin, t$ere to $el# ,+,tain $er +ntil ,$e co+l. fin. anot$er o.. >o8/ De,#ite t$e $ar,$ con.ition, ;$ic$ ,$e li-e.9 Jenny ;a, *no;n t$ro+g$o+t t$e to;n of Har#er, Ferry a, a * ;oman/ S$e $a. only frien.,9 no enemie,9 an. ;a, al;ay, ;illing to ,$are ;$at ,$e $a. ;it$ $er neig$8or,9 ta*ing foo. to familie, ;it$ $+ngry c$ or ma*ing +# me.icine from local $er8, to $el# t$e ,ic*/ S$e ;a, *no;n to ,$are t$e 8o+nty from $er ,mall -egeta8le gar.en ;it$ Joe9 t$e -agrant ;$o ,ea,onally cam#e. 8eneat$ t$e train 8ri.ge9 e-en t$o+g$ ot$er, in to;n acti-ely a-oi.e. $im/ If ,$e ,to##e. 8y on a .ay ;$en $e7. $a. a 8it of l+c* fi,$ing along t$e 8an*, ;$ere t$e S$enan.oa$ Ai-er .e#o,ite. into t$e Potomac9 $e ;o+l. ,$are fre,$ catfi,$ or 8l+egill in e@c$ange/ Sometime, Jenny7, ,elfle,, genero,ity meant going ;it$o+t foo. $er,elf9 8+t ;$en ,$e ,a; t$e $a##y ,mile, on t$o,e c$il.ren7, face,9 an. *ne; ,$e ;a, 8rig$tening one more



neig$8or7, .ay9 it ;a, all ;ort$ it/ One ,+c$ family9 Mr/ an. Mr,/ arrett an. t$eir fi-e c$il.ren9 li-e. rig$t ne@t .oor to Jenny in a ,lig$tly larger ,$ac* t$at 8oa,te. t;o room,/ T$e arrett family $el#e. o#erate a farmerP, mar*et eac$ Sat+r.ay an.,.ay at t$e Mar*et Ho+,e9 a .eal t$ey ,tr+c* ;it$ Mr/ W$itloc*9 t$e man ;$o o;ne. t$e large retail +ilt clo,e to t$e ri-er9 t$e Mar*et Ho+,e allo;e. U##er an. Lo;er To;n familie, to come toget$er on t$o,e t;o .ay, to tra.e fre,$ fi,$ an. #o+ltry9 c$ee,e9 egg,9 -egeta8le, an. fr+it,9 an. ot$er ,tore,/ +t e-en ;it$ t$e ,cant $an.o+t, t$ey recei-e. a, #ayment from ot$er familie, #artici#ating in t$e mar*et9 ;it$ fi-e $+ngry mo+t$, 8e,i.e, $er,elf an. $er $+,8an.9 Mr,/ arrett fo+n. it a c$allenge to *ee# e-eryone no+ri,$e./ If ,$e ;a,n7t nee.e. el,e;$ere in to;n9 t$en Jenny often ;atc$e. after t$e yo+nger t;o arrett c$il.ren9 a, t$eir ,i8ling, ;ere ol. eno+g$ to 8e of +,e to t$eir #arent, on mar*et .ay,/ et;een ;or*ing9 8eing a ;ife9 an. loo*ing after $er c$il.ren9 Mr,/ arrett ne-er $a. a free moment/ Jenny ;a, ,+re t$e ;oman



m+,t e-en ;or* in $er ,lee#M De,#ite t$e ,$ac*7, .ila#i.ate. e@terior9 t$e in,i.e ;a, al;ay, neat an. ti.y/ T$en again9 ;$en yo+ ;ere too #oor to affor. e@tra,9 *ee#ing yo+r fe; 8elonging, #ic*e. +# an. #+t a;ay ;a, not a .iffic+lt c$ore/ T$e ne@t morning9 Jenny ;o*e 8rig$t an. early/ S$e ;o+l. $a-e lo-e. to ,tay c+rle. $er ?+ilt/ T$e #atc$;or* 8lan*et ;a, $er ,ingle9 #riDe. #o,,e,,ion/ S$e gleane. t$e fa8ric from rag, $ea#e. +# on t$e gar8age #ile, of U##er To;n familie, a, ,$e ;ent a8o+t $er .ay an. t$en ,ni##e. t$e #iece, into ,?+are, an. ,e;e. t$em toget$er 8y t$e lig$t of t$e fire eac$ e-ening/ eca+,e ,$e co+l. not affor. t$e material to #a. t$e layer 8et;een t$e ?+ilt to# an. it, m+,lin 8ac*9 ,$e ,t+ffe. t$e ,#ace ;it$ a com8ination of ne;,#a#er an. ,tra;/ It ma.e for a ,tiff 8lan*et at fir,t9 8+t ;a, ;armer t$an ,lee#ing 8eneat$ a ,ingle layer of fa8ric/ Ho;e-er on t$i, morning9 a #er,i,tent ray of ,+n ,treame. in t$ro+g$ a crac* 8et;een t$e ;oo.en 8oar., along t$e ;all9 t$e lig$t more effecti-e in ;a*ing $er t$an any roo,ter7, cro;ing/ If t$e lig$t $a. faile. to ;a*e $er9 t$en t$e col. certainly ;o+l. $a-e .one t$e >o8/ Her #altry fire $a. .ie. o+t .+ring t$e nig$t an.9 if



,$e $a. to g+e,,9 ,$e ;o+l. $a-e 8een +na8le to tell yo+ ;$et$er t$e tem#erat+re ;a, o+t,i.e or in,i.e t$e little ,$ac* ,$e calle. $ome/ After c$anging from $er nig$tgo;n an. into $er ;or* .re,,9 Jenny line. $er ,lig$tly4too4large 8oot, ;it$ fre,$ ne;,#a#er an. t$en ;ent o+t to .r+m +# ,ome ;or* among t$e U##er To;n familie,/ y e-ening ;$en ,$e ret+rne. $ome9 $er li,t of .aily c$ore, con,i,te. of ;a,$ing ;in.o;, for ;i.o; Do;ney9 cleaning a c$ic*en coo# for t$e,on7,K,eeing a, t$eir ,on left recently to atten. college in P$ila.el#$iaK an. t$ree #air, of tro+,er, for t$e Miller family9 ;$o,e mai. $a. ta*en ,ic* ;it$ a terri8le ,tomac$ 8+g t$e .ay 8efore/ Jenny lai. $er #ayment o+t on t$e ta8le9 #lea,e. ;it$ $er effort,/ S$e ga-e a little >ig9 gra88e. +# $er ,econ.4$an. 8room an. +,e. it a, an im#rom#t+ .ance #artner/ S$e t;irle. ,e-eral time, 8efore ret+rning it to it, #lace in t$e corner/ Jenny gaDe. at t$e #ro.+ce ,#rea. o+t on $er ta8le/ T$e 8o+nty incl+.e. $alf a .oDen ri#e re. a##le,9 a $an.f+l of t$in9 #ale4,*inne. carrot,9 t$ree fat t+rni#,9 an. a mon,ter4,iDe. ca88age t$at $a. >+,t one 8lac*



area in it/ T$e 8a. ,#ot ;a, a8o+t $alf t$e ,iDe of Jenny7, $an. if ,$e 8alle. it into a tig$t fi,t/ to t$e e@traor.inary fea,t ;ere t;o 8+nc$e, of ram#,9 a ty#e of local onion/ Jenny $a. fo+n. t$em gro;ing .o;n 8y t$e ri-er ;$en ,$e ,to##e. in to c$ec* on Joe/ It ;a, e@tremely rare to fin. t$e #lant, gro;ing t$i, long o+t of ,ea,on9 an. ,$e con,i.ere. $er,elf e,#ecially l+c*y/ S$e #lanne. to ,$are a 8it of t$e foo. ;it$ t$e to;n -agrant9 8+t fo+n. $i, cam#,ite em#ty/ FT$i, i, far too m+c$ foo. for >+,t me alone9G ,$e ,ai. to no one in #artic+lar9 not e-en t$e e-er4,ilent 8room/ S+..enly a t$o+g$t came to Jenny/ S$e co+l. ma*e a fine 8rot$ ;it$ t$e,e -egeta8le, an. ;o+l. $a-e #lenty eno+g$ to ,$are ;it$ t$e arrett family/ +t ;$y ;ait to ,$are $er goo. fort+neH Wit$o+t a moment to ,#are9 Jenny ,et a,i.e a ,ingle a##le for $er,elf an. ignore. $er col. $eart$/ After gat$ering +# t$e ot$er fi-e #iece, of fr+it9 ,$e $ea.e. 8ac* o+t,i.e9 into t$e col./ S$e *noc*e. on t$e .oor to t$e arrett family7, e?+ally ,$a88y loo*ing .;elling an. ga-e a ;arm ,mile a, it o#ene./ Unli*e t$e $o+,e, 8elonging to t$e U##er To;n familie,9 a, t$e



.oor o#ene. t$e only 8+r,t of ;armt$ emerging from t$e meager $ome ;a, in t$e ,mile on Mr,/ arrett7, face/ FHello Cora/G Jenny greete. $er neig$8or9 ;$o ;a, t$e clo,e,t t$ing ,$e $a. to a ,i,ter/ FI got ,ome a##le, in #ayment to.ay an. ;on.ere. if t$e c$ mig$t en>oy t$em after .inner/G F le,, yo+9 Jenny/G Mr,/ arrett .re; $er frien. into a tig$t $+g/ FCome in9 come in/ Will yo+ ,$are a 8ite of ,+##er ;it$ +,HG Jenny ,$oo* $er $ea.9 to+c$e. t$at a ;oman ;$o,e family7, grocerie, ;ere ,tretc$e. ,o im#o,,i8ly t$in ;o+l. offer to ,#rea. t$em a little fart$er to fee. a neig$8or/ FI $a-e eno+g$ -egeta8le, to ma*e a 8rot$9 too/ T$e,on family ;ant, me 8ac* tomorro; to $el# again/ Wo+l. yo+ li*e t$e 8+l* of t$e 8rot$ for yo+r l+nc$ tomorro;H It7, far too m+c$ for me to eat 8y my,elf/G F"o+ ta*e ,+c$ goo. care of all of +,9 Jenny/G Cora arrett ,mile.9 gratef+l tear, filling $er ,oft 8ro;n eye,/ FW$at ;o+l. ;e e-er .o ;it$o+t yo+HG



A lig$t fl+,$ #in*e. Jenny7, c$ee*, an.9 ,lig$tly +ncomforta8le ;it$ all t$e #rai,e9 ,$e re#lie. t$at ,$e ;a, ,+re t$ey ;o+l. ma*e .o9 >+,t a, ,$e ;a, ,+re t$at if t$e ta8le, ;ere t+rne.9 Cora an. $er family ;o+l. .o t$e ,ame for $er/ Cora agree.9 8+t 8efore ,$e co+l. ,ay anot$er ;or. t$e ;omen $ear. t$e ,o+n. of c$il.ren7, -oice, 8ic*ering from in,i.e t$e $ome/ After t$an*ing Jenny one la,t time for $er genero+, ,#irit9 Cora ma.e a $a,ty goo.8ye an. ,te##e. 8ac* into t$e ,$ac*9 clo,ing t$e .oor in a fr+itle,, attem#t to ,eal o+t t$e col./ Aet+rning to $er meager ?+arter,9 Jenny ,tarte. a fire in t$e fire#lace at once/ W$en ,$e ;a, ,+re it co+l. ,+,tain it,elf ;it$o+t $er con,tant #re,ence9 ,$e t+rne. $er attention to t$e ta8le an. #re#are. t$e -egeta8le,9 c+tting t$e 8a. ,#ot o+t of t$e $ea. of ca88age9 #eeling t$e o+t,i.e ,li-er of ,*in from t$e #ale orange carrot,9 an. .icing t$e ram#,/ W$en ,$e ;a, fini,$e.9 ,$e a,,em8le. t$e element, into a ca,t iron ,o+# #ot/ T$e #ot ;a, a gift from Joe t;o C$ri,tma,e, ago an. Jenny $a. +,e. it to ,+##ly meal, for ,e-eral of $er neig$8or,9 Joe9 .+ring t$at time/



Aeac$ing into $er $er8 8o@9 Jenny retrie-e. a 8ay leaf9 a #inc$ of celery ,ee.9 an. a .a,$ of ,alt to $el# a.. ,ome fla-or t$e ot$er;i,e 8lan. meal/ S$e $+ng t$e #ot o-er t$e fire an. 8efore long t$e .elicio+, ,mell #ermeate. t$e tiny .;elling/ T$e aroma a..e. a ;armt$ t$at ma.e +# for t$e $eat t$e flame, lac*e.9 .e,#ite t$e li-ely ;ay t$ey lic*e. at t$e ,mall 8+n.le of $ic*ory 8ranc$e, lying ato# t$e ,cattering of coal, in t$e fire#lace/ A, t$e e-ening ;ore on9 Jenny felt a c$ill ,et in 8+t *e#t a, 8+,y a, ,$e co+l. ;it$in $er $ome/ Mo-ing aro+n. ;a, t$e mo,t effecti-e ;ay to ,tay ;arm9 an. it ;a, 8etter t$an ,itting an. ,+l*ing a8o+t t$e freeDing tem#erat+re,/ +t Jenny ;a, ne-er one to ,it i.le any;ay/ It ,eeme. t$ere ;a, al;ay, a ,e;ing #ro>ect t$at ,$e co+l. .o to $el# frien., ;$o li-e. in t$e neig$8oring ,$ac*,/ Alt$o+g$ ,$e en>oye. ma*ing ?+ilt,9 $er real lo-e ;a, ,eeing t$e ,mile, on t$e face, of local c$ Parent, in t$e Lo;er To;n ,$ac*, ;ere not ,o .ifferent t$an one, in t$e U##er To;n an. ;ante. t$e ,ame t$ing, for t$eir c$il.renKt$ey >+,t $a. to ;or* t;ice a, $ar. to get it/



eca+,e ,$e $a. no c$ of $er o;n9 Jenny ;a, $a##y to ,e; .oll,9 8loc*,9 an. ot$er toy, from a-aila8le ,cra#, of fa8ric/ T$e c$ an. t$eir #arent, .elig$te. in Jenny7, ingen+ity9 gracio+,ly acce#ting t$e cle-er #layt$ing,/ Alt$o+g$ ,$e ne-er a,*e. for anyt$ing in ret+rn9 on more t$an one occa,ion Jenny ret+rne. $ome long after ,+n,et from a .ay of ;or*ing o.. >o8, to fin. trea,+re, on $er .oor,te#Ka .ay4 ol. ne;,#a#er9 a torn flo+r ,ac*9 or a fe; ;oo.en 8+tton,/ Once ,$e arri-e. $ome to fin. a 8ro;n #a#er 8ag fille. to t$e 8rim ;it$ ;aln+t,/ W$ile t$e n+t, $el#e. ,+,tain $er t$ro+g$ an e,#ecially 8lea* ;inter9 ,$e +,e. t$eir ro+n. ,$ell, a, $ea., for finger #+##et, t$at fo+n. t$eir ;ay into more t$an a fe; c$il.ren7, C$ri,tma, ,toc*ing,/ Wit$ t$e -egeta8le 8rot$ rea.y to eat9 ,$e ,#oone. eno+g$ for $er .inner into a ;oo.en 8o;l an.9 lea-ing t$e .i,$ +#on t$e ta8le9 too* t$e #ot ;it$ t$e remaining content, ne@t .oor to t$e arrett family/ Alt$o+g$ ,$e initially $a. t$o+g$t it mig$t ,er-e a, t$eir l+nc$ t$e ne@t .ay9 after ,eeing t$e gratef+l tear, in Cora7, eye, Jenny ,+,#ecte. t$at it mig$t a.. to t$e family7, .inner



in,tea./ After all9 fi-e c$ ;ere a lot of mo+t$, to fee.9 an. Jenny $a. ne-er *no;n a time ;$en t$e c$ .i. not loo* li*e t$ey co+l. +,e an e@tra meal or t;o/ After ret+rning $ome9 Jenny ate ,lo;ly9 .eli8erately allo;ing a, m+c$ of t$e 8rot$P, fla-or a, #o,,i8le to ,ee# into $er tong+e 8efore ,;allo;ing/ In $er e@#erience9 if ,$e .ragge. o+t t$e meal t$en ,$e co+l. ,ometime, tric* $er ,tomac$ into t$in*ing ,$e ;a, .ining on ,omet$ing more ,+8,tantial9 li*e t$e m+lti4co+r,e .inner, t$at t$e familie, in t$e U##er To;n en>oye./ Platter, of roa,t 8eef9 ma,$e. #otatoe, an. gra-y9 green 8ean, ,ea,one. ;it$ $am9 8a*e. a##le,K,$e $a. ,een it all an. $el#e. #re#are it on more t$an one occa,ion/ O$9 t$e ta8le Jenny ;o+l. fi@ for $er frien., if ,$e ;ere a ;ealt$y ;omanM Jenny #ic*e. +# t$e 8o;l an. ;ent to ,it near t$e fire/ S$e ;a, c$ille. to $er 8one, an. $+..le. a, clo,e to t$e flame, a, ,$e .are. ;$ile ,lo;ly ,i##ing t$e ta,ty 8rot$ from t$e 8ottom of t$e .i,$/ T$e fire felt ,o ;arm an. coDy t$at ,$e clo,e. $er eye, for a moment9 $er t$o+g$t, contin+ing to ;



S$e imagine. t$at ,$e ;a, a fancy la.y in one of t$e $o+,e, in t$e U##er To;n/ In $er min. ,$e ,too. not in $er ,$ac* of a .;elling 8+t in a real $ome ;it$ t$ic* ,tone ;all, to *ee# o+t t$e col./ S$e #ict+re. t$e arrett family in t$e ,cene a, ;ell9 t$e c$ #in* an. $a##y9 ;it$ ;arm $an.,9 f+ll 8ellie,9 an. eno+g$ toy, to *ee# t$em occ+#ie. for $o+r, on en./ A ,+..en fla,$ of ;armt$ ret+rne. $er to t$e #re,ent/ Jenny loo*e. .o;n9 e@#ecting to ,ee t$e $ic*ory log, finally a;a,$ ;it$ eno+g$ flame to 8+rn t$ro+g$ t$e nig$t/ In,tea. ,$e ;a, $orrifie. to ,ee t$at a ,#ar* $a. ca+g$t on t$e ,*irt, of $er .re,,/ S$e ;a, ,o intent on imagining t$e goo. ,$e co+l. .o for $er neig$8or, t$at ,$e .i. not notice $er flaming clot$e, +ntil t$e fire 8+rne. t$ro+g$ to $er ,*in/ Jenny #o+re. ;$at little 8rot$ remaine. onto t$e fa8ric in a #oor attem#t at .o+,ing t$e flame,9 ;$ic$ ,eeme. to gro; 8y t$e ,econ./ S$e .ance. a8o+t ;it$ >er*y9 c$aotic motion,9 conf+,e. a8o+t ;$at to .o ne@t/ (old% T$e t$o+g$t ,+..enly came to $er/ T$e col. air #+t o+t



$er fire e-ery nig$t after ,$e fell a,lee#/ Its right cold outside, and that will help% I must get outside% Her eye, ;i.e ;it$ ,$eer frig$t9 ,$e fl+ng o#en t$e .oor an. ,tr+c* o+t into t$e frigi. .ar*ne,,9 r+nning along t$e trac*, to;ar. t$e train ,tation/ Her ,$rie*, for $el# gre; a, t$e flame, cra;le. +# $er ,*irt, to;ar. $er ;ai,t/


) Harpers Ferry, WV, May 25, 2013 FMy =o.9G Eane,,a m+rm+re./ It ;a, t$e fir,t ,o+n. eit$er ,$e or Nic* $a. +ttere. ,ince =la.y, 8egan tal*ing/ FPlea,e tell me ,omeone got to $er in timeMG Nic* #+t $i, $an. on $i, ;ife7, ,$ an. ga-e $er a gentle9 rea,,+ring ,?+eeDe/ Eane,,a co-ere. $i, $an. ;it$ $er, an. $el. it tig$t 8efore t+rning $er e@#ectant gaDe 8ac* to t$e ;oman9 ;$o ,$oo* $er $ea. an. loo*e. .o;n9 a ,a. e@#re,,ion cro,,ing $er feat+re,/ =la.y, ,ig$e./ FI am afrai. not/ Jenny trie. to ma*e it to t$i, -ery ,tation9 alt$o+g$ it ;a, not ?+ite t$i, fancy 8ac* in $er time/ T$e fa,ter ,$e ran9 t$e $ig$er t$e flame, clim8e.9 $ig$er an. $ig$er/ T$e $ig$er t$ey cre#t +# $er 8o.y9 t$e ,$e ,creame./ S$e ,t+m8le. onto t$e trac*,/ T$ey ,ay it ;a, >+,t o-er t$ere/G T$e ol. ;oman #a+,e. an. #ointe. ;e,t9 in front of t$e train t$at ;o+l. later carry t$em on to Wa,$ington9 D/C/


F y t$i, time9 #oor Jenny ;a, >+,t a 8all of fire to anyone ;$o mig$t $a-e ,een $er/ T$e train con.+ctor ,ai. ,$e .i. not loo* $+man/ He fig+re. Jenny co+l.nPt ,ee $im coming a, ,$e ,taggere. in $i, .irection/ T$e glo; of t$e flame, t$at en-elo#e. $er from $ea. to toe #re-ente. $er from ,eeing t$e lig$t from t$e train9 an. ,$e co+l. not $ear it, ;$i,tle o-er t$e ,o+n., of $er o;n $arro;ing ,$rie*,/ If ,$e co+l. $a-e $ear. anyt$ing9 it mo,t li*ely ;o+l. $a-e 8een t$e ,creec$ing of t$e 8ra*e, a, t$e engineer ma.e a la,t4min+te attem#t to ,to#9 >+,t 8efore t$e engine an. it, fir,t t$ree car, t$+m#e. o-er $er 8o.y/G =la.y, ,$oo* $er $ea.9 $er eye, ,taring #a,t Eane,,a an. Nic* to t$e ,#ot ;$ere Jenny m+,t $a-e .ie./ After a moment =la.y, contin+e.9 FT$e train cre; in,i.e t$e ,tation $ear. t$e #oor ;oman ,creaming o-er t$e train7, ;$i,tle9 an. ran o+t,i.e onto t$e #latform >+,t a, t$e locomoti-e came to a ,to#/ Jenny7, mi,era8le9 mangle.4+# 8o.y ;a, ca+g$t +# in t$e ;$eel, 8eneat$ one of t$e car,9 ,till on fire/ T$e men ;ere a8le to .o+,e t$e flame, an. remo-e $er a, 8e,t t$ey co+l. from 8eneat$ t$e train car9 8+t it ;a, too late/ Poor Jenny ;a, .ea./G



T$e t$ree remaine. ,eate. on t$e 8enc$9 offering Jenny a re,#ectf+l moment of ,ilence/ =la.y, ,tare. o+t at t$e trac*, +ntil Eane,,a leane. for;ar./ FW$at $a##ene. t$enHG S$e a,*e. t$e ;oman9 a ?+a-er in $er -oice 8elying t$e co+rage ,$e .i,#laye./ FO$9 t$e to;n,#eo#le too* real goo. care of Jenny9 >+,t li*e ,$e too* care of t$em/ T$ey 8+rie. $er nice an. #ro#er in a corner of Har#er7, Cemetery9 +# on t$e $ill t$ere9 in an +nmar*e. gra-e/G =la.y, #atiently e@#laine. ;it$ a ,oft ,mile/ A, ,$e ,#o*e9 ,$e >er*e. a t$+m8 in t$e .irectly of t$e cemetery9 ,e-eral ,treet, 8e$in. t$em on t$e ot$er ,i.e of t$e train ,tation/ Engro,,e. in t$e ,tory9 Nic* c+rio+,ly in?+ire.9 FW$at a8o+t t$e arrett7,H W$at $a##ene. to Jenny7, $o+,eHG FO$9 anot$er family mo-e. into t$e ,$e. ;it$in a fe; .ay,/ T$i, time it ;a, an co+#le9 c$il.le,,9 calle. Mr/ an. Mr,/ Ao8ert,/ It ;a,n7t too long 8efore e-ery8o.y e@ce#t t$e arrett7, forgot a8o+t Jenny an. $er * ;ay,/G =la.y, #a+,e.9 ga-e a *no;ing ,mile9 an. t$en lo;ere. $er -oice/ FT$at i,9 +ntil ,$e came 8ac* to -i,it/G



Wit$ a glance at t$e co+#le to en,+re t$at t$ey ;ere ,till .ee#ly ent$ralle. in $er tale9 =la.y, contin+e./ FA8o+t a mont$ later9 anot$er locomoti-e ;a, t$e 8en. >+,t .o;n to t$e ;e,t t$ere9 ;$en it ;a, met ;it$ a glo;ing 8all of fire/ T$e train7, car, t$+m#e. an. t$+..e. o-er anot$er 8+rning fig+re 8efore t$e engineer co+l. ,lo; t$e engine to a ,to#/ +t ;$en $e got o+t of t$e engine an. ran .o;n along t$e trac*,9 ;$at .o yo+ t$in* $e ,a;H Not a t$ing ;a, 8eneat$ t$e ;$eel,/ T$ere ;a, no mangle. 8o.y9 8+rning or ot$er;i,e/G Eane,,a an. Nic* ga#e. at =la.y,9 ;$o no..e. an. ;ent rig$t on tal*ing/ F"o+ can imagine t$at $e ;a, a mig$t ,$a*en ;$en $e ma.e o+t $i, re#ort for t$e ,tationma,ter/ Fort+nately t$e ,tationma,ter9 li*e t$e arrett family9 remem8ere. ,;eet Jenny an. t$e terri8le fate ,$e ,+ffere./ He *ne; it m+,t 8e $er g$o,t t$at $a. come to #ay t$em a -i,it/ T$at too* #lace more t$an one $ an. fifty year, ago9 8+t Jenny ,till a##ear, no; an. t$en/ Mo,tly ,$e li*e, to ,$o; +# on t$e anni-er,ary of $er .eat$/ I e@#ect t$at girl i, ,till loo*ing for ,omeone to ,a-e $er from 8eing 8+rne. to .eat$9 8+t ,$e $a, not fo+n. a #er,on yet ;$o co+l. $el# $er/ An.



yo+ *no; ,omet$ingH I .o not imagine ,$e ;ill fin. anyone ;$o co+l. $el# $er any time ,oon/G Nic* an. Eane,,a loo*e. from t$e train trac*, to =la.y,/ Eane,,a7, mo+t$ $+ng +# ;$ile Nic* ?+iDDically #rie./ FAn. t$i, i, a tr+e ,toryHG =la.y, no..e. ,lo;ly/ FT$e fact, I tol. yo+ are ;$at $a, 8een $an.e. .o;n in my family for generation,9 e-er ,ince it $a##ene./ "o+ ,ee9 my mai.en name 8efore I got marrie. ;a, arrett9 an. my great4gran.fat$er ;a, one of t$e c$ ;$o gre; +# in t$e ,$ac* ne@t .oor to Jenny/ He gre; +# to 8e a train con.+ctor/ An. my .a..y al,o ;or*e. on t$e railroa./ T$e men ;$o na-igate train, t$ro+g$ t$i, area .on7t li*e coming t$ro+g$ t$at t+nnel aro+n. t$e anni-er,ary of Jenny7, .eat$9 >+,t in ca,e ,$e come, 8ac* to #ay t$em a -i,it/G S+..enly t$e ,o+n. of, c$+rc$ 8ell, rang o+t9 t$eir c$iming ec$oing t$ro+g$o+t t$e to;n/ T$e la.y ,mile./ FW$y9 it m+,t 8e a8o+t t;o o7cloc*/G =lancing at $i, ;atc$9 Nic* confirme. t$e time 8efore t+rning to =la.y,/ FWo;/ I $a. no i.ea ,o m+c$ time $a. #a,,e./ T$an* yo+ for t$e ,tory9 8+t ;e ,$o+l. go fin. ,ome l+nc$/ Wo+l. yo+ li*e to >oin +,HG


FO$9 no $oney9 I co+l.n7t eat a 8ite/ +t if yo+ ;ant goo. foo. at a fair #rice9 try T$e S;i,, Mi,,/ T$ey $a-e $am8+rger, an. ,ala.,9 an. t$e 8e,t froDen c+,tar. in t$ree ,tate,/G =la.y, ,mile. at t$e co+#le/ FT$an* yo+ ,o m+c$ for yo+r time9 Mr,/ ro;n/ It ;a, really nice to meet yo+/G Eane,,a ,too. ne@t to Nic* an. fla,$e. t$e ;oman a ;arm ,mile/ FWell it ;a, -ery nice to meet yo+ 8ot$9 an. I ;i,$ yo+ a $a##y 8le,,ing on t$e anni-er,ary of yo+r marriage/ If yo+ .eci.e yo+ ;o+l. li*e to meet me on t$e g$o,t ;al*9 >+,t come to t$e -i,itor7, center at .+,*/G After t$e t$ree ma.e t$eir goo.8ye,9 t$e co+#le ;al*e. aro+n. t$e corner of t$e train ,tation an. $ea.e. .o;n t$e $ill to;ar., a cro# of, t$at line. t$e co88le,tone ,treet/ FTen Fol. Fair Tra.e Collection9 Pri-ate I+inn7, P+89 o$ t$ere it i,KT$e S;i,, Mi,,9G Eane,,a rea. alo+./ T$en t$e fine #rint to $er,elf ,$e e@claime.9 FO$9 an. ,$e ;a, rig$tM FroDen c+,tar.M Loo* Nic*9 yo+r fa-oriteM I .o+8t a 8+rger an. a ,mall 8it of froDen c+,tar. ;o+l. ,#oil o+r .inner at t$i, #oint9 ;o+l. itHG


Nic* grinne. an. too* Eane,,a7, $an. in re,#on,e to $er ,+nny ,mile9 $er into t$e ?+aint .ining area of t$e re,ta+rant/ A ,torefront t$at ,ol. confection, an. 8ottle. ,o.a, t$ro+g$ a ;in.o; in t$e ,i.e of t$e ;a, 8ac*e. +# ;it$ a line of ,t+.ent, on a fiel. tri# to t$e $i,toric national #ar*/ Nic* let t$e ,er-er *no; t$at t$ey .i.n7t min. ;aiting an.9 ;$en it ;a, t$eir t+rn9 t$ey or.ere. 8+rger, ;it$ t$e ;or*, follo;e. 8y a #air of cone, o-erflo;ing ;it$ -anilla4fla-ore. froDen c+,tar./ eca+,e of t$e gorgeo+, ;eat$er9 t$ey o#te. to ta*e t$eir ice cream o+t,i.e/ t$e con.+ctor7, a.-ice a8o+t ,taying clo,e to t$e train to a-oi. mi,,ing t$e .e#art+re9 $alf a 8loc* .o;n t$e co88le,tone ,treet t$ey fo+n. an em#ty #ar* 8enc$ an. ,at9 en>oying t$e 8it of ,$a.e t$at *e#t t$e treat, from melting too ?+ic*ly/ Alt$o+g$ ,$e ;ante. to confront Nic* a8o+t $i, ;ee*en. #lan, to ,#en. all $i, free time $anging o+t ;it$ $i, frien., an. #laying -i.eo game,9 Eane,,a .eci.e. to *ee# t$e #eace an. in,tea. a,*e. $im ;$at $e t$o+g$t a8o+t =la.y, ro;n/ Nic* ,mac*e. $i, li#, an. lic*e. a 8it of c+,tar. from $i, +##er li#/ He tilte. $i, $ea. to one ,i.e for a moment/ F=la.y,H


S$e ,+re ,eeme. to *no; a lot a8o+t t$e to;n an. it, $i,tory/ I 8et ,$e ;a, a -ol+nteer/G Nic* ga-e $i, ;ife a *no;ing ;in*/ FAeallyHG ,$e a,*e./ FI g+e,, t$at ;o+l. ma*e ,en,e/ A lot of #ar*, $a-e -ol+nteer, t$at .re,, in #erio. clot$ing/ +t ;$y ;o+l. ,$e ,it aro+n. an. ,#en. ,o m+c$ time ;it$ >+,t one co+#leHG FA mar*eting #loy9 no .o+8t/G Nic* c$+c*le./ FT$e #ar* ,er-ice #ro8a8ly #lant, $er +# t$ere at t$e ,tation to tal* to -i,itor, a, t$ey get off t$e train to ma*e ,+re t$ey ,tay in to;n for t$e nig$tly g$o,t ;al*/ A, ol. a, ,$e ;a,H S$e #ro8a8ly $a, a motor ,cooter ,to;e. in one of t$o,e #ri-ate office, +# at t$e train ,tation/G F +t ;$at .o yo+ t$in* a8o+t t$e ,toryH Do yo+ t$in* t$e ,tory ;a, realHG FDo+8tf+l/G Nic* ,$oo* $i, $ea. ,*e#tically an. too* anot$er 8ite of $i, cone/ After a moment $e contin+e.9 FT$in* a8o+t it/ Unmar*e. gra-e/ W$o $a, time to re,earc$ t$e genealogy on t$i, la.yH Unle,, t$ey $a-e time to lin* =la.y, to Jenny on cen,+, recor.,Ka,,+ming a ,ingle ;oman li-ing t$at long ago ;a, on a cen,+, recor.9 t$ere7, no ;ay to #ro-e it/G


FSo ;$at7, yo+r t$eoryHG Eane,,a #o##e. t$e la,t 8it of cone into $er mo+t$9 t$e .ry ;afer ,;eet from $a-ing ,oa*e. +# t$e melting -anilla ice cream/ S$e c$e;e. ,lo;ly in attem#t to ,a-or t$e fla-or for a, long a, #o,,i8le/ FT$e ,tory ;e $ear. ;a, #ro8a8ly tol. to =la.y, an. $er frien., ;$en t$ey ;ere yo+ng to *ee# t$em off t$e trac*,/ I mean9 t$in* a8o+t it/ T$e trac*, are #retty o#en no;9 an. t$at7, ;it$ mo.ern ,afety mea,+re, in #lace/ e,i.e,9 #laying aro+n. t$e trac*, i, .angero+, for any8o.y9 not >+,t *i.,9G Nic* rea,one. ;it$ a ,$r+g/ He #oli,$e. off $i, cone9 clo,e. $i, eye, an. ,ig$e.9 ,;allo;ing t$e treat 8efore *i,,ing Eane,,a on t$e fore$ea./ S$e n+DDle. again,t $im an. felt $er eye8ro;, crea,ing into a fro;n/ $ow can you be so sweet now9 and ignore me the minute you touch your laptop# Why does our every )riday night involve your friends# Her emotion, m+,t $a-e ,$o;e. on $er face 8eca+,e Nic* #+lle. 8ac* an. a,*e. $er ;$at ;a, ;rong/ FNot$ing9 I ;a, >+,t t$in*ing9G ,$e ;$i,#ere./ An. 8efore Nic* co+l. re#ly ,$e a..e.9 FHey9 t$an* yo+ for not a,*ing me to



go on t$at g$o,t ;al*/ Ho#ef+lly t$e train ;ill 8e rea.y to go 8y t$en/G A, if on c+e9 t$e ;$i,tle ,o+n.e. an. t$ey ,too.9 ma*ing t$eir ;ay +# t$e $ill to t$e train ,tation/ T$ey $el. $an., 8+t .i.n7t tal* +ntil t$ey reac$e. t$e #ar*ing lot/ FWe ,$o+l. come 8ac* $ere ,ometime9G Nic* ,ai./ Eane,,a trie. not to loo* ,$oc*e./ FAeallyH E-en t$o+g$ it $a, no WiFi or -i.eo game,HG A, ,oon a, ,$e 8l+rte. o+t t$e 8it of ,arca,m9 ,$e ,a; t$e fla,$ of $+rt on Nic*7, face an. regrette. it/ FI *no; ;e li*e .ifferent t$ing,K9G Nic* 8egan9 8+t Eane,,a .ro##e. $i, $an. an. *e#t ;al*ing in t$e .irection of t$e train ,tation/ FSo yo+7re not e-en ;illing to tal* a8o+t t$i,HG He a,*e.9 , to *ee# +# ;it$ $er/ He follo;e. $er t$ro+g$ t$e an. onto t$e #latform ;$ere t$ey re48oar.e. t$e train ;it$o+t inci.ent an. reclaime. t$eir ,eat,/


2 Amtrak Train Once on t$e train9 Nic* $el. $i, gaDe .o;n t$e ai,le ;$ile Eane,,a ,tare. o+t t$e ;in.o;/ T$e t;o remaine. +n,#ea*ing for t$e entire time t$at it too* for t$e ot$er #a,,enger, to fin. t$eir ;ay 8ac* from ;$ere-er t$ey ;ent off to e@#lore in t$e to;n an. t$e #ar* 8eyon./ $ow can I make him see# I just wish things were different. I wish we could have )riday nights together without his friends. I wish he spent as much time with me as he did his electronics. If things were different, they would be so much better. T$e train l+rc$e. for;ar. an. a fe; moment, later9 >+,t a, t$e car, 8egan ; t$ro+g$ t$e t+nnel from We,t Eirginia into t$e ,tate of Marylan.9 t$e con.+ctor a##roac$e. t$e ,ilent co+#le/ Moment, 8efore $e reac$e. t$em t$e afternoon ,+n .i,a##eare. an. t$e locomoti-e #l+nge. into .ar*ne,,/ Eane,,a


felt t$e $air, ,tan. +# on t$e 8ac* of $er nec* an. ,tifle. a ,cream a, a 8all of flame a##roac$e. t$e ;in.o; o+t,i.e t$e train/ FAre yo+ o*ay t$ere9 ma7amHG T$e con.+ctor a,*e. $er/ Wit$ a ;in* $e a..e.9 F"o+ loo* almo,t li*e yo+7-e ,een a g$o,t/G Eane,,a realiDe. t$at 8ot$ t$e con.+ctor an. Nic* ;ere ,taring at $er an. ,$e ga-e a ner-o+, la+g$/ FI g+e,, I7m ,till *eye. +# from t$e ,tory Mr,/ ro;n tol. +,/G T$e con.+ctor loo*e. from Eane,,a to Nic* an. too* $alf a ,te# 8ac*;ar./ FDi. yo+ ,ay Mr,/ ro;nHG F"e,9 =la.y, ro;n/G Nic* .e,cri8e. t$e la.y ;it$ ;$om $e an. $i, ;ife $a. >+,t ,#ent t$e 8etter #art of t$e afternoon/ FWe t$o+g$t ,$e m+,t $a-e 8een a -ol+nteer from t$e #ar* ,er-ice to .r+m +# 8+,ine,, for t$e +#coming ,ea,on/ S$e in-ite. +, on t$e g$o,t ;al*9 8+t it loo*, li*e ;e7ll $a-e to come 8ac* an. .o t$at anot$er time/G FI am ,orry to tell yo+ t$i,9G t$e con.+ctor 8egan/ F +t =la.y, ro;n .ie. t;o year, ago/ T$ere i, no g$o,t ;al*/ Not anymore/ No one el,e ;ante. to $o,t it9 an. fran*ly I am not ,+re t$ey co+l. fin. anyone el,e ;it$ $er le-el of *no; or ent$+,ia,m for it/G


Eane,,a7, $an. fle; to $er mo+t$ to $ol. in $er cry of alarm9 an. Nic*7, arm ;ent aro+n. $er ,$,9 #+lling $er clo,e/ F +t9 t$e ;oman ;e ,a;////G He ,tammere.9 clearly at a lo,, for ;or.,/ S$a*ing $i, $ea. in ;on.er9 a ,lig$t grin #laying at t$e corner of $i, mo+t$9 t$e #ar* ranger m+,e.9 FT$e ;oman yo+ ,a; ;a, no .o+8t my a+nt/ S$e al;ay, .i. ,ay9 Pt$e 8e,t 8it, of $i,tory in t$i, to;n are t$e one, t$at >+,t *ee# coming 8ac*/PG T$e con.+ctor c$+c*le. to $im,elf an. contin+e. $i, ;al* t$ro+g$ t$e car,9 lea-ing Eane,,a an. Nic* to t+rn to one anot$er/ FDo yo+ 8elie-e $imHG Eane,,a a,*e./ FI7m not ,+re ;$at to 8elie-e/G Nic* ,$oo* $i, $ea. in ; S+..enly Eane,,a 8egan to t$in* a8o+t Jenny9 an. ;$at ;i,$ing for a .ifferent life got $er/ S$e t+rne. to Nic* an. ,ai.9 FI7m ,orry a8o+t earlier9 8+t ;e nee. to ma*e ,ome c$ange, in $o; ;e ,#en. time toget$er/ We can7t go t$ro+g$ life li-ing ,e#arate li-e, one roof/ An. ;e can7t go t$ro+g$ life 8+tting $ea., 8eca+,e of o+r .ifference,/G



FEane,,a9 t$i, i, ;$o I am/ I can7t c$ange o-ernig$t/G S$e t$re; $er $an., +#9 e@a,#erate./ FI7m not a,*ing yo+ to c$ange o-ernig$t/G FMay8e ;e can com#romi,e on ,ome t$ing,HG FO$ yea$H Starting ;$enHG S$e felt rat$er t$an $ear. t$e ,arca,m cree#ing 8ac* into $er tone/ FStarting t$i, ;ee*en./G Nic* ,+gge,te./ FI7m loo*ing for;ar. to , time ;it$ my frien.,/ T$ey7re really im#ortant to me/ +t yo+7re my ;ife9 an. no one i, more im#ortant to me t$an yo+/ If t$ere7, ,omet$ing yo+ ;ant to .o ;$ile ;e7re in D/C/ t$i, ;ee*en.9 tell me ;$at it i,/G Eane,,a con,i.ere. $i, offer an. t$re; o+t $er c$allenge/ FWill yo+ go to a m+,e+m ;it$ me after I get t$e Doctor7, a+togra#$ tomorro;HG FCan it 8e t$e ,#y m+,e+mHG Nic* ,+gge,te. ;it$ a 8oyi,$ grin/ Eane,,a7, eye, t;in*le. merrily/ FOnly if ;e can $it +#



Ma.ame T+,,a+.,9 too/G FO$ yea$MG Nic* agree./ FT$ey7-e got Ein,teinMG A, t$e train emerge. from t$e ot$er ,i.e of t$e t+nnel t$e co+#le c+..le. clo,e9 rein-enting t$eir #lan, for a ;ee*en. toget$er/ An. a, for Eane,,a9 8y t$e time t$ey reac$e. t$eir .e,tination ,$e .eci.e. $er life ;it$ Nic* ;a, >+,t fine li*e it ;a,/ In fact9 ,$e ;o+l.n7t $a-e c$ange. a t$ing/



On Jan+ary &9 &'(&9 ec*y la+nc$e. $er #rofe,,ional ;riting career/ Pre-io+,ly a #art4time ;riter for ,e-eral internet game com#anie,9 ,$e no; $a, a re; career a, a freelance contractor .oing 8ot$ ;riting an. gra#$ic .e,ign ;or* for client, ,#rea. acro,, fo+r continent,/ ec*y ,#en., $er free time ;it$ $er family ;$ic$ incl+.e, $er $+,8an.9 a retire. career firefig$ter9 an. t$eir t;o teenage ,on,/ Her $o88ie, incl+.e *nitting9 t$rift ,tore ,$o##ing9 no-el, ,electe. 8y $er local 8oo* cl+89 an. #romoting animal ,$elter a;arene,,/ Learn more at0 ;;;/8ec*ym+t$/com



HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS i, ec*yP, .e8+t 8oo* an. fir,t ,+cce,,f+l NaNoWriMo #ro>ect/ A com#ilation of (5 ,torie,9 eac$ one ta*e, #lace in a .ifferent ,tate ;it$in t$e A##alac$ian region of t$e Unite. State,/ ec*y7, ,o#$omore effort i, a c$ic*4lit no-el t$at ta*e, #lace in Nort$ern Eirginia/ It feat+re, a *l+tDy gra#$ic arti,t9 a $an.,ome neig$8or ;it$ a ,o+t$ern accent9 an. a matc$ma*ing gol.en retrie-er name. Qe+,/


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