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Mohamemd Alharbi English 121-122 1/31/14 Please purchase or use an English version of word Internet and Higher Education

All academic writing aims to write a new information, ideas and sharing there articles. Most of the writer give their articles a data to make their article easier to understand for the reader. In fact, there are many kinds of strategy of academic writing for example: the history and social science writer are different in terms of the language, structure, Interpretation of data/Discussion and tone etc. The method clarified the use of internet by showing many surveys to the reader. The authors section the article to several parts to explain each part of it.

Especially, academic writing need to include simply their data and their study to show it in their article. In order to distinguish what method of writing used in this article? We have many question to know which method is used. For example how this article organized? What the instruction looks like? These are the questions that we might ask our selfs to be aware of academic writing. This article published in 2010 by Francisco Saone Perez, Camille JohnsonYale, Sarah Miller Maier and Steve Jones. In the article Internet and higher education discusses the link between social media and higher education. In addition, the author Methodology in this article explain for the reader is that sowing the reader many graphs that shows the percentage of how many people using the internet educationally. In order to complete my analyze I will argue the organization of this article, the language and the structure.
This sentence is messed up because some clauses are incorrectly connected and others are incorrectly formed within themselves

To argue an academic writing we have to see the method and the structure of the article. The organization of academic writing article must be structural. The structure in this article is very
simple and easy to read because they include in their Article Info, Abstract and key words. In addition they include several paragraphs to focus in many point which is easier to understandable and well organized. Also the structure of this article used many heading to make it well organized. The authors used many surveys to clarify their study between the internet and higher education. I think the reason why they did many surveys is that because it easy to do it and also it could be easy evidence that the authors used to build up their writing. An example of survey is the 2001 report from the Pew internet & American Life Project. They explained three percentage, which were 76%, 48% and 32 %. These are the

percentages of teens shows how the internet and instant messaging (IM) becoming a very important part of their lives. The surveys basically shows that the internet and advance technologies affected many teen in terms of lives. Furthermore, an academic writing should sued use a method of language. In order to make an excellent academic writing the writer needs to have a good language structure. I see that the authors used a lot simple sentence which is an easy way to any reader to understand it. In addition, their linguistic patterns have been used in appropriately and effectively way. In fact, they use actually an independent clause several times which is a clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence. I think the reason why they using a clause sentence because its a complete thought and also because it simple which lead to be understandable for the reader. In contrast, the authors used dependent clause which is clause that cant stand by its self and it needs another sentence to complete the thought or the idea. Moreover, I think the structure of the language used in this article sound great and professional. Also I see that the authors use many different sentences like Complex, compound, simple and compound complex. My notice showed that the

authors used neutral words more than using academic words which lead to readability for the all readers. In the other hands, its ordinary words to any native speakers to understand it. In conclusion, there are many kinds of academic writing who wants to share their articles for the reader. Academic Science writing relies on feasible language use to make it clear and explain the data for the reader. In my opinion, I think the authors had done a great gob with their article Internet and Higher Education with collecting many facts, data and surveys. In addition, this assignment had helped me how academic writing make the reader gain a new information in an understandable way. I completely belief in this objective tone is very important to convince the
reader to make the article acceptable for all deferent category of people.

Evaluation System: 1, 2 = Not present/emerging 3 = Developing/beginning to show criteria 4 = Capable/usually consistent (Passing) 5 = Experienced/effective/consistent 6, 7 = Exceptional/thought-provoking Criteria a. Introduction is logically arranged with the title of the text, the publication, the authors name and credibility information, and a brief summary of the texts main topic b. Thesis statement addresses the effectiveness of the texts claims and evidence c. Each paragraph introduces and develops one main idea Your body paragraphs focus on different topics, but they paragraphs themselves are not fully developed. d. Body connects the points logically e. Evidence is sufficient and appropriate, introduced (with signal phrases and reporting verbs), and explained f. Analysis of text distinguishes between personal beliefs and evidence (SaS) g. Conclusion restates thesis in a different way and puts thesis into a broader context h. Paraphrasing is complete (changes words and sentence structure of original text and accurately reflects original idea and intention) i. Tone is neutral and objective throughout j. Reporting verbs accurately reflect authors tone and purpose Not used. k. Clauses are correctly formed with correct/appropriate word choice (including prepositions and articles), word form (including verb tense and form), and word order. l. Sentences are correctly formed with no fragments or run-ons m. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct GRADE: D+ (69%) COMMENTS: (Miller) A2+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B1+ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 B2+ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 C1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Your thesis statement is not clear, and its grammar is messy. You did not fully develop the body paragraphs: you state ideas that TELL your

reader something is so, but you do not also SHOW your reader these ideas are valid by providing quotes that supply evidence from the text you read. It is difficult to understand the ideas in many sentences because their grammatical structures are incorrect.


Jones, S., Yale, C. J., Millermaier, S., & Perez, F. S. (2008). Academic work, the Internet and U.S. college students. Retrieved from

2921749_1/courses/75971.201370/Jones_Academic%20%20Work%C% 20The%20Internet%20%26%20US%20College_1_.pdf

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