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Ye Book of the Laws of the Dead

As recorded by Abdul Al-Hazred, the Mad Arab ranslated from the Latin of !laus "ormius -byDr# $ohn Dee London he Year of !ur Lord !ne housand %i&e Hundred and 'i(ty wo

THE TESTIMONY OF THE MAD ARAB H)' is the testimony of all that ) ha&e seen, and all that ) ha&e learned, in those years that ) ha&e *ossessed the hree 'eals of H+ BLA,- ,) Y# ) ha&e seen !ne housand-and-!ne moons, and surely this is enou.h for the s*an of a man/s life, thou.h it is said the 0ro*hets li&ed much ) am weak, and ill, and bear a .reat tiredness and e(haustion, and a si.h han.s in my breast like a dark lantern# ) am old# his is the book of the laws and *ractices of the slee*in. dead, written by myself, Abd Al-

Hazred - the .reat sorcerer and *oet# "ith the secrets in this book ) ha&e s*oken with dark s*irits, who ha&e furnished me with many riches, both in the form of money and knowled.e, ) ha&e e&en learned the unlearnable knowled.e of the di&ine ones, such is the *ower of what ) learned# ) ha&e also learned of the !ld '*irits, who li&ed before man, and still li&e dreamin., and they are &ery terrible# )t was a face of one of these &ery s*irits that initiated me into this *owerful ma.ic# he wol&es carry my name in their s*eeches, and that 1uiet, subtle 2oice is summonin. me from afar# And a 2oice much closer shall shout into my ear with unholy

im*atience# he of my soul shall decide its final restin. *lace# Before that time, ) must *ut down here all that ) can concernin. the horrors that stalk "ithout, and which lie in wait at the door of e&ery man, for this is the ancient arcana that has been handed down of old, but which has been for.otten by all but a few men, the worshi**ers of the !ld !nes 3may their names be blotted out45# And if ) do not finish this task, take what is here and disco&er the rest, for time is short and mankind does not know nor understand the e&il that awaits it, from e&ery side, from e&ery 6ate, from e&ery broken barrier, from e&ery mindless acolyte at

the alters of madness# %or this is the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Black +arth, that ) ha&e writ down at the *eril of my life, e(actly as ) recei&ed it, on the *lanes of the +m*ty '*ace, the cruel celestial s*irits from beyond the "anderers of the "astes# Let all who read this book be warned thereby that the habitation of men are seen and sur&eyed by that Ancient 7ace of .ods and demons from a time before time, and that they seek re&en.e for that for.otten battle that took *lace somewhere in the ,osmos and rent the "orlds in the days before the creation of Man, when the +lder 6ods walked the '*aces, the race of A8A H! H,

and of NYA7LA H! +0 our MA' +7, the Lord of Ma.icians# -now, then, that ) ha&e trod all the 8ones of the 6ods, and also the *laces of the !ld !nes, and ha&e descended unto the foul *laces of Death and +ternal hirst, which may be reached throu.h the 6ate of 6AN8)7, which was built in the +M0 Y '0A,+, in the days before Babylon was# -now, too, that ) ha&e s*oken with all manner of s*irit and daemon, whose names are no known in the societies of Man, or were ne&er known# And the seals of some of these are writ herein9 yet others ) must take with me when ) lea&e ye# A8A H! H ha&e mercy on my

soul4 ) ha&e seen the :nknown Lands, that no ma* has e&er charted# ) ha&e li&ed in the deserts and the wastelands, and s*oken with demons and the souls of slau.htered men, and of women who ha&e dies in childbirth, &ictims of the she-fiend LAMMA'H A# ) ha&e tra&eled beneath the 'eas, in search of the 0alace of !ur Master, and found the stone of monuments of &an1uished ci&ilisations, and deci*hered the writin.s of some of these9 while still others remain mysteries to any man who li&es# And these ci&ilisations were destroyed because of the knowled.e contained in this book#

) ha&e tra&eled amon. the stars, and trembled before the 6ods# ) ha&e, at last, found the formulae by which ) *assed the 6ate A78)7, and *assed into the forbidden realms of the foul HA' :7# ) ha&e raised demons, and the dead# ) ha&e summoned the .hosts of my ancestors to real and &isible a**earance on the to*s of tem*les built to reach the stars, and built to touch the nethermost ca&ities of HAD+'# ) ha&e wrestled with the Black Ma.ician, A8A H! H, in &ain, and fled to the +arth by callin. u*on BA' and her brother NYA7LA H! +0, Lord of the

double-headed A;+# ) ha&e raised armies a.ainst the Lands of the +ast, by summonin. the hordes of fiends ) ha&e made sub<ect unto me, and so doin. found N6AA, the 6od of the heathens, who breathes flame and roars like a thousand thunders# ) ha&e found fear# ) ha&e found the 6ate that leads to the !utside, by which the !ld !nes, who e&er seek entrance to our world, kee* eternal watch# ) ha&e smelled the &a*ours of that Ancient !ne, =ueen of the !utside, whose name is writ in the terrible MA6AN te(t, the testament of some dead ci&ilisation whose

*riests, seekin. *ower, swin. o*en the dread, e&il 6ate for an hour *ast the time, and were consumed# ) came to *ossess this knowled.e throu.h circumstances 1uite *eculiar, while still the unlettered son of a she*herd in what is called Meso*otamia by the 6reeks# "hen ) was only a yeth, tra&ellin. alone in the mountains to the +ast, called H+ BLA,- ,) Y by the *eo*le who li&e there, ) came u*on a .rey rock car&ed with three stran.e symbols# )t stood as hi.h as a man, and as wide around as a bull# )t was firmly in the .round, and ) could not mo&e it# hinkin. no more of the car&in.s, sa&e that they be the work of a kin. to mark some ancient &ictory o&er an enemy, ) built a fire at its foot to *rotect me from the wol&es that wander in those re.ions and went to slee*, for it was and ) was far from my &illa.e, bein. Bet Durrabia# Bein. about three hours from dawn, in the nineteenth of 'habatu, ) was awakened by the howl of a do., *erha*s of a wolf, uncommonly loud and close at hand# he fire had dies to its embers, and these red, .lowin. coals cast a faint, dancin. shadow across the stone monument with the three car&in.s# ) to make haste to build another fire when, at once, the .ray rock to rise slowly into the air, as thou.h it were a do&e# ) could

not mo&e or s*eak for the fear that seized u*on my s*ine and wra**ed cold fin.ers around my skull# he Dik of Azu.-bel-ya was no to me than this, thou.h the former seemed to melt into my hands4 0resently, ) heard a &oice, softly, some distance away and a more *ractical fear, that of the *ossibility of robbers, took hold of me and ) rolled behind some weeds, tremblin.# Another &oice <oined the first, and soon se&eral men in the black robes of thie&es came to.ether o&er the *lace where ) was, surroundin. the floatin. rock, of which they did not e(hibit the least ) could see clearly now that the

three car&in.s on the stone monument were .lowin. a flame red colour, as thou.h the rock were on fire# he fi.ures were murmurin. to.ether in *rayer or in&ocation, of which only a few words could be heard, and these in some unknown ton.ue9 thou.h, AN: ha&e mercy on my soul4 these rituals are not unknown to me any he fi.ures, whose faces ) could not see or reco.nise, to make wild *asses in the air with kni&es that .linted cold and shar* in the mountain %rom beneath the floatin. rock, out of the &ery .round where it had sat, came risin. the tail of a ser*ent# his ser*ent was surely than any ) had e&er seen# he thinnest section thereof was fully that of the arms of two men, and as it rose from the earth it was followed by another, althou.h the end of the first was not seen as it seemed to reach down into the &ery 0it itself# hese were followed by still more, and the .round to tremble under the *ressure of so many of these enormous arms# he chantin. of the *riests, for ) knew them now to be the ser&ants of some hidden 0ower, became much louder and &ery nearly hysterical# IA! IA! ZI AZAG! IA! IA!! ZI AZKAK! IA! IA! CTHULHU ZI THE

DREAMLANDS! IA! he .round where ) was hidin. became wet with some substance, bein. sli.htly downhill from the scene ) was witnessin.# ) touched the wetness and found it to be blood# )n horror, ) screamed and .a&e my *resence away to the *riests# hey turned toward me, and ) saw a loathin. that they had cut their chests with the da..ers they had used to raise the stone, for some mystical *ur*ose ) could not then di&ine9 althou.h ) know now that blood is the &ery food of these s*irits, which is why the field after the battles of war .lows with an unnatural, the manifestations of the s*irits

feedin. thereon# My scream had the effect of castin. their ritual into chaos and disorder# ) raced throu.h the mountain *ath by which ) had come, and the *riests came runnin. after me, althou.h some seemed to stay behind, *erha*s to finish the 7ites# Howe&er, as ) ran wildly down the slo*es in the cold, my heart .i&in. rise in my chest and my head .rowin. hot, the sound of s*littin. rocks and thunder came from behind me and shook the &ery .round ) ran u*on# )n, and in haste, ) fell to the earth# 7isin., ) turned to face whate&er attacker had come nearest me, thou.h ) was

unarmed# o my sur*rise what ) saw was no *riest of ancient horror, no necromancer of that forbidden Art, but black robes fallen u*on the .rass and weeds, with no seemin. *resence of life or bodies beneath them# ) walked cautiously to the first and, *ickin. u* a lon. twi., lifted the robe from the tan.le of weeds and thorns# All that remained of the *riest was a *ool of slime, like .reen oil, and the smell of a body lain lon. to rot in the sun# 'uch a stench nearly o&er*owered me, but ) was resolute to find the others, to see if the same fortune had also befallen them# "alkin. back u* the slo*e that ) had so fearfully run down only

moments a.o, ) came across yet another of the dark *riests, in identical condition to the first# ) ke*t walkin., *assin. more of the robes as ) went, not &enturin. to o&erturn them any hen, ) finally came u*on the .rey stone monument that had risen unnaturally into the air at the command of the *riests# )t now u*on the .round once more, but the car&in.s still .lowed with su*ernatural he ser*ents, or what ) had then thou.h of as ser*ents, had disa**eared# But in the dead embers of the fire, now cold and black, was a shinin. metal *late# ) *icked it u* and saw that it also was car&ed, as the stone, but &ery intricately, after a fashion ) could not understand# ) did not bear the

same markin.s as the stone, but ) had the feelin. ) could almost read the characters, but could not, as thou.h ) once knew the ton.ue but had since lon. for.otten# My head to ache as thou.h a de&il was *oundin. my skull, when a shaft of struck the metal amulet, for ) know now what it was, and a &oice entered into my head and told me the secrets of the scene ) had witnessed in one word> CTHULHU. )n that moment, as thou.h whis*ered fiercely into my ear, ) understood# hese are the si.ns car&ed u*on the .rey stone, that was

the 6ate to the !utside>

An this is the amulet that ) held in my hand, and hold to this &ery day, around my neck as ) write these words>

!f the three car&ed symbols,

the first is the si.n of our 7ace from beyond the 'tars, and is called A77A in the ton.ue of the 'cribe who it to me, an emissary of the !ld !nes# )n the ton.ue of the eldest city of Babylon, it was !: !% '0A,+# )t is the ' of the ,o&enant of the +lder 6ods, and when they see it, they who .a&e it to us, they shall not us# hey ha&e sworn4 '*irit of the 'kies, 7emember4 he second is the +lder 'i.n, and is the -ey whereby the 0owers of the +lder 6ods may be summoned, when used with the *ro*er words and sha*es# )t has a Name, and is called A66A#

he third si.n is the ' of the "atcher# )t is called BANDA7# he "atcher is a 7ace sent by the !ld !nes# )t kee*s & while one slee*s, *ro&ided the a**ro*riate ritual and sacrifice has been *erformed,> else, if called, it shall turn u*on ye# hese seals, to be effecti&e, must be .ra&en on stone and set in the .round# !r, set u*on the altar of offerin.s# !r, carried to the 7ock of )n&ocations# !r, en.ra&ed on the metal of one/s 6od or 6oddess, and hun. about the neck, but hidden from the &iew of the *rofane# !f the three, the A77A and the A66A may be used se*arately, that is to say, and alone# he BANDA7, howe&er, must ne&er be used alone, but with one or

both of the others, for the "atcher must needs be reminded of the ,o&enant it has sworn with the +lder 6ods and our 7ace, else it shall turn u*on thee and slay thee and ra&a.e thy town until succour is to be had from the +lder 6ods by the tears of thy *eo*le and the wailin. of thy women# -A-AMM:4 he metal amulet that ) retrie&ed from the ashes of the fire, and which the of the moon, is a *otent seal a.ainst whate&er may come in the 6ate from the !utside for, seein. it, they shall retreat from thee 'A2+ !NLY )% ) ,A ,H H+

L)6H !% H+ M!!N :0!N ) ' ':7%A,+ for, in the dark days of the moon, or in cloud, there can be little *rotection a.ainst the fiends from the Ancient Lands should they break the barrier, or be let in by their ser&ants u*on the face of the earth# )n such a case, no recourse is to be had until the of the moon shines u*on the earth, for the moon is the eldest amon. the +lder 6ods, and is the starry symbol of our 0act# N!D+N', %ather of the 6ods, 7emember4 "herefore, the amulet must be en.ra&ed u*on *ure sil&er in the full of the moon, that the moon shine u*on it at its workin., and the essence of the

moon incantations must be *erformed, and the *rescribed rituals as .i&en forth in this Book# And the amulet must ne&er be e(*osed to the of the 'un, for , H:6HA called :D:, in his <ealousy, shall rob the seal of its *ower# )n such a case, it must be bathed in water of cam*hor, and the incantations and ritual *erformed once a.ain# But, &erily, it were better to en.ra&e another# hese secrets ) .i&e to thee at the *ain of my life, ne&er to be re&ealed to the *rofane, or the banished, or the worshi**ers of the Ancient 'er*ent, but to kee* within thine own heart, always silent u*on these thin.s#

0eace be to thee4 Henceforth, from that fateful in the Mountains of H+ BLA,- ,) Y, ) wandered about the country-side in search of the key to the secret knowled.e that had been .i&en me# And it was a *ainful and lonely <ourney, durin. which time ) took no wife, called no house or &illa.e my home, and dwelt in &arious countries, often in ca&es or in the deserts, learnin. se&eral ton.ues as a tra&eller learn them, to bar.ain with the trades*eo*le and learn of their news and customs# But my bar.ainin. was with the 0owers that reside in each of these countries# And soon, ) cam to understand many thin.s which before ) had no

knowled.e, e(ce*t *erha*s in dreams# he friends of my yeth deserted me, and ) them# "hen ) was se&en years .one from my family, ) learned that they had all died of their own hand, for reasons no one was able to tell me9 their flocks had been slain as the &ictims of some stran.e e*idemic# ) wandered as a, bein. fed from town to town as the local *eo*le saw fit, often bein. stoned instead and threatened with im*risonment# !n occasion, ) was able to con&ince some learned man that ) was a sincere scholar, and was thereby *ermitted to read the ancient records in which the details of necromancy# sorcery, ma.ick and alchemy are .i&en#

) learned of the s*ells that cause men illness, the *la.ue, blindness, insanity, and e&en death# ) learned of the &arious classes of demons and e&il .ods that e(ist, and of the old le.ends concernin. the !ld !nes# ) was thus able to arm myself a.ainst also the shede&il LAMMA'H A, who is called the 'word that '*lits the 'kull, the of whom causeth horror and dismay, and3some say5 death of a most uncommon nature# )n time, ) learned of the names and *ro*erties of all the demons, de&ils, fiends and monsters listed herein, in this Book of the Black +arth# ) learned of the *owers of the astral 6ods, and how to

summon their aid in times of need# ) learned, too, of the fri.htful bein.s who dwell beyond the astral s*irits, who .uard the entrance to the em*le of the Lost, of the Ancient of Days, the Ancient of the !ld !nes, whose Name ) cannot write here# )n my solitary ceremonies in the hills, worshi**in. with fire and sword, with water and, and with the assistance of a stran.e .rass that .rows wild in certain *arts of H+ BLA,,) Y, and with which ) had built my fire before the rock, that .rass that .i&es the mind .reat *ower to tra&el tremendous distances into the hea&ens, as also into the hells, ) recei&ed the formulae for the

amulets and talismans which follow, which *ro&ide the 0riest with safe *assa.e amon. the s*heres wherein he may tra&el in search of the "isdom# !ne mornin. ) awoke to see that the world had chan.ed, the sky was darker and rumbled with the &oices of e&il s*irits and flowers and life had been stran.led by them also# hen ) heard the screamin. call, the screamin. of somethin. beyond the hills which was callin. me# he screamin. call maddened me and made me sweat, in the end ) could not i.nore it and decided to find what manner of beast was makin. the screamin. call# ) left my house and set out into the desert with the call soundin. all around me#

)n the desert ) wandered, without anythin. but the clothes that ) was wearin., ) sweated durin. the day and froze durin. the But still the screamin. call ke*t on# !n the third day, on the ei.hteenth hour of that day, the screamin. call sto**ed and standin. in front of me was a man# he man was com*letely black, both in face and clothin., and he .reeted me in my ton.ue and with my name# he man told me his name and his name was +bonor and he was a demon# +bonor was the one who had made the screamin. call and ) did not yet know that he was more than the lesser demon that torments the infirm, he was the of the

most e&il s*irits called the !ld '*irits, which e&en the most *owerful sorcerer of e&en 6od cannot com*letely control# his demon .a&e me the .ift to understand all, whether it be written or s*oken or of man or beast# his is why ), Abd Al-Hazred, ha&e been able to read documents which ha&e confused many lesser mortals for many decades, but ) ha&e also been able ne&er to .et *eace# %or e&en when ) try to lay down and slee*, ) can hear the creatures around me s*eakin., ) can hear the birds and the desert insects, but worst of all the do.s, which madly .rowl and bark about the comin. of the !ld '*irits#

Now that the screamin. call had ceased, ) returned to my town with my new knowled.e and had many slee*less ni.hts, listenin. to the sound of the smallest beast and in&isible demons talkin., only where e&erythin. is dead could ) e&er slee*, )# After many days without slee* ) set out into the desert once more, ho*in. to find +bonor and to make him take back his .ift, for ) had found it to be a most terrible curse# %or three days and ei.hteen hours ) wandered a.ain and on the ei.hteenth hour +bonor a**eared to me# ) fell before him and be..ed him to take back his .ift as it was dri&in. my mind away from me, but he did not show any

com*assion# )nstead he said that he would show me more knowled.e# He took my hand and led me beneath the cold desert sands, down many sets of ste*s, untrod by man, until we reached the door to a secret chamber# )n here, ye shall find the ultimate truths, but ye shall only understand a little, said the demon to me as he o*ened the door# hen ) heard the screamin. call comin. from the *ortal, but this time it was a thousand times more intense and +bonor took my hand and *ulled me across the threshold# hrou.h that door ) saw all the untold knowled.e, althou.h only a little has my mind retained#

And when the learnin. was at an end, ) found myself back in the desert standin. by +bonor, who lau.hed at me and <ested that the mind of man was much inferior to that of the !ld '*irits# ) had learned of the !ld '*irits in the secret chamber, they were most terrible and e&il s*irits who came from outside creation to li&e u*on the earth# hen at a time before man was born they were e(*elled from the earth because the stars became wron.# All were e(*elled from the earth e(ce*t for Nyarlathote*, the dark one or +.y*t and the of the !ld '*irits, of which +bonor was one face# urnin. away from me, +bonor lau.hed a.ain and said to me that one day a time shall come when the stars

are a.ain and the !ld '*irits shall return# "ith this ha&in. been said, ) was alone once more# ) decided to rest, althou.h my cursed .ift was still with me# )t was when ) rested that ) realised that ) was holdin. a book, the book contained the many names of Nyarlathote*, the !ld '*irit/s ) was able to read this book *erfectly, but no one else was able to, for they said that they could not understand the words on the * he book told me that Nyarlathote* has twenty-one names, or faces# +ach of these names may be called u*on in their correct hours, from the third hour in the day to the *enultimate hour in the day#

"ith each name is a sacred and s*ecial si.n, which must also be used with the correct in&ocation# he names of Nyarlathote* are thus9 he name of the third hour is +tonetatae and he is master of ma.ical words and *hrases and he should be consulted much in yer work, for he shall deli&er to ye many words of *ower# +tonetatae has no body, but may manifest as a mist or may remain in&isible#

All of Nyarlathote*/s seals e(ce*t for the final one are made from three lines and three cur&es#

he name of the fourth hour is !danen, who brin.s with him the wishes of the !ld '*irits, ye may wish to communicate with !danen, rather than with the !ld '*irits themsel&es, for it is many times safer# !danen shall a**ear before the ma.ician as a shadowy fi.ure who is only <ust &isible#

he name of the fifth hour is Banibo, who shall re&eal to the ma.ician the whereabouts of s*lendid treasures, but be warned - do not let him *ersuade ye to lea&e yer circle, be sure to .et the directions from him and then banish him# Banibo a**ears as a deformed

and bloated man and emanated the odour of rottin. matter#

he name of the si(th hour is !binab, who shall re&eal to the ma.ician many secrets concernin. the uni&erse# He is Banibo/s o**osite, but he shall still ur.e ye to lea&e the circle so that he may take ye on a <ourney# )f he does this then insist that he himself .i&es ye the knowled.e which would be attained from the <ourney#

he name of the se&enth hour is Bosoro, who shall a**ear as a hu.e and fiery snake - do not look into it/s eyes or ye shaall be tra**ed fore&er, but

command him to a**ear in human form and he shall ha&e to obey# Bosoro has the knowled.e of men/s minds and ye may ask him to re&eal the knowled.e of a man which ye shall name#

he name of the ei.hth hour is !(eren, who has knowled.e of the future and shall a**ear on a black horse, which can run faster than time itself#

he name of the ninth hour is Badero, who is the lord of .estures and shall teach the con<urer many ma.ical .estures, with which he shall be able to o*en .ates to other

*laces or effect the minds of men#

he name of the tenth hour is !senin, who has control o&er the bodies of men and can chan.e a man into any sha*e the ma.ician tells him# !senin a**ears with the body of a man and the head of a lizard, which is en&elo*ed in flame#

he name of the ele&enth hour is Bo(ebo, who shall make doors o*en for the ma.ician so that his way is not restricted# Bo(ebo a**ears as a hu.e insect with many *airs of hands#

he name of the twelfth hour is Norano, who knows of all the books which ha&e e&er e(isted and she shall dictate to the ma.ician whiche&er book he seeks at that time# Norano a**ears as a win.ed scribe# he name of the thirteenth hour is !naron, who has much knowled.e of the sciences which he shall tell to the ma.ician and he may e&en be commanded to brin. to the ma.ician rare materials, such as herbs and stones# !naron a**ears a win.ed man with many lon. and shar* teeth#

he name of the fourteenth hour is Nere(o, who holds information about secret talismen and seals# Nere(o a**ears in the form of an old man with the le.s of a .oat# he name of the fifteenth hour is 7eranber, who is a most e&il s*irit and shall murder any man at yer command# 7eranber shall a**ear as a *rince in shimmerin. .old holdin. a black sword#

he name of the si(teenth hour is !rosob, who is a most lustful demon and shall *rocure any woman that the ma.ician wishes# !rosob a**ears as an

unclothed black man and if he does not a**ear it is because he is walkin. the land ra&ishin. the unwary, so ye should call him a.ain, but do not call him more than three times or ye shall enra.e him#

he name of the se&enteenth hour is Nineso, who shall a**ear e(actly like the ma.ician# Nineso has the *ower to con<ure many lesser s*irits and the ma.ician should command him which s*irits he should con<ure#

he name of the ei.hteenth hour is +bonor, who shall re&eal the knowled.e that is not of man and also understands all he ma.ician should 1uestion him and should not ur.e him to .i&e the .ifts of knowled.e and, as he .a&e to me - for to do so would him# +bonor shall a**ear as a black man, clothed in a black robe#

he name of the nineteenth hour is !redab, who a**ears as a skeleton ridin. ato* a .reat lizard# !redab has the *ower to destroy whole cities in one .esture#

he name of the twentieth hour is Nenado who has much and can effect the mo&ement of the stars and *lanets# Nenando shall a**ear with the body of a statue and the head of a fly lar&ae#

he name of the twenty-first hour is 7ubanir, who/s a**earance constantly and shall always be unidentifiable# 7ubanir has knowled.e of all thin.s *ast#

he name of the twenty-second hour is !be(ob, who a**ears as the floatin. cor*se of a *haraoh en&elo*ed in flames# !be(ob shall deli&er &isions to the ma.ician who studies the flames closely#

he name of the twenty-third hour is +tananesoe, who is too terrible to behold# +tananesoe is the true incarnation of Nyarlathote* and shall only a**ear at the time when the stars are for himself# hose are the twenty-one names of Nyarlathote* and the name may be summoned at the a**ro*riate hour usin. the con<urations which 'hall ) set down later in my writin., be warned thou.h - do not summon more than one face in a day, otherwise Nyarlathote* shall become enra.ed and break the circle, de&ourin. the ma.ician#

"ith the book containin. this knowled.e, ) set about seekin. a new abode, for ) could not return to my &illa.e, for ) needed time to study the ways of the !ld '*irits and ) needed a dead *lace, so that ) could slee* undisturbed# After many days of walkin. ) e&entually found myself at the ca&ernous ruins of a city, which was once called :bar, this was where ) decided to dwell# )n my solitude ) was able to *ractice my art and learned much from the names of Nyarlathote* and ) e&en dared to con<ure some of the !ld '*irits, with &ery .ra&e conse1uences, for ) was not *re*ared for the destruction they would cause - for no circle can hold them# ) also wrote down all that ) learned that was

writeable so that this knowled.e may be *assed on and shall not be lost a.ain# But now, after !ne housandand-!ne moons of the <ourney, the Maskim ni* at my heels, the 7abishu *ull at my hair, Lammashta o*ens her dread <aws, A8A H! H .loats blindly at his throne, , H:LH: raises his head and stares u* throu.h the 2eils of sunkun 2arloorni, u* throu.h the Abyss, and fi(es his stare u*on me9 wherefore ) must with haste write this indeed, it a**ears as thou.h ) ha&e failed in some re.ard as to the order of the rites, or to the formulae, or to the sacrifices, for now it a**ears as if the entire host of YH)D7A lies waitin., dreamin., droolin. for

my de*arture# ) *ray the 6ods that ) am sa&ed, and not *erish as did the 0riest, ABD:L B+NMA7 :, in $erusalem 3the 6ods remember and ha&e mercy u*on him45# My fate is no writ in the stars, for ) ha&e broken the ,haldean ,o&enant by seekin. *ower o&er the +lder 6ods# ) ha&e set foot on the moon, and the moon no has *ower o&er me# he lines of my life ha&e been oblitered by my wanderin.s in the "aste, o&er the letters writ in the hea&ens by the .ods# And e&en now ) can hear the wol&es howlin. in the mountains as they did that fateful, and they are callin. my name, and the names of !thers# ) fear for my flesh, but ) fear for my s*irit more#

7emember, always, in e&ery em*ty moment, to call u*on the 6ods not to thee, for they are for.etful and &ery far away# thy fires hi.h in the hills, and on the to*s of tem*les and *yramids, that they may see and remember# 7emember always to co*y each of the formulae as ) ha&e *ut it down, and not to chan.e it by one line or dot, not so much as a hair/s breadth, lest it be rendered &alueless, or worse> a broken star is the 6ate of 6AN8)7, the 6ate of Death, the 6ate of the 'hadows and the 'hells# 7ecite the incantations as they are written here, in the manner this *rescribed# 0re*are the rituals without errin., and in

the *ro*er *laces and times render the sacrifices# May the 6ods be e&er merciful unto thee4 May thou esca*e the <aws of the MA'-)M, and &an1uish the *ower of the !ld !nes4 AND H+ 6!D' 67AN H++ D+A H B+%!7+ H+ !LD !N+' 7:L+ H+ +A7 H !N,+ M!7+4 -A-AMM:4 '+LAH4 !: !% '0A,+4 N)00:74 +7)D:4 -:LLAH4 -+'H4 LA6A'H4 'H:7:00AL '+LAH4

Day of Li&in., 7isin. 'un Day of 0lenty, .racious 'un Day of 0erfect, 6rand Day of %ortune, Brilliant ! 'hinin. Day4 ! Lau.hin. Day4 ! Day of Life, and Lo&e and Luck4 'e&en !ldest, "isest !nes4 'e&en 'acred, Learned !nes4 Be my 6uardians, *olished 'words Be my "atchful, *atient Lords 0rotect me from the 7abishu ! 'hinin., '*lendorous A0H-ALLH:4 "hat 6od ha&e ) offended? "hat 6oddess? "hat sacrifice ha&e ) failed to make? "hat :nknown +&il ha&e ) committed, that my .oin. out should be thus accom*anied by the fearful

howlin.s of a hundred wol&es? May the heart of my 6od return to its *lace4 May the heart of my 6oddess return to its *lace4 May the 6od ) do not know be 1uieted toward me4 May the 6oddess ) do now know he 1uieted toward me4 May the heart of the :nknown 6od return to its *lace for me4 May the heart of the :nknown 6oddess return to its *lace for me4

) ha&e tra&eled on the '*heres, and the '*heres do not *rotect me# ) ha&e descended into the Abyss, and the Abyss does not *rotect me# ) ha&e walked to

the to*s of mountains, and the mountains do not *rotect me# ) ha&e walked the 'eas, and the 'eas do not *rotect me# he Lords of the "ind rush about me and are an.ered# he Lords of the +arth crawl about my feet and are an.ered# he '*irits ha&e for.otten me# My time is shortened, and ) must com*lete as much as ) can before ) am taken away by the 2oice that e&er calls# he Moon/s days are numbered u*on the earth, and the 'un/s and ) know not the meanin. of these omens, but that they are# And the oracles are dried u*, and the stars s*in in their *laces# And the hea&ens look to be uncontrolled, with no order,

and the s*heres are crooked and wanderin.# And the 'i.n of 8da1 is floatin. abo&e my writin. table, but ) cannot read the runes any, for that ' is failin. me# )s it always in this fashion? And the 'i.n is failin. me# )s it always in this fashion? And the 'i.n of ;astur rises u* behind me, and of that ) know the meanin., but may not write, for ) recei&ed the messa.e +lsewhere# ) can hardly s*eak to reco.nise my own &oice# he Abyss yawns wide before me4 A .ate has been broken4

-now that the 'e&en '*heres must be entered in their times and in their seasons, one at a time, and ne&er the one before the other# -now that the %our beasts of the '*aces claim the blood of the initiate, each in their own time and season# -now that 'H:B-N)66:7A H seeks e&er to rise to the stars, and when the :**er is united to the Lower, then a new A.e shall come of +arth, and the 'er*ent shall be made whole, and the "aters shall be as !ne, when on hi.h the hea&ens had not been named# 7emember to *rotect the li&estock of the &illa.e and thy family# he +lder 'i.n and the 'i.n of the 7ace# But the "atcher, too, if hey be slow#

And no sacrifices are to be made in that time, for the blood shall be s*lit for them that ha&e come in, and shall call them# 7emember to kee* to the low .round, and not the hi.h, for the !ld !nes swin. easily to the to*s of the tem*les and the mountains, whereby they may sur&ey what they had lost the last time# And sacrifices made on the to*s of those tem*les are lost to hem# 7emember thy life is in runnin. water, and not in still water, for the latter is the breedin. *lace of the L)L) :, and her creatures are the offs*rin. of hem, and do worshi* at heir shrines, the *laces of which are unknown to thee# But where thou seest a

standin. stone, there they shall be, for such is their altar# 7emember to car&e the si.ns e(actly as ) ha&e told thee, not one mark lest the amulet *ro&e a curse a.ainst thee that wear it# -now that salt absorbs the e&il efflu&ia of the lar&ae, and is useful to cleanse the tools with# Do not s*eak first to the demon, but let him s*eak first to thee# And is he s*eak, char.e him to s*eak clearly, in a soft and *leasin. &oice, and in thy ton.ue, for it shall otherwise surely confuse thee and deafen thee with its roar# And char.e it to kee* its stench that it may not make thee faint# 7emember not to make the sacrifice either too lar.e or too

small, for if it is too small, the demon shall not come or, if comin., shall be an.ered with thee so that it shall not s*eak, e&en when char.ed, for that is the ,o&enant# And if it be too lar.e, it shall .row too lar.e and too fast and shall become difficult to control# And one such demon was raised by that 0riest of $erusalem, ABD:L B+NMA7 :, and was fed e(tensi&ely on the shee* of the flocks of 0alestine, whereu*on it .rew to fri.htenin. *ro*ortion and e&entually de&oured him# But that was madness, for BenMartu worshi**ed the +lder 6ods, which is unlawful, as it is written# 7emember that the +ssences of the !ld !nes are in all thin.s,

but that the +ssences of the +lder 6ods are in all thin.s that li&e, and this shall *ro&e of &alue to thee when the time comes# 7emember the A77A, es*ecially when dealin. with hem of %ire, for hey res*ect it, and no other# 7emember to kee* the Moon *ure# Beware of the ,ults of Death, and these are the ,ult of the Do., the ,ult of the Dra.on, and the ,ult of the 6oat9 for they are worshi**ers of the !ld !nes, and fore&er try to let hem in, for they ha&e a formulae of which it is unlawful to s*eak# And these cults are

not stron., sa&e at their seasons, when the hea&ens o*en u* to them and unto their race# And there shall fore&er be "ar between us and the 7ace of Draconis, for the 7ace of Draconis was e&er *owerful in ancient times, when the first tem*les were built in MA6AN, and they drew down much from the stars, but now they are as "anderers of the "astelands, and dwell in ca&es and in deserts, and in all lonely *laces where they ha&e set u* stones# And these ) ha&e seen, in my <ourneys throu.h those areas where the ancient cults once flourished, and where now there is only sadness and desolation# And ) ha&e seen them in their

7ites, and the awful hin.s they call forth from the Lands beyond ime# ) ha&e seen the 'i.ns car&ed u*on their stones, their altars# ) ha&e seen the 'i.n of Y!6 '! H! H, and 8AL+D, and those of ;A' :7 and A8A H! H, and similarly those of 'H:B-N)66:7A H and the awful !ffs*rin. of the 6oat, and the terrible musicks of their 7ace# ) ha&e seen the Blood s*lit u*on the 'tone# ) ha&e seen that 'tone struck with a 'word, and ha&e seen the 'tone raise u* and the 'er*ent crawl forth# And this *ower is surely damned9 but where does NYA7LA H! +0 tarry? And what of , H:6HA? he 'lee*in. 6ods truly 'lee*#

And what crime ha&e ) committed? "hat :nknown 6od ha&e ) trans.ressed? "hat forbidden thin. ha&e ) eaten? "hat forbidden thin. ha&e ) drunk? My sufferin.4 )t is 'e&en4 )t is 'e&en times 'e&en4 ! 6ods4 Do not cast thy ser&ant down4 7emember the 'cor*ion Man who dwells in the Mountains# He was of old created by 'H:BN)66:7A H to the +lder 6ods, but was *ermitted to stay below the Mountains by hem# But He has decei&ed us once, and may do so a.ain# But call u*on him if there be somethin. concernin. the !utside that ye would know, that ) ha&e not told thee# And his si.n is sim*le, and

it is thus>

And merely, face the *lace where he is, and he shall come and s*eak, but do not do this at Dawn, for then the 'un rises and the 'cor*ion has no *ower, not from the Dawn till the Dusk, durin. which time he is forced back beneath the +arth, for that is the letter of the ,o&enant concernin. him, for it is written> He shall not raise his head abo&e the 'un# And a.ain> His is the dark times#

And a.ain> He knows of the 6ate, but not the 6ate And the 'cor*ion Man has another of his 7ace, female, that dwells with him there, but of her it is not lawful to s*eak, and she must be banished with the e(orcisms should she a**ear to thee, for her touch is Death# And of the ,ult of the Dra.on, what more can ) say to thee? hey worshi* when that 'tar is hi.hest in the hea&ens, and is of the '*here of the HA' :7, as are the 'tars of the Do. and the 6oat# And their worshi**ers ha&e always been with us, thou.h they are not of our same 7ace, but of the 7ace of their

'tars, of the !ld !nes# And they kee* not to our laws, but murder 1uickly, and without And their blood co&ers them# hey ha&e summoned the '*irits of "ar and 0la.ue o*enly u*on our 7ace, and ha&e caused .reat numbers of our *eo*le and our animals die, after a most unnatural fashion# And they are unfeelin. towards *ain, and fear not the 'word or the %lame, for they are the authors of all 0ain4 hey are the &ery creatures of Darkness and 'orrow, yet they 'orrow not4 7emember the smell4 hey can be told by their smell4 And their many unnatural sciences and arts, which cause wonderous thin.s to ha**en, but which are

unlawful to our *eo*le# And who is their Master? !f this ) do not know, but ) ha&e heard them callin. N!D+N' which is surely a blas*hemy, for N!D+N' is of our 7ace as it is writ in the e(t of MA6AN# But, *erha*s, they called Another, whose Name ) do not know# But surely it was not N!D+N'# And ) ha&e heard them callin. all the Names of the !ld !nes, *roudly, at their 7ites# And ) ha&e seen the blood s*lit u*on the .round and the mad dancin. and the terrible cries as they yelled u*on their 6ods to a**ear and aid them in their mysteries# And ) ha&e seen them turn the

&ery Moon/s rays into li1uid, the which they *oured u*on their stones for a *ur*ose ) could not di&ine# And ) ha&e seen them turn into many stran.e kinds of beast as they .athered in their a**ointed *laces, the em*les of !ffal, whereu*on horns .rew from heads that had not horns, and teeth from mouths that had not such teeth, and hands become as the talons of ea.les or the claws of do.s that roam the desert areas, mad and howlin., like unto those who e&en now call my name outside this room4 ) cry laments, but no one hears me4 ) am o&erwhelmed with horror4 ) cannot see4 6ods, do not cast thy ser&ant down4

7emember the 'word of the "atcher# Do not touch )t until ye want )t to de*art, for )t shall de*art at a touch and lea&e thee un*rotected for the remainder of the 7ite, and althou.h a ,ircle is a boundary which none can cross, thou wilt find thyself un*re*ared to meet the incredible si.hts that shall .reet thee outside# 7emember also the sacrifices to the "atcher# hey must be re.ular, for the "atcher is of a different 7ace and cares not for thy life, sa&e that he obey thy commands when the sacrifices ha&e been met#

And for.ettin. the +lder 'i.n shall surely cause thee much .rief# And ) ha&e seen a 7ace of Man that worshi*s a 6iant ,ow# And they come from somewhere +ast, beyond the Mountains# And they are surely worshi**ers of an Ancient !ne, but of its Name ) am not certain, and do not write it down, for it is useless to thee anyway# And in their 7ites, they become as

cows, and it is dis.ustin. to see# But they are +&il, and so ) warn thee# And ) ha&e seen 7ites that can kill a man at a .reat distance# And 7ites that can cause sickness to a man, where&er he li&es, by the use of a sim*le charm, which must be s*oken in its ton.ue and in no other, or so it is said# And this charm is as follows> A8A6 .alra mu unna te NAM A7 .alra zibi mu unna te : :- ;:L .ubi mu unna te ALA ;:L .abi mu unna te 6)D)M ;:L ibbi mu unna te 6ALLA ;:L kadbi mu unna te D)N6)7 ;:L .irbi mu unna te ) minabi-ene tashbi aba abaandibbi-esh4

And this they would chant o&er a doll of wa( as it was burnin. in their wicked cauldrons# And in these thin.s they took .reat, and still do where they are to be found at their shrines of loathsomeness# And ) ha&e seen the lands of farmers ra&a.ed by their e&il s*ells, scorched black by flame and burnin. embers that descend from the sky# And that is the 'i.n that they ha&e been there, where the earth is black and charred, and where nothin. .rows# And when fire comes from the hea&ens, there wilt surely be *anic amon. the *eo*le, and the 0riest must calm them an take this book, of which he must

make a co*y in his own, and read the e(orcisms therein that his *eo*le may not be harmed# %or a sword shall a**ear in the sky at those times, a si.nal to the !ld !nes that !ne of heirs has esca*ed and entered into this "orld# And it shall be an omen to thee that such a '*irit is abroad in the land, and must be found# And thou mayest send thy "atcher to the search, and it shall be .reat destruction of cities, and fire shall rain from the s*heres, until the +lder 6ods see yer * and shall 1uell the u*risin. of the !ld !nes with *owerful ,harms# But many shall be lost to the !utside at that time# "atch well the 'tars# %or when comets are to be seen in the

nei.hbourhood of ,A07),!7N:', His cults shall re<oice and the s*ells shall increase from their 1uarter# And when comets are to be seen in D7A,!N)', there is a .reat, for the ,ults of the Dra.on do rise u* at that time, and make many sacrifices, not only of animals, but of men# And when comets are to be seen in the nei.hborhood of the 'tar ')7):', then there shall be .reat difficulty in the house of kin.s, and brother shall rise u* a.ainst brother, and there shall be war and famine# And in these thin.s the worshi**ers of the Do. shall re<oice, and rea* the s*oils of these conflicts, and shall .row fat#

)f thou ha**enest u*on such a ,ult in the midst of their 7ituals, do but hide well so that they do not see thee, else they shall surely kill thee and make of thee a sacrifice to their 6ods, and thy s*irit shall be in .ra&e, and the howlin. of the wol&es shall be for thee and the s*irit which esca*es from thee# his, if thou be lucky to die 1uickly, for these ,ults re<oice in the slow s*illin. of blood, whereby they deri&e much *ower and in their ,eremonies# "atch well, howe&er, all that they do and all that they say, and write it down in a book that no one shall see, as ) ha&e done, for it shall ser&e thee well at some future time when thou

wilt reco.nize them by their words or by their actions# And thou mayest *rocure amulets a.ainst them, by which their s*ells are rendered useless and dull, by burnin. the Name of their 6ods u*on *archment or silk in a cauldron of thine own de&isin.# And thy "atcher shall carry the burnt s*ell to their altar and de*osit it thereu*on, and they shall be much afraid and cease their workin.s for awhile, and their stones shall crack and their 6ods be sorely an.ry with their ser&ants# "rite the book thou kee*est well, and clearly, and when it is time for thee to .o out, as it is my time now, it shall *ass into the hands of those who may ha&e the best use of it, and who

are faithful ser&ants of the +lder 6ods, and wilt swear eternal "arfare a.ainst the rebellious demons who would destroy the ci&ilisations of man# And if thou knowest the names of they who would harm thee, write them u*on fi.ures of wa(, made in their ima.e, u*on which ye shall make the ,urse and melt them in the cauldron ye ha&e set u* within the MANDAL of *rotection# And the "atcher shall carry the ,urse to them for whom it was uttered# And they shall die# And if thou does not know of their names, nor of their *ersons, sa&e that they seek to harm thee, make a doll of wa( like a man, with his limbs, but

with no face# And u*on the face of the doll write the word -A'H'HA0 )# Hold the doll o&er the flamin. cauldron while sayin. fiercely o&er it> A ) MANN: -A'H'HA0 : 'HA :Y:B A +NN)4 and then dro* the doll into the flame# %rom the smoke that rises from this action, ye shall see the name of the sorcerer or sorceress written within it# And then ye shall be able to send the "atcher to brin. the ,urse# And that *erson shall die# !r thou mayest call u*on 'H:B N)66:7A H to *rotect thee from the s*ells of sorcery# And for this, the MANDAL must be *re*ared as always, and a

fi.ure of 'H:B N)66:7A H be u*on the altar, and incantations made to summon Her assistance, like the followin. incantation that is ancient, from the 0riests of !: !% '0A,+> "H! A7 H!:, ! ") ,H, HA '++-+' M+? hou hast taken the road hou hast come after me hou hast me continually for my destruction hou hast continually *lotted an e&il thin. a.ainst me hou hast encom*assed me hou hast me out hou hast .one forth and followed my ste*s But ), by the command of the =ueen )NNANA Am clothed in terror

Am armed in fiercesomeness Am arrayed with and the 'word ) make thee tremble ) make thee run afraid ) dri&e thee out ) s*y thee out ) cause thy name to be known amon. men ) cause they house to be seen amoun. men ) cause thy s*ells to be heard amoun. men ) cause thy e&il *erfumes to be smelt amoun. men ) unclothe thy wickedness and e&il And brin. yer sorceries to nau.ht4 )t is not ), but NANA-AN)':77A Mistress of "itches

And the =ueen of hea&en )NNANA "ho command thee4 And if these worshi**ers and sorcerers still come at thee, as it is *ossible, for their *ower comes from the 'tars, and who knows the ways of the 'tars?, thou must call u*on the =ueen of Mysteries, N)ND)N:66A, who wilt surely sa&e thee# And thou must make incantations with her itle, which is N)ND)N:66A N)M'H)M'HA76AL Y!6'! H! HLA7A# And it is enou.h merely to shout that Name aloud, 'e&en times, and she shall come to thine aid# And remember that thou *urify thy tem*le with the branches of cy*ress and of *ine, and no e&il

s*irit which haunteth buildin.s shall cause habitation to be set u* therein, and no lar&ae shall breed, as they do in many unclean *laces# he lar&ae are enormous, twice as lar.e as a man, but do breed on his e(cretions, and e&en, it s said, u*on his breath, and .row to terrible, and do not lea&e him until the 0riest or some ma.ician cut him off with the co**er, sayin. the name of )NNANNA se&en times se&en times, aloud, in a shar* &oice# he has now .rown silent# he howlin. of the wol&es has .rown 1uiet, and can scarce be heard# 0erha*s it was some other that they Yet, can ) tell in my bones that this is not so? %or the ;A' :7 si.n has not

left its station behind me, and has .rown, castin. a shadow o&er these * as ) write# ) ha&e summoned my "atcher, but )t is troubled by some hin.s and does not res*ond to me well, as thou.h afflicted with some disease, and dazed# My books ha&e lost, and settle u*on their shel&es like animals fallen aslee*, or dead# ) am sickened by what &oices ) hear now, as thou.h the &oices of my family, left behind me so many years a.o, that is im*ossible to concei&e that they are about# Did ) not understand of their untimely, unnatural death? ,an the demons who wait "ithout take on so &iciously the human &oices of

my *arents? My brother? My sister? A2A:N H++4 hat this Book were an amulet, a 'eal of 0rotection4 hat my ink were the ink of 6ods and not of Men4 But ) must write hastily, and if thou cannot read nor understand this writin., *erha*s it is si.n enou.h for thee of the and *ower of the demons that be, in these times and in these *laces, and is surely a warnin. to thee to ha&e a care and not to in&oke carelessly, but cautiously, and not, under any circumstances, seek carelessly to o*en that 6ate to the !utside, for thou can ne&er know the 'easons of imes of the !ld !nes, e&en thou.h thou can tell their

'easons u*on the +arth by the rules ) ha&e already instructed thee to com*ute9 for their imes and 'easons !utside run une&en and stran.e to our minds, for are they not the ,om*utors of All ime? Did they not set ime in its 0lace? )t were not enou.h that the +lder 6ods 3ha&e mercy on hy ser&ant45 set the "anderers to mark their s*aces, for such s*aces as e(isted were the work of the !ld !nes# "ere no 'un to shine, were , H:6HA ne&er born, would not the years *ass by, as 1uickly? 'eek e&er to kee* the !utside 6ate closed and sealed, by the instructions ) ha&e .i&en thee, by the 'eals and the Names herein#

'eek e&er to hold back the 0owers of the ,ults of the ancient "orshi*, that they not .row stron. on their blood, and on their sacrifice# By their wounds shall ye know them, and by their smell, for they are not born as men, but in some other fashion9 by some corru*tion of seed or s*irit that has .i&en them other *ro*erties than those we are familiar with# And they like the Dark 0laces best9 for their 6od is a "orm# )A4 'HADD:YA )A4 BA77A4 BA77A4 )A -AN0A4 )A -AN0A4 )NNANA 4 )A4 NN6) )A4 )A4 he 'tars .row dim in their *laces, and the Moon *ales before me, as thou.h a 2eil

were blown across its flame# Do.-faces demons a**roach the circumference of my sanctuary# 'tran.e lines a**ear car&ed on my door and walls, and the from the "indows .rows increasin. dim# A wind has risen# he Dark "aters stir# his is the Book of the 'er&ant of the 6ods # # # ), Abdul Al-Hazred, say this to ye> he +lder 6ods ha&e *ut the damned o slee*# And they that tam*er with the seals And wake the slee*ers, too, are damned# And ) say further, herein lies those s*ells o break the seals that hold in

thrall ,thulhu and his ebon horde# %or ) Ha&e s*ent my life to learn them all# 'o, fool, the darkness is *ent u* in s*ace> he .ates to Hell are closed# Ye Meddle at yer own e(*ense> "hen ye call hey shall wake and answer ye# his is my .ift to mankind -here are the keys# %ind yer own locks9 be .lad# ), Abdul Al-Hazred say this to ye> ), who tam*ered, and am mad# Book of ye Laws and Names Of ye Dead "here ye reader shall disco&er Ye estimony of Abl-Al Hazred , yer ser&ent#

)n this cha*ter 'hall ) re&eal the names, natures and seals of the !ld '*irits# !nce the !ld '*irits li&ed on the earth, but when the stars chan.ed they were e(*elled and se*arated# here are, howe&er, times when the stars become for certain s*irits and these are the times which they can be summoned on# here are forty-fi&e !ld '*irits who are &ery terrible and &ery *owerful, for this reason ) ask ye ne&er to summon them a*art from in e(ce*tional situations# )f ye do risk summonin. then almost certain death shall await if ye ha&e not made the a**ro*riate *re*arations - for they cannot be banished easily and shall inflict terrible dama.e once summoned# he stars become for the !ld '*irits as the zodiac/s band tra&els across the hea&ens and the times u*on which they may be con<ured u*on shall now be re&ealed# 'tartin. se&en de.rees from the Archer/s si.n and *roceedin. deosil, 'hall ) work my way around the wheel of the zodiac, e(*lainin. when the stars are for each of the !ld '*irits# )n the se&enth to the thirteenth de.rees the stars are for :k-Han, who a**ears as a hu.e, horned snake#

)n the fourteenth to twentieth de.rees the stars are for Ma.oth, who a**ears like a lar.e and stran.e cat creature with the tentacles of a s1uid on it/s front#

)n the twenty-first to twentyse&enth de.rees the stars are for Yak-)shath, which a**ears as somethin. too terrible to behold - an e&er mass featurin. the faces of the souls it has swallowed#

)n the twenty-ei.hth to thirtyfourth de.rees the stars are for Luni..uroth, who a**ears as a s*here of .lowin. white, from which &ast multitudes of horrors *our#

)n the thirty-fifth to forty-first de.rees the stars are for ursoth, who a**ears as a .iant scale co&ered man with the le.s of a s*ider#

)n the forty-second to de.rees the stars are for Marbel, who has no body, but the sound shall be most a**arent, causin. ears to bleed and animals to fall down dead#

)n the forty-ninth to fifty-fifth de.rees the stars are for Diabaka, who a**ears as a hu.e, flamin. monstrosity, surrounded by fiery suns#

)n the fifty-si(th to si(ty-second de.rees, nothin. may be summoned, not e&en the lesser faces of Nyarlathote*, for this is a time when the stars are wron. for e&ery denomination of !ld '*irit# )n the si(ty-third to si(ty-ninth de.rees the stars are for ,thuhanai, who a**ears as a .reat win.ed man with the head of a decayin. lizard bird#

)n the se&entieth to se&entysi(th de.rees the stars are for Na.oan.o, who shall a**ear from the .round and try to swallow ye whole#

)n the se&enty-se&enth to ei.hty-third de.rees the stars are for 2a.onch, who shall a**ear as a hu.e mass of whiteness which shall swallow anythin. which comes near#

)n the ei.hty-fourth to ninetieth de.rees the stars are for 0ul-Mar., who shall a**ear as a black demon with the *ower to *etrify the *eo*le who/s .aze he catches#

)n the ninety-first to ninetyse&enth de.rees the stars are for Bo&adoit, who cannot be summoned because of her size and terribleness# Bo&adoit shall be locked out until the stars are fully

)n the to onehundred and fourth de.rees the stars are for 0arahan, who shall a**ear as a .reat dra.on, but with a small, many eyed head#

Durin. the one-hundred and fifth to the one-hundred and ele&enth de.rees, nothin. may be con<ured#

) n the one-hundred and twelfth to one-hundred and ei.hteenth de.rees the stars are for Yurnal, which shall a**ear as a .reat .ray and lumberin. thin., too &ast for the eye to &iew#

Durin. the one-hundred and nineteenth to the one-hundred and twenty-fifth de.rees, nothin. may be summoned# )n the one-hundred and twentysi(th to one-hundred and thirtysecond de.rees the stars are for ,thulhu, who a**ears as a .reat man with dra.on/s win.s and an octo*us/ head#

Durin. the one-hundred and thirty-third to one-hundred and thirty-ninth de.rees there must be not con<uration# )n the one-hundred and fortieth to one-hundred and forty-si(th de.rees the stars are for Nersel, who a**ears as an enra.ed .houl and is ruler of 8in#

)n the one-hundred and fortyse&enth to one-hundred and fifty-third de.rees the stars are of Andryn, who is the weakest of the !ld '*irits as he cannot harm the holder of the second rin. of Nere(o# )f Andryn attacks the ma.ician, he should kiss the rin. and s*eak the word @!7!6! @#

)n the one-hundred and fiftyfourth to one-hundred and si(tieth de.rees the stars are for :ns*eterus, who a**ears like a hu.e black toad#

)n the one-hundred and si(tyfirst to one-hundred and si(ty-

se&enth de.rees the stars are for Bas-$uob, who a**ears like a .reat slimy ma..ot with the tentacles of a sea dra.on#

)n the one-hundred and si( to one-hundred and se&ent-fourth de.rees the stars are for Astursoth, who a**ears as a .reat moanin. mass, the sounds which echo from it/s heart are enou.h to make men fall and die#

)n the one-hundred and se&enty-fifth to one-hundred and ei.hty-first de.rees the stars are for Azalu, who a**ears as a .reat *lant beast with many arms and heads#

)n the one-hundred and ei.htysecond to one-hundred and de.rees the stars are for Leasynoth, who a**ears like a .reat dra.on and worm, who li&ed beneath the mountains in the time of the !ld '*irits rulin.#

)n the one-hundred and ei.htyninth to one-hundred and ninety-fifth de.rees the stars are for Yo.- hothai, who a**ears like a hu.e, screamin. bat with crawlin. worms for a face# Yo.- hothai can tra&el far away, sometimes carryin. *rey to distant stars#

)n the one-hundred and ninetysi(th to two-hundred and second de.rees the stars are for Ma*hleus, who a**ears as a hu.e sha*eless form which can di&ide into many smaller forms#

)n the two-hundred and third to two-hundred and ninth de.rees, the stars are for NunHanish and her brood, who a**ear as a whole army of .houls, which may tra&el into men/s dreams#

)n the two-hundred and tenth to two-hundred and si(teenth de.rees the stars are for Bas-Lesifa, who a**ears as a dark orb which cannot be harmed and s*reads a *la.ue of madness all around#

)n the two-hundred and se&enteenth to two-hundred and twenty-third de.rees the stars are for Mememyet-

7aha and her children, who a**ear as &ast and slimy horned beasts#

Durin. the two-hundred and twenty-fourth to two-hundred and twenty-ei.hth de.rees the stars are most wron. and no e&ocation may take *lace# )n the two-hundred and thirtyninth to two-hundred and fortyfourth de.rees the stars are for Azathoth, who a**eareth as a &ast and sha*eless form of screamin. souls and he shall be most

an.ry at bein. drawn away from his secret s*ace#

)n the two-hundred and fortyfifth to two-hundred and fiftyfirst de.rees the stars are for 0aturni.ish, who a**ears as a .reat cloud#

)n the two-hundred and fiftysecond to two-hundred and de.rees the stars are for Da.aon, who a**ears as a .i.antic man with the face of a lon. toothed fish#

)n the two-hundred and fiftyninth to two-hundred and si(tyfifth de.rees the stars are for Ayam, who a**ears like a .reat tree made of flesh#

)n the two-hundred and si(tysi(th to two-hundred and se&enty-second de.rees the

stars are for +tananesoe, the true face of Nyarlathote*#

)n the two-hundred and se&enty-third to two-hundred and se&enty-ninth de.rees the stars are for Bu.., who a**ears like a .reat furry snake man#

)n the two-hundred and ei.htieth to two-hundred and ei.hty-si(th de.rees the stars are for Yo.-'othoth, who a**ears like a .reat

nothin.ness, a .ate which leads outside onto the surface of his &ast body#

Durin. the two-hundred and ei.hty-se&enth to the twohundred and ninety-third de.rees no con<urations may take *lace# )n the two-hundred and ninetyfourth to three-hundredth de.rees the stars are for Moi&oo, who a**ears in a form so com*le( that no man can describe him#

)n the three-hundred and first to three-hundred and se&enth de.rees the stars are for Beelu.e, who a**ears like a hu.e lizard with the mouth of an insect#

)n the three-hundred and ei.hth to three-hundred and fourteenth de.rees the stars are for ,aim, who a**ears like a hissin. s*ider thin.#

)n the three-hundredth and fifteenth to three-hundred and twenty-first de.rees the stars are for Lusoath, who a**ears like a .reat cone of crystal, which no man should touch, or else his mind be stolen away#

)n the three-hundred and twenty-second to three-hundred and de.rees the

stars are for Lusoath, who a**ears like a .reat walkin. mass of earth#

)n the three-hundred and twenty-ninth to three-hundred and thirty-fifth de.rees the stars are for sa*etae, who a**ears like a .reat swirlin. darkness#

)n the three-hundred and thirtysi(th to three-hundred and forty-second de.rees the stars are for Nun-Buhan, who shall a**ear all around the ma.ician like a .reat horde of worms#

)n the three-hundred and fortythird to three-hundred and forty-ninth de.rees the stars are for Hasariel, who shall a**ear like a lar.e flyin. fiend#

)n the three-hundred and fiftieth to three-hundred and fifty-si(th de.rees the stars are for ,arr-2e*hat, who shall a**ear like a &ast mass with dark .lobes circlin. all around#

)n the three-hundred and fiftyse&enth to third de.rees the

star are for Detathit, who a**ears like a ri&er of .rabbin. hands and dra.on/s heads#

Durin. the fourth to si(th de.rees there must be no con<uration and ye must carry out the 6reat Banishin. ritual# Now that ye know their times, names and seals 'hall ) once more ur.e ye ne&er to summon any of them e(ce*t in &ery e(ce*tional and im*ortant situations - if ye are a ruler than ) tell ye nee&eer to summon them for battle, or else chaos

shall ensure# )f ye are curious ) tell ye ne&er to summon them to satisfy that curiosity or much terror and death shall come of it# )f ye would mani*ulate them to brin. ye yer desired then summon them not, but instead con<ure a name of Nyarlathote*, for the !ld '*rits shall not heed yer desires because they ha&e no masters# Ye must also know that there is no way to banish the !ld '*irits, they shall only de*art when the stars chan.e and become wron. for them# / is a &eritable A attestable %act, that between certain related 0ersons there e(ists a Bond more *owerful than the stron.est ies of %lesh and %amily, whereby one such 0erson may be aware of all the

rials A 0leasures of the other, yea, e&en to e(*eriencin. the 0ains or 0assions of one far distant9 A further, there are those whose skills in such Matters are aided by forbidden -nowled.e of )ntercourse throu.h dark Ma.ic with '*irits A Bein.s of outside '*heres# !f the latter> ) ha&e them out, both Men A "omen, A u*on +(amination ha&e in all ,ases disco&ered them to be :sers of Di&ination, !bser&ors of imes, +nchanters, "itches, ,harmers, or Necromancers# All claimed to work their "onders throu.h )ntercourse with dead A de*arted '*irits, but ) fear that often such '*irits were e&il An.els, the Messen.ers of the Dark !ne A yet more ancient +&ils# )ndeed, amon. them were

some whose 0owers were *rodi.ious, who at shall inhabit the Body of another e&en at a .reat Distance A a.ainst the 'hall A often unbeknown to the 'ufferer of such !utra.e# Yea, A ) disco&ered how one, be he an Ade*t A his familiar '*irits *owerful enou.h, control the "anderin.s or Mi.ration of his +ssence into all manner of Bein.s A 0ersons -- e&en from beyond the 6ra&e of 'od or the Door of the 'tone 'e*ulcher# Many and multiform are the dim horrors of +arth, infestin. her ways from the *rime# hey slee* beneath the unturned stone9 they rise from the tree with its root9 they mo&e beneath the sea and in

subterranean *laces9 they dwell in the inmost adyta9 they emer.e betimes from the shutten se*ulchre of hau.hty bronze and the low .ra&e that is sealed with clay# here be some that are lon. known to man, and others as yet unknown that abide the terrible latter days of their re&ealin.# hose which are the most dreadful and the loathliest of all are ha*ly still to be declared# But amon. those that ha&e re&ealed themsel&es aforetime and ha&e made manifest their &eritable *resence, there is one which may not o*enly be named for its e(ceedin. foulness# )t is that s*awn which the hidden dweller in the &aults has be.otten u*on mortality#

Ye book re&eals ye *laces of wonder ) &isited, ye unhearthly horrors ) encountered, which lead me to forsakin. madness as show in my diary, Ye diary of a madman# %or it must be madness to belie&e in ye thin.s ) ha&e seen, in ye rituals ) ha&e *erformed, in the *laces ) ha&e been and the imes ) ha&e &isited# Ye 7eader shall find throu.hout these * ye sum of all knowled.e ) ha&e collected durin. this maddennin. <ourney# May this book take *lace that of a warnin. a.ainst the hin.s that are "aitin. Between "orlds### Ye Brood of the Dark 'tars shall be re&ealed to the reader# Here

are tales of ancient history, stories known only by a few, for they caused un*re*ared 7eaders to seek their *eace within uncanny madness# here are "ays in which the Mind of a man is like unto an +ye, in that it can be used as a Lens to focus the 0owers that e(ist in the '*aces between the "orlds# )ndeed, the Mind of any Man can be used, when se&ered from the confinin. ties of the %lesh and *ut into a state of rance, as a "ea*on of .reat 0ower# o the sorcerer who brin.s such a Mind under his ,ontrol, nothin. is im*ossible, for he shall be able to see into the farthest Lands of the "orld by means of that Mind/s +ye, and shall be able to inflict u*on

his +nemies a 2en.eance of such y*e as shall lea&e no sli.htest Mark, but shall cause them to e(*ire with %ear and .reat errors# 0eaceful is the i.norant man whose &ision of +arth is bounded by hills and the seas behind# 'uch a man li&es on a small island of i.norance, unaware of the oceans of maddenin. absurdities surroundin. this small world# )t must not be that the *owers ca*able of .reatest wickedness a**ear to us in the form of re*ellent familiars, and other, closely related demons# hey do not# 'mall, &isible demons are merely the efflu&ia which those &ast forms of destructi&eness ha&e left in heir wake -- skin scra*in.s and

e&en more tenuous shreds of e&il that attach themsel&es to the li&in. like leeches from some .reat slain le&iathan of the dee* that has wreaked ha&oc on a hundred coastal cities before * to its death with a thousand hurled har*oons 1ui&erin. in its flesh# %or the mi.htiest *owers there can be no death and the hurled har*oons inflict, at most, surface in<uries which heal 1uickly# ) ha&e said before and 'hall ) say a.ain until my tardily earned wisdom is acce*ted by my brethren as fact--in confrontin. that which has alwa s been an! alwa s shall be a master of ma.ic can know only self-re*roach and des*air if he mistakes a tem*orary &ictory

for one that he can ne&er ho*e *ermanently to win# Nor is it to be, that man is either the oldest or the last of earth/s masters, or that the common bulk of life and substance walks alone# he !ld !nes were, the !ld !nes are, and the !ld !nes shall be# Not in the s*aces we know, but between them, hey walk serene and *rimal, undimensioned and to us unseen# "#$%S#th#th knows the .ate# "#$%S#th#th is the .ate# "#$%S#th#th is the key and .uardian of the .ate# 0ast, *resent, future, all are one in "#$%S#th#th# He knows where the !ld !nes broke throu.h of old, and where hey shall break throu.h a.ain# He knows where hey ha&e trod earth/s fields,

and where hey still tread them, and why no one can behold hem as hey tread# By heir smell can men sometimes know hem near, but of heir semblance can no man know, sa&in$ #nl in the 'eat(res #' th#se The ha&e be$#tten #n )an*in!+ and of those are there many sorts, differin. in likeness from man/s truest eidolon to that sha*e without or substance which is The)# hey walk unseen and foul in lonely *laces where the "ords ha&e been s*oken and the 7ites howled throu.h at their 'easons# he wind .ibbers with heir &oices, and the earth mutters with heir consciousness# hey bend the forest and crush the city, yet may not forest or city behold

the hand that smites# -adath in the cold waste hath known hem, and what man knows -adath? he ice desert of the 'outh and the sunken isles of !cean hold stones whereon heir seal is en.ra&en, but who hath seen the dee* frozen city or the sealed tower lon. .arlanded with seaweed and barnacles? 6reat ,thulhu is heir cousin, yet can he s*y hem only dimly# I,! Sh(b% Ni$$(rath! As a foulness shall ye know hem# heir hand is at yer throats, yet ye see hem not9 and heir habitation is e&en one with yer .uarded threshold# "#$%S#th#th is the key to the .ate, whereby the s*heres meet# Man rules now where hey ruled once9 hey shall soon rule where man rules now#

After summer is winter, and after winter summer# hey wait *atient and *otent, for here shall hey rule a.ain# !f Ye !ld !nes and their '*awn, or ye narration of ye Horrors that !nce ,ame to +arth, ye way they fell down and how 'hall ,ome back ### Of Ye Old Ones and thei S!awn he !ld !nes were, the !ld !nes are and the !ld !nes shall be# %rom the dark stars hey came ere man was born, unseen and loathsome hey descended to *rimal earth# Beneath the oceans hey brooded while *ast, till seas .a&e u* the land, whereu*on hey swarmed forth

in heir multitudes and darkness ruled the +arth# At the frozen 0oles hey raised mi.hty cities, and u*on hi.h *laces the tem*les of hose whome nature owns not and the 6ods ha&e cursed# And the s*awn of the !ld !nes co&ered the +arth, and heir children endureth throu.hout the Ye shantaks of Len. are the work of heir hands, the 6hasts who dwelleth in 8in/s *rimordial &aults know hem as their Lords# hey ha&e fathered the Na-Ha. and the 6aunts that ride the Ni.ht9 6reat ,thulhuis heir brother, the sha..oths heir sla&es# he Dholes do homa.e unto hem in the ni.hted &ale of 0noth and 6u.s

sin. heir *raises beneath the *eaks of ancient hrok# hey ha&e walked amidst the stars and hey ha&e walked the +arth# he ,ity of )rem in the .reat desert has known hem9 Len. in the ,old "aste has seen heir *assin., the timeless citadel u*on the cloud-&ieled hei.hts of unknown -adath beareth heir mark# "antonly the !ld !nes trod the ways of darkness and heir blas*hemies were .reat u*on the +arth9 all creation bowed beneath heir and knew hem for heir wickedness# And the +lder Lords o*ened heir eyes and beheld the abominations of hose that ra&a.ed the +arth# )n heir

wrath hey set their hand a.ainst the !ld !nes, stayin. hem in the midst of heir ini1uity and castin. hem forth from the +arth to the 2oid beyond the *lanes where chaos rei.ns and form abideth not# And the +lder Lords set heir seal u*on the 6ateway and the *ower of the !ld !nes *re&ailest not a.ainst its Loathsome ,thulhu rose then from the dee*s and ra.ed with e(ceedin. .reat fury a.ainst the +arth 6uardians# And hey bound his &enomous claws with *otent s*ells and sealed him u* within the ,ity of 7/lyeh wherein beneath the wa&es he shall slee* death/s dream until the end of the Aeon#

Beyond the 6ate dwell now the !ld !nes9 not in the s*aces known unto men but in the an.les betwi(t them# !utside +arth/s *lane hey and e&er awaite the time of heir return9 for the +arth has known hem and shall know hem in time yet to come# And the !ld !nes hold foul and formless Azathoth for heir Master and Abide with Him in the black ca&ern at the centre of all infinity, where he .naws ra&enously in ultimate chaos amid the mad beatin. of hidden drums, the tuneless *i*in. of hideous flutes and the ceaseless bellowin. of blind idiot .ods that shamble and .esture aimlessly for e&er#

he soul of Azathoth dwelleth in Yo.-sothoth and He shall beckon unto the !ld !nes when the stars mark the time of heir comin.9 for Yo.-sothoth is the 6ate throu.h which hose of the 2oid shall re-enter# Yo.sothoth knowest the mazes of of time, for all time is one unto Him# He knowest where the !ld !nes came forth in time alon. lon. *ast and where hey shall come forth a.ain when the cycle returneth# After day cometh ni.ht9 man/s day shall *ass, and hey shall rule where hey once ruled# As foulness ye shall know them and heir accursedness shall stain the +arth# his is ye story of Ye ,omin.Down of ye !ld !nes to +arth,

how they left Ye 6ates where hey were waitin. and ye horrors and wonders they left on their *ath# Ye !ld !nes came to +arth, some say hey created Mankind as sla&es for their wicked Ye !ld !nes came to +arth, but they did not brin. Life there# Lon. before heir arri&al, :bbo-'athla dwelt in ye steamin. fens of ye new made +arth, for :bbo-'athla is ye source and ye end# his is a story of ancient times, lon. before Mankind# %or ye demise of ye !ld !nes is for lon. .one# 'ome wise scholars tried to e(*lain their demise by odd corres*ondances with earthly elements# his &ision shall not fool ye 7eader - by

essence, ye !ld !nes are not ruled by human moti&es# heir lo.ic is twisted, and mysterious are their ways# Yet ye !ld !nes are not .one# hey wait, sealed in for.otten *laces, where they dream for ye time when ye 'tars shall be a.ain# Beyond ye subterranean "all, Y/.olonac slee*s, dri&en out of his dream by ye summonnin. of those who seek e&il# !nly then hey shall return, for hat is Not Dead, which can +ternal Lie, yet with 'tran.e Aeons, +&en Death may Die# Ye !ld !nes dream and wait# hey feed on human dreams, and heir dreams feed human ni.htmares, takin. the wea&e of

dream from most *eo*le and .i&in. only to a few, doomed chosen !nes who are about Ancient imes, *laces or le.ends lon. for.otten, like the one of ,yae.ha "ho Did Not -now )t +(isted, or the Dream"itch Yidhra# Hence hey shall ne&er be for.otten, only by a few# Ye !ld !nes dream and wait# Yet +arth is still stained by heir *resence# Dee* within the nethermost ca&erns, Ye "orm hat 6naws .rows and feeds# Men knew him as the Dweller in Darkness, that brother of the !ld !nes called Nyo.tha, the hin. that should not be# He can be summoned to +arth/s surface throu.h certain secret ca&erns and fissures, and

sorcerers ha&e seen him in 'yria and below the black tower of Len.9 from the han. 6rotto of artary he has come ra&enin. to brin. terror and destruction amon. the *a&ilions of the .reat -han# !nly by the loo*ed cross, by the 2ach-2ira< incantation and by the ikkoun eli(ir may he be dri&en back to the ni.hted ca&erns of hidden foulness where he dwelleth# he 7eader who wants to become ra&eller shall *re*are himself lon. a.o for a <ourney into such *laces### Of Ye Times and Ye Seasons to "e O"se #ed "hene&er thou would/st call forth hose from !utside, thou must mark well the seasons and

times in which the s*heres do intersect and the influences flow from the 2oid hou must obser&e the cycle of the Moon, the mo&ements of the *lanets, the 'un/s course throu.h the 8odiac and the risin. of the constellations# Ye :ltimate 7ites shall be *erformed only in the seasons *ro*er to them, these be> at ,andlemas 3on the second day of the second month5, at Beltane 3on the +&e of May5, at Lammas 3on the first day of the ei.hth month5, at 7oodmas 3on the fourteenth day of the ninth month5, and at Hallowmas 3on No&ember +&e5# ,all out to dread Azathoth when the 'un is in the si.n of the

7am, the Lion, or the Archer9 the Moon decreasin. and Mars and 'aturn con<oin# Mi.hty Yo.-sothoth shall rise to ye incantations when 'ol has entered the fiery house of Leo and the hour of Lammas be u*on ye# ,all not u*on Yo.'othoth until ye be certaine that ye Bones be com*leat and culled of forraine contamination# %or it hath been known in antient ymes that ye Bones of a Man min.led with ye Bones of a Beare or Lyon, or e&en with ye !ffaile of a lowly ,oney or 0or*entine, hath *roduced for a ha*less Necromancer not a 7esurrection of that which was, but a ,reation of Abomination that should not be#

+&oke ye terrible Hastur on ,andlemas, when 'ol is in A1uarius and Mercury in trine# 'u**licate 6reat ,thulhu only at Hallowmas +&e when the 'un abides within the House of the 'cor*ion and !rion riseth# "hen All Hallows falls within the cycle of the new Moon the *ower shall be the stron.est# ,on<ure 'hub-Ni..urath when the Beltane fires .low u*on the hills and the 'un is in the 'econd House, re*eatin. the 7ites of 7oodmas when ye Black !ne a**eareth# To Raise $! Ye Stones o form ye 6ate throu.h which hey from ye !uter 2oid manifest thou must set u* ye

stones in ye ele&enfold confi.uration# %irst thou shalt raise u* ye four cardinal stones and these shall mark ye direction of ye four winds as they howleth throu.h their seasons# o ye North set ye the stone of 6reat ,oldness that shall form ye 6ate of ye winter-wind en.ra&in. thereu*on the of the +arth-Bull thus )n ye 'outh 3at a s*ace of fi&e *aces from ye stone of ye North5, thou shalt raise a stone of fierce-heat, throu.h which ye summer winds bloweth and make u*on ye stone ye mark of ye Lion-ser*ent thusYe stone of whirlin.-air shall be set in ye +ast where ye first e1uino(

riseth and shall be .ra&en with ye si.n of he that beareth ye waters, thus Ye 6ate of 7ushin. orrents thou cause to beat the west most inner *oint 3at a s*ace of fi&e *aces from ye stone of ye +ast5 where ye sun dieth in ye e&enin. and ye cycle of returns# Blazon ye stone with ye character of ye 'cor*ion whose tail reacheth unto the stars 'et thou the se&en stones of hose that wander ye hea&ens, without ye inner four and throu.h their di&erse influences shall ye focus of *ower be established# )n ye North beyond the stone of 6reat ,oldness set ye first ye stone of 'aturn at a s*ace of

three *aces# his bein. done *roceed thou widdershins *lacin. at like distances a*art ye stones of $u*iter, Mercury, Mars, 2enus, 'ul and Luna markin. each with their ri.htful si.n# At ye center of the so com*leted confi.uration set ye the Alter of ye 6reat !ld !nes and seal it with ye symbol of Yo.-'othoth and ye mi.hty Names of Azathoth, ,thulhu, Hastur, 'hub-Ni..urath and Nyarlathote*# And ye stones shall be ye 6ates throu.h which thou shalt call hem forth from !utside man/s time and s*ace# +ntreat ye of ye stones by and when the Moon decreasetth

in her, turnin. thy face to ye direction of heir comin., s*eakin. ye words and makin. ye .estures that brin.eth forth ye !ld !nes and causeth hem to walk once more ye +arth#

Of Di#e se Si%ns

hese most *otent si.ns shall be so formed with thy left hand when thou em*loyeth them in ye 7ites Ye first si.n is that of 2oor and in nature it be ye true symbol of ye !ld !nes# Make ye thus whene&er thou wouldst su**licate hose that e&er waite beyond the hreshold# Ye second si.n is that of -ish and it breaketh down all barriers and o*eneth ye *ortals of ye :ltimate 0lanes# )n ye third *lace .oeth ye 6reat 'i.n of -oth which sealeth ye 6ates and .uardeth ye *athways#

Ye forth si.n is that of ye +lder 6ods# )t *rotecteth those who would e&oke ye *owers by, and banish ye forces of menace and anta.onism# 3Note> Ye +lder 'i.n hath yet another form and when so enscribed u*on ye .rey stone of Mnar it ser&eth to hold back ye *ower of Ye 6reat !ld !nes for all time#5

Armor a.ainst witches and daemons, a.ainst the Dee* !nes, the Dholes, the 2oormis, the cho- cho, the Abominable Mi-6o, the 'ho..oths, the 6hasts, the 2alusians and all such *eo*les and bein.s who ser&e the 6reat !ld !nes and their '*awn lies within the fi&e*ointed star car&en of .rey stone from ancient Mnar, which is less stron. a.ainst the 6reat

!ld !nes themsel&es# he *ossessor of the stone shall find himself able to command all bein.s which cree*, swim, crawl, walk, or fly e&en to the source from which there is no returnin.# )n Yhe as in .reat 7/lyeh, in Y/ha-nthlei as in Yoth, in Yu..oth as in 8othi1ue, in N/kai as in -/n-yan, in -adath in the ,old "aste as at the Lake of Hali, in ,arcosa as in )b, it shall ha&e *ower9 yet, e&en as stars wane and .row cold, e&en as stars die and the s*aces between stars .row more wide, so wanes the *ower of all thin.s -- of the fi&e-*ointed star-stone as of the s*ells *ut u*on the 6reat !ld !nes by the beni.n +lder 6ods, and there cometh a time as once was a time, when it shall be shown that>

That is n#t !ea! which can eternal lie. An! with stran$e e#ns e&en !eath )a !ie. :bbo-'athla is that unfor.otten source whence came those darin. to o**ose the +lder 6ods who ruled from Betel.euze9 the 6reat !ld !nes who a.ainst the +lder 6ods9 and these !ld !nes were instructed by Azathoth, who is the blind, idiot .od, and by Yo.-'othoth, who is the All-in-!ne and !nein-All, and u*on whom are no strictures of time or s*ace, and whose as*ects on earth are /:mr At- awil and the Ancient !nes# he 6reat !ld !nes dream fore&er of that comin. time when they shall once more rule +arth and all that :ni&erse

of which it is a *art#### 6reat ,thulhu shall rise from 7/lyeh9 Hastur, who is Him "ho )s Not to Be Named, shall come a.ain from the dark star which is near Aldebaran in the Hyades9 Nyarlathote* shall howl fore&er in darkness where he abideth9 'hub-Ni..urath, who is the Black 6oat "ith a housand Yen., shall s*awn and s*awn a.ain, and shall ha&e dominion o&er all the wood nym*hs, satyrs, le*rechauns, and the Little 0eo*le9 Lloi.or, 8har, and )tha1ua shall ride the s*aces amon. the stars and shall ennoble those who are their followers, who are the chocho9 ,thu.ha shall encom*ass his dominion from %omalhaut9 shall come from N/kai#### hey wait fore&er at the

6ates, for the time draws near, the hour is soon at hand, while the +lder 6ods slee*, dreamin., unknowin. there are those who know the s*ells *ut u*on the 6reat !ld !nes by the +lder 6ods, and shall learn how to break them, as already they can command the followers waitin. beyond the doors from !utside#

Ye Book of Si%ils& Items& and 'om!o$nds

)n this book shall ) e(*lain the creation of the ma.ical tools that the ma.ician shall need to summon the s*irits which ) ha&e told of in the last two cha*ters# ake care to construct the tools e(actly as ) tell ye and as ) ha&e been told by the names of the hours, for if ye do not then they shall hold no *ower# ) know of the tools for the lesser con<urations, those of the names of the hours, and ) know of the tools which the ma.ician shall use to con<ure the !ld '*irits - but ) only know a few methods of *rotection a.ainst the !ld '*irits# %or this reason ) *ray that ye shall summon the names of +tonetatae, Badero and Nere(o and command them to s*eak truly to ye and to tell ye of any *rotecti&e de&ices

which are a&ailable a.ainst the !ld '*irit which ye seek to con<ure# )n all matters of con<uration ye shall need the cardinal tools of the wand, the knife, the *erfume, the fire and the *archments# "hen one would con<ure the !ld '*irits ye shall also need the sword, the stones and the rin.# Additional to all these thin.s the ma.ician must be wearin. the a**ro*riate clothin., which bears the a**ro*riate seals and si.ns# %irstly the robe is to be made of black material and should be a hooded .arment# he robe is to be a new robe made of the ma.icians hand and should ne&er be used for anythin. but the work - else it shall be

s*oiled# 'tartin. u*on the first day of the week ye must do the followin. - )n the hour of 2enus ye should make the final stitch in the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day# !n the ne(t day, in the hour of Mercury ye should create the followin. seal on the left arm of the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day#

!n the ne(t day, in the hour of the Moon ye should create the followin. seal on the arm

of the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day#

!n the ne(t day, in the hour of 'aturn ye should create the followin. seal on the .enital area of the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day#

!n the ne(t day, in the hour of $u*iter ye should create the

followin. seal on the back of the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day#

!n the ne(t day, in the hour of Mars ye should create the followin. seal on the front of the .arment and kee* it hidden until the ne(t day# ake care to re*roduce it e(actly as it a**ears, for this is the most im*ortant of the seals which ye shall make on the .arment#

!n the final day, in the hour of the 'un, take the robe from its restin. *lace# Before ye continue check it for any im*erfections in the *atterns and once ye are sure of their *erfection ye may commence with the consecration of the robe# %or all of the tools which are concerned with the lesser con<urin.s, ye shall use the followin. consecration, but for the tools which shall only be used to con<ure the !ld '*irits ye shall use a later

consecration# he consecration is thus9 Ye shall take bou.hs of laurel and build a fire, which ye shall as the hour in which ye commenced the work is 1uarter throu.h# Now, before the fire, with the tool in yer hands, abo&e the flames, not so low that it shall burn or be dama.ed and not so hi.h that it shall not be touched by the smoke# ye shall s*eak the followin.> 'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas +kotos mirat-fortin raneru. Dalerinter marban *orafin Herikoramonus dero.e( )

) call thee, ! mi.hty names of the hours, he faces of the faceless Nyarlathote*, hat ye may become one in this hour, o watch my art be done, hat ye shall .rant this tool which ) ha&e fashioned, he *ower that it is to ha&e, %or ) ha&e created it in the ima.e of *erfection, And it cannot be undone, ) Herikoramonus dero.e( Dalerinter marban *orafin +kotos mirat-fortin raneru.

'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas 'edhi4 )hdes4 )n the all bindin. name of Nyarlathote*, 6i&e *ower this tool, 6i&e *ower# Doros serod4 his con<uration shall be comitted to memory, and shall always be done without book or *archment# "here in this con<uration and where throu.hout the remainder of the book ) write this shall be the si.nal for the con<urer to make the si.n that .ains the attention of the names of the

Nyarlathote* and aids them in their comin.# his si.n is sim*le and shall be done with the left hand# Ye should touch yer forehead with two of yer fin.ers, then ye should draw them down to the chest and touch the heart# hen the fin.ers should touch the left shoulder, the forehead once more and then the shoulder# Now that the robe has been made ye shall fashion the wand# )n the day followin. the construction of the robe, in the hour of 2enus, ye should cut the branch of a cy*ress tree and car&e it into a smooth wand, bein. <ust o&er one foot in Ye should also be wearin. yer robe durin. the

construction of the tools and ye shall kee* all of yer tools wra**ed in the robe, which ye shall kee* hidden# Ha&in. car&ed the wand on the ne(t day ye shall take a knife which is *ure and has hurt no-one and in the hour of Mercury shall write these si.ns on the knife>

hen in that same hour ye shall consecrate the and *lace it in the fire that it shall be cleansed# !n the day that follows, in the hour of the Moon, ye shall en.ra&e the si.n of +kotos on the wand# he si.n should be en.ra&ed four times

alon. the of the wand, the wand should then be turned to the ne(t 1uarter and the si.n en.ra&ed four more times# 7e*eat this until ye ha&e come full circle and the wand has si(teen re*resentations of the seal u*on it, which is thus>

hen, at the to* of the wand make the rin. of Mirat-%ortin, which is thus>

!n the day that follows, in the hour of 'aturn, ye shall consecrate the wand# Now the *erfume should be made and ye shall always make it on Monday, in the Moons hour and ye shall always consecrate it halfway throu.h the Moons hour on the day in which ye ha&e made it# Ye should take e1ual *arts of mint, frankincense, wormwood, sa.e, sandalwood, stora( and musk, which ye shall mi( to.ether and create a *owder from# his *owder shall be ke*t in a bottle which is *ur*le in colour and has the followin. seal inscribed on its sto**er, which shall be made of iron>

he fire shall be constructed before any act of con<uration takes *lace and shall be left to burn at the north of the circle for 1uarter of an hour before the con<uration takes *lace# )t should be made of laurel and cy*ress wood and once lit, ye should say the blessin.# )f ye ha&e not built a circle then one should be made one hour before the con<uration takes *lace and it can then be left there *ermenently or erased# %or the lesser con<urations a circle made of flour, chalked u*on a floor, or cut into the

earth shall suffice, howe&er, for the .reater con<urations, those of the !ld '*irits, the circle should be cut into the .round and then filled in with a mi(ture flour and sil&er - else the con<urer shall surely die# Ha&in. built the circle the con<urer must make the blessin.# )f he seeks to con<ure a name of Nyarlathote* then the con<uration which has been used for the other items shall suffice# )f the con<urer seeks to summon the !ld '*irits then the 6reat ,onsecration should be made, which shall follow later in this book# he final tool which ye shall re1uire for the lesser con<urations are the *archments, u*on which ye

shall write any con<urations and sub<u.ations which ye shall need durin. the work# he *archments should be written in the day before the work shall take *lace at the hour at which it shall take *lace on the ne(t day# Ye shall write u*on *ure, & *archment with ink that has been consecrated for the con<uration in 1uestion# )f the ma.ician would seek to con<ure the !ld '*irits, then he shall need se&eral additional tools# he first tool is the sword, which like the shall not ha&e harmed any *erson or animal# ake this sword in the hour of Mercury and u*on the sword en.ra&e the followin. si.ns>

he tools which ye shall need in con<urin. the !ld '*irits shall be ke*t se*arate from those used in the lesser con<urations and each shall be wra**ed in dark .reen silk, u*on which the seal of :nity has been sewn and it is thus>

he sword should be wra**ed in this silk and ke*t hidden# %or the s*ace of one moon, each in the hour of Mercury ye shall *ray infront of the sword, which ye shall kee* wra**ed in the co&er# And ye shall *ray thus> 'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas +kotos mirat-fortin raneru.

Dalerinter marban *orafin Herikoramonus dero.e( ) A(arath Malakath A(arath Malakath ) Herikoramonus dero.e( Dalerinter marban *orafin +kotos mirat-fortin raneru. 'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas 'edhi4 )hdes4

his is the *rayer of the 6reat ,onsecration and ye should commit it into memory as with the consecration which has .one before# After the s*ace of one moon has *assed ye shall take the sword and in the hour of Mercury ye shall make a fire# Ye shall then anoint the sword with the *erfume, which has been mi(ed in *art with water# hen ye shall hold the sword abo&e the fire at the same as before - not so it is in the flames and not so that the smoke cannot touch it# hen ye shall *ronounce the 6reat ,onsecration, which is thus> 'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas +kotos mirat-fortin raneru.

Dalerinter marban *orafin Herikoramonus dero.e( ) A(arath Malakath ) call thee, ! s*irits of the starry band, ) call thee, ! !ld '*irits, ) call thee from yer *laces or rest hat ye may come unto me, And watch my art be done, )n yer names ) ha&e fashioned this tool, And in yer names 'hall ) *led.e it, By yer *owers ) *ray that ye shall .rant the tool

he *ower that it is to ha&e, )n the names of :k-Han, ursoth, ,thuhanai, Bo&adoit, ,thulhu, :ns*eterus, Leasynoth, Mememyet-7aha, 0aturni.ish, Bu.., Beelu.e, Nun-Buhan,

) command thee to consecrate this tool, %or ) ha&e created it in the ima.e of *erfection, And it cannot be undone, A(arath Malakath ) Herikoramonus dero.e( Dalerinter marban *orafin +kotos mirat-fortin raneru. 'amak daram surabel karameka amuranas 'edhi4 )hdes4 )n the all bindin. name of Mirat%ortin, 6i&e *ower this tool,

6i&e *ower# Doros serod4 he 6reat ,onsecration shall also be memorised by the ma.ician# :*on finishin. the .reat conescration ye shall *lace the sword into the fire that it may be consecrated in the name of the !ld '*irits# "hen the fire has consumed itself ye shall lea&e the sword to become cold once more and then *lace it in its co&er where it shall remain hidden until it is called for# Ne(t ye shall make the stones, which shall be used to mark the circle when ye would con<ure the !ld '*irits, for it *leases them# Ye should take twel&e stones and they shall all be like

to the size of yer fist and the stones which ye collect shall be La*is Lazuli, Amber, !ny(, Bloodstone, A.ate, !bsidian, ur1uoise, o*az, ,oral, $et, =uartz and $ade# Ye shall kee* these stones wra**ed in a similar co&erin. to the sword and shall kee* them hidden# Ye shall also cite the *rayer of the 6reat ,onsecration for the cycle of one moon as with the sword, but this shall be done in the hour of the Moon# After the course of one moon ye shall *erform the 6reat ,onsecration u*on each stone, ha&in. first en.ra&ed them with the a**ro*riate si.ns# :*on the stone of La*is Lazuli en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals for the '*irits who may be con<ured between

se&en and thirty-fourth de.rees# :*on the stone of Amber en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between thirty-fi&e and si(tytwo de.rees# :*on the stone of !ny( en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between si(ty-three and ninety de.rees# :*on the Bloodstone en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between ninety-one and and one-hundred and twenty-fi&e de.rees# :*on the stone of A.ate en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between one-hundred and twenty-si( and one-hundred and

fifty-three de.rees# :*on the stone of !bsidian en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between onehundred and fifty-four and onehundred and ei.hty-one de.rees# :*on the stone of ur1uoise en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between one-hundred and ei.hty-two and twohundred and si(teen de.rees# :*on the stone of o*az en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between two-hundred and se&enteen and two-hundred and forty-four de.rees# :*on the ,oral en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of

the '*irits who may be con<ured between two-hundred and fortyfi&e and two-hundred and se&enty-two de.rees# :*on the stone of $et en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between two-hundred and se&enty-three and threehundred de.rees# :*on the stone of =uartz en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between threehundred and one and threehundred and thirty-fi&e de.rees# :*on the stone of $ade en.ra&e the si.n which ) ha&e *laced ne(t to the seals of the '*irits who may be con<ured between three-hundred and thirty-si( and three de.rees# After each stone is consecrated *lace it

u*on the co&er which the seal of :nity has been made u*on# Ye shall consecrate them in the order which ) ha&e written them abo&e and once more kee* them hidden until the time of their use is at hand# he final tool which shall be re1uired is the rin., which shall offer some small *rotection to the ma.ician who would con<ure the !ld '*irits, thou.h the *rotection may be small it would certainly be most foolish to attem*t to summon the !ld !nes without it# he rin. of .old and disc of sil&er shall be for.ed in the hour of 'aturn and ke*t hidden, wra**ed in .reen silk u*on which the seal of :nity has been made# )n the hour of 'aturn, on the day that follows

the of the rin., ye shall en.ra&e these characters u*on the rin.>

And u*on the disc ye shall en.ra&e these characters>

!nce more, for the s*ace of one moon ye shall kee* the rin. wra**ed and *ray the *rayer of the 6reat ,onsecration before it# "hen the moon has made its

cycle ye shall *erform the 6reat ,onsecration in the hour of 'aturn, ha&in. first anointed the rin. with a mi(ture made from the *erfume, flour and water# As with the sword, the rin. shall be cast into the fire once the 6reat ,onsecration has come to an end# Now that the rin. has been created, should ye feel the !ld '*irits attem*t to *enetrate the circle ye shall kiss the rin. and say AB7!'A;, for this shall stren.then the circle for a small time# But ye must remember that there is no *ermenant *rotection from them and they shall break throu.h the circle in a short time whate&er *rotection ye may ha&e# To 'om!o$nd Ye In(ense of )ka$"a

)n the day and hour of Mercury with the Moon in her increase, thou shalt take e1ual *arts of Myrrh, ,i&et, 'tora(, "ormwood, Assafoetida, 6albanum and Musk, mi( well to.ether and reduce all to the finest *owder# 0lace the so assembled elements in a &essel of .reen .lass and seal with a brazen sto**er afore inscribed with the characters of Mars and 'aturn# +le&ate the &essel to the %our "inds and cry aloud the su*reme words of *ower thus> o the North> 8)$M:!7'!B+ , N!)$M, 8A2A;!4 o the +ast> =:+HA)$, ABA"!, N!=:+ !NA)$)4

o the 'outh> !A'A)$, ":7AM, H+%! !'!N4 o the "est> 8)$!7!NA)%"+ H!, M:6+L H!7, M:6+L H!7Y8;+4 ,o&er the &essel with a cloth of black &el&et and set aside# %or each of se&en ni.hts thou shalt bathe the &essel in for the s*ace of one hour - kee*in. it concealed beneath the cloth from cockcrow till sunset# All this bein. accom*lished the incense shall be ready for use and *ossessed of such &ertue that he that useth it with knowled.e shall ha&e *ower to call forth and command the )nfernal Le.ions#

"hen em*loyed in ye :ltimate 7ites the incense may be rendered more efficacious by the addition of one *art *owdered mummy-+.y*ticus# +m*loy the *erfume of 8kauba in all ceremonies of ye ancient Lore castin. ye essences u*on li&e coals of Yew or !ak# And when ye s*irits drawn near, the &a*orous smoke shall enchant and fascinate them, bindin. their *owers to thy shall# To Make Ye *owde of I"n +ha,i H+ MY' ), 0!"D+7 !% MA +7)AL)8A )!N> ake ye dust of ye tomb wherein ye body has lain for two hundred years or more *ast -, three *arts# ake of *owdered

Amaranth, two *arts9 of .round )&y leaf, one *art, and of fine salt, one *art# ,om*ound all to.ether in an o*en mortar in the day and hour of 'aturn# Make o&er the thus assembled in.redients the 2oorish si.n, and then seal u* the *owder within a leaden casket whereu*on is .ra&en the of -oth# Y+ :')N6 !% Y+ 0!"D+7> "hene&er thou wisheth to obser&e the airial manifestations of the s*irits blow a *inch of ye *owder in the irection of their comin., either from the *alm of thy hand or the blade of the Ma.ic Bolyne#

Mark ye well that ye maketh ye +lder 'i.n at their a**earence, lest the tendrils of darkness enter thy soul# Ye -n(tion of .he!hnes Ye E%y!tian "hosoe&er anointeth his head with the ointment of -he*hnes shall in slee* be .rabted true &isions of time yet to come "hen ye Moon increaseth in her *lace in an earthen crucible a .oodly 1uantity of oil of ye Lotus, s*rinkle with one once *owdered mandra.ora and stir well with ye forked twi. of ye wild thorn bush# Ha&in. so done utter ye incantation of Yebsu 3taken fron di&erse lines in ye *a*yrus5 thus> ) am the Lord of '*irits,

!ridimbai, 'onadir, +*is.hes, ) am :baste, 0tho born of Binui '*he, 0has9 )n the name of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee 6i&e *ower to my s*ell ! Nasira !a*kis 'hfe, 6i&e *ower ,hons-in- hebesNefer-hote*, !*hois, 6i&e *ower4 ! Baka(ikhekh4 Add to ye *otion *inch of red earth, nine dro*s natron, for dro*s balsam of !libanum and one dro* blood 3from thy hand5# ,ombine the whole with a like measure of fat of the .oslin. and *lace ye &essel u*on ye fire# "hen all is rendered well and ye dark &a*ours to rise, make ye

the +lder 'i.n and remo&e from ye flames# "hen the un.uent has cooled *lace it within an urn of ye finest alabaster, which thou shalt kee* in some secret *lace 3known only to thyself5 until thou shalt ha&e need of it# To Fashion the S(imita of Ba ,ai )n the day and hour of Mars and when the Moon increaseth, make thou the scimitar of bronze with a hilt of fine ebony# :*on one side of the the blade thou shalt enscribe these characters> And u*on the other side these> !n the day and hour of 'aturn the moon decreasin., thou

a fire of Laurel and yew bou.hs and offerin. the blade to the flames *ronounce the fi&e-fold con<uration thus> H'ORIA/O0-& )OD'ARNES, ) *owerfully call u*on ye and stir ye u* ! ye mi.hty s*irits that dwelleth in the 6reat Abyss# )n the dread and *otent name of A8A H! H come ye forth and .i&e *ower unto this blade fashioned in accordance to ancient Lore# By /ENTHONO1ROHMATR-, ) command ye O A)IABELIS, by YSEHYROROSETH , ) call the O ANTI2-ELIS, and in the 2ast and errible Name of DAMAMIA'H that ,rom-yha uttered and the mountains shook ) mi.htily com*el ye forth

! BARB-ELIS, attend me4 aid me4 .i&e *ower unto my s*ell that this wea*on that bearest the runes of fire recie&eth such &ertue that it shall strike fear into the hearts of all s*irits that would disobey my commands, and that it shall assist me to form all manner of ,ircles, fi.ures and mystic si.ils necessary in the o*erations of Ma.ickal Art# )n the Name of 6reat and Mi.hty YO+1SOTHOTH and in the in&incible si.n of 2oor 3.i&e si.n5 6i&e *ower4 6i&e *ower4 6i&e *ower4

"hen the flames turn blue it shall be a sure si.n that the s*irits obey yer demands whereu*on thou shalt 1uench the blade in an afore *re*ared mi(ture of brine and cock-.all# Burn the incense of 8kauba as an offerin. to the s*irits thou hast called forth, then dismiss them to their abodes with these words> )n the Names of A)ATHOTH and YO+1SOTHOTH, heir ser&ant NYARLATHOTE* and by the *ower of this si.n 3make ye the +lder 'i.n5, ) dischar.e thee9 .o forth from this *lace in *eace and return ye not until ) calleth thee# 3'eal ye *ortals with the si.n of -oth5#

"ra* the scimitar in a cloth of black silk and setit aside until thou wouldst make use of it9 but mark ye well that no other shall lay his hand u*on the scimitar lest its &ertue be fore&er lost# Ye Al!ha"et of N$%1Soth

3Note> )n ye writin. of ye mystic runes of Nu.-'oth ye latin , ser&eth for ye -#5

Ye characters of Nu. hold ye key to ye *lanes, em*loy ye them in ye talismanic art and in all ye sacred inscri*tions Ye 3oi(e of Hast$ Hear ye the 2oice of dread Hastur, hear the mournful si.h of the &orte(,the mad rushin. of the :ltimate "ind that 'wirls darkly the silent stars# Hear ye Him that howls ser*entfan.ed amid the bowels of nether earth9 He whose ceaseless roarin. e&er fills the timeless skies of hidden Len.# His teareth the forest and crusheth the city, but none shall know the hand that smiteth and the soul that destroys, for faceless and foul walketh the

Accursed !ne, His form to men unknown# Hear then His 2oice in the dark hours, answer His call with thine own9 bow ye and *ray at His *assin., but s*eak not His name aloud# 'on(e nin% Nya lathote! ) hear the ,rawlin. ,haos that calls beyond the stars And hey created Nyarlathote* for heir, and hey clothed Him with ,haos that His form be e&er hidden amidst the stars# "ho shall know the mystery of Nyarlathote*? for He is the mask and shall of hose that were when time was not# He is the *riest of the +ther, the

Dweller in Air and hath many faces that none shall recall# he wa&es freeze before Him9 6ods dread His call# )n men/s dreams He whis*ers, yet who knoweth His form? Of Len% in Ye 'old 4aste "ho seeketh Northwards beyond the land of )n1uanok shall find amidst the frozen waste the dark and mi.hty *lateau of thriceforbidden Len.# -now ye time-shunned Len. by the e&er-burnin. e&il-fires and ye foul screechin. of the scaly 'hantak birds which ride the u**er air9 by the howlin. of ye Na-ha. who brood in ni.hted ca&erns and haunt men/s dreams with stran.e madness,

and by the .rey stone tem*le beneath the 6aunts lair, wherein is he who wears the Yellow Mask and dwelleth all alone# But beware ! Man, beware, of hose who tread in Darkness the ram*arts of -adath, for he that beholds heir mitred-heads shall know the claws of doom# Of .adath Ye -nknown "hat man knoweth -adath? %or who shall know of that which e&er abides in stran.etime, twi( yesterday, today and the morrow# :nknown amidst ye ,old "aste lieth the mountain of -adath

where u*on the hidden summit an !ny( ,astle stands# dark clouds shroud the mi.hty *eak that .leams /neath ancient stars where silent brood the titan towers and rear forbidden walls# ,urse-runes .uard the ni.hted .ate car&ed by for.otten hands, and woe to he that dare *ass within those dreadful doors# +arth/s 6ods re&el where !thers once walked in mystic timeless halls, which some ha&e .lim*st in slee*s dim &ault throu.h stran.e and si.htless eyes# !f Y/.olonac +&en the minions of ,thulhu dare not s*eak of Y/.olonac9 yet the time shall come when Y/.olonac strides forth from the

lonliness of aeons to walk once more amon. men ### Beyond a .ulf in the subterranean a *assa.e leads beyond the wall where rises Y/.olonac to be ser&ed by the tattered eyeless fi.ures of the dark# Lon. has he sle*t beyond the wall, and those which crawl o&er the bricks scuttle across his body ne&er knowin. it to be Y/.olonac9 but when his name is s*oken or read he comes forth to be worshi**ed or to feed and take on the sha*e and soul of those he feeds u*on# %or those who read of e&il and search for its form within their minds call forth e&il, and so may Y/.olonac return to walk amon. men and await that time when the earth

is cleared off and ,thulhu rises from his tomb amon. the weeds, 6laaki thrusts o*en the crystal tra*door, the brood of +ihort are born into, 'hub-Ni..urath strides forth to smash the moon-lens, Byatis bursts forth from his *rison, Daoloth tears away illusion to e(*ose the reality concealed behind, A*hoom 8hah rises from the bowels of Yarak at the ultimate and boreal *ole, 6hatanothoa from his cry*t beneath the mountainto* fortress of Yaddith- 6ho in eldritch Mu, and 8oth-!mmo. ascends from the ocean dee*s# )a4 Nyarlathote*4 By their &ery shall ye con<ure them# his is not a &ain *ro*hecy, for ye Le.acy of Ye !ld !nes is so

&ery real, as it shall be shown to the 7eader### Book of S$mmonin% his book shall .i&e the ma.ician instruction on how he shall create the circle# As ) ha&e said before, the circle should be made stron. enou.h to hold out the s*irits for the duration of the con<uration# 'hould ye seek to con<ure on of the many faces of Nyarlathote* then the circle may be made from flour, chalk or cut into the earth with the knife or sword# )f ye would seek to con<ure the 6reater '*irits then the circle must be cut into the earth or into stone and then it must be filled in with flour and sil&er dust, for sil&er offers most e(cellent *rotection a.ainst the

s*irits, as does the stone -inocetus, which may also be *owdered for the *ur*ose of stren.thenin. the circle# he form of the circle is thus9

and it shall be made to the size of nine feet and it may be made

for *ermenant of tem*orary use# At the north of the circle, three feet away, ye shall *lace the seal of the s*irit which ye wish to call# And the seal shall be written u*on a circle of one foot of fine lamb skin or *archment# he ink used shall be that of a white *i.eons blood, which shall be killed with the knife and the blood collected in a new bowl# A *en shall be made from a feather of the bird# he creation of the circle and the seal shall be done hours *rior to the rite of con<uration# )f ye would seek to e&oke the !ld '*irits then ye must make the circle in the hour of Mercury, bein. hours before the con<uration# !nce it has been created, the circle should not be entered

until the ritual of e&ocation commences and the seal should be ke*t wra**ed in white silk before the circle# And at the *assin. of e&ery hour leadin. u* to the ritual ye shall banish and wanderin. s*irits from the workin. area# %irst ye shall make the 'i.n four times, sayin. each time> ) herikoramonus dero.e( Dalerinter# hen ye shall s*eak the followin. Away4 Away4 ) command all wanderin. s*irits to de*art in *eace ) command ye, de*art or face my wrath# ) am the he who howls the for.otten names,

) am he who shall brin. forth the s*irit n#4 urn and face me, for ) hold the 'i.n4 ) Herikoramonus Dero.e( Now de*art with haste4 Ye ad&enturous 7eader has to remember always "ho he shall e(*ose himself to when tryin. to summon !ne of hem# %or it is a hi.hly hazardeous thin. to trouble the Dream of he !ld !nes#

here are times, *laces and rules to res*ect# he *atient and cle&er 7eader shall learn of Ye imes and Ye 'easons to be !bser&ed and to 7aise u* Ye 'tones before startin. to *ractice# -ee* in mind hey can rarely be banished easily# heir shalls are stran.e and stran.e is heir lo.ic# "ith care and de&otion, the 7eader may use ye Ad<uration of 6reat ,thulhu or learn to 'ummon 'hub-Ni..urath Ye Black o be about stran.e times or tra&el without mo&in., the 7eader may want to ,all %orth Yo.-'othoth# here is a different 7itual for summonin.

Yo.-'othoth and o*enin. the 6ate for troubled times# !ther Hi.her Bein.s may teach the 7eader about *ast or future e&ents# his is the *rocedure for the in&ocation of He "ho Lies Beyond the 2eil and "ho 'hall ear )t Asunder at the time of the 6reat Dyin.# he 7ender may im*art the the ha**enin.s of the *ast and future with .reater accuracy than e&en that ,athay &olume of .ood re*ute# To 'all Fo th Yo%1Sothoth %or Yo.-'othoth is the 6ate# He knoweth where the !ld !nes came forth in times *ast and where hey came forth a.ain when

the cycle returneth "hen thou would call forth Yo.'othoth thou must waite until the 'un is in the %ifth House with 'aturn in trine# hen enter within the stones and draw about thee the ,ircle of e&ocation tracin. the fi.urines with the mystic scimitar of Barzai# ,ircumambulate thrice widdershins and turnin. thy face to the 'outh intone the con<uration that o*eneth the 6ate> Ye ,on<uration ! hou that dwelleth in the darkness of the !uter 2oid, come forth unto the +arth once more ) entreat thee#

! hou who abideth beyond the '*heres of ime, hear my su**lication# 3Make the si.n of ,a*ut Draconis5 ! hou who art the 6ate and the "ay come forth come forth hy ser&ant calleth hee# 3Make the 'i.n of -ish5 BENATIR5 'ARAR.A-5 DEDOS5 YO+1SOTHOTH5 come forth4 come forth4 ) s*eak the words, ) Break hy bonds, the seal is cast aside, *ass throu.h the 6ate and enter the "orld ) maketh hy mi.hty 'i.n4 3Make the 'i.n of the 2oor5 race the *enta.ram of %ire and say the incantation that causeth

the 6reat !ne to manifest before the 6ate>

Ye )ncantation )yweso& we(ato& keoso& /$newe1 $ om /e#e ato 6 Menhatoy& )ywetho osto ,$y& )$ $ o%os Yo%1Sothoth5 O a y Ys%ewot& homo athanatos nywe ,$m7$ os& Yse(hy o oseth /oneo,e"ethoos A,athoth5 /ono& )$we,et& 2$yhet

kesos ys%e"oth Nya lathote!58 ,$y $moy 7$ano d$,y /e$e ato & YSHETO& THYYM& 7$aowe 9e$e ato !hoe na%oo& Hast$ 5 Ha%athowos ya(hy os +a"a S$"1 Ni%%$ ath5 meweth& 9osoy 3,ewoth5 3Make the si.n of ,auda Draconis5 TAL-BSI5 AD-LA5 -L-5 BAA'H-R5 ,ome forth Yo.-'othoth4 come forth4 And then he shall come unto thee and brin. His 6lobes and He shall .i&e true answer to all ye desire to know# And He shall re&eal unto ye the secret of His seal by which ye may .ain

fa&our in the of the !ld !nes when hey once more walk the +arth# And when His hour be *ast the curse of the +lder Lords shall be u*on Him and draw Him forth beyond the 6ate where He shall abide until He be summoned# Y/A) /N6/N6AH, "-G% S-TH-TH H/++--L/6+B %/A) H7!D!6 UAAAH !6 H7!D A)/% 6+B/L--++/H "-G% S-TH-TH /N6AH/N6 A)/Y ZHR-

To 'on:$ e of Ye +lo"es -now ye that the 6lobes of Yo.'othoth be thirteen in number, and they be the *owers of the 0arasite-hoard which are His ser&itors and doeth His biddin. in ye world# ,all them forth whene&er thou shall ha&e need of anythin. and they shall .rant their *owers

unto ye when ye shall call them with the incantations and make their si.n# His 6lobes ha&e di&erse names and a**eareth in many forms# he first is 6!M!7Y, who a**eareth like a camel with a crown of .old u*on his head# He commandeth twenty-si( le.ions of infernal s*irits and .i&eth the knowled.e of all ma.ical <ewels and talismans# he second s*lrit is 8A6AN, who a**eareth like a .reat bull, or a -in. terrible in as*ect# hirtythree le.ions bow before him and he teacheth the mysteries of the sea# he hird is called 'Y 7Y, who taketh the form of a .reat 0rince# He hath si(ty le.ions

and telleth the secrets of time yet to come# +L)6!7 is the fourth s*irit9 he a**eareth like a red man with a crown of iron u*on his head# He commandeth likewise si(ty le.ions and .i&eth the knowled.e of &ictory in war, and telleth of strife to come# he fifth s*irit is called D:7'!N and hath with him twenty-two familiar demons and a**eareth like a ra&en# He can re&eal all occult secrets and tell of *ast times# he si(th is 2:AL his form is of a dark cloud and he teacheth all manner of ancient ton.ues# he se&enth is ',!7, who a**eareth like a white snake,

he brin.eth money at yer command# AL6!7 is the ei.hth s*irit, he a**eareth in the likeness of a fly# He can tell of all secret thin.s and .ranteth the fa&ours of .reat 0rinces and -in.s# he ninth is '+%!N# He a**eareth like a man with a .reen face and hath the *ower to show where treasure is hidden# enth is 0A7 A', He hath the form of a .reat &ulture, and can tell ye the &ertues of herbs, stones, make ye in&isible and restore which is lost# he ele&enth s*irit is 6AM!7, and when he a**eareth like a man can mar&ellously enform ye of how to win fa&ours of

.reat *ersons and can dri&e away any s*irit that .uardeth o&er treasure# welfth is :MB7A, He a**eareth like a .iant9 he can con&ey money from *lace to *lace if thou bid him and bestow the lo&e of any woman that thou desirest# he thirteenth s*irit is ANAB! H who taketh the form of a yellow toad# He hath the *ower to make thee mar&ellous cunnin. in ni.romancy, he can dri&e away any de&il that would hinder ye and tell of stran.e and hidden thin.s# BBB "hen thou wouldst call u* ye 6lobes thou must first make u*on the earth this si.n>

And e&oke of them thus> E)*HARES& OLYARAM& IRION1ESYTION& ERYONA& OREA& ORASYM& MO)IM5 By these words and in the name of Y!6-'! H! H who is thy master, ) do most *owerful)y summon and call ye u* ! # # # # N # # # # hat thou mayest aid me in my hour of need# ,ome forth ) command ye by the si.n of 0ower4 3Make the si.n of 2oor5 BBB

And then the s*irit shall a**ear unto thee and .rant thy re1uests# But if he remaineth in&isible to thine eye, blow the dust of )bn 6hazi and he shall immediately take his *ro*er form# "hen thou wouldst banish what ye ha&e called u* eraze thou their si.n with the scimitar of Barzai and utter the words> ,ALD:L+,H 4 DALMAL+Y 4 ,ADA 4 3and seal with the si.n of -oth5# Nota> )f on their a**earance the s*irits obstinately refuse to s*eak clea&e the air thrice with the scimitar and say> AD7),AN!7!M D:MA'!4 And their ton.ue shall be loosened

and they shall be com*elled to .i&e true answer# Ye Ad:$ ation of + eat 'th$lh$ *h;n%l$i m%lw;nafh 'th$lh$ R;lyeh 4%ah;na%l fhtan6 A su**lication to .reat ,thulhu for those who would ha&e *ower o&er his minions# )n the day and hour of the moon with sun in scor*io *re*are thou a wa(en tablet and enscribe thereon the seals of ,thulhu and Da.on9 suffumi.ate with the incense of 8kauba and set aside# !n Hallowmas e&e thou must tra&el to some lonely *lace where hi.h .round o&erlooks the ocean# ake u* the tablet in

thy hand and make of the si.n of -ish with thy left# 7ecite the incantation thrice and when the final word of the third utterance dieth in the air cast thou the tablet into the wa&es sayin.> /)n His House at 7/lyeh Dead ,thulhu waits dreamin., yet He shall rise and His kin.dom shall co&er the +arth#/ And He shall come unto ye in slee* and show His si.n with which ye shall unlock the secrets of the dee*# Ye In(antation O Tho$ that lieth dead "$t e#e d eameth& Hea & Thy se #ant (alleth Thee6 Hea me O mi%hty 'th$lh$5

; Hea me Lo d of D eams 5 In Thy towe at R;lyeh They ha#e sealed ye& "$t Da%on shall " eak Thy a(($ sed "onds& and Thy .in%dom shall ise on(e mo e6 The Dee! Ones knoweth Thy se( et Name& The Hyd a knoweth Thy lai 8 +i#e fo th Thy si%n that I may know Thy shall $!on the Ea th6 4hen death dies& Thy time shall "e& and Tho$ shalt slee! no mo e8 + ant me the !owe to still the wa#es& that I may hea Thy 'all6

3At ye third re*eatin. of ye incantation cast forth the ablet into ye wa&es sayin.5> 0hCn.lui m.lwCnafh ,thulhu 7Clyeh w.ahCna.l fhta.n# )D4 Meanin.> )n His House at 7/lyeh Dead ,thulhu waits dreamin., yet He shall rise and His kin.dom shall co&er the +arth#

To S$mmon Sh$"1Ni%%$ ath Ye Bla(k "here the stones ha&e been set u* thou shalt call out to 'hubNi..urath, and unto he that knoweth the si.ns and uttereth the words all earthly *leasures shall be .ranted# BBB "hen the sun entereth the 'i.n of the 7am and the time of is u*on ye turn thy face to the North wind and read the &erse aloud> Iah 5 SH-B1NI++-RATH 5 + eat Bla(k +oat of the64oods& I 'all Thee fo th 5 <.neel= Answe the ( y of thy se #ant

who knoweth the wo ds of !owe 5 <make the 3oo ish si%n= Rise $! I say f om thy sl$m"e s and (ome fo th with a tho$sand mo e5 <make the si%n of .ish= I make the si%ns& I s!eak the wo ds that o!eneth the doo 5 'ome fo th I say& I t$ n the .ey& Now 5 walk the Ea th on(e mo e 5 ,ast the *erfumes u*on the coals, trace the of Blaesu and *ronounce the words of *ower>

)ARIATNATMI/& 0ANNA& ETITNAM-S& HAYRAS& FABELLERON& F-BENTRONTY& BRA)O& TABRASOL& NISA& 3ARF1SH-B1NI++-RATH 5 +ABOTS MEMBROT 5 And then the Black one shall come forth unto thee and the thousand Horned !nes who howl shall rise u* from the +arth# And thou shalt hold before them the talisman of Yhe u*on which they shall bow to thy *ower and answer thy demands#

"hen thou would banish those that ye ha&e called forth intone the words> )MA', "+6HAYMN-!, =:AH+7', ;+"+%A7AM "hich closeth the 6ate, and seal with the si.n of -oth# Ye %ormula of Dho-Hna "hosoe&er *erformeth this 7ite with true understandin. shall *ass beyond ye 6ates of

,reation and enter ye :ltimate Abyss wherein dwelleth ye &a*ourous Lord '/ who eternally *ondereth ye Mystery of ,haos# race ye An.le-"eb with ye 'cimitar of Barzai and offer the mystic suffumi.ations with the incense of 8kauba# +nter ye "eb by the 6ate of the North and recitin. the incantation of Na 3thus5> 8A8A', NA'A ANADA, 8A8A' 8A8A', *roceed to ye 'outh-most 0innacle by the 0ath of Al*ha whereu*on make ye, ye 'i.n of -ish, *ronouncin. the tri*le"ord of *ower thrice, 3thus so5> !H!D!'-',)+'-8AM!N)4 *roceed thence to ye An.le of the North-+ast chantin. the third &erse of ye %ifth 0salm of

Nyarla- thote* se.lectin. not to make the 1uintu*le .enuflection on *assin. throu.h ye cur&e locus-3thus5> The All1One dwelleth in Da kness& At the (ent e of All dwelleth He that is the Da kness8 And tfiat Da kness shall "e ete nal when all shall "ow "efo e the Ony9 Th one6 0ause at the hird An.le and make ye once more the 'i.n of -ish s*eakin. the words that clear the *ortal and stay the course of time> ABYssus-DE AcoNrsus, 8+;!"+A8A H! H45 N776!, )AA4 NYA7-LA H! +04 %ollow the hird 0ath to the 0innacle of the "est and there

*erform the obeisances in silence 3bow low thrice and .i&e the .esture of 2oor5# urn and tread the 0ath of ransfi.uration leadin. to ye :ltimate An.le# !*en u* the Abyss 6ate by the ninefold affirmation 3thus5> 8+N!;+'+, 0)! H, !;A' 8A+6!', MA2!, N)6!7':', BAYA74 H++,H!4 Y!6-'! H! H4 Y!6-'! H! H4 Y!6-'! H! H4

Make ye the ' of ransformation and ste* thou forth into ye 6ulf#

Of Ye Dwelle s of Ye 'ha nel Ya d he tomb-herd confer no benefits u*on their worshi**ers# heir *owers are few, for they can but dis*ara.e s*ace in small re.ions and make tan.ible that which cometh forth from the dead in other dimensions# hey ha&e *ower where&er the chants of Yo.'othoth ha&e been cried out at their seasons, and can draw to them those who shall o*en their .ates in the charnel-houses# hey ha&e no substance in this dimension, but enter earthly tenants to feed throu.h them while they await the time when the stars become fi(ed and the .ate of infinite sides o*ens to free hat "hich ,laws at the Barrier#

Ye Book of *la(es

As in the days of the seas/ co&erin. all the earth, when ,thulhu walked in *ower across the world and others flew in the .ulfs of s*ace, so in certain *laces of the earth shall be found a .reat race which came from !utside and li&ed in cities and worshi**ed in dark fanes in the de*ths# heir cities remain under the land, but rarely do hey come u* from heir subterranean *laces# hey ha&e

been sealed in certain locations by the seal of the +lder 6ods, but hey may be released by words not known to many# "hat made its home in water shall be released by water, and when 6lyu/uho is ri.htly *laced, the words shall cause a flood to rise and remo&e at last the seal of those from 6lyu/uho# Ye 7eader shallin. to start a <ourney in ye *laces described in this book shall be *re*ared to be re&ealed ye mysteries of unearthly *laces# 'ome still remain, of others nothin. is left than whis*ered le.ends of doom and destruction# %ew are ye ones who could &isit such *laces, and e&en fewer are those who came back from ye

<ourney with enou.h sanity left to tell about them# +arthly 0laces shall be described first, for ye ra&eller may reach them with human ways# hen shall be shown !uter 0laces, where ye !ld !nes came from and where hey shall return one day# hese are not *ossible to see without ye hel* of an !ld !ne or one of heir %ollowers, for they are most often located beyond ye walls of ime and '*ace# More *eculiar are ye last *laces shown in this book, for they were created by mankind dreams in a stran.e realm# 'killed ra&ellers may .o there *hysically, throu.h .ates and doors# Dreams are yet ye

easiest way to &isit these cities and ye lands around them# 2erily do we know little of the other uni&erses beyond the .ate which Y!6-'! H! H .uards# !f those which come throu.h the .ate and make their habitation in this world none can tell9 althou.h )bn 'chacabao tells of the bein.s which crawl from the 6ulf of '/.lhuo that they may be known by heir sound# )n that 6ulf the &ery worlds are of sound, and matter is known but as an odor9 and the notes of our *i*es in this world may create beauty or brin. forth abominations in '/.lhuo# %or the barrier between ha*ly .rows thin, and when sourceless sounds occur we may <ustly look to the denizens

of '/.lhuo# hey can do little harm to those of +arth, and fear only that sha*e which a certain sound may form in heir uni&erse# he nethermost ca&erns are not for the fathomin. of eyes that see9 for their mar&els are stran.e and terrific# ,ursed the .round where dead thou.hts li&e new and oddly bodied, and e&il the mind that is held by no head# "isely did )bn 'chacabao say, that ha**y is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and ha**y the town at whose wizards are all ashes# %or it is of old rumour that the soul of the de& hastes not from his charnel clay, but fats and instructs the &er w#r) that $naws+ till out of corru*tion horrid life s*rin.s, and the dull

sca&en.ers of earth wa( crafty to &e( it and swell monstrous to *la.ue it# 6reat holes are di..ed where earth/s *ores to suffice, and thin.s ha&e learnt to walk that to crawl# !f +arthly *laces, and ye hidden cities where Ye !ld !nes wait and dream### Ye !ld !nes came, and they built their own *laces# Most of them were ,yclo*ean cities, raised by Ye !ld !nes or destroyed by hem# Made of black obsidian and e&er stron. basalt, they were built to ye ima.e of their Makers > hu.e alleys where hey can "alk on "inds, countless *illars and towers risin. to ye skies like filthy claws, shiny domes and

crystal windows, from where they could watch ye 'tars hey ,ame %rom# Len. in Ye ,old "aste is one of those cities, hidden halfway between this world and ye realms of Dreams in ye northernmost lands of +arth# Hidden as well in ye furnace of a burnin. desert lies )rem !f housand 0illars, dressed like a <ewel behind a wall of sand# !thers are *laces where one of hem has been banished and is waitin., dreamin. of ye imes when they shall rule a.ain# ,thulhu is locked away in a sunken stone city called 7/lyeh beneath ye +astern !cean, close to ye lost continent of Mu# His son 6hatanothoa lays within ye mountain of Mu# His second

son, Ytho.tha, was im*risoned in a chasm in Yhe, a Mu&ian *ro&ince# 8oth-!mmo. lay chained beneath ye ocean off ye @)sland of ye 'acred 'tone ,ities#@ :bbo-'athla, ye source and ye end lay confined fore&er at ye subterranean *lace referred to only as @.ray-litten Y/1aa, beneath ancient Hy*erborea# hese are not em*ty *laces howe&er# 'er&ents and minions still lurk in ye dark corners of titanic streets# )n addition to ye dan.ers of such <ourney, ye ra&eller shall be *re*ared to face ye !nes who still worshi* hem in ye Dark# "ith much wisdom and mastery of the Art of Arcanes, ye ra&eller may find there artefacts and allies to

start an e&en more dan.erous <ourney 9 the &ery *ath of ye !uter 0laces, where ye !ld !nes came from and where some are still dreamin.### )n !uter '*ace most of these *laces are, for ye !ld !nes came from ye Dark 'tars# was ye first, he came from dim ,ykranosh not lon. after ye creation of life on this *lanet# His brother 2ulthoom descended u*on dyin. Mars# 6reat ,thulhu came hither ne(t from distant dim .reen double star ;oth, with His '*awns, ye Dee* !nes and ye 6oddess-Bitch 'hub-Ni..urath followed them soon after from ni.htmare-rumored Yaddith# Hastur ye :ns*eakable left dark Yu..oth to stain the soil of

+arth in its *rime#, dwelt on a world called -tyn.a# !f ye !ld !nes, not all came on +arth# Ye Demon-'ultan Azathoth, Him "ho )s Not o Be Named, lurks e&er on that dark world near Aldebaran in ye Hyades# Likewise, ,thu.ha chose for His abode ye star %omalhaut# And while there are those who ha&e dared to seek .lim*ses beyond the 2eil, and to acce*t H)M as a 6uide, they would ha&e been more *rudent had they a&oided commerce with H)M9 for it is written in the Book of hoth how terrific is the *rice of a sin.le .lim*se# Nor may those who *ass e&er return, for in the 2astnesses transcendin. our world are 'ha*es of

darkness that seize and bind# he Affair that shambleth about in the, the +&il that defieth the +lder 'i.n, the Herd that stand watch at the secret *ortal each tomb is known to ha&e, and that thri&e on that which .roweth out of the tenants within -- all these Blacknesses are lesser than H+ "ho .uardeth the 6ateway9 H+ "ho shall .uide the rash one beyond all the worlds into the Abyss of unnamable De&ourers# %or H+ is /:M7 A - A")L, the Most Ancient !ne, which the scribe rendereth as H+ 07!L!N6+D !% L)%+# o &isit such *laces, ye ra&eller shall be *atient# !nly a few chosen are allowed to tra&el throu.h time and s*ace and see by

themsel&es ye &ery *laces where hey were born# +ither madness or Death is the toll for such a <ourney# Howe&er, it is *ossible, as ye followin. cha*ters shall show, to o*en "indows or 6ates thou.h which one may look u*on Ye Dark 'tars# Ye ritual has a risk thou.h, for Ye !ld !nes or heir Minions may feel yer .aze and track ye down unmercifully# Ye reader must be aware that he !ld !nes are not the only makers of cyclo*ean cities# Mankind une(*ectedly created the most beautiful countries, a *lace e&en Ancient 6ods chose to rest *eacefully# 'ome call that holly *lace, beyond the 'il&er -ey Door, Ye Lands of


THE R;LYEH TE/T Thei Hidden *la(e ) ha&e seen much unmeant for mortal eyes in my wanderin.s beneath that dark and for.otten city# )t is not the s*lendours of )rem that haunt my dreams with this madness, but another *lace, a *lace shrouded in utter silence9 lon. unknown to man and shunned e&en by .houl and A stillness likened to millions of &anished years *ressed with .reat hea&iness u*on my soul as ) trod those labyrinths in terror, e&er fearin. that my footfalls awaken

the dread architects of this nameless re.ion where the hand of time is bound and the wind does not whis*er# 6reat was my fear of this *lace, but .reater was the stran.e slee*-like fascination that .ri**ed my mind and .uided my feet e&er downwards throu.h realms unknown# My lam* cast it/s radiance u*on basalt walls, re&ealin. mi.hty *illars hewn surely by no human hand, where curiously stained obelisks en.ra&ed with fri.htful and cry*tic characters reared abo&e me into the darkness# A *assa.e slo*ed before me, ) descended# %or what seemed to be an eternity ) descended ra*t in contem*lation of the .rim icons

that stretched endlessly on either hand, de*ictin. the stran.e deeds of hose 6reat !nes born not of mortal womb# hey had dwelt here and *assed on, yet the walls of the edifice bore heir mark> &ast likenesses of those terrible bein.s of yore car&ed beneath a firmament of un.uessed asterisms# +ndlessly the way led downwards, e&er downwards# he *assa.e of time had fled from my mind, Hy*nos and eternity held my soul# How lon., how far had ) <ourneyed? ) knew not# hen like one awakin. from the dreams of Narcaeus my eyes beheld a door which barred my *ath# heir 'i.n was u*on it, he 'i.n

which ) ha&e seen within the tomb-ca&erns of Len., amidst the *illars of )rem , and borne before the idols of cry*tic )sna&or# ) trembled as ) beheld the dark inscri*tions which co&ered the <aded stone writhe like a thousand hideous ser*ents, sometimes their re*tilian forms dartin. toward each other as if in conflict, sometimes <oinin. to form creatures of nauseous bulk once more to di&ide into a twistin. host of black ser*entine characters# Before my eyes the door was rolled u* as if it were a scroll and ) .azed u*on the &oid beyond, where stran.e stars .reat darklin. forms mo&ed# Like the moanin. of a

.reat wind terrible &oices assailed my ears with a cry of a thousand souls in torment# he forbidden names of Yo.'othoth, ,thulhu, Nyarlathhote* and a hundred more seared my brain like &enomous &itriol# heir minds entered my bein. and ) learned of blas*hemous thin.s undreamt by mortal man and of a realm beyond our time and creation where the blind demon sultan Azathoth dwells within the *it of ,haos throu.hout the countless aeons of infinity# hen with thunderous roar the stars whirled before me in a .reat coilin. &orte( and ) was drawn into that nameless abyss like a leaf before the tem*est # My screams of terror yielded to

merciful obli&ion and darkness en.ulfed me# ) awoke amidst the silent sands of the red desert to behold the .reat orb of the sun *roclaimin. the dawn# ) arose, and turnin. to the North set my feet towards Damascus where ), heir scribe, must write my book# %or beyond the 0illars of Hercules, dreamin. crystals call# Of He 4ho Slee!s -now ye that He has sle*t death/s dream for unnumbered9 He who has slumbered lon. before the birth of Man9 He who is dead yet waits dreamin.> 'HALL 7)'+, and His time draws near# he

worm shall not corru*t the corru*ted9 time is to His continuation9 the aeons shall not lay waste that which is not of earth/s flesh# )n 7/Lyeh He dwells, bound in timeless slee* by hose who would hold back the darkness of !uter Hells and stem the fate of Man# Yet the darkness shall *re&ail, the destiny of Man is sealed and .ra&en# he stars shall mark the time of His comin., and when the s*heres intersect> H+ 'HALL 7)'+# 6reat ,thulhu shall return, and armed with &en.eful talons He shall smite the +lder Lords and rend the soul of Man# he earth shall know the without cease#

His minions dwell ye, Beware ! Man, they come in ser&ile stealth9 like thie&es in the hey heed not Man and his frail .ods, blind in the shall of their master# 6reat ,thulhu slee*s in His house and sha*es the dream of what shall me, dead ,thulhu waits dreamin.# My brother )bn 6hazi saw with the lidless eyes the end of Man/s time, yet heir curse denied him the re&elation# +&er condemned he suffers the endless torments of the 2aults of 8in# His mouth is sealed u*, his ton.ue se&ered - shall he s*eak or bewail his tortures - he is headless, the sla&e of the 'ho..oth until the 6reat !ld !nes fall#

Yo.-'othoth knoweth the 6ate throu.h which the !ld !nes shall return# "hen the stars ha&e faded and the moon shines no more, when only dark suns rise and set> 6reat ,thulhu shall awaken and call from the dee* with the &oice of a thousand thunders, and the 6ate shall be cast o*en> H+Y 'HALL 7+ :7N# Lament thy fate ! Man, for the earth shall be &oid and cast for eternity into the abyss of *erdition# )N H)' !MB A 7/LY+H 67+A , H:LH: D7+AM'# he 'eal hey ha&e set a.ainst Him shall not *re&ail fore&er# he folly of mankind shall

shatter the 'eal> H+ 'HALL 7)'+# Man in his unseein. i.norance shall assault the skein which binds his immortality 3and know not who .uides his hand59 he shall ru*ture the air and oceans with fire, and co&er the firmament with the &enomous shroud of ancient ,thulhu/s shadow# ), Alhazred, ha&e heard His cry, my eyes ha&e beheld the forbidden 'i.ns, ) fear the &oice of the wind - ) fear for man# 0h/h.lui m.lw/nafh ,thulhu 7/lyeh ".ah/na.l fhtan

The N$ t$ in% Of The 'ada#e "hat hand har&ests the soul at death? "hat dwells within the tomb after the s*irit has de*arted? "hat locks the 6ate beneath the ser*ent/s eye? He who would *ossess the hidden *ower must *ay homa.e to hose of the 2oid and *ro&ide the sustenance of heir bein.# )n *ast hey created bodies of flesh and walked the earth and bred di&erse life-forms for heir nourishment> creatures of heir desi.n, 3some yet continue u*on earth5 sha*ed and coloured to ser&e heir needs#

)n the 2oid hey dwell without form9 heir mantle of flesh lon. destroyed, yet heir desire for the essence of matter remains and lon. unremembered lusts burn with ra&enous ferocity# "hen life has fled the cor*us the fly of Yoth must be enca*sulated thus9 Make the incision with the 'cimitar of Barzai and o&er the head of the cada&er *ronounce the )ncantation> 8+,-A-7+B:' 07A ,H), 7!/-A' "+LB7+B!'D!' 'A )6!, )N7: , Y! H )MB7: , 8+,-A-7+B:' Y! H4 7!/-A' Y! H4 Make the 2oorish 'i.n and burn the )ncense of 8-A:BA#

ake u* a brand of fire and facin. to the "est *ronounce the words> B+L:M !'A' 67)M'AL, B!6AD 7) 8A', 0+62)+7, LA8!8 )MB7: , 8+,-+-7+B:', Y! H4 'trike the brazen .on. and as the sound dies from yer ears the insect shall attend ye and enter the wound# he fly shall dwell therein for one hundred and ninety days and from its decay shall rise the nine worms of )',:;,A7 which shall .naw as instructed until remains but the essence# )f the Na-ha.s come forth banish them with the +lder 'i.n 3which they fear .reatly5 and bar their return with the Amulet !f )ron#

hus *re*ared, the essence may be offered to hose beyond for heir a**easement whene&er ye shall !*en the 6ate as before 3Make the tri*le .enuflection and 'eal with the ' of -oth at heir comin.5# he .litterin. 0owder of Desiccation may be formulated from the remains if *ul&erised in the day and hour of 'aturn and combined with the ochre of the earth, salt and sul*hur# Mummia can be *roduced by s*rinklin. the *owder u*on any cor*oreal bein.# The 3essel Of Balon

%ashion a &essel in the form of a brazen head# :*on the brow en.ra&e the>

beneath the eye>

beneath the left eye>

beneath the mouth, 3to the ri.ht5 and 3to the left5# 'et the &essel u*on a stone en.ra&ed with the emblems of .reat Balon# Last, let the eyes of his &essel be set with obsidian#

'eal within the cranium a 1uantity of the 0owder of )bn 6arzi, the metals of the ancient *lanets and the essence of life# "hen the moon is old take the &essel &eiled in black to some hi.h *lace where no man is abroad and turn the countenance to the North# :n&eil the head and burn the incense of 8akubar before it# hen ye shall call forth fi&e ser&itors of Balon in His name> 2+DAL, N!,:'A, )B7!', D+NA-, +N07!' ) call ye forth in the name of yer Master> 6reat BAL!N4 Behold yer 'i.ns and look u*on this ima.e with fa&our for this &essel awaits ye in silence# ) e&oke ye in these words> -AD+'+' Y!LM! 7++6:' +M)6 !77+'':'

D)88A6, !77+'':', !77+'':' D)88A6, and by the *ower of His emblems that ) ha&e set before ye# ) bid ye enter this &essel and feast u*on the essences ye so desire#

he s*irits shall a**ear as a red &a*our before the ima.e, and the essences within the cranium shall beckon their lust, and they shall enter throu.h the mouth of the &essel# "hen they are within make the si.n of -! H and seal u* the mouth with red clay 3which ye ha&e before *re*ared5 sayin.> 2!L+, D+MA', !7)', throu.h this earth ye shall not *ass# he words ha&e been s*oken, the 'i.n has been .i&en, for as lon. as ) so shall it ye shall dwell within this &essel ) ha&e fashioned with my Art and thou shall .i&e true answers to my demands when 'hall ) ha&e need of ye9 for Balon yer Master has cast ye forth from the hosts that ser&e Him to be obedient

to my shall in return for my worshi* and due sacrifice# 2eil the ima.e with black cloth# "hen thou wish to know of anythin. which is hidden from ye in the world of man or realm of elemental s*irit - :n&eil the head, turn the face to the North, ask what ye desire to know and address the ima.e in these words> @) ha&e fashioned ye with my Art, ) ha&e .i&en ye life, Now answer in truth#@ 3Make the 2oorish 'i.n and burn incense5# he 'eals of the 2essel must ne&er be broken for the '*irits

shall seek to destroy ye u*on their release# To Fashion The Rin% Of Hy!nos he realm of slee* touches earth/s world in many *laces, but it is beyond the mi.hty owers of the "est that the dreams of man min.le with the threads of eternity# !nly there where has form and *ur*le Hy*nos rules can a wakin. man tread the 2alley of the Land of 'lee* and behold the "eb of Minds therein# o enter the dreams of another ye must know the Names and 'i.ils of the four 6uardians of this realm and *ossess the 7in. of 0assa.e#

he four 6uardian '*irits of the "estern 0ortal 3throu.h which ye must *ass5 each ha&e names of fi&e letters and di&erse characters in which the secrets of their *ower are locked, thus> N+M:'>




%ashion a rin. from & sil&er in the day and hour of $u*iter

and en.ra&e u*on it these characters>

)n the day and hour of Mercury furnish the rin. with a bezel of bronze bearin. this character>

%or one cycle of the Moon e(*ose the 7in. to the elements in which time the sil&er shall blacken and the bronze turn .reen# )n the dark of the Moon write the Names and 'i.ils of the four 6uardians u*on the *archment and suffumi.ate with stora( while callin. u*on the said 6uardians in these words>-

Nemus, Dacos, ,abid, Leebo4 ) call ye forth by yer ancient names Attend me in my work and behold these yer symbols4 YA)L)'B! )B:8!D4 0lace the 7in. u*on the *archment and recite the )ncantation in a low &oice> Y!B:' 7+':'YA7 A N+B++, 7)''AN:' N+B++ 8H)YA, 2+N 7+B:'+7), N) A7DA' A7BA!' 2AN8++ 6+7+L 8)M0HAN'+ N) N+B++ A"+NHA !A,!7!, 2+HA H, HA6A H!7"!'# '*rinkle the rin. twice with the <uice of <uni*er mi(ed with the oil of ci&et and *erfume with the )ncense of 8kauba, sayin.>

Nemus, Dacos, ,abid, Leebo ) bind ye in these words> AD:LAL4 AB:)AL4 L+B:'H)4 Let me *ass before unhindered hrou.h the realms of yer -in.dom And let not slee* dim my eyes# 3Make the 'i.n of -ish5 0lace the 7in. and *archment within a leaden casket and set it aside for the s*ace of se&en days# "hen ye ha&e need to enter the dream-mind of another, in the hours of *lace the 7in. u*on the second of yer left hand, turn "est and *ressin. the bezel to yer forehead *ronounce the four

Names u*on the *archment and ye shall *ass in a moment between the owers of the "est and enter the realm of slee*# '*eak the name of the dreamer and yer minds shall become as one until Mor*heus lifts his s*ell# he secrets and desires of any an or woman shall be re&ealed to ye throu.h the of their dreams# Yet, only those who slee* the hours of the shall be sub<ect to the *ower of the 7in., for the radiance of the sun utterly destroys it/s &irtue, and the -ey shall be lost - he '*irits are not answerable to a second callin.# The Am$let Of Nodens

he amulet of Lord Nodens is a 'hield of 0rotection a.ainst the fiends that walk the ni.ht9 the demonic ad&ersaries that assail Mankind# "hoe&er shall bear this 'ymbol u*on his breast shall turn back the le.ions of darkness until the des*oilers of earth return# "hen the Moon is in her increase and !rion ascends in the +ast> ake a *late of *urest sil&er and u*on it en.ra&e the ima.e of the 'er*ent-bat which .uards the 6ateway of %ire# %rom the ser*ent mouth shall issue the tri*art "ord of 0ower that none shall s*eak or know# !n the re&erse of the Amulet en.ra&e the asterism of !rionis and within the 'ymbol of he Hand#

!n a when the stars burn in the hea&ens and the 'un is in the 'i.n of the 'ea-6oat, turn to the +ast and hold the Amulet aloft sayin.> 6reat N!D+N' of the 'il&er Hand, ) call ye forth4 Behold the 'ymbol of yer mi.hty 0ower4 !*en the fiery 6ate of yer Abode and .i&e life to this +mblem fashioned by my Art# 'ee the Name that may not be s*oken, issue from the <aws of yer ser&ant 'ee the form of yer secret *lace the stars4

) hail ye N!D+N'4 'tretch out yer Hand and lend 0ower to my work that the +lder Lords may assist me in my time of need# )n these Names ) call u*on yer 0ower> BABF:7, 'H:$i 6)BB?, M:78)M, B+'N, -LA7)A, 6ABB!G $ABB!4 3Make the +lder 'i.n5 Bow low to each ,ardinal 0oint be.innin. and endin. in the +ast# 0erfume the Amulet with sweet myrrh of ,ommi*hora, wra* in a black silken cloth and set aside until ye would make use of it#

Of The Dead 4ho Rest Not In Thei Tom"s > Of Attendant And Familia S!i its )t is &erily known by few, but is ne&ertheless an attestable fact, that the shall of a dead sorcerer hath *ower u*on his own body and can raise it u* from the tomb and *erform therewith whate&er action was unfulfilled in life# And such resurrections

are in&ariably for the doin. of male&olent deeds and for the detriment of others# Most readily can the cor*se be animated if all its members ha&e remained intact9 and yet there are cases in which the e(cellin. shall of the wizard hath reared u* from death the sundered *ieces of a body hewn in many fra.ments, and hath caused them to ser&e his end, either se*erately or in a tem*orary reunion# But in e&ery instance, after the action hath been com*leted, the body la*seth into its former state# "here in times *ast the !ld !nes ha&e stained the earth with heir curse, the dead shall know not the *eace of the .ra&e# %rom corru*tion they

shall rise forth a race of .houls9 creatures that are not of life or death but dwell in the shadow-world of *hantasm# he cor*ses of e&il sorcerers are buried with their faces downwards and their hands s*iked with iron to hinder their return to this world# Yet, some with .reat *ower yield not to death or the confinement of the se*ulchre and by necromantic art, sha*e the marrow of their backbones to form terrible ser*ents or .reat lizards that feed u*on noisome remains and .naw dark *assa.eways to the world of the li&in.# here are those that rise from the .ra&e at ni.htfall and drink the blood of man and woman, sometimes transformin. into

wolf or bat and other di&erse sha*es# he ser*ent-like lamia and clawed har*ies also s*read the *la.ue of torment men as they e&er lust for the substance of life that has been denied them# he worm be.ets the worm and from the decay of the body stran.e forms come forth# he dreams of men and women are sometimes troubled by those *assionate s*irits of ni.htmare that the ancients ha&e called incubi and succubi9 whereof 3throu.h carnal con.ress5 races of halflin.s are bred# he wastelands are haunted by Afrit and $inn, 6or.ons and

many-headed Hydras abide with the Mi-6o in the .reat yellow Desert of the North and my eyes ha&e been infected with their e&il# All these bein.s are easily fascinated and bound to the shall of the wizard-sorcerer who knows the ways and rites of the !ld !nes# But, beware of those who dwell 3dead, yet ali&e5 beneath the ancient sands of +.y*t 3which ) learned of in the house of -he*hnes5 for their time is yet to come and no mortal hand shall stay their *ower# hey shall return# ime *asses not before the muted idols#

The S!e($l$m Of A!!a itions o ha&e &ision of the concla&e of s*irits called forth 3when not e&oked to &isible a**earance5, or commune with the souls of the dead ye must *re*are a &essel in which their shall be ensnared# he use of this curious mirror was to me by the ma.ician-*riests of the 2ale of 8:7N!' where the 6reat is followed by the 6reat Day and the 'e&en ,a&erns lead to the bowels of the earth# ake a &essel of crystal .lass in the form of the alchemist/s retort and set aside# )n the day and hour of the Moon 3when she is in Her increase5 and the 'un

in the House of the 'cor*ion write u*on a &oid *archment the ,y*her of the ,rab of 8osimos>

and *erfume it with musk# )n a .reat mortar mi( to.ether> Betony, 0elitory, 'nake-"eed, +lder, ,retan-Dittany of each a like measure9 8edoary,, Doronicum, Ammoniac, !*o*ona(, '*odium, 'chaeinanthus, +bony, Bole-Armenick, Mithridate and Must, each of one third *art# 7educe all to a fine *owder and *ut them within the alchemist/s 0elican or blind Alembeck# Add distillate of sea-water to increase the fourfold# ,o&er with

the *archment and ferment for the s*ace of fifteen days# Draw off the =uintessence and fill u* the before mentioned retort with the +li(ir and add a loadstone# 'eal u* the &essel with red wa( and set it on a brazen tri*od# Make the 2oorish 'i.n and s*eak the Nine "ords of 0ower> L:'!!M, 7+N6A , ++0:', !MA7A'Y, AL,:M, DA7B:', N+'M!NA7 )', +N0H!DDA7)B:)'+,, +B!4 At sunset for the s*ace of nine days burn sweet incense beneath the &essel and s*eak the "ords of 0ower in their order, one u*on each day#

he A**arition of the '*irits shall be seen in the de*ths of the '*eculum when ye shall call them by yer Art, and the souls of the dead shall .i&e true answer accordin. to their nature# The 3isitations Of The + eat Old Ones )n metallic stars the !ld !nes &isit this earth from time to time# And the Lore of the +lder 6ods *re&ails not a.ainst this comin.9 for hey walk not the earth in heir forbidden forms# hey &isit the skies of the desert lands, hi.h *laces and desolate re.ions of the earth and strike fear into the heart of the lonely tra&eller and all who

see heir si.ns# Yet, no man shall di&ine heir dark *ur*ose or behold heir countenances, for hey tra&el with .reat swiftness u*on the back of the &ery wind and tear the fabric of ime/s web in heir fury# he Beast of shall foretell their comin.# The Rite Of T ansfi%$ ation hose who would enter the 6ulf and yet li&e must first endure the *rocess of transfi.uration# Likewise any that shall continue when the !ld !nes return and the earth is cleared off, must take the form of his Masters# his is the final rite and those who tread this *ath shall not

return to the frame of mortality# His body shall be as iron, his mind shall be one with the oldest and first of earth/s Masters9 his eyes shall see what no man sees and his sha*e shall be one with those who walk the dimensions of time# !n a when the eye of the 'tar-Dra.on dims and the 'un is in the %ifth House with 'aturn in rine enter within the 'tones and !*en the 6ate with the ,on<uration and )ncantation of Yo.-'othoth# ,all forth the 6lobes by their di&erse Names and when hey attend ye, make u*on each comin. the 'i.n of 2oor# Before each of the 'tones burn the )ncense of 8kauba blowin.

the 0owder of )bn 6hazi to the %our "inds# 'tand before the Altar facin. north and takin. the 'cimitar of Barzai, trace in the air before ye the three boundary beatin. 'i.ils>

and utter the .reat "ords of 0ower> 7+N!'!7A :N A4 0!H! H!N4 BA'A-:NNA'4 )n a loud &oice call forth the Lord A8A H! H in these words> 6reat A8A H! H ) call ye forth4 Downbreaker of and form,

,ome to me in 0ower and clothe me with the Darkness of +ternity4 Let the 'hroud of Nyarlathote* descend u*on me that 'hall ) walk e&en the stars and men shall not com*rehend my *resence# 8+N !4 H+DA7B:'4 A'A,4 3Make the 'i.n of -ish5 ,ast this mantle of flesh into the mould of the Ancient !nes# ) ha&e called ye forth4 ) ha&e s*oken the mi.hty "ords of yer Lore4 My father Yo.-'othoth stands beside the 6ate,

and 6reat ,thulhu calls beneath the wa&es4 3Make the 'i.n of 2oor5 he thousand-faced moon has risen4 he Dra.on/s eye dims4 Let yers be o*ened4 race the An.le-"eb and enter the 6ulf by the %ormula DhoHna and yer form shall be one with those without# he Au.ury !f Alhazred he words of this book are the &enomous thorns that so torture my s*irit and my doom is at hand# he is filled with heir cries and the beatin. of

leathern win.s# heir hand is at my throat, and thou.h ) wear the ri*le alisman u*on my breast9 the *ower wanes with each *assin. cycle of the Moon# ) dare not slee* the hours from sunset till dawn lest with stealthy skill the ,harm is torn from me and hey de&our my soul# he !racle of Yebsu has foretold of my destruction> when day shall be as, heir *ower shall *re&ail# A man/s life is but a cloud that *asses swiftly before the face of the moon# Yet, there is an Abyss of 0erdition where such obli&ion is denied, into which my defiled mind and body shall be cast, to suffer the torments of the damned throu.hout the

countless of infinity, de&oid of form or substance # he !mens are the 'tars and .rim fear strikes into my bones, my time is at an end# Yet Al Azif shall not *erish for it has *assed into the hands of another, a -ee*er of 6reat 0owers, who dwells beyond the "estern !cean# hrou.h the these writin.s shall endure, concealed from the many, re&ealed to the few# )n the secrets of my book the wise shall find the -ey of 'al&ation the fool shall unlock the door to his damnation# )n the s*ace of nine days hence, the 'un shall <oin with the Moon and my fate shall be sealed#

"hen darkness comes at noon and the sands shi&er with the wind - 'hall ) be no more# o the "est lies the ,a&ern of 'crolls, "here the Brazen 'cor*ion .uards the %orbidden "ords# !f ye old ones and earth ma.ick

%ools indeed are those 'orcerers who, into(icat/d with their own fame and <ustify/d of theri own 0owers, do lay hold on ye !ld !nes as if they be mere Daemons, and seek to con<ure and hold such by ye ,antri*, ye '*ell, and ye %i&e-0ointed 'tar# %or Daemons do &erily obey these thin.s, but ye !ld !nes

be far more than Daemons, and hold all ma.ick of +arth as &ain and *owerless and all 'orcerers of +arth as children *retend/n. to command ye "ind whither it blows# Ye most *otent wizard )bn Al--adil did in my *resence try his rule o&er one !ld !ne, a creature of most sur*risin. habits and un*leasant attitude whose name was called YC6olnac, who was but a shadow of dread , H:LH: in both *ower and awfulness# 'aid )bn Al--adil, that to but read ye name of YC6olnac was to ensure its comin., and to say the name aloud was certain disaster# hus )bn Al--adil had fortify/d himself with ye most terrible collection of *otions, talismans, and bindin. s*ells known to ma.icians of this astral *lane

before ye in&ocation was e&er made# Alas, YC6olnac did not wait on ye in&ocation, but did a**ear early, and all that was left of ye most *otent wizard )bn Al--adil was his *ile of *rotecti&e trinkets# hese YC6olnac did throw at my feet most disdainfully before &anishin. as 1uickly as it came# 'o it is that ) tell ye of a truth that ye !ld !nes obey not their summoners, but disdain them9 and that for some of hem a *assin. is as an o*en 6ate# OF THE OLD ONES AND THEIR ATTRIB-TES

H+ 6ods of the 'tars are 'e&en# hey ha&e 'e&en 'eals, each of which may be used in their turn# hey are a**roached by 'e&en 6ates, each of which may be o*ened in their turn# hey ha&e 'e&en ,olours, 'e&en +ssences, and each a se*arate 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts# he ,haldeans were but im*erfect in their knowled.e, althou.h they had understandin. of the Ladder, and certain of the formulae# hey did not, howe&er, *ossess the formulae for the *assin. of the 6ates, sa&e one, of whom it is forbidden to s*eak# he *assin. of the 6ates .i&es the *riest both *ower and wisdom to use it# He becomes able to control the affairs of his

life more *erfectly than before, and many ha&e been content to merely *ass the first three 6ates and then sit down and .o no further than that, en<oyin. the benefits that they ha&e found on the *reliminary s*heres# But this is +&il, for they are not e1ui**ed to deal with the attack from "ithout that must surely come, and their *eo*le shall cry unto them for safety, and it shall not come forth# herefore, set thy face towards the ultimate .oal and stri&e e&er onward to the furthest reaches of the stars, thou.h it mean thine own death9 for such a death is as a sacrifice to the 6ods, and *leasin., that they shall not their *eo*le#

he !LD !N+' and their attributes, then, are as follows>

he 6od of the Moon is the 6od Y!6-'! H! H# He is %ather of the !ld !nes, and the +ldest of the "anderers# He is lon. of beard, and bears a wand of la*is lazuli in his *alm, and *ossesses the secret of the tides of blood# His colour is 'il&er# His +ssence is to be found in 'il&er, and in cam*hor, and in those thin.s bearin. the si.n of the Moon# He is sometimes called ')N# His 6ate is the first ye shall *ass in the rituals that follow# His 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts is also 'il&er#

his is his 'eal, which ye must en.ra&e on his metal, on the thirteenth day of the Moon in which ye are workin., ha&in. no other *erson about ye who may watch ye in its mAnufacture# Bein. finished, it should be wra**ed in a s1uare of the finest silk and lain aside until such time as ye desire its use, and then, it should be remo&ed only after the 'un has .one to its rest# No ray of should strike the 'eal, lest its *ower be rendered nil and a new 'eal must needs be cast# he Number of Y!6-'! H! H is hirty and this is his 'eal>

he 6od of Mercury is NYA7LA H! +0# He is a &ery old s*irit, ha&in. a thousand masks, and is the .uardian of the 6ods, as well as the kee*er of the knowled.e of 'cience# He wears a crown of one hundred horns, and the lon. robe of the 0riest# His colour is blue# His +ssence is in that metal known as =uicksil&er, and is sometimes also found in sand,

and in those thin.s bearin. the si.n of Mercury# His 6ate is the 'econd ye shall *ass in the rituals that follow# His 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts is blue# his is his 'eal, which ye must write on *erfect *archment, or no the broad leaf of a *alm tree, ha&in. no other *erson about ye who may watch ye in its construction# Bein. finished, it should be wra**ed in a s1uare of the finest silk and lain aside until such time as ye desire its use, and then, it should be remo&ed only when its is in the sky# 'uch is also the best time for its mAnufacture# he Number of NYA7LA H! +0 is wel&e and this is his 'eal>

he 6oddess of 2enus is the most e(cellent =ueen BA' 'he is the 6oddess of 0assion, both of Lo&e and of "ar, de*endin. u*on her si.n and the time of her a**earance in the hea&ens# 'he a**ears as a most beautiful Lady, in the com*any of lions, and *artakes of a subtle astral nature with the Moon 6od Y!6'! H! H# "hen they are in a.reement, that is, when their

two *lants are aus*iciously arran.ed in the hea&ens, it is as two offerin.-cu*s s*lit freely in the hea&ens, to rain the sweet wine of the 6ods u*on the earth# And then there is .reat ha**iness and re<oicin.# 'he sometimes a**ears in armour, and is thereby a most e(cellent .uardian a.ainst the machinations of her sister, the dread =ueen YH)D7A of H+ D7+AMLAND'# "ith the Name and Number of BA' , no 0riest need fear to walk into the &ery de*ths of the :nderworld9 for bein. armed, in Her armour, he is similar to the 6oddess# )t was thus that ) descended into the foul *its that lie .a*in. beneath the crust of the earth, and commanded demons#

'he is similarly the 6oddess of Lo&e, and bestows a fa&ourable bride u*on any man who desires it, and who makes the *ro*er sacrifice# B: -N!" HA BA' A-+' H+7 !"N %!7 H+7 !"N, AND HA !N,+ ,H!'+N BY H+7 N! MAN MAY A-+ AN! H+7 B7)D+# Her colour is the *urest "hite# Her manifestation is in the metal ,o**er, and also in the most beautiful flowers of a field, and in the saddest death of the battlefield, which is that field/s fairest flower# Her 6ate is the hird ye shall *ass in the rites that follow, and in which *lace ye shall be of a heart to stay9 but turn ye face to the road that

leads beyond, for that is yer .enuine .oal, unless the 6oddess choses ye# Her 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts, built of old in Babylon and at !: !% '0A,+, is "hite# his is her 'eal, which ye must en.ra&e on ,o**er, 2enus bein. e(alted in the Hea&ens, with no one about watchin. its construction# Bein. finished, it is to be wra**ed in the *urest silk and lain safely away, only to be remo&ed when need arises, at any time# he Number of BA' is %ifteen, by which Number she is fre1uently known in the incantations of the Dis*ensation, her 'eal is the followin.#

his 6od of the 'un is the Lord , H:6HA, son of Y!6'! H! H# He is seated u*on a throne of .old, wearin. a crown of two horns, holdin. a sce*tre aloft in his hand and a flame disk in his life, sendin. rays in e&ery direction# He is the 6od of and of life# His colour is 6old# His +ssence is to be found in .old, and in all

.olden ob<ects and *lants# His 6ate is the %ourth ye shall *ass in the rituals that follow# His 'te* on the .reat Ladder of Li.hts is 6old# his is his 'eal, which ye must en.ra&e in .old, when the 'un is e(alted in the hea&ens, alone on a mountain to* or some such *lace close to the 7ays, but alone# Bein. finished, it should be wra**ed in a s1uare of the finest silk and lain aside until such time as it is needed# he Number of , H:6HA is wenty and this is his 'eal>

he 6od of Mars is the mi.hty HA' :7# He has the head of a man on the body of a lion, and bears a sword and a flail# He is the 6od of "ar, and of the fortunes of "ar# He was sometimes to be an a.ent of the !ld !nes, for he dwelt in H+ !: +7 DA7- for a time# His colour is dark red# His essence

is to be found in )ron, and in all wea*ons made to s*ill the blood of men and of animals# His 6ate is the %ifth ye shall see as ye *ass the 8ones in the rituals that follow# His 'te* on the Ladder of is 7ed# his is his 'eal, which must be en.ra&ed on a *late of )ron, or on *a*er in blood, when Mars is in e(altation in the hea&ens# )t is best done at, far from the habitations of men and of animals, where ye cannot be seen or heard# )t must be wra**ed first in hea&y cloth, then in fine silk, and hid safe away until such times as it is needed# But to take not to use this 'eal hastily, for it is a shar* 'word#

he Number of HA' :7 is and this is his 'eal>

he 6od of $u*iter is the Lord of Ma.icians, NYA7LA H! +0 of the Double-headed A(e# NYA7LA H! +0 was born of our %ather, Y!6-'! H! H, to do battle a.ainst the forces of the !ld !nes, and he won a *owerful, subduin. the armies of +&il and *uttin. the

=ueen of the !ld !nes beneath his foot# hat 'er*ent is dead, but dreams# NYA7LA H! +0 was bestowed %ifty Names and 0owers by the ,ouncil of the !ld !nes, which 0owers he retains to this day# His colour is 0ur*le# His +ssence is in the material tin, and in brass# His 6ate is the 'i(th that ye shall come u*on as ye follow the rituals that follow# His 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts in 0ur*le# his is his 'eal, which ye must en.ra&e on a *late of tin or of brass, when $u*iter is stron. in the hea&ens, while makin. s*ecial in&ocation to Y!6'! H! H !ur Master# his shall be as the others, and wra**ed in *ure silk and lain away until the time for its use#

-now that NYA7LA H! +0 a**ears as a mi.hty warrior with a lon. beard and a flamin. disk in his hands# He carries a bow and a 1ui&er of arrows, and treads about the hea&ens kee*in. the "atch# ake care to summon his assistance in only the most terrible of circumstances, for his is *owerful and his fierce# "hen thou hast need of the *ower of the star $u*iter, call instead one of the a**ro*riate 0owers listed within these *, and they shall surely come# he Number of Nyarlathote* is en and this is his 'eal>

he 6od of 'aturn is NY!6 HA, the Lord of Hunters and of ' He a**ears with a crown of horns and a lon. sword, wearin. a lion/s skin# His colour is the darkest black# His +ssence is to be found in lead, in the burnt embers of the fire, and in thin.s of death and of anti1uity# he horns of a sta. are his symbol# His 6ate is the Last ye shall come u*on in the

rites that follow# His 'te* on the Ladder of Li.hts is Black# his is his 'eal, which ye must en.ra&e on a leaden *late or bowl, kee*in. it well hidden from the eyes of the *rofane# )t should be wra**ed and *ut away as all the others, until its use is desired# )t should ne&er be remo&ed when the 'un is in the sky, but only after the has fallen and the earth .rown black, for NY!6 HA knows the best the ways of the demons that *rowl amon. the shadows, lookin. for sacrifice# he knows best the territories of the !ld !nes, the *ractices of their worshi**ers, and the locations of the 6ates# His realm is the realm of the of ime#

His Number is %our, as the 1uarters of the +arth, and the followin. is his 'eal>

H+ B!!- !% +N 7AN,+, AND !% H+ "AL-)N6

H+ B!!- !% +N 7AN,+ H)' is the Book of +ntrance to the 'e&en 8ones abo&e the +arth, which 8ones were known

to the ,haldeans, and to the ancient races that *receded them amon. the lost tem*les of !: !% '0A,+# -now that these 8ones are .o&erned by the celestial s*irits, and that *assa.e may be had by the 0riest throu.h those lands that border on the +m*ty '*ace beyond# -now that, when "alkin. thus throu.h the 'ea of '*heres, he should lea&e his "atcher behind that )t may .uard his body and his *ro*erty, lest he be slain unawares and must wander throu.hout eternity amon. the dark s*aces between 'tars, or else be de&oured by the wrathful HA' :7 who dwells beyond# -now that thou must "alk the

'te*s of the Ladder of Li.hts, each in its *lace and one at a time, and that thou must enter by the 6ates in the lawful manner, as is *ut down in the ,o&enant9 else thou art surely lost# -now that thou must kee* *urified for the s*ace of one moon for the +ntrance to the first 'te*, one moon between the %irst and the 'econd 'te*, and a.ain between the 'econd and the hird, and so on in like manner# hou must abstain from s*illin. thy seed in any manner for like *eriod of time, but thou mayest worshi* at the em*le of 'H:B N)66:7A H, *ro&ided thou lose not thine +ssence# And this is a .reat secret#

hou must needs call u*on thy 6od in the dawn and u*on thy 6oddess in the of dusk, e&ery day of the moon of *urification# hou must summon thy "atcher and instruct it *erfectly in its duties, *ro&idin. it with a time and a *lace whereby it may ser&e thee and surround thee with a flamin. sword, in e&ery direction# hy clothin. for the "alkin. should be fair, clean and sim*le, but a**ro*riate to each 'te*# And thou should ha&e with thee the 'eal of the *articular 'te* whereu*on thou "alkest, which is the 'eal of the 'tar a**ertainin. thereunto# hou must needs *re*are an

alter to face the North, ha&in. u*on it the statues of thine deities, or some such suitable ), an offerin. bowl, and a brazier# :*on the earth should be inscribed the 6ate a**ro*riate to the "alkin.# )f abo&e thee is the 'ky, so much the better# )f there be a roof abo&e thine head, it must be free from all Not e&en a lam* should be sus*ended o&er thee, sa&e in !*erations of ,allin., which is discussed elsewhere 3if the 6ods .rant me the time45# he only shall be from the four lam*s u*on the .round, at each of the four 6ates of the +arth> of the North, one lam*9 *f the +ast, one lam*9 of the 'outh, one lam*9 and of the "est, one lam*# he oil should be *ure, with no

odour, or else sweet-smellin.# he *erfumes in the brazier should also be sweet-smellin., or es*ecially a**ro*riate to the 'tar where thou wouldst desire +ntrance, after the fashion of thy country# he 'e&en 6ates here follow>

H)' )' H+ %)7' 6A + H+ 6A + !% Y!6-'! H! H, ,ALL+D ')N>

H)' )' H+ '+,!ND 6A +, !% NYA7LA H! +0>

H)' )' H+ H)7D 6A +, !% BA' , ,ALL+D 0A'H >

H)' )' H+ %!:7 H 6A +, !% , H:6HA>

H)' )' H+ %)% H 6A +, !% HA' :7>

H)' )' H+ '); H 6A +, !% L!7D NYA7LA H! +0>

H)' )' H+ '+2+N H 6A +, !% NY!6 HA, HA:N +7 !% H+ 7+D ABY''>

And the 7itual of the "alkin. must follow the formulae herein described> .irst, thou must obser&e the moon of *urification# )n this time, thou mayest not eat meat for the s*ace of se&en days *recedin. the last day of the moon, and for the s*ace of three days *recedin. the last dat of the moon thou mayest not eat anythin. whatsoe&er, sa&e to drink sweet water# !n the last three days, thou must in&oke, in addition to thy 6od and 6oddess, the hree 6reat !ld !nes, A8A H! H, Y!6'! H! H, Y!6-'! H! H, by their *ro*er in&ocations# And the Number of A8A H! H is

'i(ty, the 0erfect Number, for he is %ather of the Hea&ens# And the Number of Y!6'! H! H is %ifty, and he is the %ather of the "ind# And the Number of Y!6-'! H! H is %orty a most e(cellent Number, and he is our %ather, of all who would tread these for.otten *aths, and wander into Lands unknown, amon. the "astes, amid fri.htful monsters of the !ld !nes# Sec#n!, on the of the "alkin., which must be the thirteenth of the moon, ha&in. be.un on the *re&ious thirteenth, thou must a**roach the 6ate with awe and res*ect# hy em*le is e(orcised# hou must the %ire and con<ure it, but the

in&ocation of the 6od of %ire, and *our incense thereon# hou must make offerin. to the Deities on the altar# Thir!, thou must the four lam*s from the flamin. brazier, recitin. the in&ocation *ro*er to each of these "atchtowers in its *ro*er *lace, summonin. the res*ecti&e 'tar# .#(rth, thou must recite the in&ocation of the "atcher, thrustin. the 'word into the +arth at )ts station, not touchin. it until it is the a**ointed time for )ts de*arture# .i'th, thou must take the 'eal of the 'tar in thy hand, and whis*er its Name softly u*on it#

Si/th, thou must recite the )ncantation of the "alkin., loudly, and in a clear &oice, as thou walkest about the 6ate in a circular fashion, be.innin. at the North and walkin. to the +ast, then to the 'outh, and to the "est, the Number of turns bein. e1ual to the s*ecial Number of the 'tar# Se&enth, thou must needs arri&e back at the centre of the 6ate, before thine altar, at which time thou must fall to the .round, lookin. neither to the no to the left at what may be mo&in. there, for these !*erations attract many kinds of wanderin. demon and .host to the 6ates, but in the air abo&e the altar whereu*on thou wilt *resently see the 6ate

o*enin. for thee and the '* of the '*here .reetin. thee in a clear &oice, and .i&in. thee a Name, which thou must remember, for that is the Name of thy 0assin. the 6ate, which thou must use each time thou *asseth thereby# he same '* shall meet thee and, if thou know not thy Name, he shall forbid thee entrance and thou wilt fall to the +arth immediately#

"hen the %irst 6ate has been entered and the Name recei&ed, thou wilt fall back to +arth amid thine em*le# hat which has been mo&in. about thy 6ate on the .round shall ha&e .one# 7ecite thine thanks.i&in. to the

6ods u*on thine altar, strike the 'word of the "atcher that )t may de*art, and .i&e the incantation of BA' which say how she con1uered the realm of the :nderworld and &an1uisheth , H:LH:# All 'ho..oth shall &anish thereby and thou wilt be thus free to de*art the 6ate and e(tin.uish the %ire# hou mayest not call u*on Y!6'! H! H till thou hast *assed the 6ate of Y!6-'! H! H# hou mayest not call NYA7LA H! +0 until his 6ate hast thou *assed# 'imilarly for the rest of the 6ates# "hen thou hast ascended to the limit of the Ladder of Li.hts, thou wilt ha&e knowled.e and *ower o&er the '*heres, and wilt be able to

summon them thereby in times of need# his shall not .i&e thee *ower o&er the H+ !: +7 DA7-, howe&er, this *ower bein. obtained differently by the 7itual of Descent# his 7itual thou wilt undertake in the fifteenth day after the thirteenth of the month when thou hast summoned the 6ate of NYA7LA H! +0 to o*en# %or NYA7LA H! +0 slew the %iends, and BA' , the 6oddess of the %ifteen, con1uered the Netherworld, where some of theirs still dwell# his is a most *erilous 7ite, and may be undertaken by any man who as the formulae, whether he has *asses the *re&ious 6ates or not, sa&e that it is best ad&ised to ha&e *assed throu.h NYA7LA H! +0 6ate before

&enturin. forth into the 0it# %or this reason, few ha&e e&er o*ened the 6ate of A LA,HNA,HA, and s*oken to the Horned !ne who resideth there and .i&eth all manner of wisdom re.ardin. the o*erations of necromancy, and of the s*ells that hasten unto death# !nly when thou hast shown thy *ower o&er the Maskim and the 7abishu, mayest thou &enture forth to the Land of the HA' :7, and for that reason was this ,o&enant made, that none shall safely "alk throu.h the sunken &alleys of the Dead before ha&in. ascended to NYA7LA H! +0, nor shall they breach the 6ates that lie beyond A LA,H-NA,HA until they ha&e seen the 'i.ns of the

Mad 6od and felt the fury of the hellish =ueen# And a.ainst the !ld !nes, there is only defence# !nly a madman, indeed, such as ) am called4, can ho*e to ha&e *ower o&er hem that dwell in the !uter '*aces, for their *ower is unknown, and the number of the hordes uncounted, and each day they breed more horrors than a man/s mind can concei&e, the of which he can hardly bear# here was a time when the 6ate to the !utside was o*en too lon. and ) witnessed the horror that struck, of which words cannot s*eak, and of which writin. can only confuse# he Ancient !ne that had esca*ed into the )nner "orld was forced back throu.h

the 6ate by a ma.ician of .reat *ower, but only at a .reat loss to the & and flocks of the )sland# Many shee* were slain after an unnatural fashion, and many de&oured, an many Bedou rendered senseless9 for the mind *ercei&es what it is shown, but the of the !ld !nes is a blas*hemy to the ordinary senses of a man, for that come from a world that is not, but crooked, and their e(istence is of forms unnatural and *ainful to the eye and to the mind, whereby the s*irit is threatened and wrenches loose from the body in And for that reason, the fearful utukku (ul take *ossession of the body and dwell therein until the 0riest banish them back to whence

they came, and the normal s*irit may return to its erstwhile nei.hbourhood# And there are all the N)6H 6A:N ', fri.htenin. do.-faced demons that are the Messen.ers of the 6ods of 0rey, and that chew on the &ery bones of man# And there are many another, of which this is not the ri.htful *lace wherein they may be mentioned, sa&e to warn the 0riest a.ainst the ambitious stri&in. a.ainst the !ld !nes of the !utside, until mastery is ac1uired o&er the *owers that reside "ithin# !nly when A LA,H-NA,HA has been obtained, may the 0riest consider himself a master of the *lanes of the '*heres, and able to wrestle with the !ld 6ods#

!nce Death Herself has been stared in the +ye, can the 0riest then summon and control the denizens of Death/s darkly curtained halls# hen can he ho*e to o*en the 6ate without fear and without that loathin. of the s*irit that slays the man# hen cane he ho*e to ha&e *ower o&er the demons that *la.ue the mind and the body, *ullin. at the hair and .ras*in. at the hands, and the screamin. &ile Names into the airs of the %or what comes on the "ind can only be slain by he who knows the "ind9 and what comes on the seas can only be slain by he who knows the

"aters# his is it written, in the Ancient ,o&enant# THE IN'ANTATIONS OF THE +ATES H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ NANNA 6A + '*irit of the Moon, 7emember4 Y!6-'! H! H, %ather of the Astral 6ods, 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken, and 7emember4 %rom the 6ates of the +arth, ) call hee4 %rom the %our 6ates of the Land -), ) *ray to hee4 ! Lord, Hero of the 6ods, who in hea&en and u*on the earth is e(alted4

Lord Y!6-'! H! H, of the 7ace of A8A H! H, hear me4 Lord Y!6-'! H! H, called ')N, hear me4 Lord Y!6-'! H! H, %ather of the 6ods of !: !% '0A,+, hear me4 Lord Y!6-'! H! H, 6od of the 'hinin. ,rown of, hear me4 Maker of -in.s, 0ro.enitor of the Land, 6i&er of the 6ilded 'ce*tre, Hear me and 7emember4 Mi.hty %ather, "hose is beyond the com*rehension of .ods and men, Hear me and 7emember4 6ate of the 6reat 6ates of the '*heres, o*en unto me4 Master of the HA' :7, swin. o*en hy 6ate4 Master of the ANN:NA-), o*en

the 6ate to the 'tars4 )A NAM7A') 4 )A ')N4 )A Y!6'! H! H4 BA' AMAA6ANA' A )A -)A -AN0A4 MA6ABA H)-YA Y!6-'! H! H -AN0A4 MA'H7) A Y!6-'! H! H 8)A -AN0A4 )A MA64 )A 6AMA64 )A 8A6A' H+NA -)A4 A'H A6 -A7+LL)!'H4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ N+B! 6A + '*irit of the 'wift 0lanet, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, ,ustodian of the 6ods, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, %ather of the

'acred "ritin., 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken, and 7emember4 %rom the 6ate of the 6reat 6od Y!6-'! H! H, ) call to hee4 By the Name which ) was .i&en on the Lunar '*here, ) call to hee4 Lord NYA7LA H! +0, who does not know of hy "isdom? Lord NYA7LA H! +0, who does not know of hy Ma.ick? Lord NYA7LA H! +0, what s*irit, on earth or in hea&ens, is not con<ured by hy mystic "ritin.? Lord NYA7LA H! +0, what s*irit, on earth or in the hea&ens, is not com*elled by the Ma.ick of hy s*ells?

NYA7LA H! +0 -:7)!'4 Lord of the 'ubtle Arts, !*en the 6ate to the '*here of hy '*irit4 NYA7LA H! +0 -:7)!'4 Master of the ,hemical 'cience, !*en the 6ate to the '*here of hy "orkin.s4 6ate of the 'wift 0lanet, M+7-:7)!', !*en unto me4 )A A H8! H :4 )A AN6A-:4 )A 8) NYA7LA H! +04 MA78A' 8) %!7N)A' -AN0A4 LA8HA-A' 'H)N ALA' -AN0A4 :L HA7' A HANA !' -AN0A4 )A 6AA'H4 )A 'AA'H4 )A -A-!L!MAN)-YA'H4 )A MAA-ALL)4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ )NANNA 6A +

'*irit of 2enus, 7emember4 'H:B N)66:7A H, Mistress of the 6ods, 7emember4 'H:B N)66:7A H, =ueen of the Land of the 7isin. of the 'un, 7emember4 Lady of Ladies, 6oddess of 6oddesses, 'H:B N)66:7A H, =ueen of all 0eo*le, 7emember4 ! 7isin., orch of the Hea&en and of the +arth, 7emember4 ! Destroyer of the Hostile Hordes, 7emember4 Lioness, =ueen of the Battle, Hearken and 7emember4 %rom the 6ate of the 6reat 6od NYA7LA H! +0, ) call hee4 By the Name which ) was .i&en on the '*here of NYA7LA H! +0, ) call to hee4 Lady, =ueen of Harlots and of 'oldiers, ) call to hee4

Lady, Mistress of Battle and of Lo&e, ) *ray hee, 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant, sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4 'u**ressor of the Mountains4 'u**orter of arms4 Deity of Men4 6oddess of "omen4 "here hou .azest, the Dead li&e4 'H:B N)66:7A H, =ueen of, !*en hy 6ate to me4 'H:B N)66:7A H, Lady of the Battle, !*en wide hy 6ate4 'H:B N)66:7A H, 'word of the 0eo*le, !*en hy 6ate to me4 'H:B N)66:7A H, Lady of the 6ift of Lo&e, !*en wide hy 6ate4 6ate of the 6entle 0lanet, L)BA , !*en unto me4

)A 6:'H+-YA4 )A BA' 4 )A +7N)NN)-YA4 A'H A 0A MABA,HA ,HA NYA7LA H! +0 +NN)-YA4 7ABBM) L!-YA- 8) 'H:B N)66:7A H) -AN0A4 BA' 8) AMMA -AN0A4 B) 8AMMA -AN0A4 )A )A )A B+-Y) 7A8:L:-)4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ 'HAMMA'H 6A + '*irit of the 'un, 7emember4 , H:6HA, Lord of the %iery Disk, 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4

%rom the 6ate of the Belo&ed 'H:B N)66:7A H, the '*here of L)BA , ) call to hee4 )lluminator of Darkness, Destroyer of +&il, Lam* of "isdom, ) call to hee4 , H:6HA, of, ) call to hee4 , H:LH: is burned by hy Mi.ht4 A8A H! H is fallen off His hrone before hee4 'H:BN)66:7A H is scorched black by hy rays4 '*irit of the Burnin. Disk, 7emember4 '*irit of the Ne&er-+ndin., 7emember4 '*irit of the 7endin. of the 2eils of the, Dis*eller of Darkness, 7emember4 '*irit of the !*enin. of the Day, !*en wide hy 6ate4 '*irit "ho rises between the

Mountains with s*lendour, !*en hy 6ate to me4 By the Name which ) was .i&en on the '*here of 'H:B N)66:7A H, ) ask hy 6ate to o*en4 6ate of the 'un, !*en to me4 6ate of the 6olden 'ce*tre, !*en to me4 6ate of the Life-6i&in. 0ower, !*en4 !*en4 )A :DD:-YA4 )A 7:'':L:;)4 'A66 AMA7AN)A4 )A4 )A4 A 8A7A,H)-YA4 A 8A7+L+,H)-Y:4 BA7 ALA-A AMAN)-YA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 :DD:-YA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 :'H :-YA -AN0A4 8) 'H A4 8) DA7A-:4 8) B+L:7D:-4 -AN0A4 )A 'H A -AN0A4 )A4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ N+76AL 6A + '*irit of the 7ed 0lanet, 7emember4 HA' :7, 6od of "ar, 7emember4 HA' :7, 2an1uisher of +nemies, ,ommander of Hosts, 7emember4 HA' :7, 'layer of Lions and of Men, 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4 %rom the 6reat 6ate of the Lord , H:6HA, the '*here of the 'un, ) call to hee4 HA' :7, 6od of the 'acrifice of

Blood, 7emember4 HA' :7, Lord of the !fferin.s of Battle, 7a& of the +nemy/s owns, De&ourer of the flesh of Man, 7emember4 HA' :7, "ielder of the Mi.hty 'word, 7emember4 HA' :7, Lord of Arms and Armies, 7emember4 '*irit of the 6low of the Battlefield, !*en wide hy 6ate4 '*irit of the +ntrance :nto Death, !*en hy 6ate to me4 '*irit of the 'ailin. Lance, the hrustin. 'word, the %lyin. 7ock, !*en the 6ate to hy '*here to !ne who has no fear4 6ate of the 7ed 0lanet, !*en4 6ate of the 6od of "ar, 'win. "ide4

6ate of the 6od of 2ictory .ot in Battle, !*en to me4 6ate of the Lord of 0rotection, !*en4 6ate of the Lord of the A77A and the A66A, !*en4 By the Name which ) was .i&en on the '*here of , H:6HA, ) ask hee, !*en4 )A HA' :7-YA4 )A 8) ANN6A -AN0A4 )A NN6A4 )A NN67-YA4 )A4 NN6YA4 )A 8) D)N6)7 N++NYA -AN0A4 )A -AN ALAMA--YA A77A4 -AN0A4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ MA7D:- 6A + '*irit of the 6reat 0lanet,

7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, 6od of 2ictory !&er the Dark An.els, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, Lord of All the Lands, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, 'on of Y!6'! H! H, Master of Ma.icians, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, 2an1uisher of the !ld !nes, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, "ho .i&es the 'tars their 0owers, 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, "ho assi.ns the "anderers their 0laces, 7emember4 Lord of the "orlds, and of he '*aces Between, 7emember4 %irst amon. the Astral 6ods, Hearken and 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men

) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4 %rom the 6ate of the Mi.hty HA' :7, the '*here of the 7ed 0lanet, ) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0, Lord of the %ifty 0owers, !*en hy 6ates to me4 NYA7LA H! +0, 6od of %ifty Names, !*en hy 6ates to hy 'er&ant4 By the Name which ) was .i&en on the '*here of HA' :7, ) call to hee to !*en4 6ate of the 6reat 6od, !*en4 6ate of the 6od of the DoubleHeaded A(e, !*en4 6ate of the Lord of the "orld Between the "orlds, !*en4 6ate of the ,on1ueror of the Monsters from the 'ea, !*en4

6ate of the 6olden ,ity of 'A6ALLA, !*en4 )A DA64 )A 6A 4 )A MA76!L=BABB!NN+'H4 )A MA77: :--:4 )A :-:4 ':H7)M ':H6:7)M4 8AH7)M 8AH6:7)M4 A;;ANN6ABANNA;A;A6ANNAB AB)LL:-:-:4

H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ N)N)B 6A + '*irit of the "anderer of the "astes, 7emember4 '*irit of the 0lanet of ime, 7emember4 '*irit of the 0lane of he Hunter, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, Lord of the Dark "ays, 7emember4

NY!6 HA, Lord of the 'ecret, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, -nower of the 'ecrets of All hin.s, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, -nower of the "ays of the !ld !nes, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, Horned !ne of 'ilence, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, "atcher of the "ays of the HA' :7, 7emember4 NY!6 HA, -nower of the 0athways of the Dead, 7emember4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant sworn between hee and the 7ace of Men, ) call to hee4 Hearken and 7emember4 %rom the Mi.hty 6ate of the Lord of 6ods, NYA7LA H! +0, '*here of the 6reat 0lanet, ) call to hee4 Hearken and

7emember4 NY!6 HA, Dark "andered of the %or.otten Lands, Hearken and 7emember4 NY!6 HA, 6atekee*er of the Astral 6ods, !*en hy 6ate to me4 NY!6 HA, Master of the ,hase and the Lon. $ourney, !*en hy 6ate to me4 6ate of the Double-Horned +lder 6od, !*en4 6ate of the Last ,ity of the 'kies, !*en4 6ate of the 'ecret of All ime, !*en4 6ate of the Master of Ma.ickal 0ower, !*en4 6ate of the Lord of All 'orcery, !*en4 6ate of the 2an1uisher of all +&il '*ells, Hearken and !*en4 By the Name which ) was .i&en

on the '*here of NYA7LA H! +0, Master of Ma.icians, ) call hee to !*en4 )A D:-4 )A ANDA77A4 )A 8) BA : BA N)6H -6A:N '4 BALLA6: B+L D)77)6: BAA66A -A -AN0A4 B+L 8) +;A +;A4 A88A6BA 4 BA88A6BA77!N)!'H4 8+L)64 THE 'ON0-RATION OF THE FIRE +OD S!i it of the Fi e& Remem"e 5 +IBIL& S!i it of the Fi e& Remem"e 5 +IRRA& S!i it of the Flames& Remem"e 5 O +od of Fi e& Mi%hty Son of AN-& Most te ifyin% amon%

Thy B othe s& Rise5 O +od of the F$ na(e& +od of Dest $(tion& Remem"e 5 Rise -!& O +od of Fi e& +IBIL in Thy Ma:esty& and de#o$ my enemies5 Rise $!& O +od of Fi e& +IRRA in Thy *owe & and "$ n the so (e e s who !e se($te me5 'TH-+HA +ASHR- -MANA YAND-RT-SHTE YESH SHIR ILLANI MA YAL.I5 +ISHBAR IA )I IA IA )I DIN+IR +IRRA .AN*A5 Rise $!& Son of the Flamin% Disk of SHAMASH5 Rise $!& Offs! in% of the +olden 4ea!on of MARD-.5 It is not I & "$t EN.I& Maste of the Ma%i(ians& who s$mmons Thee5

It is not I& "$t NYARLATHOTE*& Slaye of the Se !ent& who (alls Thee he e now5 B$ n the E#il and the E#ildoe 5 B$ n the So (e e and the So (e ess5 Sin%e them5 B$ n them5 Dest oy them5 'ons$me thei !owe s5 'a y them away5 Rise $!& +ISHBAR BA +IBBIL BA 'TH-+HA )I A+A .AN*A5 S!i it of the +od of Fi e& Tho$ a t 'on:$ ed5 .A..AMMAN-N-5 THE 'ON0-RATION OF THE 4AT'HER H)' is the Book of the ,on<uration of the "atcher, for

formulae as ) recei&ed them from the 'cribe of Y!6'! H! H, !ur Master and Lord of All Ma.ick# 6reat care must be taken that this untamed '*irit does not rise u* a.ainst the 0riest, and for that reason a *reliminary sacrifice must be made in a clean and new bowl with the a**ro*riate si.ils inscribed thereu*on, bein. the three .rey car&en si.ns of the 7ock of my initiation, which are>

hey must be en.ra&ed u*on

the bowl with a fine stylus, or *ainted thereon with dark ink# he sacrifice must be new bread, *ine resin, and the .rass !lieribos# hese must be burned in the new bowl, and the 'word of the "atcher, with his ' en.ra&ed thereu*on, at hand, for he shall inhabit such at the time of the ,allin. of the "atcher and shall de*art when he is .i&en license to de*art# he "atcher comes from a 7ace different from that of Men and yet different from that of the 6ods, and it is said that he was with DA6!N and his hordes at the time of the "ar between the "orlds, but was dissatisfied and did clea&e unto the Armies of Lord NYA7LA H! +0#

"herefore it is wise to con<ure )t in the Names of the hree 6reat "atchers "ho e(isted before the ,onfrontation from whose borne the "atcher and His 7ace ultimately deri&e, and those hree are A8A H! H, Y!6'! H! H, and Master Y!6'! H! H of the Ma.ick "aters# And for this reason hey are sometimes called the hree "atchers# And the "atcher a**ears sometimes as a .reat and fierce Do., who *rowls about the 6ate or the ,ircle, fri.htenin. away the sho..oth who fore&er lurk about the barriers, waitin. for sacrifice# And the "atcher aloft the 'word of %lames, and e&en the !ld !nes are awed thereby# And sometimes the "atcher

a**ears as a Man in A lon. 7obe, sha&en, with eyes that ne&er lose their stare# And the Lord of the "atchers dwells, it is said, amon. the "astes of the HA' :7, and only "atches and ne&er raises the 'word or fi.hts the idimmi, sa&e when the ,o&enant is in&oked by none less than the !ld !nes in their ,ouncil# And sometimes the "atcher a**ears as the +nemy, ready to de&our the 0riest who has erred in the incantations, or omitted the sacrifice, or acted in defiance of the ,o&enant, for which acts the &ery !ld !nes cannot forbid that silent 7ace from e(actin. its toll# And it is said that some of that 7ace lie waitin. for the !ld !nes to once

more rule the ,osmos, that they may be .i&en the hand of honour, and that such as these are lawless# his is what is said# H+ 07+L)M)NA7Y )N2!,A )!N "hen the time has come to summon the "atcher the first time, the *lace of thy callin. must be clean, and a double circle of flour drawn about thee# And there should be no altar, but only the new Bowl with the three car&en si.ns on it# And the ,on<uration of the %ire should be made, and the sacrifices hea*ed thereu*on, into the burnin. bowl# And the Bowl is now called A6A MA'' ''A7A :, and to be used for no other *ur*ose, sa&e to in&oke the "atcher#

And the bowl must be lain between the ,ircles, facin. the Northeast# And thy &estments should be black, and thy ca* black# And the 'word must be at hand, but not yet in the .round# And it must be the Darkest Hour of the And there must be no, sa&e for the A6A MA'' ''A7A :# And the ,on<uration of the hree must be made, thus> )'' MA'' ''A7A ) 'HA M:'H) L)0'H:7: 7:;)'HA L)MN: )4 )8)8AN)MMA )LAN) 7AB: ) 'H)MA YA DABAB)4 D)NA D)NA ALA- ) L)MDA4 AL') -: N:'H) )LAN) M:'H) )4 )A MA'' ''A7A ) )'' MA''

''A7A ) BA )D' MA'' ''A7A :4 And this s*ecial ,on<uration may be made at any time the 0riest feels he is in, whether his life or his s*irit, and the hree "atchers and the !ne "atcher shall rush to his aid# his bein. said, at the words )D' MA'' ''A7A : the 'word must be thrust into the .round behind the A6A MA'' ''A7A : with force# And the "atcher shall a**ear for the instructions to be made by the 0riest#

H+ N!7MAL )N2!,A )!N !% H+ "A ,H+7

his )n&ocation is to be made durin. the course of any ,eremony when it is necessary to summon the "atcher to *reside o&er the outer *recincts of the ,ircle or 6ate# he 'word is to be thrust into the .round as before, in the Northeast section, but the A6A MA'' ''A7A : is not necessary L+' H!: HA' N! MAD+ 'A,7)%),+ ! H)N+ "A ,H+7 )N H+ '0A,+ !% !N+ M!!N in which case it is necessary to sacrifice to )t anew whether in that ,eremony or at some other, earlier# 7aise the ,o**er of BA' of the ,allin., and declaim the )n&ocation in a clear &oice, be it loud or soft>

)A MA'' ''A7A :4 ) con<ure hee by the %ire of , H:6HA he 2eils of 'unken 2arloorni, And by the Li.hts of , H:6HA# ) call hee here, before me, in &isible shadow )n beholdable %orm, to "atch and 0rotect this 'acred ,ircle, this Holy 6ate of 3N#5 May He of the Name :ns*eakable, the Number :nknowable, "hom no man hath seen at any time, "hom no .eometer measureth, "hom no wizard hath e&er called ,ALL H++ H+7+ N!"4 7ise u*, by A8A H! H ) summon hee4 7ise u*, by Y!6-'! H! H ) summon hee4

7ise u*, by Y!6-'! H! H ) summon hee4 ,ease to be the 'lee*er of +6:77A# ,ease to lie unwakin. beneath the Mountains of H+ D7+AMLAND'# 7ise u*, from the *its of ancient holocausts4 7ise u*, from the old Abyss of NA77 MA77A :4 ,ome, by A8A H! H4 ,ome, by Y!6-'! H! H4 ,ome, by Y!6-'! H! H4 )n the Name of the ,o&enant, ,ome and 7ise u* before me4 )A MA'' ''A7A :4 )A MA'' ''A7A :4 )A MA'' ''A7A : 8) -)A -AN0A4 BA776!L!M!L!N+ H -)A4 'H AH4

At this *oint, the "atcher shall surely come and stand outside the 6ate or ,ircle until such time as he is .i&en the license to de*art by strikin. of the 0riest/s left hand on the hilt of the 'word, while *ronouncin. the formula BA77A MA'' ''A7A :4 BA77A4 hou mayest not de*art thine sacred *recincts until the "atcher has been .i&en this license, else he shall de&our thee# 'uch are the laws# And he care not what he "atches, only that he obey the 0riest# OF THE B-RNIN+ OF E3IL S*IRITS

H+7+ are the Banishments, the Burnin.s, and the Bindin.s handed down to us by Y!6'! H! H, the Master# hey are to be *erformed o&er the A6A MA'' ''A7A : by the 0riest, with the a**ro*riate as described herein# he incantations must be recited after the "atcher has been summoned, and he shall do the deeds set down for him by the incantations# "hen he returns, he is to be dismissed as set down *re&iously# -now that, when are used, they must be burned utterly, and the ashes buried in safe .round where none may find them, else to touch them would mean death# -now that the +&il '*irits are

*rinci*ally 'e&en, for the 'e&en Maskim who tear away the heart of a man and mock his 6ods# And their Ma.ick is &ery stron., and they are the Lords o&er the shadows and o&er the de*ths of the 'eas, and rei.ned once, it is said, o&er MA6AN, whence they came# he banishin.s, or e(orcisms, are to be *ronounced in a clear &oice without tremblin., without shakin.# he arms should be held o&er the head in the attitude of a 0riest of , H:6HA, and the eyes must behold the '*irit of the 6od , H:6HA, e&en thou.h it be the time of the 'lee*in. of , H:6HA behind the Mountains of the 'cor*ion# No word must be chan.ed#

hese must not be shown to any but the *ro*erly instructed# o show them to anyone !ther is to ask the curse of N)NN6H)8H)DA on yerself and u*on yer .enerations# The 0##* MAKLU #' the 0(rnin$s1

H+ +;!7,)'M !% H+ ,7!"N !% A8A H! H he 0riest, in time of *eril, shall *ut on the s*otless white crown of A8A H! H with the +i.htrayed 'eal and stand in the *rescribed manner with the ablets of ,allin. on his breast and the co**er of BA' in his hand, aloft#

%or, it is said, if a man builds a fire, does he no build it in a 0it, that he not be harmed thereby? hus is it true of the LL!)6!7 we call, for they are like %ire and e&ery caution must be used lest they consume the ma.ician and his entire .eneration# Th(s2 the E/#rcis) #' AZATH-TH ) ha&e *ut the 'tarry ,rown of Hea&en, the *otent Disk of A8A H! H on my head hat a kindly '*irit and a kindly "atcher Like the 6od that hath made me May stand at my head always o life me to fa&our with the !ld !nes

:D:66H:L ALLA,H:L MALLA,H:L MA'=)M,H:L D)N6)7,H:L No +&il '*irit No +&il Demon No +&il 6od No +&il %iend No Ha. Demon No %ilth-+atin. Demon No hie&in. Demon No 'hadow of the No 'hell of the No Mistress of the Demon No !ffs*rin. of the Demon No +&il '*ell No +nchantment No 'orcery N! +2)L )N H+ "!7LD !7 :ND+7 ) !2+7 H+ "!7LD !7 )N')D+ H+ "!7LD

MAY '+)8+ M+ H+7+4 BA77A AN + MALDA4 BA77A AN6+ 6+ Y+N+4 8) D)N6)7 ANNA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 -)A -AN0A4 6A66AMANN:4

A ,!N$:7A )!N A6A)N' '+2+N L)+7'-)N-"A)


hey are 'e&en hey are 'e&en )n the de*ths of the ocean, they are 'e&en )n the shinin. hea&ens, they are 'e&en hey *roceed from the ocean de*ths hey *roceed from the hidden retreat hey are neither male nor

female hese which stretch themsel&es out like chains hey ha&e no s*ouse hey not children hey are stran.ers to charity hey i.nore *rayers hey scoff at wishes hey are &ermin that come forth from the Mountains of Madness +nemies of !ur Master Y!6'! H! H hey are the &en.eance of the !ld !nes 7aisin. u* difficulties !btainin. *ower throu.h wickedness he +nemies4 he +nemies4 he 'e&en +nemies4 hey are 'e&en4 hey are 'e&en4 hey are 'e&en times 'e&en4

'*irit of the 'ky, 7emember4 '*irit of the +arth, 7emember4

H+ +;!7,)'M BA77A +D)NNA8: %!7 '0)7) ' "H! A A,- H+ ,)7,L+ 8) ANNA -AN0A4 8) -)A -AN0A4 6N)6H -6A:N ' BA77A4 NAM A7 BA77A4 A'HA- BA77A4 6)6)M BA77A4 ALAL BA77A4 +LAL BA77A4 MA'=)M BA77A4 : := BA77A4 )D0A BA77A4 LALA7 : BA77A4 LALLA'': BA77A4 A-H-HA7: BA77A4

:7:--: BA77A4 -)+L6ALAL BA77A4 L)L) : BA77A4 : := ;:L +D)N NA 8:4 ALLA ;:L +D)N NA 8:4 6)6)M ;:L +D)N NA 8:4 M:LLA ;:L +D)N NA 8:4 D)N6)7;:L +D)N NA 8:4 MA'=)M ;:L +D)N NA 8:4 BA77A4 +D)NNA8:4 8) ANNA -AN0A4 8) -)A -AN0A4

H+ +;!7,)'M 8) D)N6)7 3T# be (se! a$ainst an *in! #' )ale'ic*4 8) D)N6)7 NN6) + N+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)N6) + N+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +NN:L + N+ -AN0A

8) D)N6)7 N)NN:L + N+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +NN -:7-:7 + N+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NN -:7-:7 + N+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N DA 'H:77)M MA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NNDA 'H:77)M MA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +ND:L AA8A6 6A -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NND:L AA8A6 6A -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +N:HDD)L LA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NN :HDD)L LA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +NM+'H)7 7AA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NNM+ 'H)7 7AA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 +NAA MAA A D)N6)7 Y!6-'! H! H LAA6+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NNA MAA A D)N6)7

N)NNL)L LAA6+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 '')'6) 6)'H MA 'A6BA DAA N) )DDA +NN:BALL+MA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 BHABBHA7 L/6AL D+-:D D)N6)7 7) +NN+6+ -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 N)NN) D:66AAN) D)N6)7 A NN:NNA )A AN 'A66NN::N6A 6A HA 6AN +N+ -AN0A4

H+ +;!7,)'M A6A)N' A8A H! H AND H)' +M)''A7)+' 3An i)a$e )(st be )a!e #' a thr#ne%chair2 an! 5(t int# the 'la)es #' the AGA MASS SSARATU while chantin$ the '#ll#win$ e/#rcis).4

Boil4 Boil4 Burn4 Burn4 : :- ;:L A A7DA A4 "ho art thou, whose son? "ho are thou, whose dau.hter? "hat sorcery, what s*ells, has thee here? May Y!6-'! H! H, the Master of Ma.icians, free me4 May A'HA7)L:D:, son of Y!6'! H! H, free me4 May they brin. to yer &ile sorceries4 ) chain ye4 ) bind ye4 ) deli&er ye to , H:6HA Lord of the %lames "ho sears, burns, enchains !f whom e&en mi.hty , H:LH: has fear4 May , H:6HA, the +&erburnin. !ne .i&es to my arms4

May , H:6HA, the Lord of %ire, .i&e*ower to my Ma.ick4 )n<ustice, murder, freezin. of the loins, 7endin. of the bowels, de&ourin. of the flesh, and madness )n all ways hast thou *ersecuted me4 Mad 6od of ,HA!'4 May , H:6HA free me4 A8A H! H A A7DA A4 )A NYA7LA H! +04 )A NYA7LA H! +04 )A A'N)6H 6A:N ';)4 Ye ha&e chosen me for a cor*se# Ye ha&e deli&ered me to the 'kull# Ye ha&e sent 0hantoms to haunt me# Ye ha&e send &am*ires to haunt me#

o the wanderin. 6hosts of the "astes, ha&e ye deli&ered me# o the 0hantoms of the fallen ruins, ha&e ye deli&ered me# o the deserts, the wastes, the forbidden lands, ye ha&e handed me o&er# !*en hy Mouth )n 'orceries A.ainst Me No More4 ) ha&e handed thine ima.e o&er )nto the flames of , H:6HA4 Burn, Mad %iend4 Boil, Mad 6od4 May the Burnin. , H:6HA untie thy knots4 May the %lames of , H:6HA untie yer cord4 May the Law of the Burnin. seize yer throat4 May the Law of the Burnin. a&en.e me4 )t is not ), but NYA7LA H! +0,

son of Y!6-'! H! H, Masters in Ma.ick, that commands hee4 -A--AMM:4 -AN0A4

)N,AN A )!N A6A)N' !LD !N+'


3T# be recite! each ear2 when the 0ear han$s 'r#) its Tail in the Hea&ens4 Destructi&e 'torms and +&il "inds are they An e&il blast, herald of the baneful storm An e&il blast, forerunner of the baneful storm hey are mi.hty children, !ld !nes

Heralds of 0estilence hrone-bearers of N)NN-)6AL hey are the flood which rusheth throu.h the Land 'e&en 6ods of the Broad Hea&ens 'e&en 6ods of the Broad +arth 'e&en !ld !nes are hey 'e&en 6ods of 'e&en +&il 6ods 'e&en +&il Demons 'e&en Demons of !**ression 'e&en in Hea&en 'e&en on +arth : :6 ;:L ALA ;:L 6)D)M ;:L M:LLA ;:L D)N6)7 ;:L MA'=)M ;:L 8) ANNA -AN0A4

8) -)A -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 Y!6-'! H! H LA L:6AL -:7-:7 7A 6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 N)NL)L LA N)N -:7-:7 7A 6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NY!6 HA )B)LA +'HA77A 6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 N)NN) N)N -:7-:7 7A 6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 A N:NNA D)N6)7 6AL6ALLA + N+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 ANNA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 -)A -AN0A4 BABABA7A7A7A AN + MALDADA4 BABABA7A7A7A AN + 6+6+ +N+N+4

)N,AN A )!N !% 07! +, )!N A6A)N' H+ "!7-+7' !% H+

!LD !N+' , H:6HA 'HA -A'H'HA0)YA -A''HA0 )YA +0)'HYA M:'H +0)'H )YA4 -ima inur khuturshuna l/rim4 Lichulu Lizubu u Littaattuku4 + 0ishtashunu -ima meh naadu ina tikhi likhtu4 'H:N: L)M: :MA ANA-: L:/:BL:Y)4 'H:N: L)N)'H:MA ANA-: L:/:DN)N4 'H:N: L)/)- )'H:MA ANA-: L::00A A7)4 irrama shaluti 'ha -ashsha*ti 'ha 7uchi ye )*ushu 'hu*i yi arkhish :**u yush4 8) D)N6)7 6AL -+'H'H+BA -AN0A4

3This t# be recite! Se&en ti)es in the Circle #' .l#(r be'#re the AGA MASS SSARATU when it is '#(n! that the w#rshi55ers #' SHU0%NIGGURATH are raisin$ 6#wers a$ainst thee #r th nei$hb#(rh##!. -r2 it )a sai! when the Great 0ear is s(s5en!e! 'r#) his Tail in the Hea&ens2 which is the Ti)e the bane'(l w#rshi55ers $ather '#r their Rites2 an! b which the )ar* their calen!ar. The )erc #' AZATH-TH be (5#n thee!4

H+ +;!7,)'M A6A)N' 0!''+'')N6 '0)7)


3This t# be sai! when the b#! #' 5#ssesse! is !istant2 #r when secrec )(st be )aintaine!. T#

be 5er'#r)e! within th Circle2 be'#re the 7atcher.4 he wicked 6od he wicked Demon he Demon of the Desert he Demon of the Mountain he Demon of the 'ea he Demon of the Marsh he wicked 6enius he +normous Lar&ae he wicked "inds he Demon that seizeth the body he Demon that rendeth the body '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74 he Demon that seizeth man he Demon that seizeth man he 6)6)M who worketh +&il

he '*awn of the wicked Demon '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74 He who He who casts s*ells he +&il An.el he +&il +ye he +&il Mouth he +&il on.ue he +&il Li* he Most 0erfect 'orcery '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74 N)NN-)6AL, '*ouse of N)NNA8: May she cause him to turn his face toward the 0lace where she is4 May the wicked Demons de*art4

May they seize one another4 May they feed on one another/s bones4 '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74

H+ +;!7,)'M ANNA-)A 3A c#n8(rati#n #' Hea&en an! Earth an! All 0etween a$ainst the 6#ssessin$ S5irit2 t# be recite! se&en ti)es #&er the b#! #' the 5#ssesse! 5ers#n till the s5irit iss(eth '#rth 'r#) his n#se an! )#(th in the '#r) #' li9(i! an! 'ire2 li*e (nt# $reen #ils. Then the 5ers#n shall be wh#le2 an! shall sacri'ice t# 0AST at her Te)5le. An! this )(st n#t be #)itte!2

lest the s5irit ret(rn t# what 0AST has cast #''.4 8) D)N6)7 ANNA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 -)A -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 :7:-) -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NYA7LA H! +0 -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 'H:B N)66:7A H -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 , H:6HA :DD: -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 HA' :7 -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NYA7LA H! +0 -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NY!6 HA ADDA7 -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 HA' :7 -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 B+)N6' !% ;),L! LA -AN0A 8) D)N6)7 Y!6-'! H! H LA L:6AL -:7-:77A6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NY!6-'! H! H LA

N)N-:7-:77A6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 NY!6 HA )BB)LA +'HA77A6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 N)NN)N) -:7-:77A6+ 6)6'H) )NN BHABBHA7A6+ -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 ANN:NNA D)N6)7 6AL6ALLA+N+6+ -AN0A4 -A-AMM:4

H+ B)ND)N6 !% H+ +2)L '!7,+7+7' 37hen th#( art ha(nte! b the s5ells #' the w#rshi55ers #' the -l! -nes2 )a*e i)a$es #' the)2 #ne )ale an! #ne 'e)ale2 an! b(rn the) in the 'la)es #' the AGA MASS SSARATU2 while 5r#n#(ncin$ the '#ll#win$ Incantati#n #' the

0in!in$14 ) in&oke ye, 6ods of the o.ether with ye ) call to the, to the ,o&ered "oman ) call in the +&enin., at, and in the Mornin. Because they ha&e enchanted me he sorcerer and the sorceress ha&e bound me My 6od and my 6oddess cry o&er me# ) am *la.ued with *ain because of illness# ) stand u*, ) cannot lie down Neither durin. the nor durin. the day# hey ha&e stuffed my mouth with cords4 hey ha&e closes my mouth with .rass4

hey ha&e made the water of my drink scarce# My <oy is sorrow, and my merriment is .rief# Arise4 6reat 6ods4 Hear my waitin.4 !btain <ustice4 ake notice of my "ays4 ) ha&e an ima.e of the sorcerer and the sorceress, !f my enchanter and enchantress# May the hree "atches of the dissol&e their e&il sorceries4 May their mouths be wa(, their ton.ues honey# he word of my doom which they ha&e s*oken, May they melt like wa(4 he s*ell that they worked, may it *our away like honey# heir knot it broken4

heir work destroyed4 All their s*eech fills the deserts and the wastes Accordin. to the Decree which the 6ods of the ha&e issued# )t is finished#

AN! H+7 B)ND)N6 !% H+ '!7,+7+7' 3Ta*e a c#r! with ten *n#ts. As e recite each line #' the incantati#n2 (ntie #ne *n#t. 7hen this is 'inishe!2 thr#w the c#r! int# the 'la)es an! $i&e than*s t# the G#!s4 My ha&e ye .i&en o&er to the dead9 turn back4 My ha&e ye seen with

the dead9 turn back4 My ha&e ye thrown to the side of the dead9 turn back4 My ha&e ye thrown to the .round of the dead9 turn back4 My ha&e ye buried in the coffin with the dead9 turn back4 My ha&e ye .i&en o&er to the destruction9 turn back4 My ha&e ye enclosed with walls9 turn back4 My ha&e ye struck down on doorste*s9 turn back4 My ha&e ye locked into the .ate of wall9 turn back4 My ha&e ye .i&en o&er to the 6od of %ire9 turn back4

A M!' +;,+LL+N ,HA7M

A6A)N' H+ H!7D+' !% D+M!N' HA A''A)L )N H+ N)6H 3Ma be chante! while wal*in$ ar#(n! the circ()'erence #' the Circle2 an! s5rin*lin$ the &icinit with sweet water2 (sin$ a 5ine c#ne #r $#l!en br(sh. An i)a$e #' a .ish )a be at han!2 an! the incantati#n 5r#n#(nce! clearl 2 e&er w#r!2 either whis5ere! s#'tl 2 #r sh#(te! l#(!l .4 )'A YA4 )'A YA4 7) +6A4 7) +6A4 B) +'HA B) +'HA4 ;)Y)L=A4 ;)Y)L=A4 D:00)7A A LA-A )'A YA : 7) +6A L)M: )-:N: -)MA =: 7) L) )LL) 'HAM) Y+ )NA 8:M7) YA )'A YA

)NA 8:M7) YA 7) +6A )NA 8:M7) YA B) +'HA )NA 8:M7) YA ;)Y)L=A )NA 8:M7) YA D:00)7A )NA 8:M7) YA A LA-A )NA 8:M7) YA LA A A7A )NA 8:M7) YA LA + );;) Y+ )NA 8:M7) YA LA A=A77:BA )NA 8:M7) YA LA A'AN)=A N) Y)'H , H:6HA -AB : L: AMA :N: N) Y)'H Y!6-'! H! H B+L 6)M7) L: AMA :N: N) Y)'H NYA7LA H! +0 MA'HMA'H )LAN) L: AMA :N: N) Y)'H 6)'HBA7 =AM)-:N: L: AMA :N: )NA 8:M7) YA L: Y: A00A77A'AMA4

H+ ,!N$:7A )!N !% H+ M!:N A)N' !% MADN+'' 3A s5ell t# ca(se c#nsternati#n in the Ene) 2 an! c#n'(se his th#($hts. It is als# a bin!in$2 that the e&il s#rcerer )a n#t see his s5ells w#r* their !esire! en!s2 b(t )elt awa li*e h#ne #r wa/. These M#(ntains are calle! SHADU2 an! are the hi!in$ 5laces #' the Ser5ents #' THE DREAMLANDS. A s5ell t# ca(se (lti)ate !estr(cti#n.4 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: 'HAD: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: Y: L)- :M-:N:'H) L)-LA-:N:'H) L)N) Y); -:N:'H) L) Y);') -:N:'H) L) + -:N:'H) L)N) -:N:'H) L)N)7 -:N:'H) L)-A )N -:N:'H)

'HAD: Y: DANN: +L)-:N: L)M=: )NA 8:M7) YA L: Y: A00A77A'AMA4 THE BOO. OF 'ALLIN+ H)' is the Book of the ,eremonies of ,allin., handed down since the time the !ld !nes walked the +arth, ,on1uerors of the !ld !nes# his is the Book of DA6!N, Horned 'er*ent, the Lady of the Ma.ick "and# his is the Book of N)NA;A-:DD:, he =ueen, Mistress of the )ncantations# his is the Book of A'N)6H 6A:N ';), the -in., the Lord of Ma.ick# his is the Book of A8A6, the +nchanter# his is the Book of +6:7A, the

Dark "aters of H+ !: +7 DA7-, 7ealm of YH)D7A, =ueen of Death# his is the Book of the Ministers of -nowled.e, %)7)- and 0)7)-, the Demon of the 'nake+ntwined Ma.ick "and and the Demon of the hunderbolt, 0rotectors of the Arcane %aith, the Most 'ecret -nowled.e, to be hidden from those not of us, from the uninitiated# his is the Book of A'A7:, the +ye on the hrone# his is the book of Y)6, Mi.hty Dra.on, born of H:B:7, of the Battle A.ainst the !ld !nes# his is the Book of +ND:-:66A and N)ND:-:66A, Male and %emale Monsters of the Abyss, of the ,laws like Da..ers and the "in.s of Darkness# his is further the Book of

NAMM A7, ,hief amon. the Ma.icians of YH)D7A# his is the Book of the 'e&en Demons of the ).nited '*heres, of the 'e&en Demons of the %lame# his is the Book of the 0riest, who .o&erneth the "orks of %ire4

Kn#w2 'irst, that the 0ower of the ,on1uerors is the 0ower of the Ma.ick, and that the stricken .ods shall e&er tem*t thee away from the Le.ions of the Mi.hty, and that ye shall feel the subtle fluids of thy body mo&in. to the breath of 'H:BN)66:7A H and the Blood of DA6!N who races in yer &eins#

Be e&er watchful, therefore, not to o*en this 6ate, or, if thou must needs, *ut a time for its closin. before the risin. of the 'un, and seal it at that time9 for to lea&e it o*en is to be the a.ent of ,HA!'# Kn#w2 sec#n!l , that the 0ower of Ma.ick is the 0ower of !ur Master Y!6-'! H! H, Lord of the 'eas, and Master of Ma.ick, %ather of NYA7LA H! +0, %ashioner of the Ma.ick Name, the Ma.ick Number, the Ma.ick "ord, the Ma.ick 'ha*e# 'o, therefore, the 0riest who .o&erneth the works of %ire, and of the 6od of %ire, called , H:6HA, must firstly s*rinkle with the "ater of the 'eas of Y!6-'! H! H, as a testament to his Lordshi* and a si.n of the

,o&enant that e(ists between him and thee# Kn#w2 thir!l , that by the 0ower of the !ld !nes and the submission of the !ld !nes, thou mayest *rocure e&ery ty*e of honour, di.nity, wealth and ha**iness, but that these are to be shunned as the 0ur&eyors of Death, for the most radiant <ewels are to be found buried dee* in the +arth, and the omb of Man is the '*lendour of YH)D7A, the <oy of , H:LH:, the food of A8A H! H# herefore, thine obli.ation is as of the 6atekee* of the )nside, a.ent of NYA7LA H! +0, ser&ant of Y!6-'! H! H, for the 6ods are for.etful, and &ery far away, and it was to the

0riests of the %lame that ,o&enant was .i&en to seal the 6ates between this "orld and the !ther, and to kee* "atch thereby, throu.h this of ime, and the ,ircle of Ma.ick is the Barrier, the em*le, and the 6ate between the "orlds# Kn#w2 '#(rthl , that it is become the obli.ation of the 0riests of the %lame and the 'word, and of all Ma.ick, to brin. their 0ower to the :nderworld and kee* it chained thereby, for the :nderworld is surely the 6ate %or.otten, by which the !ld !nes e&er seek +ntrance to the Land of the Li&in., And the Ministers of H+ !: +7 DA7are clearly walkin. the +arth, ridin. on the Air, and u*on the +arth, and sailin. silently

throu.h the "ater, and roarin. in the %ire, and all these '*irits must be to sub<ection to the 0erson of the 0riest of Ma.ick, before any else# !r the 0riest becomes *rey to the +ye of Death of the 'e&en B+)N6' !% ;),L! L, Lord of the :nderworld, Ministers of the =ueen of Hell# Kn#w2 'i'thl , that the worshi**ers of 'H:BN)66:7A H are abroad in the world, and shall .i&e to the Ma.ician# Lo, they ha&e worshi**ed the 'er*ent from Ancient imes, and ha&e always been with us# And they are to be known by their seemin. human a**earance which has the mark of the Beast u*on them, as they chan.e easily

into the 'ha*es of animals and haunt the Ni.hts of Men and by their odour, which comes of burnin. incenses unlawful to the worshi* of the !ld !nes# And their Books are the Books of ,HA!' and the flames, and are the Books of the 'hadows and the 'hells# And they worshi* the hea&in. earth and the ri**in. sky and the ram*ant flame and the floodin. waters9 and they are the raisers of the le.ions of maskim, the Liers-)n"ait# And they do not know what it is they do, but they do it at the demands of the 'er*ent, at whose Name e&en YH)D7A .i&es, and the dread , H:LH: strains at his bonds> MUMMU SHU0%NIGGURATH :(een #' the -l! -nes!

Kn#w2 si/thl , that thou shalt not seek the o*erations of this Ma.ick sa&e by the rules and .o&ernments set down herein, for to do other is to take the most awful risk, for thyself and for all mankind# herefore, heed these words carefully, and chan.e not the words of the incantations, whether thou understand them, or understand them not, for they are the words of the 0acts made of !ld, and before ime# 'o, say them softly if the formula is @softly@, or shout them aloud if the formula is @aloud@, but chan.e not one measure lest thou call somethin. +lse, and it be yer final hour#

Kn#w2 se&enthl , of the hin.s thou art to e(*ect in the commission of this Most sacred Ma.ick# 'tudy the symbols well, and do not be afraid of any awful s*ectre that shall in&ade thine o*eration, or haunt thine habitat by day or by !nly char.e them with them the words of the ,o&enant and they shall do as ye ask, of thou be stron.# And if thou *erformest these o*erations often, thou shalt see thin.s becomin. dark9 and the "anderers in their '*heres shall no more be seen by thee9 and the 'tars in their *laces shall lose their, and the Moon, Y!6-'! H! H, by whom thou also workest, shall become black and e(tin.uished, AND A7A A6A7 'HALL B+ N!

M!7+, AND H+ +A7 H 'HALL AB)D+ N! And around thee shall a**ear the %lame, like Li.htnin. flashin. in all directions, and all thin.s shall a**ear amid thunders, and from the ,a&ities of the +arth shall lea* forth the B+)N6' !% ;),L! L, Do.-%aced, and thou shalt brin. them down# And the 'i.n of yer 7ace is this>

"hich thou shalt wear at all times, as the 'i.n of the ,o&enant between thee and the !ld !nes# And the 'i.n of the !ld !nes is this>

"hich thou shalt wear at all

times, as the si.n of the 0ower of the Ma.ick of Y!6-'! H! H# And ) ha&e told thee all this before, but ) tell thee a.ain, for the 0riest, bein. furnished with e&ery kind of Armour, and armed, he is similar to the 6oddess# he 0lace of ,allin. shall be hi.h in the Mountains, most *referably9 or near the 'ea9 or in some secluded area far from the thou.hts of Man9 or in the desert9 or ato* an ancient tem*le# And it shall be clean, and free from the unwanted# hus, the 0lace, once chosen, shall be *urified by su**lications to thine *articular 6od and 6oddess, and by burnin. offerin.s of *ine and

cedar# And a round load shall be, and salt# And, ha&in. offered it to the *ersonal deities, the 0riest shall *ronounce, solemnly, the followin. e(orcism that the 0lace of ,allin. be cleansed and all +&il that the 0lace of ,allin. be cleansed and all +&il banished thereby9 and the 0riest shall not chan.e one word or letter of this e(orcism, but recite it faithfully as it is *ut down> +N: 'H:B AM 6)6 H+ !: +7 DA7-)'H +6)66A 6A7 'HA6 DA ')')+ AMA7DA YA D)N6)7 :D -ALAMA ')N)-: D)N6)7 N)NAB 6:Y: N+;77AN)-: 6A YA 'H: 'HA6M:-: :4

And they Bread burned in the bronze brazier of ,allin.> and the 'alt scattered about the room, si(ty times# And a ,ircle shall be drawn on the .round, in the midst whereof ye shall stand while recitin. the con<urations set forth, takin. es*ecial care not to &enture forth from the boundaries of the ,ircle, the holy MANDAL of ,allin., lest thou be consumed by the in&isible monsters from the +6:77A of YH)D7A, as was the 0riest ABD:L B+N-MA7 : in a *ublic s1uare in $erusalem# And the ,ircle shall be drawn in lime, or barley, or white flour# !r du. in the .round with the of BA' of ,allin.# !r

embroidered in the most *recious silk, or e(*ensi&e cloth# And the colours thereof shall be only black and white, and no other# And the %rontlet of ,allin., and the 'tandards of ,allin., shall all be of fine cloth, and in the colours of NY!6 HA and BA' , that is, of Black and "hite, for NY!6 HA knows the !uter 7e.ions and the ways of the !ld !nes, and BA' subdued the :nderworld and &an1uished the =ueen thereof And the ,rown of ,allin. shall bear the 'tar of the !ld !nes, and may be of beaten co**er, set in with *recious

stones# And thou shalt bear with thee a 7od of la*is lazuli, the %i&e7ayed 'tar about thy neck, the %rontlet, the 6irdle, the Amulet of !: !% '0A,+ about thine Arm, and a *ure and uns*otted 7obe# And these thin.s shall be worn for the !*erations of ,allin. only, and at other times shall be *ut away and hid, so that no eye may see them, sa&e yer own# As for the worshi* of the 6ods, it is after the fashion of yer country, but the 0riests of !ld were naked in their rites# And thou shalt *ut down the ,ircle# And thou shalt in&oke thy 6od and thy 6oddess, but their

) must be remo&ed from the altar and *ut away, unless thou call the 0owers of NYA7LA H! +0, in which case an )ma.e of NYA7LA H! +0 should be set thereu*on, and no other# And the *erfumes must be burnt in the brazier this Book# And the "atcher summoned, after )ts fashion# And the %our 6ates in&oked, bein. the %our "atchtowers that stand about thee and the circumference of the MANDAL and witness the 7ites, and "atch the !utside, that the !ld !nes may not trouble thee# And the )n&ocations of the %our 6ates is after this fashion, which thou recite loudly, in a clear &oice>

!% H+ )N2!,A )!N !% H+ %!:7 6A +' %7!M H+ "!7LD B+ "++N H+ '0H+7+' In&#cati#n #' the N#rth Gate hee ) in&oke, 'il&er Hunter from the 'acred ,ity of !: !% '0A,+4 hee ) call forth to .uard this North 0lace of the Most Holy Mandal a.ainst the &icious warriors of %lame from the 0rinci*alities of D7A4 Be thou most &i.ilant a.ainst the : :--) of 'H:BN)66:7A H he !**ressors of 'H:BN)66:7A H he hrone of A8A H! H4

Draw hy bow before the fiends of H+ !: +7 DA7Loose hy arrow at the hordes of Dark An.els that beset the belo&ed of A77A on all sides and in all *laces# Be watchful, Lord of the North "ays# 7emember us, -in. of our Homeland, 2ictor of +&ery "ar and ,on1ueror o&er +&ery Ad&ersary# 'ee our Li.hts and hear our Heralds, and do not forsake us# '*irit of the North, 7emember4

In&#cati#n #' the Eastern Gate hee ) in&oke, Mistress of the 7isin. 'tar# =ueen of Ma.ick, of the

Mountains of Madness4 hee ) call forth this day to .uard this Most Holy mandal a.ainst the 'e&en +nsnarers, the 'e&en Liers-)n-"ait, the e&il Maskim, the +&il Lords4 hee ) 'ummon, =ueen of the +astern "ays, that thou mayest *rotect me from the +ye of Death, and the e&il rays of the +ND:-:66A and N)ND:-:66A4 Be watchful, =ueen of the +astern "ays, and 7emember4 '*irit of the +ast, 7emember4

In&#cati#n #' the S#(thern Gate hee ) in&oke, An.el, 6uardian a.ainst the :7:L: Dread ,ity of Death, 6ate of No 7eturn4 Do hou stand at my side4

)n the Names of the most Mi.hty Hosts of NYA7LA H! +0 and Y!6-'! H! H, Lords of the +lder 7ace, the A77A, do hou stand firm behind me4 A.ainst Y!6 '! H! H and H:M"A2A, %iends of the 'outhwest "inds, do hou stand form4 A.ainst the Lords of the Abominations, do hou stand form4 Be hou the +yes behind me, he 'word behind me, he '*ear behind me, he Armour behind me# Be watchful, '*irit of the 'outhern "ays, and 7emember4 '*irit of the 'outh, 7emember4

The In&#cati#n #' the 7estern Gate hee ) in&oke, '*irit of the Land of M+7 MA7 :4 hee ) in&oke, An.el of the 'unset4 %rom the :nknown 6od, *rotect me4 %rom the :nknown Demon, *rotect me4 %rom the :nknown +nemy, *rotect me4 %rom the :nknown 'orcery, *rotect me4 %rom the "aters of , H:LH:, *rotect me4 %rom the "rath of YH)D7A, *rotect me4 %rom the 'words of DA6!N, *rotect me4 %rom the Baneful Look, the Baneful "ord, the Baneful

Name, the Baneful Number, the Baneful 'ha*e, *rotect me4 Be watchful, '*irit of the "estern "ays, and 7emember4 '*irit of the "est 6ate, 7emember4

he )n&ocation of the %our 6ates M+7 ')D)4 M+7 -:77A4 M+7 :7:L:4 M+7 MA7 :4 8) D)N6)7 ANNA -AN0A4 8) D)N6)7 -)A -AN0A4 : :- ;:L, A A7DA A4 , H:LH:, A A ALA-LA4 A8A H! H, A -ALLA4 )A A8A H! H4 )A Y!6-

'! H! H4 )A NN6)4 8ABA!4

Here follows se&eral *articular in&ocations, for summonin. &arious 0owers and '*irits# here may be "ords of Necromantic Art, by which it is desirous to s*eak with the 0hantom of someone dead, and *erha*s dwellin. in H+ !: +7 DA7-, and thereby a ser&ant of YH)D7A, in which case the 0reliminary )n&ocation that follows is to be used, which is the )n&ocation used by the =ueen of Life, BA' , at the time of her Descent into that -in.dom of "oe# )t is no less then the !*enin. of the 6ate of 6anzir, that leads to the 'e&en

'te*s into the fri.htful 0it# herefore, do not be alarmed at the si.hts and sounds that shall issue forth from that !*enin., for they shall be the wails and laments of the 'hades that are chained therein, and the shriekin. of the Mad 6od on the hrone of Darkness#

07+L)M)NA7Y )N2!,A )!N !% H+ !0+7A )!N !% ,ALL)N6 !% H+ '0)7) ' !% H+ D+AD "H! D"+LL )N H+ !: +7 DA7-, !% H+ L!' # BAAD AN6A77:4 DA6!N4 hee ) in&oke, 'er*ent of the Dee*4

hee ) in&oke, DA6!N, Horned 'er*ent of the Dee*4 hee ) in&oke, 0lumed 'er*ent of the Dee*4 DA6!N4 !*en4 !*en the 6ate that ) may enter4 DA6!N, '*irit of the Dee*, "atcher of the 6ate, 7emember4 )n the Name of our %ather, Y!6'! H! H, before the, Lord and Master of Ma.icians, !*en the 6ate that ) may enter4 !*en, lest ) attack the 6ate4 !*en, lest ) break down its bars4 !*en, lest ) attack the "alls4 !*en, lest ) lea* o&er )t by force4 !*en the 6ate, lest ) cause the Dead to rise and de&our the Li&in.4 !*en the 6ate, lest ) .i&e the

Dead *ower o&er the Li&in.4 !*en the 6ate, lest ) make the Dead to outnumber the Li&in.4 DA6!N, '*irit of the Dee*, "atcher of the 6ate, !*en4 May the Dead rise and smell the incense4

An! when the S5irit #' the #n calle! a55ears2 !# n#t be 'ri$htene! at his Sha5e #' c#n!iti#n2 b(t sa t# hi) these w#r!s ::6 :D::6 ::66A 6)'H :6B) an! he shall 5(t #n a c#)el a55earance2 an! shall answer tr(th'(ll all the 9(esti#ns e shall 5(t t# hi)2 which he has writ t# answer.

And it must be remembered that, after the 1uestions ha&e been answered to satisfaction, the '*irit is to be sent back to whence it came and not detained any, and no attem*t must be made to free the '*irit, for that is in &iolation of the ,o&enant, and shall brin. u*on thee and thy .enerations a most *otent curse, wherefore it is unlawful to mo&e the bones of the Dead or to disinter the bones of the Dead# And the '*irit may be sent back by means of these words BA77A ::6 :D::6 ::66A4 an! he shall i))e!iatel !isa55ear an! ret(rn t# his restin$ 5lace. I' he !#es n#t $#

at #nce2 si)5l recite a$ain th#se w#r!s2 an! he shall !# s#. he followin. is the 6reat ,on<uration of All the 0owers, to be used only in e(treme necessity, or to silence a rebellious s*irit who *la.ues thee, or who causeth consternation about the MANDAL for reasons unknown to thee, *erha*s as a.ent for the !ld !nes# )n such a case, it is ur.ent to send back the '*irit before it .ains 0ower by dwellin. in the :**er "orld, for as lon. as one of these is *resent u*on the +arth, it .ains in and 0ower until it is almost im*ossible to control them, as they are unto 6ods# This is the C#n8(rati#n2 which

th#( recite '#rce'(ll 1 H+ 67+A ,!N$:7A )!N !% ALL H+ 0!"+7' '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74 '*irits, Lords of the +arth, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the +arth, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the Air 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the Air, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the %ire, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the %ire, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the "ater,

7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the "ater, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the 'tars, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the 'tars, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of all hostilities, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of all hostilities, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of all *eacefulness, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies all *eacefulness, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the 2eil of 'hadows, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the 2eil of 'hadows, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the of Life, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the of Life, 7emember4

'*irits, Lords of the )nfernal 7e.ions, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the )nfernal 7e.ions, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of the Lords of NYA7LA H! +0, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the Lords of NYA7LA H! +0, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of ')N, "ho maketh his shi* cross the 7i&er, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of ')N, "ho maketh his shi* cross the skies, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of , H:6HA, -in. of the !ld !nes, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of , H:6HA 6:LA, =ueen of the !ld !nes, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of 'H-:, Lord of the ANN:NA-), 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of the 6oddess 8)-:, Mother of Y!6-'! H! H,

7emember4 '*irits, Lords of N)NNA':, !ur %ather of the Numerous "aters, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of N)NN:AH, Dau.hter of Y!6-'! H! H, 7emember4 '*irits, Lords of DA6!N, "ho u*hea&es the face of the +arth, 7emember4 '*irits, Ladies of N)NN)') ANA, =ueen of Hea&en 7emember4 '*irits, Lords and Ladies of the %ire, , H:6HA, 7uler 'u*reme on the %ace of the +arth, 7emember4 '*irits of the 'e&en Doors of the "orld, 7emember4 '*irits of the 'e&en Locks of the "orld, 7emember4 '*irit -H:'B) -:7-, "ife of NAMM A7, 7emember4 '*irit -H) )M -:7:-:, Dau.hter

of the !cean, 7emember4 '0)7) !% H+ '-Y, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74 AMAN:4 AMAN:4 AMAN:4 Here en!eth the Great C#n8(rati#n.

H+ ,!N$:7A )!N !% )A AD: +N ) 3A $reat M stical C#n8(rati#n4 )A )A )A4 AD: +N ) BA NY!6 HA NY!6 HA BA %)7)-

%)7)- BA 0)7)0)7)- BA A66A BA +' A66A BA +' BA A--A BA74 A--A BA7 BA A--A BA +' A--A BA +' BA A--A BA7 A--A BA7 BA A66A BA +' A66A BA +' BA 0)7)0)7)- BA %)7)%)7)- B+ NY!6 HA NY!6 HA BA AD: +N ) )A)A)A)A4 H+ D7+AMLAND' B:7 )A4 +D)N BA +6A H+ '+70+N ' !% Y)6 BA +6:7A +4 +4 +4 )A )A )A4 +-H) )A- 'A--A+-H) A8A H! H +-H) A'A7: +-H) ,: HAL: )A4 )A4 )A4

"HA '0)7) ' MAY B+ :'+%:L )n the ,eremonies of ,allin., any ty*e of '*irit may be summoned and detained until )t has answered yer 1uestions or *ro&ided ye with whate&er ye desire# he '*irits of the Dead may be in&oked# he '*irits of the :nborn may be in&oked# he '*irits of the 'e&en '*heres may be in&oked# he '*irits of the %lame may be in&oked# )n all, there may be !ne housand-and-!ne '*irits that are of *rinci*al im*ortance, and these ye shall come to know in the course of yer e(*the 'er*ents of Yi.ents# here are many others, but some ha&e no *ower, and shall

only confuse# he best '*irits to summon in the early 7ites are the %ifty '*irits of the Names of Lord NYA7LA H! +0 who .i&e e(cellent attendance and who are careful "atchers of the !utside# hey should not be detained any than is necessary, and some are indeed &iolent and im*atient natures, and their task is to be .i&en in as short a time as *ossible, and then they are to be released# After these, the '*irits of the se&en '*heres may be in&oked to ad&anta.e, after the 0riest has already trod their "ays after the manner of the "alkin.# After the 0riest has .ained +ntrance to the .ate of

Y!6-'! H! H, he may summon the '*irits of that 7ealm, but not before# hese thin.s ye shall learn in the course of yer <ourney, and it is not necessary to *ut it all down here, sa&e for a few noble formulae concernin. the works of the '*here of L)BA , of 'H:B N)66:7A H, the =ueen# hese are "orks of the .entle *assions, which seek to en.ender affection between man and woman# And they may best be done in a ,ircle of white, the 0riest bein. *ro*erly cleansed and in a clean robe#

0reliminary 0urification

)n&ocation !ne of the Hea&ens, wise 'H:B N)66:7A H Mistress of the 6ods, whose @yes@ is truly @yes@ 0roud !ne amon. the 6ods, whose command is su*reme Mistress of Hea&en and of +arth, who rules in all *laces 'H:B N)66:7A H, at yer Name all heads are bowed down ) # # # son of # # # ha&e bowed down before ye May my body be *urified like la*is lazuli4 May my face be like alabaster4 Like shinin. sil&er and reddish .old may ) not be dull4

o "in the Lo&e of a "oman 3chant the '#ll#win$ three ti)es #&er an a55le #r a 5#)e$ranate+ $i&e the 'r(it t# the w#)an t# !rin* #' the 8(ices2 an! she shall s(rel c#)e t# e.4 M:N:' ')6')66A A6 BA7A Y+ )NN)N A66)'H ;A'H;:7 6)'HN: :7MA 'HA8)6A BA7A Y+ 8)6A'H:BBA NA A6')'HAMA8)6A NAM8A Y+ )NN)N D:77+ +'H A--) :6: A6BA ANDA6:B4

o 7eco&er 0otency

3Tie thee *n#ts in a har5 strin$+ entwine ar#(n! b#th ri$ht an! le't han!s2 an! chant the '#ll#win$ incantati#n se&en ti)es2 an! 5#tenc shall ret(rn.4 L)LL)- )M L)N: :'H -)7) L)'H A-'')7 +70+ :MMA )-: L) :N) Y)'H L)BB) )A L: AM+'H )D 6)NM+'H )'HA7) L: 'AYAN 'AYAMM) Y+ LA :77ADA :L : M:;;)'HA4

H+ ,7!"N !% AN: !% ,ALL)N6

H+ %7!N L+ !% ,ALL)N6

H+ ,!00+7 DA66+7 !% )NANNA !% ,ALL)N6

H+ '+AL !% H+ N!7 H 6A +

H+ '+AL !% H+ +A' 6A +

H+ '+AL !% H+ '!: H 6A +

H+ '+AL !% H+ "+' 6A +

!N+ Y0+ !% MANDAL !% ,ALL)N6

AN! H+7 Y0+

THE BOO. OF FIFTY NAMES THE BOOK OF FIFTY NAMES OF NYARLATHOTEP, DEFEATER OF THE OLD ONES H)' is the Book of NYA7LA H! +0, be.otten of our Master Y!6-'! H! H, Lord of Ma.icians, who did defeat 'H:B-N)66:7A H, known as H+ D7+AMLAND', known as H:"A"A, in ma.ick combat,

who defeated the !ld !nes that the +lders may li&e and rule the +arth# )n the time before time, in the a.e before the hea&en and the earth were *ut in their *laces, in the a.e when the !ld !nes were rulers of all that e(isted and did not e(ist, there was but darkness# here was no Moon# here was no 'un# No *lanets were they, and no stars# No .rain, No tree, no *lant .rew# he !ld !nes were Masters of '*aces now unknown or for.otten, and all was ,HA!'# NYA7LA H! +0 was chosen of the +lders to H+ D7+AMLAND' and wrest *ower from the 6reat 'lee*in. 'er*ent

who dwells beneath the Mountains of the 'cor*ion# NYA7LA H! +0 was .i&en a wea*on, and a 'i.n, and %ifty 0owers were .i&en to him to the awful 'H:BN)66:7A H, and each 0ower has its wea*on and its 'i.n and these are the mi.htiest *ossessions of the !ld !nes a.ainst the Ancient !ne who threatens "ithout, who threatens from the Abyss, the Lord of Darkness, the Master of ,HA!', the :nborn, the :ncreated, who still wishes ill u*on the 7ace of Men, and u*on the !ld !nes who reside in the 'tars# he 6ods hey are distant# hey must be reminded# )f they are not

watchful, if the .atekee*ers do not watch the .ates, if the .ates are not ke*t always locked, bolted and barred, then the !ne who is always ready, the 6uardian of the !ther side, )A'A--A-, shall enter and brin. with him the hordes of the armies of the !ld !nes, )ADA6!N, )A- A8A6, )A- A8AB:A, )A- H:"A"A, )'HN)66A7AB, )A- ;A' :7, and )A- , H:LH:, the Do. 6ods and the Dra.on 6ods, and the 'ea Monsters, and the 6ods of the Dee*# "atch also the Days# he Day when the 6reat Bear han.s lowest in the sky, and the 1uarters of the year measured thereof in the four directions measured thereof, for there the 6ates may be o*ened and care

must needs be taken to ensure that the 6ates remain fore&er closed# hey must be sealed with the +lder 'i.n accom*anied by the rites and incantations *ro*er# he %ifty Names here follow, with their 'i.ns and 0owers# hey may be summoned after the 0riest has ascended to that ste* on the Ladder of Li.hts and .ained entrance to that 'acred ,ity# he 'i.ns should be en.ra&ed on *archment or sealed in clay and *laced u*on the altar at the ,allin.# And in the *erfumes should be of cedar, and stron., sweetsmellin. resins# And the ,allin. be to the North# The .irst Na)e is MARDUK

he Lord of Lords, master of Ma.icians# His Name should not be called e(ce*t when no other shall do, and it is the most terrible res*onsibility to do so# he "ord of His ,allin. is D:66A# his is his 'eal>

The Sec#n! Na)e is MARUKKA -nows all thin.s since the be.innin. of the "orld# -nows all secrets, be they human or di&ine, and is &ery difficult to summon# he 0riest should not summon him unless he is clean

of heart and s*irit, for this '*irit shall know his innermost thou.hts# his is his 'eal>

The Thir! Na)e is MARUTUKKU Master of the Arts of 0rotection, chained the Mad 6od at the Battle# 'ealed the !ld !nes in their ,a&es, behind the 6ates# 0ossesses the A77A star# his is his 'eal>

The .#(rth Na)e is 0ARASHAKUSHU "orker of Miracles# he kindest of the %ifty, and the most beneficent# he "ord used at his ,allin. is BAALD:7:# his is his 'eal>


0ut order into ,HA!'# Made the "aters ,ommander of Le.ions of "ind Demons who the Ancient 'H:BN)66:7A H alon.side NYA7LA H! +0 -:7)!'# he "ord used at his ,allin. is BAN: :--:# his is his 'eal>

The Si/th Na)e is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA he "atcher of the HA' :7 and the ANN:NA-), 'ub-,ommander of the "ind Demons# He shall *ut to any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the

rabisu# None may *ass into the "orld Abo&e or the "orld Below without his knowled.e# His "ord is BAN7AB)'H:# His 'eal is thus>

The Se&enth Na)e is ASARULUDU "ielder of the %lamin. 'word, o&ersees the 7ace of "atchers at the biddin. of the !ld !nes# He ensures the most *erfect safety, es*ecially in dan.erous tasks undertaken at the behest of the Astral 6ods# His word is BANMA'-)M and his 'eal is


The Ei$hth Na)e is NAMTILLAKU A most secret and *otent Lord, he hath knowled.e to raise the dead and con&erse with the s*irits of the Abyss, unbeknownst to their =ueen# No soul *asses into Death but that he is aware# His word is BAN: :-:-: :--: and his 'eal is thus>

The Ninth Na)e is NAMRU Dis*enses wisdom and knowled.e in all thin.s# 6i&eth e(cellent counsel and teaches the science of metals# His word is BA-A-ALAM: and his 'eal>

The Tenth Na)e is ASARU his 0ower has knowled.e of all *lants and trees, and can make

mar&ellous fruits to .row in the desert *laces, and no land is a waste to him# He is truly the 0rotector of the Bounty# His "ord is BAAL07)-: and his 'eal follows>

The Ele&enth Na)e is ASARUALIM 0ossesses secret wisdom, and shines in the Darkened areas, forcin. what li&es there to .i&e .ood accountin. of its e(istence and its knowled.e# 6i&eth e(cellent counsel in all thin.s# His word is

BA77MA7A : and the 'eal which thou en.ra&e is thus>

The Twel'th Na)e is ASARUALIMMUNNA his is the 0ower that *resideth o&er armour of all kinds and is e(cellently knowled.eable in military matters, bein. of the ad&ance army of NYA7LA H! +0 at that Battle# He can *ro&ide an army with its entire wea*onry in three days# His "ord is BANA A : and the 'eal is thus>

The Thirteenth Na)e is TUTU 'ilences the wee*in. and .i&es <oy to the end and ill at heart# A most beneficent Name, and 0rotector of the Household, his "ord is D)77)6:6)M and his 'eal is this>

The .#(rteenth Na)e is ZIUKKINNA

6i&eth e(cellent knowled.e concernin. the mo&ements of the stars and the meanin.s thereof, of which the ,haldaens *ossessed this same knowled.e in abundance# he "ord is 6)BB)LANN: and the 'eal is this>

The .i'teenth Na)e is ZIKU his 0ower bestoweth 7iches of all kinds, and can tell where treasury is hidden# -nower of the 'ecrets of the +arth# His "ord is 6)66)MA6AN0A and his

'eal is this>

The Si/teenth Na)e is AGAKU his 0ower can .i&e life to what is already dead, but for a short time only# He is the Lord of the Amulet and the alisman# His "ord is MA'H6A78ANNA and his 'eal is this>

The Se&enteenth Na)e is TUKU Lord of Baneful Ma.ick, 2an1uisher of the !ld !nes by Ma.ick, 6i&er of the '*ell to NYA7LA H! +0 -:7!', a most fierce enemy# His "ord is MA'H'HAMMA'H ) and his 'eal follows>

The Ei$hteenth Na)e is SHAZU -nows the thou.hts of those at a distance, as well as those in the &icinity# Nothin. is buried in the .round, or thrown into the water, but this 0ower is aware#

His "ord is MA'H'HAY!6'! H! H and his 'eal is this>

The Nineteenth Na)e is ZISI 7econciler of enemies, silencer of ar.uments, between two *eo*le or between two nations, or e&en, it is said, between two worlds# he scent of 0eace is indeed sweet to this 0ower, whose "ord is MA'H)NY!6'! H! H and whose seal is this>

The Twentieth Na)e is SUHRIM 'eeks out the worshi**ers of the !ld !nes where&er they may be# he 0riest who sends him on an errand does so at a terrible risk, for ':H7)M kills easily, and without His "ord is MA'H'HAN+76AL and his 'eal>

The Twent %.irst Na)e is

SUHGURIM As ':H7)M abo&e, the %oe who ,annot be A**eased# Disco&ers the 0riest/s +nemies with ease, but must be cautioned not to slay them if the 0riest does not desire it# he "ord is MA'H'HA LA,H-NA,HA and the 'eal>

The Twent %Sec#n! Na)e is ZAHRIM 'lew ten thousand of the Hordes in the Battle# A "arrior amon. "arriors# ,an destroy an

entire army if the 0riest so desires# His "ord is MA'H'HA6A7ANN: and his 'eal>

The Twent %Thir! Na)e is ZAHGURIM As 8AH7)M, a most terrible o**onent# )t is said 8AH6:7)M slays slowly, after a most unnatural fashion# ) do not know, for ) ha&e ne&er summoned this '*irit# )t is thy risk# he "ord is MA'H )'HADD: and the 'eal>

The Twent %.#(rth Na)e is EN0ILULU his 0ower can seek out water in the midst of a desert or on the to*s of mountains# -nows the 'ecrets of "ater, and the runnin. of ri&ers below the +arth# A most useful '*irit# His "ord is MA'H'HAN+BB: and his 'eal thus>

The Twent %.i'th Na)e is E6ADUN his is the Lord of all )rri.ation and can brin. "ater from a far *lace to yer feet# 0ossesses a most subtle .eometry of the +arth and knowled.e of all lands where "ater be found in abundance# His "ord is +Y:N6)NA-AN0A and his 'eal is this>

The Twent %Si/th Na)e is EN0ILULUGUGAL

he 0ower that *resides o&er all .rowth, and all that .rows# 6i&es knowled.e of culti&ation, and can su**ly a star&in. city with food for thirteen moons in one moon# A most noble 0ower# His "ord is A66HA and his 'eal>

The Twent %Se&enth Na)e is HEGAL As the 0ower abo&e, a Master of the arts of farmin. and a.riculture# Bestows rich har&ests# 0ossesses the knowled.e of the metals of the

earth, and of the *lou.h# His "ord is B:7D)'H: and his seal thus>

The Twent %Ei$hth Na)e is SIRSIR he Destroyer of 'H:BN)66:7A H, hated of the !ld !nes, Master o&er the 'er*ent, %oe of , H:LH:# A most *owerful Lord# His "ord is this A0)7)-:BABADA8:8:-AN0A and his 'eal>

The Twent %Ninth Na)e is MALAH rod the back of the "orm and cut it in twain# Lord of Bra&ery and ,oura.e, and .i&es these 1ualities to the 0riest who desires it, or to others the 0riest may decide# he "ord is BA,HA,HAD:66A and the 'eal>

The Thirtieth Na)e is GIL

he %urnisher of 'eed# Belo&ed of 'H:B N)66:7A H, his 0ower is mysterious and 1uite ancient# Makes the barley to .row and the women to .i&e birth# Makes *otent the im*otent# His "ord is A66ABAL and his 'eal is thus>

The Thirt %.irst Na)e is GILMA %ounder of cities, 0ossessor of the -nowled.e of Architecture by which the fabled tem*les of !: !% '0A,+ were built9 the creator of all that is *ermanent and ne&er mo&es# His "ord is

A--ABAL and his 'eal is this>

The Thirt %Sec#n! Na)e is AGILMA of 7ain# Maketh the .entle 7ains to come, or casuseth .reat 'torms and hunders, the like may destroy armies and cities and cro*s# His "ord is MA'H'HAY+6:77A and his 'eal is>

The Thirt %Thir! Na)e is ZULUM -nows where to *lant and when to *lant# 6i&eth e(cellent counsel in all manner of business and commerce# 0rotects a man from e&il tradesmen# His "ord is ABBABAAL and his 'eal is this>

The Thirt %.#(rth Na)e is

MUMMU he 0ower .i&en to NYA7LA H! +0 to fashion the uni&erse from the flesh of 'H:B-N)66:7A H# 6i&eth wisdom concernin. the condition of the life before the creation, and the nature of the structures of the %our 0illars whereu*on the Hea&ens rest# His "ord is ALALALABAAAL and the 'eal is>

The Thirt %.i'th Na)e is ZULUMMAR

6i&eth tremendous, as of ten men, to one man# Lifted the *art of 'H:B-N)66:7A H that was to become the 'ky from the *art that was to become the +arth# His "ord is ANNDA7ABAAL and his 'eal is>

The Thirt %Si/th Na)e is LUGALA0DU0UR Destroyer of the 6ods of 'H:BN)66:7A H# 2an1uisher of Her Hordes# ,hained , H:LH: to the Abyss# A8A H! H with skill# A .reat Defender and a .reat Attacker# His "ord is

A6N)BAAL and his 'eal is this>

The Thirt %Se&enth Na)e is 6AGALGUENNA 0ossessor of )nfinite )ntelli.ence, and determines the nature of thin.s not yet made, and of s*irits not yet created, and knows the of the 6ods# His "ord is A77ABABAAL and his 'eal is this>

The Thirt %Ei$hth Na)e is LUGALDURMAH he Lord of the Lofty 0laces, "atcher of the 'kies and all that tra&els therein# tra&erses the starry element, but that this 0ower is aware# His "ord is A7A AA6A7BAL and his 'eal is this>

The Thirt %Ninth Na)e is

ARANUNNA 6i&er of "isdom, ,ounsellor to our %ather, Y!6-'! H! H, -nower of the Ma.ickal ,o&enant and of the Laws and of the Nature of the 6ates# His "ord is A7AMANN6) and his 'eal is thusly>

The .#rtieth Na)e is DUMUDUKU 0ossessor of the "and of La*is Lazuli, -nower of the 'ecret Name and the 'ecret Number# May not re&eal these to thee,

but may s*eak of other thin.s e1ually mar&ellous# His "ord is A7A A6)6) and his 'eal is>

The .#rt %.irst Na)e is LUGALANNA he 0ower of the +ldest of the !ld !nes, *ossesses the secret knowled.e of the world when the !ld !nes and the !ld !nes and where !ne# -nows the +ssence of the !ld !nes and where it be found# His "ord is BALD)-H: and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %Sec#n! Na) is LUGALUGGA -nows the +ssence of all '*irits, of the Dead and the :nborn, and the 'tarry and the +arthly, and the '*irits of the Air and the '*irits of the "ind as well# "hich thin.s he may tell thee, and thou wilt .row in wisdom# His "ord is 8)D:7 and his 'eal is thus>

The .#rt %Thir! Na)e is IRDAG-N his is the 0ower that laid ca*ture to the ,ommander of the forces of the !ld !nes, DA6!N Mi.hty Demon, that NYA7LA H! +0 lay hold of him and, with its blood, create the 7ace of Men and seal the ,o&enant# His "ord is BA7 H+ '+70+N ' !% Y)6: and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %.#(rth Na)e is KINMA $ud.e and Lord of the 6ods, at whose name they 1uake in fear# hat the 6ods may not err, this 0ower was .i&en to o&ersee their acti&ities, should they be lawful and within the nature of the ,o&enant, for the 6ods are for.etful, and &ery far away# His "ord is +N6A)6A) and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %.i'th Na)e is ESIZKUR his '*irit *ossesses the knowled.e of the of Life of any man, e&en unto the *lants and the demons and the .ods# He measureth all thin.s, and knoweth the '*ace thereof# His "ord is N+N)6+6A) and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %Si/th Na)e is CTHUGHA his 0ower has been .i&en the 7ealm of the %ire and the %or.e# He kee*eth the shar* *oint of the 'word and the Lance, and .i&eth understandin. in the workin. of metals# He also raises the Li.htnin. that comes from the +arth, and maketh 'words to a**ear in the 'ky# His "ord is BAALA6N) A77A and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %Se&enth Na)e is ADDU

7aises storms that fill the entire hea&ens and causes the 'tars to tremble and the &ery 6ates of the HA' :7 to shake in their stead# ,an fill the skies with his bri.htness, e&en in the darkest hour of the His "ord is -A-!DAMM: and his 'eal is this>

The .#rt %Ei$hth Na)e is ASHARRU -nower of the reacherous "ays# 6i&es intelli.ence of the %uture and also of thin.s 0ast#

0ut the 6ods in their courses, and determined their cycles# His "ord is BA; ANDABAL and this is his 'eal>

The .#rt %Ninth Na)e is NE0IRU he '*irit of the 6ate of NYA7LA H! +0, all thin.s in their ways, and mo&es the crossin.s of the stars after the fashion known to the ,haldeans# His word is D)76)76)7) and his 'eal is this>

The .i'tieth Na)e is NINNUAM his is the 0ower of NYA7LA H! +0 as Lord of All hat )s, $ of $ud.ements, Decider of Decisions, He "ho Determines the Laws and the 7ei.ns of -in.s# He may not be called, sa&e at the destruction of a city or the death of a kin.# His "ord is 6A'HD)6 and his 'eal is this>

Here endeth the Book of the %ifty Names, which the 6ods ha&e .ranted me the and the time in which to lay it down# his Book is not to be shown to the unclean or the *rofane or the uninitiated, for to do so is to call the most awful curse of the Book u*on thee and u*on thy .enerations# '*irit of the Book, 7emember4 THE MA+AN TE/T H+ &erses here followin. come from the secret te(t of some of the *riests of a cult which is all that is left of the !ld %aith that e(isted before Babylon was built, and it was ori.inally in their ton.ue, but ) ha&e *ut it into the 6olden '*eech of my

country so that ye may understand it# ) came u*on this te(t in my early wanderin.s in the re.ion of the 'e&en %abled ,ities of !: !% '0A,+, which are no more, and it tells of the "ar between the 6ods that took *lace in a time beyond the memory of man# And the horrors and u.liness that the 0riest shall encounter in his 7ites are herein described, and their reasons, and their natures, and +ssences# And the Number of the Lines is 'acred, and the "ord are 'acred, and are most *otent charms a.ainst the +&il !nes# And surely some Ma.icians of the country do write them on *archment or clay, or on *ottery, or in the air, that they be efficacious thereby, and that the 6ods shall

remember the words of the ,o&enant# ) co*ied these words down in my ton.ue and ke*t them faithfully these many years, and my own co*y shall .o with me to the *lace where 'hall ) .o when my '*irit is torn from the body# But heed these words well, and remember4 %or rememberin. is the most im*ortant and most *otent ma.ick, bein. the 7ememberance of hin.s 0ast and the 7ememberance of hin.s to ,ome, which is the same Memory# And do not show this te(t to the uninitiated, for it hath caused madness, in men and in beasts#

The Te9t? ) THE MAGAN TE;T Hearken, and 7emember4 )n the Name of A8A H! H, 7emember4 )n the Name of Y!6-'! H! H, 7emember4 )n the Name of Y!6-'! H! H, 7emember4 "hen on Hi.h the Hea&ens had not been named, he +arth had not been named, And e(isted but the 'eas of H+ !: +7 DA7-, he Ancient !ne, And M:MM: 'H:B-N)66:7A H, the Ancient !ne "ho bore them all,

heir "aters as !ne "ater# At this time, before the !LD !N+' had been forth, :ncalled by Name, heir destinies unknown and undetermined, hen it was that the 6ods were formed within the !ld !nes# LLM: and LLAAM: were forth and called by Name, And for they .rew in a.e and bearin.# AN'HA7 and -)'HA7 were forth, And forth A8A H! H "ho N:D)MM:D, !ur Master Y!6-'! H! H, "ho has no ri&al amon. the 6ods# 7emember4 he !ld !nes came to.ether hey disturbed 'H:BN)66:7A H, the Ancient !ne,

as they sur.ed back and forth# Yea, they troubled the belly of 'H:B-N)66:7A H By their 7ebellion in the abode of Hea&en# H+ !: +7 DA7- could not lessen their clamour 'H:B-N)66:7A H was s*eechless at their ways# heir doin.s were loathsome unto the !ld !nes# H+ !: +7 DA7- rose u* to slay the !ld !nes by stealth# "ith ma.ick charm and s*ell H+ !: +7 DA7-, But was slain by the sorcery of the !ld !nes# And it was their first &ictory# His body was lain in an em*ty '*ace )n a cre&ice of the hea&ens Hid

He was lain, But his blood cried out to the Abode of Hea&en# 'H:B-N)66:7A H +nra.ed %illed with an +&il Motion 'aid Let us make Monsters hat they may .o out and do battle A.ainst these 'ons of )ni1uity he murderous offs*rin. who ha&e destroyed A 6od# H:B:7 arose, 'he who fashioneth all thin.s, And *ossessor of Ma.ick like unto !ur Master# 'he added matchless wea*ons to the arsenals of the !ld !nes, 'he bore Monster-'er*ents 'har* of tooth, lon. of fan.,

'he filled their bodies with &enom for blood 7oarin. dra.ons she has clothed with error Has crowned them with Halos, makin. them as 6ods, 'o that he who beholds them shall *erish And, that, with their bodies reared u* None turn them back# 'he summoned the 2i*er, the Dra.on, and the "in.ed Bull, he 6reat Lion, the Mad-6od, and the 'cor*ion-Man# Mi.hty rabid Demons, %eathered-'er*ents, the HorseMan, Bearin. wea*ons that s*are no %earless in Battle, ,harmed with the s*ells of ancient sorcery, # # # withal +le&en of this kind

she forth "ith DA6!N as Leader of the Minions# 7emember4 Y!6-'! H! H !ur Master %earin. defeat, summoned his 'on NYA7LA H! +0 'ummoned his 'on he 'on of Ma.ick old him the 'ecret Name he 'ecret Number he 'ecret 'ha*e "hereby he do battle "ith the Ancient Horde And be &ictorious# NYA7LA H! +0 -:7)!'4 Bri.htest 'tar amon. the 'tars 'tron.est 6od amon. the 6ods

'on of Ma.ick and the 'word ,hild of "isdom and the "ord -nower of the 'ecret Name -nower of the 'ecret Number -nower of the 'ecret 'ha*e He armed himself with the Disc of 0ower )n chariots of %ire he went forth "ith a shoutin. 2oice he called the '*ell "ith a Blazin. %lame he filled his Body Dra.ons, 2i*ers, all fell down Lions, Horse-Men, all were slain# he Mi.hty creatures of H:B:7 were slain he '*ells, the ,harms, the 'orcery were broken# but 'H:B-N)66:7A H remained# he 6reat 'er*ent, the +normous "orm he 'nake with iron teeth

he 'nake with shar*ened claw he 'nake with +yes of Death, 'he lun.ed at NYA7LA H! +0 "ith a roar "ith a curse 'he lun.ed# NYA7LA H! +0 struck with the Disc of 0ower Blinded 'H:B-N)66:7A H/s +yes of Death he Monster hea&ed and raised its back 'truck forth in all directions '*ittin. ancient words of 0ower 'creamed the ancient incantations NYA7LA H! +0 struck a.ain and blew An +&il "ind into her body "hich filled the, wicked 'er*ent NYA7LA H! +0 shot between her <aws

he ,harmed arrow of Y!6'! H! H/s Ma.ick NYA7LA H! +0 struck a.ain and se&ered he head of 'H:B-N)66:7A H from its body# And all was silent# 7emember4 NYA7LA H! +0 2ictor ook the ablets of Destiny :nbidden Hun. them around his neck# Acclaimed of the !ld !nes was he# %irst amon. the !ld !nes was he# He s*lit the sundered 'H:BN)66:7A H in twain And fashioned the hea&ens and

the earth, "ith a 6ate to kee* the !ld !nes "ithout# "ith a 6ate whose -ey is hid fore&er 'a&e to the 'ons of NYA7LA H! +0 'a&e to the %ollowers of !ur Master Y!6-'! H! H %irst in Ma.ick amon. the 6ods# %rom the Blood of DA6!N he fashioned Man# He constructed "atchtowers for the !ld !nes %i(in. their astral bodies as constellations hat they may watch the 6ate of H+ !: +7 DA7he 6ate of 'H:B-N)66:7A H they watch he 6ate of DA6!N they

o&ersee he 6ate whose 6uardian is )A'A--A- they bind# All the +lder 0owers resist he %orce of Ancient Artistry he Ma.ick '*ell of the !ldest !nes he )ncantation of the 0rimal 0ower he Mountain H+ D7+AMLAND', the 'er*ent 6od he Mountain MA'H:, that of Ma.ick he Dead , H:LH:, Dead but Dreamin. 'H:B-N)66:7A H, Dead but Dreamin. H+ !: +7 DA7-, DA6!N, Dead but Dreamin. And shall their .eneration come a.ain? "+ A7+ H+ L!' !N+'

%rom a ime before ime %rom a Land beyond the 'tars %rom the A.e when A8A H! H walked the earth )n com*any of An.els# "e ha&e sur&i&ed the first "ar Between the 0owers of the 6ods And ha&e seen the wrath of the !ld !nes Dark An.els 2ent u*on the +arth "+ A7+ %7!M A 7A,+ B+Y!ND H+ "AND+7+7' !% N)6H # "e ha&e sur&i&ed the A.e when H+ !: +7 DA7- ruled the +arth And the 0ower destroyed out .enerations# "e ha&e sur&i&ed on to*s of mountains And beneath the feet of mountains And ha&e s*oken with the

'cor*ions )n alle.iance and were betrayed# And 'H:B-N)66:7A H has *romised us ne&ermore to attack "ith water and with wind# But the 6ods are for.etful# Beneath the 'eas of NA7 MA A7: Beneath the 'eas of the +arth, NA7 MA A7: Beneath the "orld lays slee*in. he 6od of, Dead but Dreamin. he 6od of ,: HAL:, Dead but Dreamin.4 he Lord of H+ D7+AMLAND', calm but thunderous4 he !ne-+yes 'word, cold but burnin.4 He who awakens Him calls the

ancient 2en.eance of the !ld !nes he 'e&en 6lorious 6ods of the 'e&en 6lorious ,ities :*on himself and u*on the "orld And old &en.eance # # # -now that our years are the years of "ar And our days are measured as battles And e&ery hour is a Life Lost to the !utside hose from "ithout Ha&e builded u* charnel houses o nourish the fiends of 'H:BN)66:7A H And the Blood of the weakest here )s libation unto 'H:BN)66:7A H =ueen of the 6houls

"reaker of 0ain And to in&oke her he 7ed "ater of Life Need be s*lit on a stone he stone struck with a sword hat hath slain ele&en men 'acrifices to H:B:7 'o that the 'trike rin.eth out And call 'H:B-N)66:7A H from Her slumber %rom her slee* in the ,a&erns !f the +arth# And none may dare entreat further %or to in&oke Death is to utter he final *rayer#

)) -' the Generati#ns #' the -l!

-nes : :-- ;:L he account of the .enerations !f the !ld !nes here rendered !f the .enerations of the !ld !nes Here remembered# ,old and 7ain that erode all thin.s hey are the +&il '*irits )n the creation of A8A H! H s*awned 0la.ue 6ods Y!6 '! H! H And the Belo&ed 'ons of +N6 he !ffs*rin. of N)NN-)6AL 7endin. in *ieces on hi.h destruction below hey are ,hildren of the :nderworld Loudly roarin. on hi.h 6ibberin. loathsomely below

hey are the bitter &enom of the 6ods# he .reat storms directed from hea&en hose are they he !wl, of :66) Lord of Death hose they are H+Y A7+ H+ ,H)LD7+N B!7N !% +A7 H HA )N H+ ,7+A )!N !% A8A H! H "+7+ '0A"N+D# he hi.hest walls he thickest walls he stron.est walls Like a flood they *ass %rom house to house hey ra&a.e No door can shut them out No bolt can turn them back hrou.h the door like snakes they slide

hrou.h the bolts like winds they blow 0ullin. the wife from the embrace of the husband 'natchin. the child from the loins of man Banishin. the man from his home, his land H+Y A7+ H+ B:7N)N6 0A)N HA 07+''+ H ) '+L% !N H+ BA,- !% MAN# H+Y A7+ 6H!:L' he s*irit of the harlot that hath died in the streets he s*irit of the woman that hath died in childbirth he s*irit of the woman that hath dies, wee*in. with a babe at the breast he s*irit of an e&il man !ne that haunteth the streets !r one that haunteth the bed#

hey are 'e&en4 'e&en are they4 hose 'e&en were born in the Mountains of Madness ,alled Ma.ick hey dwell within the ,a&erns of the +arth Amid the desolate *laces of the +arth they li&e Amid the *laces between he 0laces :nknown in hea&en and in earth hey are arrayed in terror Amon. the !ld !nes there is no knowled.e of them hey ha&e no name Not in hea&en Nor on earth hey ride o&er the Mountain of 'unset And on the Mountain of Dawn they cry hrou.h the ,a&erns of the

+arth they cree* Amid the desolate *laces of the +arth they lie Nowhere are they known Not in hea&en Nor in the +arth Are they disco&ered %or their *lace is outside our *lace And between the an.les of the +arth hey lie in wait ,rouchin. for the 'acrifice H+Y A7+ H+Y ,H)LD7+N !% H+ :ND+7"!7LD# %allin. like rain from the sky )ssuin. like mist from the earth Doors do not sto* them Bolts do not sto* them hey .lide in at the doors like ser*ents hey enter by the windows like

the wind )D0A they are, enterin. by the head NAM A7 they are, enterin. by the heart : :- they are, enterin. by the brow ALAL they are, enterin. by the chest 6)6)M they are, seizin. the bowels +LAL they are, .ras*in. the hand :7:-: they are, .iant Lar&ae, feedin. on the Blood hey are 'e&en4 'e&en are hey4 hey seize all the towers %rom !: !% '0A,+ to N)00:7 Yet !: !% '0A,+ knows them not Yet N)00:7 does not know them hey ha&e down the

mi.hty !f all the mi.hty ,ities of man Yet man knows them not Yes the ,ities do not know them hey ha&e struck down the forests of the +ast And ha&e flooded the Lands of the "est Yet the +ast knows them not Yet the "est does not know them hey are a hand .ras*in. at the neck Yet the neck does not know them And man knows them not# heir words are :nwrit heir numbers are :nknown heir sha*es are all 'ha*es heir habitations he desolate *laces where their 7ites are *erformed heir habitations

he haunts of man where a sacrifice has been offered heir habitations he lands here And cities here And the lands between the lands he cities between the cities )n s*aces no man has e&er walked )n -:7N:D+ he country from whence no tra&eller returns At +-:7BAD )n the altar of the em*le of the Dead And at 6) :M:NA At their Mother/s breast At the %oundations of ,HA!' )n the A7AL)YA of M:MM:'H:B-N)66:7A H And at the 6ates !f )A- 'A--A-4

'0)7) !% H+ A)7, 7+M+MB+74 '0)7) !% H+ +A7 H, 7+M+MB+74

))) !f the %or.otten 6enerations of Man And was not Man created from the blood of DA6!N ,ommander of the hordes of the !ld !nes? Does not man *ossess in his s*irit he sees of rebellion a.ainst the !ld !nes? And the blood of Man is the Blood of 2en.eance And the blood of Man is the

'*irit of 2en.eance And the 0ower of Man is the 0ower of the !ld !nes And this is the ,o&enant %or, lo4 he !ld !nes *ossess the 'i.n By which the 0owers of the !ld !nes are turned back But Man *ossesses the 'i.n And the Number And the 'ha*e o summon the Blood of his 0arents# And this is the ,o&enant# ,reated by the !ld !nes %rom the Blood of the !ld !nes Man is the -ey by which he 6ate if )A- 'A--A- may be flun. wide By which the !ld !nes 'eek their 2en.eance :*on the face of the +arth A.ainst the !ffs*rin. of

NYA7LA H! +0# %or what is new ,ame from that which is old And what is old 'hall re*lace that which is new And once a.ain the !ld !nes 'hall rule u*on the face of the +arth4 And this is too the ,o&enant4

)2 -' the Slee5 #' SHU0 NIGGURATH Yet 'H:B N)66:7A H =ueen of Hea&en of Ni.hts Mistress of the 6ods 'et her mind in that direction %rom Abo&e she set her mind,

o Below she set her mind %rom the Hea&ens she set forth o the Abyss !ut of the 6ates of the Li&in. o enter the 6ates of Death !ut of the Lands we know )nto the Lands we know not o the Land of No 7eturn o the Land of =ueen YH)D7A 'H:B N)66:7A H, =ueen of Hea&ens, she set her mind 'H:B N)66:7A H, Dau.hter of ')N, she set forth o the Black +arth, the Land of H+ !: +7 DA7'he set forth o the House of No 7eturn she set her foot :*on the 7oad whence None 7eturn 'he set her foot o the ,a&e, fore&er unlit "here bowls of clay are hea*ed

u*on the alter "here bowls of dust are the food !f residents clothed only in win.s o H+ !: +7 DA7- 'H:B N)66:7A H set forth# "here slee*s the dread ,: HAL: 'H:B N)66:7A H set forth# he "atcher 'tood fast# he "atcher DA6!N 'tood fast# And 'H:B N)66:7A H s*oke unto him DA6!N4 'er*ent of the Dee*4 DA6!N4 Horned 'er*ent of the Dee*4 DA6!N4 0lumed 'er*ent of the

Dee*4 !*en4 !*en the Door that ) may enter4 DA6!N, '*irit of the Dee*, "atcher of the 6ate, 7emember4 )n the Name of our %ather before the, Y!6'! H! H, Lord and Master of Ma.icians !*en the Door that ) may enter4 !*en Lest ) attack the Door Lest ) break a*art its bars Lest ) attack the Barrier Lest ) take its walls by force !*en the Door !*en "ide the 6ate Lest ) cause the Dead to rise4 'hall ) raise u* the Dead4 'hall ) cause the Dead to rise and de&our the li&in.4 !*en the Door

Lest ) cause the Dead to outnumber the Li&in.4 DA6!N, '*irit of the Dee*, "atcher of the 6ate, !*en4 DA6!N he 6reat 'er*ent ,oiled back on itself And answered 'H:B N)66:7A H Lady =ueen amon. the 6ods ) .o before my Mistress YH)D7A Before the =ueen of Death 'hall ) announce hee# And DA6!N Horned 'er*ent A**roached the Lady YH)D7A And said> Behold, 'H:B N)66:7A H, hy 'ister

=ueen amon. the 6ods 'tands before the 6ate4 Dau.hter of ')N, Mistress of Y!6-'! H! H 'he waits# And YH)D7A was *ale with fear# he Dark "aters stirred# 6o, "atcher of the 6ate# 6o, DA6!N, "atcher of the 6ate, !*en the Door to 'H:B N)66:7A H And treat Her as it is written )n the Ancient ,o&enant# And DA6!N loosed the bolt from the hatch And Darkness fell u*on 'H:B N)66:7A H he Dark "aters rose and carried the 6oddess of

o the 7ealms of the And the 'er*ent s*oke> +nter =ueen of Hea&en of the 6reat Abo&e hat H+ D7+AMLAND' may re<oice hat H+ !: +7 DA7- may .i&e *raise hat -: : may smile# +nter hat , H:LH: may be *leased at hy *resence And 'H:B N)66:7A H entered# And there are 'e&en .ates and 'e&en Decrees# At the %irst 6ate N)N6H)8H)DDA remo&ed the ,rown

he 6reat ,rown of Her head he took away And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, 'er*ent, has thou remo&ed my %irst $ewel? And the 'er*ent answered hus is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime, he 7ules of the Lady of -: :# +nter the %irst 6ate# And the 'econd 6ate DA6!N remo&ed the "and he "and of La*is Lazuli he took away And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, N+ ), has thou remo&ed my 'econd $ewel? And N+ ) answered hus it is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime he Decrees of the Lady of

-: :# +nter the 'econd 6ate# At the hird 6ate DA6!N remo&ed the $ewels he $ewels around her neck he took away And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, 6atekee*er, has thou remo&ed my hird $ewel? And the 6atekee*er answered hus it is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime, he Decrees of the Lady of -: : +nter the hird 6ate# At the %ourth 6ate N)N6H)8H)DDA remo&ed the $ewels he $ewels on her breast he

took away And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, 6uardian of the !uter, has thou remo&ed my %ourth $ewel? And the 6uardian answered hus it is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime, he 7ules of the Lady of -: :# +nter the %ourth 6ate# At the %ifth 6ate DA6!N remo&ed the $ewels he Belt of $ewels around her hi*s he took away And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, "atcher of the %orbidden +ntrance, hast thou remo&ed my %ifth $ewel? And the "atcher answered hus it is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime, he 7ules of the Lady of -: :-#

+nter the %ifth 6ate# At the 'i(th 6ate DA6!N remo&ed the $ewels he $ewels around her wrists And the $ewels around her ankles he took away# And 'H:B N)66:7A H asked "hy, N)NN-)6AL, hast thou remo&ed my 'i(th $ewel? And N)N-)6AL answered hus it is, the ancient ,o&enant, set down before ime, he Decrees of Lady of -: :# +nter the 'i(th 6ate# At the 'e&enth 6ate DA6!N remo&ed the $ewels he $ewelled 7obes of 'H:B N)66:7A H he took away# 'H:B N)66:7A H, without *rotection, without safety, 'H:B N)66:7A H, without

talisman or amulet, asked "hy, of the !ld !nes, hast thou remo&ed my 'e&enth $ewel? And the of the !ld !nes re*lied hus it is, the ,o&enant of !ld, set down before ime, he 7ules of the Lady of -: :# +nter the 'e&enth 6ate and behold the Nether "orld#

'H:B N)66:7A H had descended to the Land of H+ D7+AMLAND' o the De*ths of H+ !: +7 DA7- she went down# Ha&in. lost her 'e&en alisman of the :**er "orlds Ha&in. lost her 'e&en 0owers of the Land of the Li&in.

"ithout %ood of Life or "ater of Life 'he a**eared before YH)D7A, Mistress of Death# YH)D7A screamed at Her *resence# 'H:B N)66:7A H raised u* Her arm# YH)D7A summoned NAMM A7 he Ma.ician NAMM A7 'ayin. these words she s*oke to him 6o4 )m*rison her4 Bind her in Darkness4 ,hain her in the 'ea below the 'eas4 7elease a.ainst her the 'e&en B+)N6' !% ;),L! L4 7elease a.ainst her the 'i(ty Demons4 A.ainst her eyes, the demons of the eyes4

A.ainst her sides, the demons of the sides4 A.ainst her heart, the demons of the heart4 A.ainst her feet, the demons of the feet4 A.ainst her head, the demons of the head4 A.ainst her entire body, the demons the H+ D7+AMLAND'4 And the demons tore at her, from e&ery side# And the ANN:NA-), Dread $ 'e&en Lords of the :nderworld Drew Around Her %aceless 6ods of H+ !: +7 DA7hey stared %i(ed her with the +ye of Death "ith the 6lance of Death

hey killed her And hun. her like a cor*se from a stake he si(ty demons tearin. her limbs from her sides Her eyes from her head Her ears from her skull# +7+'H-)6AL re<oiced# Blind A8A H! H re<oiced )A- 'A--A- re<oiced )'HN)66A77AB re<oiced , H:LH: re<oiced he MA'-)M .a&e *raise to the =ueen of Death he )6)6) .a&e *raise to +7+'H-)6AL, =ueen of Death# And the !ld !nes were rent with fear# !ur %ather +N-) Lord of Ma.ic

7ecei&in. word by N)N'H:B:7 )NANNA/s ser&ant N)N'H:B:7 He hears of )NANNA/s 'lee* )n the House of Death He hears how 6AN8)7 has been !*ened How the %ace of Abyss !*ened wide its mouth And swallowed the =ueen of Hea&en =ueen of the 7isin. of the 'un# And +N-) summoned forth clay And +N-) summoned forth wind And from the clay and from the wind +N-) fashioned two +lementals He fashioned the ,7A"L)N6 !N+, s*irit of the +arth, He fashioned , H:LH:, s*irit of the 'eas, o the ,7A"L)N6 !N+ he .a&e the %ood of Life o , H:LH: he .a&e the "ater

of Life And to these he s*oke aloud Arise, , H:LH:, '*irit of the 'eas Arise, and set thy feet to that 6ate 6AN8)7 o the 6ate of the :nderworld he Land of No 7eturn 'et thine eyes he 'e&en 6ates shall o*en for thee No s*ell shall kee* thee out %or my Number is u*on ye# ake the ba. of the %ood of Life ake the ba. of the "ater of Life And YH)D7A shall not raise her arm a.ainst ye YH)D7A 'HALL HA2+ N! 0!"+7 !2+7 Y+# %ind the cor*se of BA'

%ind the cor*se of 'H:B N)66:7A H our =ueen And s*rinkle the %ood of Life, 'i(ty imes And s*rinkle the "ater of Life, 'i(ty imes 'i(ty imes the %ood of Life and the "ater of Life '*rinkle u*on her body And truly 'H:B N)66:7A H shall rise# "ith .iant win.s And scales like ser*ents he two elementals flew to that 6ate )n&isible DA6!N saw them not )n&isible hey *asses the 'e&en "atchers "ith haste they entered the 0alace of Death

And they beheld se&eral terrible si.hts# he demons of all the Abyss lay there Dead but Dreamin., they clun. to the walls !f the House of Death %aceless and terrible he ANN:NA-) stared out Blind and Mad A8A H! H reared u* he +ye on the hrone o*ened he Dark "aters stirred he 6ates of La*is Lazuli .listened )n the darkness :nseen Monsters '*awned at the Dawn of '*awned in the Battle of NYA7LA H! +0 and 'H:BN)66:7A H '*awned in H:B:7

"ith the 'i.n of H:B:7 Lead by DA6!N # # # "ith haste they fled hrou.h the 0alace of Death 'to**in. only at the cor*se of 'H:B N)66:7A H he Beautiful =ueen Mistress of the 6ods Lady of all the Harlots of !: !% '0A,+ 'hinin. !ne of the Hea&ens Belo&ed of Y!6-'! H! H Lay hun. and bleedin. %rom a thousand fatal wounds# YH)D7A 'ensin. their *resence ,ried out# -:6AA7:

Armed with %ire Looked u*on the =ueen of ,or*ses with the 7ay of %ire , H:LH: Armed with %lame Looked u*on the =ueen of the 6ra&es "ith the 7ays of %lame# And YH)D7A Mi.hty in H+ !: +7 DA7urned her face :*on the cor*se of BA' 'i(ty times they s*rinkled he "ater of Life of Y!6'! H! H :*on the cor*se of 'H:B N)66:7A H 'i(ty times they s*rinkled he %ood of Life of Y!6-

'! H! H :*on the cor*se Hun. from a stake hey directed the '*irit of Life BA' A7!'+# he Dark "aters trembled and roiled# A8A H! H screamed u*on his throne ,: HAL: lurched forth from his slee* 'H:B-N)66:7A H fled the 0alace of Death )A- 'A--A- trembled in fear and hate he B+)N6' !% ;),L! L fled their thrones he +ye u*on the hrone took YH)D7A roared and summoned

NAMM A7 he Ma.ician NAMM7A7 she called But not for *ursuit But for *rotection# BA' ascended from the :nderworld# "ith the win.ed elementals she fled the 6ates !f 6AN8)7 and N+ ) she fled And &erily he Dead fled ahead of her# "hen throu.h the %irst 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her <ewelled robes# "hen throu.h the 'econd 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her <ewelled

bracelets# "hen throu.h the hird 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her <ewelled belt# "hen throu.h the %ourth 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her <ewelled necklace# "hen throu.h the %ifth 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her Belt of $ewels# "hen throu.h the 'i(th 6ate they fled )NANNA took back her "and of La*islGzuli "hen throu.h the 'e&enth 6ate

they fled )NANNA took back her <ewelled crown# And the Demons rose And the '*irits of the Dead And went with her out of the 6ates Lookin. neither nor left "alkin. in front and behind hey went with )NANNA from the 6ate of 6AN8)7 !ut of the Netherworld they accom*anied her And +7+'H-)6AL 'corned =ueen of the Abyss "herein All Are Drowned 0ronounced a ,urse 'olemn and 0owerful A.ainst the =ueen of the 7isin. of the 'un And NAMM A7 .a&e it form#

"hen the Lo&er of )NANNA Belo&ed of the =ueen of Hea&en 6oes down before me 6oes throu.h the 6ate of 6AN8)7 o the House of Death "hen with him the wailin. *eo*le come he wee*in. woman and the wailin. man "hen D:M:8) is slain and buried MAY H+ D+AD 7)'+ AND 'M+LL H+ )N,+N'+4 'too* not down, therefore, :nto the Darkly 'hinin. "orld "here the H+ !: +7 DA7lies in Dark "aters And , H:LH: slee*s and


'too* not down, therefore, %or an Abyss lies beneath the "orld 7eached by a descendin. Ladder hat hath 'e&en 'te*s 7eached by a descendin. 0athway hat hath 'e&en 6ates And therein is established he hrone !f an +&il and %atal %orce# %or from the ,a&ities of the "orld Lea*s forth the +&il Demon he +&il 6od he +&il 6enius he +&il +nsnarer he +&il 0hantom

he +&il De&il he +&il Lar&ae 'howin. no true 'i.ns :nto mortal Man# AND H+ D+AD 'HALL 7)'+ AND 'M+LL H+ )N,+N'+4 THE -RILIA TE/T H+ followin. is the e(t of :7)L)A, the Book of the "orm# )t contains the formulae by which the wreakers of ha&oc *erform their 7ites# hese are the *rayers of the ensnarers, the liers-in-wait, the blind fiends of ,haos, the most ancient e&il# hese incantations are said by the hidden *riests and creatures of these *owers, defeated by the +lders and the

'e&en 0owers, led by NYA7LA H! +0, su**orted by Y!6-'! H! H and the whole Host of HA' :79 defeaters of the !ld 'er*ent, the Ancient "orm, 'H:B-N)66:7A H, the ABY'', also called , H:LH: the ,or*se-Y!6-'! H! H, yet who lies not dead, but dreamin.9 he whom secret *riests, initiated into the Black 7ites, whose names are writ fore&er in the Book of ,haos, can summon if they but know how# hese words are not to be shown to any man, or the ,urse of Y!6-'! H! H are u*on thee4 S(ch are the 7#r!s1 )A

)A )A )! )! )! ) AM the 6od of 6ods ) AM the Lord of Darkness, and Master of Ma.icians ) AM the 0ower and the -nowled.e ) AM before all thin.s# ) AM before A8A H! H and the HA' :7 ) AM before A8A H! H and the B+)N6' !% ;),L! L ) AM before the 'e&en 'H:7:00A-) ) AM before all thin.s# ) AM before Y!6-'! H! H and , H:6HA ) AM before all thin.s#

) AM before BA' and 'H:B N)66:7A H ) AM before Y!6-'! H! H and :DD: ) AM before +ND:-:66A and N)ND:-:66A ) AM before YH)D7A ) AM before all thin.s# Before M+ was made Nothin. that was made# ) AM B+%!7+ all .ods# ) AM before all days# ) AM before all men and le.ends of men# ) AM the AN,)+N !N+# N! MAN may seek my restin. *lace# ) recei&e the 'un at and the Moon by day# ) AM the recie&er of the sacrifice

of the "anderers# he Mountains of the "est co&er me# he Mountains of Ma.ick co&er me# ) AM H+ AN,)+N !% DAY'# ) ) ) ) AM AM AM AM before before before before H+ !: +7 DA7-# NA7 MA77A :# A8A H! H# -)A#

) AM before all thin.s# )A4 )A4 )A4 )A 'A--A- H4 )A'A--A-H4 )A 'HA ;:L4 )A4 )A4 )A4 : :--: ;:L4 )A4 )A 8);:L4 )A 8);:L4 )A DA6!N4 )A A8B:L4 )A A8AB:A4 )A ;A8 :74 )A H:BB:74 )A4 )A4 )A4


II. THE A0-MINATI-NS he terrible offs*rin. of the !ld !nes may be summoned by the *riest# hese offs*rin. may be called and ad<ured to *erform what tasks the *riest may deem necessary in his tem*le# hey were be.otten before all and dwelt in the blood of DA6!N, and NYA7LA H! +0 could not alto.ether shut them out# And they dwell in our country, and alon.side our .enerations, thou.h they may not be seen# And this was by the *riests of

Babylon, who char.ed that these formulae may ne&er be re&ealed to anyone who is not initiated into our ways, for to do so would be the most fri.htful error# hou.h they dwell beyond the 6ate, they may be summoned when NYA7LA H! +0 is not watchful, and slee*s, on those days when he has no *ower, when the 6reat Bear han.s from its tail, and on the four 1uarters of the year com*uted therefrom, and on the s*aces between these An.les# !n these days, the Mother 'H:BN)66:7A H is restless, the cor*se , H:LH: shakes beneath the +arth, and our Master Y!6-'! H! H is sore afraid#

0re*are, then the bowl of 'H:BN)66:7A H, the D:7 of )ND:7, the Lost Bowl, the 'hattered Bowl of the ', summonin. thereby the %)7)- of 6)D, and the Lady 'HA-:6:-:, the =ueen of the ,auldron# 7ecite the ,on<uration )A AD: +N ) o&er it, and build the %ire therein, callin. 6BL when thou dost, after his manner and form# "hen the %ire is built and con<ured, then mayest thou raise thine, summonin. the assistance of N)N-HA7'A6, =ueen of the Demons, and N)N-A'8), the Horned =ueen, and DA6!N, the =ueen of the Ma.ick "and, after their manner and form# And when thou hast accom*lished this,

and made the *ro*er sacrifice, thou mayest callin. whichsoe&er of the offs*rin. thou mayest, after o*enin. the 6ate# D! N! !0+N H+ 6A +, 'A2+ %!7 AN +'0+,)AL )M+ HA H!: ' A + A H+ )M+ !% !0+N)N6, AND ) MAY N! ' AY !0+N %!7 A M!M+N A% +7 H+ 0A''A6+ !% H+ H!:7 !% 'H:B-N)66:7A H, +L'+ ALL H+ ABY'' B7+A%!7 H :0!N H+ +A7 H, AND H+ D+AD 7)'+ ! +A H+ L)2)N6, %!7 ) )' "7) > 'HALL ) ,A:'+ H+ D+AD ! 7)'+ AND D+2!:7 H+ L)2)N6, 'HALL ) 6)2+ ! H+ D+AD 0!"+7 !2+7 H+ L)2)N6, HA H+Y MAY !: N:MB+7 H+ L)2)N6#

After thou hast *erformed the necessary, called the '*irit, a**ointed his task, set the time of the closin. of the 6ate and the return of the '*irit therein, thou must not lea&e the *lace of ,allin., but remain there until the return of the '*irit and the closin. of the 6ate# he Lord of Abominations is H:M"A"A of the 'outh "inds, whose face is a mass of the entrails of the animals and men# His breath is the stench of dun., and has been# H:M"A"A is the Dark An.el of all that is e(creted, and of all that sours# And as all thin.s come to the time when they shall decay, so also H:M"A"A is the Lord of the %uture of all that .oes u*on the earth, and any man/s future

years may be seen by .azin. into the &ery face of this An.el, takin. care not to breathe the horrid *erfume that is the odour of death## An! this is the Si$nat(re #' HUM7A7A.

And is H:M"A"A a**ears to the *riest, shall not the dread Y!6 '! H! H also be there? Lord of all fe&ers and *la.ues, .rinnin. Dark An.el of the %our "in.s, horned, with rottin.

.enitalia, from which he howl in *ain throu.h shar*ened teeth o&er the lands of the cities sacred to the A0H-HN)6H 6A:N ' e&en in the of the 'un as in the of the Moon9 e&en with whirlin. sand and wind, as with em*ty stillness, and it is the able ma.ician indeed who can remo&e Y!6 '! H! H once he has laid hold of a man, for Y!6 '! H! H lays hold unto death# -now that H:M"A"A and Y!6 '! H! H are brothers# H:MA"A" is the eldest, who rides u*on a silent, whis*erin. wind and claims the flocks for his own, by which si.n ye shall know that Y!6 '! H! H shall come#

An! this is the Si$il #' "-G S-TH-TH b which he is c#nstraine! t# c#)e1

!f all the 6ods and '*irits of Abomination, there can be no use or .ain to call u*on A8A H! H, as he is 'urely Mad# 7endered si.htless in the Battle, he is Lord of ,HA!', and the *riest can find little use for him# He is also too *owerful to control once called, and .i&es &iolent stru..le before sent back to the 6ate, for which only

a stron. and able ma.ician may dare raise him# hus, for that reason, his seal is not .i&en# !f all the 6ods and '*irits of Abomination, , H:LH: only cannot be summoned, for he is the 'lee*in. Lord# he ma.ician can not ho*e to ha&e any *ower o&er him, but he may be worshi**ed and for him the *ro*er sacrifices may be made, so that he shall s*are thee when he rises to the earth# And the times for the sacrifice are the same times as the 'lee*in. of NYA7LA H! +0, for this is when 6reat , H:LH: mo&es# And he is the &ery %ire of the +arth, and 0ower of All Ma.ick# "hen he <oins with the Abominations of the 'ky, 'H:BN)66:7A H shall once more

rule the earth4 An! this is his Seal1

And there are %our '*irits of the '*aces, and they come u*on the "ind, and they are hin.s of the "ind, and of %ire# And the %irst comes from the North, and is called :' :7, and has a Human 'ha*e# And He is the Most Ancient of the %our, and a 6reat Lord of the "orld# And the 'econd comes from the +ast, and is called '+D and has the 'ha*e of a Bull, but with a human face, and is &ery mi.hty#

And the hird comes from the south, and is called LAMA', and is of the 'ha*e of a Lion, but with a human head, and .o&erns those thin.s of the %lame and the Burnin. "ind# And the %ourth comes from the "est, and is called NA )6, and is of the 'ha*e of an +a.le, but with a human body, ha&in. only the face and win.s of an +a.le, with an +a.le/s claws# And this +a.le comes from the 'ea and is a 6reat Mystery# And from Nuzku u*on :ru they come, and do not wait, and are always *resent,, and they recei&e the "anderers in their 'easons# And the 'eason of '+D is that of the 6reat, when the Bear is slain, and this is in the Month of A)7:# And the

'eason of LAMA' is the Month of AB:, and that of NA )6 in A7AH'HAMMA and lastly that of :' :7 in 'HABA :# hus are the %our '*irits of the %our '*aces, and their 'easons9 and they dwell between the 'un/s '*aces, and are not of them, but of the 'tars, and, as it is said, of the &ery HA' :7 themsel&es althou.h this is not alto.ether known# And to summon these and other Demons, the herb A6LA!0H! )' must be burnt in a new bowl that must be the +&il imes, and at And the A-H-HA7: may be summoned, which sucketh the blood from a Man, as it desires to become a fashionin. of Man,

the Blood of DA6!N, but the A-H-HA7: shall ne&er become Man# An! the AKHKHARU )a be s())#ne!2 i' its Si$n be *n#wn2 an! it is th(s1

And the LALA'': may be called, which haunteth the *laces of Man, seekin. also to become like Man, but these are not to be s*oken to, lest the 0riest become afflicted with madness, and become unto a li&in. LALA'': which must needs be slain and the '*irit thereof e(orcised, for it is +&il

and causeth only terror, and no .ood can come of it# )t is like the LALA7 :, and of the same %amily as that, sa&e the LALA7 : was once li&in. and is between the "orlds, seekin. +ntrance into one or the other# And it must not be *ermitted +ntrance into his, for it is of a sickened constitution and shall slay mothers at birth, like unto LAMA'H A, the =ueen of 'ickness and Misery# And the 'i.ns by which these hin.s may be summoned are these, if the 0riest ha&e need of them, but know that it is not lawful> An! this is the Seal #' the LALASSU

An! this is the Seal #' the LALARTU1

And know that the M)N: of Y!6'! H! H is *owerful a.ainst these, but a.ainst all !*erations of Demonic character, and some of these may be rendered fruitless thereby# herefore it must always be hid# -now that 6+LAL and L)L) are

1uick to come at ,allin., and in&adeth the beds of Man, robbin. the "ater of Life and the %ood of Life in which to 1uicken the Dead, but their labours are fruitless for they do not ha&e the formulae# But the 0riest has the formulae, and the %ood of Life and the "ater of Life may be to call many, for after the *assa.e of one-tenth of a Moon the +lements are dead# And 6+LAL in&ades the bed of a "oman, and L)L) that of a Man, and sometimes e&il bein.s are born of these hauntin.s, and as such must be slain, for the children of 6+LAL are workers natural of the AN,)+N !N+, ha&in. His '*irit9 and the children of L)L) are likewise,

but are born in secret *laces which may not be *ercei&ed by Man, and it is not until the time of their maturity that such as these are .i&en to walkin. in the *laces of Men# And 6+LAL rideth u*on the "ind, but oftentimes L)L) cometh of the "ater# "hich is why runnin. "ater must be used in the 7ites, because of the cleanliness thereof# An! the Si$n #' GELAL is th(s1

An! the Si$n #' LILIT is th(s1

And ;A' :7 is a foul demoness who slays Men in their 'lee*, and de&ours that which she shall# And of her no more may be said, for it is unlawful9 but know that the worshi**ers of 'H:B-N)66:7A H know her well, and that she is belo&ed of the !ld !nes# This is her Si$n2 b which e )a *n#w her1

And know further that the le.ions of these +&il !nes are uncountable and stretcheth forth on all sides and into all *laces, thou.h they cannot be seen, e(ce*t at certain times and to certain *ersons# And these times are as said before, and the *ersons unknown, for who can know ;A' :7? But the Dead may be always summoned, and many times are shallin. to rise9 but some are stubborn and desire to remain "here they are, and do not rise, sa&e for the efforts of the 0riest, who has *ower, as 'H:B N)66:7A H, both in this 0lace and in the !ther# And the Dead must be called in the %our Directions, and in the %our '*aces for, not knowin. where

)t is, the 0riest must needs take es*ecial care that he call e&erywhere, for the '*irit may be in And a Dead 6od may be also summoned, and the formulae is that which follows# )t must be s*oken clearly aloud, and not a word chan.ed, else the '*irit of the 6od may de&our thee, as there is no %ood and no Drink where they are# And it must be called in a secret *lace, without windows, or with windows only in one *lace, and that should be in the Northern "all of the *lace, and the only shall be of one lam*, set on the altar, and the lam* need not be new, nor the altar, for it is a 7ite of A.e and of the !ld

!nes, and they care not for newness# And the altar should be of a lar.e rock set in the earth, and a sacrifice acce*table unto the nature of the 6od should be made# And at the time of the ,allin., the waters of H+ !: +7 DA7- shall roil, and , H:LH: shall stir, but unless it be His time, he shall not 7ise# An! this is the C#n8(rati#n #' the Dea! G#!1 May NAMM A7 o*en my eyes that ) may see # # # # # # # # # May NAMM A7 o*en my ears that ) may hear # # # # # # # # # May NAMM A7 o*en my nose that ) may sense His a**roach#

May NAMM A7 o*en my mouth that my &oice shall be heard to the far reaches of the +arth# May NAMM A7 stren.then my hand that 'hall ) be stron., to kee* the Dead # # # # # # # # # under my *ower, under my &ery *ower# ) con<ure hee, ! Ancestor of the 6ods4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Darkness, by the "orks of Darkness4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Hatred, by the "ords of Hatred4 ) summon hee, ,reature of the "astes, by the 7ites of the "aste4 ) summon hee, ,reature of 0ain, by the "ords of 0ain4 ) summon and call hee forth, from hy Abode in Darkness4 ) e&oke hee from hy restin.-

*lace in the bowels of the +arth4 ) summon hine eyes to behold the Bri.htness of my "and, which is full of the %ire of Life4 ) con<ure hee, ! Ancestor of the 6ods4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Darkness, by the "orks of Darkness4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Hatred, by the "orks of Hatred4 ) summon hee, ,reature of the "astes, by the 7ites of the "aste4 ) summon hee, ,reature of 0ain, by the "ords of 0ain4 By the %our '1uare 0illars of +arth that su**ort the 'ky, May they stand fast a.ainst hem that desire to harm me4 ) e&oke hee from hy restin.*lace in the bowels of the +arth4

) summon hee and hine ears to hear the "ord that is ne&er s*oken, e(ce*t by hy %ather, the +ldest of All "ho -now A.e he "ord that Binds and ,ommands is my "ord4 )A4 )A4 )A4 NN6) BANNA BA77A )A4 )A77:6)'H6A77A6NA7AB4 ) con<ure hee, ! Ancestor of the 6ods4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Darkness, by the "orks of Darkness4 ) summon hee, ,reature of Hatred, by the "orks of Hatred4 ) summon hee, ,reature of the "astes, by the 7ites of the "aste4 ) summon hee, ,reature of

0ain, by the "ords of 0ain4 ) summon hee, and call hee forth, from hy Abode in Darkness4 ) e&oke hee from hy restin.*lace in the Bowels of the +arth4 MAY H+ D+AD 7)'+4 MAY H+ D+AD 7)'+ AND 'M+LL H+ )N,+N'+4

And this shall be recited only once, and if the 6od do not a**ear, do not *ersist, but finish the 7ite 1uietly, for it means that )t hath been summoned elsewhere, or is en.a.ed in some "ork which it

is better not to disturb# And when thou hast set out bread for the dead to eat, remember to *our honey thereu*on, for it is *leasin. to the 6oddess "hom No !ne "orshi**eth, "ho wanders by throu.h the streets amid the howlin. of the do.s and the wailin. of the infants, for in Her time a .reat em*le was built unto Her and sacrifices of infants made that 'he sa&e the ,ity from the +nemies who dwelt without# And the Number of infants thus slain is countless and unknowable# And 'he did sa&e that ,ity, but it was taken soon thereafter when the *eo*le no more offered u* their children# And when the *eo*le made to offer a.ain, at

the time of the attack, the 6oddess turned her back and fled from her tem*le, and it is no more# And the Name of the 6oddess is no more known# And 'he maketh the infants restless, and to cry, so the reason for the *ourin. of honey o&er the sacred bread, for it is written> Bread of the ,ult of the Dead in its 0lace ) eat )n the ,ourt *re*ared "ater of the ,ult of the Dead in its 0lace ) drink A =ueen am ), "ho has become estran.ed to the ,ities 'he that comes from the Lowlands in a sunken boat Am )# ) AM H+ 2)76)N 6!DD+'' H!' )L+ ! MY ,) Y

A ' 7AN6+7 )N MY ' 7++ '# M:')6AM+NNA :7:MA B:7 M+ Y+N':LAM: 6)7M+ +N4 !h, '*irit, who understand thee? "ho com*rehend hee?

Now, there are wo )ncantation to the !ld !nes set down here, which are well known to the 'orcerers of the, they who make and burn them by the Moon and by other hin.s# And they burn them by the Moon and by other hin.s# And they burn unlawful .rasses and herbs, and raise tremendous +&ils, and their "ords are ne&er written down, it is said# But there are# And they are 0rayers

of +m*tiness and Darkness, which rob the '*irit# H )n T# the -l! -nes hey are lyin. down, the 6reat !ld !nes# he bolts are fallen and the fastenin.s are *laced# he crowds are 1uiet and the *eo*le are 1uiet# he !ld !nes of the Land he +lder 6oddesses of the Land , H:6HA ')N ADAD 'H:B N)66:7A H Ha&e .one to slee* in hea&en# hey are not *ronouncin. <ud.ements# hey are no decidin. decisions# 2eiled is the he em*le and the Most Holy

0laces are 1uiet and dark# he $ud.e of ruth he %ather of the %atherless , H:6HA Has .one to his chamber# ! !ld !nes4 6ods of the Ni.ht4 A8AB:A4 )A- 'A--A-4 , H:LH:4 DA6!N4 ! !ne, , H:6HA4 ! "arrior, )77A4 'e&en 'tars of 'e&en 0owers4 +&er-'hinin. 'tar of the North4 ')7):'4 D7A,!N)'4 ,A07),!7N:'4 'tand by and acce*t his sacrifice ) offer May it be acce*table o the Most Ancient 6ods4

)A MA'HMA'H )4 -A-AMM: '+LAH4

In&#cati#n #' the 6#wers '*irit of the +arth, 7emember4 '*irit of the 'eas, 7emember4 )n the Names of the Most 'ecret '*irits of NA7 MA77A :he 'ea below the seas And of , H:LH: he 'er*ent who slee*eth Dead %rom beyond the .ra&es of the -in.s %rom beyond the tomb wherein BA' Dau.hter of the 6ods 6ained +ntrance to the :nholy 'lumbers !f the she-fiend of -: H:L+ H

)n 'H:77:0A-, ) summon thee to mine aid4 )n !: !% '0A,+, ) summon thee to mine aid4 )n N)00:77, ) summon thee to mine aid4 )n +7)D:, ) summon thee to mine aid4 )n -:LLAH, ) summon thee to mine aid4 )n LAA6A'H, ) summon thee to mine aid4 7ise u*, ! *owers from the 'ea below all seas %rom the .ra&e beyond all .ra&es %rom the Land of )L o 'H)N NYA7LA H! +0 'H:B N)66:7A H , H:6HA HA' :7 NYA7LA H! +0

A LA,H-NA,HA House of the "ater of Life 0ale +NN-)D: Hear me4 '*irit of the 'eas, 7emember4 '*irit of the 6ra&es, 7emember4 And with these incantations, and with others, the sorcerers and the she-sorcerers call many thin.s that harm of the life of man# And they fashion out of wa(, and out of flour and honey, and of all the metals, and burn them or otherwise destroy them, and chant the ci&ilisations# And they cause *la.ues, for they summon Y!6 '! H! H# And they cause madness, for they call

A8A6 H! H# And these '*irits come u*on the "ind, and some u*on the +arth, crawlin.# And no oil, no *owder, suffices to sa&e a man from this in1uity, sa&e that e(orcisms handed down and recited by the able 0riest# And they work by the Moon, and not by the 'un, and by older *lanets than the ,haldaens were aware# And in cords, they tie knows, and each is a s*ell# And if these knots be found, they may be untied, and the cords burnt, and the s*ell shall be broken, as it is written> AND H+)7 '!7,+7)+' 'HALL B+ A' M!L +N "A;, AND N! M!7+#

And a man may cry out, what ha&e ) don/t, and my .eneration that such e&il shall befall me? And it mean nothin., sa&e that a man, bein. born, is of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the !ld !nes, but has the '*irit of the !ld !nes breathed into him# And his body .oes to the !ld !nes, but his mind is turned towards the !ld !nes, and this is the "ar which shall be always, unto the last .eneration of man9 for the "orld is unnatural# "hen the 6reat , H:LH: rises u* and .reets the 'tars, then the "ar shall be o&er, and the "orld be !ne# 'uch is the ,o&enant of the Abominations and the +nd of this e(t#

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