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Hello Kitty Child's Backpack

Materials Size F/5 Crochet hook tapestry needle MC-Light pink Sport weight yarn CC-White Sport weight yarn Small amount of fuschia or hot pink yarn s!uare of "lack felt s!uare of gold felt hot glue gun "utton or #elcro $ "eads %optional& "lack em"roidery thread

Bag Starting at "ase with MC ch $' (nd - Work ' hdc in )rd ch from hook* hdc in ne+t $, sts* work ' hdc in last st- Working on opposite side of ch* hdc in ne+t $, sts* .oin with sl st to $nd ch(nd $- Ch $* hdc in same sp* %$ hdc in ne+t st&) times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* %$ hdc in ne+t st&' times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* .oin with sl st to "eg ch-$(nd )- Ch $* hdc in same sp* hdc in ne+t st* %$ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t st&) times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* %$ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t st&' times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* .oin with sl st to "eg ch-$-

(nd '- Ch $* hdc in same sp* hdc in ne+t $ sts* %$ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t $ sts&) times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* % $ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t $ sts&' times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* .oin with sl st to "eg ch-$(nd 5- Ch $ hdc in same sp* hdc in ne+t ) sts* % $ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t ) sts&) times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* %$ hdc in ne+t st* hdc in ne+t ) sts&' times* hdc in ne+t $, sts* .oin with sl st to "eg ch-$(nd /- Working in 0L1 for this round* ch $* hdc in each hdc around* .oin with sl st to "eg ch$(nd 2-$2-%Working in "oth loops now& Ch $* hdc in each hdc around* .oin with sl st to "eg ch $- 1n rnd $2 counting "eg ch $ as first hdc made* mark the 55th hdc with a small piece of yarn- %3his is for placement of the flap& (nd $4- Ch )* %dc* ch $* $ dc&in same sp*5 sk ne+t ' sts* %$ dc* ch $* $ dc& in ne+t st*%Shell made& repeat from 5 around* .oin with sl st to top of "eg ch)FLAP With CC starting on rnd $2* sl st around marked 55th hdc (ow - %Ch 5* sk ' hdc* sl st around ne+t hdc&5 times* fasten off (ow $- 6oin yarn with sl st in st ch-5 sp* ch$* work ' hdc in same sp- Work 5 hdc in each remaining ch-5 sp- %$, hdc& (ow )- '- Ch$ and turn* hdc in each hdc across* on last row fasten off3rim- With MC .oin with sl st to original ch-5* working in end rows* work shell e#enly around3o secure flap sew a "utton on front of "ag and use ch-$ sp on center shell of flap for "utton hole* or hot glue #elcro ta"s- For smaller children 7 recommend using #elcro* although it doesn8t work !uite as well-Hello Kitty face With CC ch 2 (nd - Work ' sc in $nd ch from hook* sc in ne+t ' sts* work ' sc in last st- Working on opposite side of "eg ch* sc in ne+t ' sts* .oin with sl st to st sc(nd $- Ch * $ sc in same sp* $ sc in ne+t ) sts* sc in ne+t ' sc* $ sc in ne+t ' sts* sc in ne+t ' sts* .oin with sl st(nd )- Ch * $ sc in same sp* sc in ne+t sp* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t st&) times* sc in ne+t ' sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t st&' times* sc in ne+t ' sts* .oin with sl st(nd '- Ch * $ sc in same st* sc in ne+t $ sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t $ sts&) times* sc in ne+t ' sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t $ sts&' times* sc in ne+t ' sts* .oin with sl st-

(nd 5- Ch * $ sc in same sp* sc in ne+t ) sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t ) sts&) times* sc in ne+t ' sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t ) sts&' times* sc in ne+t ' sts* .oin with sl st(nd /- Ch * $ sc in same sp* sc in ne+t ' sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t ' sts&) times* sc in ne+t ' sts* %$ sc in ne+t st* sc in ne+t ) sts&' times* sc in ne+t ' stsEars Ch * sc in ne+t 2 sts* ch and turn* work sc dec $ times* sc in ne+t st* sc dec in ne+t st- Ch and turn* work sc decrease $ times- Ch and turn* sc dec* fasten off- %(ight ear made& Lea#ing / sc in "etween ears* .oin yarn with sl st and work left ear the sameBow With hot pink or fuschia*Ch /* sc in $nd ch from hook and in each ch across- %Ch and turn* sc in each st across&) times more- 9sing a piece of yarn* gather in the middle and tie a knot:ot glue to kitty8s left earWith "lack felt cut out $ eyes and hot glue them to face- 9sing the gold felt cut out a nose and hot glue to face- 9se em"roidery thread and sew whiskers to the face- When finished sew face to the front of "ag* "ut "efore completing the attatchment stuff the face with fi"erfill* then finish sewingStraps %make $& Ch //* $ sc in $nd ch from hook and in ne+t /) chs* ) sc in ne+t ch* working on opposite side of "eg chain sc in ne+t /) ch* sc in same st as first $ sc* .oin with sl st and fasten off- ;fter "oth straps are made sew them on the "ack of the purse according to where you want them-

To Make Cord Ch2/* working in "ack side of ch* sl st in each st across* fasten off- Starting at the middle front of the purse* wea#e cord "etween shells on rnd $4- For older kids you can place "eads at each of the ends* 7 wouldn8t recommend it for smaller childrenFL !E" Color ;-<old Color0-Fuschia or hot pink With color ; Ch 5 .oin with sl st to make loop(=> ? Ch * work , sc in loop* .oin with sl st- Finish off(=> $? 6oin color 0 with sl st to any sc 5 Ch'* @yo twice and insert hook in same st* yo and pull up a loop* %yo and pull through $ loops on hook&twiceA$ times- Bo twice and insert hook in ne+t st* yo and pull up a loop* %yo and pull through $ loops on hook&twice* yo twice and insert hook in same st* yo and pull up a loop* %yo and pull through $ loops on hook&twice* yo and pull through all ' loops on hook* ch'* sl st in ne+t st %Cedal Made&-5 (epeat from 5 to 5 around- Finish off* 5 Cedals made all together:ot glue flower to flap-

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