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Why is Romania different?

Countries and nations are different. Similar and different. Romania seems to enter in the same game. It only seems because from some points of view it is more eccentric than the European average. Of course those watching from the outside are more impressed than the Romanians which are the main characters nevertheless amongst us the e!asperation is increasing. Something is not wor"ing in Romania not only in the upper#class and not since yesterday. It may seem as a curse but it is in fact history. Everything starts with a impressive delay. $he Romanian states formed only by the middle of the %&th century. $his political tardiness was not only institutional but also cultural. Only by this %&th century the territory of the future Romanian States produces documents before that we have to rely on e!ternal sources. $his absence was for a time in history an argument for the immigrationist theory 'we came around the %( th century after the )reat *lague from somewhere in +ulgaria,. $he -iddle .ges start in Romania when in the West it ends. We may say that it was a ma/or handicap. . low population an under#developed socio#economic structure with the highest rural population share in Europe. When you are at the outs"irts you tend to remain there. $he state of being a frontier country had a double contradictory conse0uence. On one hand we were a especially rural civili1ation conservative and persistent on the other hand the sensitivity of the elites towards an e!ternal diversity. $his diversity was represented by the Russian Ottoman and 2absburg empires. $he Romanian elite from all periods of history borrowed in a substantial 0uantity the culture of other friend countries li"e 3rance )reat +ritain or from oppressor countries li"e Russia and $ur"ey. .ll our political and cultural models are of e!ternal source. .t first we too" on the slav#by1antine pattern. .fter that came the tur"ish#fanariot pattern. $he Romanian Countries were too poor and with a social structure that was too patriarchal and summary too instable internally and too submitted e!ternally to be able to manage to consolidate its state structures. $he way in which the lord was elected shows very well the faulty functioning of the mechanism. -ainly on the throne of the Romanian states was the one that could. $he eliminatory condition nevertheless was to be of royal bone which included also the bastard#children. .nd the elected ruler restrained his reforms to building churches which are the single medieval structures that survived to this day. $he Romanian cities grow and develop slowly. $he level of urbani1ation is situated a lot under the European average and it is modest even if you only ta"e into account the Eastern half of the continent.

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