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User-friendly: Poult-Soft Breeder Version is user-friendly Window X desktop GUI software. Anyone with basi workin! knowled!e of o"puters an use this software. #he software is Breed wise Flock and shed based. Economics and Performance Poult-Soft is $Flock Economics Performance !ana"emen# Sof#$are% whi h !enerates &n-nu"ber of reports to help you i"pro'e the Farm Economy, Bird Performance and Hatching Efficiency. &ifferen# Sec#ion #he software has four se tions( interrelated to ea h other )in the o"plete pa ka!e*. A* 'reedin" Farm( B) Feed +* (a#c)ery ,* In*en#ory &a#a in,-#s
Althou!h the data inputs in ea h se tion are independent( yet the utility pro.e tions are inter- related #he data inputs( are one ti"e( o asional( daily on weekly basis. /ele'ant data like pur hases and final produ ts is transferred to the respe ti'e se tions by default.




A) PARENT 'REE&IN. FAR! 1) Fo-r #o Fi*e en#ries and /n0 n-m1er of Re,or#s
#he data re0uired for !eneratin! a nu"ber of reports are the sa"e 1-2 entries( as urrently "aintained in the re!isters "anually 'i34 #otal 5!!s( Breaka!e( 6ortality( 7eed ( 5!! wt.( 6edi ation - Va ination et per day.


2accina#ions3 &e$ormin"3 Pre*en#i*e !edica#ion3 Sc)ed-les Aler#s

&e1eakin" 4

Software has a pro'ision to al ulates the due dates in a ordan e to the s hedules for the respe ti'e para"eters and shows alerts two days before the ' due dates and keeps re"indin! till done.


Flock Alloca#ion
#he flo ks are allo ated as per pur hase details by allottin! a 8o. and shed at different !rowin! sta!es.

Flock S#a#-s
S9w presents the o'erall status of 7lo k with its u". fi!ures on daily basis


6os# *s7 Re#-rn ,er 'ird

At any ti"e( Poult-Soft al ulates the ost and the return per bird in few se onds and that too with 3ero error. #hus helps the far"er in i"portant Decision Making and plannings (especially when the market is low).


S#andard *s7 Ac#-al Performance

#he software prepares the o"parison reports like A tual flo k perfor"an e with the standard data of the breed. #he /eports are !enerated separately for the Growin! - :ayers Phase.



Records Re,or#s Poult-Soft !enerates ,aily( Weekly( and Periodi reports for sin!le and "ultiple flo ks !i'in! al"ost e'ery para"eter re0uired by the far"er. Vi344 ;,<( ;.;. prod. )with breaka!e*( +u"". ,epletion( 5!! Breaka!e( 7eed9Bird( 7eed95!!( et . 'ody ;#7 And Uniformi#y S9W al ulates the a'!. body wt. re ords of "ales and fe"ales and !enerates the unifor"ity reports as on the body wt. dates Sale P-rc)ase Re,or#s #he Software al ulates and "aintains the sale re ords of hi ks sold per onsi!n"ent per flo k( 8on-;at hin! e!!s( +ulls( 6anure and other "is . ite"s - that too with pur haser details. Also !enerates si"ilar reports for pur hase with supplier details( sto k positions. In the In'entory 6odule . Farm A# a "lance. It !enerates the su""ary report of "a.or perfor"an e para"eters like ;,<. .,epl.<( Breaka!e<( #. 7eed( et of one or all the flo ks at the far" on any !i'en date. 'ird Transfer Poult-Soft fa ilitates the bird transfer at any ti"e fro" one shed to another( within the sa"e flo ks identity. .ra,)ic Re,or#s S9w has a pro'ision to !enerate the perfor"an e para"eters in !raphi for"s too. 'lood Tes#in" S9w has a pro'ision to re ord and report on the abo'e para"eters besides re"indin! the user of de-wor"in! and de-beakin! dates as s heduled. Se,ara#e Se? &a#a In,-# Poult-Soft has a pro'ision to re ord and report all the perfor"an e para"eters separately for "ales and fe"ales. (o# @eys #o sa'e ti"e there is a pro'ision of ;ot =eys for repeat daily entries for 7eed 6edi ines et . Tem,era#-re 3(-midi#y Remarks S9W also has a pro'ision to re ord 6in.- 6a>. #e"perature (hu"idity and spe ial re"arks for any un-usual happenin!s at the far"( flo k and shed wise. !as#er Informa#ion ;as the pro'ision to "aintain the "aster infor"ation about shed apa ities and standard para"eters of different breed as per user?s hoi e. E"" ;ei")# #here is a pro'ision to re ord a'era!e 5!! Wei!ht of the ;., Produ tion in the daily re ord whi h is refle ted in the hat hery. Feed In,-#s



11) 12)> 1%)

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Feed issued per flo k per shed an be entered on daily basis or e'ery other day.. #he balan e sto k - type of feed is shown by default in a ordan e to the !rowin! phase of the flo k )separately for 6 - 7*. Software also "aintains and shows the u"ulati'e feed re ord for 6 - 7 as on date - wkly. ') FEE& 2=) Form-la#ion3 6os#in" Analysis Poult-soft not only assists the far"er in preparin! the feed for"ulas in a ordan e to the in!redients a'ailable and hosen for the parti ular flo k but also al ulates and !enerates the analysis report with ost 9 for"ula with 'ita"in pre-"i>( "edi ation ( o'er heads - "aintains the feed Produ tion re ords . In"redien# N-#rien# !as#er Software has a pro'ision to store the infor"ation on basi nutrients re0uired and a'ailable in different in!redients in a ordan e with the pur hase infor"ation. #he feed ostin! is done by default as per the a'era!e pur hase rates of the in!redients for that period. Process Loss and S#ock Aler#s #his uni0ue feature assists the user in not only hi!hli!htin! the insuffi ient in!redient sto ks before feed produ tion bust also infor"s the pro ess loss between wei!hin! and pa kin!. A*er)eads E?,enses7 #he o'erheads and ad"inistrati'e e>penses are al ulated on flo k u" shed basis for ost related reports. !isc7 E?,enses Income > #here is a pro'ision to re ord all "is . e>penses and in o"e para"eters whi h an not be al ulated on per bird basis. 5.!. old "anure( used "obile oil(old e!! trays et . Se,ara#e Se? Feed Form-la#ion Prod-c#ion #here is a pro'ision to "ake the feed for"ulation and for"ulated feed separately for "ale - fe"ales. > T)is ,ro*ision is "i*en in all #)e sec#ions7 6) IN2ENTARB : P-rc)ases3 Sales S#ocks 1) a7 !as#ers 6aintains the 6aster para"eters of Suppliers( +usto"ers( Sales( Pur hases ite"s( Store and 6is . e>penses 9 In o"e et 17 Re,or#s S#ock !o*emen# Generates 'arious in'entory reports re0uired by the a ounts se tion e.!. pur hases - sale reports( sto k "o'e"ent - balan e sto ks. c7 P-rc)ases Sales C 6aintains supplier wise and usto"er wise re ords of pur hases and sales of different ite"s under respe ti'e ate!ories. d7 'alance S#ocks Prepares the reports to show the balan e in sto k of 7eed in!redients( 7or"ulated feed( 6edi ines 'a ines et . at any !i'en ti"e. e7 Re,or#s Generates Periodi - As on date( /eports of sto k "o'e"ents fro" 6ain store to different se tions - 'ise-'ersa.



2%) 2+)



!iscellaneo-s ;as a pro'ision to re ord data of 6is . e>penses - In o"e ite"s. Whi h an not be al ulated on per bird basis. "7 Prin# Pri*ile"e >> 5a h operational for" has a pro'ision to print the report. T)is ,ro*ision e?is#s in all #)e mod-les


&) (AT6(ERB 1) 6-rren# S#a#-s #he "ain s reen of the hat hery se tion show on the onset the D6-rren# (a#c)ery S#a#-sE thus assists in plannin! of the e!! settin!( andlin!#ransfer and the ;at h s hedules et on that day in a ordan e to the alerts and infor"ation on the s reen. S,ace A*aila1ili#y #he s reen also shows the total e!! status in old roo" ( the in ubators hat hers alon! with their apa ity - spa e a'ailability. in different "a hines as on that day. S-mmary &e#ails #he "ain s reen always shows #he su""ary details of #. e!!s in old store( setters( hat hers and the spa e a'ailable in different "a hines( hen e assists in hat h plannin!. &a#e Time Aler#s Generates on the "ain s reen the #i"e and ,ate alerts of +andlin!( #ransfer - ;at h days. Re,or#s Generates reports of 4 e!! re eipts( ;at hin! Pro ess su""ary( ;at hability on #. 5!!s set - 7ertile 5!!s( infertility <.( /e.e ted < - re.e tion reports at different le'els( +ostin! of ;at hin! e!!s Vs ,@+( A-B !rade hi ks( ;.e!! wt . on settin! and "any "ore. (a#c) S-mmary Shows ;at h su""ary at any ti"e by breed and flo k 9 sour e with date ti"e details. E"" Recie,#s ;as a pro'ision to re ei'e daily e!! produ tion of hat hin! e!!s per breed by default fro" far" and as per the pur hase of e!!s fro" other far"s or any other sour e. (7 E"" 6os#in" +al ulates the ost per hat hin! e!! on pur hase 9 flo k u" shed basis as re ei'ed fro" the far" before - after the re.e tion on re eipt - on settin! day. &A6 6os#in" #he ost of day old hi k after the hat h. Also al ulates ost of d.o. . before the re o'ery of per hi k sold by usto"er and by hat h after sale. A#)er I#ems 6aintains re ords and !enerates reports of sale of 8on- ;at hin! e!!s( - B!rd hi ks besides the sale of d.o. ?s with supplier details.











(a#c) I& Abo'e all ( s9w takes all entries fro" settin! to hat h by respe ti'e breed and flo k9shed under a spe ifi ;at h :ot 8o. - olor identifi ation.

12) 1%) 1+) 15) 18)

S-mmary Re,or#s Generates su""ary and re.e tion reports to help you in rease the hat hin! profi ien y. 6om,arisons Has a provision to generate comparison reports with Breed standards in Print as well as in graphical format. Ad*anced 'ookin" 2Fs S-,,ly Sc)ed-le #here is a pro'ision to re ord ad'an ed bookin! a!ainst a parti ular hat h and to show this data in supply s hedule. Reco*ery ,er 6)ick sold Software assists the "ana!e"ent in al ulatin! the re o'ery per hi k sold a ordin! to the supply destination by usto"er and by hat h. 6-s#omer Transac#ions Poult-Soft "aintains - stores the data of all the transa tions )supplies pay"ent re eipts* as per the usto"ers.

E) REPARTS #he reports !enerated in all se tions are on 6ana!e"ent Infor"ation Syste" )6IS* as re!ard the 7lo k perfor"an e - e ono"i s of ea h breed on per bird basis. All reports are !enerated on indi'idual or all flo ks as on date - periodi . 1) Farm Sec#ion - Perfor"an e - /e ords 4 ,aily 9 Weekly 9 Periodi et . - Bird Wei!ht 4 A'era!e Wt.( Unifor"ity < et . - Blood #est 4 A'e 9 -'e < et . - Va ine - 6edi ine 4 +ostin!s( S hedules et . - 5 ono"i s - 5'aluation 4 +ost Vs /eturn9Bird( 7+/ et . - +o"parisons 4 A tual Vs Standards Feed - 7or"ulations - Analysis - +ostin!s - Produ tion - Sto k s (a#c)ery - Su""ary /eports - 5!! re eipts( Settin! details( ;at h Su""ary. - 7ertility Vs ;at hability( Settin!s details. - #otal 5!!s in store( Settin! A'ailable( ;at hin! A'ailable. - #otal 5!!s in Setters - ;at hers. - /e.e tions /eports 5!! re eipts( Settin!s( +andlin! B - C( ;at h ,ay. /e.e tion Su""ary. - +ostin!s +ost per d.o. . +ost of ;at hin! 5!!s 4 @n re eipt( After sele tion - re.e tion.



- &-e &a#es Aler#s ,ate - #i"e 4 +andlin! B - C( #ransfer( ;at h. +) In*en#ory : Se tion - Ite" wise - Periodi - as on date. - Sto k in Stores - Sales

- Pur hases - Sto k 6o'e"ent - 6is ellaneous In o"e Vs 5>penses 6onthly - Periodi .

Addi#ional !od-le A*aila1le 3 if desired

F) (U!AN RESAUR6E #his se tion of the software is independent in its fun tionin! and aters to al"ost all the ad"inistrati'e needs 'is-D-'is the staff - other workers e"ployed at different le'els in different se tions. ,ata fro" this se tion is not inte!rated with any other se tion or "odule. So"e of the si!nifi ant fun tions of this se tion are4 B* C* F* 1* 2* G* H* I* J* Staff Profile E /e!ular( #e"porary - +ontra tual 9 ,aily Wa!es. Worker Profile E Skilled 9 8on skilled. Salary Profile :ea'e A ount @'er #i"e Part #i"e Attendan e Weekly /eport 6onthly Salary Sheets et .

.) AT(ERS 1) &a#a 'ack -, : there is a pro'ision in the software to take data ba k up as when re0uired on hard disk or on +,. 2) Lo"-in Sec-ri#y : S9W has a pro'ision for ad"inistrati'e and user lo!-in pri'ile!e under password. 8ote4 Any other re0uire"ent not a'ailable in the soft Ware an be usto"i3ed with additional ost.

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