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Group Members: Gufran Pathan, Kaushik J.Talukdar, Deepankar Patel, Monika Sharma, Neil Damien.

Executive Summary
Our plan is all about Organic baby food and its emerging market in India. It would help to tackle and subsequently eradicate malnutrition, infant mortality and other health challenges related to children. We seek the happiness of every baby by providing quality organic baby food with essential nutrients, free from any harmful chemicals to ensure their healthy future. In 2010, the global baby food market was US$36 billion with dried baby food(US$3.7 bn), milk formula(US$25.2 bn), prepared baby food(US$6.5 bn),other baby food(US$1.4 bn). .Its market is expected to reach a value of US$55 billion by 2015.

Baby food is increasingly reliant on emerging markets such as India, Russia, China, and Argentina, each with positive growth of more than 10% in 2010. However, not all developing markets are showing the same vigorous growth. Western Europe is seeing flat to declining retail sales. This regional market is suffering from the combination of falling birth rates, increased breastfeeding driven by governmental initiatives, and continued economic uncertainty caused by possible cutbacks in order to control ballooning deficits. 1. As a proportion of the total population, the number of children is falling globally. The number of households continues to rise (growing by an annual average of 2.1% for the past two decades) but households have fewer children.The average number of children per household on an international scale has fallen from 1.9 in 1980, to 1.2 in 2010. This means that many families will have greater spending power for a smaller number of children, resulting in greater expenditure per child, particularly in developed markets.

2. Despite the global economic turmoil, baby food has performed quite well in relation to other food categories, in terms of both retail value and volume. Consumers are typically more willing to reduce their expenditure on other packaged food indulgences before cutting back on baby food. Baby foods performance in the last five years illustrates that baby food is generally recession-proof. 3. Overall, packaged food categories such as confectionery, ready meals and soups bore the full brunt of contracting consumer confidence and spending power during the worst of the global recession in 2009.

The competitive advantage is that the largest number of babies is born in geographies with fastest growing consumer spending, low consumption of pediatric nutrition products, and more women are entering the workforce, which is driving the demand for breastfeeding alternatives. These factors in combination with growing number of research demonstrating the absolute need of balanced nutrition for growth and development of child & its health will continue to drive spending on pediatric nutrition products. Organic baby food production can be accomplished by incorporating the unemployed educated and non-educated youth of rural areas in our company. We can further encourage the rural farmers for organic baby food crop farming.

This would bring down the cost of baby food due to large scale production. The rural population will be more accepting of it because of reduced cost and more involvement of the rural people in its production. There is excellent prospect for investment into baby food & pediatric nutrition market worldwide especially into developing regions such as Asia, MEA and Latin America with large ever growing baby population and increasing income levels. China, Russia, Brazil, India, Indonesia &Saudi Arabia are the most promising untapped markets for as these countries have highest baby population and fastest growing middle class population.

Why do they need?

The following data show the malnutrition among children. Organic baby food can contribute a lot to decrease this number.

How do they want to buy it ?

Data shows reason for people involvement in online retailing of various products. This can be the evident of the fact that people nowadays are becoming more and more dependent on online retailing. Thus we think of selling organic baby food online so as to meet their demands. This will foster our business.

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