Barretts Taxonomy Colour

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The Barrett Taxonomy

Literal comprehension focuses on the ideas and information that are explicitly stated. A simple task in literal comprehension may be the recognition or recall of a single fact or incident. A more complex task might be the recognition or recall of a series of facts or the sequencing of incidents.



Details !ain "dea &equence (omparison

Whats this Who What Where Why What happened #hen or during $$$$ %ind out #hat $$$ is going to do What did $$$ do first'next'last %ind'tell me the differences bet#een $$$ and $$$ Are $$$ and $$$ the same %ind similes) find metaphors %ind out the reasons for $$$ What caused $$$ %ind'tell me the #ords and phrases #hich describe the characters Write'tell me a list of all the details you can remember What happened to$$$ Tell in correct order Look at the illustrations and retell the story +o# #as this $$$ different from the others "n #hat #ays #ere $$$ and $$$ similar'different Why #as $$$ so determined to $$$ What #as the purpose of $$$

(ause and *ffect (haracter Traits Recall Details !ain "dea &equence (omparison (ause and *ffect

,eorganisation requires the student to analyse- synthesis- and'or organise ideas or information explicitly stated in the selection. The student may utilise the statements of the author .erbatim or may paraphrase or translate the authors statements.

(lassifying REORGANISATION /utlining &ummarising &ynthesising

Which of the follo#ing are $$$ Which of the follo#ing $$$ does not belong Di.ide the story into $$$ parts What has happened up to this point Tell the story in your o#n #ords +o# long did the entire $$$ last +o# many times did $$$ take place /n #hat day did $$$ happen

The student demonstrates inferential comprehension #hen he or she uses ideas and information explicitly stated- his or her intuition- and his or her personal experience as a basis for con0ecture and hypotheses. 1rior kno#ledge- regardless of #here his kno#ledge came from- in an integral part of inference.

&upporting Details INFERENTIAL

Did he realise $$$ Do you think $$$ What is the main idea of this $$$ Discuss the significance of $$$

!ain "deas




(ause and *ffect

(haracter Traits

/utcomes %igurati.e Language

What #ill happen next What happened bet#een $$$ and $$$ 1lease these $$$ in logical order +o# does $$$ resemble $$$ (ompare $$$ #ith $$$ Are $$$ and $$$ related What #as it necessary to $$$ +o# did $$$ kno# $$$ What is the result of $$$ What did $$$ pro.e about their attitudes to#ard $$$ What does $$$ tell us about her What kind of person is $$$ Do you think $$$ #ill $$$ What do you think #ill happen What is meant by the phrase $$$

*.aluation deals #ith 0udgement and focuses on qualities of accuracy- acceptability- desirability- #orth or probability of occurrence. *.aluati.e thinking may be demonstrated by asking the students to make the follo#ing 0udgements.


3udgements of ,eality or %antasy

3udgements of %act or /pinion 3udgements of Adequacy and 4alidity 3udgements of Appropriateness 3udgements of Worth- Desirability and Acceptability

"s $$$ imaginary +o# many unreal things can you find Did $$$ really happen "s $$$ fact or fiction "s $$$ possible Do you think $$$ had anything to do #ith $$$ Which $$$ seem to be correct Did $$$ actually $$$ "s $$$ really $$$ What part of the story best describes the main character Do you like this character +o# do you feel about this character Why #as it #rong for $$$ to $$$

Appreciation calls for students to be emotionally and aesthetically sensiti.e to the #ork and to ha.e a reaction to the #ork of is psychological and artistic elements. Appreciation includes both the kno#ledge of the emotional response to literary techniques- forms- styles and structures.

*motional ,esponse to the (ontent "dentification #ith (haracters or "ncidents ,eactions to the Authors 5se of Language "magery


Are you surprised Why do you like or dislike this selection What #ords #ill describe the feelings of $$$ What #ould you do if you #ere $$$ Why is $$$ a good term +o# did the author express the idea of $$$ Dramatise the story. ,ead'say the part the #ay the character might ha.e talked. +o# does $$$ make you feel


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