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2006 - 2010

Strategic Plan
Message from the President

The mission, values and strategic priorities of the Georgian College Strategic Plan (2006-
2010) are based on the fundamental belief that every student deserves the best
opportunity possible to succeed. In looking forward with confidence and optimism, the
College must continue to embrace the foundation of our past success defined as our
unique ability to embrace students in a nurturing environment that fosters teaching and
learning excellence.

The essence of Georgian College has been best summed up in the comments of countless
students who repeatedly state that it was evident they made the best choice for their post-
secondary education from the very first point of contact with Georgian. Asked to
describe the College, students young and old use words like “friendly”, “helpful”,
“adaptable” and “grounded”.

In valuing our history and traditions, Georgian remains resolute in our commitment to
change and innovation. The Strategic Plan recognizes that Georgian must continue to
grow and lead by example in providing knowledge, skills and work-related experiences
integral to successful careers and lifelong learning. At the same time, the College must
be fiscally responsible with sound and prudent management of our resources, necessary
for the advancement of teaching and learning as our core business.

Students tell Georgian to keep growing but not, however, at the expense of becoming just
another large, faceless institution where our desire to grow undermines our tradition of
placing student needs first. This strategic plan supports our student focus, as Georgian
commits to remaining a provincial leader in graduate employment and satisfaction, as
well as employer satisfaction.

Georgian will continue to be recognized as a national leader in enriched learning and

work-related experiences, encompassing the full range of apprenticeship, certificate,
diploma, post-diploma certificate, and degree studies. The College will continue to prize
our special relationships with like-minded corporate partners and benefactors – bound by
the common belief that the future growth and prosperity of this country is dependent on
timely and results-oriented education and training.

The keys to Georgian’s achievements in the past will be the foundation to our success in
the future. Above all else, we will remain connected with our students, and the
employers that we support.

Brian G. Tamblyn
President and CEO
S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2006 – 2010
Our strategic plan identifies specific priorities for 2006 – 2010, but it is intended that most of these will be achieved during
the first three years. The implementation of the plan, including the measurements of success, will be described more fully in the
annual balanced scorecards that Georgian staff will develop when they set their personal performance goals in alignment with the
College’s priorities.

Our Programs
We are dedicated to the success of our students. We are committed to understanding and meeting their learning needs and supporting their career
goals. Our core business, teaching and learning, is organized around our programs. Our strategic priorities are:
1. To ensure that our academic program mix focuses on programs that demonstrate consistently strong demand from both prospective students
and employers, are economically viable, and capitalize on our strengths.
2. To ensure our curriculum is current and relevant and to internationalize our curriculum, where appropriate.
3. To identify academic programs where we have strong and distinct competitive advantages and provide enhanced support and resources
to maximize their potential as centres of excellence.
4. To support selected academic programs and initiatives through a coordinated fundraising effort that involves staff, students and volunteers
and adheres to professional fundraising standards.
5. To offer a co-ordinated mix of student services that clearly demonstrate their contribution to student success.
6. To pursue targeted applied research opportunities that capitalize on our program strengths and generate resources to directly support
teaching and learning.
7. To achieve annual enrolment targets in all program areas, supported by the implementation of a comprehensive Enrolment Management Plan.

Our Performance
We strive to excel as a learning organization. We must provide an environment that promotes continuous improvement if we are to continue to
be recognized provincially, nationally and internationally as a leader in postsecondary education. Our strategic priorities are:
8. To set clear performance goals that are challenging but achievable, demonstrate continuous improvement, measure our results, and to hold
ourselves accountable.
9. To provide timely feedback to staff on their performance.
10. To benchmark Georgian to relevant competitors on key measurements to ensure that we are competitive and excel.
11. To manage all College operations in a fiscally responsible manner, to increase revenues from non-government sources, to build financial
reserves, and to plan a balanced or surplus budget every year.
12. To cultivate and nurture relationships with industry and educational partners, donors, alumni, Advisory Committee members, and other
community stakeholders.
13. To be responsive to government priorities and, through our staff, students, alumni, Advisory Committee members and other community
stakeholders, work collaboratively to influence public policy as advocates for Georgian and the college system.

Our Place
We understand that the College is an agent for public policy and that we exist to meet a broad base of educational and training needs.
We will be responsive to the communities we serve and provide the infrastructure to do so in an effective manner. Our strategic priorities are:
14. To increase access to higher education pathways for a diverse student population.
15. To maintain our commitment to workplace experience as a key component of our students’ academic development.
16. To capitalize on opportunities to use technology more effectively and efficiently for all College activities.
17. To inform and educate our staff, students and community stakeholders about environmental issues and to demonstrate our commitment to
these issues through our actions.
18. To anchor the geographic territory we serve by ensuring our regional campuses remain viable and are based in facilities over which we have
long-term control, either through ownership or innovative partnerships.
19. To establish baseline standards for all College facilities and to set and enforce standards for the effective and efficient utilization of all College space.

Our People
A fundamental and unique feature of Georgian College is the positive and supportive manner that characterizes our interactions with our
employees, our students, and our community stakeholders. This friendly, caring atmosphere, combined with our understanding that the success of
our students and stakeholders is paramount to our success, serves to differentiate us from other educational institutions. Our strategic priorities are:
20. To recruit, develop, and retain staff who are student-centred and to provide them with the necessary tools and resources to be successful in
their jobs.
21. To actively advance diversity in our workforce and student body.
22. To promote work/life balance for all staff.
23. To ensure that staff understand their roles and responsibilities as they relate to broader organizational goals,
including the development and maintenance of strong relationships with industry and educational partners,
donors, alumni, Advisory Committee members, and other community stakeholders.
24. To implement strategies that support working collaboratively across departments within the College.
25. To acknowledge and reward individuals and teams who exceed expected results.
To provide our students with the knowledge, skills and
work-related experience required for successful careers and lifelong learning.

We fulfill our mission through the delivery of quality full-time and part-time postsecondary education and training programs:
■ College diplomas and certificates
■ Preparatory programs
■ Apprenticeship programs
■ Degrees – both our own applied degrees and baccalaureate degrees in partnership with selected universities

We also deliver programs and services that directly support and/or resource our education and training programs. These activities
assist with the recruitment and retention of students and develop closer ties to, and services for, employers.

■ Georgian will be recognized for the enriched learning experience we provide for students.
■ Georgian will be recognized for teaching excellence, essential to a learning-centred environment.
■ Georgian will be known provincially, nationally, and internationally for the relevancy and currency of our programs
and services.
■ Georgian will be recognized as the key postsecondary hub in central Ontario.
■ Georgian will be recognized as a leading fundraising organization by our staff, students, alumni, volunteers and
community stakeholders.
■ Georgian will be viable and sustainable over time and across all parts of the organization.

Teaching and Learning
We promote an organizational culture where programs, policies, practices, and all staff support teaching and learning as our
core business.
Experiential Learning
We value the benefits that co-operative education, internships, field placements and clinical experiences contribute to the
learning process.
Individual Worth and Recognition
We promote the desire in our students and staff to excel and to contribute to their maximum potential. We provide them
with the opportunity and challenge to do so and celebrate their achievements.
We advance diversity in the College and we treat everyone fairly.
Trust and Respect
We expect everyone to be honest and trustworthy in their dealings with colleagues, students and community stakeholders,
and to treat others professionally and with respect.
We believe in sharing relevant information with our stakeholders in a timely manner and in consultative processes to influence
decision making.
We commit to developing and sustaining a broad base of resources that will enable us to fulfill the College’s mission. We
expect all stakeholders to make effective and efficient use of College resources and to do so in an ethical and moral manner.
We commit to being a good corporate citizen in our communities and we encourage our staff and students to be active and
valued participants in community activities.
We strive to conduct all of our activities in an environmentally considerate way.
Innovation and Continuous Improvement
We encourage innovation and fresh approaches and expect continuous improvement in all aspects of our work.
Lifelong Learning
We promote lifelong learning for our students, staff, and community stakeholders.
We expect all staff to be committed to the goals of the College and to hold themselves accountable for helping to achieve
those goals.

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