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PANTONE PLUS for Design and Production:

The Whys and Hows of Migrating Your Workow to Expanded Color Choices
By Pariah S. Burke


Overview of the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries
The PANTONE PLUS SERIES is an enhancement of and replacement for the widely used PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM. Its the next generation of the industry-standard color communication system for multimedia graphics. The PLUS SERIES adds 566 new solid colors to the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM range: 224 new colors in our FORMULA GUIDE, SOLID Chips Book and COLOR BRIDGE (for a new total of 1,341); 42 new neons in our PASTELS & NEONS Guide and Chips Book; and a PREMIUM METALLICS Guide and Chips Book containing 300 new, durable metallic colors. The PANTONE PLUS SERIES CMYK Guide features 2,868 process-only colors. The PLUS SERIES also features new color tools, such as a ColorChecker Lighting Indicator that determines lighting conditions for proper color evaluation; a ColorChecker Primer for color correcting digital images; and powerful new COLOR MANAGER design software. In addition, colors in the guides and chips books are now arranged chromatically, for more intuitive color selection; a color locator index is provided for easy location of favorite colors.

PANTONE PLUS for Designers:

Why do I need to change my libraries? The PANTONE PLUS SERIES replaces the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM you are currently using. It is the next generation of the industry-standard color communication system for multimedia graphics and print applications and provides several new benets to designers: The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM formula guide included 1,114 colors; the PANTONE PLUS SERIES FORMULA GUIDE now includes 1,341 solid colors. The PLUS SERIES features new versions of the COLOR BRIDGE, on coated and uncoated papers 1,313 PANTONE Solid Colors published side-by-side with their 4-color process equivalents. It also includes sRGB and HTML values for all the solid colors. o We have eliminated the need to maintain separate Euro versions by using inks conforming to ISO standards and print process where applicable and by adhering to G7 when possible. The PLUS SERIES adds 42 new neon colors to our PASTELS & NEONS Guide and Chips Book for a total of 56 neons and 154 pastels. The PLUS SERIES includes a new PREMIUM METALLICS Guide and Chips Book with 300 new coatable metallic colors. The PLUS SERIES includes a new CMYK Guide featuring 2,868 process-only colors. As with our COLOR BRIDGE, we have eliminated the need to maintain a separate Euro version of our CMYK Guide. We use inks conforming to ISO standards and print process where applicable and adhere to G7 when possible. Guides and books in the PLUS SERIES are arranged chromatically, for more intuitive color selection. The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM included color values measured when printed on cover stock. The PLUS SERIES is printed on a text-weight stock, a more common stock. The result is more accurate color depiction in the swatches for the average printed project. Further, the paper stock meets FSC certication from responsibly managed forests, helping to manage the planet as well as better manage color. The PLUS SERIES introduces new color tools, such as a ColorChecker Lighting Indicator that determines proper lighting conditions for accurate color evaluation, a ColorChecker Primer for color correcting digital images, a color locator index and new design software. Switching from the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM to the PANTONE PLUS SERIES affords designers a signicantly expanded color palette, more accurate color matching from swatches to printed material, and powerful new digital tools.


Cant I just leave it to my prepress provider to switch new library colors for the old ones? Designers should always take responsibility for the quality and color of their own work. Using older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM color libraries and hoping that a prepress or press provider will exchange the colors could lead to unpredictable color output results. We advise all designers to themselves convert their PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM colors to PANTONE PLUS SERIES Colors prior to sending documents to press. For a short time, as designers, printers and prepress providers transition from the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM to the PANTONE PLUS SERIES, many of your providers may continue to maintain both sets of libraries. If you wish to take advantage of the greater color accuracy and expanded color selections inherent in the PLUS SERIES, install and use only the new PLUS SERIES digital libraries and inform your press and prepress providers that have you have updated to the PANTONE PLUS SERIES. Will I have to tell my print providers that Ive employed PLUS Colors? The PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital color libraries have been provided to all of PANTONEs RIP licensees, including EFI, GMG, CGS, Heidelberg, Agfa, Harlequin, Onyx Graphics and others. These manufacturers have already issued (or soon will issue) updates to their RIP software, including the new PLUS SERIES Colors. However, we do recommend that you communicate to your print provider that you have chosen your colors from the PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries, in case your provider has not yet updated. How will I know if the PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries are correctly installed? The next time you launch Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign or QuarkXPress after installing the PLUS SERIES digital color libraries, you will nd the new libraries available in the same places you were able to select the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM color libraries. For instance, in Adobe Illustrator you will see new PANTONE+ designated libraries available from the Window > Swatch Libraries > Color Books menu command and in other places. See the section Using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries for ways to verify the presence of, and how to use, PLUS SERIES digital libraries in other industry-standard creative professional applications. Will my document colors change after installing the new color libraries? No. Installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries will not alter existing colors used in your documents. Existing colors will remain unchanged, but should be manually replaced with new PLUS SERIES Colors. Note that Adobe Illustrator, where we have had to remove the older libraries and replace them with the new PLUS libraries, is an exception. The procedure for manually replacing colors is easy, but varies with each application; see the section Using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries for step-by-step tutorials. Will my document colors change if I switch libraries? Merely installing the PLUS SERIES digital libraries will not alter existing document colors, which will continue to use colors from the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM digital libraries. However we recommend manually replacing older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM colors with colors from the PLUS SERIES digital libraries. After color replacement you might notice minor color shifts in some swatches as a result of our updated color measurements. The new PLUS SERIES Colors are more accurately reproducible than PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM colors. Will colors match across Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and QuarkXPress? Yes. We have worked closely with Adobe and Quark to distribute identical PLUS SERIES digital color libraries in each of the applications native formats.


What if my collaborators dont update their libraries? The PANTONE PLUS SERIES replaces the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, so all of your collaborators and vendors should update as well to maintain color consistency. This is especially important when using the new colors that are part of the PLUS SERIES but were not part of the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM. Even if a collaborator cannot update his or her color library, the document colors should not change. Document color swatches are saved as part of InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and QuarkXPress documents, so that, if a document containing a PLUS SERIES Color is opened on a system that does not have the PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries installed, the PLUS SERIES color swatch will continue to display and print regardless. Again, Adobe Illustrator is an exception, which cannot hold both versions of the digital color libraries because of data point limitations inherent in Illustrator.

PANTONE PLUS for Prepress and Press:

Why do I need to change my libraries? The PANTONE PLUS SERIES replaces the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM you are currently using. It is the next generation of the industry-standard color communication system for graphics and print applications and provides several new benets to designers and production personnel alike: The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM formula guide included 1,114 colors; the PANTONE PLUS SERIES FORMULA GUIDE now includes 1,341 solid colors. The PLUS SERIES features new versions of the COLOR BRIDGE, on coated and uncoated papers 1,313 PANTONE Solid Colors published side-by-side with their 4-color process equivalents. It also includes sRGB and HTML values for all the solid colors. o We have eliminated the need to maintain a separate Euro version by using inks conforming to ISO standards and print process where applicable and by adhering to G7 when possible. The PLUS SERIES adds 42 new neon colors to our PASTELS & NEONS Guide and Chips Book for a total of 56 neons and 154 pastels. The PLUS SERIES includes a new PREMIUM METALLICS Guide and Chips Book with 300 new coatable metallic colors. The PLUS SERIES includes a new CMYK Guide featuring 2,868 process-only colors. As with our COLOR BRIDGE, we have eliminated the need to maintain a separate Euro version of our CMYK Guide. We use inks conforming to ISO standards and print process where applicable and adhere to G7 when possible. Guides and books in the PLUS SERIES are arranged chromatically, for more intuitive color selection. The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM included color values measured when printed on cover stock. The PLUS SERIES is printed on a text-weight stock, a more common stock. The result is more accurate color depiction in the swatches for the average printed project. Further, the paper stock meets FSC certication from responsibly managed forests, helping to manage the planet as well as better manage color. The PLUS SERIES introduces new color tools, such as a ColorChecker Lighting Indicator that determines proper lighting conditions for accurate color evaluation, a ColorChecker Primer for color correcting digital images, a color locator index and new design software. Switching from the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM to the PANTONE PLUS SERIES affords designers a signicantly expanded color palette, more accurate color matching from swatches to printed material, and powerful new digital tools.


How will I know if the designer used the latest libraries? There is no way to know which libraries are being used unless the designer tells you. We would recommend having designers specify which libraries were used in their work les. How do I convert documents from the old libraries to the new while preserving colors? As noted above, there are no signicant color shifts between colors selected from older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries and those selected from new PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries. The main difference between them is the addition of new colors to the PLUS SERIES. Documents using PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM library colors will automatically map into the PLUS SERIES libraries during RIP. Will I need to keep both versions of the libraries on hand? You will not need to keep both PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM and PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries installed. The PLUS SERIES is a complete replacement of the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM. However, if you would like to keep both libraries available, you may do so. Installing the PLUS SERIES digital libraries will not replace the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries; both will be available within the same applications until and unless you elect to manually remove the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries. The one exception is Adobe Illustrator, which allows a PANTONE color to have only one data point with which it is associated. When installing the PLUS SERIES digital libraries for Adobe Illustrator, the old libraries will be backed up to a specic folder (see the section Installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES Digital Libraries). Can I keep both versions of the libraries installed and use them interchangeably? Yes. Installing the PLUS SERIES digital libraries will not replace the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries; both will be available within the same applications until and unless you elect to manually remove the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries. Note that, in the case of Adobe Illustrator, you will not be able to maintain both PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM and PLUS SERIES libraries concurrently. After working closely with Adobe Illustrator product engineers, it was determined that Illustrator cannot handle both sets of libraries installed without creating conicts. Consequently, using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries Installer installs the PLUS SERIES digital libraries and simultaneously uninstalls and creates a backup of the older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries from Illustrator. In all other applications the Digital Libraries Installer leaves both versions. When will designers have the PLUS libraries? The PANTONE PLUS SERIES Guides, Chips Books and digital library installers were released to design and production personnel simultaneously. Older versions of PANTONE graphics publications are no longer sold (with the exception of Goe and metallics). How can I proof art back to designers when theyve used the old libraries after weve incorporated PLUS-based printing? Just provide proofs as you normally would. Designs using older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM library colors will not look signicantly different when those colors are output using a RIP with PLUS SERIES libraries installed.

Using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries

Once installed, using the PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries is just like using the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries that came with your software. For example, in InDesign youll nd the PLUS SERIES Color books in the Color Mode dropdown list in the New Color Swatch or Swatch Options dialog boxes. However you accessed and


used PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM digital libraries, you will access and use the newly installed PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries.

The installed PLUS SERIES digital libraries. Clockwise from top left: Photoshops Color Libraries dialog, Illustrators Color Books menu, InDesigns New Color Swatch dialog, and QuarkXPress 8s Edit Color dialog.


The following are PLUS SERIES digital libraries youll nd listed in your application: PANTONE+ Solid Coated PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated PANTONE+ CMYK Coated PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated Replacing Document PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors with PLUS Colors Installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries will enable you to select from the broader, more accurate range of PLUS SERIES Colors for new documents, but your existing documents will continue to use colors from the old PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries. You do not need to replace those PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM colors; during output they will be converted to PLUS SERIES Colors. In most cases, you wont be able to tell the difference between the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM and PLUS SERIES Colors. In fact, due to improvements in our color measuring methods, youll get better, more accurate color from the PLUS SERIES Colors. If you would like to replace your document colors, however, you can easily do that. Just follow the steps below for your particular application. Photoshop Open any document containing colors you would like to convert to the PLUS SERIES and then follow these steps. 1. Open the Channels panel from the Window menu.

The Photoshop Channels panel containing one spot color channel.

2. Double-click an empty area beside the name of a spot channel or use the Channel Options command from the Channels panel yout menu to open the Spot Channel Options dialog.

The Spot Channel Options dialog.


3. Click once on the color swatch in the Ink Characteristics section, which will open the Color Libraries dialog.

Selecting the color from the PLUS SERIES digital libraries in the Color Libraries dialog.

4. 5.

From the Book menu select the new PLUS SERIES Color book corresponding to the previously used PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM color book. For example, if the spot channel was a color from the PANTONE Solid Coated color book, choose PANTONE+ Solid Coated from the Book menu. The color will be same between the two books; if you had selected PANTONE 172 C from the old book, it will be PANTONE 172 C in the new book. Click OK twice to return to the document. Update any additional spot channels, as needed, and save the document.

Illustrator You will not need to convert colors in Adobe Illustrator documents. Swatches saved in Illustrator .AI, .AIT, .PDF, and .EPS les will automatically map from the old PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM digital color libraries color books to the new PANTONE PLUS SERIES Color books. For example, if you used the pastel color PANTONE Blue 0821 C from the older PANTONE PASTEL coated library, it will automatically map to PANTONE Blue 0821 C in the PANTONE+ PASTELS & NEONS Coated library. InDesign Open any documents containing colors you would like to convert to the PLUS SERIES and then follow these steps. 1. On the Swatches panel, double-click the rst PANTONE swatch to be replaced. This will open the Swatch Options dialog box.

The Swatch Options dialog.



2. 3. In the Color Mode eld, note the library listed; for example, PANTONE solid uncoated. Open the Color Mode menu and scroll down to the libraries that begin with PANTONE+ and select the correct library to match the previously used PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM library. For example, if the library you noted in Step 2 above is PANTONE solid uncoated, select PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated.

Selecting the PANTONE+ library counterpart to the old PMS library.


Match the name of the swatch shown at the top of the Swatch Options dialog with a color in the list at the bottom and select the color in the list. For example, if the color you used from the PANTONE solid uncoated library is PANTONE Yellow 012 U, and it is listed that way beside Swatch Name in the Swatch Options dialog, look for and select the PANTONE Yellow 012 U color entry in the list at the bottom of the dialog box. Alternatively, you may simply type in the colors number in the eld above the color list.

Selecting the correct color in the PANTONE+ library.



5. Click OK and repeat for each of the documents swatches you wish to replace. QuarkXPress Open any documents containing colors you would like to convert to the PLUS SERIES and then follow these steps. 1. On the Colors palette, right-click the rst PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM color to be updated to a PANTONE PLUS SERIES Color. Choose Edit [color name] from the context-sensitive menu that appears.

Right-click a color on the Colors palette and choose Edit .

2. When the Edit Color dialog appears, note both the name of the color (e.g. PANTONE 3005 C) in the Name eld as well as the name of the digital library listed in the Model eld. For example, in the Model eld you might see PANTONE solid coated.

The Edit Color dialog.



3. Click on the arrow to the right of the Model eld to expose the available color libraries. Look for those that begin with PANTONE+ and select the one that most closely matches the library you noted in Step 2, above. For example, if you saw PANTONE solid coated in Step 2, select PANTONE+ Solid Coated now.

Selecting the PANTONE+ library counterpart to the old PMS library from the Model menu.


In the color list to the right, nd and select the swatch whose number matches the number of the color you originally saw in the Name eld. Note that if you accidently click on the wrong swatch, the Name eld will change to the selected colors number, which is why its important to make a note of the original color name. You may also type the numeric portion of the original color name into the eld beneath the color swatch list.

Selecting the correct color in the PANTONE+ library.

5. Click OK and repeat the process for any other document color swatches you want to replace.



Installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES Digital Libraries
Adding the new PANTONE PLUS SERIES Color libraries to QuarkXPress and Adobe Creative Suite applications (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) is easy. On youll nd free, downloadable installers to automatically install all the new libraries and get you up and running with the PLUS SERIES in minutes. Using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries Installer The PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries Installer is available free to Mac OS X and Windows users of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and QuarkXPress. Download the PANTONE PLUS SERIES Digital Libraries Installer for your operating system and application, and then follow the below steps to install PLUS SERIES digital libraries to Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) and QuarkXPress. The process for running all the installers is identical. Lets go through each step-by-step. Download the Digital Libraries Installer for Adobe: Download the Digital Libraries Installer for QuarkXPress: Installing on Mac OS X 1. When the Digital Libraries Installer has completely downloaded, close all other applications and then double click the ZIP archive you just downloaded to extract the installer package. OS X will automatically extract the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries for Adobe CS or PANTONE+ Digital Libraries for QuarkXPress installer package. 2. Double-click the installer package to launch the installer. You will be greeted by the introduction screen, The PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries Installer. Click Continue.

The Installer Welcome screen.



3. Read the Software License Agreement. Upon clicking Continue you must agree to the software license agreement before the installer will continue.

Read the Software License Agreement.

Agree to the Software License Agreement.


The Install Location screen will appear next. The Digital Libraries Installer automatically detects where you have installed the relevant applications Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign CS3, CS4 and CS5 for the Adobe CS installer and QuarkXPress 7 and 8 for the QuarkXPress installer and will install the PLUS SERIES digital libraries in the correct locations. You should not need to change the install location unless the installer failed to detect the volume on which you installed those applications.

Select the volume containing the Adobe or Quark applications.



5. On the next screen the Installer will state how much space the digital libraries will require on your computer as well as conrm the installation volume. If the selected volume is incorrect, click the Change Install Location button to return to the previous screen. Click the Install button, whereupon you may be prompted by OS X to authorize the Installer to add the digital libraries to your computer.

Conrm the installation.

Authorize the Installer to add the digital libraries.

6. Clicking OK will begin the installation process, which may take several minutes depending upon the speed of your computer. When the installation is nished, the installer will automatically direct your Web browser to the Product Registration page on myPANTONE.

A progress bar will show you how much time remains until the installation completes.



7. Enter your product information and complete the registration process. When nished, switch back to the installer application, which will have advanced to the Summary screen conrming a successful installation. You may now close the installer; the PLUS SERIES digital libraries are now installed and ready to use in your creative professional applications.

Register your product on myPANTONE.

The Summary screen informs you that the installation completed successfully.



Installing on Windows 1. When the Digital Libraries Installer has completely downloaded, close all other applications and then extract the installer executable from the ZIP archive you just downloaded. 2. Double-click the installer executable, either PANTONE+ Digital Libraries for Adobe(R) CS.exe or PANTONE+ Digital Libraries for QuarkXPress.exe, to launch the installer. You will be greeted by the introduction screen, The PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries Installer. Click Next.

The Installer Welcome screen.

3. On the Select Components screen you may choose to not install some digital libraries by clearing the checkbox beside each. In most cases, however, youll want to install all the digital color libraries. After making your selection, click Next.

Select the digital color libraries to install.



4. Read and agree to the Software License Agreement to continue installation.

Read and agree to the Software License Agreement.

5. While using the Adobe CS installer, you will be prompted with an extra screen offering the choice to install to, or skip, InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. All are selected by default.

The digital libraries will be installed to the checked applications.



6. The Ready to Install screen will appear, conrming that the installer has the required information and allowing you the opportunity to go back and change any settings. If there are no changes to be made, click Next.

The Ready to Install screen.

7. Installation will proceed, after which youll see the Registration screen asking if youd like to register your PANTONE product. Clear the checkbox marked Visit: if you do not wish to register. Click OK.

A progress bar indicates how much time remains in the installation.

After installation you will be given the opportunity to register the PANTONE+ Digital Libraries on myPANTONE.



8. Unless you chose not to register, your Web browser will be directed to the Product Registration page on myPANTONE.

Register your new product on myPANTONE.


Enter your product information and complete the registration process. When nished, switch back to the installer application, which will have advanced to the Finished screen conrming a successful installation. You may now close the installer; the PLUS SERIES digital libraries are now installed and ready to use in your creative professional applications.

The summary screen informs you that the installation completed successfully.



New Digital Library Names After installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries you will see them in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and QuarkXPress listed as follows: PANTONE+ Solid Coated PANTONE+ Solid Uncoated PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated PANTONE+ Premium Metallics Coated PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Coated PANTONE+ Pastels & Neons Uncoated PANTONE+ CMYK Coated PANTONE+ CMYK Uncoated If you are unsure about where to look for the new libraries in each application, consult the section below titled Using the PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries.

PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Digital Library Backups from Adobe Illustrator

A conict exclusive to Adobe Illustrator prevents both versions of the libraries from co-existing as they can in Photoshop, InDesign and QuarkXPress. As a result, the Digital Libraries Installer automatically uninstalls the older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM libraries from Illustrator. These old libraries are still available on your computer should you need them. You will nd them in one of the below folders, depending on your operating system. Windows Look in the following locations: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pantone C:\Program Files (x86)\Pantone C:\Program Files\Pantone Color C:\Program Files\Pantone Color

Color Book Backup CS5 Color Book Backup CS4 Book Backup CS5 Book Backup CS4

Mac OS X Look in the following locations: Applications/Pantone Palette Backup/CS5/ Applications/Pantone Palette Backup/CS4/

Removing older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Digital Libraries

After installing the PANTONE PLUS SERIES digital libraries you may want to uninstall the older PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM digital libraries. Delete (or move) the les shown below for your operating system, for each application you have installed. Windows Depending on your version of Windows and the applications, you may need to delete (or move) les from one or several locations. Photoshop Look in the following locations:


C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Presets\Color Books\ Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Color Books Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Color Books\ Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4 (64 Bit)\Presets\Color Books\ Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Presets\Color Books Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Presets\Color Books\ Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Color Books\

And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb color bridge CMYK PC.acb color bridge CMYK UP.acb metallic coated.acb pastel coated.acb pastel uncoated.acb process coated.acb process uncoated.acb solid coated.acb solid matte.acb solid to process EURO.acb solid to process.acb solid uncoated.acb

InDesign Look in the following locations: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5\Presets\Swatch Libraries C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS4\Presets\Swatch Libraries C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\Presets\Swatch Libraries C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5\Presets\Swatch Libraries C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS4\Presets\Swatch Libraries C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\Presets\Swatch Libraries And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE

color bridge CMYK EC.acb color bridge CMYK PC.acb color bridge CMYK UP.acb metallic coated.acb pastel coated.acb pastel uncoated.acb process coated.acb process uncoated.acb solid coated.acb solid matte.acb solid to process EURO.acb


PANTONE solid to process.acb PANTONE solid uncoated.acb QuarkXPress Look in the following locations: C:\Program Files (x86)\QuarkXPress 8\Color C:\Program Files (x86)\QuarkXPress 7\Color C:\Program Files\QuarkXPress 8\Color C:\Program Files\QuarkXPress 7\Color And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) ColorBridge EC.qcl ColorBridge PC.qcl metallic coated.qcl pastel coated.qcl pastel uncoated.qcl process coated.qcl process uncoated.qcl procoated EURO.qcl solid coated.qcl solid matte.qcl solid uncoated.qcl solidinhex.qcl

Mac OS X Depending on your versions of the applications, you may need to delete (or move) les from one or several locations. Photoshop Look in the following locations: Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Presets/Color Books Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Color Books Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Presets/Color Books And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE

color bridge CMYK EC.acb color bridge CMYK PC.acb color bridge CMYK UP.acb metallic coated.acb pastel coated.acb pastel uncoated.acb process coated.acb process uncoated.acb solid coated.acb solid matte.acb


PANTONE solid to process EURO.acb PANTONE solid to process.acb PANTONE solid uncoated.acb InDesign Look in the following locations: Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5/Presets/Swatch Libraries Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Presets/Swatch Libraries Applications/Adobe InDesign CS3/Presets/Swatch Libraries And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE color bridge CMYK EC.acb color bridge CMYK PC.acb color bridge CMYK UP.acb metallic coated.acb pastel coated.acb pastel uncoated.acb process coated.acb process uncoated.acb solid coated.acb solid matte.acb solid to process EURO.acb solid to process.acb solid uncoated.acb

QuarkXPress Look in the following locations: Applications/QuarkXPress 8/Color Applications/QuarkXPress 7/Color And delete (or move) the following les from each of those locations: PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) PANTONE(R) ColorBridge EC.qcl ColorBridge PC.qcl metallic coated.qcl pastel coated.qcl pastel uncoated.qcl process coated.qcl process uncoated.qcl procoated EURO.qcl solid coated.qcl solid matte.qcl solid uncoated.qcl solidinhex.qcl



PANTONE Colors displayed here may not match PANTONE-identied standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. ColorChecker is a trademark or registered trademark of X-Rite, Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe, Creative Suite, Illustrator and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Macintosh, iPhone and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. QuarkXPress is a trademark or registered trademark of Quark, Inc. and its afliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Corel is a trademark or registered trademark of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the United States and/or other countries. Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any omission of such trademarks from any product is regretted and is not intended as an infringement on such trademarks. PANTONE LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated. Pantone LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.


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