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A/39 Mazidpur, Savar, Dhaka Phone: 01913454344 , 01672624551 E-mail: k_kamrul1004 !ah"".#"m $A%EE% &'(E$)*+E Looking for a suitable job in an established company / organization that befits my knowledge and experience with a promising and rewarding prospect. Willing to work hard with honesty, sincerity & punctuality in the friendly working en ironment. A$ADEM*$ $%EDE,)*A-S Ma./0r. "1 'u.in0.. Admini./ra/i"n 2M'A3 !nstitution " #outh $ast %ni ersity &ajor " 4%M 'ear of (assing " )*++ ,-(. " /.0* / 1 'a#h0l"r "1 'u.in0.. Admini./ra/i"n 2''A3 !nstitution " $ast West %ni ersity &ajor " 4%M 5 6inan#0 'ear of (assing " )*+* ,-(. " ).0/ / 1 4i7h0r S0#"ndar! $0r/i1i#a/0 24S$3 !nstitution " 2ahangirnagar %ni ersity #chool and ,ollege. -roup " S#i0n#0 'ear of (assing " )**1 -(. " /.3* S0#"ndar! S#h""l $0r/i1i#a/0 2SS$3 !nstitution " B.P.A.T.C School and College. -roup " S#i0n#0 'ear of (assing " )**) -(. " 1.+/

E89E%*E,$E Working as 4&11i#0r, 4%5 in 4Eura.ia 6""d 9r"#0..in7 'D -/d:, 1r"z0n 1""d 0;p"r/0r. . subsidiary of 4Eur" 6""d. <r"up in =.K:. Worked as 4&11i#0r, 4% and $"mplian#0 5 in 4%*)>? S)?-E -)D5 , +**6 export oriented knit garments manufacturers & exporters from &arch *+, )*+) to 2une )7, )*+).

@"rk0d a. AE;0#u/iv0, Admin 5 $"mmuni#a/i"n: in A)E8K? *,)E%,A)*&,A- -)D: a r0pu/0d Bu!in7 h"u.0, 1r"m Au7u./ 01, C011 /" 60Bruar! C9, C01C. Worked as 4(roject Mana70m0n/ !ntern5 in 4AK)E-5 from .pril *+, )**8 to #eptember /*, )**3, "n0 !0ar, 1iv0 m"n/h.. Workshop on 4*n1"rma/i"n -i/0ra#!5 by !nternational 9etwork for the a ailability of scientific publications :*,AS93, %nited ;ingdom. !nternship in <'%A$ 'ank -/dD in head office, finance department, working with ,!=, ,orporate and ,entral =ank >eporting.

SK*--S $"mpu/0r -i/0ra#! ?perating #ystem " Windows @(, Windows 38, Windows )*** #er er. " (hotoshop, &# Word, &# $xcel, &# (ower (oint, browsing and Aardware trouble shooting . !nstitution ,omputer " ,ertified by (ahan7irna7ar =niv0r.i/!, .ptest education. -an7ua70. and $"mmuni#a/i"n Skill $xcellent erbal and writing proficiency in both $nglish and =engali.

.pplication #oftware !nternet

E8)%A-$=%%*$=-A% A$)*+*)*ES ! am acBuainted with cultural programmes in #chool, ,ollege and still going on.

& Was the captain of cricket team at school and college le el. 9E%S&,A- DE)A*-S CatherDs 9ame &otherDs 9ame Eate of =irth 9ationality Aobbies &usic, " &d..bul ;ashem " Joesneara Khatun Lily : 04 October, +38F " =angladeshi by birth " 9h"/"7raph!, 9ain/in7, Gra eling, Listening

%E6E%E,$ES 1. !. Abdur "ashid !e#uty $eneral anager %oreign &'change Policy !e#art(ent Bangladesh Ban)* +ead O,,ice %loor/ oti0heel C1A * !ha)a 2 1000 Phone3 4150675 * &'85790 ob 3 01775444:91. 5. !.Abul Kashe( !e#uty anager - Cash/ Bangladesh Ban) oti0heel C1A * !ha)a 8 1000 Phone3 67:1:06 * ob 3 01914770.94


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