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Teacher: Emerson Golipardo Lesson Plan:Essential Grammar in use Elementry pages 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25

1. Free Talking: -Hello! Good morning. - How are you today? - How was chuseok? - How did you celebrate your chuseok? - I hope you enjoyed chuseok. - Did you go to your grandmothers house for chuseok? -Wow! That's wonderful! -What did you do on chuseok? - I could see that you really enjoyed chuseok -Since we haven't seen each other for 5 days -Let's start our class ok?

2. Actual Teaching: - We will be learning about present continous verb tense -When we say present continous verb tense - It is used to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very m oment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now. Look at the example: first picture 1. She's eating She isn't reading. -Please read the next example 2.It's raining. The sun isn't shining. - And last number three. 3. They're running. They aren't walking. -Very good! - The present continous is: am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing etc.

Look at the example below: I am ( not) - ing = I'm working or I'm not working. Chris is writing a letter. He/She/ It is (not) - ing = She isn't eating The phone is ringing. We/you/they are (not) - ing = We're having dinner. You're not listening to me. or ( You aren't listening to me) The children are doing thier homework. Am/is/are + ing - are used to indicate that something is happening now: Example I'm working She's wearing a hat. They're playing football I'm not watching television - Know let's put it on a sentence - Please read the examples: Please be quiet. I'm working. = ( I'm working now) Look at sue! She's wearing her neew hat. = ( She is wearing it now) The weather is nice at the moment = It's no raining. Where are the children? - They're playing in the park. Let's read the words here: Come - comming Run - running Lie - Lying Write - Writing Sit- Sitting Dance - Dancing Swim - Swimming. - Any words you dont understand before we proceed to the next question? page 16 - Present continous questions. - Let's read the verbs in positive answering

I He She It We you they

am Is Doing, working,going,staying etc.,


- Please read the verbs used questioning; Am Is Are I He,She,It We,You,They Doing? , working? Going? , Staying? etc.,

- Let's do the ff. excercises below. 1. Are you feeling ok? = Yes I'm Fine, Thankyou ( Positive answer) 2.Is it raining? = Yes take an umbrella 3. Why are you wearing a coat? = It's not cold 4. What's Paul doing? = He's reading the news paper. etc. - Now let's study the word order Is/Are + subject + ing Is he working today? Is Paul working today? Where are they going? Where are those people going? - Very good! - Now let's learn the short answers. For possitive answers Yes. I am. Yes Yes he,she,it + is.,they + are

- For negative answers.

No, I'm not No No He's,She's,It's + not or No He,she,it + isn't

We're, you're, they're + not or No we,you,they + aren't

- I'll be the one to ask and you will answer 1. 2. 3. 4. . Are you going now? Yes i am Is Paul working today? Yes, he is Is it raining? NO it isn't Are your friends staying at a hotel? No they aren't. They're staying with me

- Any words you dont understand? Moving forward to the nextpage page 18. - Present Simple - Please read the examples on the picture. -VEry Good! They read/ He likes/ I work etc = Are the present simple -Pleaser read the words at the box ( circle each words) read, like work live watch do have.. etc. Read the ff. Examples He works / She lives/ It rains etc. 1. I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank. 2. Linda lives in london. Her parents Live in scotland. 3. It rains a lot in winter. I have = he/she/it has. example: Jhon has a shower everyday.

Read this words: Pass = Passes Study = Studies Do = Does Finish = Finishes try = Tries

go - Goes WAtch = Watches - We use the present simple for things that are true ion general, or for things that happens sometimes or all the time. example I like big cities The shops open at 9 o'clock and close at 5:30 Tim works very hard. He starts at 7:30 and finishes at 8 o'clock in the evening The earth goes round the sun. - We could also use this always/never, often,sometimes,usually + present simple example Sue always arrives at work early I usually go to work bycar but sometimes I walk. Julia never eats breakfast TOm lives near us. We often see him -Any questions? lets proceed to the next page - Page 20 - PResent simple negative - The present simple negative is Don't and Doesen't + verb - Please read the conversation -very good! number 2 example - VEry good! There also a positive response and a negative response Positive I,we,you,they = Work ,like do,have He,she ,it = works,lives,does,has Negative I, we, you they = do not , don't He,she, it = Does not , Doesen't - Please read the examples I drink coffee but i don't drink tea. Sue drinks tea but she doesen't drink coffee. Work,like, do, have . . . . ..

- Remember I/we/you,they + don't I don't like football he ,she, it + doesen't He doesent like football. - We use don't /doesent + infinitive example: Don't like/ Doesent speak/ Doesen't do etc. I don't like washing the car. I don't do it often. Sandra speaks spanish but she doesent speak itallian. - Any question before we proceed to the next page? page 22 - Present Simple Questions -WE use do /does in present simple questions: Positive I/we/you/they + work,like,do,have He,she, it = Wokrs likes does has. Question Do = I,we,you,they + work? like? do ? have? Does = He she IT + ... . . Study the word order Do you work in the evening? Does chris play tennis? Where do you live? What does this word means How much does it cost? Questions with always,usually,often Do you always have for breakfast? Does chris often play tennis? What do you usually do ay week end? -What do you do? = What's your job? What do you do? I work at the bank Remember Do = i/we/you/they.. Does = he she it .. Do they like music?> Does he like music?

- For short answers.. Yes + i,we,you,they = do he ,she,it = Does For negative answers No + I/you/we/they. = Don't he ,she, it = Doesen't Do you play tennis? No i don't Do your parents speak english? Yes they do!.. - Any questions or words you dont understand before we proceed to the next page? page 24. - Present continous and present Simple. - Please read the example below: Jim is watching television He is not playing the guitar. But jim has a guitar. He often play it and he plays very well Jim plays the guitar. But he is not playing the guitar now. Is he playing the guitar? No he isn't ( present continous) Does he play the guitar? Yes he does ( present simple) - Prsent continous I'm doing = Now, at the time of speaking. example Please be quiet. I'm working ( not i work) Tom is having a shower at the moment ( not tom has) Take an umbrella with you. It's raining. - Present Simple I do = ?in general, all the time or sometimes example I work everyday from 9 o'clock to 5:30. Tom has a shower every morning It rains a lot in winter.

- We do not use this verbs in present continous ( I am - ing) Like love prefer hate want mean know understand remember believe forget /depend

- Use the present simple only with this words. ( I want / do you like? etc.) Example I'm tired. I want to go home. ( not im wanting) Do you know that girl? Yes but a don't remember her name I dont understand.What do you mean? Any words or any questions before we proceed to the next page? page 25. Let's answer the exercises below. Look at the example 1. Does he take photographs? Yes he does. What is he doing? He's having a bath. - Now Please answer the remaining the numbers -NO need to write your answers. OK? Is he driving a bus? ______________ What is she doing? _____________ - Next activity.. - Put am/ is/ are/ or do/ don't/does /doesen't example number 1 1. Excuse me do you speak english? 2. Where's ann?__________ know.. etc. next activity -Put the verb in the present continous ( i an doing) or the present simple ( I do) example number 1. 1. Excuse me., Do you speak english? 2. Where's Tom?. He's having a shower 3. I dont watch television very often. -Please answer the remaining questions...

-VEry good! ( put a star for kids if perfect") F For Adults Complement them.. - Since we don't have much time left i will be seeing you again tommorow. Good b ye!

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