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Directorate of Science & Technology (DoST) Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Directorate of Science & Technology

Directorate of Science & Technology (DoST) was created in October 2003 under the National Policy on Science and Technology
DoST was established in December 2006

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa can rightly take pride as it is the first province to have created the department

Mandate of DoST
To Promote and develop S&T in every sphere of life in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Vision of DoST
To highlight the importance of S&T for economic growth and socio-cultural development of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Development Strategy of DoST

The development strategy of DoST is based on creation, cultivation, transfer & diffusion of knowledge and results of scientific discoveries to industry and business in order to generate sustainable growth and productivity

Funding Opportunities Available under the Development Projects of DoST

Design Facilitation & Training Center

S.No Project Component
Design facilitation


Total Allocation
Amount 18.4325 M


Funding Available
Rs. 4.343 Millions


- Financial support to innovative, economically feasible engineering & Design projects

14.0895 UET Peshawar: 2.73 GIKI Swabi : 1.9 COMSATS Abtd: 3.795 UST Bannu: 0.04 KUST: 0.5 University of Peshawar: 0.9 Agricultural Uni Pesh:1.0875 Hazara University: 0.5 PCSIR: 0.65 Mobashir Engineer's (SME): 0.995 Individuals: 0.992


Project Component Training centre




Available Funds Ava1.486 M


- Free Training programs for technicians and paratechnicians

4.8 M

3.314 M
PSTC Peshawar: 0.138
Gems & Jewelry Training and Manufacturing Center, Peshawar: 2.242 PCSIR Peshawar: 0.128 NIDA Peshawar : 0.806


Identification and profiling of common facility centre

-Identifying and strengthening of the facilities and services of Common Facility Centers

1 Million

0.6 0.4 Million Strengthen of Gems Cutting & Polishing Center at Garamchashma Chitral, Khyber

Pilot Research Studies

S.No Project Component
Pilot Research Studies on Bio-fuel Production


Total Allocation


Funding Available


Transfer of technology through Cultivation and Management of plants




Extraction and demonstration of fuel


Pilot Research Studies in Collaboration with Academia

Advertisement for invitation of research proposals Provision of financial assistant to demand driven proposals having socio economic importance

12 M

12 M UoP = 2.487 m USTB = 0.85 m GIK = 0.48 m AUP = 1.500 m UET = 1.62 m HU = 1.15 m PCSIR = 0.5 m VMO = 0.5 m CECOS = 0.07 m COMSATS = 0.7 m KMU = 1.232 m GOMAL = 0.5 m



Project Component


Total Allocation


Funding Available


Pilot Research Studies in Collaboration with Organizations/ individuals

Provision of financial assistant to demand driven proposals having socio economic importance Dissemination for further up-scaling

12 M UET = 3 m CECOS = 1 m UoP = 2.1 m

6.1 M

5.9 M

Promotion & Support of R&D efforts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

S. No. Project Components

Total Allocation


Funding Available

To Provide Financial support to R&D efforts

1.Motivation of scientists to conduct applied research which is more relevant to the requirements of the industry & economy in the fields of agriculture, health, food sciences, genetics and engineering issues faced by industry and other relevant sectors of the province. 2.To explore and exploit natural resources of the province.

Amount 14 M

13.284 m UET = 3.15m GIK = 1.4 m COMSATS = 2.87 m AUP = 0.7 m BUST = 1.35 m PCSIR = 0.6 m UoP = 0.893 KMU = 0.65 m KMC = 0.5141m PMC = 1.0 m SBWU (Pesh) = 0.7 m AWKU = 0.35 m Total = 0.3 m UoP = 0.05 m AUP = 0.50 m COMSATS = 0.50 m GIK = 0.50 m0.50 m NIFA = 0.50 m PCSIR = 0.50 m

0.716 M

Acknowledg e R&D Effort Award

1. This award is given on annual basis in order to acknowledge the efforts of scientists and researchers of the Province who have not only conducted applied research but have also successfully implemented in industry or benefited the community with it. 2. The award comprises of both recognition certificates and cash awards.

Amount: 0.9 m


Human Resource Development through Transfer of Technology

1. Completed research projects are funded under this scheme for transfer and dissemination to relevant stake holders.

Amount 8.727 m

Expenditure 4.5219 m FAST = 0.65m PCSIR = 2.738m NIFA = 1.133 m

4.2051 M

Establishme 1. projection of research nt of technologie Technology s completed Display under Centers for DoST the funded Promotion of R&D programs. 2. facilitation of both the research communitie s and relevant stake holders

Amount 7.0 m

Expenditure 4.088 m

Available Funding: 2.912 M

Biotechnology Development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

S.No Project Component Activities Total Allocation Funding Available

Constitutions of Biotech Advisory Committee

To device policies to strengthen and promote biotechnology in the province

To Strengthen the Bio Tech R&D foundation

Amount 2m

0.267 m

1.733 M

Promotion and facilitation of biotechnology Innovations

34.2 m

10.00 m COMSATS = 0.999 m UoP = 1.885 m KMU = 1.4 m AUP = 1.73 m KUST = 0.938 m HU = 0.960 m Gomal U = 0.5 m MUC = 0.4 m AWKU = 1.0 m UST Bannu = 0.56 m

23.8 M

Training Domestic (Capacity Building of Bio Technologists)

1.Skill development 2.Trained bio technologists and technicians on modern trends & tools of Bio Technologists
Projection through workshops, seminars as well as print & electronic media

1.20 m

0.265 m (Committed with IBG AUP Peshawsr)

0.935 M

Projection Programs to promote Biotechnology in the province

2.2 m




S.No Project Component Activities Funding Available


Development of High Computing Device

Infrastructure for Rs. 10.00 Million High performance super computing cluster at GIKI Topi Seminars/workshops & trainings on HPC in collaboration with GIKI,Topi Availability of HPC to researchers throughout the province.

Road Map
S.No Project Component Activities Funding Available


Road Map for Promotion & Development of S&T in KP

Need Assessment, Rs. 10.00 Million Surveys, framework for S&T development in KP, development of 10 years strategic plan for promotion & development of S&T in KP

Title of the Scheme: Enhancing the capacity of the institution/organization to promote product oriented research Promotion of S&T in KPK Plan Provision:
Included in the ADP ADP. No. Total cost: Proposed Period: 2013-14 130314 Rs. 100.00 million 03 Years

The long term objective of the scheme is, to encourage product oriented research as a mean for sustainable social and economic development of the province

The short term objective of the scheme is, to enhance the abilities of individuals, organizations and systems to undertake and disseminate high quality product oriented research efficiently and effectively

The purpose of the utilization of services of the HQM is to,

realize the effective multidisciplinary research on multidisciplinary problems
attract the established and new researchers to initiate product oriented

research expand the interaction of researchers with stakeholders in execution and knowledge exchange improve the development of transferable research-based knowledge promote a culture among potential users of finding and using current research-based knowledge to produce more highly qualified people at the university/ organizational levels for the future

The component is aimed to:

encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, and

address significant scientific challenges associated with research priorities; and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees acquisition and development of important professional skills among the researchers that complement their qualifications and technical skills.

The component is aimed to, To invigorate the productive research via facilitation and encouragement
To Remove hindrances/ obstacles in executions of the applied research

The long term objective of the scheme is,

to promote Science & Technology through fostering the creativity and innovations in order to improve the social wellbeing in the Province The short term objective of the scheme is,
to Establish a Research & Development Innovation Fund (R&D IF) to fund the most potential, cost effective and innovative proposals to address the compelling issues in the province

As per mandate of DoST, the Fund will disbursed to the proposals that offer innovative yet cost-effective solutions to address development challenges facing the province and also complement the provincial development agenda. A diverse range of innovative projects may be funded, including but not limited to the following areas:
Agriculture Industry Health Education Forestry Energy Pharmaceuticals Small Cottage Industry


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