Analog Communications

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R10 Code No: R22041

II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec - 2012
(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
1. a) Explain the generation oI AM wave using square law modulator.
b) A tone modulated AM-signal with a modulation index oI 'm and base band signal
Irequency oI e
is detected using envelope detector, whose time constant is RC, Ior
eIIective demodulation, show that (1/RC) _ |m e
2. a) Explain the concept oI Irequency translation using the spectrum oI DSB-SC wave.
b) In an AM-SC system, modulating signal is a single tone sinusoidal signal 4cos2a10
t, which
modulates carrier signal 6cos2a10
t. Write the equation oI the modulated wave. Plot the two
sided spectrum oI the modulated wave. Calculate the amount oI power transmitted.
3. a) Explain the Irequency domain description oI the SSB-SC wave.
b) Explain with block diagram the Irequency discrimination method oI generating SSB
modulated waves.
4. a) Derive the expression Ior angle modulation Irom Iundamentals and hence diIIerentiate PM
and EM.
b) An angle modulated signal is described by X(t) 10|cos2a10
t sina10
t|. Considering the
above signal,
i) As PM signal with phase sensitivity Iactor oI 10 rad/volt, Iind the base band signal. ii)
As EM signal with phase sensitivity Iactor oI 10aHz/volt, Iind the base band signal.
5. a) Derive the expression Ior Iigure oI merit Ior SSB receiver.
b) A DSB signal with additive white noise is demodulated by a synchronous detector using a
local carrier oI 2cos(e
t 4). Show that the Iigure oI merit oI the receiver is cos
6. a) Draw the block diagram oI AM transmitter using low level modulation. Explain the
signiIicance oI each block.
b) What are the carrier Irequency requirements in a radio transmitter? Explain
7. a) With neat diagram, explain the general process oI Irequency changing in a super heterodyne
receiver and the basic super heterodyne principle.
b) In a broadcast super heterodyne receiver having no RE ampliIier the loaded Q oI the antenna
coupling circuit (at the input to the mixer) is 100. II the intermediate Irequency is 455 kHz,
i) The image Irequency and its rejection ratio at 1000 kHz.
ii) The image Irequency and its rejection ratio at 25 MHz.
8. Write short notes on
i) TDM Vs EDM ii) Generation oI PPM
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SET - 2
R10 Code No: R22041

II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec - 2012

(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
1. a) What is the need Ior modulation? Explain diIIerent constraints.
b) An AM wave is given by S(t) 25( 1 0.7cos5000t 0.3cos10000t) sin 5x10
i) What are the amplitudes and Irequencies oI the carrier and the side bands?
ii) Draw the one sided amplitude spectrum.
iii) Determine the bandwidth.
2. a) Explain the generation oI the DSB-SC wave by the balanced modulator using diodes.
b) Eor the balanced ring modulator Ic 400kHz, Im (0kHz to 4kHz) determine the
i) Erequency spectrum.
ii) Output Irequency Ior a single Irequency input Im 2.8kHz.
3. a) Draw the block diagram oI a phase cancellation SSB generator and explain how the carrier
and unwanted sidebands are separated.
b) Prove that the signal ( ) _


) sin(e


)| is an SSB
signal (I
) where e
; carrier angular Irequency and e
is the modulating
angular Irequency.
i) IdentiIy the sideband.
ii) Obtain an expression Ior missing sideband.
iii) Obtain the total expression oI the total DSB-SC signal.
4. a) DeIine modulation index in EM. Discuss the separation oI NBEM and WBEM Ior various
modulation indices.
b) Discuss the merits and demerits oI AM and EM modulation techniques.
5. a) Calculate signal to noise ratio Ior amplitude modulation .
b) Show that Ior a DSB-SC system, the power densities oI various components oI band pass
noise are related as
Snc(e) Sns(e) 2Sn(e)q Ior e
e e
6. Explain about AM transmitter with neat diagram , why Ieedback is used in the AM transmitter?
Explain its uses.
7. a) List out the advantages and disadvantages oI TRE receivers.
b) What is an image Irequency? How is image Irequency rejection achieved?
8. a) Explain, how a PPM signal can be generated Irom PWM signal?
b) Explain with the block diagram, working oI PWM.
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SET - 3
R10 Code No: R22041
II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec - 2012
(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
1. a) With necessary expressions, waveIorms and spectrums explain AM Ior an Arbitrary
baseband signal m(t).
b) The antenna current oI an AM transmitter is 8Amps when only the carrier is sent, but it
increases to 8.93 Amps, when the carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. Eind the
percentage modulation. Determine the antenna current when the percentage modulation
changes to 0.8.
2. a) With the neat diagram, explain the DSB-SC generation by the balanced modulator using
EET ampliIiers.
b) Explain the coherent detector oI DSB-SC modulated wave.
3. a) Explain with the block diagram the phase discrimination method oI generating SSB
modulated waves.
b) Explain the coherent detection oI SSB signals.
4. a) Give the phasor comparison oI narrowband EM and AM waves Ior sinusoidal modulation.
b) Compute the bandwidth requirement Ior the transmission oI EM signal having a Irequency
deviation oI 75 kHz and an audio bandwidth oI 10kHz.What will be the change in the
bandwidth, iI modulating Irequency is doubled? Determine the bandwidth when modulating
signal amplitude is also doubled.
5. a) Derive the expression Ior SNR oI EM system.
b) How pre-emphasis and de-emphasis are used to improve the threshold? Discuss.
6. a) Explain the working oI the typical directly modulated EM transmitter with the help oI neat
b) Explain the concept oI Irequency stability in the EM transmitter.
7. a) What is tracking? How is tracking employed in super heterodyne receiver? Explain diIIerent
b) Eind the value oI the padder capacitor and oscillator inductor to give padder tracking Ior the
receiver having tuning range oI signals Irom 400kHz to 1650kHz and uses an IE oI 455kHz.
Assume that the value oI Csmax is equal to 1650kHz and uses an IE oI 455 kHz. Assume
that the value oI Csmax is equal to 300 pE. Also Iind the error in oscillator tracking
Irequency Ior a signal Irequency oI 1MHz.
8. a) Explain single and double polarity in PAM.
b) Distinguish between TDM and EDM.
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SET - 4
R10 Code No: R22041
II B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations Dec - 2012
(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
1. a) Explain with block diagram the basic communication system.
b) Derive the expression Ior AM wave Ior single tone modulation and draw its Irequency
2. a) Consider the single tone modulation and explain DSB-SC generation.
b) Considering the wave obtained by adding a non-coherent carrier Acos(2aIct4) to DSB-
SC wave m(t)cos(2aIct). The X(t) is the message wave Iorm. This wave Iorm is applied to
an ideal envelope detector. Eind the resulting detector output. Evaluate the output Ior
i) 4 0 and
ii) 4 0 and ,x(t), Ac/2.
3. a) Show that VSB wave pulse carrier contains the baseband inIormation in its envelope.
b) A received single-tone sinusoidally modulated SSB-SC signal cos(e
)t has a normalized
power oI 0.5 volt
. The signal is to be detected by carrier reinsertion technique. Eind the
amplitude oI the carrier to be reinserted so that the power in the recovered signal at the
demodulator output is 90 oI the normalized power. The DC component can be neglected
and e
and e
2 aI
4. a) Derive the expression Ior the EM signal under tone modulation and derive the expression Ior
its bandwidth.
b) Explain the detection oI EM-waves using PLL.
5. a) Prove that the Iigure oI merit oI AM system Ior single tone modulation with 100
modulation is 1/3.
b) Explain the noise perIormance oI SSB-SC receiver and prove its S/N ratio is unity.
6. a) With the neat block diagram explain phase modulated EM transmitter.
b) What is an AEC? Discuss with the help oI block diagram.
7. a) Explain about image Irequency and image Irequency rejection oI radio receiver.
b) What is the role oI AGC in amplitude limiter circuits? Explain the principle oI working oI
AGC in detail.
8. a) Draw the circuit oI PPM demodulator and explain the operation.
b) Write a short note on 'Time Division Multiplexing.
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