What Is Open Burning

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What is Open Burning?

Are we satisfied already that all the thing that weve done on earth? Until we forget the most important thing that we had leave behind already. That is the forest, our own living places. The forest is one of most important natural environment we have that we need to preserve it so that future generation can see. But nowadays, the percentage of our forest keeps decreasing from time to time as this give our natural world a disaster. Open burning, logging and deforestation for examples cause a huge effect to our forest and also to the environment that we have nowadays.

Photo 1

Photo taken by John Muir, National Geographic 19 December 2011, Edition, page 114-115 Greenland http://naturalwallpaper.net/orange-colored-trees-forest-wallpaper/

This is our forest before some of our kinds irresponsible behavior that damaged our natural environment and causes the percentage of our natural forest decreasing. I think that our natural world environment is the most unique among the other planet as we have a forest that have a difference kind of seasons for the example the above photo of forest was in a winter season. The changing season is what made the difference. I really hope that we can preserve our precious forest so that future generation can see them. A natural world consist of clean forest and other environment so that it is important for us to preserve natural world and environment as we can get benefit from them.

Photo 2

This cant happen!!

Photograph by Mark Thiessen, National Geographic, Edition, and page 114115 March 2009, Brazil

What we are going to do if this happen in front of our eyes? Isnt it sad? Make our face lost its smile and sad with tears? We must love our home very much. Forest is our home and our sources to keep living healthily. Why we dont appreciate with what we have? I feel strongly sorrow that some of our friend can only let this happen as we lose our natural environment. This will leave a bad As humankind, we should appreciate for what we have so that we would not regret for what we have lose.

Photo 3

Is there anymore hope?

Photograph by Mark Thiessen, California Fire Damage, National Geographic, Edition, page 74 and page 78 year 2007

The 2007 Grass Valley Fire in southern California destroyed nearly 200 homes, including this one. A U.S. Forest Service report found that the wildfire, which had started in the San Bernardino Mountains, took on a life of its own after spreading to residential areas where housing provided plenty of kindling. Is this what we want for our future generation? I believe none of us want our natural environment to be like this so that I strongly hope that we can protect our forest as it one of our important oxygen supplier beside one of the habitat for the unique species.

Photo 4

What we have done?

Photograph by Jim Richardson, Island of Safety in Colorado, National Geographic, Edition, page 74 and page 78 Mac 2009

Open burning also can causing lost. Make things that we like vanished in front of our eyes. Our home is the most precious things when it was burned down. It will take a whole year to recover the forest, but still a year only can make an inch to replacement the forest burned down. The beauty will never be the same. Are we happy to see our home vanished or burned down? No one will dare, but that is reality when it could be happen. We must ready to prevent the open burning occur. We might think it just a little matter, but the little matter is the one causing such a big problems.

Photo 5

Is this what we call natural world?

Photo by W. Milliken, National Geographic, Amazon, April 2010, http://www.kew.org/news/kewblogs/herbarium/forests-andclimate-change-in-latinamerica.htm

Photo 6

Protect our forest from open burning!

Photo by Cristina Santiestevan, north of Little Elden Mountain Arizona, year 2010, Burning Hot: The Evolution of Eastern, http://www.americanforests.org/ourprograms/american-forestspublications/forest-files/forest-filesmay-2012/burning-hot-the-evolution-

On Saturday, February 19, 2011, a low-burning forest fire pushed up the western slope of Virginias Shenandoah National Park, toward Jenkins Gap. This open burning cause the air tasted of smoke, the forest was blackened, and many trees were charred. In several places, the forest floor was a moonscape. This is one of the effect from open burning beside can cause loss of forest it also can devastate the air environment near it as it is important to take care and preserve the forest so that our natural world and environment can be protected. From this photo I can conclude that it is important for every each of us for having responsible value on environment in ourselves.

Photo 7

Conservation and Preservation

Photo by Cristina Santiestevan, June 2011, Shenandoah National Park after open burning fire and 3 month after fire, http://www.americanforests.org/ourprograms/american-forests-publications/forest-files/forest-files-may-2012/burning-hot-theevolution-of-eastern-and-western-fires/

only four months after the fire, Shenandoah National Parks forest is alive with fresh green growth. The above photo was about a change that have been made by the forest ranger to preserve the forest and that is the best way to conserve it. In my opinion some of the best way to conserve the forest is by replanting tree as

Photo 8

Our Natural World and Environment forest

Photo by Tarra, National Geographic, Edition, page 74 and page 78 April 23, 2009

This is our dream natural world and environment without any damaged, the forest keep clean and protected for the animals habitat and for our own good. I strongly feel relieved to watch this in front of my eyes as the future generation can also feel the same way as they can see the forest still green in colour without any damaged. I think that with this kind of view we can have our deep breath as our natural world still protected and there is still hope for us to preserve and conserve it. The important value that I can get that is important to have humanity value in

As a conclusion, forest is like our own home. The forest is one of the big sources that give us oxygen. So, why dont we just be grateful and dont be selfish. Our own selfishness can devastate our own life. It is important to realize what we have and try to protect it from devastation so that we can save our life even our natural world and environment Isnt it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? Douglas Adams So, why we need to destroy something that can make us smile? Something that can make us feel relieved? Something that give benefit to us even for the future generation. THINK IT FOR YOURSELF.

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