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=== 17th April === 08:00-09:00 Registration

Morning session. Breast cancer - evolution of concepts and approaches.

Chairmen: prof. Kuten A., Bernstein Z. 09:00-11:30 09:00-09:10 Welcome words, concept, operating procedure. (Vinnytska A.) 1. 09:10-09:40 From maximal tolerable to minimal effective therapy the history of breast cancer management. (prof. Kuten A., Israel). 30 min 2. 09:40-10:10 Breast cancer as a molecular disease: tailoring strategy to tumor biology. (Gligorov J., France). 30 min 3. 10:10-10:40 Update on neoadjuvant chemo/hormonal therapy of breast cancer: survival benefit? (Gligorov J., France). 30 min 4. 10:40-11:10 Radiotherapy of breast cancer. Overview of the methods, related news. (Poortmans P., Netherlands). 30 min 5. 11:10-11:20 Breast Unit according to EUSOMA criteria the best model of managing patients with breast cancer. (Zhygulin A.) 10 min 11:20-11:30 Discussion, 10 min 11:30-12:00 Coffee break

Noon session. Stage of diagnosis and choice of treatment algorithm.

Chairmen: Poortmans P., prof.Sedakov I. 12:00-14:40 6. 12:00-12:15 Applied aspects of Breast MRI. (Bozhok E.) 15 min 7. 12:15-12:30 PET CT in breast cancer diagnostic and staging. (Kmetjuk Y., Moskalets A.) 15 min 8. 12:30-12:50 Breast conservation or breast ablation? Oncological and surgical aspects. (Anikousko N.) 20 min 9. 12:50-13:10 The influence of oncoplastic surgery on target volume delineation and outcome. (Poortmans P., Netherlands). 20 min 10. 13:10-13:25 Radiological aspects of preoperative management of patients with breast cancer. (Vinnitska D.) 15 min 11. 13:25-13:55 Management of regional lymph nodes: from traditions to evidence based medicine. (Poortmans P., Netherlands). 30 min 12. 13:55-14:10 Treatment of primary breast cancer in the presence of metastatic disease. (prof. Kuten A., Israel). 15 min 13. 14:10-14:25 Onfertility in breast cancer patients. The decision-making algorithm before starting of the treatment. (prof. Feskov A.) 15 min 14:25-14:40 Discussion, 15 min 14:40-15:30 Lunch

Evening session. Surgery.

Chairmen: prof. Sedakov I., Scheflan M. 15:30-19:15 14. 15:30-15:45 Aesthetics aspects of the breast surgery. From the past to the future. (prof. Sedakov I.) 15 min 15. 15:45-16:00 Breast anatomy from the oncoplastic surgeon point of view. (Sazhienko V.) 15 min 16. 16:00-16:15 SLNB. Methods view, technical aspects, experience of LISSOD. (Palitsa V.) 15 min 17. 16:15-16:30 Direct hromolymphografy using methylene blue during SNB. (Zotov A., Postupalenko A.) 15 min 18. 16:30-16:45 Re-visiting the surgical margins. (Bondarenko V.) 15 min 19. 16:45-17:15 Oncoplastic approach in breastconserving surgery. (Zhygulin A.) 30 min 20. 17:15-17:30 Method of oncoplastic breast resection. (prof. Galaychuk I.) 15 min 21. 17:30-17:45 Local flaps in anterior-lateral section reconstruction. (Zhygulin A.) 15 min 22. 17:45-18:05 Skin-sparing, skin-reducing and nipple-sparing mastectomies, oncological and surgical aspects. (Scheflan M., Israel). 20 min 23. 18:05-18:20 Goldilock-mastectomy third way in breast reconstructive surgery? (Zhygulin A.) 15 min 24. 18:20-18:40 Implant choice in implant-based reconstruction. (Scheflan M., Israel). 20 min 18:40-19:15 Discussion, 35 min 19:30-21:30 Coctail

=== 18th April === 08:00-09:00 Registration

Morning session. Treatment experience.

Chairmen: prof. Sedakov I., Scheflan M. 09:00-10:45 1. 09:00-09:15 Reconstructive and plastic surgery. Experience of Kharkiv oncological hospital. (Fomina S.) 15 min 2. 09:15-09:30 Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Kyiv. Central municipal oncological hospital. (Anikousko M.) 15 min 3. 09:30-09:45 Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Kyiv. Private oncological hospital Innovation. (Petah A.) 15 min 4. 09:45-10:00 Intraoperative radiotherapy. The first Ukrainian experience. (Krasnopolska O.) 15 min 5. 10:00-10:15 Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Odessa National Medical University. (Zavoloka O.) 15 min 6. 10:15-10:30 Experience of radiosurgery and IMRT-radiotherapy in the treatment of distant metastases breast cancer. (Chebotareva T.) 15 min 10:30-10:45 Discussion, 15 min 10:45-11:15 Coffee break

Noon session. New technologies in reconstructive breast surgery. Complications in breast surgery.
Chairmen: Andree C., prof. Khrapach V. 11:15-13:15 7. 11:15-11:35 Single-stage implant-based reconstructions with ADM or tissue reinforcement Matrix. Video presentation. (Scheflan M., Israel). 20 min 8. 11:35-11:50 Single-stage implant-based reconstructions with ADM. LISSODs experience. (Zhygulin A.) 15 min 9. 11:50-12:05 Early and late complications in implant based immediate breast reconstruction. Avoidance and management. (Scheflan M., Israel). 15 min 10. 12:05-12:25 Early and late complications in BCS. Avoidance and managing. (Zhygulin A.) 20 min 11. 12:25-12:45 Late lymphostasis. Surgical options. (prof. Drjuk M.) 20 min 12. 12:45-13:00 Complications after injected gel augmentation. Managing algorithm. (prof. Khrapach V.) 15 min 13:00-13:15 Discussion, 15 min 13:15-13:45 Coffee break

Evening session. After surgery. Adjuvant therapy and rehabilitation.

Chairmen: Bernstein Z., prof. Khrapach V. 13:45-16:30 13. 13:45-14:15 Principals of adjuvant therapy of breast cancer chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, Oncotype DX. Last news. (Kazarin O.) 30 min 14. 14:15-14:45 Lipographting in reconstructive breast surgery. (Sazhienko V.) 30 min 15. 14:45-15:00 Corrections with DIEP-flaps after breast-conserving surgery (Andree C., Germany) 15 min 16. 15:00-15:20 Symmetrized operations after breast surgery. (Khrapach V.) 20 min 17. 15:20-15:40 Non-surgical complication after breast surgery. Physiotherapeutic patients aftercare. Prevention, early and late aftercare algorithms. (Belova O.) 20 min 18. 15:40-15:55 The role of massage in the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with breast cancer (Rybak N.) 15 min 19. 15:55-16:15 Psychology in oncology: the area of optimal approach. (Chaban O.) 20 min 16:15-16:30 Discussion, 15 min

Sizing up. The final word. (Vinnytska A., prof Sedakov I.)
Presentation of certificates, filling in forms. 16:30-17:00

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