Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture 2013

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Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture

Why do some corporate superstars collapse dramatically, while others survive and prosper?


Collaborative Wisdom
From Pervasive Logic to Effective Operational Leadership
Greg Park Greg Parks book Collaborative Wisdom: From Pervasive Logic to Effective Operational Leadership engagingly connects the world of the practitioner to relevant scholarly concepts in this welcome practical contribution to effective operational leadership. Moreover, it is particularly timely within the context of todays increasing questioning of prevailing leadership values, principles, and practices. It does so by clearly illustrating how best in class organisational performance can be consistent with universal values and communal principles, through the application of practical and collaborative wisdom. I warmly recommend this thought-provoking, sometimes contentious, and always insightful book which replaces the prevailing emphasis on smart thinking with an emphasis upon the wise in the process of the operational leadership decision-making process. Patrick C McEvoy, Former Chairman, K&H Bank, Hungary and former Chief Executive and Chairman, IIB Bank plc, Ireland Greg Park argues that corporate superstars collapse not primarily due to poor products, inadequate market penetration, nancial mismanagement or selfaggrandisement, but rather by a leadership lacking the fundamental values, principles, perspectives, attributes and capabilities for long term organisational survival. The resultant inadequate cognitive mental process of leadership invites inevitable failure, through loss of condence, motivation, cohesion, advocacy and energy amongst the community of stakeholders. Collaborative wisdom is the existence within the dominant coalition of an organisation of an inherited, pervasive, collectively held logic, critically founded upon universal values, translated into appropriate leadership principles, perspectives and priorities. This ensures cohesive and consistent behaviour across every function of a complex organization, reected in each daily operational leadership decision. This book examines the importance of collaborative wisdom within an organization, how effective operational leadership is fundamentally about appropriate values, principles and perspectives which generate appropriate leadership experience, intuition, insight, judgment and ultimately, wisdom. About the author: Dr Greg Park spent over twenty ve years in senior executive roles within nancial services. Initially with National Westminster Bank and Lloyds TSB in the UK, subsequently in senior roles with global and regional banks in the Arabian Gulf and Middle East, responsible for strategy, marketing, sales and service quality management, product, market and business development, remote, expatriate and Islamic banking. Park holds degrees from the University of London (Monetary Economics), Lancaster and Dublin City universities (Marketing Management and International Strategic Marketing) and a doctorate in International Strategic Leadership from the Michael Smurt Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin. He is Managing Director of PCM Consulting,
January 2013 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 298 pages 978-1-4094-3460-3 978-1-4094-3461-0 978-1-4094-7354-1 60.00

Third Sector Performance

Management and Finance in Not-for-prot and Social Enterprises
Edited by Graham Manville and Richard Greatbanks The timely, informative and insightful series of articles is set to make a major contribution to the theory and practice of third sector and social enterprise development. Of relevance to both academics and practitioners, this volume presents signicant challenges to the sector but also offers solutions to enable third sector organisations enhance performance and maximise their contribution to society. Paul A Jones, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Third sector organizations are not the same as conventional businesses and are also subtly different from the public sector. There is currently a dearth of knowledge and a lack of research into issues around performance in the Third Sector or Civil Society. This book begins to ll a void in the knowledge base. The internationally sourced contributions represent a balanced offering of academic research ndings and practitioner accounts from the Third Sector, together with a section devoted specically to third sector nance institutions.
January 2013 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 266 pages 978-1-4094-2961-6 978-1-4094-2962-3 978-1-4094-7239-1 55.00

Creating and Re-Creating Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture

Alzira Salama In the days of global rebalancing when emerging market economies contribute more economic growth than the developed ones, the need for innovation and entrepreneurship among established businesses is ever-increasing. This book provides very useful cases of entrepreneurial behaviour and practices, emphasising the importance of corporate culture, with insights which can well serve as recipes for success for many corporate executives. Yury Bikbaev, Director, LSE Executive Education, London School of Economics
2011 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 202 pages 978-0-566-09194-0 978-0-566-09195-7 978-1-4094-5968-2 65.00

Behavior Space
Play, Pleasure and Discovery as a Model for Business Value
Alexander Manu Behavior Space proposes that corporations do not design products or services anymore: they design behavior spaces. Facebook is not a product, not a technology, but a behavior space. Innovation is the creation of a new behavior space. The product or service is simply the catalyst that enables a new behavior space to emerge. The size of the behavior space footprint, represents the potential value a product or service offers; the greater the value potential, the greater the monetization potential. Alexander Manu illustrates how these new concepts are transforming design and product development so that the process changes from a static and productcentred approach to one that is entirely centred on the user and their behaviors that emerge as they interact with what they have bought.
December 2012 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 250 pages 978-1-4094-4684-2 978-1-4094-4685-9 978-1-4094-7244-5 55.00

Business Wargaming
Securing Corporate Value
Daniel F. Oriesek and Jan Oliver Schwarz This book is good, interesting and useful. It should be of interest to managers in turbulent industry faced with increasingly challenging tasks to take decisions in ever more complex and unstable environments, while the magnitude of the consequences triggered by their decisions are, for the most part, ever increasing. Bernardo Nicoletti, Management Consultant, Academici Peer Review Network Industry consolidation, mergers, changes to business models, the emergence of new threats all require managers to understand highly complex situations, assess risk and opportunity and make informed decisions. How can senior managers do this effectively when so often they are wrestling with brand new scenarios? One of the emerging solutions is business wargaming. Daniel F. Oriesek and Jan Oliver Schwarz provide the rst comprehensive look at wargaming as a business tool in a book that explores the anatomy and success factors of a typical wargame. The authors explain how and when wargaming can be used to test strategies, plan and prepare for crises, manage change or increase your organizations ability to anticipate and adapt for the future. Creating imaginative and credible scenarios, and testing them against smart opponents who are eager to nd holes and counter your strategy, allows you to learn about a plan or a new venture in the security of the conference room rather than learning the hard way when you go live. Business wargames are sophisticated but they are also very demanding in terms of time and resources. Business Wargaming: Securing Corporate Value will enable you to assess the potential value of the technique for your own organization, to understand what you will be committing to and develop an informed business case and brief for working with the organization that will facilitate the game. About the authors: Daniel F. Oriesek is a Principal with A.T. Kearney in Switzerland and consults national and international clients on a variety of topics, including business wargaming. Jan Oliver Schwarz is a researcher in the eld of strategic foresight and is currently working on his PhD at the Berlin University of the Arts, Germany.
2008 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 152 pages 978-0-566-08837-7 978-0-7546-9096-2 978-1-4094-5825-8 60.00

Disruptive Business
Desire, Innovation and the Re-design of Business
Alexander Manu The book provides a timely perspective of current behavioural disruptions which are relevant to the continuity of business, as well as a set of practical methodologies for business design, aimed at creating innovation outcomes of value to users. About the author: Alexander Manu is a strategic innovation practitioner, international lecturer and author. He works with executive teams in Fortune 500 companies in industries as diverse as consumer packaged goods, media, advertising, mobile communications and manufacturing. Alexander lectures around the world on innovation, imagination, change agents and strategic foresight.
2010 Hardback ebook PDF ebook ePUB 202 pages 978-0-566-09240-4 978-0-566-09241-1 978-1-4094-5879-1 60.00

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