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We all have choices in this world; some are as simple as choosing what you want to wear, where some

are much more difficult and require more thought, like choosing to have an abortion. Regardless, everyone deserves to have a choice, especially if their decision will only greatly impact their own lives. People most commonly argue that abortion is murder, that no person should ever have to right to terminate a life. Let me ask you this, what if the mother was going to die? Should she be forced to give up her life because the law is requiring her to do so? If she followed the anti-abortion law and dies, isnt that just as bad? Not only would a life be lost, a life that may mean so much to many people, but the new-born child will be forced to face the hard-ships of growing up without a mother. In this country, we have this thing called the American Dream where if you work hard, you can succeed because everyone is supposed to have equal opportunity, but how can a child who doesnt have a mother or whose parents are not ready and will constantly be struggling simply to provide food and shelter and the most basic necessities, compete against children whose parents were ready and planned to have them? They often cant so that childs life has already been negatively affected by that. In this era, technology is heavily relied on and has drastically improved and will continue to improve in the future. Some of this new technology is able to discover whether a child will be born a boy or girl, whether theyll have Down syndrome, or whether theyll have an even more serious genetic disorder. Two disorders are Pataus Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome. With both of these disorders, the baby often dies within months of being born, and not only will the parents lose their child, but they will be completely buried in hospital bills. Parents should have the decision of whether they should have the child if the chances of it surviving are extremely minimal and, even if they survive, they will face many more hardships than a child not suffering from these disorders. Additionally, it has been scientifically proven that within the first eight weeks of a pregnancy, the fetus has no brain activity. When a patient has this, it is called being brain dead, and the family of the patient decides whether to terminate his/her life. It is the familys decision then, so why wouldnt it be for the fetus, which is incapable of thinking at that time? Since parents are responsible for making all the decisions for their children, they should also be responsible and able to decide whether the fetus should be born. If the family is responsible for deciding when to end the life of a patient that is brain dead, then the parents of the fetus should have that same right, not the government or doctors. Although its against the law, rape still occurs in our country, unfortunately. Not just rape of adults, but rape of children as well. Now, what if that child was to become pregnant? Some girls can

become pregnant before theyre even ten years old. Should that child be forced to have the baby? A baby which would be a constant reminder of the horrible crime done to her. Even if the woman raped isnt a child, no woman should be forced to carry and care for a child that was conceived that way. In 1973, abortion became legal through the Roe v. Wade case. One of the main reasons this case passed was because of safety reasons. Even though abortion is still legal, 13% of pregnancy related deaths have to do with complications of unsafe abortions. Imagine if abortion wasnt legal. A new law may not necessarily stop people from getting an abortion, but simply force them to go about getting one in an illegal, much less safe way. By taking away a womens choice to have an abortion done legally, the chance of the women being harmed increases dramatically because there are still ways to have an abortion done. People say they want abortion to stop because it kills fetuses, but by taking away a womans option to do it safely, it can cause her death because she was that desperate to not bring a child into her current situation. While I dont believe abortions should be taken lightly, I think that the current law should stand, and women should be allowed to have a choice in the matter. Their decision is affecting no ones life but her own or her families, which I believe we should have to right to control. People should not only question the life of the fetus which they often only do, but also the lives of the parents if that fetus was to be born. We face many choices in life, and I do not believe the government should be permitted to control this one.


Quindlen, Anna. "On Their Own Terms." Newsweek Vol. 153, No. 7. 16 Feb. 2009: 60. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. The Right to Choose." Los Angeles Times. 01 Apr. 2011: A.12. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. MIT Pro-Choice, . N.p.. Web. 9 Mar 2014. <>. "Pro-Choice Wisconsin. 10 Important Facts about Abortion. Naral, n.d. Web. 9 Mar 2014. < >.

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