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Q1: Were you aware that the federal government promised as part of our agreement of statehood (our Enabling Act) to transfer title to the public lands in all western states but never did? (source). Q2: Were you aware that there are trillions of dollars of economic resources in the west locked up in federally controlled lands that could be the solution to our economic challenges? For example: ! There is more than $150 trillion in mineral values (source); and ! More recoverable oil in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming than the rest of the world combined (source) locked up in the federally controlled lands. Q3: Despite the fact that statehood promises to transfer title to the public lands are the same, the federal government still controls more than 50% of the lands in the western states, but less than 5% of the lands on average in states east of Colorado. (Federalist Society Legal Analysis, and Executive Summary of Legal Analysis). ! Do you think this is justified? Please explain why or why not? ! Also, please explain why the difference in the federal governments disposal of the public lands for states east and west of Colorado? Q4: During 2013, five states passed legislation exploring the transfer of public lands Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming (summary). Also, earlier in 2013, South Carolina passed a Resolution supporting the transfer of public lands to western states. National organizations like National Association of Counties, American Farm Bureau, and Republican National Committee have passed resolutions supporting the transfer of public lands (resolutions) and many national organizations are hosting discussions and featuring articles on the issue (Some examples here, here, and here). ! Please explain why you believe you (i) have the courage it will take to defy the status quo and (ii) have the ability to educate and build the coalitions it will take to persuade Congress that transferring the public lands is in the national interest, and Please explain what other states, groups, or individuals you would be able to rally to support the transfer of public lands effort? Q5: If elected to this office, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, what priority will you give to compelling Congress to honor the same statehood promise to transfer title to our public lands to the State?
For more information please contact the American Lands Council at 801.ALC.6622, or visit the website The American Lands Council is a 501(c)(4) pending, non-profit organization Members of the American Lands Council include 17 Utah counties, and dozens of other counties, state representatives, organizations, businesses, and individuals throughout Utah, other western states, and the nation. The American Lands Council does not endorse any particular candidate or political party.

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