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Un|vers|ty of M|nnesota, 1w|n C|t|es, USA

Schoo| of Soc|a| Work

SW 3701 Ch||d Abuse and Neg|ect:
Intervent|on & revent|on
Spr|ng 2014
Iane I. G||gun, hD, LICSW, professor

Course Sy||abus

1hls ls an lnLerdlsclpllnary llberal arLs course LhaL provldes a comprehenslve overvlew of
chlld abuse and neglecL and Lhelr prevenLlon. 1he course covers Lhe meanlngs, prevalence,
scope, dynamlcs, conLemporary responses, and prevenLlon sLraLegles for chlld abuse and
neglecL wlLhln an ecologlcal and rlsk/reslllence framework. 1hroughouL Lhe course, sLudenLs
wlll learn Lo ldenLlfy Lhe rlsks LhaL LhreaLen healLhy lndlvldual, famlly, and communlLy
developmenL and facLors LhaL promoLe healLhy developmenL. 1he overall goal of Lhe course ls
Lo deepen sLudenLs' undersLandlngs of Lhe core lssues relaLed Lo chlld abuse and neglecL and of
effecLlve sLraLegles noL only for lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon buL for Lhe promoLlon of chlld and
famlly well-belng.
Course conLenL ls relevanL Lo sLudenLs ln soclology, crlmlnal [usLlce, famlly soclal
sclence, soclal work, educaLlon, chlld psychology, early chlldhood educaLlon, nurslng, publlc
healLh, publlc pollcy, and oLher relaLed flelds.

8y Lhe end of Lhls course, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo

undersLand whaL chlld abuse and neglecL means Lo chlld survlvors and oLher famlly
undersLand culLural, soclal, economlc, pollLlcal, and famlllal facLors LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
varlous Lypes of chlld abuse and neglecL LhaL Lake place wlLhln famllles,
undersLand how soclal and economlc pollcy can conLrlbuLe Lo prevenLlon and Lo Lhe
promoLlon of chlld and famlly well-belng,
8e poslLloned Lo conLrlbuLe Lo chlld abuse and neglecL prevenLlon on Lhe prlmary,
secondary, and LerLlary levels,
o uevelop an undersLandlng of Lhe range of lnLervenLlon resources, lncludlng
educaLlonal maLerlals and local dlrecL servlces, avallable Lo chlldren, famllles, adulLs
malLreaLed ln chlldhood, and pracLlLloners,
o uevelop prevenLlon/lnLervenLlon sLraLegles llkely Lo decrease chlld malLreaLmenL
and lncrease Lhe well-belng of chlldren, famllles and communlLles, and
8e famlllar wlLh eLhlcal lssues and dllemmas relaLed Lo lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon.

Course Lxpectat|ons for Students
1. SLudenLs are Lo Lurn Lhelr phones and pagers off durlng Lhe class. 1hey are noL Lo surf
Lhe web wlLh any elecLronlc devlces. SLudenLs may nC1 use Lhelr compuLers durlng class Llme
excepL Lo Lake noLes.
2. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo aLLend all class sesslons, arrlve on Llme, and Lo parLlclpaLe ln
class acLlvlLles and dlscusslon. 1herefore, class members are expecLed Lo have read asslgned
SW 3701

maLerlals, prepared Lo enLer lnLo reflecLlve dlscusslon, and wllllng Lo parLlclpaLe acLlvely ln class
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo noLlfy Lhe professor--ln advance, whenever posslble--
regardlng absences, lncludlng unavoldable reasons Lo leave class early. erslsLenL absence,
laLeness Lo class, and laLeness ln submlLLlng papers wlll be consldered ln asslgnlng flnal grades.
Mlsslng four or more classes wlll resulL ln fallure of Lhe course excepL for documenLed
medlcal clrcumsLances. lor sLudenLs who mlss class for medlcal reasons, Lhe mlssed work wlll
have Lo be made up.
lease keep ln mlnd LhaL comlng Lo class laLe ls dlsrupLlve Lo oLher sLudenLs and Lo Lhe
professor and can deLracL from Lhe quallLy of Lhe class experlence. Also, Lhough eaLlng ln class
may be necessary for healLh reasons, please refraln from eaLlng food LhaL crackles, crunches,
and snaps or whose packaglng crackles, crunches, and snaps or oLherwlse makes nolses LhaL are
3. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo compleLe all asslgned readlngs prlor Lo Lhe class for whlch Lhey
has been asslgned and are expecLed Lo be able Lo lnLegraLe LhaL readlng lnLo class dlscusslons
and acLlvlLles.
4. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo make use of unlverslLy llbrarles and resources for
3 SLudenLs are expecLed Lo have access Lo Lhe lnLerneL and Lo use resources on Lhe World
Wlde Web as dlrecLed ln Lhls course,
6. AsslgnmenLs are Lo be Lyped, wrlLLen ln non-sexlsL language, and follow Lhe formaL of
Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon ubllcaLlon Manual (3Lh ed.). apers should be Lurned
ln wlLh no errors ln spelllng, puncLuaLlon, or grammar. apers wlll noL be accepLed afLer Lhe
due daLe wlLhouL an accepLable reason for a laLe paper.
7. Submlsslon of an asslgnmenL LhaL ls noL one's own wlll resulL auLomaLlcally ln a falllng
grade for Lhe course. 1hls ls ln accordance wlLh pollcles of Lhe School of Soclal Work and Lhe
unlverslLy SLudenL ConducL Code regardlng plaglarlsm, a form of scholarly dlshonesLy.
laglarlsm lnvolves aLLachlng your name Lo Lhe wrlLlngs of oLhers wlLhouL aLLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe
acLual auLhor(s), Lhese wrlLlngs can be publlshed or unpubllshed maLerlals. laglarlsm ls a form
of LhefL of lnLellecLual properLy.
8. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo offer Lhe professor clear consLrucLlve feedback regardlng
course conLenL and Leachlng meLhods. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo compleLe confldenLlal
evaluaLlons of Lhe course uslng Lhe unlverslLy's sLandardlzed form aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer.
9. SLudenLs may noL use an asslgnmenL compleLed ln anoLher course for Lhe presenL
course. 1hls lncludes papers, answer Lo LesL quesLlons, or any oLher maLerlal used for a grade ln
anoLher class. lf sLudenLs do so, Lhey wlll noL be glven credlL for Lhe asslgnmenL,
10. lncompleLes are glven only ln exLraordlnary clrcumsLances. 1he School of Soclal Work's
pollcy on lncompleLes requlres Lhe sLudenL Lo develop a conLracL wlLh Lhe professor LhaL wlll
descrlbe Lhe work whlch remalns Lo be compleLed and Lhe daLe by whlch Lhe work musL be
submlLLed Lo Lhe professor. ln addlLlon Lo provldlng Lhe professor wlLh a copy of Lhe compleLe
conLracL on lncompleLes, Lhe sLudenL musL flle a copy of Lhe conLracL wlLh Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe
undergraduaLe program aL Lhe School of Soclal Work. 1he pollcy sLaLes LhaL lncompleLe course
grades wlll be converLed Lo an l grade lf noL compleLed wlLhln Lwo semesLers. lncompleLes are
sLrongly dlscouraged and wlll be glven by Lhe professor only ln exLraordlnary clrcumsLances.
11. When sLudenLs use maLerlal from Lhelr professlonal or personal experlences, please
remember LhaL as professlonals, we have eLhlcal responslblllLles Lo malnLaln confldenLlallLy and
SW 3701

Lo proLecL prlvacy. ?our professor wlll dlsgulse Lhe ldenLlLles of cllenLs and expecLs sLudenLs Lo
ablde by Lhls eLhlcal value.

Course Lxpectat|ons for the rofessor
1. 1he professor wlll use a varleLy of lnsLrucLlonal meLhods lncludlng shorL lecLures, case
sLudles Lo lllusLraLe polnLs of Lhe lecLures, elecLronlc slldes, large and small group dlscusslons
and exerclses, and lndlvldual acLlvlLles Lo address varleLles of learnlng sLyles.
2. 1he professor wlll provlde a clear sLrucLure for Lhe course and each class sesslon
Lhrough Lhe syllabus, sLaLemenLs of purpose of each class, guldlng dlscusslon, provldlng
approprlaLe llnkages beLween Loplcs, and summarlzlng maln polnLs LhroughouL Lhe semesLer.
3. SLudenL asslgnmenLs wlll lnclude clear expecLaLlons and, where posslble, opporLunlLles
for sLudenL selecLlon of alLernaLlves. 8arrlng excepLlonal clrcumsLances, sLudenL asslgnmenLs
wlll be reLurned wlLhln one week of submlsslon.
4. 1he professor wlll be avallable on lssues relaLed Lo class asslgnmenLs or conLenL durlng
offlce hours, by phone, e-mall, or by appolnLmenL.
3. 1he professor wlll work Lo faclllLaLe an aLmosphere ln Lhe classroom LhaL ls conduclve Lo
learnlng, ls non-LhreaLenlng, and ls respecLful of a varleLy of learnlng sLyles.
6. When sLudenLs work LogeLher ln groups, Lhe professor wlll be avallable for consulLaLlon
and Lo asslsL group members ln compleLlng Lhelr Lasks.
7. 1he professor wlll provlde feedback Lo sLudenLs LhaL ldenLlfy sLrengLhs and areas for
lmprovemenL ln a consLrucLlve manner.

|an of the Course
1he course meeLs on Mondays from 1:33 Lo 4:23 durlng Lhe sprlng semesLer. 1here wlll
be one 10-mlnuLe break half way Lhrough Lhe class. Class sesslons lnclude lecLures, large and
small group dlscusslons, small group work, sLudenL presenLaLlons, and vldeoLapes. uurlng Lhese
acLlvlLles, sLudenLs are sLrongly encouraged Lo apply course learnlngs Lo Lhelr work wlLh
lndlvlduals, famllles, and oLher sysLems.

uurlng class Llme, we wlll dlscuss senslLlve Loplcs abouL chlld abuse and neglecL, famlly
vlolence, dlscrlmlnaLlon, and pollLlcal and legal lssues. ln order Lo creaLe a consLrucLlve and
supporLlve learnlng envlronmenL, your professor expecLs all class members Lo parLlclpaLe ln
class dlscusslons, Lo llsLen well Lo oLhers, respecL varylng oplnlons, avold degradlng or
dlsrespecLful language, and Lo undersLand Lhe mulLlculLural aLmosphere of Lhe learnlng
envlronmenL. lease do noL share senslLlve personal maLerlal ln class unless you have dlscussed
Lhese lssues many Llmes before ln publlc.

1here are four requlred LexLs and requlred readlngs avallable Lhrough on-llne resources
and Lhe unlverslLy llbrary. 1he LexLs are

Cllgun, !ane l. (2012). !"#$% '()*+$ +,*'(- ./01 "+/'" /(+$#2#(' 20 "03( (2
ed.). Amazon. 8ook
avallable on Moodle.
Cllgun, !ane l. (2011). 4"( 56748- 7 9"#$% +:% ;+1#$< +''(''1(:2 (3
ed.). Amazon. 8ook
avallable on Moodle.
SW 3701

lonLes, Llsa Aronson (2003). !"#$% +,*'( +:% 9*$2*/(- =0/>#:? @#2" %#A(/'( ;+1#$#('. new ?ork:
Cullford. aperback ls a sllghLly laLer edlLlon.
kldd, Sue Monk (2002). 4"( '(9/(2 $#;( 0; ,(('B new ?ork: enguln.
SLudenLs are Lo download [ournal arLlcles asslgned dlrecLly from Lhe [ournals Lhrough Lhe
llbrary's webslLe. 1hese [ournal arLlcles are noL on reserve and Lhey are noL posLed on Moodle.
1wo of Lhe LexLbooks are free and avallable on Moodle. AddlLlonal readlngs may be asslgned
over Lhe course of Lhe semesLer.
Course kequ|rements
8esldes readlng Lhe weekly asslgnmenLs and sharlng your observaLlons ln class, Lhere
wlll be an ln-class mldLerm exam and one ln-class flnal exam or a flnal ln-class presenLaLlon. 1he
mld-Lerm exam wlll be one-hour long and wlll conslsL of mulLlple cholce quesLlons. 1he flnal
exam wlll be up Lo Lwo hours long and wlll conslsL of mulLlple-cholce and shorL answer

In-c|ass f|na| presentat|on. SLudenLs may exempL Lhemselves from Lhe flnal exam by
dolng a 30-mlnuLe ln-class presenLaLlon durlng Lhe lasL Lhree classes or posLers. up Lo Lhree
sLudenLs may work LogeLher on Lhe flnal ln-class presenLaLlon or posLers. 1here wlll be a LoLal of
12 flnal ln-class presenLaLlons. A mlnlmum of 12 and a maxlmum 36 sLudenLs can do flnal ln-
class presenLaLlons. 1he number of sLudenLs who do ln-class presenLaLlons depends upon Lhe
number of sLudenLs who work wlLh oLhers on pro[ecLs. lf Lhere are more sLudenLs who wanL Lo
do flnal ln-class presenLaLlons Lhan Lhere are Llme sloLs, Lhen sLudenLs who presenL flnal ln-class
presenLaLlons wlll be chosen by loLLery. 1hls flnal pro[ecL can be an oral presenLaLlon wlLh
handouLs, a shorL vldeo wlLh handouLs, or a posLer presenLaLlon wlLh handouLs LhaL wlll be parL
of a posLer sesslon. ln order Lo have a posLer sesslon, Lhere musL be a mlnlmum of Len posLers
for each posLer sesslon. 1he professor wlLh dlscuss wlLh sLudenLs deLalls on Lhese ln-class flnal
presenLaLlons over Lhe course of Lhe semesLer. 8e sure Lo consulL wlLh Lhe professor abouL any
pro[ecL oLher Lhan Lhe flnal LhaL you would llke Lo do.

1he followlng are examples of Lypes of flnal ln-class presenLaLlons LhaL sLudenLs may do.
PandouLs are requlred for each Lype of presenLaLlon. SLudenLs also musL consulL wlLh professor
before beglnnlng any of Lhe flnal pro[ecLs. Lach pro[ecL musL descrlbe Lhe program LhaL
sLudenLs are sLudylng or proposlng, analyze Lhe program uslng Lhe nLA1S and oLher course
learnlng such as research and Lheory on rlsk and reslllence, and on Lhe common facLors model,
and Lhen show how Lhe pro[ecL/program/vldeo covers or does noL cover course learnlngs. 1he
professor wlll provlde furLher lnsLrucLlons ln class.

1. A v|deo. 1hls wlll be a four-or flve-mlnuLe vldeo LhaL ls of hlgh quallLy, based on course
readlngs. SLudenLs wlll show Lhe vldeo ln class and dlscuss how Lhe vldeo conLrlbuLes Lo
undersLandlng and prevenLlng one or more Lypes of chlld abuse and neglecL. SLudenLs have
Lo be careful noL Lo dlsclose ldenLlfylng lnformaLlon abouL cllenLs or oLher vulnerable people
who are sub[ecLs of Lhe vldeos. SLudenLs wlll wrlLe a shorL paper of up Lo four pages LhaL
descrlbe Lhe vldeo, Lhe research and oLher evldence on whlch Lhey based vldeo, and plans
for sharlng Lhe vldeo wlLh oLhers.
SW 3701

2. A soc|a| market|ng campa|gn. SLudenLs wlll presenL Lhe markeLlng messages and maLerlals
for a campalgn deslgn Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe prevenLlon of one or more Lypes of chlld abuse
and neglecL. SLudenLs musL collaboraLe wlLh Lhe professor ln Lhe developmenL of Lhls
3. A prevent|on program. SLudenLs wlll presenL a program for Lhe prevenLlon of chlld abuse
and neglecL LhaL lncorporaLes one or more of Lhe followlng: neuroblology, execuLlve
funcLlon, aLLachmenL, Lrauma, and self-regulaLlon (nLA1S). 1hls pro[ecL can lnvolve one-on-
one work wlLh parenLs and chlldren such as publlc healLh nurse home vlslLlng programs,
chlldren's menLal healLh lnLervenLlons, or a comblnaLlon of lndlvldual and famlly work,
elLher based ln Lhe home or aL an agency or boLh.
4. An |ntervent|on program. MosL chlldren who have been abused and neglecLed recelve llLLle
or no psychoeducaLlon and few lf any opporLunlLles Lo deal dlrecLly wlLh Lhelr Lrauma. 1hls
presenLaLlon wlll lnvolve a plan for an lnLervenLlon program based on Lhe prlnclples of
chlldren's menLal healLh, Lhe nLA1S, and on rlsk and reslllence research and Lheory. 1he
program musL have a psychoeducaLlon componenL.
3. A presentat|on based on a top|c of students' cho|ce. SLudenLs are free Lo propose oLher
Loplcs, buL Lhey musL consulL wlLh Lhe professor, and Lhe presenLaLlon musL be relevanL Lo
course conLenL.

lor each of Lhese asslgnmenLs, sLudenLs musL use a mlnlmum of seven course readlngs and
preferably more. WlLh Lhe addlLlon of oLher sLudenLs for one pro[ecL, more readlngs are
requlred. 1hese pro[ecLs are sLudenLs' opporLunlLles Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey have read,
sLudled, and undersLood course readlngs and can apply Lhem.

8esldes Lhe mld-Lerm exam and Lhe flnal exam or flnal presenLaLlon, sLudenLs wlll do
weekly wrlLlng asslgnmenLs and one brlef ln-class presenLaLlon. 1he followlng descrlbes Lhe
brlef ln-class presenLaLlon.

Week|y wr|t|ng ass|gnments. 10 polnLs. SLudenLs are requlred Lo do weekly wrlLlng
asslgnmenLs LhaL Lhey are Lo posL on Moodle. SLudenLs are Lo commenL on Lhe posLs of a
mlnlmum of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. ln commenLs on Lhe work of oLhers, sLudenLs musL show LhaL
Lhey have undersLood Lhe commenLs, Lhen sLaLe whaL Lhey found useful ln Lhe commenLs, and
when approprlaLe make suggesLlons abouL whaL else Lhe posL could have covered. We wlll also
dlscuss Lhese wrlLlngs ln class.

8r|ef |n-C|ass resentat|ons. 3 polnLs. SLudenLs are requlred Lo parLlclpaLe ln formallzed
ways ln Lhe presenLaLlon and dlscusslon of course readlngs. AbouL one hour of each class wlll
be devoLed Lo formallzed ln-class brlef presenLaLlons. 1he Lasks are counLerpolnLer, case
lllusLraLor, connecLor, and dlscoverer. llve sLudenLs wlll do Lhe brlef ln-class presenLaLlon per
week. Lach sLudenL wlll do one brlef ln-class presenLaLlon. lf Lhere are less Lhan flve sLudenLs Lo
do Lhe brlef ln-class presenLaLlon, sLudenLs can chose whlch roles Lhey would llke Lo Lake, and
Lhe oLher roles wlll be unfllled. 1hese roles are

nead||ner: resenL aL leasL Lwo maln polnLs from one arLlcle for LhaL day's readlng Lo Lhe
class. 1hen develop dlscusslon quesLlons, an ln-class exerclse, or a comblnaLlon. 1hese
SW 3701

dlscusslons and exerclses can be ln small groups or wlLh Lhe enLlre class. 1he exerclse can be
a brlef case sLudy where you ask classmaLes Lo apply an ldea or Lwo Lo Lhe case.

Counterpo|nter: resenL Lwo polnLs abouL whaL ls noL ln an arLlcle or book chapLer of Lhe
sLudenL's cholce and whaL could be presenL for Lhe arLlcle/chapLer Lo be more helpful Lo
undersLandlng and respondlng Lo human behavlors ln Lhe soclal envlronmenL. rovlde
examples of whaL you would have llked Lo have seen ln Lhe readlng. ln oLher words, an
answer such as A case sLudy would have helped" ls noL sufflclenL, buL, for example, a
descrlpLlon of a posslble case sLudy, how lL could be analyzed, and whaL readers would learn
are sufflclenL. Spend abouL four mlnuLes on each polnL and Lhelr lllusLraLlons and flve
mlnuLes on class dlscusslon.

Case |||ustrator: rovlde a brlef case example LhaL would lllusLraLe a key polnL or polnLs from
an arLlcle/chapLer of Lhe sLudenL's cholce. 1hls could be a case sLudy from a [ournal arLlcle,
from sLudenLs' work-volunLeer, pald, lnLernshlp, servlce-learnlng-or an lnsLrucLlve vldeo
or excerpL from a fllm. ?ou1ube has some educaLlonal vldeos. 1ake up Lo Len mlnuLes Lo
presenL Lhe case and flve mlnuLes for dlscusslon Lo LoLal 13 mlnuLes.

Connector: Show aL leasL Lwo ways LhaL Lwo arLlcles/chapLers ln Lhe readlngs for Lhe day are
connecLed Lo each oLher and lllusLraLe Lhe connecLlons. lf you see no connecLlon, provlde
evldence of Lhe lack of connecLlon. 1ake up Lo Len mlnuLes for Lhls and flve mlnuLes for
dlscusslon Lo LoLal 13 mlnuLes.

D|scoverer. resenL an arLlcle, a vldeo, or a weblnar LhaL you flnd yourself and LhaL ls
relevanL Lo Lhe day's Loplc. resenL Lwo Lo Lhree maln polnLs from Lhe arLlcle and any
maLerlal LhaL supporLs or lllusLraLes Lhe maln polnLs. 1ake up Lo Len mlnuLes for Lhls and flve
mlnuLes for dlscusslon Lo LoLal 13 mlnuLes.

SLudenLs wlll schedule Lhe daLe of Lhelr brlef ln-class presenLaLlon Lhrough a slgn-up sheeL.
SLudenLs do noL hand lL any papers for Lhls asslgnmenL.

Summary of Ass|gnments and Lxams
1he followlng summarlzes and provldes deLalls on class asslgnmenLs and exams.

1. 8r|ef |n-c|ass presentat|on. 3 polnLs. MusL be done by class 10, Aprll 7.
2. Week|y ass|gnments to post on Mood|e. 10 polnLs.
3. M|d-term exam. 33 polnLs. Week 7, March 10. 1hls ls a mulLlple-cholce one-hour exam
based upon course readlngs, class presenLaLlons, and class dlscusslons.
4. I|na| exam. 40 polnLs. 1hls ls a mulLlple-cholce and shorL answer exam LhaL ls up Lo Lwo
hours ln lengLh based upon course readlngs, class presenLaLlons, and class dlscusslons.
SLudenLs may choose Lo compleLe Lhe flnal exam or do a 30-mlnuLe, ln-class flnal
a. I|na| exam. 1he flnal exam ls scheduled on 1hursday, May 14, from 10:30-12:30. lL
wlll be up Lo Lwo hours long.
b. I|na| |n-c|ass presentat|ons may be done durlng classes 12, 13, and 14 whlch Lake
place on Aprll 21, 28, and May 3. SLudenLs may work wlLh up Lo Lwo oLher sLudenLs
SW 3701

or do a solo flnal ln-class presenLaLlon. no more Lhan four flnal ln-class
presenLaLlons per class. lf we have a posLer sesslon, Lhere wlll be addlLlonal
opporLunlLles for ln-class presenLaLlons.

All flnal ln-class presenLaLlons musL focus on undersLandlng and prevenLlng chlld abuse and
neglecL. 1he prevenLlon sLraLegles may be prlmary (or almed aL a general populaLlon),
secondary (or almed aL a populaLlon wlLh known rlsks), or LerLlary (a populaLlon who has
experlenced Lhe condlLlon LhaL Lhe lnLervenLlon ls meanL Lo prevenL). SLudenLs musL follow Lhe
prlnclples of crlLlcal Lhlnklng LhaL we wlll dlscuss ln class, are presenLed ln Lhls syllabus, and for
whlch l wlll provlde a handouL.

8eslde engaglng acLlvely ln Lhe acLlvlLles dlscussed above, class parLlclpaLlon means
sLudenLs' acLlve engagemenL ln class dlscusslon and acLlvlLles ln ways LhaL enhance class
dlscusslon. ln Lhelr commenLs, sLudenLs demonsLraLe Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe many ldeas--
and Lhelr appllcaLlons--lmporLanL Lo Lhe effecLlve and eLhlcal pracLlce of soclal work wlLh
chlldren and Lhelr famllles. Class parLlclpaLlon ls a sLrong lndlcaLor LhaL sLudenLs do Lhe
asslgned readlng every week and are Lhlnklng abouL Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe readlngs for
pracLlce. 8especL for and openness Lo Lhe polnLs of vlew of oLhers are lmporLanL dlmenslons of
class parLlclpaLlon.

lease do noL lnLerrupL oLhers, speak wlLhouL regard for oLhers who mlghL wanL Lo
speak, and monopollze class Llme. ?our professor wlll Lalk Lo sLudenLs who demonsLraLe Lhese
behavlors. 8eslsLance Lo changlng Lhese behavlors wlll be reflecLed ln Lhe course grade for class
parLlclpaLlon. SomeLlmes sLudenLs are so enLhuslasLlc abouL course conLenL LhaL Lhey
monopollze class Llme. ln Lhese cases, your professor wlll genLly ask Lhem Lo save some of Lhelr
commenLs for dlscusslon wlLh Lhe professor afLer class, over Lhe lnLerneL, or durlng offlce
hours. LaLeness Lo class and mlsslng class also affecLs quallLy of sLudenLs' parLlclpaLlon and are
consldered ln Lhe asslgnmenL of polnLs for class parLlclpaLlon.

lor Lhls course, Lhe grade of A denoLes superlor performance LhaL ls boLh conslsLenL and
ouLsLandlng. A's are glven when Lhe polnL range ls beLween 93 and 100. A-'s are glven when Lhe
polnL range ls beLween 92 and 90. 1he grade of 8 denoLes good, sLeady adequaLe performance,
wlLh some of Lhe plus values LhaL make for an A. 8+'s are glven when Lhe polnL range ls
beLween 89 and 88. 8's are glven when Lhe polnLs are beLween 87 and 83. 8-'s are glven when
Lhe polnLs range from 82 Lo 80.

1he 8 sLudenL shows undersLandlng and ablllLy Lo lnLegraLe learnlng and ends Lhe
course wlLh a comprehenslve grasp of Lhe maLerlal. 1he grade of C denoLes a performance LhaL
ls barely accepLable and ls probably adequaLe Lo compleLe Lhe nexL course ln a sequence. C+'s
are glven when Lhe polnL range ls beLween 78 and 79. C's are glven when Lhe polnLs range
beLween 77 and 73. C-'s, are for grades beLween 72 and 70. 1he grade of u denoLes
unaccepLable work and some comprehenslon of course maLerlal and no probablllLy of belng
able Lo compleLe Lhe nexL course ln a sequence. 1he grade of u ls glven when Lhe polnL range ls
beLween 60 and 69. 1he grade of l denoLes fallure--LhaL ls, unaccepLable performance: an
SW 3701

lnablllLy Lo undersLand Lhe maLerlal. l's are glven when Lhe LoLal polnLs are 30 or below.
denoLes a grade of A Lo C+.

lf sLudenLs are unclear or dlssaLlsfled wlLh gradlng, conversaLlons abouL gradlng
sLandards and expecLaLlons are welcome.

Course o||c|es
1here are many unlverslLy and School of Soclal Work pollcles LhaL govern Lhls course. lease go
Lo hLLp:// Lo see a compleLe
descrlpLlon of all Lhe pollcles.

Support|ve Learn|ng Lnv|ronments
1he developmenL of a supporLlve learnlng envlronmenL ls fundamenLal Lo Lhls course.
Learnlng Lakes place ln Lhe free exchange of ldeas. ln such a course, llsLenlng Lo and
appreclaLlng Lhe polnLs of vlew of oLhers, ellclLlng ldeas from oLhers, and arLlculaLlng your own
polnLs of vlew wlll fosLer a supporLlve learnlng envlronmenL. As dlscussed ln relaLlon Lo class
parLlclpaLlon, some enLhuslasLlc sLudenLs may Lalk Lo Lhe polnL where oLhers feel Lhey are
monopollzlng class Llme. lease monlLor yourself and be open lf oLhers suggesL you are

lease Lurn off cell phones, lpods, lpads, lapLop compuLers, hand-held compuLers,
pagers, and any oLher elecLronlc devlces durlng class Llme. SLudenLs may use elecLronlc devlces
for noLe-Laklng only. uo noL LexL durlng class. uo noL recelve LexLs or emalls durlng class. uo
noL surf Lhe web durlng class.

Scent o||cy
lease refraln from wearlng scenLed personal producLs when spendlng Llme ln eLers Pall or
School of Soclal Work sponsored acLlvlLles. 1hls requesL ls made Lo accommodaLe persons
dlsabled by envlronmenLal lllness. ersons who wear such producLs may be asked Lo leave Lhe
area lf Lhere are persons presenL who have mulLlple chemlcal senslLlvlLy.

1he unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa ls commlLLed Lo provldlng equlLable access Lo learnlng
opporLunlLles for all sLudenLs. ulsablllLy Servlces (uS) ls Lhe campus offlce LhaL collaboraLes wlLh
sLudenLs who have dlsablllLles Lo provlde and/or arrange reasonable accommodaLlons.

lf you have, or Lhlnk you may have, a dlsablllLy (e.g., menLal healLh, aLLenLlonal, learnlng,
chronlc healLh, sensory, or physlcal), please conLacL uS aL 612-626-1333 Lo arrange a
confldenLlal dlscusslon regardlng equlLable access and reasonable accommodaLlons.

lf you are reglsLered wlLh uS and have a currenL leLLer requesLlng reasonable accommodaLlons,
we encourage you Lo conLacL your professor early ln Lhe semesLer Lo revlew how Lhe
accommodaLlons wlll be applled ln Lhe course.

Menta| nea|th Statement
As a sLudenL you may experlence a range of lssues LhaL can cause barrlers Lo learnlng,
SW 3701

such as sLralned relaLlonshlps, lncreased anxleLy, alcohol/drug problems, feellng down,
dlfflculLy concenLraLlng, and/or lack of moLlvaLlon. 1hese menLal healLh concerns or sLressful
evenLs may lead Lo dlmlnlshed academlc performance or reduce your ablllLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln
dally acLlvlLles. unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa servlces are avallable Lo asslsL you wlLh addresslng
Lhese and oLher concerns you may be experlenclng. ?ou can learn more abouL Lhe broad range
of confldenLlal menLal healLh servlces avallable on campus vla


C|ass 1, Ianuary 27

Cvervlew of Lhe course
Some baslc ldeas relaLed Lo Lhe promoLlon of reslllence ln chlldren
who have experlenced chlld abuse and neglecL
Soclal markeLlng as a Lool of prevenLlon and Lhe promoLlon of chlld well-belng

C|ass 2, Iebruary 3

PlsLory and deflnlLlons of chlld abuse and neglecL
Chlldren's rlghLs
8esearch and pracLlce lssues relaLed Lo lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon
ldeas for prevenLlon drawn from readlngs

ChapLer 1, lonLes: MulLlculLural CrlenLaLlon Lo Chlld MalLreaLmenL
1he unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon of Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld. Slmply puL Lhe enLlre LlLle ln a search
englne and Lhe llnk Lo Lhe ConvenLlon wlll appear. 1ype ouL one paragraph on your
sponLaneous reacLlon Lo Lhe ConvenLlon.
Cook, 1homas uanlel (2009). LdlLorlal: 8aLlfylng Lhe ConvenLlon amldsL Lhe messy culLural
pollLlcs. !"#$%"00%C DEFGHC 433-439. Avallable as an e-[ournal aL hLLp://
ChapLer 1 of Lhe 56748- 7 !"#$% +:% .+1#$< 7''(''1(:2. 8ook avallable under course
flles" on Moodle. 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon of one of Lhe elemenLs of Lhe nLA1S and posL on
Moodle. no more Lhan 300 words. 8e prepared Lo dlscuss ln class. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL
you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add
whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanLB

Case Study
ChapLer 1: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on how Llly
reslsLed 1. 8ay's emoLlonal abuse and neglecL or chose anoLher Loplc of lnLeresL Lo you from
Lhls chapLer and wrlLe one paragraph abouL lL. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLs of aL
leasL Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posLs, sLaLe whaL you
SW 3701

learned/Lhlnk ls lmporLanL abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen make suggesLlons abouL whaL you'd llke Lo
see more of, lf relevanL.

C|ass 3, Iebruary 10

Work wlLh lmmlgranL lamllles
8eslsLance Lo Abuse of ower
A sense of Pumor and Lhe Abuse of ower
ChapLer 2, lonLes: Worklng wlLh lmmlgranL famllles affecLed by chlld malLreaLmenL
Cllgun, !ane l. (2010). 4"( 56748- 7 !"#$% K .+1#$< 7''(''1(:2B lnLroducLlon and chapLer on
neuroblology. 8ook avallable on Moodle. 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon of neuroblology. lf you
already wroLe ouL of deflnlLlon of neuroblology lasL week, Lhen chose an aspecL of
neuroblology such as plasLlclLy of Lhe braln and wrlLe abouL LhaL. no more Lhan one-
Lhlrd of a page long. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLlngs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs.
8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful
abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.
1elcher, MarLln P. (2002). Scars LhaL won'L heal: 1he neuroblology of chlld abuse: MalLreaLmenL
aL an early age can have endurlng negaLlve effecLs on a chlld's braln. 89#(:2#;#9 71(/#9+:C
LMEFNH, 68-76.

Case Study
ChapLer 2: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on any of Lhe
followlng Loplcs: 1) Llly's sense of humor, 2) 8osaleen's reslsLance Lo abuslve power, 3) how Lhe
auLhorlLy flgures ln Lhls chapLer vlolaLed Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe
Chlld, or 4) a Loplc of your cholce. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher
sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found
useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

rogram Descr|pt|on
llnd a chlld abuse and neglecL prevenLlon program. osL Lhe name of Lhe program on
Moodle and sLaLe whlch level of prevenLlon lL encompasses and sLaLe why you Lhlnk lL ls elLher
prlmary, secondary, or LerLlary prevenLlon. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lhree oLher sLudenLs. 8e
sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe
posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

SW 3701


C|ass 4, Iebruary 17

AssessmenL for Chlld MalLreaLmenL
LxecuLlve luncLlon
Coplng wlLh AdverslLles
ChapLer 3, lonLes: Assesslng dlverse famllles for chlld malLreaLmenL
Cllgun, !ane l. (2011). 4"( 56748- 7 !"#$% K .+1#$< 7''(''1(:2. 8ook avallable on Moodle.
8ead chapLer on execuLlve funcLlon. noLlce how Ll connecLs Lo Lhe oLher four
componenLs of Lhe nLA1S. 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon of execuLlve funcLlon. lf you already
wroLe ouL of deflnlLlon of execuLlve funcLlon from an earller asslgnmenL, Lhen chose an
aspecL of execuLlve funcLlon LhaL ls of lnLeresL Lo you. rovlde an example of a behavlor
LhaL shows good execuLlve funcLlon. osL on Moodle. no more Lhan 300 words.
CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand
Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you
could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

Case Study
ChapLer 3: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on how Llly
successfully coped wlLh her faLher's neglecL. osL on Moodle. no more Lhan 300 words.
CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe
posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have
llked more of, lf relevanL.

rogram Descr|pt|on
Assess Lhe chlld abuse and neglecL prevenLlon program you dlscussed ln your posLlng for
Class 3. 8egln Lhls asslgnmenL where you lefL off ln Lhe prevlous asslgnmenL when answerlng
Lhe followlng quesLlons. Whlch of Lhe Loplcs LhaL we have covered up unLll Loday's class does
Lhe program cover? Pow well do you Lhlnk program covers Lhe course Loplcs? lllusLraLe your
answers brlefly. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lhree or more oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show
LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen
add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

C|ass S, Iebruary 24

ChapLer 4, lonLes: lnLervlewlng dlverse famllles abouL chlld malLreaLmenL
SW 3701

Cllgun, !ane l. (2011). ALLachmenL. 4"( 56748- 7 9"#$% K ;+1#$< +''(''1(:2B 8ook avallable on
Moodle. 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon of aLLachmenL. uescrlbe a behavlor LhaL you Lhlnk shows
secure aLLachmenL. no more Lhan 300 words. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLs of
Lwo oLher sLudenLs. no more Lhan 300 words. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand
Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you
could have llked more of, lf relevanL.
Cllgun, !ane l. (2006). Chlldren and adolescenLs wlLh problemaLlc sexual behavlors: Lessons
from research on reslllence. ln 8oberL Longo & uave rescoLL (LdsBHC !*//(:2 3(/'3(92#A('
0: @0/>#:? @#2" '()*+$$< +??/(''#A( <0*2" +:% <0*2" @#2" '()*+$ ,("+A#0/ 3/0,$(1' (pp.
383-394). Polyoke, MA: nearl ress. Avallable on Moodle.

Case Study
ChapLer 4: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on your
sponLaneous reacLlon Lo Lhls chapLer, keeplng ln mlnd LhaL Llly has experlenced an exLreme
form of chlld neglecL. Also, wrlLe brlefly abouL any aLLachmenL lssues deplcLed ln Lhls chapLer.
osL on Moodle. no more Lhan 300 words. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e
sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe
posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

C|ass 6, March 3

hyslcal ulsclpllne and Abuse
ChapLer 3, lonLes: hyslcal dlsclpllne and abuse
8uLLer, Mlchael (2012). 8eslllence as a dynamlc concepLs. O(A($031(:2 +:% P'<9"03+2"0$0?<C
LG, 333-344.
Cllgun, !ane l. (2011). 1rauma. 4"( 56748- 7 !"#$% K .+1#$< 7''(''1(:2B 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon
of Lrauma and provlde an example of a behavlor LhaL shows a chlld rellvlng Lrauma and
how an adulL dealL effecLlvely wlLh Lhe chlld. no more Lan 300 words. osL on Moodle.
CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand
Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you
could have llked more of, lf relevanL.
Lleberman, Allcla l. (2004). 1raumaLlc sLress and quallLy of aLLachmenL: 8eallLy and
lnLernallzaLlon ln dlsorders of lnfanL menLal healLh. Q:;+:2 R(:2+$ S(+$2" T0*/:+$C LUFGHC

Case Study
ChapLer 3: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on Llly's new
home as a safe haven. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure
Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe
posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

SW 3701

C|ass 7, March 10

Chlld Sexual Abuse
ChapLer 6, lonLes: Chlld sexual abuse
ChapLer 2 of !"#$% 8()*+$ 7,*'(- ./01 S+/'" V(+$#2#(' 20 S03(, and Lwo oLher chapLers of your
Cllgun, !ane l. (2011). 1he nLA1S: A Chlld & lamlly AssessmenL. 8ead chapLer on self-
regulaLlon. 1ype ouL a deflnlLlon of self-regulaLlon and provlde an example of behavlors
LhaL show effecLlve self-regulaLlon. no more Lhan 300 words. osL on Moodle. CommenL
on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL,
sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have
llked more of, lf relevanL.
erry, 8ruce. (n.d.) Self-regulaLlon: 1he second core sLrengLh. 6+/$< !"#$%"00% 40%+<.
Avallable aL hLLp://

Case Study
ChapLer 6: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on how you
Lhlnk AugusL's sLory abouL Cur Lady of Chalns affecLed Llly. osL on Moodle. no more Lhan 300
words. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand
Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could
have llked more of, lf relevanL.

***M|d-1erm Lxam***

March 17, Spr|ng 8reak

***No C|ass***

C|ass 8, Mar 24

sychologlcal MalLreaLmenL of Chlldren
lndlvlslblllLy of Chlldhood 1rauma
Plbbard, 8oberLa, !ane 8arlow, ParrleL MacMlllan, and Lhe CommlLLee on Chlld Abuse and
neglecL and Amerlcan Academy of chlld and adolescenL psychlaLry, Chlld MalLreaLmenL
and vlolence CommlLLee (2012) sychologlcal malLreaLmenL. P(%#+2/#9'C DNW FGHC 372-
Peller, Sherryl ScoLL, nell W. 8orls, Sarah Plnshaw luseller, 1lmoLy age, nlna koren-karle, &
uevl Mlron (2006). 8eacLlve aLLachmenL dlsorder ln malLreaLed Lwlns follow-up: lrom
18 monLhs Lo 8 years. 722+9"1(:2 K S*1+: O(A($031(:2C MFDHC 63-86.
SW 3701

Case Study
ChapLer 7: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe 1WC paragraphs on how you
Lhlnk AugusL respecLed Llly's sense of safeLy. WhaL does Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Llly and
AugusL Lell you abouL LrusL, aLLachmenL, and self-dlsclosure? osL on Moodle. no more Lhan
300 words. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you
undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL
you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

rogram Descr|pt|on
1hls on-llne asslgnmenL conLlnues Lhe assessmenL of Lhe chlld abuse and neglecL
prevenLlon program you dlscussed ln your posLlng for Classes 3 and 4. 8egln Lhls asslgnmenL
where you lefL off ln Lhe prevlous asslgnmenLs. Answer Lhe followlng quesLlons. Whlch of Lhe
Loplcs LhaL we have covered up unLll Loday's class does Lhe program cover? Pow well do you
Lhlnk program covers Lhe course Loplcs? lllusLraLe your answers brlefly. CommenL on Lhe posLs
of Lhree or more oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL
you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf

C|ass 9, March 31

Chlld WlLnesses of vlolence
rogram uevelopmenL
lour CornersLones of Lvldence-8ased racLlce
Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon. sychologlcal 1oplcs: 8ullylng.
8yers, uavld S. (2013). uo Lhey see noLhlng wrong wlLh Lhls?" 8ullylng, bysLander compllclLy,
and Lhe role of homophoblc blas ln Lhe 1yler ClemenLl case. .+1#$#(' #: 809#(2<C XGFGHC
Cllgun, !ane l. (2003). 1he four cornersLones of evldence-based pracLlce ln soclal workB V('(+/9"
0: 809#+$ =0/> P/+92#9(C 13(1), 32-61.
Cverllen, Carolyn & MargareLa Pyden (2009). Chlldren's acLlons when experlenclng domesLlc
vlolence. !"#$%"00%B DEFGHC 479-496.

Case Study
ChapLer 8: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on Llly's
comparlson of marrlage and 1. 8ay's orderlng Llly around. uoes Lhls comparlson say anyLhlng
abouL sysLemlc oppresslon? osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posLs of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e
sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe
posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

SW 3701


C|ass 10, Apr|| 7

Larly lnLervenLlon
rogram uevelopmenL
Common lacLors Model
Clark, 8oseanne, Audrey 1luczek, & 8oger 8rown (2008) A moLher-lnfanL Lherapy group model
for posLparLum depresslon. Q:;+:2 R(:2+$ S(+$2" T0*/:+$C 29(3), 314-336.
!ohnson, 1onl, uaela u. 8yers, kaLhy 8yrnes, Sharah A. uavls-Croves, 1homas . Mcuonald.
(2013). CbLalnlng sLakeholder consensus on Lhe core componenLs of a parenL supporL
and Lralnlng model for parenLs of chlldren wlLh serlous emoLlonal dlsLurbances. .+1#$#('
#: 809#(2<C XGFNHC 211-219.
Poffman, k., Marvln, 8., Cooper, C. & owell, 8. (2006). Changlng Loddlers' and preschoolers'
aLLachmenL classlflcaLlons: 1he Clrcle of SecurlLy lnLervenLlon. T0*/:+$ 0; !0:'*$2#:? +:%
!$#:#9+$ P'<9"0$0?<, YG, 1017-1026.
Sharma, Alankaar & !ane l. Cllgun (2010). Common facLors ln case managemenL ln work wlLh
chlldren and famllles. unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa, 1wln ClLles: CenLer for Lhe Advanced
SLudles of Chlld Welfare.

Case Study
ChapLer 9: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on how Llly's
dreams for Lhe fuLure are lndlcaLors of her reslllence. 8e sure Lo deflne reslllence before you
wrlLe abouL Llly's dreams. osL on Moodle. CommenL on Lhe posL of Lwo oLher sLudenLs. 8e
sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe
posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

ne|pfu| but Non-kequ|red kead|ng
8lome, W.W., 8enneLL, S., & age, 1. (2010). CrganlzaLlonal challenges Lo lmplemenLlng
aLLachmenL-based pracLlces ln publlc chlld welfare agencles: An example uslng Lhe Clrcle
of SecurlLy model. T0*/:+$ 0; P*,$#9 !"#$% =($;+/(C GFGHC 427-449.

C|ass 11, Apr|| 14

1alklng Lo chlldren who have been sexually abused
losLer care
Chlldren's vlews and meanlngs
Clbson, rlscllla (2002). Afrlcan Amerlcan grandmoLhers as careglvers: Answerlng Lhe call Lo
help Lhelr grandchlldren. .+1#$#(' #: 809#(2<C MNFDHC 33-43.
SW 3701

Cllgun (2012). 1alklng Lo chlldren who have been sexually abused. ChapLer 9, !"#$% '()*+$
+,*'(- ./01 "+/'" /(+$#2#(' 20 "03(. 1he book and Lhe chapLer are on Moodle.
WlnLer, karen. (2010). 1he perspecLlves of young chlldren ln care abouL Lhelr clrcumsLances and
lmpllcaLlons for soclal work pracLlce. !"#$% +:% .+1#$< 809#+$ =0/>C DUC 186-193.

Case Study
ChapLer 10: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on Lhe lles
LhaL 8osaleen and Llly Lold. Is telling lies categorically wrong? What guidelines can we
use to tell right from wrong? osL on Moodle. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe
posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have
llked more of, lf relevanL.

rogram Descr|pt|on
1hls on-llne asslgnmenL conLlnues your assessmenL of Lhe chlld abuse and neglecL
prevenLlon program LhaL you have already assessed ln your posLlng for Classes 3, 4, and 8.
8egln where you lefL off when answerlng Lhe followlng quesLlons. Whlch of Lhe Loplcs LhaL we
have covered up unLll Loday's class does Lhe program cover? Pow well do you Lhlnk program
covers Lhe course Loplcs? lllusLraLe your answers brlefly. CommenL on Lhe posL of Lhree or
more oLher sLudenLs. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you
learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf

C|ass 12, Apr|| 21

More on prevenLlon programs
Coplng wlLh Lhe work
SLudenL flnal presenLaLlons
ChapLer 7, lonLes: Worklng wlLh lnLerpreLers ln chlld malLreaLmenL
ChapLer 8, lonLes: Chlld malLreaLmenL prevenLlon and parenL educaLlon
8rlde, 8rlan L. (2007). revalence of secondary LraumaLlc sLress among soclal workers. 809#+$
=0/>C ULFDH, 63-70.
Lederman, Clndy S, !oy u. Csofsky, & Lynne kaLz (2007). When Lhe bough breaks Lhe cradle wlll
fall: romoLlng Lhe healLh and well-belng of lnfanLs and Loddlers ln [uvenlle courL. Q:;+:2
R(:2+$ S(+$2" T0*/:+$C LMFGH, 440-448.

Case Study
ChapLer 11: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on how
preparaLlons for Mary's uay helped Llly develop a sense of belonglng. osL on
Moodle. 8e sure Lo flrsL show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you
learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf

SW 3701


C|ass 13, Apr|| 28

AdulLs abused as chlldren
8eslllence and aLLachmenL
SLudenL flnal presenLaLlons

ChapLer 9, lonLes: lmprovlng Lhe culLural compeLence of your chlld malLreaLmenL agency or
koren-karle, nlna, uavld Cppenhelm, & 8achel CeLzler-?osef (2004). MoLhers who were
severely abused durlng chlldhood and Lhelr chlldren Lalk abouL emoLlons: Co-
consLrucLlon of narraLlves ln llghL of maLernal Lrauma. Q:;+:2 R(:2+$ S(+$2" T0*/:+$C
LUFGHC 300-317.

Case Study
ChapLer 12: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd. WrlLe one paragraph on Lhe
lndlcaLors of secure aLLachmenL beLween Llly and AugusL. osL on Moodle. 8e sure Lo flrsL
show LhaL you undersLand Lhe posL, sLaLe whaL you learned/found useful abouL Lhe posL, and
Lhen add whaL you could have llked more of, lf relevanL.

C|ass 14, May 2S

lnfanL menLal healLh
lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon
SLudenL flnal presenLaLlons

Lleberman, Allcla l. (2007). ChosLs and angels: lnLergeneraLlonal paLLerns ln Lhe
Lransmlsslon and LreaLmenL of Lhe LraumaLlc sequelae of domesLlc vlolence. Q:;+:2
R(:2+$ S(+$2" T0*/:+$C LMFNH, 422-439.
llnd one arLlcle on chlld abuse and neglecL prevenLlon, summarlze lL, and share lL ln class.

Case Study
ChapLer 13: 4"( 8(9/(2 I#;( 0; J((' by Sue Monk kldd.

***I|na| Lxam Wednesday, May 14, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm***

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