MGMT 1001 Tutorial Preparation (For Week 7)

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MGMT 1001 Tutorial Preparation (for Week 7)

i. Textbook question: Which power bases lies with the individual? Which are derived from the organisation? Expert power and referent power bases lies with the individual as most of this power is determinant on the individuals motivation to gain power. These bases of power are not reliant on others. In organisatons coercive power, reward power and legitimate power are more evident as there is more pressure on the individual to improve by external forces.


Write a 200 word summary of the argument in the article by Politis This paper examined the relationship between credibility, the dimensions of power and a number of knowledge acquisition attributes. Positive use of power leads to output. Expert power has a significant impact on the majority of knowledge acquisition attributes. Coercive and referent powers are more likely to negatively influence employees knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing. By clarifying which of the power bases best predict the behavioural skills, it is now possibly to empirically examine links between knowledge management, leadership types, team types, power tactics, higher authority and examine the consequences of knowledge management behaviour and practice. Managers and leaders must act with integrity, speak from a strong base of knowledge, and deliver their messages with confidence and enthusiasm if they wish to translate their words into a knowledge organisation


Write a 200 word summary of the main conclusions drawn by Zimbardo regarding the Stanford prison experiment People will readily conform to the

social roles they are expected to play,

especially if the roles are as strongly stereotyped as those of the prison guards. The prison environment was an important factor in creating the guards brutal behaviour (none of the participants who acted as guards showed sadistic tendencies before the study). Therefore, the roles that people play can shape their behaviour and attitudes.

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