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Harvard Extension School 20092010 Recipients of Awards and Prizes

Reginald H. Phelps Prize

The Reginald H. Phelps Prize Fund was established by Edgar Grossman, AB in Extension Studies 66, founder and first president of the Extension Alumni Association and the first Extension School representative to the Associated Harvard Alumni, for prizes for Extension baccalaureate degree recipients. The prizes are in honor of !Dr. Reginald H. Phelps, AB 30, AM 33, PhD 47, Director of! University Extension at Harvard from 1949 to 1975, and are awarded annually on the basis of academic achievement and character to outstanding graduating students receiving the Bachelors degree in Extension Studies.

First Prize Robert Joseph Schwalbach ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude, May 27, 2010 Second Prize Geoffrey Eric Tierney ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude, May 27, 2010 Third Prize (tie) Ricardo Juan Sedn ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude, May 27, 2010 Sarah Catherine Smith ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude, March 9, 2010

Santo J. Aurelio Prize

Santo Joseph Aurelio, ALB 83, ALM 85, received his first two degrees at the Harvard Extension School after age 50 and went on to earn a doctorate and enter a new profession, college teaching, after a career of more than 35 years as an official court reporter for the Massachusetts Superior Court. The prize recognizes academic achievement and character for undergraduate degree recipients more than 50 years of age.

Mark Bennett Kaminsky ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude, May 27, 2010

Derek Bok Public Service Prize

This prize, in honor of the commitment of former president Derek Bok to adult continuing education and to effective advocacy of community service activities, is awarded annually to degree and/or certificate recipients at the Harvard Extension School, who, while pursuing academic studies and professional careers, also give generously of their time and skill to improve the quality of life for others in the larger community. The prize was established by generous gifts from the Harvard Extension Alumni Association.

Jonathan Igne-Bianchi AA in Extension Studies, May 27, 2010 Diane Carol Hopson ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010 Scott Michael Frasca ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010 Macarena Morales Perez ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010

Commencement Speaker Prize

Recipients of the Commencement Speaker Prize deliver the Commencement address at one of the Extension Schools four degree-awarding ceremonies. Jonathan Daniel Upham Cathll-Williams ALB in Extension Studies, cum laude

May 27, 2010 Junaid Husain ALM in Extension Studies, Government March 9, 2010 Aliza Nava Libman ALM in Extension Studies, Mathematics for Teaching May 27, 2010 Francine Antoinette Maigue ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010

Thomas Small Prize

Thomas Small was born in Lithuania, came to the United States in 1900, and earned a Bachelor in Business Administration degree from Boston University in 1918. He retired from business in 1965 and that year enrolled in Harvard Extension. In 1983, at age 89, he received his ALM degree, thereby becoming the oldest earned degree recipient in the history of Harvard University. The Thomas Small Prize was established by his family and friends to honor this singular achievement by awarding prizes in his name. These prizes are awarded annually on the basis of academic achievement and character to the two ALM degree recipients with the highest grade-point average in their class.

First Prize (tie) Rosario Del Nero ALM in Extension Studies, Spanish Language and Literature, May 27, 2010 Charles J. Houston III ALM in Extension Studies, Psychology, March 9, 2010 Kaoru Makino ALM in Extension Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology, May 27, 2010 Peter King Williams ALM in Extension Studies, History, May 27, 2010

Annamae and Allan R. Crite Prize

Established by the Harvard Extension School and the Harvard Extension Alumni Association in honor of Annamae Crite, who for more than a half-century faithfully attended Extension School courses, and her son, Allan R. Crite, AB in Extension Studies 68, who is widely recognized as the dean of African-American artists in the Greater Boston area, these prizes are awarded to Extension School degree recipients who demonstrate singular dedication to learning and the arts.

First Prize Jeanne Kightlinger Smith ALM in Extension Studies, History of Art and Architecture, May 27, 2010
Forces Behind The Fables: A Socio-Political Interpretation of the Faade Reliefs on the Church of San Pietro extra moenia in Spoleto Thesis Director: Jeffrey Hamburger, Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture

Second Prize Joan Helen Orr ALM in Extension Studies, History of Art and Architecture, May 27, 2010
Whistlers St. Ives Paintings and Their Importance Thesis Director: John Stilgoe, Robert and Lois Orchard Professor in the History of Landscape

Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis, awarded in each field of the Extension Schools Masters Degree Program, recognizes work that embodies the highest level of imaginative scholarship.

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in the Behavioral Sciences Daniela Augusta Pittman Hernandez ALM in Extension Studies, Psychology, March 9, 2010
The Association Between Maternal Self-Report of Depression and the Risk of Preeclampsia: Outcome Data from 960 Participants in a Retrospective Case-Control Study Thesis Director: Thomas McElrath, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in the Biological Sciences Lara J. Petrak ALM in Extension Studies, Biology, March 9, 2010
Distinct Actin Assembly Processes Mediated by Profilin-1 and Profilin-2 Differentially Regulate Migration and Invasion Thesis Director: Joan Brugge, Professor of Cell Biology

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Biotechnology Wendy Marie Brodeur ALM in Extension Studies, November 3, 2009
Application of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping for Genetic Kinship Analysis Thesis Director: Frederick Bieber, Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Womens Hospital

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Educational Technologies Sara Margaret Russo ALM in Extension Studies, March 9, 2010
Technology-Mediated Distance Learning in a Global Corporate Setting: A Comparison to Face-To-Face Learning and the Impact of Learning Cohorts Thesis Director: Elizabeth Grady, EdD and Stacie Cassat-Green, MEd

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in the Humanities Alexei A. Grishin ALM in Extension Studies, Classical Civilizations, November 3, 2009
Acrostics in Virgils Poetry: The Problem of Authentication Thesis Director: Richard Thomas, Professor of Greek and Latin and Harvard College Professor

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Information Technology (tie) Jose Luis Ramirez Herran ALM in Extension Studies, Software Engineering, March 9, 2010
OMNIVIS: 3D Space and Camera Path Reconstruction for Omnidirectional Vision Thesis Director: Oliver Knill, PhD, Preceptor in Mathematics, FAS

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Information Technology (tie)

Greg Robinson ALM in Extension Studies, Software Engineering, November 3, 2009

VEGGA: Voice Enabled Global Positioning System Golfing Assistant Thesis Director: Paul Bamberg, PhD, Senior Lecturer on Mathematics, FAS

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Journalism Xiang Victoria Leenders-Cheng ALM in Extension Studies, May 27, 2010
No Big Deal? Asian American Gamblers and Expanded Gambling in Massachusetts Thesis Director: Andrew Meldrum, Senior Editor, GlobalPost

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Mathematics for Teaching Aliza Nava Libman ALM in Extension Studies, May 27, 2010
Assessment Features that Improve Mathematics Success in Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities Thesis Director: Rehana Patel, PhD, Preceptor in Mathematics, FAS

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Museum Studies Wendy Lynne Dodek ALM in Extension Studies, May 27, 2010
Sensing Art: Creating Lasting, Lively, Learning Experiences for Adults Thesis Director: Brooke DiGiovanni Evans, Head of the Gallery of Learning at the Museum of Fine Arts

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in the Social Sciences Scott Michael Uva ALM in Extension Studies, History, May 27, 2010
The Genesis of the Holocaust and the Motivations of Its Perpetrators: Two Decades of Creeping Radicalization Thesis Director: Kevin J. Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History

The Deans Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis in Sustainability and Environmental Management Sarah Rebecca Taylor ALM in Extension Studies, May 27, 2010
Sector Management and the Potential for Ecological Recovery of the New England Groundfish Fishery Thesis Director: Robert Woollacott, Professor of Biology and Curator of Marine Invertebrates in the Museum of Comparative Zoology

The Harold V. Langlois Outstanding Scholar Award

Awarded for the first time in 2003, this award recognizes a management graduate who has demonstrated exceptional academic accomplishment and promise as a manager.

Crystal Chambers ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010 Michael Sean Krolak ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010

The Katie Y.F. Yang Prize

The Katie Y.F. Yang Prize, named for a 1990 graduate of the management program, is awarded annually to the international graduate with the most outstanding academic record.

Jeffrey Jones Hutchinson ALM in Extension Studies, Management, May 27, 2010

Carmen S. Bonanno Excellence in Foreign Language Teaching Award

Established in 1990 by the family and friends of Carmen S. Bonanno, who studied a foreign language in the Harvard Extension School many years ago, this award recognizes excellence in foreign language instruction.

Mr. Thomas R. Siefert, German

James E. Conway Excellence in Teaching Writing Award

Established in 1991 by James E. Conway, ALB 85, this award recognizes excellence in the teaching of writing in the Harvard Extension School.

Mr. Marlon Kuzmick, Expository Writing

Petra T. Shattuck Excellence in Teaching Award

Established by the Harvard Extension School in memory of!Dr.!Petra T. Shattuck, a distinguished and dedicated teacher in the program, who died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the spring of 1988, these prizes are awarded annually to honor outstanding teaching in the Extension program.

Dr. Shelley H. Carson, Psychology Dr. Mary Malloy, Museum Studies Mr. Scott Bradner, Computer Science

The Joanne Fussa Distinguished Teaching Award

Established by JoAnne Fussa, CSS 85, this award recognizes exceptional teachers in business and management courses.

Dr. Mohsin Habib, Strategic Management

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