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Of India Undertaking)

Premises Required

Bank desires to engage premises on rent having aro nd !"## s$%&t% 'arpet area on gro nd &(oor &or opening its )ran'h at &o((o*ing (o'ations+
1. NANDYAL (KURNOOL DIST) Offers are invited in two bid system i.e. Technical Bid & Financial Bid. Interested parties ,e-'ept )rokers. may obtain the prescribed format of Technical bid (Annex-I and Financial bid (Annex!re-II from Allahabad Ban"#s $onal Office %-.&-'%() *I+A,AT-A.A/)+AI- /OA0) *,01/ABA0 ( between 23-33 A+ to (433 5+ on +onday to Friday and 23433 A+ to 6433 5+ on 7at!rday !p to !/%#0%1#!0 O/ may be downloaded from ban"#s website www.allahabadban".in De&inition o& 'arpet area is given in Anne- re23 and the same sho (d )e 'omp (sori(4 signed and en'(osed *ith te'hni'a( )id )4 the o&&erers% The offer complete in all respect in two separate sealed covers for each branch mar"ed as Technical Bid & Financial Bid and s!perscribin8 5O&&er For 22222222222222222222, Name o& Bran'h.22222 Name o& premises6 on top and name address & contact no. of the offerer at bottom left corner sho!ld be addressed to4 7he Dep t4 8enera( 9anager, A((aha)ad Bank, Zona( O&&i'e,Ist &(oor, 3%/203", HI9AYA7NA8AR,9AINROAD HYDERABAD 2"###1: The last date of s!bmission of complete application in separate sealed covers in two parts (Technical & Financial Bid is !/%#0%1#!0 !p to (433 5.+..The offer shall be dropped in the box "ept for the p!rpose at the 5remises of $onal Office at Ist floor. ; )mission o& (o'ation <(an, (a4o t <(an and photographs sho*ing entran'e &rom road, interiors and near)4 roads = ) i(dings o& o&&ered premises *ith the 7e'hni'a( )id is 'omp (sor4% The technical bids shall be opened on next wor"in8 day at %.33 p.m. and date of openin8 of financial bid will be intimated to short listed offerers s!bse9!ently. Interested offerers may dep!te their representatives in bid openin8 pro8ramme. The Ban" reserves ri8ht to cancel any or all tenders and stop the process at any point of time witho!t assi8nin8 any reason or notice whatsoever. Any clarification) if needed to fill !p the bid) may be so!8ht from $onal Office ( 5roperty 0eptt in person or telephone no. ::&&;(6<&6 Deputy General anager


,H%O% 1,N%;% Road >o(kata ?## ##!.

O&&er &or premises on rent 7e'hni'a( Bid (To be p!t in separate sealed cover s!per scribed as 57e'hni'a( )id6 To) 7he Dep t4 8enera( 9anager, Zona( O&&i'e, 32/203", 9AIN ROAD, HI9AYA7 NA8AR,HYDERABAD Re&2 Yo r advertisement dated #3%#0%!0 in@sakshi EENADA@INDIAN EB<RE;; @ BankCs *e)site &or Bran'h <remises

Dear 'ir($

With re ere!"e t# the $Ad% #r &remises i! the #''#(i!) *re*s+

1. ,,,,,,,,,,,,..(1-../1... sq. t.)

I / (e0 # er t# )i1e 2#u #! 'e*se the &remises des"ri3ed 3e'#( +

2. 6. -ame and Address of the owners with telephone=mobile n!mbers. >onstit!tion (Individ!al) *?F) 5artnership Firm) Tr!st) 5rivate @td. >o.) 5!blic @td. >ompany) .ovt.=@ocal A!thority=Instit!tion) Association of persons 7hare of each owner) if any) !nder Aoint Ownership F!ll address of the premises offered with 5in code and land mar" nearby >arpet area of the premises (In s9ft (>arpet area is defined in Annex B3% +eCCanine floorFirst floor B!nd floor-

%. '.



< : 23 22 26 2%

@easehold=freehold (if leasehold) f!rnish the name of the lessor=lessee) nat!re of lease) d!ration of lease) lease rent) balance period and term . Bo!ndaries of the premises -orth 7o!th 1ast Dest >opy of site plan and lay o!t plan showin8 internal dimensions and carpet area to be enclosed Type of constr!ction (@oad bearin8=/.>.>.=7teel framed str!ct!re . >lear floor hei8ht from floor to ceilin8 5linth hei8ht from .ro!nd @evel A8e of the b!ildin8. Basic amenities provided=to be provided. (Basic amenities li"e) water s!pply) toilets) electric s!pply) par"in8 space etc. 7pecial feat!res) if any. Are repairs and=or reconditions necessaryE (if so) what are theyE Dhat is the probable costE . 0etails of par"in8 spaces available Dater s!pply facilities available = to be provided. 7anitary facilities available = to be provided. 1lectric connection has been obtained= to be FFF. GHA obtained. 7anctioned = applied load 1ner8y meter capacity and in whose name it is installed. Dhether space available on the roof of the b!ildin8 for installin8 installation li"e H-7at etc. I approx (&#x&# J +aintenance liability and its expenses Tax @iabilities -ame of A!thority) 9!arterly taxes) assessment effective since) assessment for the premises is separate or with other parts of the b!ildin8

2' 2( 2& 2;. 2< 2:.

63. 62. 66.

6% 6' A B >

0oc!ment representin8 title of offerer on the premises li"e copy of title doc!ment) tax receipt etc are to be enclosed Dhether plans have been approved by +!nicipality and if so) whether it will be possible to carry o!t some chan8esE Dhether the premises is constr!cted as per approved plan & completion certificate has been obtainedE Dhether commercial !se of the premises is permissible and re9!isite -O> if any has been obtained from the appropriate a!thority. If no) will yo! provide s!ch -O> before exec!tion of lease deed=release of rentE 5robable time for completion and handin8 over possession if the premise is to be constr!cted = !nder constr!ction. >opy of the sanction plan indicatin8 the area offered is to be enclosed Any other information not covered above.

0 1 6(.

De'(arations+ 2. I=De) am=are aware that) the rent shall be calc!lated as per the carpet area which will be meas!red in presence of landlord=s and Ban" Officials after completion of the B!ildin8 in all respect as per the specification=re9!irement of the Ban". 6. De&inition o& Carpet area as given in the en'(osed Anne- re2 #3 *as e-p(ained to me@ s and '(ear(4 nderstood )4 me@ s% 7he Anne- re2 #3 d (4 signed )4 me@ s is en'(osed *ith the te'hni'a( )id% 3% 7he Ban" will be entitled to !se the premises witho!t any interr!ption. '. The transaction does not involve violation of */> Act) ?@> Act and Accommodation >ontroller Act etc. relevant in this re8ard (. The Ban" will be at liberty to !se all the installations=fixt!res=f!rnit!re provided in the premises. &. Installations re9!ired in the premises for f!nctionin8 of Ban"Ks b!siness may be installed witho!t referrin8 the matter to me=!s. ;. Abo!t &#x&# area at /oof of the b!ildin8 may be !tilised by the Ban" for installation of instr!ment li"e H-sat etc. <. The followin8 amenities are available in the premises or I=De am=are a8reeable to provide the followin8 amenities as per plan =drawin8 specifications provided by the Ban" at the time of acceptance of my offer. i)The str#!)r##m s&e"i i"*ti#!s h*s 3ee! e4&'*i!ed t# me/us *!d str#!) r##m (i'' 3e " #!stru"ted stri"t'2 *s &er B*!5%s s&e"i i"*ti#!s *!d &'*! . Str#!) r##m d##r (ith )ri'' )*te0 1e!ti'*t#r0 e4h*ust *!0 67"*)e *re t# 3e &r#1ided 32 the B*!5 *!d i!st*''ed 32 the '*!d'#rd. ii An enclos!re with bric" wall & collapsible 8ate will be provided inside the stron8 room se8re8atin8 the loc"er room and cash room. iii A l!nchroom for staff and stoc" room will be provided as per re9!irement=specifications of the Ban". A wash basin=sin" will be provided in l!nchroom. iv 7eparate toilets for 8ents and ladies will be provided as per ban"#s specifications.

v A collapsible 8ate) rollin8 sh!tter) in addition to 8laCed door=doors will be provided at the entrance and at any other point) which 8ives direct access from o!t side. vi Floorin8 =paintin8 will be done as per Ban"#s specification. vii All windows will be stren8thened by 8rills with 8lass sh!tters. viii Re$ ired po*er (oad &or the norma( & n'tioning o& the Bank and the re$ isite e(e'tri'a( *iring@points, points &or te(ephone@A<;@Comp ters@A%Cs *i(( )e provided% ix >ontin!o!s water s!pply will be ens!red at all times by providin8 overhead tan" and necessary taps. Dherever necessary) electric motor of re9!ired capacity will be provided. x 7pace for fixin8 ban"#s si8nboard will be provided. 3: All repairs incl!din8 ann!al=periodical paintin8 will be 8ot done by me=!s at my=o!r cost. In case) the repairs and or paintin8 is=are not done by me=!s as a8reed now) the Ban" will be at liberty to carry o!t s!ch repairs white=colo!r washin8 etc. at o!r cost and ded!ct all s!ch expenses from the rent payable to me=!s. 23. I=we !nderta"e to exec!te a lease deed) in the Ban"Ks favo!r on Ban"#s standard format at an early date. 22. I=De declare that I am=we are the absol!te owner of the plot=b!ildin8 offered to yo! and havin8 valid mar"etable title over the above. 0oc!ments certifyin8 title of offerer on the premises li"e copies of title deed) !pdate tax receipts) sanction plan) completion=occ!pancy certificate) site plan of the premises etc are enclosed=will be provided as & when demanded. 26.The Ban" is at liberty to remove at the time of vacatin8 the premises) all electrical fittin8s and fixt!res) co!nters) safes) safe deposit loc"ers) cabinets) stron8 room door) ventilator) partitions and other f!rnit!re p!t by the Ban". 2%. If my=o!r offer is accepted) I=we will 8ive possession of above premises to the Ban" within FFFFFF days from date of receipt of acceptance letter from the Ban". 2'. I@De & rther 'on&irm that the o&&er is irrevo'a)(e and sha(( )e open &or !1# da4s &rom date hereo&, &or a''eptan'e )4 the Bank% I=De hereby confirm that) all the above information f!rnished by me= !s are tr!e in best of my= o!r "nowled8e. >opies of site plan) sanctioned drawin8s) doc!ments certifyin8 o!r title on the premises etc are enclosed. I=De am=are aware that the Ban" is not bo!nd to accept my=o!r offers and may cancel it witho!t assi8nin8 any reasons=notice whatsoever. Lo'ation <(an, La4o t <(an and three <hotographs sho*ing entran'e &rom road, interior = near)4 road = ) i(ding o& m4 o&&ered premises are en'(osed. 5lace 4 ;ignat re 0ate 4 )))))))))))
(O(!er/s) 8#3i'e N#. / Te'e&h#!e N#. N*me # O(!ers+7


H%O% 1,N%;% Road >o(kata ?## ##!. Format o& o&&er (etter &or premises on rent Finan'ia( Bid (To be p!t in separate sealed cover s!perscribed as 5Finan'ia( )id6 To) To) 7he Dep t4 8enera( 9anager, Zona( O&&i'e, 32/203", 9AIN ROAD, HI9AYA7 NA8AR,HYDERABAD Re&2 Yo r advertisement dated #3%#0%!0 in ;A>;HI@INDIAN EB<RE;; @ BankCs *e)site &or Bran'h <remises

Dear 'ir($

With re ere!"e t# the $Ad% #r &remises i! the #''#(i!) *re*s+

1. ,,,,,,,,,,,,..(1-.. sq. t.)

I * +e( offer to give you on lea,e t-e pre.i,e, de,/ri0ed 0elo+ K 2. -ame and Address of the Owner=s with telephone=mobile n!mbers. F!ll Address of the 5remises >arpet Area (in s9ft ( it doesnt incl!de Toilet area) Area of walls) 7taircase) >orridors &passa8es) Herandahs etc Note+ De&inition o& 'arpet area is given in Anne- 2#3 '. +onthly rent ( in /s per s9. ft. ,;tri't(4 on 'arpet area as de&ined a)ove.!nd floor+eCCanine floorFirst floor B

6. %.

Rent Rate -!nd floor+eCCanine floor-

First floor B (. &. +onthly /ent @ease 5eriod >arpet area x /ent /ate per s9. ft. (sho!ld be minim!m for (L ( years for metro & !rban centres and (L(L( for 7emi ?rban &/!ral centres After every ( years (not more than 63M Dill be borne by landlord = @andlord & Ban" on (34(3 basis. FFF M ,es=-o
(7tri"e o!t whichever is not


;. <.

5eriodical 1nhancement >ost of exec!tion=re8istr ation of lease deed on Ban"#s standard format +!nicipal Tax @iabilities

applicable FFFFFM a N!arterly >orporation Taxes =other taxes payable after applyin8 necessary rebate b 5resent assessment applicable since c -ext assessment d!e on d Taxes will be paid by Ban" desires that all existin8 and enhanced +!nicipal >orporation Taxes) commercial s!rchar8es) rates and cess will be paid by the landlords. Accordin8ly proposal in this line will be preferred. i. Dhether 7ervice Tax is applicable ,es=-o @andlord=Ban" ii. Dho will bear the 7ervice Tax) if applicable. a 5remises @oan re9!ired ,es=-o (7tri"e o!t whichever is not applicable b If yes) 9!ant!m of loan (7ho!ld be /s. FFFFF. least of (3 month rent e9!ivalent) ;(M of estimated cost of constr!ction and repayable with interest within first lease period a Interest free rent advance re9!ired. ,es=-o (7tri"e o!t whichever is not applicable (b If yes) 9!ant!m of interest free rent 19!ivalent to OOOOOOmonth#s advance re9!ired by the landlord. rent. -ote- Offerer can demand either premises constr!ction loan or interest free rent advance. Dhile analysin8 the @-2) financial b!rden (interest per month for 8rantin8 advance will be added to 9!oted rent rate. Advance


23 22

7ervice Tax 5remises >onstr!ction @oan


Interest free rent advance.

rent can be considered !p to % months rent) which can be extended to & months in exceptional cases 2% Any other information not covered above 2. I=De) am=are aware that the rent mentioned above will be incl!sive of all the amenities incl!din8 par"in8 spaces and other conveniences provided by the landlords. 6. I=De) am=are also aware that above mentioned all parameters will be considered=9!antified to decide the lowest offerer. %. I=De am=are aware that the Ban" is not bo!nd to accept my=o!r offers and may cancel it witho!t assi8nin8 any reasons=notice whatsoever. /e9!ired power load for the normal f!nctionin8 of the Ban" and the re9!isite electrical wirin8= points) points for telephone= ?57= >omp!ters= A>s will be provided.

5lace 4

Name o& O*ners+2 ANN!"U#!$%2 CAR<E7 AREA FOR CO99ERCIAL BAILDIN82 REN7ABLE AREA% The >arpet Area of any floor shall be the covered floor area wor"ed o!t excl!din8 the followin8 portion of the b!ildin84 2. 6. %. '. (. &. ;. 7anitary accommodation) except mentioned otherwise in a specific case. Herandas) except where f!lly enclosed and !sed as internal passa8es and corridors. >orridors and 5assa8es) except where !sed as internal passa8es and corridors excl!sive to the !nit. Gitchen and 5antries. 1ntrance halls and porches) vertical s!n bra"es) box lo!vres. 7taircase and m!mties. 7hafts and machine rooms for lifts.

:. 23. 22.

BarsatiesP) lofts.
.ara8es. >anteens. Air-conditionin8 d!cts and air-conditionin8 plant rooms) shafts for sanitary pipin8 and 8arba8e d!cts more than two s9. mtr. in area. P Barsati is a covered space open at least on one side constr!cted on a terraced roof. Note+ In vie* o& the a)ove points, )asi'a((4 *a((s ,a(( interna( = e-terna(., 'o( mns, toi(ets = stair'ase area *i(( not )e meas red to determine 'arpet area &or pa4ment%

5lace 4 ;ignat re0ate 4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,O*ner@s

Name o& O*ners+2 Address+

Mobile/telephone Nos. :-

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