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MUTUA, EBS, DURING LAUNCH OF ATHI RIVER ROADS CONSTRUCTION Today we launch the construction of this key Devki to Namanga Road, Pepe Container Depot through Makadara to Namanga Road linkages within Athi River ur an area and other ma!or roads in Mavoko Constituency under our Machakos Maendeleo Chap Chap ideology and program" #or many years, leaders under whose !urisdiction our towns and villages were under, spent time cutting deals, receiving ri es, selling and gra ing pu lic land and little time providing efficient services for ta$ paying %ananchi" A NEW KENYA Now that we, in Machakos, have made our people the priority, some of these leaders are confused and scared that their days of plundering and rudderless leadership are over" They cannot understand how we can use all the money allocated to a road to uild the road with no sideshow deals and pay&outs" %ell, we wish to tell them that this is a New 'enya" 'enya has always had the potential to e a first world country with e$cellent services and economic growth that provides employment and hope to our youth" (owever, poor political leadership, at all levels, have made us stagnate and focus on political games rather than speedy implementation of pro!ects" TYPES OF LEADERS IN KENYA There are two kinds of leaders in 'enya) There are those whose vision is limited to provision of a few and aid pro!ects & a ore hole here and there and a adly uilt classroom or dispensary" These leaders are e$perts, though, of political machinations, noise making and ig man and woman syndrome that focuses on their ac*uisition of power and satisfaction of their greed" These are leaders stuck in the past" Then there are the new leaders that 'enyans want" +eaders whose vision is igger and not limited to the ,-./s" A vision, not of a village orehole ut clean flowing water in every household0 not of !ust a classroom ut modern and efficient schools and colleges for our youth0 not of !ust a dispensary uilding ut comprehensive, and e*uipped afforda le and availa le healthcare system0 not of a few earth roads ut of Tarmac highways and linkages with proper drainage, lights and CCT1 cameras to ensure security of the people0 not of negative political incitement ut actual application of new ideas that grow the economy and create !o s" These leaders2 focus is on the people & the poor and

desperate people & who voted for them" These leaders have no time for political insults, mere sloganeering agitations and power games & their focus is the people" KENYANS ARE SMARTER 'enyans have ecome smarter and know the kind of leaders they want" They have no time for old political and ego games" They want real change they can see and touch" They want their leaders to work together and not fight each other" They want progress now and not empty promises" My 3overnment is centered on the new rand of leadership and one of Maendeleo Chap Chap so that we, the children of 3od, can live in clean, organi4ed and secure neigh orhoods in Machakos County" MAENDELEO CHAP CHAP 5ur Machakos road program is very ela orate and soon we will e tarmacking 6yokimau, 'atani, 'inanie, +ukenya roads within Mavoko and many more roads in each of our 7 Constituencies" %e are uilding these roads with our own County funds" The roads we are uilding will accelerate economic development" They fit in our strategy of attracting and facilitating investors so as to create employment and grow wealth in a speedy manner" 8 am pleased to announce that the development of the New Machakos City is on track and construction will start soon" %e are also nearly finished with uilding and e*uipping 9/ new community hospitals in each of our 9/ wards in Machakos County" +ast week, we completed water resources: mapping of every village in Machakos town the first time it has ever een done since the world was created" This now opens the way for targeted drilling of ,,/// oreholes, a dam and two water pans per every village, a raised water storage and distri ution tank in every village and reticulation system, so that issues of water shortage in Machakos are relegated to history ooks" The time for empty politics and greedy politicians is gone" Thousands of our young people, especially in this ur an Mavoko area remain !o less" 8nstead of politicians e$ploiting them for political e$pedience, they should !oin us in creating meaningful !o s and alternatives that will lift our people from the ;ork of poverty" This is the time for the people and development focused leaders < time for MANDELEO CHAP CHAP.

E-N-D APRIL 15TH 2014

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