AIM: To Study and Perform Project Planning Theory

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AIM: To study and perform Project Planning Theory: Project Planning There are several reasons to use considerable

care when planning projects: The primary purpose of planning is to establish a set of directions in enough detail to tell the project team exactly what must be done The purpose of planning is to facilitate later accomplishment The Work Breakdown Structure The Work Breakdown Structure WBS! can take a variety of forms that serve a variety of purposes" The WBS often appears as an outline with #evel $ tasks on the left and successive levels appropriately indented" The WBS may also picture a project subdivided into hierarchical units of tasks% subtasks% work packages% etc" The WBS is an important document and can be tailored for use in a number of different ways: $t may illustrate how each piece of the project contributes to the whole in terms of performance% responsibility% schedule% and budget $t may list the vendors or subcontractors associated with specific tasks $t may serve as the basis for making cost estimates or estimates of task duration $t may be used to document that all parties have signed off on their various commitments to the project

&eneral steps for designing and using the WBS: '" (sing information from the action plan% list the task breakdown in successively finer levels of detail" )ontinue until all meaningful tasks or work packages have been identified *" +or each such work package% identify the data relevant to the WBS" #ist the personnel and organi,ations responsible for each task" -" .ll work package information should be reviewed with the individuals or organi,ations who have responsibility for doing or supporting the work in order to verify the accuracy of the WBS /" The total project budget should consist of four elements: direct budgets from each task0 an indirect cost budget for the project0 a 1contingency2 reserve for unexpected emergencies0 and any residual% which includes the profit derived from the project 3" The project master schedule integrates the many different schedules relevant to the various parts of the project 4" The project manager can examine actual resource use% by work element% work package% task% up to the full project level" The project manager can identify problems% harden the estimates of final cost% and make sure that relevant corrections have been designed and are ready to implement

5" The project schedule may be subjected to the same comparisons as the project budget" .ctual progress is compared to scheduled and corrective action can be taken DELIVERABLE DEFINITION TABLE

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Problem Definition and Scope Feasibility Study Project Charter Resource and budget assessment Re uirement Analysis Ris! management and Scheduling Physical and "echnical Designs #ser $nterface Document Document Document Document

As defined in project methodology AS defined in project methodology As defined in project methodology As defined in project methodology As defined in project methodology As defined in Project methodology As defined in Project methodology As defined in #ser $nterface %uidelines As defined in Project methodology As defined in Project Methodology As defined in "est Plan As defined in Project methodology As defined in

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Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project sponsor and Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor and Project Manager Project Sponsor and Project Manager Project manager Project Manager Project manager, '-ternal e-aminer Project

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Project team and Office tools Project team and Office tools Project Manager, Project team and office tools Project Manager, Project team, Project sponsors and office tools Customer, System Analyst and Office tools System Analyst and Project "eam Programmer, System Analyst and Case tools Programmer and $ntegrated De&elopment 'n&ironment()etbean s* Programmers, System Analyst, )et+or!ing Specialist and Ser&er(,ampp Ser&er* System Analyst and Office tools Programmer, System Analyst and Office tools Project Sponsor, Project Manager, System and Project team Project team and

Document Document Document Prototype

Application System

Files and Database

"esting Plan "esting Results Final Report and Presentation Project

Document Document Document


'&aluation and .essons learned

Project methodology


!no+ledge management system



Work breakdown Str !t re

Define Define Project Project %oal %oal

Work "a!ka#e Work Package for 9>Tree $mplementation: '" Statement of Work: 9etrieval of images using content based retrieval and implementation of r>tree algorithm"

*" 9esource 9e?uirement:

#abor / for '4 weeks ' manager% ' programmer% ' database designer% ' &($ designer% ' tester" @aterial Software 9e?uirement: A.@P server% Web host Bardware 9e?uirement: )omputers +acility: $nternet% place"

-" Time: '4 weeks */th .ugust to 'Cth .pril

/" )ost: ' @anager ' Programmer ' 6atabase designer ' &($ designer ' tester : 'Chrs : 'CChrs : *3hrs : '3hrs :*Chrs 3CCC 'CCCC *CCC 'CCC '3CC

T;T.# 'CE T.A 3" 9esponsibility: :ame 9oopali #olage Shyam@ahishi Sagar .wasare 9ajesh @othe 4" ;utputF;utcome: +ast retrieval of images on web" 6esignation @anager Programmer 6atabase designer &($designer

'D3CC 'D3C

9esponsibility To keep a track on project work and guide for changes to be made" To code in .SP"net To design database To design &($

5" $nput:
6esign% Programming codes%.lgorithms%$mage

G" =uality .ssurance: The images are retrieved at a faster rate using r>tree algorithm in comparison to linear search of images" )ontent based retrieval of images helps retrieval of images with similar characteristics like color% structure etc"

D" ;thers: This project can be sold to clients on the contract basis"

Responsibility Codes P /0 Primary Responsibility S /0 Secondary Responsibility ) /0 Must be notified A /0 Must gi&e appro&al

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