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FREIGHT FORWARDING AND NEED FOR TRAINING INTRODUCTION Indias Maritime industry has undergone many changes in yesteryears;

has seen much civilization and had a good maritime practice. With multiple invasion and aggressive influence of western maritime practice round the globe, our maritime is much affected in terms of Quality and performance. In the end we lost the consistency that needs to be maintained. rom !ost Independence era "ost is considered to be a #ey factor of any activity. In a way the Quality was compromised and things started wor#ing in its own fashion and every region has drawn its own thumb rules and practice without any cohesive approach. $nfortunately cost was lin#ed with Quality which was very much seen in the Maritime industry. %nly post &lobalization era in India have open doors to all the industries and have influenced all the functions of industry. With cost cutting being done at all level to stay in the mar#et, discovery started on factors influencing cost. 'ogistics was identified as one area which influences cost and momentum started recognising the importance of 'ogistics and its role in shaping the (upply "hain Management attributes. When the Industry views 'ogistics as a big area which needs to be improvised and consistently developed, the practice followed for years acts as a great stumbling bloc# for the development. $nli#e other industries, logistics industry is in serious lac# of professional courses to train people for the ma)or business areas such as "ustom *ouse +gents ,"*++ctivity, reight forwarding, 'inear .usiness or the real importance of professional calibres are yet to be realised. Mostly many of them have come with different academic bac# ground and have developed themselves with the virtue of e/perience. 0othing has been documented on systems and procedures so far on the way of wor#ing either 1ocumentation or %peration or Mar#eting. With globalisation being in full swing in India and India being corporatized, need of !rofessional manpower have been felt and have opened many companies to loo# for 2uality professional people where as the mar#et does not possess it. irst (tep would be to convince the Industry for the need for 'ogistics !rofessionals. or that we need to create the awareness, importance, advantages etc....... WHAT TRAINED PEROPLE AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE CAN DO OR WHY WE NEED THEM.

3rained people and !rofessional people loo# in a different way of doing things than by doing things conventionally which may not be cost effective method.

!rofessional people do thing and wor# logically. !rofessional people add value in each and every activity. 3hey wor# in a systematic way with proper planning. Innovation comes to lime light. +ll activity are done with W*4, *%W, W*+3 and with a reason. !rofessional people create more professionals.

COMPONENTS OF LOGISTICS INDUSTRY "$(3%M( .5%675+&7 57I&*3 %5W+51I0& M$'3I M%1+' 35+0(!%53+3I%00 , +I5,(7+,'+01, 5+I' W+57*%$(I0& +01 1I(35I.$3I%0 I08703%54 M+0+&7M703.

WHAT AREAS TRAINING ARE REQUIRED? 0ormally Industry is categorised into our 1epartments. 3hey are 1ocumentation 1epartment %perations 1epartment (ales 1epartment +ccounts 1epartment.

!rofessional 3raining needs to be imparted in all these departments. CURRENT STATUS

Documentat on De!a"tment#

If we see a person in "ustoms 1ocumentation

person involved in "ustoms 1ocuments does his wor# not #nowing significance or impact of each action. *e does it by virtue of e/perience. 0o reason is done for the activity. 3he same goes to the guy who goes to customs for clearance of documents. *ow can we e/pect an untrained person to answer to customs 2ueries in a logical way9 3hey clear all the consignment with their !ersonal relations and different practice. *ow many #now about the legal implications of each and ever activity.....

(ame goes with a person who issues .ill of 'ading or who does other documentation.

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O!e"at on$ De!a"tment#

*ow much of documentation or records are there to

guide how to do "argo *andling in the port or any other activity li#e loading or unloading or pac#ing or unpac#ing. %ur Industry does by practice and the valuable e/perience gained at each operation is not documented and passed on to the new comers. 7very one learns by e/perience only and does the )ob without any standard. We view that any )ob done without any accident or problem is the good ;ob. We do not count on 3ime productivity, Man !ower productivity and safely standards.

Ma"%et n& De!a"tment#

Who brings more revenue and more cargo is

considered as good and efficient sales persons. .ut we tend to miss that (ales person or mar#eting person is the ambassador to the company. !rofessional approach towards mar#eting is missing all the time. + trained person does mar#et (egments, understands the importance of shipment and goes with transparent approach.

Account n& ' F nance Funct on$# Maritime involves

%57<. *aving professional

training will give a logical transactions and will save lot of complications. 'ots of cost

factors are involved in 'ogistics activity which helps to have proactive approach than reactive approach.

TRAINING 3raining on "ustoms 1ocumentation = (hipping 1ocuments = 'etter of credits 3raining on %perations involving from loading to dispatch and 3raining in !ort, "ustoms and Inland *andling. 3raining in sales involving basic sales functions, training about trade lanes, developing professional training s#ills etc... 3raining in +ccounting involving basic fore/ rules, '" and international "ontracts. &iving practical orientation and case studies. 1eveloping "ommunication s#ills.

A(out Me I am )E *a+a, -o"% n& n Lo& $t c$ In.u$t"/ - t0 12 Yea"$ o3 E4!e" ence. I am M*A &"a.uate - t0 co"e $!ec a+ 5at on n Lo& $t c$.

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