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TO BE INCLUDED ABSTRACT 1. to determine the presence of salmonella 2.

bacterial load of chopping boards -due to poor sanitary practices from slaughtering process -Monitoring should be implemented, maintenance of market equipment and facilitie s -For more accurate results a bigger sample size should be studied, - also do a serology for serovar determination -antibacterial susceptibility for determination of microbial resisitance INTRODUCTION Salmonella > Wooden chopping boards vs. plastic boards - wooden- porous which allows food seceretions together with bacteria to enter the body of the wood by capillary action. As their density increases th e more they thrive in the boards. Miagao has high demand for food. Consumers buy on public markets wherein food sa ety is not assured. therefore there should be inspections and monitoring of mark et to prevent cases of food borne diseases and outbreaks. This study aims to measure bacteria load and to determine the prevalence of salm onella spp.

METHODOLOGY Collection -jan to feb 2014 - 5 meat stands randomly chosen - 20 swab samples - 2 NSS for HPC and 2 Selenite F for cultivation HPC -5 step 10 fold serial dilution on 10 NSS tubes - 0.1 ml pipetted from each transferred to NA plate (hockey stick) - 20 NA plates, 10 original 10 duplicates for each CB - Incubated at 37 1C for 24 3h - Counting by colony counter colonies more than 300= TNTC No. of viable orgs determined by No. of colonies x dilution factor. Cultivation, Isolation, Identification > Enrichment (selective= selenite f incubated at 37 1C for 24 3h. ) > Plating on selective SSA using clock sreak incubated at 37 1C for 24 3h >Selection of colonies for confirmation - taking at least 1 typical colony from each SSA. Typical= clear, color less, and transparent with black center if H2S is produced. - colonies different from above were also isolated for identification - 38 colonies selected and inoculated on NA slants and tested for bioche m test

> Biochem confirmation - after 24 hr incub pure colonies from NA inoculated to TSI, SIM, MRVP, Ctrate, UREA broth, and LD (Lysine decarboxylate) slants. all media incubated at 37 C for 18-24 h. - bergey's manual for confirmation and identification of bacteria. RESULTS and DISCUSSIONs > Bacterial load- the amount of viable microorganisms per chopping board. determ ined by HPC. - compared with maximum limit for fresh and frozen raw chicken as requir ed by FDA 2009. Figure EXPLAIN!!! ====== The values obtained passed the FDA maximum level of microorganism for fresh and frozen raw chicken, which is 1 x 107 CFU g-1. This indicates tha t chopping boards in Miagao Public Market conform to the acceptable limits of th e FDA. :) > Salmonella detected in 4 out of 5 CB.. CB1 negative for salmonella. Bacterias identified were : Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Proteus, Shigella, an d Yersinia. - presence of many enteric bacteria= poor sanitation and unmaintained pr oper hygiene management. - aslo to poor infrastructure of shops such as poor drainage, improper d ifferentiation between clean and unclean operations, keeping more than two kinds of meats without proper separation, and use of wooden chopping boards. - same CB used for chicken, beef and pork meats. > Wooden CB lesser bacteria due to absorbing power but difficult to clean due to deep knife cuts contaminated with residues possibly containing pathogens. -above a certain density, bacteria present may resurface and contaminate meat or cross-contaminate other food products, posing a great health risk. - PH concern coz raw meat, meat products for consumption is chooped here . > Salmonella- main source chicken meat, egg and products. Fecal contamination al so > study DID NOT give serovars additional tests recommended. (PCR, slide, tube ag glutination etc). - The most common identified serovars in poultry, meat stands and choppi ng boards associated with human infections are Typhimurium, Enteritidis, S. ente rica, Newport and Heidelberg. - Nontyphoidal salmonellosis or enterocolitis is caused by at least 150 Salmonella serotypes with Salmonella Typhimurium and Sal monella Enteritidis being the most common among them. > State RELATED LITERATURE!! > Risk factors for contamination= - Aside from hygiene status of shop, other factors involved are time of sample collection, type of shops, number of handlers, number of knives used, and kinds of meat sold - food processing, environment, vectors, man animal etc, equipment

CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS >SAlmonella in 4 out of 5 CB= presence of salmonella. > ave. bacterial loads ranging from 3.75 x 105 to 1.09 x 106CFU mL-1, =passed th e FDA max. level of microorg for fresh and frozen raw meat; > therefore CB in Miagao Public Market conform to the acceptable limits of the F DA. > Control measures, better sanitary practices to be observed (slaughtering proce

ss -meat handling) = reduce the risk of contamination. >Implementation of proper hygienic practices, maintenance of sanitary market eq uipment ,facilities: regularly monitored. >Meat handlers, trade associations, academe and government should work hand in h and to minimize the high prevalence of Salmonella in retail shops. > recommended bigger sample size ideal for more accurate results. - Serology to determine the pathogen at its serovar level. - Antimicrobial susceptibility to determine microbial resistance.

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