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Sexual Assault Survey Draft

SECTION A: I N V E S T I G A T I O N S A1. Has your school undertaken any investigations concerning Title IX sexual harassment allegations within the past 4 years? a) No (Go to question A3.) b) Yes (Go to question A2.) c) Dont know (Go to question A3.) A2. How many Title IX sexual harassment investigations has your school conducted within the past 4 years? a) One b) 2-5 c) 6-10 d) More than 10 times e) Dont know A3. Has your school undertaken any investigations concerning Title IX sexual assault allegations within the past 4 years? a) No (Go to question A5.) b) Yes (Go to question A4.) c) Dont know (Go to question A5.) A4. How many Title IX sexual assault investigations has your school conducted within the past 4 years? a) One b) 2-5 c) 6-10 d) More than 10 times e) Dont know

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Does your school provide information about how to file a Title IX complaint to students? (Check all that apply.) a) No b) Dont know c) On the schools website d) In the Student Handbook e) In printed materials located in the admissions office f) In printed materials located in the office of Greek life g) In printed materials located in the office of Athletics h) In printed materials located in the office of Student Affairs i) In printed materials located in the Student Health Center j) In printed materials located in the Residential Services Center k) In new student orientation materials l) Other: __________________________________

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Does your school provide information about how to file a Title IX complaint to students to student who report sexual assault/harrassment? (Check all that apply.) a) No b) Dont know c) On the schools website d) In the Student Handbook e) In printed materials located in the admissions office f) In printed materials located in the office of Greek life g) In printed materials located in the office of Athletics h) In printed materials located in the office of Student Affairs i) In printed materials located in the Student Health Center j) In printed materials located in the Residential Services Center k) In new student orientation materials l) Other: __________________________________


Does your school conduct an annual internal survey to gauge the climate regarding sexual assault-related issues among the campus community? a) Yes (Go to question A8.) b) No (Go to question A9.) c) Dont know (Go to question A9.)


Is the survey: a) Provided to all students b) Provided only to select subsets of students (i.e., exiting seniors) c) Mandatory d) Voluntary e) Anonymous f) Confidential

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As you may know, the federal government is responsible for overseeing how well colleges and universities across the country are enforcing Cleary Act and Title IX requirements. In general, how rigorous or lax would you consider federal oversight of universities regarding these issues to be: a) Extremely rigorous b) Very rigorous c) Moderately rigorous d) Somewhat rigorous e) Not at all rigorous

A10. Is your school currently under investigation for non-compliance of Title IX requirements? a) Yes b) No c) Dont know A11. Since 1991, has your school been under investigation for non-compliance of Title IX requirements? a) No (Go to question A13.) b) Yes (Go to question A12.) c) Dont know (Go to question A13.) A12. Since 1991, how many times has your school been under investigation for non-compliance of Title IX requirements? a) Once b) 2-3 times c) 4-5 times d) More than 5 times e) Dont know

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A13. Is your school currently under investigation for non-compliance of Cleary Act requirements? a) Yes b) No c) Dont know A14. Since 1991, has your school been under investigation for non-compliance of Cleary Act requirements? a) No (Go to next section.) b) Yes (Go to question A15.) c) Dont know (Go to next section.) A15. Since 1991, how many times has your school been under investigation for non-compliance of Cleary Act requirements? a) Once b) 2-3 times c) 4-5 times d) More than 5 times e) Dont know

SECTION B: CAMPUS LAW ENFORCEMENT B1. When was the last time the Universitys sexual assault policies and procedures updated? a) Within the past five years b) Between 6 to 10 years ago c) More than 10 years d) Dont know

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How does your school provide security/law enforcement on campus? (Check all that apply.) a) Sworn law enforcement officers employed by the school b) Private security employed by the school c) Private security employed by the facility owner/landlord d) Rely on local (municipal, county, or special district) law enforcement agency e) Other (specify): ____________________________________________ f) Dont know


Are campus law enforcement/security officers required by law or institutional policy to be trained to respond to reports of sexual assault? a) Yes b) No (Go to question B7.) c) Dont know (Go to question B7.)


If special training is required, does the training include explanations of what constitutes sexual assault, sexual abuse, rape, and other related terms? a) Yes b) No c) Dont know


If special training is required, how often is it given? a) Once, upon hiring b) Annually c) Other (specify): _________________ d) Dont know

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If special training is required, who provides the training? a) Faculty/staff of the institution b) Faculty/staff of the law enforcement/security agency c) Specialized trainers under contract to the institution or law enforcement/security agency d) State training academy e) Other (specify): __________________________________ f) Dont know


Are there written protocols between campus law enforcement and local law enforcement agencies for responding to sexual assault cases? a) Yes b) No (Go to question C1.) c) Dont know (Go to question C1.) B8. If protocols exist, which of the following are included? (Check all that apply.) a) Requirement to report incident to local or nearest police agency b) Explanation of what constitutes a reportable incident c) Procedures for dual or cross-reporting of incidents d) Procedures for UCR reporting e) Procedures for Campus Security Act (Clery Act) reporting f) Investigative responsibility g) Information-sharing h) Resource-sharing (e.g., medical facilities) i) Referrals to victim support services j) Other (specify): k) Dont know

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C1. Where could a student get information about what to do in the case of sexual assault?

(Check all that apply.) a) Student handbook/ Student code of conduct b) New student/ Freshman orientation c) Seminars held each semester

d) Posted in public places (e.g., bathrooms, bulletin boards, dorm hallways) e) Schools internet web page f) Annual Security Report

g) Available upon request ! From whom? (specify): _____________ h) By referral ! From whom? (specify): ________________________ i) j) Other (specify): _________________________________ Dont know

C2. Which of the following services are available to students who are sexual assault victims? (Check all that apply.) a) Campus law enforcement b) Campus victim assistance/ c) Student health services d) Student mental health services e) Campus legal service counseling f) Campus womens center g) Other (specify): ______________ h) i) j) k) l) Local community law enforcement Community victim assistance/ advocacy programs(s) Community health services Community mental health services Community legal services

m) Community womens center n) Local community rape crisis hotline



C3. Does your school provide training for faculty and staff about how to respond to disclosures of sexual assault? a) Yes b) No (Go to question C8.) c) Dont know (Go to question C8.) C4. Is this training mandatory or voluntary? a) Mandatory b) Voluntary (Go to question C7.) c) Dont know (Go to question C7.) C5. Is this training mandatory due to state law or institutional policy? a) State law b) Institutional policy c) Dont know C6. If your school provides mandatory sexual assault response training for staff and faculty, who must attend? a) All faculty and staff b) Only those who are NOT exempt from reporting requirements c) Other (specify): ________________________ C7. If your school provides sexual assault response training for staff and faculty, who provides it? a) Institutions staff/faculty b) Staff/faculty of a community addressing related issues c) Dont agency

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C8. Does your school provide sexual assault response training for students? a) Yes b) No (Go to question C14.) c) Dont know (Go to question C14.) C9. Is this training mandatory or voluntary? d) Mandatory e) Voluntary (Go to question C12.) f) Dont know (Go to question C12.) C10. Is this training mandatory due to state law or institutional policy? d) State law e) Institutional policy f) Dont know

C11. If your school provides mandatory sexual assault training for students, who must attend? a) All students b) Student resident assistants c) Student security officers d) Other

C12. If your school provides sexual assault training for students, how often does it provide it? a) Annually b) By semester c) Other (specify): _____________________________

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C13. If your school provides sexual assault response training for students, who provides it? a) Staff/faculty of the institution b) Staff/faculty of a community agency addressing related issues c) Peer educators/trainers d) Dont know e) Other (specify): _________

C14. Does your school use a team approach for responding to reports of sexual assault on campus? a) Yes b) No (Go to Section D) c) Dont know (Go to Section D) C15. If your school uses a team approach, which of the following services are represented on the team? (Check all that apply.) a) Campus law enforcement b) Student health services c) Student mental health services d) Campus victim assistance/advocacy services e) Student legal services f) Housing/residential services g) Community law enforcement C16. Is there a written protocol that guides the teams activities? a) Yes b) No c) Dont know
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h) Community health services i) Community mental health services j) Community victim asst/advocacy services k) Community legal services l) Dont know m) Other: ___________

C17. If the protocol is written, who wrote it? Specify (title, not name): ___________________ SECTION D: REPORTING PROCEDURES
D1. Which of the following personnel are required to contribute data on sexual assault for purposes

of the statistical summary included in the Annual Security Report? (Check all that apply.) a) No required reporters b) Owner or director of school c) Director of campus law enforcement d) Campus police officers e) Director of residential life f) Resident assistants g) Doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses h ) Mental health counselors i) Womens center staff j) Staff/faculty (specify): ___________ k) Peer educators l) Clergy m ) Dont know n ) Other (specify): __________________

D2. Which types of reporting procedures are used at your institution? (Check all that apply.) a) b) c) d) e) f) Confidential reporting (names not released) Anonymous reporting (victims name not released) Third party or proxy reporting (reports made by direct witnesses or people to whom incident was disclosed) Option to report via an internet site None Other (specify): _____________________

D3. Does your school collect statistical information on the use of date rape drugs (e.g., Rohypnol or roofies, GHB, etc.) for reports regarding sexual assaults? a) Yes b) No c) Dont know

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E1. Below is a list of policies and procedures that may encourage victims to disclose and report assaults at some schools. For each item, please indicate whether it is present at your school.
1. Victim assistance services office on campus

Present (Yes/No/Not Sure)

2. Campus law enforcement protocols for responding to sexual assault on campus 3. Coordinated crisis response across campus and community to provide victim services 4. Outreach and services to underserved populations 5. New student orientation program including sexual assault issues 6. Designated mandatory reporters 7. Sexual assault peer educators 8. Infusion of sexual assault issues into the curriculum 9. Education programs targeted at athletes 10. Education programs targeted at the Greek system 11. Confidential reporting options 12. Anonymous reporting options (including internet-based and third party options) 13. Information and referral system for faculty and staff to readily access experts who can help victims 14. Campus-wide publicity of high-risk factors/past crimes on campus 15. Sexual assault nurse examiner program (SANE) 16. Emergency call boxes on campus 17. Centralized 24-hour hotline for victims to report incidents and connect to necessary services 18. Task force to annually review campus safety issues 19. Disclosure of victims rights in the adjudication process 20. Publication of names of alleged perpetrators (such as in a campus newspaper) 21. Publicity on outcomes of cases adjudicated on campus 22. Special sexual assault awareness events


Other facilitator(s) not mentioned (specify): ______________________



SECTION F: BARRIERS TO REPORTING F1. Below is a list of policies and procedures that may discourage victims from disclosing and reporting assaults at some schools. For each item, please indicate whether it is present at your school. Present (Yes/No/Not Sure) 1. Disclosure of offenders rights in the adjudication process 2. Publication of names of alleged perpetrators (such as in a campus newspaper) 3. Publicity on outcome of cases adjudicated on campus 4. Requirement that victims participate in adjudication process 5. Designated mandatory reporters 6. Alcohol policy 7. Illegal drug use policy 8. Single-sex-only residence policy
4. Other barrier(s) not mentioned (specify):

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SECTION G: ADJUDICATION PROCESS G1. Which types of institutional judicial procedures exist at your institution? (Check all that apply.) a) Open hearing b) Closed hearing g) Defendant has a right to hearing transcripts h) School defers a college hearing until either civil or criminal investigations and trials are completed i) Victim has a right to be informed of the outcome j) Violations are noted on student transcripts k) Judicial board receives training about rape myths (i.e., it is rape if the victim is forced by someone s/he knows, or someone s/hes been with before) l) Dont know

c) Single fact-finder outcome d) Hearing board e) Written records are kept of the proceedings

f) Audio records are kept of the proceedings

G2. If your school uses a Hearing Board, who sits on this board? (Check all that apply.) a) School does not use a hearing board b) Students c) Faculty d) Staff e) Administrators f) Other (specify): _____________________ g) Dont know

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G3. Which of the following due process elements exist? (Check all that apply.) a) Defendant is informed of rights before hearing b) Defendant receives written notice of the charges prior to the hearing c) Defendant may bring an adviser or lawyer d) Victim may bring an adviser or lawyer e) Victim is permitted to be present at the hearing f) Defendant has the right to challenge members concerning impartiality/conflict of interest g) Defendant has a right to question the and call witnesses h) Defendant is assumed innocent until proven guilty i) Defendant has a right to an appeal j) Burden of proof is clearly articulated k) Standard of proof is clearly articulated l) Dont know hearing panel

G4. Which standard of proof do you use? (Check one.) a) Beyond a reasonable doubt b) Clear and convincing evidence c) Preponderance of the evidence d) Dont know e) Other (specify): _______________ G5. Does your school utilize any of the following evidentiary concepts in its adjudication process? (Check all that apply.) a) Names of witnesses are made available to the opposing party prior to the hearing b) Your states rape shield laws or the equivalent are applied to the proceedings c) Hearsay evidence is not allowed d) Victim may make a victim impact statement e) Formal rules of evidence apply in judicial hearings f) Dont know

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G6. Which penalties does your school impose on sexual assault offense cases? (Check all that apply.) a) Community service b) Counseling c) No-contact order d) Fine e) Restitution f) Suspension SECTION H: BACKGROUND H1. Institution Name: ______________________________ g) Expulsion h) Fraternity sanctions i) Athletic team sanctions j ) Other (specify): _______________ k) Dont know


Institution Address: _______________________________


Does your school have a Title IX coordinator?

a) Yes: (Name/Title/Email): _______________________________ b) No c) Dont know


Which title below best describes your role at the school? a) Owner/Director/President b) Dean of Students c) Director d) Residential Life Director e) Campus Security Director/Police Chief f) Student Mental Health Services g) Student Health Services Director h) Other: ________________

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H5. Are you responsible for completing your schools federal Annual Security Report that is distributed by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE)? 1. Yes, I have sole responsibility (Go to question H7.) 2. Yes, with input from others on campus (Go to question H7.) 3. No H6. Who is responsible? Specify (title, not name): _________________________ H7. Is your school a residential campus?
b) Yes c) No


Is your school exclusively online?

b) Yes c) No

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