Test Initial - Cls XI

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Name: Date: Group: XIth 1.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days .
Brian .North American history in his school days. 2. When it comes to population Bei!in"#s is much $i""er than Auc%land#s. Bei!in" isthan .Auc%land. &. 'he mana"er should thin% a$out e(perience when hirin" new sta)). 'he mana"er should .when hirin" new sta)). *. 'he anti+smo%in" ad,ertisement does not stop people )rom smo%in". 'he anti+smo%in" ad,ertisement ispeople )rom smo%in". -. .he has learnt a su$stantial amount )rom her uni,ersity course. .he has.. )rom her uni,ersity course. /. It is a "ood idea to learn 0hinese to impro,e your )uture !o$ prospects. .is a "ood way to enhance your wor% opportunities. 1. When I realised what had happened I $ecame 2uite a)raid. I when I wor%ed out what had occurred 3. 4e saw the litter on the "round and pic%ed it up an put it in the $in immediately. 4e "ra$$ed the ru$$ish o)) the "round and threw it. 5. Do you thin% you could "i,e me a hand to mo,e the so)a6 Would you to mo,e the so)a6

interest populated




ta%in" o,ercome hesitation mind

0.2 points *9=18 points

2. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. econd !anguage !earning 'here has $een much de$ate in recent times a$out when youn" people should ta%e up a second lan"ua"e. 'his has $een especially )uelled in recent times $y the increasin" placed I789:'AN' on

on the ;n"lish lan"ua"e. It is now commonplace to see parents pro,idin" a su$stantial amount o) additional tuition on lan"ua"e lessons to "i,e their children e,ery <=NDING ed"e. In the past decade lan"ua"e institutes ha,e sprun" up in rapid ur$an centres all claimin" to pro,ide in ;n"lish. 'here has $een a push $y many parents to e(pose years. 'his many claim will ma%e the

0978;'I'I9N N=7B;: AD>AN0;D <9:7A'I9N IN.'IN0' ?ANG=AG;

their children to ;n"lish in their lan"ua"e more

and ensure that all pronunciation errors can $e a,oided.

'here is some e,idence which points to youn"sters who ha,e $een raised in

)amilies where the lan"ua"e spo%en at home is di))erent to the one that they with in their e(ternal en,ironment. While these children can switch $etween two lan"ua"es with "reater this is it remains to $e seen whether when learnin" additional lan"ua"es.

09N>;:.A'I9N ;A.@ AD>AN'AG;

0.2p *11=22 points

". #ill in the gaps and write one word in each gap$

=. pu$lication :ollin" .tone ma"aAine is entertainment. :ollin" .tone

launch in 0hina. 'he ma"aAine

should hit )orei"n arts and

shel,es early ne(t year will )ocus on 0hinaBs emer"in" youth culture as well chan"es in the =.. CWe )eel 0hinese music and arts

)irst pu$lished in .an <rancisco in 15/1 to chronicle cultural maturin" rapidly and that a 0hinese edition

$e ,ia$le C said Dimmy Dun" o) 9ne World 8u$lishin". :ollin" .tone licensed 4on" Eon"+$ased 9ne World to pu$lish the 0hinese+lan"ua"e edition. 7r Dun" said the ma"aAine to $e printed in simpli)ied 0hinese characters will sta)) and translations o) articles )rom the =. to the spirit o) the $rand C said Dun". 4e added that pop cultures mainland 0hina a mi( o) local content . CWe want to ma%e primarily $y Bei!in"+$ased that weBre )aith)ul

4on" Eon" and 'aiwan had more de,eloped 0hinese editions o) 0.2p* 15= 30 points

more important. CWe )eel 0hina o))ers "reater potential and we

want to $e there )rom the C said Dun" whose company also British car ma"aAine 'op Gear and "ad"et ma"aAine '&.

%. You are organising a wee&end awa' with a group of friends. You receive an email from a friend, !ouisa, as&ing whether her sister and niece can come too. Read the extract from !ouisa(s email and read the other information. )rite a repl' to !ouisa, answering her *uestions and giving reasons. +between 1, and 1- lines. You said you have places left for the weekend away and ! was wonderin" can #y sister co#e too$ ! think you #et her when you stayed with us. %he thin" is she has a three&year&old dau"hter 'addy and #y sister wants to (rin" her as well. )o you think it*s possi(le$ +ouisa

20 points

1F points )or "ranted

Answers: 1. 1 had an interest in 2.much more populated &.ta%e e(perience into consideration *.ine))ecti,e at stoppin" -."ained a su$stantial amount o) %nowled"e /.'a%in" up 0hinese 1.was o,ercome with )ear 3.in the $in without hesitation 5.mind "i,in" me a hand 1. importance 2. )unds &. competiti,e *. numerous -. ad,ancement /. )ormati,e 1. instincti,e 3. $ilin"ual 5. con,erse 1F. ease 11. ad,anta"eous

F.2 points G5H13 points


F.2p G11H22 points


1 to 2 which &. as *. was -. are /. will 1. has 3. contain 5. written 1F. edition 11. sure 12. while 1&. was 1*. start 1-. pu$lishes completin" the tas% in the ri"ht sort o) lan"ua"e .tructure o) the written para"raphsI lay out6 "ood ran"e o) "rammar and ,oca$ulary F.-p

F.2pG 1-H &F points F.-p 1Fp 2F points


1F points )or "ranted

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