Webuser Issue 337 - 2014 UK

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*Federation of Small usinesses, referenced by 1eremy hunt, Media keynote speech, 8 1une 20i0.

**Cetting up to speed: making superfast broadband a reality, hESTA policy briefng, 1anuary 2009. The speed to upload J0 photos is based on each photo
being2M(60Mtotal fle size}. 5times faster is basedonT lnfnity for business 0ptioniaverage customer speed(24hours} anduKaverage standard(A0SL} broadbandspeedfrom0fcombroadbandreport, May 20iJ. roadbandspeedcanbe affected
byanumber of things: howfar your business is fromthefbrecabinet as well as thewiringinyour building. hot all lines inanlnfnity-enabledareacansupport theservice. Tlnfnityfor business mayrequireaTlineor similar andafbrecompatiblerouter such
as the T usiness hubprovidedwithlnfnity. Terms andconditions apply. The speeds providedby T lnfnity for business are more consistent thanstandardbroadband, givingyouprioritisedtraffc withi6Mbassuredthroughput at 90of the internet busy
period. You`ll needtobeinrangeof aTwi-fhotspot, haveawireless deviceandregister for Twi-f. 0ur Fair useFolicyandterms andconditions apply. 99padayis basedonTlnfnityfor business 0ptionifor J0amonthwitha24monthMinimumFeriod.
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Call the number below, and feel free to ask any question
you like. we can talk you through the process and reassure
you on how simple it is to make the switch. And you can go
online to see the difference T lnfinity for business has made
to other companies. 0ver 60,000 businesses have already
switched. we look forward to talking to you and making a
difference to yours.
T Inf|n|ty for bus|ness
Mak|ng techno|ogy work for peop|e.
lt`s not just frustrating waiting for fles to download or web pages
to appear. lt`s ineffcient and expensive. lnfnity for business
is as much as 5 times faster than
average uK standard broadband.
lmaginethat for amoment. You`ll
be downloading a big i00M fle
in less than half a minute.
uploading J0 photos to your
website in under a minute. 'Time
is money`, as the cliche goes, and
you could be doing more with
your time.
kesearch shows that superfast broadband fuels innovation
in companies like yours
. Feople are using it to cut down on
travelling to meetings by using high quality video conferencing.
You can do it on your laptop, with no fancy equipment needed.
Andif youliketodoyour thinkingoutsidetheoffce, youwill have
free, unlimited access to
our network of over 5
million wi-fi hotspots.
lt means you and your
people can connect when
they`re in different places,
just as easily as you do
when you`re in the offce.
Simply, you work in a
better, more hexible way.
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You know that time of day when everything`s slower - you can`t
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with T lnfnity for business. lt understands that you need to get
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Ferhaps you think
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and running from J0
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easiest business decisions you`ll ever make.
There`s nowenough research to prove that those businesses with superfast fibre optic broadband find it transforms the way they work. lt makes
themfaster, more effcient, more innovative. The Covernment estimates that if uKbusinesses switch to fbre broadband, it will add an extra i8
billion to the economy
. And you can have your slice of that from 99p a day, with our T lnfinity for business. here are five good reasons why
your business could be better off with superfast fibre optic broadband.
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0800 J45 7958
Ce| ncre ||: |r car rew:|e||er | www.we|a:er.cc.a\lrew:|e||er
StrictIy confidentiaI
ack in th Nintis, l wasto
hours trying to s th 3D
surpris in Magic Ey
picturs (strograms, as thy'r
proprly callo). Put no mattr
how long l staro, th oarn things
nvr worko, making m l lik
l was missing somthing amazing.
ln a similar way, you can visit th
sam wbsits vry oay without
looking closly nough to uncovr
thir surpriss.
ln this issu's covr atur
(pag 42), w rval 55 o our
avourit scrt tools to nsur
you oon't miss anything amazing
onlin. Thr ar hioon gams,
hanoy shortcuts ano xprimntal
aturs, as wll as un stu lik a
moonwalking /noroio logo.
Somtims, th rason you can't
s somthing is bcaus it isn't
availabl in th UK. On pag 54,
w rouno up th bst prooucts
ano srvics you can't
gt yt, ano proict
whn thy'll gt hr.
Robert lrvine
|! !K| |k|| W|K
\|k 8|W\||!!|k
Cc |c www.we|a:er.cc.a\lrew:|e||er
AveraQe saIes, Jan-Dec 2D12,
28,495 copies per issue
lSSU 337 29 J/NU/RY 2C4 ON TH OVR
W LlK...
ScaIextric gets a mobiIe
Th orthcoming
Scalxtric Rac Control Systm lts
you rac cars using your phon or
tablt as a Plutooth controllr.
GoogIe Now on your P
Googl's voic ano
sarch app, Googl
Now, has mao th
mov rom mobil to osktop.
lt's availabl via Chrom Flags on
Chrom Canary (bit.ly/canary337).
W ONT LlK...
HT One X wont get ndroid
Mobil makr HTC has
pullo th plug on its
popular HTC On X phon,
conirming that it won't b upoato
byono /noroio 4.2.2 Jlly Pan.
Spamming fridges
Mor than 75C,CCC spam mails
wr snt rom smart appliancs
incluoing riogs ano TVs
in |ust two wks in
Dcmbr, accoroing to
US scurity xprts.

How to turn your phon into a

rtro Casio scintiic calculator
paQe 34

How to nlarg photos ano

vioos to ill your whol browsr
paQe 36

How to hack wb aoorss to gt

arouno gographical rstrictions
paQe 5D

How to run /noroio gams ano

apps on a Vinoows PC paQe 53

How to st Chrom to always

opn spciic sits in incognito
moo paQe 6D

r P

Prduct Test
G PC TunUp 2C4
Best Pree Sftwre
This ortnight's top r sotwar oownloaos
Best New Add-s
Th C most usul tools or your browsr
Get Widws tIs Adrid...
... ano /noroio tools in Vinoows
US tech stuff yu ct get i the UK
Eight tools ano gaogts w oon't yt hav
lSSUE 7 29 J/NU/RY 2C4
|r|||| ||iie r|c\: |cr
cr |cr|e e|:|e:
EssetiI MstercIss
Best New Websites
Th ortnight's bst nw ano rlauncho sits
Best Pree Apps
Our top nw smartphon ano tablt apps
Tp Secret website tips
55 hioon gms in your avourit wbsits
Hck websites t d cIever thigs
C URL twaks to sav you tim ano hassl

kcce:: || cr ||e: :crei c

ie|ce: i | |e c|ci
I||j: e |ere
J:e kirc|i i W|ic: cc|:
c |c| ::en:
a||: (|e 'a
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Ce| ncre ||: |r car rew:|e||er | www.we|a:er.cc.a\lrew:|e||er

uct Test
Ey-Fi Mobi
4 Group Test
Four multiunction ink|t
printrs, tsto ano rviwo
58 Workshop 1
Crat your own Vinoows 8 app
S0 Workshop 2
lncognito Filtr
S1 Workshop 3
Picasa /uto Pack-Up
S2 Readers Tips
Th bst tips rom our raors
S4 Readers HeIpdesk
/nswrs rom our raor orums
SS Ask the Experts
Solutions rom our tchnical tam
S8 Advanced Tips
Googl Shts
70 Weekend Project
Upoat olo harowar with nw
sotwar ano orivrs
8 Need to Know
10 Whats New OnIine
15 Kate RusseIIs Web CaIendar
1S Keep Your PC Sae
18 BuiId a Better Site
2S Web Users Best Buys
37 lnbox
38 Crossword
40 lnstant Expert
Th CES 2C4 tchnology show
S9 Broadband DeaIs
74 Save Money OnIine
J:e |rcjec| \|er |c
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|a|||-|r W|-||

aQes of orkshops, tips,

pro|ects and probIem soIvinQ
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e| ncre rc||c| ir|ce | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

hance ae o eonaI content

is stored across nmeros deices
and cIod serices, ith some
fiIes and photos dpIicated on home and
ork compters, smartphone and tabIet,
as eII as Facebook and GooQIe rie.
Yonited, from Finnish secrit
compan F-Secre, Qathers aII or
photos, msic, ideos and more so o
can ie, orQanise and share from one
secre pIace. nd FinIand's priac Ias
mean there's Iess chance of someone
snoopinQ on or fiIes (bit.I/pri337).
The serice is crrentI inite onI, bt
if o resere a spot, o shoId receie
IoQin detaiIs prett qickI.


Us th siobar to iltr uploaoo

Lik Dropbox, Younito
crats a synco olor on your PC.
Contnt you aoo to it will b uploaoo
automatically. Prows ano sync th itms
by clicking th Younito button.
gt CGP o r spac ano can upgrao
to a paio-or account i you no mor.

Onc you'v rcivo an invit, you

can oownloao th Younito app using
your mail aoorss ano th passworo
provioo. Thr ar apps or Vinoows,
Mac, iOS, /noroio, Vinoows Phon 8 ano
th wb. lnstall th sotwar, log in ano
ntr a nw passworo. /oo your ovic
- you can chang its nam i ruiro.

Click Lt's Start. /oo contnt storo

on your computr by oragging ano
oropping it onto th main winoow.
You can also click th '/oo stu' button
ano brows or itms to uploao.
Thumbnails o ils you aoo ar

Th transr inormation
appars at th bottom.

Click a photo to viw it.

You can
avourit it,
shar it via mail,
Facbook ano Twittr,

or grab th wb
link. You can also olt

or oownloao

Hovr your mous ovr th imag to
opn it, go ull scrn, start a slioshow
ano viw inormation.
You can also
|ump back ano orth
btwn itms.
Younito gathrs contnt rom all your ovics
ano clouo srvics, so you can accss your ils
scurly rom anywhr

Slct a song or vioo ano start

straming it by clicking th Play
button. / control bar
appars at th
bottom o th scrn ano you can us
this to paus playback, |ump to anothr
part ano control th volum.
Th clouo

lts you cycl through all th
itms that you'v aooo.




e ncre |: |r cr rew:eer www.we:er.c.\lrew:eer

lnstall th Younito app on anothr

ovic, such as a phon or tablt,
ano log in using th sam usrnam ano
passworo. lt will appar unor Sourcs.
You can choos xactly what contnt
ano inormation to shar, incluoing
photos, vioos ano contacts. Slct th
nw ovic to brows ils aooo rom it.

To gt th most out o Younito,

connct your xisting clouo srvics.
Click /oo Clouo
ano slct a srvic to
aoo. /t th momnt, you can only
choos Facbook ano Googl Picasa, but
othr srvics ar on thir way. To aoo
Facbook, slct that option ano log in
with your crontials.

Click Sourcs
to s th placs
you'v aooo so ar. l you no longr
want to hav on o your srvics or
ovics conncto, click th button or
that option,
thn click Rmov Sourc.

Sourcs hav to b rmovo

inoivioually - you can't olt svral at
th sam tim.
Iick thi buttn t hide
ete the Ieft-hand ideba.
Hidin it wiII dipIay an exta
cIumn f thumbnaiI
wnIad the mbiIe app
hee, view quaantined item
Yunited ha deemed unafe,
and check hw much fee
pace yu have emainin
!f yu have a It f cntent
ynced cnnected, yu
can t the eIectin by
name, date ceated, date
mdified ize
Switch between the tandad
maII thumbnaiI, Iae
thumbnaiI and Iit view

op news stories and how they affect you

Obama's NS reforms
faiI o sop surveiIIance
What happened7
US Prsiont Parack Obama announco
minor changs to how th National
Scurity /gncy (NS/) will collct oata
on its own citizns, but h oion't put an
no to bulk collction o inormation.
Th spch rom Obama was th US
gornmnt's ormal rspons to th
rlations about th NS/ rom
whistlblowr Eowaro Snowon.
ln his spch, which you can watch
on Th Vhit Hous Plog (bit.ly/
obama337) Obama saio th gornmnt
will no longr stor inormation about
phon calls mao by /mricans.
Howr, h oion't mak clar who will
holo onto this oata, suggsting that it
coulo b tlcoms irms thmsls.
Rgaroing th collction o oata rom
orign nationals - as in, th rst o th
worlo - Obama saio that th NS/ woulo
no longr spy on laors o allio
gornmnts ano woulo proio bttr
protction o th oata it
collcts about
/lthough Obama oion't
promis to stop th NS/
collcting any o th oata
bing obato, h saio that
th gornmnt will run a
riw looking at th issus.
His spch cam on th sam oay as
th latst rlation rom Snowon's
lako oocumnts, which showo th
NS/ collcts 2CC million txt mssags
a oay - incluoing som snt by Pritons.
Th Dishir surillanc programm
rportoly gathrs txt mssags at
ranoom ano shars th oata with othr
spis, incluoing thos working or th
UK. Howr, an NS/ spoksprson
onio this, saying th agncy only
collcts SMS oata on alio targts.
Othr rports suggsto that th NS/
incto CC,CCC PCs arouno th worlo
in oror to watch actiity on thm. Vhil
most computrs wr hacko ia
stanoaro ntworks such as th intrnt,
th NS/ also uso raoio was to accss
unconncto machins. Targts
allgoly incluo th Chins ano
Russian military, ano EU trao boois.
How wiII it affect you7
Gin th constant stram o spying
rlations, it's haro not to assum that
ryon's PC ano mobil phon is
bing snoopo on in som way. That's
th ling Obama was probably trying
to assuag with his spch, but h's
promiso littl ral chang, spcially
or thos o us who arn't US citizns.
Vhil Daio Camron has th US
prsiont's assurancs
that NS/ spis won't
targt his
communications, arag
Pritons oon't ha that
guarant. Frankly, thr's
littl w can oo about it.
Thr's no way o knowing i
your txt mssags ha bn
nabbo by th NS/ ouring its oaily
trawls, though it's unlikly arag
inoiiouals will ha hao thir PCs
hacko. Howr, gin th scal o th
NS/'s oigital orts, it's incrasingly
oiicult not to b a littl paranoio.
What do we think7
Obama may ha bn ooomo rom
th start on this on: i h promiso
signiicant changs, th NS/ ano its
supportrs woulo b angry, but i h
outlino minor impromnts, our
concrns about priacy woulo rmain.
Py acknowloging that changs no
to happn, ano promising an in-opth
riw, Obama lost on both accounts.
Som s his spch as an aomission
that th NS/ orstppo th mark, ano
say it suggsts h's not as concrno
about scurity as h nos to b. Othrs
s it as a PR mo, osigno to oo
nothing about th NS/'s actiitis, whil
apparing to tak action.
l nothing ls, Obama's spch ano
th NS/ riw gi cronc to th
claims o Eowaro Snowon, bcaus
this obat woulon't ha happno
without th oocumnts h lako -
but whthr it laos to any ral chang
rmains to b sn. Eithr way, w
xpct this issu to run ano run.

||:ca:: we| rew: | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

What happened7
Mcrosot s st to no
support or Vnoows XP n
/prl, ano has so ar
rssto calls to kp
rlasng upoats ano
scurty patchs or th
3-yar-olo opratng
systm, ospt th act
that hunoros o mllons o
popl stll us t. Howvr,
th company has mao
on slght U-turn, sayng t
wll ssu upoats to ts
own ant-vrus sotwar or
XP or an xtra yar.
Mcrosot Scurty
Essntals on XP PCs wll
now rcv upoats untl
July 2, but th sotwar
gant warno that ths
won't kp usrs sa,
sayng th ctvnss o
ant-malwar solutons on
out-o-support opratng
systms s lmto. That
mans that anyon stll on
XP shoulo upgrao to
Vnoows 7 or 8, or vn
a r opn-sourc OS
such as Ubuntu, bor
/prl to avoo th loomng
scurty rsk.
Vth all ths concrns
about XP, Mcrosot wll
unooubtoly to b kn to
sht th ocus to ts currnt
ano utur opratng
systms, wth otals o th
nxt vrson o Vnoows
ou to b conrmo n
/prl. Rumours suggst t
wll b callo Vnoows 9 -
no surprs gvn t ollows
on rom Vnoows 7 ano 8
- ano wll arrv n 2.
Th sam rports say that
Vnoows 9 wll aoorss
complants wth th latst
OS, 8., makng th
opratng systm
asr to us on
osktop PCs
whl kpng th
nw touch-
ocuso Start
scrn or tablts.
Mirosoft extends
XP seurity
How wiII it affect
l you'r stll usng
Vnoows XP, th xtnoo
support or Scurty
Essntals mght b
wlcom nws, but othr
scurty compans hav
also xtnoo support, so
t wasn't as though you'o
b lt ntrly wthout
ant-vrus protcton. /lso,
t rass th prospct that
Mcrosot mght chang ts
mno about nong support
or XP n /prl, but you
shoulon't opno on that.
l you'v bn holong
o swtchng to Vnoows 8
bcaus o complants
about how ocult t s to
us, th nws that
Vnoows 9 wll aoorss
ths problms may
prsuao you that t's
worth watng or.
What do we think7
/lthough Mcrosot has
takn a small stp to hlp
XP usrs, ths rmans a
ocult stuaton. Th
company has to prsuao
usrs to upgrao rom XP,
but t must no a way to oo
that wthout lavng
mllons at rsk.
Hopully, ths /prl wll
s a bttr soluton than
mrly allowng ant-vrus
sotwar to b upoato,
but th act s that XP
usrs ar runnng
on borrowo
tm. l you'r stll
usng XP, or know
somon who s,
t's tm to
What happened7
US rgulators hav orco
/ppl to runo any
customr whos chlo
mao an n-app purchas
wthout thr consnt, a
mov that wll cost th
company a mnmum o
$32. mllon (about 9.8
mllon). /ppl has runtly
bn crtcso bcaus ts
/pp Stor allows purchass
to b mao or mnuts
atr a passworo has bn
ntro, gvng chlorn
plnty o tm to rack up
hty blls.
How wiII it affect you7
l you'r on o th tns o
thousanos who has bn
acto, accorong to th US
Foral Trao Commsson,
you coulo b oro a
runo - ano that's n
aooton to a $ gt caro
/ppl gav parnts o
ppIe toId to refund
in-app purhases
spno-happy chlorn last
yar. /lso, /ppl must now
gt normo consnt o
any purchass rom th
account holor.
What do we think7
V'r plaso to s ths
topc n th spotlght:
chlorn lov tablts ano
smartphons, ano many
parnts lt thr kos us thr
ovcs wthout ralsng th
potntal or a bg bll. /n
ncrasng numbr o r
gams now or pao-or
xtra contnt, so t's vtal
kp an y on your app-
happy youngstrs.
What happened7
Googl raso ybrows by
ntgratng Gmal ano ts
socal ntwork Googl+, so
that anyon can mal you,
vn you oon't know
thm. Your Gmal aoorss
won't b mao publc, but
strangrs can ctvly
mal your nam. To
aoorss spammng ano
prvacy concrns, Googl
sao you'll only s th rst
mal rom a snor, ano
any ollow-up mssags
wll b blocko you oon't
acknowlog thr ntal
mssag. Famous usrs
wll hav such mals
blocko by oault.
How wiII it affect
l you us Googl+, anyon
who aoos you to a crcl
GooQIe Iets stranQers
send you emaiIs
wll b
abl to
sno a
- but only
- orctly to your Gmal
nbox. You may not us
Googl+ rgularly, but
you'r a an o Googl's
srvcs, you may hav an
account wthout vn
ralsng t.
What do we think7
V can't s who bnts,
rom ths, othr than
potntal spammrs. l
somon wants to gt n
touch, thy can lav a
mssag va Googl+. V'o
aovs optng out o ths
Gmal atur by changng
th 'Emal va Googl+'
sttng to 'No-on'.
briIIiant thinQs to do on the eb this fortniQht

sason, th PPC has launcho
25 intractiv guios xploring
various issus that rmain hotly
obato tooay, such as th us o
propaganoa ano whthr potry has
oistorto our viw o th connict.
Th guios, which contain
vioo ano auoio contnt,
hav bn compilo by PPC
prsntrs ano xprts,
incluoing Dan Snow, Kat /oi
ano Michal Portillo. Rao th
PPC's Moia Pack or mor
inormation on how it plans to
covr th cntnary o Vorlo
Var On on TV, raoio ano
onlin: bit.ly/war337.
You can also rao oiaris
rom Pritish soloirs writtn
ouring Vorlo Var On on th
You can now watch ilms ano TV
programms you'v bought or rnto
rom Googl Play on an iPao, which will
suit thos popl who hav rcntly
movo rom an /noroio to an iOS
ovic. Thr is a catch, though -
you can't actually buy anything
through th app bcaus that woulo
giv /ppl a cut, which woulon't
plas Googl!
Facbook's nw
Trnoing tool,
which is launching
ovr th nxt w
wks, highlights
th most oiscusso currnt topics on th sit,
prsonaliso to your intrsts. So, or xampl,
i you'r a an o , ano lots o your rinos ar
talking about it, you'll s this inoicato by a blu
'trnoing' arrow ano a haolin xplaining why that topic
is popular. Clicking a topic taks you through to th most
popular posts about it.
This rainbo-coIoured chart is GooQIe's visuaIisation of
the past 64 ears of pop music. !t spans Qenres from
eas IisteninQ to metaI, trackinQ their popuIarit over the
ears. CIick an aIbum cover to Qo to its paQe on GooQIe
PIa Music, here ou can bu tracks.
BBC Nes is triaIIinQ a
service on !nstaQram caIIed
!nstafa, hich shos
15-second videos that round
up the da's nes. !t iII run
untiI 15 Februar, hen the
BBC iII decide if it's
popuIar enouQh to continue.
National /rchivs wbsit (bit.ly/
oiaris337). /bout .5 million oiary
pags hav bn oigitiso, o
which arouno 3CC,CCC ar now
onlin. Th rmaining pags will
ollow latr this yar.
C' WoId Wa One gide
Uee GoogIe PIay
Moviee 8TVon iOS
See what'e 'trending' on
oogIe' Pop Mic TimeIine
Wach C lnafa on
||:ca:: we| rew: | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

Spotify has Iifted the
streaminQ Iimit for its
free service, previousIy
restricted to six months'
unIimited IisteninQ, then
2.5 hours a week. You'II
have to Iisten to adverts
between sonQs, thouQh.
To ceIebrate the
Iaunch of its iOS
app, Box is QivinQ
new users 5DGB of free onIine
storaQe. To take advantaQe of the
offer, which runs untiI 15 February,
you'II need to instaII the iOS app
onto your AppIe device, which
needs to run iOS 6 or Iater. Make
sure you cIick the confirmation Iink
in the emaiI that arrives. !f you
aIready have a Box account, it wiII
be topped up to 5DGB.
The Iatest Windows rumours and
Qossip from bIoQQer PauI Thurrott
Photos of faces 'seen' in buiIdinQs,
fruit, cIouds and other ob|ects
DeaIs, competitions, offers and
money-savinQ codes from Tesco
The Qovernment's new campaiQn
encouraQinQ peopIe to stay safe
Tips and heIp on how to use Avast's
security software, pIus answers to
Th nw vrsion o th VLC app or iOS
syncs your ils with Dropbox ano
Googl Driv. lt also supports multi-
touch gsturs, which
lt you paus a vioo
by tapping with two
ingrs, ano mov
through it by swiping
Googl has rlaso a map showing
satllit imags that wr upoato in
Dcmbr, inoicato by th ro
markings. Thr ar hunoros o
locations worlowio, incluoing aras
o th UK along th south coast, th
wst miolanos ano north ast. Can
you s your hous?
Vimeo has improved its video
pIayer to make videos Ioad "twice
as fast" (so it cIaims), both on the
website and embedded eIsewhere.
You can read about other tweaks
on the Vimeo bIoQ: bit.Iy/vimeo337.
SteamunIimite mueic on Spotif
Gt 0G r
Snc VCith
See updated GoogIe
Mape imagee
Use faster Vimeo
video pIayer
ix months atr it wnt on sal in
th US, Motorola's high-no
/noroio 4.4 (KitKat) smartphon
has arrivo in th UK. Th succss o
th chapr Moto G hasn't put th
Googl-owno Motorola into pront,
so thr's a lot rioing on th Moto X.
Th phon's 72Cp oisplay, oual-cor
.7 GHz procssor, 2,2CC m/h battry
ano CMP camra all short o similarly-
prico rivals, but harowar is only as
gooo as th sotwar that runs on it,
ano th Moto X is packo with smart,
usabl aturs osigno or vryoay
usrs rathr than harowar gks.
Th most notabl atur is Googl
Now voic activation. Say OK Googl
Now, ask a ustion such as what
tim is it? or whr am l?, ano it will
answr out louo.
You can sarch,
call, txt, play
music ano oprat
apps this way, too.
lt's spcially
usul i th phon
is in your pockt,
bcaus thr's no
no to stop in th
strt, nno ano
unlock your phon,
opn an app ano
nool with th
kypao. Vhn you tak your phon
out o your pockt or bag, a 'pk'
notincation button appars on scrn.
Vhn you put your phon back, it
locks automatically.
Pattry li is suprb. lt's aovrtiso
as 'all oay' but it's mor lik 'all oays',
thanks to two lowr-powro co-
procssors that support always-on
unctions, incluoing voic, notincations
ano a camra app that opns whn
you shak th phon.
/t 38C, th Moto X is xpnsiv,
but its aturs ano prormanc mak
it asy to rcommno. Vhthr it
savs Motorola rmains to b sn,
spcially sinc Fbruary isn't a grat
tim to launch a ovic ano th 35
Moto G is much bttr valu or mony.
MotoroIa Moto X

by Robert lrvine

it w wr initially alarmo to rao th NHS blooo-

oonation sit is now sl srvic. Put rathr than ooing your
own nolwork, this mans you can now mak ano chang
appointmnts, upoat your contact otails ano viw your
oonation history onlin. Th nw-look Plooo.co.uk tlls you
vrything you no to know about giving th ro stu, rom
th currnt stock lvls o oirnt blooo typs to otails o
who can ano can't oonat. Thr ar clar xplanations o
how to prpar or a sssion, what happns ano whr your
blooo gos atrwaros. l you no convincing, thr ar
moving storis rom oonors ano rcipints whos livs hav
bn savo, as wll as intrsting inormation about blooo,
such as a timlin showing th history o transusions. Most
importantly, you can uickly ino a oonation sssion in your
ara. Ovrall, it's a blooo-y brilliant rsourc!
/tr mor than a yar in privat bta,
this music-straming srvic is now
opn to vryon. lt lts you aoo songs
rom various onlin sourcs, incluoing
YouTub, SounoClouo ano Dzr, to
play whnvr you want, simply by
clicking a button on your browsr's
toolbar. You can also subscrib to othr
usrs with similar tasts, so tracks thy
aoo appar in your main stram. That's
all thr is to it, rally, asio rom th
usual social options or sharing,
commnting ano liking. lt's slick, vry
asy to us ano an xcllnt way to
crat an nolss playlist.
FilHippo has long bn on o our avourit sourcs o r sotwar, ano w lov
it vn mor now its oato osign has bn givn a rsh, moorn look with a nw
hippo logo. Th clanr layout givs th contnt room to brath, spcially th
hompag which uso to b ovrcrowoo with programs. Clar catgoris ano an
improvo sarch acility mak inoing sotwar a brz, ano w lov th biggr
grn oownloao button that tlls you prcisly whr to click. Frunt usrs o
FilHippo will b plaso that all thir avourit aturs ar still hr, incluoing th
invaluabl Upoat Chckr, but in a smartr ano spoir intrac.

review this fortniQht's best new and reIaunched websites
Lacks som
unctionality. Hav a look i
th sub|ct intrsts you

looks at hunoros o
wbsits, but only thos w awaro
thr stars or highr appar in Pst
Nw Vbsits
Suprb. lmpossibl to ault in
trms o osign, contnt ano
aturs. Pookmark it now!
Vry gooo. Combins a smart
osign with appaling contnt.
Dinitly worth a visit

Internet Iive State
This spin-o rom Vorloomtrs (www
.worloomtrs.ino), which apparo in
our 'Vatch th worlo in ral tim'
atur in lssu 328 (bit.ly/wbusr328),
is ull o ascinating acts or gks. You
can viw constantly upoato statistics
about th numbr o global intrnt
usrs, wbsits, mails snt, Googl
sarchs, smartphons ano tablts solo
tooay, ano much mor. Click th Vatch
tab to s ths igurs oisplayo
visually or 'Trnos ano mor' or a
urthr brakoown o th oata, incluoing
wb usrs by yar, rgion ano country.
lt sounos ory, but it's oooly ascinating.
l you'r moving to a nw ara, or |ust
want to know mor about your currnt
nighbourhooo, StrtChck has
inormation about narly two million
postcoos across th UK. Sarch or a
postcoo or strt to viw otails o
housing typs, ag ano thnic groups,
mploymnt, halth ano mor. Th
statistics ar takn rom th 2C Cnsus
ano prsnto without analysis,
although this is apparntly coming soon.
ln th mantim, |ust n|oy having so
much usul, national oata at your
ingrtips, complt with pi charts ano
graphs that mak it asy to unorstano.
Pat th soaring cost o air travl by
inoing th bst oals through this
comparison srvic. You can sarch or
singl ano rturn lights, spciy your
prrro airlin upront (or viw all)
ano iltr th rsults by numbr o stops,
opartur tim ano |ourny ouration.
Comparanoly.com is rasonably ast
ano w lik that all prics incluo taxs,
but w ouno that it oion't sarch as
many travl oprators as rival srvics,
ano that light ourations wr
occasionally wrong. Still, th ostination
guios ar worth raoing ano you can
also book hotls through th sit.

Ie|| a: |ca| {car we|:||e r| we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\


|ob o promoting its
bautiul biks. V lov th way ach
mool introoucs itsl - Hi, l'm grn
ano singl - ano that you can osign
your oram rio by choosing oirnt-
colouro whls ano accssoris. Prouo
ownrs can shar photos ano vioos in
th gallry, ano thr's a hanoy sction
xplaining th hows, whys, oos ano
oon'ts o ixo cycling. Th biks cost
29C, with r olivry in th UK, ano
ar snt boxo or sl-assmbly.
Crisp munchrs o th worlo r|oic:
Valkrs has brought back its 'Do us a
Flavour' comptition, prviously won by
a varity callo Puilor's Prakast,
which tasto as oisgusting as it sounos.
This tim, to avoio suggstions that ar
too silly, th sit provios a choic o
ingroints to us as a bas. Crat ano
nam your varity onlin, uploao a
suitabl photo (which may b asking or
troubl) ano submit your ntry. Entr as
many lavours as you lik to win
million i yours is th most popular (six
inalists will go on sal). You can also
brows a gallry o ntris, which
currntly incluo 'Pacon sunoa'. Yum!
Take Me to SuffoIk
This sit rom Visit Suolk (www.visitsuolk.com) promots th walth o things to
s ano oo in th county. lt's baso arouno a larg map that's covro with markrs
or oirnt activitis ano amnitis, such as cultur, travl ano amily un. Click a
markr or mor inormation, incluoing a link to a rlvant wbsit, ano to aoo it
your prsonal itinrary or Pintrst boaro, or |ust click 'Tak m somwhr lovly'
or a ranoom slction. Th sit's vibrant, intractiv osign oos a grat |ob o
convying all that Suolk has to or, rom Nwmarkt raccours to th Lost
Villag o Dunwich, as wll as hlping you ino placs to at, orink ano stay.
Trading Timee
This sit aims to hlp th ovr-5Cs,
amily carrs ano singl parnts ino
part-tim work by matching thm with
local businsss. Crat a r proil
containing otails o your skills,
availability, location ano th typ o |obs
you'r intrsto in, ano Traoing Tims
will match you with suitabl mployrs.
Th lattr can't s nams ano contact
otails until thy pay a on-o o
35, atr which thy can intrviw ano
hir canoioats. lt's a grat ioa ano th
aovic orum ano succss storis mak
th sit mor than |ust a |obs boaro. l
you'v got tim to spar ano xprinc
to shar, it's oinitly worth a look.
l our 'Futur o th Vb' atur in
lssu 334 (bit.ly/wbusr334) inspiro
you to larn mor about th lntrnt o
Things, this sit shoulo prov
intrsting. lt lts you xplor
conncto ovics across th worlo by
browsing a global map, which aturs
colour-cooo circls to inoicat
oirnt catgoris o innovation. Ths
incluo nvironmnt, halth ano
transport, ano you can click a circl to
oiscuss th ovic on Twittr. Thingul is
airly basic, ano it annoyingly rsts
ach tim you lav th map, but you
can't hlp bing imprsso by th shr
numbr o 'things' araoy onlin.

Ie|| a: |ca| {car we|:||e r| we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\

Sllin your potos onlin can involv a lot o patinc ano not muc proit, but
Picair's opn markt or imas ops to can tat, by lttin potoraprs
kp pr cnt o t mony paio or tir snaps. Uploao a poto, nam your
pric (you can can tis at any tim) ano ta it wit rlvant kyworos - a
watrmark is aooo automatically. / buyr or a ull-siz ima must pay your
plus 2-pr-cnt commission to Picair or a sinl us. V lov t sit's simpl
systm ano on-siz-its-all licnc, ano tat you rtain copyrit to your work.
Som prics sm a littl ovr-optimistic, but Picair itsl is antastic.
|ei ncre :||e rer|ew: | www.we|a:er.cc.a\lwe|:||e:

T vooka brano's supr-stylis sit
combins asion, music ano art
wit ino about its orinks.
IeIee of SciII TraeI
Pook a trip to t Scilly lsls by
passnr rry or Skybus plan at
tis tastully rvampo sit.
HeaIth Bingo
Tis bino sit rom t Halt
Lottry ors 75- ano 9-ball
ams, ano onlin slot macins.
T |wllr as rosino its
wbsit to mak it work mor
smootly on tablts ano pons.
IocaI Darkroom
Tis sit lps potoraprs ino a
public or privat oarkroom in wic
to ovlop tir prints.
On 3 January, it will b 32 yars
sinc t irst computr virus was
ouno in t wilo. T Elk Clonr
virus was crato by a 5-yar-olo
boy as a |ok ano oio notin mor
malicious tan oisplay a pom
instao o launcin
a am. Moorn
scurity sotwar
catcs most viruss
in circulation tooay,
but it's always usul
to av a scono opinion. T r
onlin srvic VirusTotal is a rat
way to cck suspicious links ano
ils bor opnin tm, ano it can
also iontiy 'als positivs', wic
occur wn an ovr-cautious scurity
tool aoviss you not to visit a wbsit
tat's prctly sa.
You mit s ro on 7 Fbruary, but
oon't worry, it's probably |ust popl
orssin up in support o t Pritis
Hart Founoation's 'Ramp up t Ro'
oay. l you want to |oin in t un ano
lp rais mony or t carity, cck
out t sustions on tir wbsit.
Prtty muc anytin os, rom
oonnin ro lipstick to suzin into a
ro spanox morp suit (as lon as you
can t away wit it at work). Hart
ano circulatory oisass caus mor
tan a uartr o all oats in t UK,
so vry pouno
raiso maks a
oirnc, ano
coulo wll o
towaro lpin
somon you
Sar lntrnt Day is
r aain on
Fbruary ano tis
yar involvs mor
liv broaocast
activitis, wit an
it-our onlin TV
maraton stramo btwn miooay
ano 8pm. Tr will b sparat
ours ooicato to tacrs, parnts,
tooolrs, tns ano vryon
in-btwn, so cck out t
scoul on t SlDtv wbsit
T proramms will incluo a panl
oiscussion tat aturs policy ano
saty manars rom Facbook,
Twittr ano Xbox answrin onlin-
saty ustions poso by youn
popl ano tir parnts.
Kate RusseII's top websites and apps for the next 14 days
Kate presents Webscape for BBC CIick and bIoQs at workinQthecIoud.biz
|arQon-free info

|n|| a: {car :ecar||{ ae:||cr: | we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\

niially oscribo as biggr ano manr than CryptoLockr, Prison Lockr hit
th tch haolins atr a post in an unorgrouno orum sought hlp in
ovloping a il-ncrypto-ransomwar cration kit, which hackrs coulo gt or
|ust $CC (about 6). Howvr, scurity irm /linVault Labs oismisso th scar
storis as hyp, bcaus thr hav bn no rporto sightings o Prison
Lockr, although it concoo that th pro|ct may b in ovlopmnt. To
protct your PC against ransomwar, mak sur you rgularly back up your ils.
CryptoLocker, are
we IikeIy to see more
ransomware in 20147
CaroIine GiIbert, via emaiI
V'v alraoy sn
som attmpts at nw
ransomwar amilis
in arly 2C4. So ar, thy hav
bn poor imitators whn
comparo to CryptoLockr,
but vn ths cruo attmpts
will b larno rom. l strongly
suspct that thr will b ransomwar
that spciically targts photos, ano
bass th ransom amount on th
uality o th imags. High-rsolution
picturs (which ar vionc o an
SLR-camra nthusiast) will commano
a highr ransom.
Th only thing that has limito
ransomwar schms until now is
paymnt. Th oiicultis in making a
customr transaction has limito
past ransomwar to using th sam
mthoos, so on ransom pric applis
to all victims. Put it is bcoming much
asir to procss paymnts, ano this
will opn th ooor or nw ano
incrasingly clvr schms.
How much privacy
can you epect when
using a free onIine-
storage service7
John PIaskett, via emaiI
Your ustions answro by scurity spcialists.
This issue's epert: Sean SuIIivan, Securit
dvisor, F-Secure Labs (.f-secure.com)

Warning over Java
security hoIes
Oracl rlaso a whopping bunol
o critical ixs or Java on 4
January, again prompting scurity
prossionals to warn that it's too
risky to hav on your computr.
Oracl's uartrly Patch Tusoay
upoat covrs 44 oirnt
vulnrabilitis, incluoing 36 in Java.
/ll but two o th Java laws ar
rmotly xploitabl without
authntication, so a hackr can us
thm to brak into your systm
without a usrnam or passworo.
S th ull list o upoats at bit.ly/
oracl337. l you hav Java installo,
switch it o or apply th upoat
immoiatly. Consior whthr you
no Java nablo in your browsr,
scurity xprt Graham Cluly saio.
Windows hoIes patched
Microsot has rlaso our patchs
or prooucts incluoing Voro,
Vinoows 7 ano XP. /ll th patchs
ar rato as important rathr than
critical. Vulnrabilitis covro by th
upoat incluo krnl-lvl bugs in
XP ano 7, ano rmot-coo xcution
laws in Voro. Th rlas ollows
Microsot's partial u-turn on XP,
which will still rciv anti-malwar
support atr /pril (s pag 9).
Adobe fixes PIash and AlR
/oob has urgo installation o
critical upoats to Flash Playr ano
Raor sotwar ollowing th
oiscovry o rmot-coo xcution
laws, non o which has bn sn
to b xploito in th wilo. lt's also
rlaso schoulo upoats or
/oob /lR on Vinoows ano /noroio,
ano /crobat or Vinoows. Gt th
upoats via th sotwar upoatr or
rom bit.ly/aooboownloaos337.

Vry w srvics ar truly
r - most ar 'rmium',
which mans you still hav to
to pay or crtain aturs. Th r
vrsion o a srvic shoulo b at last
as scur as th paio-or
option, bcaus it oosn't
mak sns to hav
sparat sotwar
nginr or ach.
Th privacy aspcts o a
r srvic opno on
th provior. Dos it
ocus mor on businsss
or consumrs? Dos it hav a history
o srvic, or is th provior a start-
up? Vhr is th srvic locato?
Ths ar all gooo ustions to
consior whn making your choic.
Tak Googl Driv as an xampl:
lik Gmail, th r srvic is
unorwrittn by oata analytics. This
mans that no inoiviouals ar going
through your ils, but th systm
itsl is, looking or pattrns ano
bhaviour to larn rom. /no, in that
contxt, th inormation can bnit
Googl's aovrtising businss. l you
consior this to b a air trao-o, all
wll ano gooo. Put i you'o rathr not
hav analytics proouco rom your
ils, consior a oirnt srvic.
P awar, howvr, that vn th
most privacy-conscious srvic will
prorm a basic analysis o il typs
in oror to provio bttr uality o
srvic or all its customrs.

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ciaIist tips, top tooIs and practicaI heIp
MINI WORKSHOP heck or ebie' erch eie rki
kre: rkre.co i Xi8+
n|| a: {car we|:||e |a||i|rj ae:||cr: | we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\
Yo on an y poonal p.
This issue: Mark Esho, ManaQinQ irector of Free
VirtuaI Servers (www.freevirtuaIservers.com)

'e her h o
ho' bih or
ei re o
ebie. What's the best
aIternatie that stiII Iets
eoIe get in toch7
Pritesh Mistr, ia emaiI

Yo an yo mal
a y plan
ymol aal o. o
p.om ol om
pa]wbsit[ot]om. This
maks it lss likly to b pik up by
bots or spam rawlrs but it an still
b ra an unrstoo by humans.
/ltrnativly i you own th wbsit
an know som oing you an
rat a ontat orm with C/PTCH/
thnology to authntiat ral usrs.
This lts popl gt in touh without
vn knowing your mail arss.

l can do HTM and

CSS, bt ant to
create sites that are
more interactie. Ho do l
achiee this7
Greg HaII, ia emaiI

Sripting languags ar an
ssntial part o an intrativ
wbsit. Morn ynami
wbsits ommonly us both srvr-
an lint-si sripting languags
otn in on|untion with on anothr.
/n mail ontat orm is a prt
xampl o a srvr-si intration.
Thr ar hunrs o onlin tutorials
to gt you start. P sur to slt a
languag that suits your ns an
srvr nvironmnt. / popular hoi
or srvrs running Linux is PHP or
/SP or Mirosot.
JavaSript is th hosn languag
or most lint-si intrations suh
as aing valiation to a ontat orm
to stop usrs sning inaurat or
inomplt ata. Th way vloprs
us JavaSript has bn transorm
by |Oury whih lts vn novis
writ rih intrativ apps an pags.
Pinding Iicensed images
Using imags rom th wb without
prmission an lan you in troubl.
lt's sar to stik to imags that hav
bn ativly lins as r to us
by th rights ownr. Googl's 'usag
rights' iltr hlps you in ths but
it's |ust mov rom th avan
sarh options to th basi imag
sarh stion. Vhn sarhing
slt 'Mor tools' an unr Usag
Rights hoos 'labl or rus'.
Get GoogIes PubIisher
l you'r a Chrom usr an host
Googl avrts on your sit to arn a
bit o mony install th Googl
Publishr Toolbar plug-in rom bit.ly/
toolbar337. This will giv you
up-to-at ino on how muh mony
you'r making an as ovrlays to
your avrts so you an s whr
th avrts ar taking your visitors.
DeaI of the fortnight
Get Heart !nternet's unIimited
Business Pro hostinQ packaQe for
5D per cent off (down to 6.5D per
month) at www.heartinternet.co.uk/
lnstall th sotwar an lik th
'/ wbsit' button.
Typ th
thn go through th links
aing kywors

(th wors that
popl typ whn thy'r sarhing or
your sit) an slting th Sarh

you want to trak (rom
Googl Ping an Yahoo). Clik Don.

Clik th Vbsit button

to s
your rport. Th pi harts
how many o your kywors rank in
irnt positions whil th bar hart

shows hangs in your sit's position. Th

braks own all th inormation
about ah kywor. Us th rop-own

to swith btwn sits.
Clik th Kywors button
slt th wor you want to hart.
Choos a sarh ngin

an tim

You'll n to opn th
sotwar an lik Upat

vry ay
i you want to ror how your sit's
ranking hangs on a aily basis.


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dware and software

ndy Shaw or your camra that links

to your phon ano lts you sno photos to th wb
!f you own an expensie
camera or your phone's
snapper isn't much Qood,
this reIatieIy cheap
repIacement for a memory
card couId soIe your
photo-sharinQ probIems.
!t's essentiaIIy a wireIess
way to Qet your photos to
your phone so you can
share them without
transferrinQ them to a PC
first. The connection can be
a bit fiddIy to set up and
maintain, but it cuts out a
Iot of unnecessary bother.
tak high-uality photos, thn
instantly sno th rsults to
th wb via an app on your
Lik a stanoaro SD mmory
caro, th Ey-Fi Mobi savs
your photos as normal. Put
bcaus it has a built-in Vi-Fi
ntwork, thumbnails o your
snaps instantly appar on
your phon's Ey-Fi app
(availabl or /noroio ano
iOS), so you can uploao ano
mail thm right away. You
simply brows thumbnails o
your picturs on your phon,
slct th ons you want ano
th app will oownloao thm
rom th camra ano post
thm to imag-sharing
srvics, incluoing Facbook,
Twittr ano mail.
Th main orawback with
th ovic is that you can't
st up th connction
btwn th phon ano th
uploaoing photos to a PC,
whn all you want to oo is
shar thm onlin.
lt isn't as slick as sharing
photos you'v takn ano
storo on your phon, but i
your priority is sharing
top-uality photos rom a
propr camra, it's a hanoy
way to briog th gap.
caro through th app.
lnstao, you hav to
switch to th ovic's
sttings to slct th
caro's Vi-Fi connction,
thn go back to th app
to viw th picturs on
th caro. lt's a bit iooly,
bcaus you hav to go
through th sam
procour vry tim
you us th app. lt can
bcom vn mor
annoying whn th
connction oisappars
bcaus you'v switcho
sttings, your camra's
shut oown whil it's not
in us or your phon has
lapo onto a strongr
Vi-Fi ntwork.
Onc th app is up ano
running, howvr, it's slick ano
asy to us. Thumbnails o
your picturs ar uick to
appar on th phon, ano
slcting th ons to shar is
as asy as tapping to tick a
box. V ouno this part o th
procss uick ano icint,
spcially bcaus it skips th
unncssary xtra stp o

Price: 39.95 (8GB),
49.98 (16GB),
69.99 (32GB)
(from www.amazon



|k\| | J\|

\k|J| || H4|\

Coms in 8GP, 6GP ano

32GP capacitis
Ruirs SD-compatibl
camra (chck ull
compatibility at www.y
Scur, ncrypto
connction btwn
camra ano ovic

lnstantly shar picturs

rom your bst camra
Chapr than upgraoing
your phon to gt a bttr

Can't conigur ntworks

rom within th app

hich ovic oo you

tak with you
whn you'r out
ano about snapping photos?
Your oigital camra, to gt
th bst possibl shots? Or
your smartphon, so you can
uploao ano shar photos
without having to transr
thm to a PC irst? Th
Ey-Fi Mobi combins th
bst o both ovics by
linking thm wirlssly, so you
can us your bst camra to
The photos you take on your
camera appear as thumbnails
on your phone's Eye-Fi app
lt's an $D card
with built-in Wi-Fi

||:ca:: |||: rer|ew | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

Up is a handy way
of squeezinQ more
performance out of your
aiIinQ PC. There's no maQic
here - it's |ust a convenient
Qateway to a variety of
Windows options and tooIs
that can be used to make
your PC perform more
efficientIy. But if you don't
have the time to hunt
around for the riQht tooIs
yourseIf, havinQ them
Qathered toQether in a
sinQIe, simpIe-to-use
packaQe is weII worth 25.
V C unUp 201

Price: 25

3CCMHz poco
5MP o oy
C4 x CC pixl
c oltio o o
5CMP o ha iv
ltt Explo o

O tt how it
gily p p o PC
Lot o tool a
optio accibl o
o plac

Mot tool a ix
availabl thogh
Viow o otwa
i yo kow wh to



|k\| | J\|

\k|J| || H4|\

ndy Shaw tt /VG clai that it w PC
Tp otwa ca p p a ti PC
Th biggt pobl
with t-p
otwa i that it
clai ca o lik
ak-oil iacl
c. Thy tll
thi poct will
ica th p o
o PC bt o thy
ally ak a
ic? Ca w actally
a th chag a to
a PC poac a pov
th otwa i woth havig?
That th challg w t
/VG PC Tp C4.
V a ol Viow
XP tbook that wa v
at a ha got pogivly
low ov it ya o
vic a o o
tt PC. V col oat
th ha iv a itall
Viow bt it a alighty
hal a th altativ o
itallig o-click ixig
otwa i a at ai a
o attactiv optio.
Po itallig th
otwa w a PaMak
poac bchakig
tool PoacTt www
.paak.co. Thi a
i o tt that pt
it lt o a
copt thogh it pac
o yo ca how yo PC
copa agait oth that
hav th a
bchak. l thi itac
w wat to a
whth th PC ipov o
othwi at PC Tp
wa itall a . So w
a th bchak av all
th lt th itall
/VG otwa.
Vh yo it /VG PC
ha . l th
iivial tt
th wa
taably o
ipovt i 3D
bca th p
at which thi i
liat o th
gaphic hawa i
yo PC. Howv
th D a Viow
poac ipov
aatically. Th poco
ha w tak to woy
abot o th bchak
a ipovt
th too.
T p alo ha a Tbo
o which ht ow
o-tial Viow
vic ch a ach
ixig. Vhil thi c
Viow icicy with
o tak it z ot
o poac by
withawig oc o
Viow wh yo ally
th p. Thi it
hav ch a aatic ipact
o o bchak bt w till
aw a ica - a co o
4. ovall.
Tp C4 th -Click
Maitac wiza po
a ca o yo PC lag p
ay pobl aa a ix
ay o all o th. Yo ca
chag which optio a
ca i yo ttig a
ca agai ay ti yo lik.
/t ig thi w wt
thogh th poga
ay-to- itac ixig
ot o it oth ggtio.
Evythig i xplai a all
chag a optioal. Th
poga cai ot actio
pov to hav a poitiv
ct ch a itallig
otwa yo v a
claig th Rgity o
c to il that o
log xit.
Rig th bchakig
otwa agai atwa
how a aabl
ipovt to o PC. Th
ovall bchak co
tat at 3. a ica
to 3.5 at th otwa
||:ca:: |||: rer|ew | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

dy to have the tooIs for pritiQ,

scaiQ ad copyiQ i your home whe you
eed them, but haviQ separate machies for
each task wiII overcrowd your desk space, IeaviQ
IittIe room for aythiQ eIse.
MuItifuctio priters perform aII these tasks i
oe uit, usiQ your etwork to coect to ay
computer or mobiIe device. They take up more
room tha stadaIoe priters, but the QIass
surface used to sca documets is the same as
that used to copy them, so they are't ay buIkier
tha a priter with copyiQ fuctios.
II the devices we've reviewed here wiII aIso
sed ad receive faxes.
dy Shaw sts our multiunction ink|t ovics
that can print, scan, copy ano ax

V st up ach printr ano ran it through our stanoaro st o printing

tasks using a varity o oocumnts ano photos, masuring th tim it
took to print in pags pr minut (ppm) ano comparing th uality o
output rom ach printr. V tsto th scannrs or spo ano
comparo th uality o th scans. Sinc all th ovics hr can also
b uso without a PC, w also looko at how asy ach on is to
V calculato how much ach ovic woulo cost to run ovr a
thr-yar prioo, taking into account th cost o th ovic ano th
printing lispan o th ink cartriogs.

We test ad compare the Iatest products

Th Canon Pixma MX925 is twic

th pric o th two chapst
printrs in this tst, but w think
it's worth vry pnny. lt has Vi-Fi
ano Ethrnt options, or you can
connct it to a singl PC via USP.
Our txt-baso tst prints wr incroibly
sharp, whil our illustrato oocumnts looko grat, with
smooth, accurat colours ano shaoing. Th machin oos a
suprb |ob o printing photos, with natural colours, gooo
contrast ano op blacks. /t top uality, a 6 x 4in photo took
|ust ovr a minut to mrg. This is th astst printr whn
prooucing colour but it ll bhino th Prothr MFC-J87CDV
whn printing in black ano whit.
Print costs baso on Canon's XXL ink cartriogs ar
surprisingly chap, at .9p or a mono pag ano 7.3p or
colour. So whil th initial outlay o 2C might sm stp,
it's conomical to run in th long trm.
Th MX525 is a nat, low-cost printr
that incluos ntwork printing
through Vi-Fi ano Ethrnt. Howvr,
you hav to manually o th papr
to print on both sios o a sht.
lt uss a combino thr-colour ink
cartriog, which can b wastul bcaus i on colour
runs out, you hav to rplac th whol lot. Howvr,
cartriog prics ar rasonabl, making it th scono
chapst printr to run i you avour colour (7.5p pr pag).
Somtims printrs with combino cartriogs oon't print as
wll as thir mor sophisticato rivals, but this on bucko
that trno. lmags ar slightly ovr-saturato, but hav rich
oark aras ano a warmth to vn vry pal skin tons.
Stanoaro uality black txt also prints vry wll ano is as
sharp as anything w'v sn rom a lasr printr. lt's th
slowst in th group, though, at 8ppm or mono ano colour
printing |ust ahao o th Prothr printr at 2.2ppm.


||kIJ||\ |||||Hk4C|
|k\| | J\| \k|J| || H4|\
ca.|1|| |a|||; :.m||e1 w||| |..1 (||| .(ee1. 1 :.m(|e|e.|:e
.(e:|||:||. m|e |||. e\:e||e| ma||||a:||. ||,e| 1e:|:e. ||'. | ||e |.(
e1 .| ||e (||:e .:|e |a| a.e. ||:e:||||1|e .;.|em ||| |||.a|| e|||:|e|,
.|||| :..|. .||||||; m.|e |. |a || ||e . ||\m H/'I'.
||. |.w:..| (|||e| |. m..| .| ||e |a:||.. ;.a ee1, || a|.m||:
1.a||e.|1e1 (|||||. || (|.1a:e. |..1|a|||; (|||. 1 w||| w.|| w|||
.|||e | .| . e|w.||. ||. :|e( |||ee|.e :.|.a| :||||1|e. 1 |.w (||:e
m|e || ||e :|e(e.| |. |a | |||. C|.a( e.|.

||kIJ||\ |||||Hk4C|
|k\| | J\| \k|J| || H4|\


Ccci, |a| ja:|
n|::e: ca| cr
|c |||||rj
|re||{ jcci,
|a| w||| :cne
||:ca:: |||: re|ew | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

||. |.w:..| ma||||a:||. 1e:|:e'. (||| |a|||; |. 1e|a|e |.| ||e (||:e |a|
a|em||||e. |e|e'. |e.. w.|e || w||| ||e .|m||||;(||:e1 . ||\m
H/'I', |e:a.e || a.e. .e(||e :.|.a| || :||||1|e., |a| || |.'| . :|e( |. |a.
We |.:e |||. (|||e|'. |.a:|.:|ee ||e||:e 1 :.m(|e|e.|:e |e|a|e., |a|
(|||. 1 .:. we|e 1|.((.||||. |e |.:||:e e\|| |e|a|e. :e||||;
,a.|||; ||e ||||e| (||:e, |a| we e\(e:|e1 |e||e| |a|||; |e.a||..
l you oon't no sophisticato xtras
such as a touchscrn, this Epson
mool cuts th lu to kp th pric
low. lt has a simpl two-lin txt-only
oisplay but plnty o physical buttons,
so it can b asily controllo without turning
on your PC. You can vn mail oocumnts to it or printing.
Photos looko lat ano oull comparo to th vibrancy o
Canon's output, ano lost otail in our low-contrast tst
picturs, but it's aouat or such a chap printr. Txt
printing was gooo, but on vry clos inspction showo tiny
|aggo ogs insio rouno lttrs.
/t 2.6p pr pag it is th scono chapst printr whn
prooucing black txt, but th most xpnsiv or colour, at
9.p pr pag. lt works out to b th most xpnsiv printr to
run in our thr-yar light us calculation.
/t irst glanc, this printr appars
to hav it all, with wiro ano wirlss
printing ano a touchscrn intrac
that lts you control it without
having to turn on your PC. lt also has
som grat xtra aturs, incluoing printing straight rom
Googl Driv, SkyDriv ano Facbook, ano oirct printing
rom mobils with NFC (Nar Filo Communication).
Colour print spo is slow, managing only .9ppm in our
tsts, but it can churn out mono pags astr than its rivals,
raching 2.ppm. Howvr, th print uality was
oisappointing, with oull-looking imags ano aint lins
apparing through larg picturs. Clos xamination also
showo lins in th txt printing, though you won't notic
thm at rgular raoing oistanc. Still, w'o xpct bttr
print uality rom a machin that costs this much.


||kIJ||\ |||||Hk4C|
|k\| | J\| \k|J| || H4|\
||kIJ||\ |||||Hk4C|
|k\| | J\| \k|J| || H4|\
Mn rint seed
3-year cst f wnershi {Iight-use)
CIur rint seed
Price er mn age
Price er cIur age
C 2 4 6 8 C 2 4
C 5C CC 5C 2CC 25C 3CC 35C 4CC
C.C C.5 .C .5 2.C 2.5 3.C 3.5
C.C C.5 .C .5 2.C 2.5 3.C
C 2 4 6 8 C
Canon Pima MX925
Epson WorkForce
Canon Pima MX525
Canon Pima MX525
Canon Pima MX925
Brother MFC-J87DDW
Epson WorkForce
Canon Pima MX925
Epson WorkForce
Canon Pima MX525
Brother MFC-J87DDW
Canon Pima MX925
Epson WorkForce
Canon Pima MX525
Brother MFC-J87DDW
Canon Pima MX925
Canon Pima MX525
Brother MFC-J87DDW
Epson WorkForce
Speed in ppm (paQes per minute)
Price in
Speed in ppm (paQes per minute)
Price in pence
Price in pence
:a:: |: rw | awa:a

ave our GoId ward to the Canon Pixma MX925 for its
combination of hiQh-quaIity prints, Qood speed and
a fabuIous seIection of features. UsinQ five separate
cartridQes, it doesn't waste ink when one runs out, and
it's the second cheapest to run, despite the hiQh
initiaI price.
!f you want to spend Iess up front, the
Iow-cost Canon Pixma MX525 cuts back on
much of the MX925's sophisticated features
but stiII manaQes to produce Qood resuIts,
winninQ our SiIver ward for its baIance
between price and quaIity. !t's not the cheapest
to run, but it combines aII its coIoured inks in
a sinQIe cartridQe, which can be wastefuI.
To cut down on waste but keep up-front costs
Iow, you couId opt for our Bronze ward-winner, the
Epson WorkForce WF-253DWF. However, the print quaIity
isn't as Qood as either of the Canon modeIs and it works out
more expensive to run in the IonQ term.
HkK| k4| H||| Crcr ||\n HIIJ Crcr ||\n HIJIJ |:cr Wcr\|crte W|-IJI1W| |rc||er H|C-II1|W
W||\|I| www.trcr.tc.a\ www.trcr.tc.a\ www.e:cr.tc.a\ www.|rc||er.tc.a\
|||C| II1 t tJ IIJ
|J\ ||H www.e|a{er.tcn www.|e:tc.tcnli|ret| www.|c\.tc.a\ www.r|\|rj-i|ret|.tc.a\
HkI|HJH |||4I ||\|JI|4 ,t11 \ I,111 i| 1,11 \ I,I11 i| J,It1 \ I,111 i| t,111 \ I,I11 i|
HkI|HJH |I|Ck| \Ck4
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|k||| I|k\\ (Ck|kC|I\) I (IJ1) I (I11) I (I11) I (I11)
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|||||||\\ |||4I|4C \e: \e: 4c \e:
||||CI (|C-||\\) |||4I|4C \e: \e: \e: \e:
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W||CI II.I\j .I\j J.\j .I\j

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r1er ear prir| er 1ii|l HKee| | m|ee|t.tem
Web User nd its sister titIes test over 2,5DD products every yer. Here's the pick of the bunch
KindIe Paperwhite
rom www.mzon.co.uk
Date tested: Dcmbr 2C3
/mazon's upoato Kinol Paprwhit is still
th bst book raor availabl, with a suprb,
papr-lik scrn ano a long battry li. /mazon also has
th biggst slction o titls to oownloao.
6in scrn 758 x ,C24 pixls rsolution Eight-wk
battry li 8C2.b/8C2.g/8C2.n Vi-Fi Puilt-in light
2GP intrnal mmory or ,CC books 69mm x 7mm
x 9.mm 2C6g Supports /ZV3, /ZV, TXT, PDF, MOPl
ano PRC book ormats.
zon also has
Toshiba SateIIite CS0-A-1S6
349.99 rom www.rQos.co.uk
Date tested: Dcmbr 2C3
This no-nonsns laptop has a
stanoaro kyboaro ano a matt scrn, but its lack o
xtrnal rills is mor than mao up or by its ast
procssor ano graphics, larg TP haro oriv, DVD rwritr
ano USP 3.C port.
Vinoows 8 2.5GHz lntl Cor i3-32CM procssor 4GP
mmory 5.6in stanoaro (non-touch) scrn ,366 x
768 pixls rsolution TP haro oriv C/CC Ethrnt,
8C2.n Vi-Fi 38C x 24C x 32mm 2.3kg

LG 42LA690V
S49 rom
Date tested: Novmbr 2C3
/lthough th LG 42L/69CV oosn't hav lTV catch-up, it
ors a gooo slction o subscription-baso altrnativs.
Th TV is asy to st up ano pictur uality is xcllnt.
42in scrn ,92C x ,C8C pixls rsolution 3D support
2 x 2V spakrs 3 x HDMl ports x SC/RT (RGP)
sockt 3 x USP ports Ethrnt Frviw HD ano
DVP-S2 tunrs Eight-oay EPG
Canon Pixma MX92S
10 rom www.ebuyer.com
Date tested: January 2C4
Oustanoing uality combino with
gooo print spos ano imprssiv spciications
mak this an xcllnt ink|t ovic. lt's not chap but its
iv-cartriog systm maks it conomical to run.
9,6CC x 2,4CCopi print rsolution 2,4CC x 4,8CCopi scan
rsolution 7.5cm colour scrn 25C-sht tray capacity
USP, C/CC Ethrnt ano 8C2.n Vi-Fi .5 pags-pr-
minut mono print spo 3.5 pags-pr-minut colour
print spo 49 x 396 x 23mm .7kg
7 rom www.currys.co.uk
Date tested: Octobr 2C3
This Vi-Fi xtnor is asy to st up ano
us, with an inormativ oisplay ano a clan, slk osign. lt
manago to trbl th spo o our wirlss ntwork,
boosting a wak signal to vry cornr o our hous. Pst
o all, it's vry chap, making it a suprb choic all rouno.
Vi-Fi Protcto Stup (VPS) Fast Ethrnt (C/CC)
Singl-bano 8C2.b/g/n Vi-Fi VEP, VP//VP/2
scurity C x 75 x 66mm




AppIe iPad Air
From 399 rom www.ppIe.com/uk
Date tested: Dcmbr 2C3
Th iPao /ir is /ppl's bst tablt so ar.
lt's slim, light ano bautiul to look at ano
us, with a bttr battry li than prvious
mools. lt also has a supr-ast procssor
ano an amazing touchscrn.
9.7in scrn 2,C48 x ,536 pixls rsolution 6-28GP
intrnal storag /7 oual-cor procssor 5-mgapixl
ano .2-mgapixl camras Dual-bano 8C2. a/b/g/n
Vi-Fi Plutooth 24C x 69.5 x 7.5mm 469g

ooge exus 7
1 rom Iay.QooQIe.com
Date tested: Sptmbr 2C3
Th latst Nxs has a sharp scrn
ano rns th latst noroio sotwar
smoothly. lt's a prct balanc o
pric ano prormanc, ano is th king
o noroio tablts.
.5GHz ao-cor procssor
6GP/32GP intrnal storag 7in
scrn ,92C x ,2CC pixls rsoltion 5-mgapixl ano
.2-mgapixl camras Dal-bano 8C2.a/b/g/n Vi-Fi
2CC x 4 x 8.5mm 29Cg noroio 4.3 GPS NFC
Acer Aspire 3
30 rom
Date tested: Sptmbr 2C3
Th spr-stylish cr spir
S3 looks ar mor xpnsiv than it is. lthogh its intrnal
spciication is slightly ot o oat, its prormanc ano
battry li ar imprssiv. lt also has a clar, bright scrn
ano a compact cas, which maks it mch lightr than
most othr laptops.
Vinoows 8 64-bit .4GHz lntl Cor i3-2377M procssor
4GP DDR3 mmory 3.3in scrn ,366 x 768 pixls
rsoltion 5CCGP haro oriv .38kg Dal-bano
8C2.n Vi-Fi No tochscrn 323 x 29 x 8mm

-caoeonitor ndoor
1 rom www.amazon.co.uk
Date tested: May 2C3
Th Y-cam HomMonitor lnooor is
asy to st p, ano yo oon't hav
to install any sotwar on yor PC
or rn mobil apps to gt it
working. lts ability to kp
ootag or yo, rmotly ano
scrly, is worth paying xtra or.
64C x 48C pixls rsoltion 3C rams pr scono
Vi-Fi ano Ethrnt Night vision Microphon
7-oay onlin rcoroing Vb-baso camra
managmnt Movmnt otction Email alrts
85 x 85 x 3Cmm

uawei S776 obie Wifi

From 12 e t rom ee.co.uk
Date tested: Jn 2C3
Th EE Mi-Fi ovic has a
bilt-in scrn that slly
oisplays th strngth o yor
connction; tlls yo whthr
yo'r sing 3G or 4G; ano
shows how many ovics ar
conncto via Vi-Fi. lt isn't as chap as rival ovics, bt
its imprssiv spo maks it wll worth paying or.
4G, 3G ano 2G connctivity 8C2.b/g/n Vi-Fi VP
scrity .45in oisplay C hors battry li (5CC hors
stanoby) C6 x 66 x 6mm 49g

T ne
80 SlM-r rom www.htc.com/uk
Date tested: Jly 2C3
Th HTC On is a top-o-th-rang
smartphon with an xcllnt osign. lt
works smoothly, is capabl o taking
imprssiv photos ano atrs all th
latst tchnologis or conncting to Vi-Fi ano mobil
phon ntworks. lt's also chapr than th Samsng
Galaxy S4.
4.7in scrn ,92C x ,C8C pixls rsoltion .7GHz
ao-cor procssor 2GP mmory 32/64GP storag
3G/4G/Vi-Fi 4-mgapixl camra 37 x 68 x 9mm
43g noroio 4..2

ki 401d
S7 rom www.amazon.co.uk
Date tested: Jn 2C3
Th P4Co is a antastic
all-rono prormr,
olivring top-ality prints
ickly, accratly ano at a
low cost pr pag. lt has
gooo-val rplacabl parts
that will sav yo mony in th long
trm. lt's a larg printr, so mak sr yo'v got
nogh spac to stor it.
,2CC x 6CC opi rsoltion 29 pags-pr-mint print
spo 2.2p pr 4 mono pag 25C-sht tray capacity
USP ano paralll-port connctions 387 x 364 x 245mm

8 \|
|itterer mir rew |irt e r ir ear
|rearie eele tiet r1 territet
r1er ear prir er 1iil Hee| m|ee|t.tem



Daddy DeIuxe
From S.11 per month
rom uk.Qodaddy.com
Dte tested: May 2C3
Go Daooy's st-up ano
coniguration tools us a
straightorwaro stp-by-stp procss. Th srvic has a
gnrous rang o aturs across all thr o its hosting
packags, particularly whn you account or th pric.
Unlimito storag Unlimito wbsits Unlimito
banowioth 25 oatabass 5CC mail aoorsss CC
sub-oomains 33.95 Facbook ao croit 24/7 phon
support Customisabl mobil sit
S1 a yar rom
Dte tested: /ugust 2C3
Vith its unlimito storag, ability to
hanol back-ups rom multipl PCs ano xtrnal ovics,
ano rtntion o olo vrsions o your ils, SuirrlSav is
an xcllnt choic or backing up loaos o oata. lt's vry
asy to us ano grat valu or mony.
/utomatic back-up Unlimito storag Rcovr olto
ils or up to 32 oays 256-bit /ES ncryption Pack up
any combination o ils ano olors UK-baso Copis
o ils kpt orvr Pack-up logging
Kaspersky lnternet
24 (on yar, thr PCs) rom
Dte tested: July 2C3
Kasprsky striks th right balanc btwn solio
protction ano a gooo unorstanoing o what is sa ano
what is not. Th sotwar blocko 99 out o CC thrats
ano only rporto on als positiv. lt's a powrul
scurity tool to hav watching ovr your PC.
Firwall Email scanning Parntal controls Gam
moo Prsonal oata protction Social-ntworking
protction Vulnrability scannr 3C-oay r trial
Serif WebPIus X6
81.S9 rom www.serif.com
Dte tested: /ugust 2C3
Sri VbPlus X6 is a winning
combination o unctionality, as
o us ano valu or mony. lts combination o tools,
tmplats ano lxibility, ano th as with which it lts you
aoo xtra aturs, mak it an xcllnt choic or hom
usrs who want to crat thir own sits.
3C tmplats PayPal, Romancart, Mal's E-commrc
paymnt systms Social-moia support /llows
hano-cooo HTML SEO tools Viogts incluoo
Graphics incluoo Ovrall sit-structur viw
Norton PamiIy
Free rom www.symantec.com
Dte tested: Octobr 2C3
This amily-rinoly sotwar
provios vrything you no
to kp th worst o th wb rom your PC. lt has all th
most important iltring aturs ano oos an xcllnt |ob
o blocking potntially harmul sits. Pst o all, it's r to
oownloao ano us.
C-PC licnc Compatibl with Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8,
Mac OS X C.7+ Catgory iltrs Customisabl proils
Vhitlist/blacklist Rmot managmnt lM ano
social ntwork monitoring Plocks chat, nwsgroups ano
P2P Email support
Adobe Premiere EIements 12
S2.34 rom
Dte tested: Octobr 2C3
Prmir Elmnts 2's suprb
intrac mans its many
aturs ar accssibl, but natly tucko away. lt works
ually wll or bginnrs ano xprts, with instant accss
to two oiting moos ano lots o hlp ano guioanc. For th
pric, you won't ino bttr vioo-oiting sotwar than this.
/utomatic oiting lmag stabilisr Export to multipl
vioo ormats Uploao to Facbook, YouTub ano Vimo
Surrouno-souno support DVD ano Plu-ray oisc-burning
Unlimito timlins Stop-motion captur
his fortniQht's top FREE software downIoads

hn you launch this systm clanr, it chcks your PC ano
shows you how much spac, in byts, it can r up. You can
viw th otails, ano oslct any itms you oon't want
rmovo, or click Dlt i you trust it not to gt rio o
anything important. Th Sttings scrn lts you conigur
th sotwar, toggl th scur-olt option on or o, ao|ust
systm prormanc ano st Vip to automatically clos
annoying programs.
Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
Wipe 2014
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe size: 477KP (installr only)
This gam is a homag to olo Sirra titls such as Hro's
Oust (latr rnamo Oust or Glory). lt's a point-ano-click
aovntur gam with RPG lmnts, in which th aim is to
ovrcom th orcs o rost that hav brought prptual
wintr to your lano. Thr ar thr charactr classs
availabl, ach oring sparat sio usts.
WorIdWide TeIescope 5
Microsot's virtual tlscop
lts you xplor th univrs
rom th comort o your PC.
You can pan ano zoom
arouno th night sky using a
mous, kyboaro or Xbox
controllr; sarch or ob|cts;
viw imags takn by
powrul grouno- ano
spac-baso tlscops; ano
go on rcoroo tours.
Narrato by astronomrs ano
xprts, th tours covr a
wio rang o topics
incluoing nbula, galaxis,
plants, cosmology, black
hols ano suprnovas. Thy
run ull scrn ano can b
pauso at any tim. You can
|ump rom on scn to
anothr by summoning th
timlin at th top.
plants in our solar
systm, as wll as
ma|or moons.
To clbrat th sotwar's
ith annivrsary, Microsot
Rsarch has upoato it ano
introouco svral nw
aturs. You can now viw
otailo mools o th
lntrnational Spac Station
ano Gmini Obsrvatory, ano
/s wll as gazing
out into th univrs,
th program lts you
visit Earth rom
spac. VorloVio
Tlscop's virtual
glob is a lot lik
Googl Earth. You
can zoom rom outr
spac to grouno lvl
ano chang th viw
rom Ping Maps /rial to
Hybrio, Strts or Earth
Night 2C2. Thr ar svral
ovrlays availabl, such as
clouo layr, sky ano
atmosphr, ano a cutaway
mool that lts you look
insio th Earth. Th
program also lts you viw
th Sun (without th no or
oark glasss!) ano visit all th
import your own 3D mools.
/ooitionally, Earth ano th
plants look mor ralistic
thanks to atmosphric ano
lighting 'shaors', ano you
can tilt ano rotat a plant to
gt a bttr viw o its
Heroine's Ouest: The HeraId of

Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe size: 77.MP
cnnr cwr|c | www.cc\.cnlwe|a:ernjt|re

omputr ioo Dsign (CD) tools ar oiicult to mastr, ano LibrCD is
no xcption. Put i you prsvr, you'll ino it isn't as oiicult to unorstano
as it irst appars. Th opn-sourc program lts you crat 2D osigns, ano
ors a walth o orawing tools ano support or layrs. Th latst vrsion has
a twako intrac ano aoos isomtric grios ano nw llips aturs. Dspit
its nam, th program is not rlato to LibrOic.

l you'v vr hao an unrcogniso PCl (Priphral Componnt lntrconnct)
ovic appar in th Vinoows Dvic Managr ano wonoro what it is, this
r tool can tll you. PCl-Z uris a public oatabas o PCl harowar lD
coos ano oisplays actual raoabl nams rathr than cryptic numric coos.
lt's a usul troublshooting tool.

Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+ 545KP
Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+, Mac OS X or Linux
aiIabIe to buy now priced 98.57, CyberLink PowerDVD 13 UItra has
briIIiant new features that make it easy to pIay your moies, ideos,
photos and music at their best. These incIude a hiQh
DP! mode, enhanced DLN compatibiIity, new
pIayback controIs and more. There's aIso a Moie
Library that proides coer art, pIot synopses and
reiews taken from IeadinQ entertainment websites
and CyberLink's onIine community MooieLie.com.
To enter, emaiI your address to webusercomp
dennis.co.uk with 'powerdd' in the sub|ect Iine.
For more information isit www.cyberIink.com.
Cyberink owerDVD UItraa

Diecovery ewe
Vinoows 8+
This app prsnts th latst nws about
our wonorul worlo, covring topics
such as Earth, Spac, Tch, History ano
ovntur. s wll as photos ano vioos,
th app provios a Discovrnator, which
olivrs amazing acts.
angman ro
Vinoows 8+
You can play this r Hangman gam on
your own or against a rino. You can
vn pit yoursl against othr playrs
through th global laorboaros.
The FootbaII App
Vinoows 8+
This app is a must or ans o th
bautiul gam. lt covrs mor than CC
intrnational ootball lagus, with
minut-by-minut rports on important
matchs ano rgularly upoato nws.

Min equiemen: inoows 8+
FiIe ize: 94.8KP
This install-r application ors arouno 7C
twaks or Vinoows 8 ano 8.. Th twaks ar
sorto into various catgoris incluoing
Customization, Usr ccounts, Prormanc,
Scurity, lntrnt Explorr ano ooitional. To
prorm a twak, |ust tick th box nxt to it. You
can slct ano apply multipl twaks at th sam
tim, ano crat a rstor point borhano, in
cas somthing gos wrong.
l you'r not sur what a particular option
oos, hovr your mous ovr it to bring up an
xplanatory tooltip. Vrsion 3 aoos twaks or
Vinoows 8. ano rmovs som o th lss usul
options rom th prvious oition.

l you hav a larg ano oisorganiso
collction o ilms ano TV shows on your PC,
Colb can bring oror to your moia library
by scanning your collction ano automatically
rnaming th ils, thn oownloaoing
inormation ano artwork rom public
oatabass o ilms ano TV shows. lt ruirs
no input rom you ano works silntly in th
backgrouno. Collb can also crat
mtaoata or moia-cntr sotwar
incluoing Vinoows Moia Cntr ano XPMC.
lt isn't always accurat whn iontiying ano
rnaming ils ano olors, so go through
thm atrwaros to chck or mistaks.
Min equiemen: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe ize: 24.9MP

UIimae Window Tweake
3.0 fo Window 8

l you hav a larg haro oriv, it can b usul
to partition it into sparat orivs - on or
th oprating systm, ano anothr or all your
prsonal oata. Partition ssistant lts you
crat, copy ano manag partitions, rcovr
oamago ons, migrat your oprating
systm rom a haro oriv to an SSD, ano
asily convrt btwn il ormats.
Th upoato vrsion o Partition ssistant
supports Vinoows 8. ano lts you crat a
bootabl vrsion o it, or Vinoows 8, on a
USP mmory stick. This is th sam as th
Vinoows To o atur in th Entrpris
(businss) oition o Microsot's latst OS.
omei Paiion ian
Sandad 5.5
Min equiemen: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe ize: 7.66MP
|eccnneri |ree icwr|ci: | www.|ce|cc\.ccnlwe|a:ernjt|re

Dexot 1.6.11 uiId
Min requirements:
Vinoos XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe size: 3.6
This xcllnt tool or xpanoing your Dsktop spac has
bn upoato to ix a w bugs in th most rcnt vrsion.
Ths incluo th Start button bing hioon in Vinoows
8., crtain programs crashing in XP ano th Dsktop
backgrouno not showing whn you closo Dxpot.
usIogics rowser Care
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe size: 6.3MP
Following our Vorkshop about this browsr clan-up tool
in ssu 333 (bit.ly/wbusr333), it's bn upoato with an
improvo toolbar ano aoo-on list that mak it asir to us.
Th program now clans browsr oata mor uickly ano
incluos a hanoy portabl vrsion.
Drobox 2.6.2
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+, Mac OS X or
Linux FiIe size: 35.9MP
Th latst vrsion o Dropbox has a rosigno st-up
wiaro to mak it uickr ano
asir to gt starto with th
srvic. Thr ar nw installrs
or Vinoows ano Mac OS X, ano
you can now paus syncing
oirctly rom th Systm Tray
rathr than th right-click mnu.
Maxthon CIoud rowser
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+ or Mac OS X
FiIe size: .8MP (installr)
This upoat to Maxthon ixs svral problms rporto by
usrs. Ths incluo th occasional apparanc o an
unabl to connct to wbsit mssag; th oit box o
som mails oisplaying incorrctly ano crtain oownloao
links causing two oownloao prompts to appar.
GIary UtiIities
Min requirements:Vinoows
FiIe size: .4MP
Th brilliant r systm-tool
suit has aooo a nw option that lts you skip th Usr
ccount Control warning whn prorming crtain tasks.
Glary's uninstallr tool is now astr, its Rgistry Clanr
has bn improvo ano it's bttr at inoing mpty olors.
Evrnot (www.vrnot
.com) is a suit o
sotwar ano srvics
osigno or not-taking
ano archiving. 'not'
can b a pic o
ormatto txt, a ull wb
pag or wb pag
xcrpt, a photo, a voic
mmo or a hanowrittn
'ink' not. Your nots can
b sorto into olors,
thn taggo, annotato,
oito, commnto on
ano mor.
Fratark, Web User
Pically lts you crat ano print wall
calnoars using your own photos. Just
choos th imags you want to incluo, ntr
vnts such as birthoays, annivrsaris ano
holioays, ano Pically will crat a printabl
calnoar in PDF ormat. You can also import
vnts rom anothr program into Pically as
an iCal il.
you n|oy a challng, you'll rlish th
chanc to play Th rt o Dying. This
platorm gam has two oiicultly lvls ano
vn th asir on is vry haro. Thr ar six
lvls to bat, ano you can mak ano shar
your own aooitional ons using th built-in
lvl oitor.
The rt of Dying
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+,
Mac OS X or Linux FiIe size: 5.3MP
Min requirements: Vinoows XP/Vista/7/8+
FiIe size: 93.2MP
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noroio 2.3
Convrt strt signs,
ooo packts ano
othr sourcs o
inormation into
asy-to-rao photo
nots with this brilliant
noroio scannr.
Unlik most othr
apps, YouSnap has a
smart prspctiv-
corrction tool that
isolats th txt in
your imag ano aligns
it to crat an
rctangular not. t
also nhancs th
uality ano
contrast o your
imag to mak it
as lgibl as
YouSnap works
in all sorts o
lighting conoitions,
so you can captur
inormation rom
shiny brochurs,
whitboaros, TV
scrns ano vn
through shop
winoows. You can apply your own oits ano
xport th rsults as JPEGs ano PDFs or saving
or sharing (PDF ruirs an in-app purchas).

noroio 4, iOS 6.
Twittr co-ounor Piz
Ston has com up
with anothr intriguing
ioa in which Yahoo
nswrs mts
nstagram. Tak a
photo, attach a ustion ano wait or somon
in your ntwork (Facbook ano Twittr) to
answr it. You can also answr othr popl's
ustions. rritatingly, you can't olt a
ustion or answr onc you'v uploaoo it.

noroio .6, Vinoows
Phon 7.5
Th classic Casio FX-82
scintiic calculator is
brought back to li with
this powrul, aithul
mulator. t mts all your mathmatical
nos, as wll as your nostalgic ons, with
various tools covring trigonomtry ano
statistics, as wll as gnral maths unctions
such as ractions ano uations.
d Tub

Mn rqurmnts: noroio
2.2, iOS 5.
Sz: 25MP
Ngotiating your way
arouno th capital is
strssul nough without
sight problms prvnting
you rom raoing th Tub
map. This app, which rcntly won an awaro
rom Transport or Lonoon (bit.ly/tl337), catrs
or popl with impairo vision, rplacing th
iconic map's colouro lins with oistinct
pattrns ano sharp, zoomabl txt.

Mn rqurmnts: noroio 2.3.3, iOS 6.

Sz: 6.MP
Fino rtail
with this
app. Prows photos o itms ano aoo thm to
your own customiso wish lists, ano ollow
Fancirs whos tasts you lik. US usrs can buy
itms via thir Fancy lists, but without this
unction th app nos mor usrs bor it can
match th pull o Pintrst (bit.ly/pin337).

Tub Map
Caso Scntc
|cre : | www.|ce|cc\.ccnlwe|a:ernjt|re

Min requiremens:

You can larn a lot
rom YouTub
vioos, but it taks
som sarching to
sort th hits rom
th misss. Curious solvs this by mticulously
curating a library o thousanos o tutorial
vioos rom xprts all ovr th worlo.
Choos your topic or larn somthing nw
vry oay with th Lsson o th Day ano
Daily Curio ast act.
Ph Lcker
Min requiremens:
Vinoows Phon 7.5
Size: MP
noroio ano iOS
usrs hav plnty o
privat-photo apps to
choos rom, so it's
gooo to s apps lik
this launching
xclusivly or
Vinoows Phon.
Photo Lockr is a
small, simpl ano ctiv tool that lts you
crat privat photo ano vioo albums, ano
ncrypt thm with a custom pattrn lock.
Min requiremens:
iOS 6
Size: 3.5MP
This app lts you tst
your gographical
knowlog by
iontiying UK
lanomarks rom arial
photographs. t's grat
un ano gnuinly
challnging, but you
only gt th Lonoon
Lanomarks pack or
r. ll th othrs, such as Piros' Ey Pritain
ano Football Staoiums, as wll Clu Croits
packs, cost 69p ach via in-app purchas.
Min requiremens:
noroio (varis with
ovic), iOS 6
Size: Varis with
Mor tutorials, this
tim covring
orign languags.
Choos your
languag ano lvl
intrmoiat or aovanco) ano giv your rason
or larning, such as Travl or Family. You thn
work through your spcially tailoro lssons,
with auoio clips, lashcaros, tsts ano
community oback to hlp polish your accnt.
box usi
Min requiremens: iOS 6
Size: 9.2MP Price: 8.99/month
This nw iOS vrsion o Microsot's
music-straming srvic, which
ruirs an Xbox Music Pass (bit.ly/
xpass337), lts you sav playlists or
playing olin. Th olin atur is
coming soon to Xbox Music or
noroio (bit.ly/xoroio337).
he irte y remium
Min requiremens: Vinoows Phon 7.5
Size: .5MP Price: .49
Torrnting lts you shar othr
popl's banowioth, so it's a grat way
to transr big ils uickly. This nw
app slcts proxy srvrs
automatically ano ors torrnt imag
gallris ano sarch subscriptions.
iz rewery ngement
Min requiremens: noroio 2.2, iOS
3..3 Size: 9.MP Price: .28
Grow your own brwry rom humbl
bginnings into a worlo-rnowno
symbol o booz xcllnc. Th app
incluos mor than 6C br rcips,
making it a must or hom-brw ans.
refoot orI tIs
Min requiremens: iOS 7
Size: .38GP Price: 2.99
Gographr ano PPC prsntr Nick
Cran guios you arouno a bautiul
glob crato by artist Davio Dan.
Th app is osigno or chilorn but
any aoult with an intrst in th worlo
ano its wonors will lov it, too.

Min requiremens: Vinoows Phon 7.5
Size: MP Price: .99
you hav an LG Smart TV, this app
turns your Vinoows Phon into a
ull-aturo rmot control using your
hom Vi-Fi ntwork. s wll as
controlling volum ano channl
slction, th app lts you tak
scrnshots ano input txt.
fr iPhne
Ph Lcker

his fortniQht's 1D most usefuI tooIs for your browser
|| a: {car |rcar||e ii-cr: | www.|ce|cc\.ccnlwe|a:ernjt|re

rn nything
incrass th siz o
photos, vioos ano
gams so thy ill
your whol browsr.
Just click th
toolbar button or prss Ctrl+Spac to mak what you'r
currntly viwing ull-scrn. thr's mor than on
ob|ct, you can slct th on you want to nlarg.
Pacebook Chat Pro
This xtnsion aoos svral
usul aturs to acbook
Chat. You can gt Dsktop
notiications, vn whn your
browsr is minimiso; prvnt
rinos sing whn you'v
rao a mssag or ar typing on; ano apply a stylish
black-ano-whit typwritr thm to acbook.
This wonorul wathr
aoo-on automatically
otcts your location to
oisplay otails o
currnt conoitions,
incluoing tmpratur,
wino spo ano chanc
o rain, against stunning backgrouno photos. You can viw
8-hour ano C-oay orcasts, ano customis th osign to
suit your tast.
Sarchlt is a bookmarklt
(rathr than a traoitional
aoo-on) that lts you sarch
oogl, Vikipoia, nws
wbsits ano an onlin
oictionary. To look up a
woro or phras, |ust highlight it ano click th bookmarkt to
opn th Sarchlt panl on th lt sio o your browsr.
Similar to oogl's
app launchr, this
aoo-on givs you
on-click accss to a rang o Microsot
wbsits. t incluos vrything rom
Outlook.com, Ping ano SkyDriv to Skyp,
Xbox ano Vinoows Phon; |ust click th
toolbar button ano choos th sit you want
to visit.
HTTPS Everywhere
This unoicial Opra vrsion o th Chrom
ano irox aoo-on kps you sa whil
browsing th wb. t automatically switchs
thousanos o
sits rom
inscur 'http' to
scur 'https' to
protct you
against many
orms o
survillanc ano
account hi|acking.
Prssing Ctrl+Tab usually cycls through your
opn tabs, but this aoo-on lists your tabs in
most rcntly uso oror. This mans you can
instantly switch to th on you want. You can also us lt+Tab instao.
Bgger Address Bar Pont
Somtims th simplst aoo-ons ar th most
usul, ano thy oon't com any simplr than
this on. s its nam suggsts, it nlargs th oault ont o your aoorss
bar to mak URLs much asir to rao. You can't choos th siz, but it
shoulo b big nough or most popl!
-Cck mage Downoad
This aoo-on maks oownloaoing imags rom
wb pags uickr ano asir. Rathr than
right-clicking a pictur, choosing Sav mag
s ano slcting a olor, you simply right-click ano choos -Click mag
Downloao. t's vry hanoy or grabbing svral imags in on go.
Best Proxy Server
This upoato aoo-on lts you asily switch btwn proxy srvrs arouno
th worlo to oisguis your ral location. Th r vrsion has a w
limitations, incluoing a CPTC, but onc you'v oownloaoo th proxy
list, it's vry asy to us ano works prctly.
re your views!

You can lt us know our viws ano opinions
via dennis.co.k, www.fcebook.
comJwebsermgzine, www.twitter.comJ
websermgzine ano form.webser.co.k
ew:, wr||e |c a: | we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\
was intrsto to rao our '
most important ustions or
24' in lssu 335 (bit.l/
wbusr335), som o which l ouno
mor important than othrs. l rall
coulon't car lss about
smartwatchs or maon's ling
machins, but hr ar m answrs
to th ustions l oio car about.
First, 'Vill UK ano US govrnmnts
stop sping on us?'. No, o cours
th won't ano th probabl nvr
will. ln act, now that th'v bn
xposo b Vhistl McVhistlr,
Eowaro Snowon, thir mthoos ar
likl to bcom vn mor ovious.
l oon't want to b orco to ncrpt
vrthing l oo onlin (as ou
suggst lswhr in th issu)
bcaus it's a ma|or hassl, but i
that's what it taks to stop th
govrnmnt raoing m mails thn
Why the web mst chnge in 214

Otrged by eBy's new
postge fee
l was plaso to s Paul Prown's mail
in lssu 335 about Pa's nw . l hav
bn a sllr on Pa sinc Januar 999,
whn it was barl nv
ars olo, ano hav oon
vr wll rom it. Put th
sit has movo th
goalposts so man tims
ovr th ars, with nw rruls ano
incraso s, that this nw rul chang
[which chargs commission on postag]
is |ust anothr nail in Pa's conn.
Sinc l rtiro, l no longr us Pa
prossionall, |ust occasionall or
prsonal gooos. l onl sll itms l l will
hav intrnational intrst. l hav to
aomit l was unawar o th nw rul o
charging or postag. Frankl, l am
Th nw ruls ar vrging on th
rioiculous. l was alrao annoo that
Pa mao it impossibl or a sllr to
lav ngativ oback or a bur who
lts thm oown.
Howvr, thr ar altrnativs. l now
us r aovrtising sits, ano thr ar
plnt to choos rom, incluoing
Fr-aos.co.uk (www.r-aos.co.uk),
Vivastrt (www.vivastrt.co.uk),
Prlovo (www.prlovo.co.uk) ano
Gumtr (www.gumtr.com), which,
ironicall, is owno b Pa.
l hav solo a bo, a car, a laptop, a
mobil phon ano man othr itms l
no longr noo - vn a
cross-channl rr tickt. lt's
ar asir to us ths sits
than Pa, ano th'r r.
Dale Butler, $hefheld
ven smrt Vs re
spying on s
Your Pst Pus sction in lssu 335,
which aturo th LG Smart TV,
rminoo m o a rcnt problm l hao
with m st. l bought an LG 32in HD TV
in arl 23 ano vrthing was prct
as ar as th 'smart' aturs wr
concrno. Conncting to th intrnt
was a br ano th rmot mous
mao it as to navigat ano us th
apps. Th pictur, o cours, was ano still
is incroibl.
Howvr, a w wks ago whn l trio
to accss th Usr Guio, 22 pags o an
grmnt Statmnt apparo on th
scrn pointing out that in oror to us
ths apps, which o cours incluo th
Usr Guio, it is a conoition that l accpt
th trms outlino. This mans that l
hav to accpt ano agr to LG using m
prsonal oata as it ls nt. l oio not
accpt th conoitions ano hav
subsuntl rst vrthing to actor
sttings, ctivl oisconncting rom
th intrnt.
Man companis ths oas claim to
tak thir customrs' privac ano oata
vr sriousl. Howvr, what th sm
to man b this is that th collct as
much o our privat oata as th can. l
tak m privac vr sriousl, ano urg
all our raors to tak not o our
rcnt articls rlating to this sub|ct.
Barry $mith, via email
Confsed by FC on the
exs 7
ln both our Group Tst in lssu 328 (bit
.l/wbusr328) ano in th Pst Pus
that's what l'll oamn wll oo! no Googl
ano Facbook can kp thir baks out
o m mssags, too.
Sconol, 'Vill companis tll us whn
th'v bn hacko?'. Now, this is a ral
bugbar o min. l a big nrm such as
Yahoo or oob is awar that th
scurit o millions o usr accounts has
bn compromiso, thn it's
thir out to lt us know
, not months atr th
vnt. l hackrs gt holo o m login
otails, l want to chang thm as soon
as possibl, spciall i l us th sam
passworos on othr sits. Not that l oo,
but l know man popl who arn't so
savv about onlin scurit.
Lastl, 'Vill Googl nnall gt in
troubl with th rgulators?'. Probabl
not, but l was happ to rao that it's
nnall going to start paing tax in th
UK, vn i th uoto ngur o
24million is a mr orop in th ocan
to th multi-billion-oollar compan.
Ovrall though, l'o lik to think that i
23 was th ar that ooog
companis ano agncis wr
xposo, thn 24 will b th ar
that ths problms ar aoorsso.
Brian Collins, via email

t a Mangr, Eat, Littl Ch, Subway,
Vilkinson ano McDonalos, lt you us an
account st up on your ovic to pay or
purchass up to 5 You plac your
ovic on a scannr instao o gtting
out your croit caro, but aoittoly this
aks or sns with a phon than a
tablt, bcaus th lattr isn't as
convnint to carry arouno
as yaair rspo to
l saw in lssu 334 that gav
th 'thubs up' to th nwly rvapo
sction in lssu 334 (bitly/wbusr334),
you stat that th Nxus 7 has GPS ano
NFC l' unsur what NFC is ano hav
not bn abl to nno th answr
anywhr l hav also visito svral sits
that sll th Nxus 7, incluoing that o th
anuacturr, sus (wwwasusco), ano
non o th ntion th GPS atur
Vhy is this, ano oos th Nxus 7
actually hav GPS?
l vn wnt to th Googl Play wbsit
(playgooglco), which you
rconoo, but ouno no ntion o
GPS in th spcincations Plas can you
hlp, bcaus l woulo lik to buy this
Mitcell mit, via email
y Saw cica viws itor
rpis Th latst Nxus 7 onnitly has
GPS l you go to its proouct pag (bitly/
nxus337) ano scroll oown to th
Tchnical Spcincations, you'll s thr
coluns ano an arrow to th right Click
th arrow ano you'll s connration o
th GPS
NFC (Nar Filo Counication) is
th tchnology that allows you to us
your ovic to pay or things on
copatibl lctronic touchpaos So
shops ano rstaurants, incluoing 5C,CCC
branchs o crtain rtailrs incluoing
Ryanair wbsit l hav to ask i th
anti-Ryanair wbsits hav playo a part
in th airlin's rcnt 'piphany'? l hav
rgularly visito l Hat Ryanair (www
ihatryanairorg) to rao about th
copany's latst (oubious) thoos l
wonor i that wbsit (with which l hav
no connction whatsovr) hao any
innunc on Ryanair's nw approach to
custor srvic? l thank that
shoulo consior ntioning 'anti' wb
sits, spcially whn thy ar o intrst
to consurs
Bob Cooper, Edinburg

1 Liooll, Coopr or Valkr (5)

6 Dath's Hao, Gypsy or Elphant Hawk (4)
7 S oown Forr partnr (2)
9 Harnsso king rplaco by singl-portion srvic
that collats contnt ro ovics ano clouo storag (8)
1 Vrb rplacs noun in isolato Googl Maps tool or
lanoloros ano tnants (6)
13 Hartlss iscrant prooucs a r onlin banking
srvic (4) 14 S 2 oown
15 Flog, oat (6)
1 South-wstrn silvr |wllry wbsit (4)
1 ngr (3)
(Vith C oown) Sart oiting transoro sit or
part-ti |obs (7,5)
3 Purgss, Parc or Ritchi (3)
4 Sallst stat in lnoia (3)

1 Last woro o prayr (4)

Curo salon (3) 3 S 2 oown
4 Unproictabl atch scor rsults in straing vioo
contnt ro a ovic to your TV (C)
5 lnitially, wbsit hosts your ooain to provio usic-
straing srvic (4)
7 Vntilator by hollow cavity crats Pintrst-styl
shopping app (5) 10 S 22 across
11 (Vith 7 across) Nrvousnss causo by apparing
Crossworo crato using Crossworo Copilr sotwar,
ro VoroVb Sotwar (wwwworowbsotwarco)
Clus arko with an astrisk ar cryptic ano rr to sits
ano sotwar aturo in this issu o ll othr
clus ar litral nswrs onlin at wwwwbusrcouk/
bor an auoinc (5,5)
1 (Vith 3 oown ano 4 across) 97C Patls albu
16 Short Hawaiian oanc aoos a straing srvic or
US TV shows (4)
17 995 Fil starring l Pacino ano Robrt D Niro (4)
19 Lib uso or night (4) 0 Jason's ship (4)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
9 10
12 13
15 16 17 18 19 20
23 24
W saI twr d
yu us t st?
Vot onlin at
o you tik
tats wi v
tuay rpac
Your Vote Counte

|r {car |ew:, wr||e |c a: | we|a:er_ierr|:.cc.a\
t th xpn o Chitma
ano th illuoy aving o th
Januay al, you bank
balanc now ha to cop with th
annual i in bill.
H a unoown o Januay
oamag. PT lin ntal, which cot
|ut .5C a month nv ya ago,
wnt up to 5.99. Tain a o an
avag o p cnt. Engy bill
oao, with Pitih Ga up 9.2 p
cnt ano Npow up C.4 p cnt.
Onlin hopping got mo xpniv
whn mazon ooppo Sup Sav
olivy o oo uno C (bit.ly/
33). no om Fbuay, igin
Moia cutom ac a .-p-cnt
pic hik. t lat Ma ba tayo
th am pic, although thy now
C p cnt mall.
ith wag baly moving, th
pic hik a huting vyon
houholo buogt, but th a way
you can a th pain. l you with
PT o on o th many boaobano o
mobil povio who aio thi
nxo contact pic lat ya, you
can now oitch you contact mio-
tm without pnalty. Th nw uling
ollow th ya-long Fixo Man
Fixo campaign by hich.co.uk (bit
.ly/nxo33), who wbit lt you
compa mobil tai (bit.ly/
mobil33) ano boaobano oal
(bit.ly/boaobano33). Fo th bt
tai in you aa, nt you
potcoo at SimplySwitch.com
(bit.ly/witch33) ano u th
boaobano calculato to timat
you uag (bit.ly/bcalc33).
To witch ngy uppli, u
SimplySwitch.com ano uSwitch.com
to nno you bt local at. Onlin
tai (bit.ly/onlin33) a chap
but ant nxo, o you no to chck
you bill gulaly o any
unxpcto inca. You can hlp
kp you ngy bill oown by
witching to onlin bill, paying by
Dict Dbit ano ubmitting mt
aoing by txt o onlin.
How to beat the rising
cost of biIIs
No, lm buying mo. hat i th
muic-taming compani go but?
You coulo hav pnt that ubciption
mony on oigital oownloao l oont
lik th thought o nting muic.
L $harpe
l havnt bought an LP in about 8
month, which i xactly a long a
lv bn ubcibing to Spotiy.
Joh Moore
My lat pucha w th LP ano
th catt om Pay o th
pic o about two album oownloao
l lik album that a not availabl a
oownloao, o a wll a aving
mony, l gt th ich ouno that i
lot with oigital muic.
Chris Armsrog
lv oinitly bought l muic inc
igning up to Googl Muic ll cc
Derek Mrra
Staming muic i th utu. Muic
oownloao will go th am way a
CD, tap ano coo.
Adam La
ADDRESS {bit.IyJgmaiI337)7
lt oipcting popl pivacy, but
thn it Googl, o what nw?
Emm UpTo-NoGood
hy oo l want tang to b abl to
mail m? lm going to opt out.
Googl houlo hav mao it opt in
Pal Chapma
bolutly. lv alaoy witcho it o
in Gmail tting. Googl houlo b
tying to potct ou pivacy, not
xpo it.
$imo Cole
bolutly. Googl nv ak o any
input om it u about chang
bcau it aaio th anw woulo
b no.
Daid Pale-$mih
WlNDOWS 9 {bit.IyJ
l cant b botho with all thi
pculation. Having to |uggl btwn
th cunt opating ytm i
nough o a challng o m without
wonoing what inoow 9 will bing.
inoow uit m in, o l oont
vn want to think o ha about
inoow 9 yt
lm ctatic i it an impovmnt on
inoow 8 ano giv m my Stat
mnu back - l won't no to us
Start8 (bit.ly/start337) to bring it back
Vll, baso on th 'gooo on, bao
on' synorom o Vinoows, it shoulo
b worth waiting or, but l'm not going
to holo my brath.
$ee Ellis
l'v starto to watch mor liv
strams on Twitch TV (www.twitch
.tv). Many YouTubrs ar moving thir
liv strams thr.
$am Higgis
l'v bn watching mor things on
Vin (vin.co). l lik th act that ach
vioo is short ano swt. l'v mao
som o my own, starring my cat
rchi (bit.ly/vin337).
$imo Mellor
Dailymotion (www.oailymotion.com),
bcaus thy olt stu way slowr
than YouTub, which is a copyright
Heaher Hear
On my iPao, l only us Vioo Tub
(bit.ly/tub337), th paio-or, ao-r
vrsion that costs .49. lt's similar to
how YouTub uso to b.
Carolie $harma
Jane Hoskyn answers aII
your consumer questions
|ca e |e jije |ane|aeca\
orlo's biggst tchnology show took plac in Las Vgas in arly
January. avid Crookes slcts th bst ovics on oisplay
4s best
new devices
hy is i
lthough Chrombooks
hav bn availabl or
a whil (www.googl
LG's Chrombas is th
irst all-in-on PC to
us th Linux-baso
OS. t's not particularly
gnrous with aturs,
but th computr has
th tioy styl o an
ppl iMac ano a 2.5in, ,92C x
,C8C-pixl scrn, ntl Clron
procssor, 2GP o RM ano 6GP o
storag, which is mor than nough or
using Googl's wb-baso tools.
When is i ou7
LG hasn't conirmo th UK rlas oat
but it shoulo b soon.
How much wiII i cos7
Th pric hao yt to b announco at th
tim o writing, but w xpct it to b
arouno 4CC, which is much chapr
than many othr all-in-on PCs.
Why wouId l wan one7
t's a grat option i you'r atr a wb-
ocuso hom PC with a bit o styl.
PRR deyeteme.om
Why is i ineresing7
ntl has ctivly comprsso a
mini computr onto an SD caro (or
somthing o similar siz) to it into
a varity o oirnt ovics, rom
chairs to comakrs. Thr's
currntly lots o buzz about th
ntrnt o Things (in which
vrything is conncto), ano a
small ovic lik this coulo lao th
way. Eoison oosn't compromis on
tch spcs, ithr. t ors Vi-Fi
connctivity, a oual-cor procssor
ano 5CCMP o RM, ano runs Linux.
When's i ou7
ntl says Eoison will b availabl to
tch companis rom mio-2C4, so
xpct to s prooucts a w
months latr.
How much wiII i cos7
Costs hav not bn rvalo but
mass-markt proouction shoulo
mak it aoroabl.
Why wouId l wan one7
t's not a ustion o wanting th
Eoison itsl so much as th
prooucts into which it is insrto.
Your ntir kitchn coulo soon b
Why is i
Pcaus it's no normal
printr. Not only is it
3D, it actually prints
ooo! t CES, th
manuacturr oisho
out som gomtric-
osigno, multi-
colouro swts,
ormo by spraying watr onto sugar in
layrs so that th crystals haron.
When is i ou7
n th scono hal o 2C4.
How much wiII i
Lots. Th stanoaro
vrsion is arouno
3,CCC but thr is a
Pro vrsion or twic
that amount. Mino you,
it's aimo at popl
who work in
prossional kitchns.
Why wouId l wan one7
For novlty valu, i you can aoro it.
Othrwis, you'r probably bst o
buying your swts rom a shop.


Wh i it inteeting7
hough Sony is rioing
high with th PS4 - th
astst-slling consol in
UK history - it is alraoy
prparing or a utur o
non-consol gaming
Having bought th
gam-straming srvic
Gaikai in 2C2, it is now
garing up to or consol-uality gams ovr th intrnt
oirct to TVs, phons ano tablts Th srvic will b
rstricto to Sony's own ovics at irst (incluoing th PS3
ano PS4), but that will vntually wion Gamrs will b
abl to play titls rom PlayStation's back catalogu via a
Sony Entrtainmnt Ntwork account
When i it out7
Playstation Now will b availabl this summr in th Unito
Stats but thr ar no irm launch oats or Europ
Slowr intrnt connctions on this sio o th pono ar
blivo to b holoing things up
Ho much iII it cot7
Sony hasn't rvalo th cost yt lt says th srvic will
oprat with subscriptions ano a rnt-by-titl systm
running sio by sio
Wh ouId l ant it7
PlayStation Now will b a brilliant way to play gams on a
wio-rang o ovics without th no or oiscs,
oownloaos or high-no tchnology Lt's hop it coms to
th UK soon
Wh i it
This altrnativ
to PS4 ano
Xbox On
xcllnt osign
(both insio ano out) with th nw Stam OS lt ssntially
brings PC gaming to th living room ano is th irst Stam
Machin to b unvilo
When i it out7
linwar says it will arriv in th scono hal o 2C4
Ho much iII it cot7
lt will b comptitiv, th company says Givn th high-no
spcs o th machin (incluoing an lntl CPU ano Nvioia GPU),
it's likly to cost mor than a Sony or Microsot consol
Wh ouId l ant one7
l you lov PC gams, this consol will lt you play thm rom
th comort o your soa
Wh i it inteeting7
Now that th 3D bubbl has burst, curvo tlvisions ar th
latst trno to watch This TV not only bnos, but can also b
ao|usto using a rmot control, allowing you to altr scrns
o up to 85in to suit
whatvr you ar watching
ano accommooat all
viwrs in th room
When i it out7
Vho knows? Samsung
woulon't say Thr's vry
chanc that th prototyps
on show will nvr b mao
Ho much iII it
gain, Samsung oion't
rval this but givn that it's nw tchnology, with som TVs
oisplaying Ultra HD at hug sizs, it won't b chap
Wh ouId l ant one7
Curvo scrns ar saio to b mor immrsiv, but unlss
you'v got mony to burn you'r probably bst o sticking with
your currnt st
Wh i it inteeting7
Pcaus it's amazing!
Forgt all your
about virtual-
rality haosts
rom oays gon
by This nw haost
puts you at th hart o a
task or gam, ano gaming
xprts in particular ar going
crazy ovr this pic o kit Th latst
Rit prototyp is callo Crystal Cov ano it was namo th
Pst o CES at this yar's vnt lts snsors ano camra
track your hao ano booy position ano it oosn't sur
rom motion blurring
Ho much iII it cot7
Not sur yt, though ovlopr kits cost $3CC (arouno
8C) so mayb not as much as you might think
When i it out7
Oculus says that 2C4 will b a big yar or virtual rality so
w can prhaps xpct to s it ovr th coming months
Wh ouId l ant one7
l you lov playing gams, Crystal Cov will tak th
xprinc to a spctacular nw lvl Thousanos o
ovlopmnt kits ar out thr, so programmrs ar
bavring away to crat killr contnt lt'll b worth
waiting to s what apps ano gams thy com up with

n you rali
vourit wbsits th
to your a
's mor
r ano ntrtaining hioon

t us l
iIIiams uncovrs 55
ano olight you



Spotifys tribute to Winamp
OL rntly sol inmp - its ging
ut still populr mi plyr - to th
intrnt rio ompny Rionomy
(www.rionomy.om/n). Por th
sl ws nnoun it look s i
inmp ws going to kill o
orvr on 2C Dmr 2C3 so
Spotiy rls triut ownlo
ll Spotimp (spotimp.om). This
ully untionl musi plyr looks
xtly lik inmp n vn supports
inmp skins n visulistion plug-ins.
You n srh or trks to ply tun
into thousns o w rio sttions
n strm musi to ny vi tht
supports Shoutst. Th only th is
tht you n Spotiy Prmium
ount to us Spotimp whih osts
9.99 pr month.
Watch YouTube videos in
ikiTu (it.ly/wikitu337) is n
xllnt Chrom xtnsion tht pls
rlvnt YouTu vios longsi
ontnt on ikipi. Th -on
hnls vrything utomtilly.
Simply go to pg on ikipi n i
ikiTu ins mthing vios its ion
will ppr in Chrom's rss r n
thr rlt vios will isply
unr th rtil titl. ust lik on to
strt wthing. lt'll sv you th troul
o hving to visit YouTu n srhor
lip yoursl. Clik th plus sign to
viw irnt sltion o vios ut
i you only s lk oxs try
rstrting your rowsr or isling
othr -ons.
Create your own GoogIe Earth
Tour Puilr (touruilr.withgoogl
.om) lts you rt tours in Googl
Erth tht you n shr with th worl.
You hoos th lotions n n
photos txt n vios. You n lso
viw tours tht othr usrs hv shr
on th sit. To us Tour Puilr you'll
irst n to instll th r Googl
Erth plug-in (it.ly/rth337)
whih is vill or inows n
M OS (ut not Linux oly).
BIock annoying things on
YouTube and Pacebook
YouTu n Fook r two o th
most visit wsits in th worl with
mny o us stopping y svrl tims
y to srh or vios n in out
wht our rins r up to. Yt oth
sits hv nnoying turs otn in
th orm o vrts n 'suggstions'
whih n spoil your n|oymnt o thir
ontnt. Hppily Plok Plus
(lokplus.org) th inrily
populr -loking -on now mks
it sy to rmov th worst irrittions
rom thos sits n lts you hoos
xtly wht to iltr out. Go to youtu
.lokplus.m to hoos wht to
rmov rom YouTu inluing
ommnts suggst vios n
in-vio nnottions or you n |ust
hoos to 'Plok ll YouTu
nnoyns'. For Fook visit
ook.lokplus.m to strip th
soil ntwork o ll its pg you my
lik popl you my know n rt
this pg ruish.
Pind out when someone reads
the emaiI youve sent them
l you'v vr wonr whthr
prson you'v mil is lirtly
ignoring your mssg or i thy'v |ust
n too usy to r it Chrom
-on ll mxHro Toolox (it.ly/
mxhro337) will tll you. lt s host
o usul turs to Gmil inluing
Totl Trk whih notiis you s soon
s your mil is opn y its ripint
s wll s ny tthmnts n links
within th mssg. ust lik th yllow
utton whn you ompos n mil n
hoos Totl Trk. Not tht th
r-ript tur only works i th
ripint isplys imgs.

t's very easy to miss some of the most usefuI thinQs on

the web, either because they're tucked away, have onIy
recentIy appeared or you're not reaIIy supposed to
know they're there. ven the biQQest sites often keep some
of their newest features hidden untiI they're ready for a
proper Iaunch, whiIe interestinQ content is often quietIy
added with a surprisinQ Iack of fanfare.
n this cover feature, we reveaI the web's best-kept
secrets and where to find them. We'II teII you about
Spotify's fantastic Winamp tribute, show you how to brinQ
Wikipedia articIes to Iife with YouTube videos, make phone
caIIs in GmaiI, uncover barQains on mazon, naviQate
Twitter with |ust your keyboard, and activate the cIassic
arcade Qame tari Breakout in GooQIe !maQes. We'II aIso
teII you our favourite GooQIe Search and Street View
secrets, and uncover some quirky website surprises.
We're sure you'II en|oy aII this covert knowIedQe, but
remember, it's |ust between you and us, riQht?

MC', b cra
a a ab
Sign into Pacebook with your
Fr cr ra, '
a Facb rbr r
oa a aro cr r b
oc Hr, a o
r r a aoor r
a ca a
b r r
Facb ra ao T o
a , Facb ao cc
r a crr r
a r ra aar
aoor bar, ar 'www
.acbook.com/' portion o th URL.
l you havn't got a usrnam, or you
want to chang th on you hav, go to
Sttings, Gnral, click th Eoit link nxt
to Usrnam ano choos th nam to
us. Not that you can only chang your
usrnam onc.
You can also us a nicknam rathr
than your ral on on your Facbook
timlin. Just click th Eoit link nxt to
Nam in Gnral ccount Sttings, typ
in an altrnat nam ano your passworo,
ano click Sav Changs.
Export your Pacebook friends
Facbook nsurs you that you'll nvr
orgt a rino's birthoay, but i you
want to sno thm somthing mor
prsonal than |ust a wall mssag, you
coulo consior aooing birthoay
notiications to anothr srvic, such as
Googl Calnoar. To xport th list o
birthoays, click Evnts in th lt-hano
toolbar ano click th gar icon in th
top-right cornr. Choos whthr you
want to xport birthoays or upcoming
vnts. Th savo il can thn b
importo into a srvic such as ppl
iCal, Microsot Outlook or Googl
Pind the biggest discounts on
MonySavingExprt.com's mazon
Discount Finor (bit.ly/
amazonoiscount337) is a grat way to
ino th chapst oals on mazon
without having to brows nolssly
through its virtual shlvs. Choos a
opartmnt ano sub-catgory, ntr
som optional kyworos ano choos th
oiscount rang you'r looking or. Py
oault, this is 5C to CC pr cnt, but
you can wion or narrow it, as ruiro.
You can also st a minimum ano
maximum pric or th itm ano choos
to only show itms that ualiy or r
olivry. Click th Puilo Discount Pag
button to opn mazon in a nw tab
ano viw th availabl oals.
Test new features on Wikipedia
Th scrt Pta Faturs lab (bit.ly/
wikibta337) lts you try xprimntal
nw aturs on Vikipoia ano othr
Vikimoia sits, such as Vikivoyag
(n.wikivoyag.org). lt isn't upoato all
that rgularly ano you'll no to b
loggo into th sit to tst th nw
tools. Exampls on or incluo Moia
Viwr, which incrass th siz o
imags on pags that only us
thumbnails; VisualEoitor, which lts
you oit Viki pags without having to
larn coo; ano Typography Rrsh,
which maks txt on pags mor
raoabl ano consistnt.
Check whether an idea has
been patented
l you'v hao a grat ioa that you think
coulo chang th worlo or |ust mak
you ilthy rich, on o th irst things you
shoulo oo is chck to s i anyon ls
has patnto th ioa bor you. You
can oo this by sarching Googl Patnts
(www.googl.co.uk/patnts). Evn i
you oon't hav a grat ioa, it's a
ascinating rsourc to brows through.
lt contains vry patnt mao through
th Unito Stats ano Europan patnt
oics, ano th Prior rt Finor lts you
viw oocumnts rlato to a particular
patnt application or grant.
Hide your gambIing from the
l you'r having an onlin luttr whn
you shoulo b working, Skybt (www
.skybt.com) has a usul atur that
instantly hios your activitis rom
prying ys. Just click th 'Poss? Look
busy!' silhoutt button on th right-
hano sio o th pag (abov th
Facbook icon) to switch th currnt
viw to a spraosht. Th oata on this
is slightly silly ('Things Matloa Voulo
Do For Lov', ano 'Things to oo at th





Pind sic ideos

sing Bing
n littl-known aovantag
that Ping sarch has ovr
Googl is that you can us it
to xplor ano oiscovr
music vioos. Go to www
.bing.com/vioos ano
sarch or an artist ano/or
song, or hovr your mous
ovr th Vioos link at th
top o th Ping hompag
ano choos 'Vatch music
vioos'. Th oicial vioo or
th track you sarch or shoulo appar
in th top lt, with othr songs by that
artist listo on th right, ano mor
rsults blow. Hovr your mous ovr a
vioo thumbnail to play a prviw.
Watch ideos Iater on YoTbe
l you oon't hav tim to watch a vioo
on YouTub right now, you can aoo it to
a Vatch Latr playlist ano rturn to it at
your convninc. Just click th small
clock icon unor a vioo ano it will turn
into a grn tick. Click th Vatch Latr
button in th siobar to viw all your
savo vioos.
Get eaiI notifications for
YoTbe ideos
Vhn you subscrib to a channl in
YouTub, you'll b abl to viw nw
vioos as soon as thy arriv by going
to My Subscriptions. You can also
brows by channl using th
Subscriptions bar. Howvr, i you'o
rathr hav YouTub tll you whn nw
contnt is availabl so you oon't no to
kp chcking th sit, opn a channl,
thn click th gar icon nxt to th
Subscribo button. Slct th 'mail
with nw uploaos' option ano you'll
rciv an mail as soon as a nw vioo
is aooo to th channl.
dd backgrond sic to
YoTbe ideos
l you us commrcial songs in th
vioos you uploao to YouTub, thr's a
oangr that th copyright holor might
ask Googl to rmov your clip or that
your sounotrack might gt muto. You
can oownloao mor than 5C r, lgal
tracks to us in your vioos rom th
uoio Library (www.youtub.com/
auoiolibrary). Ths span gnrs
incluoing classical, pop ano ambint,
ano you can brows thm by ouration,
mooo ano vn instrumnt.
Watch 4 ideos on YoTbe
s w xplaino in our lnstant xprt
in lssu 333 (bit.ly/wbusr333),
ultra-high-oinition 4K is th utur o
tlvision - ano thr's alraoy 4K
contnt you can watch on YouTub. Go
to YouTub Spotlight's 4K playlist at bit
.ly/youtub4k337 or th Panasonic 4K
ooI's sr nn s Iots o
un str s tuk wy. Here
are 10 of our favourite tricks for
different search terms
GoogIe in 1998
Shws yu what the search site
Iked Iike when it irst Iaunched.
Do a arreI RoII
QIe duIy bIiQes. YuII need t
be usinQ hrme r irex.
skew {or TiIt)
DispIays the resuIts n a sIant.
GoogIe Sphere
ype this then cIick the m eeIinQ
ucky buttn (aQain, yuII need t
turn QIe nstant redictins)
t dispIay QIe in a sphere.
GoogIe Gravity
ype this then cIick the m eeIinQ
ucky buttn (aQain, yuII need
t turn QIe nstant
redictins). raity puIIs the
screen dwnwards.
QIe asks "Did yu mean: naQ a
Zerg Rush
n nIine QaminQ term (it cmes
rm Starrat) used t describe an
erwheIminQ attack. QIe
transrms the resuIts screen int a
strateQy Qame.
Conway's Game of Life
Shws the ceIIuIar autmatn
deised by mathematician John
Horton Conway.
Search GoogIe in KIingon
Just Qo to www.QooQIe
The IoneIiest number
DispIays a caIcuIator with a '1' on
its screen. ww.

Cnnl t tly/nnk337
ut ntnt) no tt
wtn ull no t out t
vo ulty t y n tt
tn m t Sttn mnu no
vwn n mtl T
mnt t lly t on
t t nt Cnum ltn
Sw n u ntnt
xt t n C) l
omo vo noo un
nw 9 o w u mu l
ot no u l mutn
w) xt m ntnt t
n t t n t utu
ppI o weome effe
o o phoo
vn yu ly k yu l+
unt lulm) t wt
un t t t yu t no vo
u t lt t otn
tu On u vut w
mny u nt w t ut
wm tl w l mzn
t t yu t wtut ny nut
m yu t tt nm
tt mv l no t
mvn t m
tu m multl mvn
t nt nl tn t no
m ll yu v t o ulo t
t no ty mt tn
t ut wm wll o t t
ull knw wn n ut wm
t n to u
l n w lk lk t t
wll n t tt n
EpIoe he e of eook
T k
tkm) ly
mtu w lltn m tn
2 lln k l tu n
nl Clk nyw n t
mv m t zm n no tn
v yu mu v n t
Listen to music privateIy in
Sty wwwtym/uk) lk t
l no tll l wt yu
ltnn t w t yu wnt t
w yu ml tt n mu
ut n l lk n ntun n yu
vy yu ont wnt yu no
von yu nlly v
t u t mm yul n l
t k ut On
Dtn n w nt uon yu)
yu n wt t vt Sn
l t tv ntn yu ltn t
wll o n t Dkt vn
Sty lk yu nm n t tt
n no lt vt Sn n t
Sty w nt lk Sttn no
tvt t tu m t
Share a specific point in a
Spotify song
Nt u wt n tt nn ut
u n k no nn y
n tt ln v wt nt
ltn tlk t tk no y
t Sty nm u
ont) t t nt m tn
oo # ano th tim at th no o th
UR So, or xampl, i th lyric in
ustion occurs at C:45, you'o appno
#C45 to th no o th UR You shoulo
no up with somthing lik this: spotiy:
S our atur on pag 5C or mor
hanoy hacks
to s who that prson is Click a
thumbnail to go to thir Facbook pag
you connct th sit to your Facbook
account by clicking th map markr in
th top-right cornr ano choosing
Connct, you can locat yoursl ano
your rinos in th sa o acs
you'o prr not to appar, howvr,
ad on
GoogIe' panoamic mapping
evice, epeciaIIy wih he
ecenIy eoed Pegman
Go o egoIand CaIifonia

the yeIIow
character turns
into a LeQo
Go o Kennedy Space
SimiIarIy, when
you Qo to the
famous FIorida
space centre,
the PeQman
turns into an
Go hogh
he Sece
Go to bit.Iy/
cIick the door
and you'II be
transported to
- anywhere -
in the worId. CIick Take Me
Somewhere EIse to Qo to a new
Iocation. !t's very addictive.
See GoogIe aff Iaking
When you take
the Street
View tour of
GooQIe's North
CaroIina Data
Center (bit.Iy/
staff337), you'II
spot staff
dressed up as the PeQman, the
ndroid IoQo and a Stormtrooper.
Go nde
he ea
!f you're
bored of
IookinQ at
streets, take
a dive under
the oceans instead. Go to maps
.QooQIe.com/ocean for stunninQ
underwater expIoration.


Vp G7 s
t s
Erp. s
s prv
rmt t
rr t st
s ts p
t m|or
gams or thos
consols in your
browsr. t th
momnt, souno
isn't supporto,
but that's bing
worko on ano
shoulo b aooo
y Mss Cmmn n
Start any vioo playing on YouTub ano
thn typ l980 on your kyboaro (you
oon't hav to click anywhr irst). Th
vioo will orop oown, ano a vrsion o
th classic arcao gam Missil
Commano will bgin. Can you sav th
vioo rom ostruction? Just us your
mous to point ano shoot.
Chn yur
nu t smthn unusu
Go to Sttings in Facbook, ano click
Eoit nxt to Languag. Chang th
oault English UK option to on o th
mor ntrtaining choics, such as
English (Pirat), English (Upsio Down)
or th vry gky Lt Spak, ano click
Sav Changs. Th nw languag
choic will only act th mnus ano
Facbook txt, not your rinos'
postings. V'r big ans o th Pirat
option, which invits you to 'Upoat
your Plunorin' (status), 'Sarch r yr
crw' (ino rinos) ano 'Scrawl'
(commnt) on othr popl's posts.
urn ny wst nt m
Plast th wb to bits using Kick ss
(kickassapp.com), which lts you turn
any sit into an stroios-styl gam.
Just orag th Kick ss button to your
browsr's bookmarks bar, thn click it
whn viwing a wbsit to launch th
gam. Us your arrow kys to mov
your triangular spacship arouno th
pag ano prss th Spacbar to ostroy
inoivioual lmnts ano win points or
your wanton ostruction. Your scor,
which you can shar on Facbook,
appars in a box at th bottom o th
pag, rom whr you can also orop a
bomb on th sit or maximum oamag.
Clvrly, you can also us Kick ss to
strip away parts o a pag prior to
printing, so it has a practical purpos as
wll as a tim-wasting on.
n th srt Anr
lthough it's
not strictly a
wb scrt,
w hav to
mntion th
Eastr Egg
tucko away
insio ach
vrsion o
noroio. Go
to Sttings,
'bout phon'
(or 'bout
tablt') ano
tap 'noroio vrsion' svral tims.
you hav noroio KitKat installo on
your ovic, a big 'K' will appar. Prss
oown on this to s th woro noroio in
a KitKat chocolat-bar styl logo, thn
prss oown on this to launch a gam
that ills your scrn with colourul tils
rprsnting prvious vrsion o
noroio (Donut, Eclair, ano so on).
you'r using Jlly Pan, a big ro |lly
ban will appar; long-prss this to
launch th scrt |lly ban gam.
Olor vrsions o noroio also hav
Eastr ggs that you can accss by
ollowing th sam stps. For xampl,
on c Cram Sanowich ovics, you'll
gt an animation o lying noroio logos
waring ic cram sanowichs.
choos 'Rmov m rom this gallry'
y Atr Brut n G
Prakout - in which you omolish a wall
by bouncing a ball o it - is a classic
arcao gam, which Googl has
rsurrcto as a hioon atur in
Googl mags (imags.googl.co.uk).
To accss th scrt gam, typ Atari
breakout into th sarch box ano th
thumbnail imags will transorm into a
wall. Control th paool at th bottom
o th scrn using your mous. You can
paus th gam at any tim ano oisabl
th souno, too.
y ss ns ms n
h ntrnt Arhv
Th ntrnt rchiv has a nw sction
callo Th Consol Living Room (bit.ly/
consols337) which showcass som o
th bst gams consols o th lat
97Cs ano arly 98Cs, incluoing th
tari 26CC, tari 78CC, ColcoVision,
ano Magnavox Ooyssy (or Philips

Make phone caIIs directIy
from GmaiI
You can now call popl oirctly
through Googl's mail srvic. Just
install th voic ano vioo chat aoo-on
(www.googl.com/chat/voic) ano us
your computr's microphon to mak
calls ovr th intrnt. You can also
mak vioo calls. Th rats chargo or
calling intrnationally ar rasonabl
ano can b viwo at bit.ly/callrats337.
Search GmaiI and GoogIe Drive
you'r looking or somthing rao or
writtn by you, ano you can't rmmbr
i it's in an mail or a oocumnt, you can
now sarch Googl Driv ano Gmail at
th sam tim. n Gmail, click th gar
icn ano opn Sttings. Click th Labs
tab ano nabl th pps Sarch option.
Th nxt tim you run a sarch in Gmail,
any matching Googl Driv oocumnts
will b shown blow th Gmail rsults.
Store home and work
addresses in GoogIe Maps
Mak sur you'r using th nw Googl
Maps ano sign in with your Googl
ccount crontials. Typ into th
sarch box ano s what coms up.
it's not your hom aoorss, click Eoit
ano ntr th corrct aoorss. Nxt,
typ ano rpat th procss. Now,
i you no to gt oirctions to or rom
hom or work, you can |ust typ th
rlvant woro rathr than th ull
aoorss. You can viw ano oit th
inormation by clicking My Placs in th
Use Twitters secret keyboard
Th social-ntworking sit supports a
wio rang o kyboaro
shortcuts that, onc
mastro, can hlp you gt
arouno th sit much astr.
Try th ollowing:
Q h - Prss this combination to go to th
hompag rom anywhr.
Q p - This will tak you to your proil.
Q - This combination will opn your
Q c - Opns your list o intractions.
Q r - Displays twts you'r mntiono
Q u - Lts you viw a usr's proil.
| - Movs you to th nxt twt.
k - Movs you to th prvious twt.
. - Loao mor twts.
Spce - Pag oown.
- Displays th ull list o kyboaro
- Compos a nw twt.
- Sno a oirct mssag to somon.
f - Favourit a twt. t nos to b
opn in a ull pag.
- Rtwt an upoat. t nos to b
opn in a ull pag.
r - Rply to a twt. t nos to b opn
in a ull pag.
- Plock usr.
u - Unblock usr.
See the most popuIar cameras
used on PIickr
Flickr's Camra Finor (www.lickr.com/
camras) lists th most popular maks
ano mools o camras uso on th
photo-sharing sit. t shows thir
popularity ovr tim, ano oisplays
graphs or Most Popular Camras, Most
Popular Point & Shoot Camras ano
r r s r vr
srprss wy ppr
ScroII dow o
he oo of
he officiI
weie (www
d youII ee he fou Qree
roo IoQo i he Ief-hd corer.
Move your curor over i d he
droid IoQo wiII coe o Iife:
wviQ, |uQQIiQ, oowIkiQ
d ore.
Tr Ksrr's
CIick he pir of cior he
oo of he KickSrer
hoepQe (www.kickrer.co,
o ove he cro he doed
Iie. Oce hey rech he oher
ide, he oo
of he pQe wiII
fII wy.
"Eurek! ouve
foud our IiIe
ecre, y he
s r p sy
he copuioI kowIedQe
eQie WoIfr Iph (www
.woIfrIph.co h urpriiQ
wer o oe queio,
icIudiQ "Where did ! pu y
key, "re we here ye d
"re you Iive
PIay Tetris with Linkedln
Drop! (dropi.IikediI.co
i fu ooI fro Liked!
(uk.Iikedi.co h ur your
coc fro he ociI ework
io Qe of eri. u iQ
io your ccou, d your
coIIeQue profiIe phoo wiII
pper fIIiQ Iock.
Go one Iouder
O he !ere Movie De
(www.id.co, he riQ for
This is $pinal Tap i ou of 11 rher
h 1D, |u Iike he p h "Qo
oe Iouder i he cIic fiI.
What you



opulr Cmrphons. Click cmr
to viw som intrsting lickr shots
tkn with it. hn w chcko, th
ihon ws both th most populr
cmr no cmrphon, lthough
Cnon toppo th list o brnos.
w GoogI Drvs w
tvty str
oogl hs ooo nw ctivity strm
tur to Driv tht lts you s t
glnc wht's chngo on your shro
ils. Click th 'i' button in th top-right
cornr no th ctivity strm will
ppr, showing you who hs mo
wht chngs to ils no olors in y
Driv. isto inormtion incluos oits
no commnts, il rnming no
shring, no th crtion o nw
oocumnts no sproshts.
th up o th ws through
ikipoi isn't th obvious irst choic
or nws sit, but i you wnt to ino
out wht's bn hppning in th worlo
rcntly, it cn prov uit hnoy.
rch or month no yr ('Jnury
2C' or xmpl) no you'r prsnto
with summry o m|or vnts tht
occurro ch oy o tht month.
P GoogI gs you
us IgIIy
rcnt ooition to oogl mgs lts
you iltr picturs by licnc typ, so
you cn mk sur you'r lglly
llowo to us thm in your own
pro|cts or on your wbsit or blog.
Click th 'rch tools' option no
choos n option rom th orop-oown
sg ights mnu to spciy th typ
o licnc you ruir. hs options
r: 'bllo or rus', 'bllo or
commrcil rus', 'bllo or rus
with mooiiction' no 'bllo or
commrcil rus with mooiiction'.
rsoIs th ws you r
oogl ws ggrgts storis rom
ll th m|or nws sourcs cross th
wb. ou cn o|ust th contnt oogl
oisplys by clicking th gr icon no
using th sliors to chng th ocus.
or xmpl, you cn viw mor
ntrtinmnt no tchnology no lss
sport no businss storis. ou cn lso
o|ust how much contnt to pull rom
ch o th sourcs no oo nws
topics tht intrst you.
W kd d
ink b bk
Digitlly mporto (www.oi.m). t's
wbsit no pp tht strms
lctronic music 2/7, with loos o
gnrs to choos rom.
$i Mellor
ioo.m (vioo.m). t's n sy wy
to shr vioos no nimto s
without th no or n ccount.
Andrew Clennell
t hs to b th Pogrs song on
bl's tu (wbls-stu.com/
Paul Chapman
ht w'r ll bots unor th orors
o . o wit, tht's th worst-
kpt scrt
Chris Cole
ht th wb runs on unicorn trs
no oogl is th izro o z.
Mike Hudson
ou mn you oon't know won't
b th on to spoil th surpris.
Greg Tal
oiscovro it on your v ony
nlin pg in ssu 336. h
singing ggs vioo (www.wbusr
.co.uk/ggs) - unnist thing vr
John Corbe
woulo sy th oogl Doools sit
Jackie Barry
nd k
dn nn, fm InI
find i mI


Pst Chrom ltrntivs
or your phon or tblt
pot th tlltl signs
o scurity brch
Crt your own r
inoows rcovry oisc

Switch between maiI
oogl has inally introouco a
multipl-account sign-in atur or
Gmail, so you can simultanously us
oirnt accounts on th sam
computr. Th oicial way to oo it is to
sign into your irst account, click your
proil pictur, click 'oo account' ano
sign into an aooitional account. Full
instructions can b ouno at bit.ly/
much uickr way is to chang th
numbr in th miool o th URL ano
prss Entr. Th oault numbr is
usually C, or your primary account, ano
changing it to will switch to your
scono account. This bypasss all thos
'oo account' clicks, although you'll still
no to sign in.
Set Dropbo fiIe to
downIoad in one cIick
Py oault, Dropbox il links opn in
your browsr whn you click thm. To
st a link to prompt a oownloao instao,
so you can sav th il to your haro
oriv, chang its 'www' to 'ol' ano typ
?dl=l at th no o th il's URL. Th
complt URL will look lik:
HACKthe web ueing
You oon't always no a browsr aoo-on to chang th way a
wbsit bhavs. rounos up C simpl URL twaks that
put you in control
.|pg?ol=, whr X is th usr rrnc
ano Y is th ilnam. Now, whn you
shar this link, your rcipint will s a
winoow prompting thm to choos a
oownloao location.
iit gIobaI erion of
the hrome Web Store
Th apps ano xtnsions you s in th
Chrom Vb Stor ar oirnt in ach
country. To s ano oownloao aoo-ons
that arn't availabl in th UK stor,
typ ?hl= at th no o th URL,
ollowo by a languag ano country
coo. For xampl, to s th US stor
in English, typ ?hl=en~us so that th
aoorss raos chrom.googl.com/
wbstor/catgory/apps?hl=n-us. To
s th US stor in Spanish, typ
?hl=es~us, ano to s th Spanish
stor in Spanish, typ ?hl=es~es.
Grmany is ?hl=de~de, Franc is
?hl=fr~fr ano th English Canaoian
sit is ?hl=en~ca. ny gusss or
Frnch Canaoian?
e oogIe K when
yo're abroad
Googl's sarch pag oaults to th
local sit whrvr you ar in th worlo,
so i you'r in Spain ano you go to www
.googl.co.uk, you'll gt www.googl.s.
To orc th browsr to loao th UK sit,
or any intrnational sit you choos,
typ /ncr ('no country rturn') at th
no o th URL. Th whol thing will
rao www.googl.co.uk/ncr. Pookmark
th amnoo URL to sav you typing in
th xtra txt ach tim.
Bring back oogIe' bar
Th black navigation bar on th Googl
hompag was rplaco last yar by th
apps launchr icon, which contains
similar links but ruirs mor clicks to
rach your ostination. You can gt th
bar back by aooing ?no=l to th no
o a Googl sarch URL. Saoly, this trick
oosn't work on othr Googl sits such
as Gmail ano Googl Driv.
reate a hortened L
Shortno links, lik th Pitly aoorsss
w us in , ar usually crato
via wbsits or browsr xtnsions. To
sav a visit to bitly.com, typ bit.ly/
bor th 'http' in a wb aoorss ano
prss Entr. This automatically copis a
shortno vrsion o th link to your
clipboaro, raoy or pasting ano
sharing. Not that it oosn't work on
wb aoorsss that hio th 'http'.
To prviw th ull vrsion o any Pitly
URL bor you click it, typ + at th
no o th aoorss ano prss Entr. Fino
out mor on th Pitly support sit
To prviw Tinyurl aoorsss, typ
preview. bor th 'tinyurl' in th
aoorss, ano or Snipurl aoorsss, typ
peek. r sr' s rvw your location ano ony you accss
r s sr wy to rstricto clips.
sr URL links to whr it
claims it oos, ano not to a ooogy sit. Skip to th bst bit o
a vido
To post your avourit part o a
YouTub vioo on Facbook or sno it
Nam any YouTub browsr aoo-on, to a rino, typ &t=XmYYs at th no o
ano thr's likly to b a URL hack that th URL, whr 'X' is th minut ano &hd=l atr th vioo numbr. To mak
oos th sam thing without ruiring 'YY' th scono whr you want th it play in stro auoio, aoo &fmt=l8
you to install anything. Vith som vioo to start playing. For xampl, (48C x 27C) or &fmt=22 (28C x 72C)
unctions, such as oownloaoing vioos, www.youtub.com/watch?v=4Obt_ instao.
you hav svral URL twaks to choos P87is&t=m28s skips you to Gorg ln anothr playback hack, typ
rom. Typ ss, pwn, kick or kiss ano Lorrain's kiss in th Eightis movi &loop=l atr th vioo numbr to
bor 'youtub' in th vioo's URL ano . mak it play ovr ano ovr until you
prss Entr to oownloao th vioo rom mak it stop. To opn th looping vioo
an xtrnal sit. For xampl, www in an xtrnal sit, aoo th woro
.ssyoutub.com/watch?v=2rO__Olnw 'rpatr' atr 'youtub' or rplac
'tub' with 'rpat'.
l you'r not sur whr th bst bit o
a clip bgins, try using th Vaosworth
Constant. YouTub usrs |oko that th
avrag vioo starts gtting intrsting
taks you to Savrom.nt, whr you 3C pr cnt o th way in, ano Googl
can oownloao th PPC clip o capuchin liko th ioa nough to us it as a URL
monkys in MP4, FLV ano othr ormats. Eastr gg. Typ &wadsworth=l atr
th vioo numbr to skip to th
intrsting stu.
Watch YouTub vidos in Saoly, YouTub sms to hav
HD oroppo on o our avourit playback
To mak YouTub vioos play in th hacks, a VHS-styl ovrlay o uzz ano
highst oinition availabl, typ crackl i you aooo &vhs=l to th URL.

You can gt arouno YouTub's This URL hack isn't aIways weII- '?username=admin&password=*' at
vioo is not availabl in your country intentioned. !f you see stranQe code the end of a URL, someone wants to
mssag by rmoving 'watch?' rom th at the end of a web address, it may IoQ into your computer without
URL ano rplacing '=' with a orwaro be a cIue that there's maIware on knowinQ your admin password.
slash. ln othr woros, th miool sction your computer. You can see more maIicious URL
will chang rom '/watch?v=' to '/v/'. For exampIe '?moduIe=pastebin hacks at bit.Iy/maIicious337. !f you
This stops YouTub sing your lP .com/', foIIowed by the name of a spot one on your computer, run your
aoorss, which is what it uss to track script, indicates that someone is anti-virus proQram and MaIwarebytes
attemptinQ a remote-code execution nti-MaIware (www.maIwarebytes
hack via a Tro|an on your computer. .orQ). We'II have more advice on
!f you see '?username=admin&pass spottinQ whether you've been hacked
word=adminadmin' or in our next issue.

t Wws styI
h sr
io rom th latst HTC hanosts,
such as th HTC On (bit.lyhtcon33),
noroio ovics can look a bit samy,
whras Vinoows-powro Nokia
Lumias ar among th most attractiv
phons you can buy. l you lik noroio,
but want to giv your phon or tablt a
Microsot makovr, install th amazing
app Launchr 8 Fr (bit.ly
launchr33). This lts you customis
your hom
scrn with
8-styl tils
that provio
on-tap accss
to your
sttings ano
othr ssntial
tools. You can
aoo mor wiogts ano runtly uso
apps to th scrn, ano long-prss a til
to chang its siz ano colour, ano mov
or rmov it. Launchr 8 Fr looks
antastic ano it's asy to switch back to
th stanoaro noroio hom scrn
whn you want.
Vw t rsft
Office fiIes
l you'r prparo to pay, you can bring
Microsot Oic tools such as Voro ano
Excl to your phon by purchasing an
Oic 35 Hom Prmium subscription
(hoic.microsot.com). This costs
9.99 pr yar,
or .99 pr
month, ano lts
you opn, oit
ano shar Oic
ils on up to
iv ovics,
with a ooicato
r app or
noroio (bit.ly
oic33). Howvr, Oic Mobil or
Oic 35 won't work on noroio
tablts, so bar in mino that you can't
us it on a Nxus or Tsco Huol.
For a r ano mor lxibl
altrnativ, w rcommno Kingsot
Oic + PDF (bit.lykings33), which
works on
any ovic
noroio 2.
or latr. This
suit lts
you crat,
viw ano
oit ils in
Microsot Oic ormats, incluoing
DOC, DOCX, XLS ano PPT, ano
intgrats with your mail app to mak
snoing ano opning attachmnts a
brz. You can also uploao ano
oownloao ils to ano rom Dropbox
ano Googl Driv; sav oocumnts as
PDFs; insrt picturs ano charts; ano
vn connct a Plutooth or USP
kyboaro to mak typing asir.
Ouickoic (bit.lyuickoic33),
which works samlssly with Googl
Driv ano ors 5GP o r onlin
storag, is also worth a look, but it can't
compt with Kingsot's rang o tools.
PIay audio and video fiIes
on the move
Thr's crtainly no shortag o moia
playrs or noroio ovics, although
avourit VLC is still in bta
(bit.lyvlc33) ano Vinoows Moia
Playr Mobil is only availabl on
Vinoows Phon. Still, thr ar svral
gooo options availabl i you want a r
app that can play both music ano vioo,
is asy to us ano oosn't kp crashing.
MX Playr (bit.lymxplayr33) is on o
th simplst ano astst, automatically
otcting vioo ils on your ovic so
you can watch thm instantly. You can
vn oisplay subtitls rom an xtrnal
il, i thy'r not mbooo in th
Turn your phon or tablt into a pockt-sizo
PC by aooing your avourit Vinoows aturs
to th mobil OS. xplains how
movi. To play music in th app, go into
MX Playr's Sttings, tap uoio ano
slct 'Us as an auoio playr'.
V also lik Ultimat Moia Playr
(bit.lyultimat33), which supports a
hug numbr o auoio ano vioo
ormats, hlpully organiss tracks by
artist ano lts you iool arouno with
playback spo ano souno uality
(using th ualizr).
Browse and manage fiIes
and foIders
noroio oosn't hav a Vinoows
Explorr-typ tool or asily navigating
ano organising ils ano olors on your
ovic (nor oos iOS). Fortunatly,
thr ar som xcllnt r apps that
bring this atur to your phon or
tablt. V particularly lik ES Fil
et the beet Windowe
tooIe on Android
||ri ncre krirc|i ri W|ricw: ||: | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

lorr Fil
Managr (bit.ly/
sil337), which
not only givs
you asy accss
to photos,
music, vioos,
oocumnts ano
othr ils on
your /noroio
ovic, but also
lts you mov
thm to Dropbox, SkyDriv, Googl
Driv ano othr onlin storag accounts.
lt can crat ano xtract ils rom ZlP
ano R/R archivs to sav you spac;
hanoily oisplays thumbnails o imags in
olors; ano lts you asily olt,
rnam ano mov ils. Onc you'v
installo ES Fil Explorr, you'll wonor
how you vr manago without it.

Piriorm announco CClanr or

/noroio arly last yar (bit.ly/
cclanr337), but at th tim o going to
prss w haon't haro any mor about
it. Until th app is rlaso (soon,
thr ar othr
options you can
try. On o th
most popular
ano highly
rato (4.7 out
o 5 on Googl
Play) is KS
Mobil's Clan
Mastr (bit.ly/
which rclaims
spac ano mmory on your phon or
tablt, as wll as protcting your
privacy. lt oos this by olting |unk
ils, closing backgrouno apps ano
claring prsonal oata such as your
browsing ano sarch history. /s with
CClanr, you can rviw what you'r
about to rmov bor prorming th
clan-up, ano s how much spac ano
mmory you'll rgain.
/ltrnativly, you coulo try /VG
Clanr (bit.ly/avgclanr337), which
works in a similar way but with th
bonus o an /uto Clan atur. This lts
you schoul clan-ups to run oaily or
on how
much you
us your
ovic ano
th amount
o spac
Get Android tooIe
in Windowe
You can also aoo tools rom your phon
or tablt to your PC. Hr ar our ways to
go mobil on your Dsktop

/noroio lts you crat a olor by
long-prssing an app ano oragging it
on top o anothr on. You can oo this
in Vinoows using a r tool callo
Smart Folors (bit.ly/
smartolors337). Onc installo, it
lts you orag ano orop on il or
mor onto anothr to instantly crat
a olor ano mov all th itms into it.
Giv th olor a nam ano click OK.

l you want to play /noroio gams
such as Canoy Crush Saga, Tmpl
Run ano Th Simpsons: Tappo Out
on a largr scrn, install th antastic
/noroio mulator PluStacks /pp
Playr (www.blustacks.com/
app-playr.html). This r program
lts you run mobil gams ano othr
apps in /noroio's /PK ormat on your
Vinoows (or Mac OS X) computr.
Onc installo, you can sarch Googl
Play or gams to oownloao, brows
th charts o popular titls ano opn
thm on your Dsktop (you'll no to
sign into your Googl account).
Thr's also an option to sync apps
with your phon. PluStacks is vry
asy to us ano has a ull-scrn
moo or maximum gaming plasur.

PluStacks /pp Playr lts you run
/noroio apps on your PC, but it
oosn't rplicat th osign o th
mobil oprating systm. l you want
to bring all th wonors o /noroio to
Vinoows, without using a virtual
machin, your bst bt is Vinoroy
(www.sockt.com). This looks ano
works xactly lik th lc Cram
Sanowich vrsion o /noroio
(a Jllyban upoat is ou soon) with
Hom ano Pack buttons, a slio-to-
unlock option, a Sttings panl,
wiogts ano wallpaprs. Thr's vn
an /noroio-styl on-scrn kyboaro
ano a camra app. You no to
rgistr th program, but this is r.
Check your caIIs and
text messages
l you'v lt your /noroio phon
charging in anothr room, you can us
th marvllous Chrom xtnsion
Spots (bit.ly/spots337) to nsur you
oon't miss any calls or mssags. lt
lts you rao ano rply to txts via
your browsr's Nw Tab pag, gt call
ano SMS notiications on your Dsktop
ano sarch your contacts without
touching your ovic. You'll no to
install th r Spots - Magical
Launchr app (bit.ly/spotsapp337) on
your hanost to connct it to your PC,
but onc it's st up, Spots coulon't b
simplr to us. Th aoo-on also has a
gorgous, i not vry /noroio-lik

Wht is it?
O oogl, or oogl Voic Srch
otoro to gi it th oicil nm, is
Chrom xtnsion tht oos
support or oic commnos.
Why do e nt it?
Pcus it ill lt ou ct out th
scn in tr rok /V hn Scotti is
tolo tht computrs r oprto
using mous, so th hilrious olo
ool picks it up no spks into it.
Unlik stnoro oogl oic srch,
O oogl unorstnos nturll
spokn lngug uris such s
ht is i oollrs in Pritish pounos?'
no rminors such s st n lrm
or minuts tim pls'. ll ou
h to oo is prc th commno
ith O oogl' no ou'r .
When miQht e Qet it?
lthough thr's no oicil oro on
U rsion o th Chrom oo-on t,
noroio usrs cn oonloo th O
oogl No pp (it.l/
okgooglpp337), thn chng thir
oic's lngug to nglish (US)',
tr hich it shoulo ork in.
Wht is it?
ulu is r populr, o-supporto
onlin TV sric tht strms shos
rom m|or US ntorks incluoing
NPC, ox no PC, or r. Thr's lso
suscription rsion tht rmos th
Why do e nt it?
V' coto ulu or gs, prtl
cus ' n mrcilssl
tntliso minut-long clips on
ouTu crring th sric's Vtch
our orits [sic]. nytim. r'
taglin. Put mainly w want it bcaus
it's got a rally gooo slction o shows
incluoing Community, Mooorn Family
ano Bonos as wll as lots o classic
Pritish sris, such as Blackaooor, Lifo
on Mars ano Yos Ministor, which popl
actually want to watch. V also lik th
way ulu olivrs contnt through your
browsr, mobil ovic ano gams
consol without uss.
When miQht e Qet it?
ivn th sticky stat o US licnsing
laws ano contnt proviors' vic-lik
grip on thir intllctual proprty, w
probably won't s ulu this sio o th
tlantic anytim soon. owvr, thr
ar tools that lt you bypass
Many big tch innovations still arn't availabl
ovr hr. Rob Bettie casts a |alous y ovr
ight tools ano srvics that th US gts but
w oon't, ano rvals whn to xpct thm
gographical rstrictions to accss th
srvic, such as ola Unblockr
iTunes Radio
Wht is it?
ppl's r, ao-supporto straming
raoio srvic is lik a mor attractiv
vrsion o Spotiy. Subscribrs to
ppl's iTuns Match srvic (which
costs 2.99 a yar) gt ao-r raoio to
n|oy on thir computr, iPhon, iPao
ano iPoo Touch.
Why do e nt it?
lthough iTuns is still th moia
sotwar most likly to hav popl
taring thir hair out (mainly bcaus o
th way it's so asy to 'los' your music
library ouring upgraos or whn
transrring it to a nw computr), it
rmains th srvic o choic or
vryon with an iOS ovic.
straming option will sav you th
hassl o buying ano oownloaoing
music to listn to whn you'r out ano
When miQht e Qet it?
Rports inoicat that w can xpct
iTuns Raoio somtim this spring. Vith
Spotiy currntly laoing th pack o
straming srvics in th UK, th launch
o iTuns Raoio shoulo shak things up
a bit.


i i

y o i
Pcaus it's simpl to us; upoats itsl
automatically to tak aovantag o nw
vioo srvics as thy appar; ano lts
you stram prsonal contnt (such as
hom movis) to your TV. lso, it costs
|ust $35 (about 2).
mi i
ivn th noiss coming out o oogl
- spcially rom th company's
proouct managmnt VP, Mario Ouiroz
- w'o b amazo i you wrn't
n|oying Chromcast on your TV soonr
rathr than latr this yar.
i i
Mint is a r onlin banking srvic that
lts you track ano control your savings,
currnt accounts, invstmnts,
mortgags ano othr loans.
y o i
Vhras UK-baso onlin banks sm
to avour orary corporat colours ano
convoluto logins, Mint's 28-bit SSL
ncryption provios a sit that's
attractiv, asy to us ano scur. t
works on PC, Mac, iOS, noroio ano
Vinoows 8 ovics, ano is lauoo by
both th tch ano mainstram moia,
ano mor than million usrs. t's also
run by ntuit, th company bhino
Ouickn, which is th much-misso
program that virtually invnto hom-
inanc sotwar.
mi i
Don't holo your brath or Mint to arriv
in th UK. Th company's
hao th sam blano notic
on its sit or yars now:
Currntly, Mint supports
banks in th Unito Stats
ano Canaoa. V hop to
support mor countris in
th utur. t's a ral sham,
bcaus w think it woulo
prov vry popular ovr hr.
Th narst uivalnt w
hav is Mony Dashboaro
KindIe MatchBook
i i
Kinol MatchPook ors you th book
vrsions o paprbacks ano harobacks
you buy rom mazon or signiicantly
oiscounto prics - $2.99, $.99 or
$.99 - or vn or r. Commnoably,
it applis to past, prsnt ano utur
y o i
you'v bought lots o physical books
mazon ovr
th yars,
having to
buy book
oitions or
your Kinol
can b
xpnsiv, so
MatchPook is
a brilliant
ioa or
Only crtain
titls ualiy
or buogt-prico oigital vrsions
(arouno 7, whn MatchPook
launcho last Octobr), but ths
incluo plnty o bst sllrs, such as
o of Pi ano Tho Hobbit.
mi i
mazon's similar srvic utoRip, which
provios MP3s o your CD purchass,
launcho ovr hr six months atr th
US, so on that vionc w can xpct
MatchPook arouno pril.
Raze BIade
i i
Th Razr Plao is an ultra-thin
Vinoows laptop, that's spciically
osigno to play gams.
y o i
t's xtrmly thin. Thinnr than th
MacPook Pro or MacPook ir; in act,
at |ust .66in thick, it's almost
rioiculously slim. nsio, it packs a
Ouao Cor ntl i7, 8P o RM ano
an Nvioia oorc TX 765M
graphics procssor, ano aturs a
4in ,6 x 9-pixls D oisplay.
mi i
lthough thr was a bit o
'buzz' about th Razr Plao
last summr, Pritish gaming
nthusiasts ar still
importing thir machins
oirctly rom th US.
rustratingly, th company
rmains tight-lippo
about an oicial UK
i i
Lovly is a oogl Maps ovrlay that
provios an innovativ way or
lanoloros ano tnants to ino ach
y o i
Trawling sits or a plac to rnt can
b laborious, but Lovly maks th
procss uick, asy ano rathr un,
whthr you'r looking or
somwhr to liv or you'r a lanoloro
who wants to rnt thir proprty.
Thr's also an iPhon app that snos
you alrts whn a nw proprty that
its your sarch critria coms on th
mi i
Sinc it's a wb-baso srvic that
rlis on usrs uploaoing thir
inormation, thr's nothing to stop
th srvic coming to th UK. Lovly
says it hops to xpano outsio th US
but has no immoiat plans to oo so.
Ce| ce | ca ew|e||e | www.we|ae.cc.a\ew|e||e
eate your own Windowe 8 app

+ button
to opn th Visuals mnu. This lts
you aoo things to th pag. Most simply, you can choos
rom txt,

ano shaps, along with a rang o
common ovics ouno on wb pags, such as buttons,


switchs ano orop-oown mnus.

You start with a blank canvas ano a singl pag. To aoo a

pictur to th backgrouno, click Packgrouno lmag
oo lmag. Slct a il ano it will strtch to it th scrn.
Chang this by clicking lmag Position
ano choosing a
oirnt option. Click Fill

to chang th backgrouno colour.

Right-click anywhr on th scrn to s th top mnu.

From hr, you can Opn ano Sav your work rom th
Fil mnu;
Unoo or Roo things i you'v mao a
aoo anothr scrn (pag) to your app;

switch btwn your xisting pags.

Click Labl
in th Visuals mnu to aoo a txt box. You
can typ as much as you want oirctly into th box. Click
th Dsign button to chang th way th txt looks
us th box's hanols to rsiz it.

lmags ano shaps can b
aooo, positiono ano rsizo in th sam way.

ntil rcntly, thr was no asy way to crat your own

Vinoows 8 apps, but now Microsot has launcho Pro|ct
Sina, a nw r tool that maks ovloping apps much
This powrul oitor lts you crat apps in th sam way
that wb-builoing sotwar givs you th tools to crat a
wbsit, using a visual, orag-ano-orop intrac. You can orop
in picturs, writ txt ano crat links btwn pags. You can
thn run your app on your own PC, sno it to rinos to run on
thirs ano vn publish it on th Vinoows Stor.
ln this Vorkshop, w show you how to mak a wbsit-lik
ject Siena: bit.IyJiena337 30 min 8+
app containing txt, graphics ano links, but
w'r mrly scratching th surac o what
Pro|ct Sina is capabl o.
Mor aovanco usrs
who hav programming
skills ano a talnt or
oata manipulation will
b abl to us Sina to
urthr nhanc thir
apps. S our Exprt Tip
or mor inormation.
14 paQes of workshops, tips,
pro|ects and probIem soIvinQ



Ce| cre rc|c ce | cra.we|a:er.cc.a\

rat txt links or buttons to lt popl navigat arouno

your app. hoos somthing rom th Visuals mnu,
slct it ano click th OnSlct button.
lick th
Navigat switch
to crat a link. ln th nxt winoow, slct a
scrn to link to ano a transition typ.

Right-click anywhr on th scrn ano choos th

Prviw button to tak a look at your cration. This will
opn th app ull scrn
so you can chck that
vrything works. Right-click ano choos sign
to go back
to Sina.

Opn an imag oitor such as Paint.nt (www.gtpaint

.nt), click il
thn Nw ano mak a 245 x 245 pixl
imag. rat your icon osign, slct th backgrouno
with th Magic Vano
ano us th rasr tool

to rub it out,
making it transparnt.

To crat th app, right-click, slct il ano choos

Publish rom th orop-oown mnu. iv th app a nam
ano click th pncil to choos a colour.
Slct your

tick th 'Publish rsourcs locally' box

ano click

Th app will now install. o to your Start Scrn ano

start typing th app's nam until it appars in th
Sarch bar. Right-click it ano slct 'Pin to Start'.
You can mov th app arouno th Start scrn by clicking,
holoing ano oragging it to your osiro position.

o to th olor whr you publisho th app ano opn

th PublishoPackag olor. oubl-click lnstallpp,
slct 'lnstall on this P'
ano click Nxt.

Th irst
tim you oo this you'll no to agr to a vlopr Licns,
which you can appno to an xisting Microsot account.

Much o Pro|ct Sina's hioon powr coms rom bing abl to pull oata rom xtrnal sourcs,
particularly tabls o inormation rom xcl spraoshts. V oon't hav spac to go into that hr,
but hristin Mathny, a Tchnical vanglist at Microsot, hosts a brilliant tutorial you can work
through at bit.ly/oata337. lt also xplains how to publish your inisho app to th Vinoows Stor.



Ce| cre rc|c ce | cra.we|a:er.cc.a\

ncognito Filtr (lF) to hrom. Th lnstructions pag

opns automatically in a nw tab. To look at this pag
latr, click th lF button,
Show Options


You can also rach th pag via th hrom
mnu by clicking Sttings, Extnsions ano Options unor lF.

To opn an incognito winoow, click th lF button, thn

Nw lncognito Vinoow. Th nw winoow has a gry
incognito icon
ano no xtnsion button. ags you
viw hr won't appar in your history
or lav cookis on
your computr, ano all xtnsions ar oisablo.

To st a wbsit to opn in incognito moo vry tim,

launch it in a non-incognito winoow, click th lF button
ano click oo Vbsit.
ltrnativly, click Show
Manag Vbsits,

thn typ th URL into th
oo Vbsit txt box

ano click oo Vbsit.

Vbsits aooo to lF ar listo in th lncognito Vbsits

Th URLs appar in blu but arn't clickabl. To
rmov on, hovr ovr it ano click th cross.
l you
rmov a wbsit rom lF, you can still us Nw lncognito
Vinoow (s Stp 2) to manually visit it in incognito moo.

Tick th Show ovanco Options box

to s rgular
xprssions (RgExp) associato with ach wbsit.
this contxt, rgular xprssions ar strings o URL txt,
or xampl 'www' ano 'https'. You can also us thm as
wilocaro sarch iltrs or lF to look out or.

To aoo a wilocaro sarch, typ [wilocaro txt] ano

click oo RgExp.
For xampl,
woulo aoo a sarch iltr that opns all wbsits with
URLs bginning 'https://' in a nw incognito winoow. For mor
on rgular xprssions, visit www.rgular-xprssions.ino.
AIwae open eeIected eitee in incognito mode
hrom's incognito moo hios your tracks as you sur
th wb, but you hav to switch to it to us it. Th nw
hrom xtnsion lncognito Filtr lts you st up a list
o wbsits to automatically opn in incognito. You can
also crat iltrs, so you switch to incognito moo as
soon as you typ 'https' ano othr snsitiv aoorsss.
lnconio Fier: bi.IyJincog337 10 mins Chrome


Ce| cre rc|c ce | cra.we|a:er.cc.a\

9 rom picasa.googl.co.uk, making sur

to untick unwanto xtras in th Stup box. Click
Continu to lt it ino photos on your computr. Click
'Don't us Picasa Photo Viwr'

to avoio changing il
associations, thn click inish.
You can now clos Picasa.

Click 'St up uto-Packup' ano sign into oogl.

oogl automatically backs up imag ano vioo ils
to oogl+ rom thr sourcs: conncto ovics,

ano My Picturs.

Py oault, only you can viw
your uploaoo photos, but you can chang this in oogl+.

To aoo a nw olor or ovic to back up, click oo,

navigat to th sourc
ano click OK.

ar incluoo automatically. ny olors you aoo ar
listo blow th oault olors.

Untick a olor to xcluo
it rom syncing,

ano tick to r-nabl.

Click 'Stanoaro siz' to back up photos up to 2,C48 x

2,C48 pixls in siz.

You can stor an unlimito
numbr up to this siz. You can back up ull-siz
photos ano vioos i you hav spac in oogl Driv.
't mor storag'

to manag storag sttings.

Py oault, oogl copis ils to My Picturs whn

you plug in a camra or storag caro, as wll as
backing thm up onlin. Click ovanco

ano Prows
to choos or crat a Sav olor.

Untick th box

oisabl this option. Untick th tracking box

ano click OK.

Vhn your sttings ar oon, click 'Start backup'. n

ino pag opns in your browsr

ano a progrss
bubbl appars brily.
uto Packup runs in th
backgrouno ano rsums automatically whn you start your
PC. Click th notiication icon

or options ano progrss.
ac up ued p for free

h latst vrsion o oogl's photo organisr, Picasa,

coms with an xtra tool that automatically backs up
your photos ano vioos. lthough it installs with
Picasa, oogl+ uto Packup is a sparat program ano
oosn't ruir Picasa to run. s long as your picturs ar
blow a crtain siz, you can back up as many as you want.
gI+ is.ggI.. mins inds XPJVisaJ7J8+





Your to ti
iko h iomo og hl
o o i ooh ii omok
\|:|| car |r|: K I|: |cran | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

ol on hoo onnin o
i hn ing hi ing
ingl on iho
o onnin
ino oo igh o h ko
ih no inion i i
ik non n ih on o
n o il h migh lo
l o log ino i i o
nm n o
noh ing i h i
omhing go ong ih o
on o ol lok o n
nl o o il
o go o on in h
onol nl lik k hng o m
on o ng on n
o lighl l
onnin hing o o o
o o g o ino i i
h on hing o hol o i o
noh minio on
ih o h i l h
n o logging ino o on
o n log ino h oh on o i i
MaIoney, via emaiI
Stop websites bIocking
noh olion o h olm o
i h o ok i o
ing n -lok il/
wbusr334). nti-oPlock Killr (bit.ly/
anti337) is a script that stops wbsits
otcting your ao-blocking sotwar ano
making you rmov it, so that thy can
orc thir aos on you. ts Usrscripts.org
listing has a oisclaimr saying that it's
not a univrsal solution or all anti-ao-
blockrs, but it worko wll or m.
t acts lik an aoo-on but is
inopnont o any browsr, so you can
us it in Chrom, irox, Saari or Opra.
To install it, you irst no to aoo a script
managr to your browsr, such as
Tamprmonky or Chrom (bit.ly/
monky337) or rasmonky or
irox (bit.ly/gras337). Thn go to bit
.ly/anti337 ano click nstall.
Jack GoId, Web User Forums
dd Start screen tiIes
Vhn you install sotwar in Vinoows 7
ano olor vrsions, an itm is aooo to
th Start mnu so you can ino ano run
th sotwar. Vinoows 8 has a Start
scrn instao o a mnu, but it oosn't
always automatically aoo a Start scrn
til whn nw sotwar is installo.
owvr, it's asy to aoo on manually.
Click th arrow at th bottom-lt o
th Vinoows 8. Start scrn to oisplay
all your apps ano sotwar. ino th
sotwar you |ust installo ano right-click
it - you can oo this to svral itms i you
want to aoo mor than on til. n th
bottom-lt cornr, click 'Pin to Start'.
Tils or th slcto sotwar will now
b aooo to th Start scrn.
Dave ass, via emaiI
Use a shortcut to switch
sound devices
you hav mor than on auoio ovic
installo, such as haophons ano
spakrs, it usually taks svral clicks to
switch rom on to th othr. You hav to
right-click your taskbar volum icon,
click 'Playback ovics' ano choos a
souno caro to switch to. no it oosn't
always work.
SounoSwitch (sounoswitch.cooplx
.com) is a r opn-sourc program that
maks it asir to switch playback
ovics by ltting you toggl btwn
thm with a kyboaro shortcut. Right-
click th SounoSwitch icon in your
notiication ara to conigur it th irst
tim you us it. Ouick Souno Switch
Th Ultimat Vinoows Twakr tool
(UVT) has bn upoato or Vinoows
8 ano 8.. t's a tiny r oownloao that
lts you oo a lot o vry usul things.
o to bit.ly/twak337 ano scroll oown
or th oownloao button.
uso th prvious vrsion o UVT
to chang my usr-account sttings
ano rstrict accss to som Control
Panl applts in Vinoows 7, ano
ouno it vry ctiv ano asy to us.
Tweak Windows to suit you


in inows s k-up
havn't trio th nw vrsion ( oon't
hav Vinoows 8) but it's bn vry
wll rviwo, ano apparntly givs
you mor than 7C ways to tak control
o your Vinoows 8 computr. Som o
ths twaks ar uit srious, so b
carul. t's a gooo ioa to crat a
Systm Rstor point, in cas things go
wrong. Rao all th guiolins at bit
.ly/twak337 bor you gt stuck in.
David Cumming, via emaiI
Pight-lik to pin pps tht r missing
from th $trt srn
lnstll Anti-ABlok Killr to stop
wsits tting your -lokr
e TV and radio listings since the
193s at The TV Poom

\eri cr ||: |c we|:er_ierr|:.cc.\ - w|r IJ |cr ||e |e:| ||!
(.ikonih.olo.) i
imil on m o h
kyo ho.
MicroKid, Web User Forums

Do maths in Word
yo ing l o l in
Vo omn n yo n o
pom llion yo ol opy
n p h ino El hih i
p o nm nhing. Ho
yo n lo pom om ph-
lik llion in Vo.
yo h l ih olmn o
nm lik h ll h yo n o
n oml n l Lyo on h
l ool in h ion. Clik
Foml in h D ion o lik h
o n D i yo n i.
h i mll li o nion h
inl m g on m min
n mo. l on n h l ill
iply in h ll. lo i
hn iling on ih El.
S Coins, ia emai

Googe's hidden bog

Googl i goo pl o in
inomion n opinion on pil
opi Googl Plog h i n
. on i i h pp ion on
Googl hompg y liking o n
En mo om Googl hih opn
pg ll o l ll-knon Googl ool.
Plog h pp o hl y
on h pg n pili
h. lnily go o .googl
.o.k/logh. h h o o
in il i Vikipi ni
n oh ioil-yp l on opi
h in yo. h i n opion
n h ool o h l
lik Po n hoo n Po
n Hompg.
g ool n i h hlp m
in m o log po h on
pp in h min Googl h.
Bedstor, Web User Forums

Sitch off Microsoft

Security Essentias
n o ninll ioo iy
Enil (E) o inlling n
ni-i pogm oln in i
li n ninll pogm in h
Conol Pnl. on ioo Fi
ool (i.ly/i o i.ly/im
pning on yo ion) h l yo
ih i o iho moing i hih
ol goo opion i yo n o
o- n ni-i pogm
iho omplly moing E.
oi h hing o ni-
i pogm ol onli
n ih on ih o o no
mo E omplly ih h m
Fi . h link lo h il on
mnlly moing in ion o
E in Vino P i n .
FratPark and Madeine, Web User

See TV istings though the

yo hogh C Chim
i i nil yo ho i
y go h oom liing
hi (i.ly/oom) l yo
o liing om y k. o
o h liing om h mi-ii
on om k o h
hii. h op-on o h
op o hoo hnnl hn lik y
n lik yllo on h ln
h pop p. o ol h on
lly h y yo on
h PPC h pogmm hi
h yo n in o mo o h
PPC pogmm li on h
oom. Go o i.ly/ n oll
on h lphil mn o ho
hih go ll h y om A Broaocast
by tho Prmo Mnstor ih Clmn
l o Zoo Oost for a Dragon ih
Di noogh. Clik pogmm
il o ino n io lip.
Een, Web User Forums

Reort or hide YouTube

yo oh y ogy ommn
on o io h ho o n
yol ino l moo. Ho
yo mo o h ho o pmmy
o i ommn o mll o
ion o h igh o h po. Clik i o
opn o opion hih i n
opion h hi h ommn n
il noiiion o i n po
pm o hih l yo po h
ho o Googl n h h ommn
mo. i ommn on on o
yo on io h mo
opion in o .
yo on n o ommn
ll y o Fh (i.ly/
h). hi i n po| om
Googl h l yo i o pg
ih no . ign o
hlp io ply on lo onnion
on o i mny ng i h i
mo ll ommn.
Bedstor and Eimonkeyzz, Web User
$et up an audio-sitching shortcut ith
open-source program $ound$itch
Blog $earch finds articles that standard
Google searches miss
This i lt helps ou remoe Microsoft
$ecurit ssentials from our computer
YouTube's ne Mute option lets ou
silence unpleasant comment posters
f you s wors tht look like
they've been typed in a
typewriter foIIow th instrutions
n typ thm xtIy s thy
ppr pyinQ Ios ttntion to
sps n puntution.
adere' heIpdeek
u tbt ut tu a u
Vt uwbuu t ya

l copy someone
eIse's video7
v u a v tat wat t
b y wbt u
t a yt ta but at
t t a y t a
t b butt ay
w w t t t t a
Jedi, Web User Forums

t at t a b butt t
bau t w w t
v t wat t ut at
wbt y u t v yu
t tbut t ay way yu
wu b t w
tt by aut
yt uTub xa
a v a Staa uTub
t t yu t a
ub a a atv
u w aw
yu t a t u ta t
Vt t t w a a yu a
u t yu wbt Ty ay ay
y but t t t t ay
Greysts, Web User Forums
What's this mystery X
wa tt by y ut w
a bw ww
w a t uty bx uy
u ay tat tu
y tt t wa
u wy a
ut Ty t t wa a a
y w tyv w
a Ty a a t av y
ut ay t at tabty
ay wt y ut at t
w tu t Va t a
y t utab
Gazmix, Web User Forums

t u a t yu
ya aat
w t yu tab
at u ut t tay
wt u t ay
at but t ay
at t av t a t
t bau tat wat t
t w t wa but tat a
ut b au w yu t t
tat t t t t t t
t a uba xa
at t at yu
t wt yu ut
vt a u yu wt t
u a u v a tat
yu y wt t at a t
w t t u a yu
a u wt a w
Vat yu ty ut
wt t a tuut t ay
a yu tat a a T
w tt t a a utab
t a ay u yu
u t t av t
ut wt at ay
av t a t
t a wvtat t away
attv ua
av at t yu
ut baba tu a
tubt u at bty/
CantreI, Web User Forums
ShouId l keep my
router on7
our rouer should no be crowded by
cluer. Keep i cool and well-venilaed
Online conen is copyrighed by defaul,
and shouldn' be shared wihou permission
An EXE file ha myseriously appears on
your PC should be invesigaed and scanned
aty y2x wa
wa / t t bx t
a b wa by v t
ut a wa tut but av
a wat t a t aut
t wa w at t y
ut at v t
t a t t b
t t a /
Rt a a
a t y ut
3rdgeStudent, Web User Forums

/ t tt
/tawa bty/33 t
a ta t taat
a Ra a a
by Sytwa t b tt a
a ttay uwat a U
by t atawa a
yu t t wat t t t
T at tat t a
uat t w b tw t
w yu ut S
yu at t t ay av
v uaat t Ru
a www/a

: | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\

m nnn n n o
p. ppnl n o
no 8 m p
n o oo 9
p .
n o o ll kn o
p nll n m ?
User forums

You'll probably b in, bcaus

Vista was actually mor rsourc-
hungry than ithr Vinoows 7 or 8.
lt's asy to ino out what kino o caro
you hav. Spccy (www.piriorm.com/
spccy) is a r oownloao that rvals
ull spciications o all componnts in
your PC or laptop. lt's mao by
WiII m graphics
card support an

Piriorm, th company bhino th

xcllnt CClanr. Thn us th
Vinoows Compatibility Cntr (bit.ly/
compat337) to ino out i your graphics
caro is aovanco nough. Entr th
nam o your graphics caro in th
sarch box or click 'Scan your
Papi11on and Joe_ondon,
Web User Forums
tils of ll your omputer's
omponents with free progrm $pey
To void onflits, remove n old nti-virus
produt efore instlling new one
You my need to uthorise folders in WMP
to ply the songs ontined in them
ano owClanr (bit.ly/aow337) to mak
sur that your PC is clan. Thy'r both
r programs that ar asy to us ano
ar gooo at claring out uslss itms
ano malwar rom your computr. tr
running owClanr, chck th rport to
ino out what has bn ouno ano
l you'r still in any ooubt about th
saty o your computr, bgin a thrao
on th Hi|ack This orum (bit.ly/
hi|ack337). Th posting guiolins ar in
th sticky thraos at th top.
Sneakbeak and Difarn,
Web User Forums

Which anti-virus is right

for me7
My Norton lntrnt Scurity
subscription runs out soon, so l'v
bn looking or an altrnativ. l oon't
mino paying, i it's gooo nough.
Microsot Scurity Essntials, VG, vast
ano Kasprsky all gt mntiono a lot,
but usr rviws nvr sm to agr.
On prson says that his anti-virus roz
his PC, anothr hao to oo a Systm
Rstor, anothr saio his anti-virus brok
his browsr.
Vhich rviws can l trust? l want to try
somthing othr than Norton.
Petrosk, Web User Forums

Evryon has thir avourit

anti-virus sotwar, ano prrncs
otn com oown to inoivioual tasts, but
th on that's right or you opnos on
your usag ano nos. vast Fr
ntivirus (www.avast.com) or VG Fr
(r.avg.com) will b nough or most
popl. vast was th highst-scoring
r program in 's most rcnt
anti-virus rouno-up (lssu 323, bit.ly/
wbusr323), ano Kasprsky (www
.kasprsky.co.uk) was th bst paio-or
program. Gizmo's Frwar also rats
vast highst in its r anti-virus tabl
Problms lik th ons thos rviwrs
mntion ar otn causo by conlicts
btwn oirnt anti-virus programs
installo on th sam computr, rathr
than by th programs thmslvs. So
whichvr anti-virus you choos, uninstall
Norton irst by using th Norton Rmoval
Tool (bit.ly/rmov337), thn rboot your
computr bor installing your nw
FratPark, Teddbo and MadeIine,
Web User Forums
sas: Non o th top thr
prooucts in our otailo rouno-up wr
r, but w ouno thm all to b wll
worth th mony. Kasprsky, Pitonor
(www.bitonor.co.uk) ano Norton
(uk.norton.com) all charg |ust unor 5C
to protct thr PCs or a yar. Thir 2C4
vrsions ar out now. V also rato vast
Fr ntivirus xtrmly highly. Howvr,
Microsot Scurity Essntials cam
bottom o our laorboaro.

Wh won't Windows Media

PIaer accept m fiIes7
l'v bn transrring all my music
ils rom my olo PC to my nw
Vinoows 8. laptop. Th ils hav
transrro but whn l try opning thm
in Vinoows Moia Playr, l gt an rror
mssag. Th Vb Hlp link tlls m that
l hav th wrong cooc on my PC. Put l
also hav VLC on my laptop, ano that has
no problm raoing th ils.
oIaIoIa, Web User Forums

VLC (www.vioolan.org) coms with

mor coocs pr-installo than
Vinoows Moia Playr (VMP), which
may xplain why VLC can rao your ils
but VMP can't. You coulo mak VLC your
oault moia playr, but it oosn't hav
th ripping, burning ano syncing tools
that VMP has.
l you hav vrsions N or KN o
Vinoows 8., you may no to oownloao
th Moia Fatur Pack rom Microsot's
wbsit (bit.ly/win8n337). This will aoo
unorlying tchnologis that ar missing
rom VMP in ths vrsions o Vinoows,
so it may solv your problm.
Hav you authoriso VMP to aoo
songs in your Music olor to its library?
Opn VMP, slct 'Manag libraris' rom
th Organiz mnu ano click Music to
opn th 'Library locations' oialogu box.
Click oo, navigat to th olor
containing your transrro ils ano click
'lncluo olor'. Vinoows will thn
monitor that olor or ils to aoo to
l non o ths suggstions work, my
aovic woulo b to uninstall VMP ano
rinstall it. ll th vrsions ar listo on
Microsot's wbsit at bit.ly/moia337.
Difarn, Web User Forums

|C ri we| rc||en: | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\
Aek the Experte
n ll hnil in
mil hl onnik
indos 1 pps Ioked
io h n m
ino m hn
loo ll ino o no
inllo ino hing i
king n n n m
h n i
n l n o
, n n n
nn l n hl
lan Jones, ia emaiI

l h ino
hi lm hn going m
ino mh h
gi no miin
inl h o no no
o no l
lin h lm no n
o h lng no mlio n
il , l
no lighl h lin n h
n, command, igh-lik
mmno m in h h n
no l n omini n h
mmno m ino,
powershell ~ExecutionPolicy
Unrestricted Add~AppxPackage
~Register $Env:SystemRoot\
h n mmno, ll n n lin
n, hn
start "" "ms~windows~store:"
h n n h i
l h mmno
m ino no hlo ino
h n h ino ,
no oo no king
Sync iOS contacts ith
h n l ihn no n
io, ok no
l ll h n ino
h o lk, no o
, ino h l mil
imil nn g
oo h n n ih
l oi no in h
m ning h n
n, hlo oih h l oi
no ki ino hn
ino n i on ih i
on mino noing h mn
n n oi, | no mo
oi m h g
raham OgIe, ia emaiI

i n go io l
ilo mil i i
ihing lk lk
m ing n , no ign
mil n ign in
ih i , i h n n
h ihnio, g ing, il,
n, lno no oo
n, hn lkm n
mil oo no o no h
oi ill n mil, n no
lno h il n h ihn
no io n hn o no no
i lk mil n h
n n h ihn io no
io ilo no n
n oo n h io ihn
ill mill ooo lk
n, hih n hn
n ino , g lk
m ing
mil lik lk h no

oi ill
k in
in n

n ih

ing i n mng, h
l n lkm ino
n n lo in l no
hn o n h ng mn,
hih ill ll im hm in
lk h gm, n h
mil i ino i il n
o n i
mil h hn n nlin
Check your router's security
ing g
no ihing i hn
ling on, lklk h n m
n no h io hlo l
i n ll h im m n h hi
ill l m lnl ing
hk h hlo o
Yours mma Munro, ia emaiI
gh ino hn i
m i
lling i l hn ,
h im, n goo
ino n m ill i
n i ino o
h i gin
Peter KaIdor, ia emaiI

hn ii h ino
ing h n
n m nning ino ,
ll ino minnl
oilo h i in h
no i lik h n
inll i
n o go ino
m i inll ino n
m no hn ino
o g ll h o n
i i o, n h n
h n no g
ino mh hn
ino no h l l
et Windos 8.1
for free
hat has Wdws 8 ca get 8.1
free fr the Wdws tre
Add Out.c t yur
Appe devce ad syc a
ad ctacts wth yur PC

Ce| nre |: | |ran.we|a:er.c.a\
a yo an c a Gool
o Pn. Go o a mn aan an
clck Mana aon. Go o Toolba
an Enon lc any am o
Snap.o n an abl o l
m. Slc Sac Po n pck
Pn o Gool an clck S a al.
Slc an l any o ac
O bo m b clan n
am ay o a Com clck
mn bon an lc Tool
Enon. Dl any am o
Snap.o m. Opn mn aan
an clck Sn. Clck S pa n
o Opn a pcc pa o o pa
an ompa o Gool o
a yo an ln any o.
ln Sn clck Mana ac
nn an l any yo on n
by clckn co a appa n
mo o o m.

Ro a bln cy o
pn nao acc. l
cy nabl yo a lly
poc an o can b on all
m. Som o a nabl
by al an pao on a
ck on back o ba. T
pao m b n m
yo n on o an connc o
om yo comp.
l cy no nabl by
al o no o n an
n on. T ally man nn
o lP a c a
... no a bo. No all o
am lP a o cck
ocmnaon po.
Yo m n a yo nn
conncon mpo by an yo
o n on all m. S
Canl an o Gam y n
Ra Hlpk on pa .

l am yn o lp my o
PC a bn nc by Snap.o
an am. l a l bo om
Conol Panl an mo all
ac l can n om lE an Com
b bo a mana o abl
ml. T o ay l a
oln ano poblm n
Ry an noc a nmb o
nc o bo applcaon. l l
o l m ol ca
poblm o o applcaon
S a RC Po (b.ly)
nall b al o pck p
applcaon. Vn acn
nn l a a o onloa
SpyHn (b.lypy). Ho a
la acl on poblm a om
conm back a a on
Spyn. Pla can yo a a
oo all on ca packa
ob McGechan, via emaiI

Many popl n am an
Snap.o bo annoyn an
nabl b a on cncally
mak m o mala. Fo
aon y a aly block o
mo by an oa an o
can commn any cy
oa o poc yo. Ty a on
accnally nall o
oa o ac o o m.
To mo m o o Poam an
Fa n Conol Panl an
nnall m. Tn n lnn
Eplo o o a mn an
lc lnn Opon. Rplac
cn ompa on Gnal ab
l a a comp Vno
P b n o ano
Vno Hom Pmm. l
onloa all nomaon om
P comp o a poabl a
b n mal an
ocmn cop o my n
comp yn cam o a
obblook. l ll a all
nomaon on poabl a
. l any ay l can
nomaon n a lbl om
Fred Roberts, via emaiI

l l a cambl on
poabl a k n
n anyn yo can o o
ncambl m. l yo a acc
o onal Vno P comp
yo ol copy l o
poabl aan o ploa m
o an onln oa c c a
SkyD (ky.l.com).
l may b a oa n
o opn l n on yo n
comp. Olook Ep o
mal n P on n Vno
c man yo can opn yo
mal. n alna Tnb
(b.lyn) alo
ann mal ly.
DbCon (b.lycon) o con
DP l by Olook Ep
o EML n onloa
lmpoEpoTool (b.lympp)
a Tnb lc Tool
on o Enon an clck
lnall. Slc lmpoEpoTool
l yo onloa o a o
Tool mn. o mpo EML
l an yo mal ll b a o
Yo ocmn may alo a
bn n n oa no
nall on n PC. Donloa
an nall LbOc (
.lboc.o). l a oc
a can loa many o poco
pa an o l oma.
scrambIed fiIe

reOffice is handy for loading Word,
Excel and other types of documents

Fix l SysFader error

My PC omm op okn
an n l ayn T
cpon nknon oa
cpon(CC) occ n
applcaon a locaonCa. l
ay SyFa plo. Eo a
op. Can yo a poblm
an l can myl
arry HarIand, via emaiI

T a al pobl ca
o poblm. n aon may
a bn nall on lnn Eplo
a n o. Go o
Sa ll Poam mn an n
lnn Eplo (no aon) o n
lE no a. l ok OK c
pobably ll yoll kno yo can blam
an aon. Clck a mn an
lc Mana aon. mn
bon on l o lc all aon
an o o l lookn o any
m yo on n c a oolba.
ln nonnal m
lE ol b n n yo lanc .
Yo col alo ao poblm by
nalln Fo (.molla.o) o
Com (ool.comcom).
Pemove unwanted search engines from
Chrome to prevent unwelcome results

\|:| car |r: K I|: cran cran.w|a:r.cc.a

inormation in a spraosht, such as
spciic rows or columns, by kping
vrything ls hioon. rat a nw
spraosht ano slct a rang o clls.
o to th ata mnu ano slct 'iltr
viws', 'rat nw iltr viw'. Small
buttons appar at th top o th
slcto columns ano clicking thm
oisplays a list o itms in th rows blow.
Tick th itms you want to s ano clar
th rst. Only th rows with th slcto
inormation will b oisplayo. lick th
nam at th top o th spraosht ano
giv th iltr a nam.
You can crat lots o iltrs ano aoo
thm to th ata, 'iltr viws' mnu to
slct any tim you want to s th
viw. Thr is an option to clar th
iltr to rturn to normal viw.
On pag is usually nough or a
spraosht, but som complx tasks
ruir svral. Ths ar shown as tabs
at th bottom o th Shts winoow.
you'v got a lot o tabs ano want to
mak it asir to oistinguish btwn
thm, you can pick a oirnt colour
or ach tab by clicking th arrow ano
slcting 'hang colour'.
Transpose ceIIs
On common rustration with
spraoshts occurs whn you ntr
your oata ano ralis halway through
that th rows ano columns shoulo b
th othr way rouno. nstao o
starting all ovr again, you can slct
th oata ano swap th rows with th
columns. lick ano orag ovr th clls
ano prss trl+ to copy thm. lick
an mpty part o th spraosht, go
to th oit mnu ano slct 'Past
spcial', thn 'Past transpos'.
Use Sheets offIne
Th nw Shts ano its apps can b
uso olin, so you oon't no an
intrnt connction to us it. o to
oriv.googl.com ano click th Mor
link. lick Olin, thn click 't th
app'. You'r takn to th hrom wb
stor. nstall th app ano rturn to
oriv.googl.com. lick Mor, Olin
ano click nabl Olin.
You'll ino that going to oocs
.googl.com now works whthr you
ar onlin or olin. Only
spraoshts proouco with th nw
Shts can b crato ano oito
olin; any olo spraoshts you'v
crato can only b viwo.

pn a browsr (hrom
works bst), go to oogl
riv (oriv.googl.com)
ano click rat, Spraosht. ino
th iltr button in th toolbar, (it
looks lik a unnl). it oosn't hav
an arrow by it, you'r running th
olo vrsion o Shts. los Shts
ano rturn to oogl riv. lick
Upgrade to the new Sheets
Get heIp wth functons
Th nw Shts ors mor hlp with
unctions. you typ an uals
symbol (=) in a cll ano start to typ a
unction's nam, a list o suggstions
appars in a panl. lick th unction
you want ano th panl changs to
oisplay inormation ano xampls o
usag, along with a link that opns a
nw tab containing mor inormation.
Vhn th lp panl appars, prss
to shrink or rstor it. Prss
Shit+ to hio or show it.
unctions ruir valus, such as a
cll or a rang o clls. s you typ a
unction, a small suar brackt will
appar in th ormula whn a cll or
rang is xpcto. Vhn this is
oisplayo, you can us th cursor
kys or mous to slct a cll, ano us
Shit+ursor kys to slct a rang o
clls. it ntr to conirm th
Create your own fIters
Shts now lts you crat ano sav
oirnt iltrs, which is usul whn
you want to ocus on crtain
Our xprts prsnt a collction o aovanco
tips or th nwly upgraoo
th gar icon ano slct Sttings.
Slct th oiting tab ano tick th
box 'Try th nw oogl Shts'.
Th only snag with th nw Shts
is that it can only b uso with nw
spraoshts - all your xisting ons
will still us th olo vrsion. To us
th nw aturs, you hav to crat
a nw spraosht.

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|e| | |cran.we|a:er.cc.a\
Get toQrips withsomeserious PC!Y
toboost your computer's performance
Upat hawa wth
w twa a v
on't throw away your olo priphrals - Wayne WiIIiams xplains
how to giv aging harowar a nw las o li

awa auactu wu v u t uay same products untiI they no Ionger work at aII.
pac u vc a ppha, chucking The good news is that there's rareIy an unassaiIabIe
them aside to spend more money on the newest reason to repIace ageing hardware. Provided your stuff stiII
modeIs. But whiIe it's great to have the fastest possibIe works, you may be abIe to breathe new Iife into it simpIy
hardware with impressive new features, it's rareIy worth by updating your drivers or instaIIing some aIternative
the expense, and most of us are happy to keep using the software.
Gt th att v ors orivrs or ovr 77,7CC prooucts,
Th bst way to ino nw orivrs or your but a lot o ths ar or nwr harowar.
olo harowar is to look or a support Lots o othr wbsits promis r
sction on th manuacturr's wbsit. orivrs but b carul - som ar ooogy
You'll no to know th xact mak ano ano may contain malwar, whil othrs
mool o th ovic you want to upoat, ruir you to rgistr bor you can
bcaus orivrs or similar (olor or oownloao anything, or prompt you to
nwr) harowar may work, but thr's visit sponsoro pags. Som vn hav
th oangr thy'll caus problms ano ak oownloao buttons (otn aovrts
lao to crashs, so proco with car. that hav bn oisguiso to look lik th
You can also try sarching or orivrs lgitimat oownloao button o th sit
on Downloao.com (bit.ly/cntorivrs337). you'r on), so mak sur you click th
ers from the manufacturer or
Th ooicato Drivrs sction currntly from reputable software sites right on. Only install orivrs i you know
Ce e cc ice |ae|aeca\
Obi's Drier Booser ree scans for
o-of-dae driers and fixes any problems
a|:cr||e |c We| J:er | :a|:cr||e.we|a:er.cc.a\
or ar airly crtain) that thy ar ral
ano sa.
Evn i yo hav orivrs installo that
work in, it's still worth poating thm,
bcas this can ix problms, improv
prormanc ano bring a rang o
bnits. Yo can oo this manally or s
a program sch as lObit's Drivr Poostr
Fr (bit.ly/orivrboost337), which scans
yor C looking or olo, otoato orivrs
ano provios oirct links to th nwst
vrsions. Choos th Cstom lnstall
option, ano oclin any nwanto
changs ano bnolo sotwar.
biIity with
hinking o pgraoing to Vinoows 8.?
Yor olor harowar sholo work, bt
thr's no garant it will, ano yo can't
b crtain that compatibl orivrs xist.
Microsot provios a hanoy ' what
works' pag to chck which ovics work
with th latst vrsion o its oprating
systm. Yo can sarch by prooct nam
ano gt it to scan yor comptr by
visiting bit.ly/8compatibl337.
l yo s X ano ar
consioring pgraoing to
Vinoows 7, yo can chck
that yor harowar is
compatibl at bit
Get your oId
scanner working
cannrs havn't chango
mch ovr th past ocao
so thr's no point in
spnoing mony bying a
rplacmnt nlss yors is
absoltly ancint. hat saio,
thr ar two rasons why
yo might want to pgrao:
yor olo scannr rirs a
printr port, which nwr Cs oon't hav;
or yor latst vrsion o Vinoows no
longr rcogniss th ovic whn it's
conncto, ano th manactrr isn't
oring nw orivrs.
Poth ths problms ar asily solvo.
Yo can by a UP rintr Convrtr
Cabl or arono 3 rom mazon, which
lts yo plg th scannr (or an olo
urin instIItion ou'II
prompt to instII th un
rivr. his is sf n won't us
proIms or Ish with n xistin
rivrs. o strt snnin mk sur
our vi is tth n Iik
un shouI
utomtiII tt our snnr.
h itm ou'r snnin wiII
ispI in th min winow.
CIik th or/ss utton
to ss
th options. ou n hn th mo
sn tp mi siz n rsoIution
n Iso rott th im (if it's in th
snnr th wron w roun for

h ts Ion th top
It ou
rop th sn ppI fiItrs (rstor
f oIour n shrpn th pitur)
hn th output foIr n mor.
CIik th n t
to s how th
im Iooks. f ou on't t wnt to
p for th fuII vrsion of un n
r hpp with Iow-rsoIution im
rint rn th prviw im (whih
osn't hv th wtrmrk).
MINI WORKSHOP Get an oId scanner working again with VueScan
printr, or that mattr) into yor C's
UP port. no i yo can't ino any
working scannr orivrs, thr's always
Vcan cannr otwar (www
.hamrick.com). Onc installo, this
program sholo b abl to mak yor olo
scannr work with any oprating systm.
lt rcogniss mor than 2,3CC scannrs,
ano yo can brows th list o spporto
ovics at bit.ly/vscanlist337, or simply
install th sotwar ano try it ot or
yorsl. h program costs $39.95
(arono 24) a yar, bt thr is a trial
vrsion so yo can mak sr it works
with yor scannr bor yo spno any
mony. h r trial pts a watrmark
ovr th scanno imag, so yo'll no to
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