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CV Writing Support Your CV is an employer's first impression of you and it must leave a favorable and lasting impact.

A successful CV is one that will appear in the most searches and generate the most interviews. The CV Builder will guide you through the CV building process step-by-step providing you with tips and e amples along the way. !e have also provided you with a list of action verbs that we recommend you refer to and use to ensure the strongest" most concise delivery. Target Job Title #ere is where you define who you are in relation to s$ills and e perience. This is a critical part of your CV as it is the first section a potential employer reads and it should portray you in the most relevant and professional light. Examples:


%ar$eting %anager &enior Corporate Ta Accountant Advertising ' ecutive (inancial Analyst )ediatric *urse &ales +epresentative Concierge


,nclude words that highlight your s$ills and area of e pertise ,nclude $eywords of the actual position you are see$ing

Your Career -b.ective is a brief and focused statement of what you can do and what you are loo$ing for. As your Career -b.ective is featured prominently on your CV" employers will loo$ here first before proceeding onto the rest of your CV. Examples:


&ee$ing new challenges in /occupation0 which effectively utili1es /professional e perience0. 2oo$ing to .oin a progressive organi1ation that has the need for /a type of occupation0 and offers opportunities for advancement. To gain first hand /type of e perience0" using my analytical s$ills and commitment to perform 3uality wor$. To obtain a position in a /type of target company0 using my administrative and programming s$ills. To secure an internship with a /type of organi1ation0 speciali1ing in /area of e pertise0 /Title0 with /bac$ground0 and a passion for /type0 pursuing a career with /target company0. &$illed at building strong team environments and developing open communications.

4escribe the .ob you are see$ing. You can include your e perience and s$ill level. Be focused - vague ob.ectives are less li$ely to attract an employer. 'mphasi1e what you can bring to your prospective employer.


The -b.ective should be one sentence - two sentences if needed" but not longer.

2ist your academic bac$ground5 degrees" certifications and training received. Examples:


Continuing education classes in /*ame of courses0. 2icensed /name of certification0" /City6Year0. Thesis7 /Title of Thesis0. Additional course wor$ in Computational %athematics" 8uwait 9niversity. !or$ towards C)A 3ualification. &eries : and series ;< registered.

,nclude your =rade )oint Average or =eneral +an$ing if it is impressive /' cellent" Very =ood0. %ention any #onors" Awards" &cholarships" ,nternships" and 4issertations received. ,nclude any information that might be appropriate to your .ob search. (resh graduates should include relevant courses"e tracurricular activities" scholarships" honors" and =)A /if it is good0. Allow your educational credentials to emphasi1e your strengths and 3ualifications. 4o not be misleading" as employers will chec$. ,t could be aw$ward and 3uite difficult to verify a false educational statement made on your CV.

Memberships 2ist any professional affiliations" associations or memberships of interest to employers. Examples:


Active member /name of association0. &pea$er6Treasurer /name of association0. Appointed to serve as /position0. )ast Chairman6)resident. 'lected to serve as /position0.

S ills

Being part of any association shows a potential employer your interest and involvement in a related professional field. Adding this information is completely optional" but it may help show potential employer things about you that may not be clear from the rest of your CV such as your hobbies and your eagerness to participate in contributing to and developing your society. This is particularly relevant and important for fresh graduates or candidates see$ing to ma$e a career switch. 9se action verbs.

9se this section to show a potential employer your overall wor$-related s$ills and abilities including languages and technical s$ills. )lease note that your s$ills are one of the 8'Y search criteria in 'mployer searches so ma$e sure you include all technical" analytical" professional and other s$ills.



=erman- ,ntermediate. %icrosoft -ffice software > the ,nternet- ' pert. %& !ord" ' cel" Access" )ower )oint" %& )ro.ect" )ro.ect !or$bench and 2otus *otes- ' pert. C" Cobol" (ortran and &?2 - ' pert. ?uantitative Analysis- ' pert. Creative &$ills- ' pert.


(ocus on s$ills that match your target .ob and target company. 9se this section to include industry $eywords that match an employer's $eyword search. (or e ample7 8nowledge of encryption theory 4escribe your interpersonal s$ills" /an e perienced presenter6 public spea$er 6 sales person" organi1er or teacher0. 9se action verbs

2isting references is optional but it is always a good idea to include them. 2ist the name and contact information of references. #ction Verbs A abstracted" achieved" ac3uired" acted" adapted" addressed" administered" advised" aided" allocated" analy1ed" anticipated" approved" arbitrated" arranged" assembled" assessed" assigned" assisted" attained" attended" audited" authored B balanced" budgeted" built C calculated" centrali1ed" chaired" changed" chec$ed" clarified" classified" coached" collaborated" collated" collected" communicated" compared" compiled" composed" computed" conceived" conceptuali1ed" condensed" conducted" consolidated" constructed" consulted" contracted" contributed" controlled" converted" convinced" cooperated" coordinated" correlated" corresponded" counseled" created" criti3ued" cultivated" customi1ed 4 debated" decided" defined" delegated" delivered" demonstrated" designed" detailed" determined" developed" devised" diagnosed" directed" discovered" documented" doubled" drafted" drove ' earned" edited" educated" effected" eliminated" enabled" enforced" engineered" established" evaluated" e amined" e ecuted" e panded" e pedited" e perienced" e perimented" e plained" e trapolated ( facilitated" figured" financed" followed through" forecasted" formed" formulated" founded = gathered" generated" guided # handled" headed" helped" hired , identified" illustrated" imagined" implemented" improved" improvised" increased" influenced" informed" initiated" innovated" inspected" inspired" installed" instituted" instructed" insured" integrated" interpreted" interviewed" introduced" invented" investigated" issued @ .ustified 8 $eynoted 2 launched" lectured" led" licensed % maintained" managed" mar$eted" mastered" mediated" mentored" merged" met deadlines" minimi1ed" moderated" monitored" motivated * negotiated" nominated observed" obtained" operated" organi1ed" originated" overhauled" oversaw

) participated" performed" persuaded" pioneered" planned" prepared" prevented" prioriti1ed" problem solved" processed" produced" programmed" pro.ected" promoted" proved" provided" publici1ed + recommended" reconciled" recruited" reduced" referred" reorgani1ed" repaired" reported" represented" researched" resolved" retrieved" reviewed" revitali1ed & scheduled" selected" separated" served" set goals" setup" shaped" simplified" solved" spar$ed" specified" spo$e" staffed" strengthened" submitted" succeeded" summari1ed" supervised" surveyed" systemi1ed T tabulated" tailored" taught" tested" trac$ed" trained 9 upgraded" utili1ed V validated

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