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Kylie Babcock

Writing: Realistic Fiction

4 Week Unit Plan

Goals - Students will ex lore writing in a new genre: realistic !iction" - Students will learn t#e basic skills necessary to write$ including brainstor%ing$ lanning$ writing and re&ising" - Students will understand w#ere writers get t#eir ideas" - Students will be able to ex lain #ow writers create belie&able c#aracters" - Students will learn t#e structure o! a story and #ow t#is guides t#e writing o! a !ictional narrati&e" 'eac#er Pre aration: (aterials and Pre - Pro)ector$ *ocu%ent +a%era$ +#art Pa er - Student Resources Packet: Brainstor%s$ Story (ountain$ Student +#arts !ro% (,-S, Unit ,ssess%ent Plans - ,ssess%ents will take lace a!ter e&ery ot#er lesson" Students will con!erence wit# eac# ot#er and t#e teac#er to deter%ine #ow t#e writing is going and w#ere t#ere %ay be roble% areas" - , !inal$ !or%al assess%ent will take lace by e&aluating t#e !inal dra!t o! t#e realistic !iction iece" *ay .: Re&iew and -ntroduction o Re&iew di!!erence: narrati&e and essay o /n-*e%and ,ssess%ent: Write a realistic !iction iece in 01 %inutes *ay 2: Realistic Fiction +#aracteristics o -ntroduce c#aracter$ setting$ roble%3goal$ solution$ ending o Read ,%elia4s Road by 5inda 6acobs ,lt%an o *iscuss ,lt%an4s use o! t#ese c#aracteristics *ay 0: Generating Story -deas o Writers use eo le$ laces and e&ents to generate ideas o +lass brainstor%$ indi&idual brainstor% o +reate 0 story ideas by co%bining eo le and laces *ay 4: 7x anding Story -deas o Finis# story ideas$ c#oose !a&orite o +reate a belie&able story lan So%ebody8$ wanted8$ but8$ so8$ t#en8$ *ay 9: *e&elo ing a +#aracter o +#oose a %ain c#aracter !ro% story lan o Record descri tion$ action$ dialogue$ t#oug#ts : !eelings$ and internal c#aracteristics *ay ;: *e&elo ing a +on!lict

Kylie Babcock

Writing: Realistic Fiction

4 Week Unit Plan

o +#oose a con!lict t#at !its t#e story lan o Write about: W#at does your c#aracter want< W#at will get in t#e way< =ow will t#e con!lict be resol&ed< -s t#ere a second way t#e con!lict could be resol&ed< *ay >: +reating a Story (ountain o *iscuss two &ersions o! a story %ountain o Begin creating own story %ountain *ay ?: 7x anding a Story (ountain o Student +#art: Plan and /rgani@e a Story o S eci!y turning oint o Polis# beginning$ end$ and %iddle e&ents o W#at is your c#aracter t#inking< Feeling< W#at decisions is t#e %ain c#aracter %aking< W#at res onses will t#e %ain c#aracter #a&e< *ay A: Strong 5eads- S#owing &s" 'elling o Book 5eads: W#at %akes t#e% good< o S#ow &s" 'ell Ga%e *ay .1: +reating a Strong 5ead o Write a lead3introductory aragra # t#at s#ows" o *etails about t#e setting" *ay ..: Free-write *ay o Follow story %ountain and lan to write t#e bulk o! realistic !iction story *ay .2: *e&elo ing +#aracters o Use descri tion and actions to %ake t#e% co%e ali&e" *ay .0: +reating a 'urning Point o *iscuss turning oint" o Write and con!erence to add details !or ex ansion" *ay .4: Strong 7ndings o Book endings: W#at %akes t#e% good< o +reating strong linesB work wit# artners" *ay .9: +reating a Story 7nding o Write a strong ending using re!lection$ action$ or dialogue" o Strong lines or circular endings"

Kylie Babcock

Writing: Realistic Fiction

4 Week Unit Plan

*ay .;: ,dding to t#e Story o Read stories aloud to artners" Suggestions" o Re&ise !or clarity$ add !or e!!ect" *ay .>: 7diting- (aking Great Sentences o +o%bine s#orts$ break u longs" o Cary lengt#s" *ay .?: 7diting- Gra%%ar and Punctuation o +on!erences and artner reads" o Re&ise and edit using c#ecklist" *ay .A: Final +o y *ay o Rewrite or ty e stories based on re&isions and editing" *ay 21: +elebrate and S#are o S%all grou s s#are stories a%ongst eac# ot#er" o Post stories in t#e classroo%" Standards co&ered t#roug#out unit:
CCSS: ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects K-5, CCSS: rade !, "ritin# 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, wellchosen details, and well-structured event sequences. W.3.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. W.3.3a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organi e an event sequence that unfolds naturall!. W.3.3b. "se dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. W.3.3c. "se temporal words and phrases to signal event order. W.3.3d. #rovide a sense of closure. #roduction and $istribution of Writing %. #roduce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organi ation, and st!le are appropriate to tas&, purpose, and audience. W.3.%. With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organi ation are appropriate to tas& and purpose. '(rade-specific expectations for writing t!pes are defined in standards )*3 above.+ ,. $evelop and strengthen writing as needed b! planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or tr!ing a new approach. W.3.,. With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed b! planning, revising, and editing. -ange of Writing ).. Write routinel! over extended time frames 'time for research, reflection, and revision+ and shorter time frames 'a single sitting or a da! or two+ for a range of tas&s, purposes, and audiences.

Kylie Babcock

Writing: Realistic Fiction

4 Week Unit Plan

W.3.).. Write routinel! over extended time frames 'time for research, reflection, and revision+ and shorter time frames 'a single sitting or a da! or two+ for a range of disciplinespecific tas&s, purposes, and audiences.

CCSS: ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects K-5, CCSS: rade !, Lan#ua#e /onventions of 0tandard English ). $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or spea&ing. 1.3.). $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or spea&ing. 1.3.)h. "se coordinating and subordinating con2unctions. 1.3.)i. #roduce simple, compound, and complex sentences. 3. $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitali ation, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 1.3.3. $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitali ation, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 1.3.3a. /apitali e appropriate words in titles. 1.3.3c. "se commas and quotation mar&s in dialogue. 1.3.3e. "se conventional spelling for high-frequenc! and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words 'e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness+. 1.3.3f. "se spelling patterns and generali ations 'e.g., word families, position-based spellings, s!llable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts+ in writing words. 1.3.3g. /onsult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to chec& and correct spellings. 4nowledge of 1anguage 3. 5ppl! &nowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to ma&e effective choices for meaning or st!le, and to comprehend more full! when reading or listening. 1.3.3. "se &nowledge of language and its conventions when writing, spea&ing, reading, or listening. 1.3.3a. /hoose words and phrases for effect.

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