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Micro Bikini

Peggy Moffitt modeled the suit for Gernreich. She said it was a logical evolution of Gernreich's avant-garde ideas in swimwear design as much as a scandalous symbol of the permissive society. In the 1 !"s# the mono$ini led the way into the se%ual revolution by emphasi&ing a woman's personal freedom of dress# even when her attire was provocative and e%posed more s$in than had been the norm during the more conservative 1 '"s. (i$e all swimsuits# the mono$ini bottom portion of the swimsuit can vary in cut. Some have g-string style bac$s# while others provide full coverage of the rear. )he bottom of the mono$ini may be high cut# reaching to the waist# with high cut legs# or may be a much lower cut# e%posing the belly button. )he modern mono$ini# which is less racy than Gernreich's original design# ta$es its design from the bi$ini# and is also described as *more of a cut-out one-piece swimsuit#* with designers using fabric# mesh# chain# or other materials to lin$ the top and bottom sections together# though the appearance may not be functional# but rather only aesthetic. In recent years# the term has come into use for topless bathing by women+ where the bi$ini has two parts# the mono$ini is the lower part. ,here mono$inis are in use# the word bi$ini may -o$ingly refer to a two-piece outfit consisting of a mono$ini and a sun hat. )he original mono$ini is still sold by .ictoria's Secret as a half-$ini. )ypes of underwear worn by both men and women are identified as bi$ini underwear because they are similar in si&e and form to the bottom half of a bi$ini bathing suit. /or women# bi$ini underwear can refer to virtually any tight# s$impy# or revealing undergarment that provides less coverage to the midsection than traditional underwear# panties or $nic$ers. /or men# a bi$ini is a type of undergarment that is smaller and more revealing than men's briefs. 0i$ini briefs can be low- or high-side bi$ini briefs but are usually lower than true waist# often at hips# and usually have no access pouch or flap# legs bands at tops of thighs. String bi$ini briefs have front and rear sections that meet in the crotch but not at the waistband# with no fabric on the side of the legs. Swimwear design always had close connections with underwear because of their shared pro%imity to the body. )he difference is that swimwear ta$es underwear into the public arena. )he swimsuit was and is closely aligned to underwear in terms of styling# and with the move from the private to public spaces. 1s underwear became more minimal and comfortable# unboned# unconstructed and the attitude towards the bi$ini changed. 0etween 1 "" and 1 2"# the swimming costume became shorter and shorter# imitating the trend of underwear. Swimwear evolved from weighty wool to high tech second s$in# eventually cross-breeding with sportswear# underwear and e%ercise wear# resulting in the interchangeable fashions of the 1 "s. Mix Match Swimwear :1 swim brief refers to any briefs style male swimsuit such as those worn in competitive swimming and diving. )he popularity of the 1ustralian Speedo brand racing brief has led to the use of its name in some countries to refer to any racing brief# regardless of the ma$er. 3ccasionally# the Speedo generici&ed trademar$ also applies to s4uare cut swimsuits# but in general the generic term is used in reference to swim briefs. Swim briefs are also referred to as competition briefs# bathers# racer bathers# posing briefs# racing briefs# and collo4uially in 1ustralia as *budgie smugglers*. (i$e underwear briefs# swim briefs feature a .-shape front and a solid bac$ providing form-fitting coverage. )hey typically are worn below the lower waist. )hey are generally secured by thin banding at the upper thighs and either a drawstring around the waist or an elastic waistband. Swim briefs are most often made of a nylon and spande%

composite# while some longer lasting suits are made from polyester and still others from other materials. Most swim briefs have a beige or white front lining made of a similar fabric.

StellAmore Beachwear
Sales did not pic$ up around the world as women stuc$ to traditional one-piece swimsuits. 56ard went bac$ to designing orthodo% $nic$ers to sell in his mother's shop. In 1 '"# )ime maga&ine interviewed 1merican swimsuit mogul /red 7ole# owner of 7ole of 7alifornia# and reported that he had *little but scorn for /rance's famed 0i$inis.* 3ne writer described it as a *two-piece bathing suit which reveals everything about a girl e%cept for her mother's maiden name.* Modern Girl Maga&ine# a fashion maga&ine from the 8nited States# was 4uoted in 1 '9 as saying# *it is hardly necessary to waste words over the so-called bi$ini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing*. In 1 '1# the first Miss ,orld beauty pageant# originally the /estival 0i$ini 7ontest# was organi&ed by :ric Morley as an advertisement for swimwear at the /estival of 0ritain. )he press welcomed the spectacle and referred to it as Miss ,orld# and Morley registered the name as a trademar$. ,hen the winner ;i$i <=$ansson from Sweden was crowned in a bi$ini# countries with religious traditions threatened to withdraw delegates. )he bi$inis were banned from the pageant and evening gowns introduced instead. <=$ansson remains the only Miss ,orld crowned in a bi$ini# a crowning that was condemned by the Pope. )he bi$ini was banned from beauty pageants around the world after the controversy. 0elgium# Italy# Spain and 1ustralia also banned the swimsuit that same year. )he sling bi$ini is also $nown as a *suspender bi$ini*# *suspender thong*# *slingshot bi$ini* or -ust *slingshot*. It is a one-piece suit which provides as little# or even less# coverage as a bi$ini. 8sually# a slingshot resembles a bi$ini bottom# but rather than the straps going around the hips or waist# the side straps e%tend upwards to cover the breasts and go over the shoulders# leaving the entire sides of the torso uncovered# but the nipples and pubic area covered. 0ehind the nec$# the straps -oin and reach down the bac$ to become a thong. )he variation of sling bi$inis that has the straps simply encircle the nec$ and another set of straps pass around the midriff# instead of the straps passing over the nec$ and down the bac$# is called a pret&el bi$ini. 7orresponding to the advent of (ycra# these bi$inis first emerged in the early 1 "s# and is more popular on the beaches of :urope including Saint )rope&# Marabella# My$onos and Ibi&a. Suspender-li$e straps that running between the breasts and around the nec$ held the suit up were introduced in the mainstream in 1 2. >ews reports said that within a wee$ of putting the suit on their rac$s# >ew ?or$'s ma-or stores had sold 1'". San /rancisco women turned deaf ears to clergymen's warnings that *na$edness and paganism go hand in hand.* 0y season's end# the tally sold was @""" plus# at AB2 a suit. Swimsuit : Some swimsuits are designed specifically for swimming competitions where they may be constructed of a special low resistance fabric that reduces s$in drag. /or some $inds of swimming and diving# special bodysuits called dives$ins are worn. )hese suits are made from

spande% and provide little thermal protection# but they do protect the s$in from stings and abrasion. Most competitive swimmers also wear special swimsuits including partial bodysuits# racerbac$ styles# -ammers and racing briefs to assist their glide through the water thus gaining a speed advantage. 8nli$e regular swimsuits# which are designed mainly for the aesthetic appearances# swimsuits designed to be worn during competitions are manufactured to assist the athlete in swim competitions. )hey reduce friction and drag in the water# increasing the efficiency of the swimmer's forward motion. )he tight fits allow for easy movement and are said to reduce muscle vibration# thus reducing drag. )his also reduces the possibility that a high forwards dive will remove a divers swimwear. Starting around B"""# in an effort to improve the effectiveness of the swimsuits# engineers have ta$en to designing them to replicate the s$in of sea based animals# shar$s in particular. In Culy B"" # /I>1 voted to ban non-te%tile Dnon-wovenE swimsuits in competitive events from B"1". )he new policy was implemented to combat the issues associated with performance enhancing costumes# hindering the ability to accurately measure the performance of swimmers. Subse4uently# the new ruling states that men's swimsuits may ma%imally cover the area from the navel to the $nee# and women's' counterparts from the shoulder to the $nee. Some swimmers use a speciali&ed training suit called drag suits to artificially increase drag during practice. Frag suits are swimwear with an outer layer of looser fabric - often mesh or nylon - to increase resistance against the water and build up the swimmer's endurance. )hey come in a variety of styles# but most resemble a looser fitting s4uare-cut or swim brief. Push Up Top 1 swimsuit# bathing suit# swimming costume# swimming suit# swimmers# tog# bathers# or cossie # or swimming trun$s for men# is an item of clothing designed to be worn by people engaging in a water-based activity or water sports# such as swimming# water polo# diving# surfing# water s$iing# or during activities in the sun# such as sun bathing. Fifferent types are worn by men# women# and children. 1 swimsuit can be worn as an undergarment in sports that re4uire a wetsuit such as water s$iing# scuba diving# surfing# and wa$eboarding. Swimsuits are also worn when there is a need to display the body# as in the case of beauty pageants or bodybuilding contests. Glamour photography and maga&ines li$e the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue feature models and sports personalities in swimsuits. )here is a very wide range of styles of modern swimsuits# which vary in relation to body coverage and materials. )he choice of style of swimsuit is dependent on current fashions and community standards of modesty# as well as on personal preferences. Swimwear for men usually e%poses the chest# which women do not usually do. High End Fabric Sales did not pic$ up around the world as women stuc$ to traditional onepiece swimsuits. 56ard went bac$ to designing orthodo% $nic$ers to sell in his mother's shop. In 1 '"# )ime maga&ine interviewed 1merican swimsuit mogul /red 7ole# owner of 7ole of 7alifornia# and reported that he had *little but scorn for /rance's famed 0i$inis.* 3ne writer described it as a *two-piece bathing suit which reveals everything about a girl e%cept for her mother's maiden name.* Modern Girl Maga&ine# a fashion maga&ine from the 8nited States# was

4uoted in 1 '9 as saying# *it is hardly necessary to waste words over the so-called bi$ini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing*. In 1 '1# the first Miss ,orld beauty pageant# originally the /estival 0i$ini 7ontest# was organi&ed by :ric Morley as an advertisement for swimwear at the /estival of 0ritain. )he press welcomed the spectacle and referred to it as Miss ,orld# and Morley registered the name as a trademar$. ,hen the winner ;i$i <=$ansson from Sweden was crowned in a bi$ini# countries with religious traditions threatened to withdraw delegates. )he bi$inis were banned from the pageant and evening gowns introduced instead. <=$ansson remains the only Miss ,orld crowned in a bi$ini# a crowning that was condemned by the Pope. )he bi$ini was banned from beauty pageants around the world after the controversy. 0elgium# Italy# Spain and 1ustralia also banned the swimsuit that same year. More results+ Swimsuit Mi% Match Swimwear Push 8p )op

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