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University of Strathclyde Sports Union Club Constitution


NAME The name or the Club shall be the University of Strathclydes Volleyball Club (hereafter referred to as The Club). It shall belong to the University of Strathclyde Sports Union (hereafter called The Sports Union), and shall be bound by the constitution and rules of the Sports Union.


AIMS a. The aims of the club shall be to encourage and develop interest in Volleyball. b. The Club aims to both pursue the development of performance players and to facilitate sports engagement for the recreational players.


MEMBERSHIP a. Membership of the Club shall be open to all affiliated members of the Sports Union. b. All regular members must buy the Sports Union Membership.


OFFICE BEARERS The Office Bearers of the Club shall consist of: I. Club Convenor (President) II. Club Secretary III. Club Treasurer IV. Public Relations Secretary V. 1st Team Mens Captain VI. 2nd Team Mens Captain VII. Womens Captain VIII. Social Captain IX. Social Secretary


NON-EXECUTIVE OFFICERS The Non-Executive Officers of the Club shall consist of: I. Vice-President II. Vice-Secretary III. Vice-Secretary for Public Relations IV. 1st Team Mens Vice-Captain V. 1st Team Womens Vice-Captain


COMMITTEE a. The management of the club shall be vested in a Committee which shall consist of Office Bearers and Non-Executive Officers. b. The Office Bearers shall be elected from the members of the club at the Annual General Meeting each year. c. The Office Bearers shall be held accountable for their actions in the office to the club members at the Annual General Meeting and/or Extraordinary General Meeting. d. The Non-Executive Officers shall be appointed by the Office Bearers within the first two months of Semester 1 with the office lasting for one academic year. e. The Committees exercise of powers shall not be impaired by a vacant position of Non-Executive Office. f. The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to undertake special duties. Such sub-committees shall be responsible to the Committee. g. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Committee, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill such a vacancy.


DUTIES a. The President shall take the chair at all meetings at which he/she is present and will have prime responsibility for the safety of members. b. The Club Secretary shall be responsible for calling meetings and the upkeep of the Minutes book. He/she shall be responsible for the maintenance of club scores and records books and for competition entries and correspondence. c. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all paying fees and for keeping a written record of all cash transactions of the Club. Before the Budget Allocation meeting, the date of which is to be set by the Sports Executive, the Treasurer must submit to the Sports Union estimates of income and expenditure for the succeeding year. d. The listed duties are not exclusive e. The club committee should submit reports each semester detailing proposed or completed activities and matches following the framework set up in the Annual

f. g. h. i. j.

k. l.

Operational Plan. In addition, an annual report shall also be submitted to the Sports Union Executive no later than June, outlining the activities undertaken that year and where possible, further commitments. Committee members shall be bound by the annual Clubs Operational Plan. Committee members shall be held responsible against their duties and responsibilities as specified within the operational plan. The Committees member who is deemed not to be performing his duties will face disciplinary actions on discretion of the Committee. First official disciplinary action to be taken is the caution by the Committee. The Committee shall proceed with the ultimate disciplinary action of a members removal from the Office when the sanctioned member had not shown an improvement in performance of his duty within a reasonable time since the caution had been served. The official disciplinary action is allowed upon an absolute majority vote in the Committee. The committee member facing the disciplinary action shall hold an additional vote in addition to a deliberation vote when subjected to a disciplinary action.


MEETINGS a. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of the week 12 of Semester 2 each year. b. Special General Meetings may be called whenever the committee deem them necessary. c. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary within ten days of receipt of a written request signed by 8 members of the Club stating the objective of the meeting. d. Notice of each General Meeting and the business to be conducted shall be posted by the Clubs preferred means of communication (Facebook, twitter, email etc) at least seven days before the date of the meeting. e. At least 10 days notice is required for Motions at General Meetings. f. A quorum shall consist of at least two-thirds of all members at each meeting. g. The Committee shall meet at least twice a semester. h. The Committee shall have the first meeting before the end of the week 1 of Semester 1. The Committee shall also adopt an annual Clubs Operational Plan before the end of the week 1 of Semester 1. i. At all meetings the Chairperson shall have the casting vote in addition to a deliberation vote. j. The only exception to the point i. is the appointment of the Non-Executive Officer, where the current holder of the executive office shall have the casting vote. k. The Committee meetings are called by the Club Secretary on the Presidents direction or on a request of three Committee members.


BLUES/COLOURS It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to recommend to the Sports Union the Blues and Colours to be awarded to those members of the club whose performance merit such awards.

10. AFFILIATION The Club shall be affiliated to the Scottish Volleyball Association and to the other appropriate Governing Bodies. 11. FINANCE a. All monies shall be used to further to the aims of the Club. b. In the event of disbandment of the Club, all assets of the Club shall become the property of the Sports Union. c. All Club funds must be held in the Sports Union account only. It contravenes Sports Union regulations for the Club to have any external bank accounts. 12. CONSTITUTION This constitution shall be amended only at AGM of the Club. Details of proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Club Secretary and posted by him/her via the Clubs preferred means of communication at least seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Any amendments must have the approval of the Sports Union before coming into effect.

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