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Eng121-AC2 Kexin Lu Summary-Analysis essay The article The Myth Of Multitasking was written by Christine Rosen.

She is a senior editor of The New Atlantis and a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. In the article, the author claims that there are good things and bad things about the multitasking. She discusses the effect of the Multitasking. She also mentions about changing our brains and paying attention. Rosen uses the arguments from the researchers, articles from the famous magazines and statements from the scholars of different fields as the evidences of the article. I think she effectively made her point and use the sources properly. I agree with her arguments about the positive parts of multitasking, the challenges of multitasking, changing the brain. At the beginning, Rosen quotes the statement from Chesterfield to clarify singular focus was mark of intelligence. Then she mentions about the word multitasking and explains the meaning. Nowadays, people try to do more and more things at the same time. It shows a kind of multitasking. I totally agree with her point. I think if people can focus on one thing, it shows the intelligence from people. First, the author talks about the positive points about the multitasking. Rosen argues that in the busy world. Rosen introduces the background of the multitasking. The word multitasking comes from the office workers who are busy all day and do many things at the same time. Rosen used the quotation from James Gleick. We are always multitasked, We are multitasking connoisseurs, Rosen used the words from James Gleick to clarify that multitasking is everywhere and we already get used

to it. I agree with her point, because nowadays people are busy with their jobs and life, it is normal to do many things at the same time. Secondly, Rosen talks about the challenges of multitasking. She supports that Multitasking is dangerous and should be limited. According to the report of the BBC in 2005, She introduces that workers who distracted by the email and cell phone calls suffer a fall in IQ. From my perspective, I agree with her. When I do the homework, cell phone always affects me. After I answer the phone, it takes long time for me to get back to the homework. She also supports that Multitasking might have damage on economy. One study from the Howard University shows that workers need 20 minutes to recover from the cell phone calls and email. According to the New York Times, extreme multitasking costs the U.S. economy $650billion a year in lost productivity. The numbers helps Rosen to support her idea about the multitasking have damage on economy. I agree with Rosens argument. Thirdly, the author discusses about changing the brain. Rosen uses the argument from Rene Marois that the brain is forced to several stimuli when they do the multitasking. It is helpful to our brain. Opposite the opinion, by psychologist David Meyer at the university of Michigan, he believes that the brain can be trained to multitask. Multitasking changes the way people learn. Rosen argues that information is power and people can get information to become powerful. I agree with her sources and opinions she has. When we do the multitasking in our life, it helps us to be effectively and saves time. Fourthly, the author talks about paying attention. Rosen believes that patient attention

is more important that other talents. According to the William James, he argues the varieties of human attention. He thinks steady attention is because of the default condition of a mature mind, an ordinary state undone by the perturbation. In addition, he tells that the transition from the youthful distraction to the mature attention was a large aspect of the result from personal mastery and discipline. Rosen convinces that our will to pay attention seems fairly weak today. The author encourages us to adjust and come to accept the acquired inattention. The electronic things may become the noise of our life, but they also become the part of our daily routine. Rosen insists that if we cant pay attention on the things we do, it is harmful to our culture and individuals, especially to young generation. In conclusion, Rosen talks about the effects of the multitasking, changing of the brain and paying attention. The author uses amounts of arguments from the scholars from the university and articles from the New York Times to make her points clear. With the development of the society, people are getting busy and try to do the things at the same time. Electronic things appearing expanded the trend of multitasking. For the

young generation, the technology is attractive and gives them less time to pay attention to one thing. Multitasking is a good thing, but we need to focus on one thing in the specific situations. It is more crucial.


Christine , R. (2008). The Myth of Multitasking. The New Atlantis.

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