Poljoprivreda 2003 Br.2

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UDK 63

ISSN 1330-7142

znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis Svezak 9; Broj 2; Prosinac, 2003.
SADR@AJ Aleksandra Sudari}, Marija Vratari}, T. Duvnjak, J. Klari} FENOTIPSKA STABILNOST URODA ZRNA NEKOLIKO OS-KULTIVARA SOJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Jot M. UTJECAJ POLJOPRIVREDNE BIOTEHNOLOGIJE NA OKOLI I SIGURNOST HRANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D. imi}, J. Gunja~a, Z. Zduni}, I. Brki}, J. Kova~evi} BIOMETRIJSKA KARAKTERIZACIJA LOKACIJA ZA TESTIRANJE HIBRIDA U OPLEMENJIVANJU KUKURUZA . . . .18 D. D`oi}, Marija Ivezi}, Emilija Raspudi}, Mirjana Brme` SUZBIJANJE KUKURUZNE ZLATICE (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) U PROIZVODNJI KUKURUZA U ISTO^NOJ HRVATSKOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi}, G. Drezner, D. Babi} USPOREDBA PEDIGRE METODE I METODE SJEMENKA PO BILJCI (SSD) U RANIM GENERACIJAMA JE^MA . . .33 A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi} PROIZVODNE VRIJEDNOSTI LINIJA E]ERNE REPE I NJIHOVIH KRI@ANACA OVISNO O PLODNOSTI . . . . . . . . .38 Ljiljanka Tomerlin BIOGORIVO IZ KUKURUZOVINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 T. Askin, N. zdemir POVEZANOST VOLUMNE GUSTO]E TLA S DISTRIBUCIJOM VELI^INE ^ESTICA TLA I SADR@AJEM ORGANSKE TVARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i} KORELACIJSKA POVEZANOST TJELESNIH MJERA LIPICANSKIH KOBILA I PASTUHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, . Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner UTJECAJ SEZONE HRANIDBE NA REPRODUKCIJSKA I PROIZVODNA SVOJSTVA OVACA I PORAST SISAJU]E JANJADI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 T. Florijan~i}, D. Rimac, B. Antunovi}, A. Marinculi}, H. Gutzmirtl, I. Bo{kovi} ZNA^AJ MONITORINGA I MJERA ZA SUZBIJANJE TRIHINELOZE U SVINJOGOJSTVU ISTO^NE HRVATSKE . . . .69 Z. Pukadija, T. Florijan~i}, I. Bokovi}, P. Miji}, S. Ozimec U^INKOVITOST FORMIRANJA NUKLEUSA P^ELINJIH ZAJEDNICA S CILJEM KONTROLE POPULACIJE NAMETNIKA Varroa destructor (ANDRESON I TRUEMAN, 2000.) U KONICI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

OSIJEK 2003. Sv. 9


znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis Glavni i odgovorni urednik Editor-in-Chief Dra`enka Jurkovi} Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Croatia Ure|iva~ki odbor Editorial Board
Franc Habe, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dom`ale, Slovenia Viktor Jej~i}, Agricultural Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Geza Kuroli, University of West Hungary Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary Istvan Rajcan, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada Ivan Brki}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska Marija Ivezi}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska Sonja Jovanovac, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska Zorica Jurkovi}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska Goran Ku{ec, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska Alojzije Lali}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska Svetislav Popovi}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska

Zdenko Rengel, University of Western Australia Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Crawley, Australia

Tihana Tekli}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska Marija Vratari}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska Mate Vuj~i}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska

Jon Tollefson, Iowa State University, Ames, USA

Tehni~ki urednici Technical Editors Manda Antunovi} Danica Han`ek Lektura Language Editing Branka Horvat Anica Perkovi} Prijevodi Translation Anica Perkovi} Tisak Print Grafika d.o.o. Osijek

UDK 63

ISSN 1330-7142

znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis Svezak 9; Broj 2; Prosinac, 2003.

Izdava~i Published by

Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku

The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek 31000 Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3 Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia Tel. ++385 31 224 200 Fax: ++385 31 207 017

Poljoprivredni institut Osijek

Agricultural Institute Osijek 31000 Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17 Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia Tel. ++385 31 515 501 Fax: ++385 31 515 504

Osijek, 2003.

"POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" je sljedbenik ~asopisa ZNANOST I PRAKSA U POLJOPRIVREDI I PREHRAMBENOJ TEHNOLOGIJI, koji je izlazio od 1982. do 1994. godine / The Journal of AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review is continuator the Journal of RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN AGRICULTURE AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY that has been published from 1982 to 1994 year. ^asopis izlazi dva puta godi{nje u nakladi od 300 primjeraka / The Review is published twice a year in 300 copies. "POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" citira se u sljede}im bazama podataka / "AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review" is cited by the database: 1. CAB International 2. Nacionalna i sveu~ili{na hrvatska biblioteka / National and University Croatian Library

ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 631.524.02:633.34


Aleksandra Sudari} (1), Marija Vratari} (1), T. Duvnjak (1), J. Klari} (2)
SA@ETAK Cilj istra`ivanja bio je procijeniti visinu i stabilnost uroda zrna te razinu adaptabilnosti nekoliko doma}ih kultivara soje. Pokusi su provedeni na tri lokacije na podru~ju isto~ne Hrvatske (Osijek, Brijest, Donji Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine, a obuhva}ali su 14 kultivara soje. Ispitivani kultivari stvoreni su u okviru oplemenjiva~kog programa soje u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek, a prema du`ini vegetacije pripadaju 0, 0I i I. grupi zriobe. U analizi stabilnosti uroda zrna i adaptabilnosti kultivara kori{tena su dva parametra: udio varijance interakcije genotip x okolina u ukupnoj varijanci interakcije genotip x okolina (S2GxE) te koeficijent regresije (bi). Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na zna~ajne razlike u visini i stabilnosti uroda zrna te razini adaptabilnosti kultivara. Izme|u 14 ispitivanih kultivara, {est kultivara: Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa imalo je visok i stabilan urod zrna te {iroku adaptabilnost. Ostali ispitivani kultivari imali su nestabilni urod zrna te usku (specifi~nu) adaptabilnost. Klju~ne rije~i: soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), kultivar, urod zrna, stabilnost, adaptabilnost

Oplemenjiva~ki rad na soji (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek prvenstveno je usmjeren na stvaranje visokorodnih i kvalitetnih kultivara u okvirima 00 do II. grupe zriobe koje odlikuje postojanost (stabilnost) u svojstvu te prilagodljivost (adaptabilnost) na razli~ite okolinske uvjete u podru~jima uzgoja soje (Vratari} i Sudari}, 2000.). Stoga, za uspje{an efekt oplemenjivanja potrebno je poznavati osobine genotipa (genetski potencijal) i interakcije izme|u genotipa i okoline (GEI). Naime, genotipovi ne reagiraju jednako u svim okolinama, nego se nalaze u odre|enoj interakciji s okolinom u kojoj rastu i razvijaju se. S obzirom na to da je svaka okolina za sebe jedinstvena zbog specifi~nog sklopa predvidljivih i nepredvidljivih ~initelja (Allard i Bradshaw, 1964.), va`no je poznavati reakciju genotipa na okolinske uvjete. Veli~ina te reakcije (interakcije), odre|ena je genetskom kompozicijom i intenzitetom djelovanja ~initelja okoline. Istra`ivanjem odnosa (interakcije) genotipa i okoline stvoreno je mnogo modela (statisti~kih metoda) koji omogu}uju analizu prilago|enosti genotipa uvjetima vanjske sredine, a zasnivaju se na biolo{kom i agronomskom konceptu. Pregled ve}ine metoda dali su: Freeman, 1973.; Lin i sur, 1986., Huehn, 1990., Sneller i sur., 1997., Becker i Leon, 1988., Hill i sur., 1998.). Prema biolo{kom konceptu, stabilan genotip odlikuje manja varijabilnost fenotipske ekspresije svojstva u svim istra`ivanim okolinama, odnosno genotip ne poka-

zuje odstupanje od o~ekivane visine svojstva promjenom okoline. Prema agronomskom konceptu, stabilan genotip odlikuje manje odstupanje u visini svojstva od prosjeka svojstva za okolinu, odnosno {to manja interakcija s okolinom (Becker, 1981.). Interakciju genotip x okolina mogu}e je ustanoviti iz poljskih pokusa. S obzirom na to, u okviru oplemenjiva~kih programa soje kontinuirano se provode testiranja odabranih genotipova (elitne oplemenjiva~ke linije i/ili novi kultivari) u usporedbi sa standardnim kultivarima po grupama zriobe u razli~itim okolinama (godina, lokacija), s ciljem procjene njihove stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti. Identifikacija superiornih genotipova, s obzirom na visinu i stabilnost svojstva te adaptabilnost, va`na je za daljnje unaprje|enje komercijalne proizvodnje soje, a s oplemenjiva~kog stajali{ta va`na je za daljnje ostvarivanje genetskog napretka kultivara soje (Vratari} i sur., 1998.; Desclaux, 1999.; Sudari} i sur., 2001.). U ovom radu dat je prikaz rezultata ispitivanja vrijednosti nekoliko OS-kultivara soje kroz analizu visine i stabilnosti uroda zrna te razine adaptabilnosti. Dobivene rezultate mogu}e je koristiti prilikom izbora OS-kultivara soje za odgovaraju}e uvjete uzgoja.

(1) Dr.sc. Aleksandra Sudari}, prof.dr.sc. Marija Vratari} i mr.sc. Tomislav Duvnjak - Odjel za oplemenjivanje i genetiku industrijskog bilja, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek; (2) Juraj Klari}, dipl.in`. IPK Osijek, PZC d.o.o., Vinkova~ka 63, 31000 Osijek


9 (2003)



Istra`ivanja su provedena na tri lokacije na podru~ju isto~ne Hrvatske (Osijek, Brijest, Donji Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine. Pokusni materijal obuhva}ao je 14 kultivara (cv.) soje i to: 6 kultivara priznatih od 1983. do 1994. - Tisa, Drina, Kaja, Una, Lika i Nada, te 8 kultivara priznatih od 1995. do 2001. - Podravka 95, Kuna, Ika, Anica, Kruna, Darija, Smiljana i Nika. Svi ispitivani kultivari porijeklom su iz oplemenjiva~kog programa soje u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek, a prema du`ini vegetacije pripadaju 0., 0.-I. i I. grupi zriobe. Poljski pokusi postavljeni su po blok metodi sa slu~ajnim rasporedom varijanti u ~etiri ponavljanja, a veli~ina osnovne parcele bila je 10m2. U svakoj godini istra`ivanja primjenjena je optimalna agrotehnika za soju. Nakon `etve, izmjeren je urod zrna i vlaga u zrnu, a isti je prera~unat u t/ha s 13% vlage zrna. Dobivene vrijednosti za urod zrna sistematizirane su po kultivarima, godinama i lokacijama istra`ivanja te su statisti~ki obra|ene (SAS System 8.2, 2001.). Opravdanost razlika u prosje~nim vrijednostima uroda zrna izme|u kultivara, godina i lokacija testirana je LSD testom na razini P-0,05 i P-0,01. Analizom varijance utvr|eno je postojanje GEI, {to je dalje omogu}ilo statisti~ku analizu stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti. Analiza stabilnosti uroda zrna te adaptabilnosti testiranog materijala obavljena je kombinacijom dva parametra stabilnosti: S2GxE - udio varijance GEI svakog genotipa u ukupnoj varijanci GEI (Plasteid i Peterson, 1959.) te bi - koeficijentom regresije (Finlay i Wilkinson, 1963.). Prema metodi po Plasteidu i Petersonu, ako je udio GEI pojedinog genotipa u ukupnoj GEI (S2GxE) manji, to je ve}a stabilnost genotipa i obrnuto. Koeficijent regresije je mjera odnosa pojedinog genotipa prema razli~itim okolinama. Genotipovi karakterizirani s bi oko 1,0 ocjenjuju se kao prosje~no stabilni u svim okolinama. Ako uz to imaju i visok prosjek svojstva, smatraju se {irokoadaptabilnim, a ako je prosjek nizak onda su slabe adaptabilnosti. Vrijednosti bi>1,0 ukazuju na ispodprosje~nu stabilnost i ve}u prilagodljivost visokoprinosnim okolinama, dok su vrijednosti bi<1,0 pokazatelj iznadprosje~ne stabilnosti i ve}e neosjetljivosti na promjene okoline, odnosno ukazuju na specifi~nu prilagodljivost niskoprinosnim okolinama. Na osnovu dobivenih procjena parametara, testirani genotipovi rangiraju se prema stabilnosti svojstva te razini adaptabilnosti.

Prosje~ni urodi zrna ispitivanih kultivara soje po godinama istra`ivanja i u prosjeku svih okolina istra`ivanja uz rezultate statisti~ke analize prikazani su u Tablici 1. Prosje~ni urod zrna ispitivanih kultivara rangiran je od 2,94 t/ha (cv. Kaja) do 4,17 t/ha (cv. Ika) u 1998. godini, zatim od 3,42 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,89 t/ha (cv. Ika) u 1999., u 2000. godini od 3,37 t/ha (cv. Drina) do 4,08 t/ha (cv. Ika), u 2001. godini od 3,43 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,31 t/ha (cv. Ika), dok je u 2002. godini, urod zrna varirao od 3,92 t/ha (cv. Kruna) do 4,97 t/ha (cv. Ika). Na razini svih okolina istra`ivanja, prosje~ni urod

zrna iznosio je 3,91 t/ha, a pojedina~ne vrijednosti varirale su od 3,49 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,48 t/ha (cv. Ika). Dobiveni rezultati statisti~ke obrade prosje~nih vrijednosti uroda zrna pokazuju zna~ajno variranje toga svojstva izme|u testiranih kultivara po godinama istra`ivanja i u prosjeku, {to je bilo i za o~ekivati, budu}i da se istra`ivanje obavljalo na genetski divergentnom materijalu. Me|utim i utjecaj godine je zna~ajan, {to se vidi usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti prosje~nog uroda zrna po godinama istra`ivanja, bez obzira na kultivar. Najvi{i prosje~ni urod zrna bio je u 2002. godini (4,33 t/ha), {to je statisti~ki opravdana razlika na razini P-0,01 u odnosu na prosje~ni urod zrna ostalih godina, dok je najni`i prosje~ni urod zrna bio u 1998. godini (3,58 t/ha), uz opravdanost razlike na razini P-0,01 u odnosu na prosje~ni urod zrna ostvaren u 2001. (3,81 t/ha), 1999. (4,14 t/ha) i u 2002. (4,33 t/ha) godini (Tablica 1.). Statisti~ka zna~ajnost razlika u prosje~nim vrijednostima uroda zrna izme|u godina, ukazuje na klimatsku varijabilnost istra`ivanih vegetacijskih razdoblja soje te na veliki utjecaj klimatskih ~initelja tijekom vegetacije soje na formiranje visine uroda zrna. Varijabilnost visine uroda zrna soje unutar kultivara po godinama istra`ivanja treba povezati s razlikama klimatskih uvjeta izme|u godina istra`ivanja i razli~itim reagiranjem kultivara na te uvjete. Potvrdu tome daju i statisti~ki visokozna~ajno opravdane interakcije kultivar x godina za sve ispitivane kultivare (Tab. 1.). Raspon variranja visine uroda zrna kao i prosje~ne vrijednosti uroda zrna ispitivanih kultivara po lokacijama istra`ivanja, s rezultatima statisti~ke analize prikazani su u Tablici 2. Analizom dobivenih rezultata u navedenoj tablici, vidljivo je da je prosje~ni urod zrna ispitivanih kultivara na lokaciji Donji Miholjac varirao od 3,52 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,40 t/ha (cv. Ika), na lokaciji Brijest od 3,36 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,50 t/ha (cv. Ika), a na lokaciji Osijek od 3,60 t/ha (cv. Una) do 4,55 t/ha (cv. Ika). Dobivene razlike u visini uroda zrna izme|u ispitivanih kultivara na svim lokacijama istra`ivanja statisti~ki su zna~ajne, {to se mo`e tuma~iti genetskom raznolikosti testiranog materijala. Usporedbom prosje~nih vrijednosti uroda zrna po lokacijama vidljivo je da je najvi{i urod zrna ostvaren na lokaciji Osijek (3,99 t/ha), uz statisti~ku opravdanost na razini P-0,01 u odnosu na prosjek lokacije Donji Miholjac (3,89 t/ha) i lokacije Brijest (3,85 t/ha) (Tab.2.). Statisti~ka opravdanost razlika u urodu zrna izme|u lokacija upu}uje na razlike u agroekolo{kim uvjetima (klima, tlo, agrotehnika), koji su karakterizirali lokacije istra`ivanja (lokalitetska varijabilnost), odnosno na lokaciju kao zna~ajni izvor variranja visine uroda zrna. Varijabilnost visine uroda zrna unutar kultivara po lokacijama mo`e se povezati s lokalitetskom varijabilnosti i razli~itim reagiranjem kultivara na te uvjete, {to potvr|uje opravdanost interakcije kultivar x lokacija na razini P-0,01 kod svih testiranih kultivara (Tablica 2.). U provedenim istra`ivanjima, interakcije kultivar x godina x lokacija bile su statisti~ki visokosignifikantne (Tab. 2.), {to ukazuje na zna~ajan utjecaj genetske osnove (kultivar) i utjecaj okoline (godina, lokacija) na formiranje

9 (2003)


Tablica 1. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) ispitivanih kultivara soje za 3 lokacije po godinama istra`ivanja Table 1 The average grain yield (t/ha) of tested cultivars for 3 locations per years of study

visine uroda zrna. Odnosno, varijabilnost u ekspresiji uroda zrna rezultira iz genetske varijabilnosti, okolinske varijabilnosti te varijabilnosti interakcije izme|u genotipa i okolina, {to su potvrdili rezultati istra`ivanja mnogih doma}ih i stranih autora (Vratari} i sur., 1998.; Sudari} i sur., 2001., Yan i Rajcan, 2002., 2003.). Prikaz prosje~ne visine uroda zrna i procjene parametara stabilnosti S2GxE i bi za svaki kultivar u prosjeku svih okolina obuhva}enih istra`ivanjem dat je u Tablici 3. Analiza stabilnosti uroda zrna pokazala je da izme|u ispitivanih kultivara postoje zna~ajne razlike u visini i stabilnosti toga svojstva te razini adaptabilnosti. Usporedbom pojedina~nih vrijednosti uroda zrna ispitivanih kultivara s prosjekom pokusa, analiza je pokazala da izme|u 14 testiranih kultivara, dva kultivara (Ika i Podravka 95) imala su statisti~ki zna~ajno vi{i (P-0,05) urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek pokusa (3,91 t/ha), pet kultivara (Nada, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa) imalo je vi{i urod zrna, a pet kultivara (Nika, Darija, Lika, Kaja i Drina) ni`i urod zrna od prosjeka pokusa, ali bez statisti~ke opravdanosti. Kultivari Kruna i Una imali su ni`i

urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek pokusa na razini zna~ajnosti P-0,05. Prema dobivenim procjenama parametra stabilnosti S2GxE, ispitivani kultivari grupirani su u dvije skupine. U prvoj skupini nalazi se 8 kultivara (Podravka 95, Ika, Smiljana, Drina, Kuna, Darija, Tisa i Anica) koji su imali ni`e vrijednosti parametra S2GxE od prosje~ne vrijednosti tog parametra za cijeli pokus, stoga su klasificirani kao kultivari stabilnog uroda zrna. Dobivene procjene stabilnosti pokazatelj su ni`e varijabilnosti ukupne fenotipske ekspresije uroda zrna navedenih kultivara pri okolinskoj varijabilnosti. S prakti~nog stajali{ta, to zna~i da }e navedeni kultivari zadr`avati svoj genetski potencijal rodnosti u razli~itim okolinama. Drugu skupinu kultivara (Kruna, Kaja, Nika, Nada, Una, Lika) karakteriziraju vrijednosti S2GxE vi{e od prosje~ne vrijednosti tog parametra u pokusu, prema ~emu se mo`e zaklju~iti da je zna~ajno variranje visine uroda zrna navedenih kultivara pod utjecajem okoline te se isti ocjenjuju kao nestabilni u tom svojstvu.


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Tablica 2. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) ispitivanih kultivara soje po lokacijama istra`ivanja u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine Table 2. The average grain yield (t/ha) of tested soybean cultivars per investigated locations in a period from 1998 to 2002 years

Prema razini adaptabilnosti, ispitivani kultivari grupirani su u tri skupine na osnovu dobivenih procjena parametra bi (Tab. 3.). U prvoj skupini nalazi se 8 kultivara (Kuna, Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Tisa, Anica, Drina, Darija), ~ije su vrijednosti parametra bi oko 1,0. Prema tim procjenama, kultivari te skupine prilagodljivi (adaptabilni) su na razli~ite agroekolo{ke uvjete uzgoja soje, a da se pri tome visina fenotipske ekspresije uroda zrna zna~ajno ne mijenja. U drugoj skupini su tri kultivara (Kaja, Kruna, Una), koji su imali vrijednost bi <1,0, {to je indikator iznadprosje~ne stabilnosti, odnosno ve}e neosjetljivosti na promjene okoline. S prakti~ne strane, to zna~i da navedeni kultivari imaju specifi~nu adaptabilnost i to na niskoprinosne okoline u kojima }e dati iznad prosje~ni urod zrna, dok u visokoprinosnim okolinama, pokazuju male promjene u visini uroda zrna. Suprotno tome, 3 kultivara (Nada, Lika, Nika) imala su vrijednosti bi>1,0. Kultivari te skupine imat }e vi{i urod zrna od prosjeka pokusa u okolinama koje favoriziraju ekspresiju toga svojstva, dok u nepovoljnim uvjetima

proizvodnje, imat }e ni`i urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek pokusa (podru~ja, godine). Stoga, za kultivare te skupine mo`e se re}i da su adaptabilni za visokoprinosne okoline s obzirom na urod zrna, odnosno mogu se preporu~iti za uzgoj u takvim okolinskim uvjetima. Grafi~ki prikaz odnosa prosje~nog uroda zrna i dobivenih procjena parametra bi za sve ispitivane kultivare dat je u Grafikonu 1. Analizom navedenih podataka u Grafikonu 1., vidljivo je da se izme|u 14 ispitivanih kultivara, po vrlo visokim proizvodnim (agronomskim) vrijednostima, izdvaja 6 kultivara, a to su: Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa. Navedeni kultivari imaju ne samo visoki genetski potencijal rodnosti ve} i sposobnost da tu superiornost zadr`e u {irokom rasponu razli~itih okolinskih uvjeta. Stoga, ti kultivari predstavljaju dobru osnovu za daljnje unaprje|enje proizvodnje soje u zemlji, a s oplemenjiva~kog stajali{ta, predstavljaju dobru osnovu za daljnje ostvarivanje genetskog napretka kultivara soje.

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Tablica 3. Prosje~na visina i procjene parametara stabilnosti uroda zrna ispitivanih kultivara soje za sve istra`ivane okoline Table 3. The average level and estimations of stability parameters for grain yield of tested soybean cultivars for all investigated environments

Prosje~an urod zrna / Mean grain yield (t/ha)

Grafikon 1. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) i koeficijent regresije (bi) ispitivanih kultivara soje na tri lokacije (Osijek, Brijest, D. Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. Graph 1. The average grain yield (t/ha) and regression coefficient (bi) of tested soybean cultivars on three locations (Osijek, Brijest, D. Miholjac) in a period from 1998 to 2002

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9. 10.

Na temelju dobivenih rezultata ispitivanja visine i stabilnosti uroda zrna te adaptabilnosti 14 OS-kultivara soje 0., 0.-I. i I. grupe zriobe na tri lokacije na podru~ju isto~ne Hrvatske (Osijek, Donji Miholjac, Brijest), u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine, mogu se donijeti sljede}i zaklju~ci: - Ispitivani kultivari zna~ajno se razlikuju u visini i stabilnosti uroda zrna te razini adaptabilnosti. - Varijabilnost ekspresije uroda zrna zna~ajno je uvjetovana genotipskom varijabilno{}u (kultivar), okolinskom varijabilno{}u (godina, lokacija) te varijabilno{}u interakcije genotip x okolina. - Najve}i prosje~ni urod zrna imao je cv. Ika ( 4,48 t/ha), a najni`i cv. Una (3,49 t/ha). - Prema procijenjenoj stabilnosti, izme|u 14 ispitivanih kultivara, 6 kultivara: Ika, Podravka 95, Anica, Kuna, Smiljana i Tisa imalo je visok i stabilan urod zrna te {iroku op}u adaptabilnost. - Ostali testirani kultivari su nestabilnog uroda zrna i uske (specifi~ne) adaptabilnosti. - Op}enito, kultivari visokih proizvodnih vrijednosti mogu se sa sigurno{}u preporu~iti za {iroku proizvodnju jer predstavljaju dobru genetsku osnovu za daljnje unaprje|enje proizvodnje soje u zemlji. Isto tako, ti se kultivari mogu koristiti u oplemenjivanju za daljnje genetsko unaprje|enje kultivara soje.

11. 12. 13.


15. 16. 17.

Lin, C.S., Binns, M.R., Lefkovitch, L.P . (1986): Stability Analysis:Where Do We Stand? Crop Science, 26, 893900. Plaisted, R.L., Peterson, L.C. (1959): A technique for evaluation the ability of selections to yield consistently in different locations or seasons. Am. Potato J., 36, 381385. Sneller, C.H., Kilgore-Norquest, L., Dombek, D. (1997): Repeatability of Yield Stability Statistics in Soybean. Crop Science 37, 383-390. Sudari}, A., Vratari}, M., Sudar, R. (2001.): Analiza stabilnosti uroda i kakvo}e zrna u oplemenjivanju soje. Sjemenarstvo, 18, 5.-6. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A., Volenik, S., Duvnjak, T. (1998.): Oplemenjivanje u cilju stvaranja rodnih i stabilnih kultivara soje I. grupe zriobe za klimatsko podru~je isto~ne Hrvatske. Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa s me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem Prilagodba poljoprivrede i {umarstva klimi i njenim promjenama, Zagreb, 169.175. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A., Volenik, S., Duvnjak, T. (1998): Evaluation of yield stability of Croatia soybean lines (F4F6 generation) and cultivars by analysis of the interaction genotype x environment. ESA, Short Communications, 2, Fifth Congress, Nitra, The Slovak Republic, 267-269. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A. (2000.): Soja. Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, 1.-220., X. Yan, W., Rajcan, I. (2002): Biplot analysis of test sites and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science, 42, 11-20. an, W., Rajcan, I. (2003): Prediction of Cultivar Performance Based on Single-versus Multiple-Year Tests in Soybean.

1. 2. 3. 4. Allard, R.W., Bradshaw, A.D. (1964): Implications of genotype-environment interactions in applied plant breeding. Crop Science 4, 503-507. Becker, H.C. (1981): Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica, 30, 835-845. Becker, H.C., Leon, J. (1988): Stability Analysis in Plant Breeding. Plant Breeding, 101, 1-23. Desclaux, D. (1999): Adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes interest of environmental diagnosis from soybean black-box. In Kauffman, H.E. (Ed.), Proceedings of the World Soybean Research Conference VI, Chicago, USA, 450. Finlay, K. W., Wilkinson, G.N. (1963): The analysis of adaptation in plant breeding programme. Aust. J.Agric. Res. 14, 742-754. Freeman, G.H. (1973): Statistical methods for the analysis of genotype-environment interactions. Heredity 31, 339-354. Huehn, M. (1990): Nonparametric measures of phenotypic stability. Part 1: Theory. Euphytica 47, 189-194. Hill, J., Becker, H.C., Tigerstedt, P .M.A. (1998): Quantitative and Ecological Aspects of Plant Breeding. Chapman&Hall, London, 155-211.

5. 6. 7. 8.


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SUMMARY Objective of this study was to evaluate the level and stability of grain yield as well as adaptability level of several domestic soybean cultivars. The trials were conducted on three locations in the region of the eastern Croatia (Osijek, Brijest, Donji Miholjac) in the period from 1998-2002 and involved 14 soybean cultivars. Tested cultivars were created in soybean breeding programme at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. They belong to maturity groups 0, 0-I and I according to vegetation period length. Two parameters are used in the analysis of yield stability and cultivar adaptability: portion of variance of genotype x environment interaction of each genotype to total variance of genotype x environment interaction (S2GxE) and regression coefficient (bi). Obtained results indicated significant differences in level and stability of grain yield as well as level of cultivar adaptability. Six of the 14 tested cultivars: Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica and Tisa had high and stable grain yield and wide-general adaptability. Other tested cultivars had unstable grain yield and narrow (specific) adaptability. Key-words: soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), cultivar, grain yield, stability, adaptability (Primljeno 22. listopada 2003.; prihva}eno 18. prosinca 2003. - Received on 22 October 2003; accepted on 18 December 2003)


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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 631.147:504


M. Jo{t Scientific review Pregledni znanstveni ~lanak
Paper is presented at 2002 UWE Conference: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & HEALTH - WHAT CAN WE DO IN 21st CENTURY, Dubrovnik, 11-13 October, 2002 Rad je izlagan na 2002 UWE Conference: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & HEALTH - WHAT CAN WE DO IN 21st CENTURY, Dubrovnik, 11.-13. listopada 2002.

SUMMARY The application of modern biotechnology in agricultural production processes has generated new ethical, economic, social and environmental dilemmas confronting scientists all over the world. While current knowledge is insufficient for assessing the promised benefits and possible risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the principle of substantial equivalence in comparing GM and conventional food is profoundly flawed and scientifically insupportable. The current generation of GMOs provide small benefits except corporate profit and marginally improved grower returns. The TRIPS agreement has allowed worldwide patenting of genes and microorganisms, as well as genetically engineered organisms. Granting patents on life encourages biopiracy and the theft of genetic resources belonging to the local community. At the same time, the patented products are sold at relatively high prices to developing countries the same countries from which the product originated. Key-words: GMO, genetic engineering, claims and facts, legislation, public opinion

US Government threatens Croatians GMO moratorium with WTO action In June 2001, four Croatian ministries agreed on the text of a draft law to ban genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products, thus since September 2001, Croatia has been under increasing US pressure to drop the draft law. The U.S. threatens: if such a ban is implemented, the U.S. Government must consider its rights under WTO. After a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture on September 19, 2001, Mr. Jill F. Byrnes, First Secretary in Political-Economic Section of U.S. Embassy Zagreb wrote a memo under the subject (title) United States Views on Croatian Interim Legislation, dated November 28, and addressed to the Ministry of Environment. In the memo he insists: that there is no scientific evidence indicating that biotech products currently marketed pose any threat to human or animal health In conclusion, we formally request that the Government of Croatia dont ban biotech food products that have been demonstrated to be as safe as convenPoljoprivreda

tional food products in the United States and elsewhere, unless Croatia can provide scientific evidence indicating otherwise. If such ban is implemented, the U.S. Government must consider its rights under WTO. On December 10, 2001 the US NGOs reply to the US Government letter stating: Croatias proposed ban or restriction on the importation, marketing, use and production of genetically modified organism and products has broad support within the United States. It is our opinion that the reference to the United States rights under the WTO in the letter is an inappropriate use of political power. The SPS agreement does allow members to provisionally adopt sanitary or phytosanitary measures on the basis of available pertinent information in cases where relevant scientific evidence is insufficient. (Article 5.7) In the United States, farmers, consumers, processors, and many government officials are concerned about the lack of oversight and testing of genetically modified organisms and potential impacts on the environment and human health.
Prof.Ph.D. Marijan Jo{t Agricultural College Kri`evci, M. Demerca 1, 48260 Kri`evci, Croatia

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We strongly encourage the Croatian Government to implement EU biotech directives as quickly as possible. The EU has taken a responsible approach to biotechnology that balances the interests of consumers, producers and industry. Their implementation will facilitate the development of food security and expedite the accession of Croatia into the EU. Signed by: Kristin Dawkins, Vice President for International Programs, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota Anuradha Mittal/Peter Rosset, Co Directors, Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy, Oakland, California Larry Bohlen, Friends of the Earth U.S., Director, Health and Environment Programs, Washington DC Betty Kananen, President, Global Organic Alliance, Inc. Beverly Thorpe and Doreen Stabinsky, Greenpeace USA, Washington, DC 20001 David Engel, Executive Director, Midwest Organic Services Association, Inc. Douglas Hunt, Director, Religious Center on Biotechnology Ellen Hickey, Pesticide Action Network North America John OMalley Burns, Goat Hill Organic Farm Inc., Washington, Virginia L. Christina Cobb, Director, Free Agency, New York, New York Laura Ticciati, Executive Director, Mothers for Natural Law Clean Water Action, Boston, Massachusetts Mark Huebner, North Carolina Citizens for Safe Food Patricia OLeary, CAFE (Consumers Against Food Engineering), College Park, Maryland Professor Philip L. Bereano, Vice-President, Washington Biotechnology Action Council Simon Harris, Organic Consumers Association

To transfer a desired gene in such a way, in general a recombinant DNA (rDNA) complex should be constructed consisting from: (a) vector, (b) promoter, (c) desired gene and (c) marker gene. a) Vector is used to perform gene transfer. Usually it is modified virus or bacterium. b) Promoter gene is a gene, often from cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV 35S closely related to human hepatitis B virus and to other retroviruses such as HIV), which determine beginning and intensity of a new introduced gene action. c) Desired gene should improve a certain characteristic of a new GMO. d) Marker gene is used to prove successful transfer of a DNA construct into the tissue culture from which a new GMO will be developed.

To promote genetic engineering and market of products from GMOs, biotechnology is trying to build visions of perfect health and miracle food. The main claims in support of GE are: 1. Genetic engineering is precise and safe. 2. Genetic engineering is necessary to feed the world and to help developing countries. 3. Genetic engineering will protect environment by lower use of herbicides and pesticides. 4. Genetically engineered food is like natural food 5. Genetic engineering is an extension of traditional crossbreeding.(1,2) 6. However, these claims are mainly completely unsubstantiated and wrong. The reality is entirely different.


Ad 1


Genetic engineering (GE) is a set of biotechnological methods used to transfer a foriegn DNA segment over biological barriers of different species (horizontal gene transfer), to form a new improved genetically modified organism (GMO). For instance: by introducing a gene from bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) into a corn plant, the plant become capable to produce a protein with insecticidal effect and to protect itself from a cornborer (Pirausta nubilalis).

Genetic engineering is far to be precise GE determines and isolates the exact gene (segment of DNA) and builds the transgenic construct the artificial combination of rDNA complex from different sources (vector, promoter, desired gene and marker gene), to be introduced into the host organism. However, transfer of such artificial gene complex is random and error-prone, it means, a scientist is not able to define a destination the chromosome, the location on it, nor its neighbour gene in a new host cell. Depending on where the insert lands, it could have entirely different and unpredictable effects on the host genome (gene instability, gene silence inactivation, over-expression, genome destabilisation etc.).(3) Genetic engineering is unstable and unreliable. For instance, the cells transformed are kept in tissue culture, a procedure known to generate uncontrollable somaPoljoprivreda

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clonal variation that frequently changes the plant genome. This can be one source of unpredictability, but instability can also arise in later generations of GM plants propagation. Up to now there are no molecular data supporting the genetic stability of any transgenic line of plants and animals that has been produced for commercial use.(3) and genetic engineering is not safe Safety comes from accumulated experience, and in fact, there has not been enough time essential for accumulating sufficient experience to justify any broad claim to safety. How wrong this statement is was shown by the experiment: two harmless substances, snowdrop lectin and potato, when genetically engineered together led to harmful effects on liver and kidney growth of young rats, while the unmodified potatoes and lectin, when fed to the control group, did not. The process of GE itself is prone to unintended effects in the end product. The damaging effects of GM potatoes found in young rats were probably due to the CaMV promoter.(4) Unknown allergen, even toxin could be introduced by adding new protein, which has never been a part of human food chain. Example is allergy of GM soybean with genes from the Brazil nut(5), Bt-corn StarLink(6) etc. Around 30% of the European population are claimed to suffer from some form of food allergy. Food allergies, along with other types of allergy, appear to be on the increase.(7) There is not enough knowledge about participation of the modern biotechnology in these trends. Also, the arrival of GE foods has coincided in the US with a massive increase in reported food related illness, and in UK a huge increase in birth defects during last five years were observed.(8) Scientists at the Center for Biology of Natural Systems, Queens College, City University of New York state that biotech-industry is based on 40 years old, today unacceptable Central Dogma of neo-Darwinism, insisting that genes (DNA segments) completely control inheritance of all life forms.(9) According to the Central Dogma transfer of genes from one organism to another is specific, precise, predictable, and safe. The Central Dogma lends support to the most hard line genetic determinist assumption of neo-Darwinism. It was built on an idea of connection between the chemical composition of gene and respected protein which determine inherited character. Accordingly, genes determine characters in straightforward, additive way: one gene = one protein. They are stable, and are passed on unchanged to the next generation (exception could be rare and random mutations). Genetic information flow only in one direction, from DNA to RNA, then from RNA to protein. Environmental influence, if any, can be neatly separated from the genetic, and genomes cannot be changed directly in response to the environment.(3) A number of scientific papers and statements refer that three billions US$ worth Project of Human Genome showed that, based on the number of genes determiPoljoprivreda

ned, it is impossible to explain the amount of inheritable differences between human being and lower forms of plants and animals. This points out that some other, so far unknown, factors should be involved. Under the influence of specific proteins which carry or dictate alternative segregation certain gene is capable to code a number of different proteins, and as a result, to control a number of different inheritable characteristics. For instance: a single gene from cells of the inner ear of chicks (and of humans) gives rise to 576 variant proteins,(10) or a single gene from the fruit fly as much as 38,016 variant protein molecules.(11) According to this, it is not so easy to predict the function of particular gene based on its chemical structure. All these are raising a question mark on the main purpose of The Humane Genome Project as well as biotechnology as such. Genetically modified organisms represent a huge uncontrolled experiment whose results can not be forecasted. Due to the huge complexity of living cell, each artificially changed genetically system should sooner or later yield in perilous effects.(9) The Central Dogma explains inheritance in an excessively simple manner, but it still stays immune to ever more demanding requests of opposing facts enabling biotechnology to continue its influence on agriculture in a scientifically unfounded manner. Today scientists show that complex, self-organising, dynamic living systems are not reducible only to constituent genes. Andrew Kimbell, director of Center of Food Safety explains: For many years a multibillion biotech corporations have been selling to American people and Government assertions about the safety of their products. Now, we can see that their beliefs about the safety are based on wrong suppositions which can not resist serious scientific critics. Ad 2 Is genetic engineering necessary to feed the world? - According to the United Nations there are 815 million chronically under-nourished people, earning less than one US$ a day. At least 13 million people in South Africa risk starvation, with millions more hungry in Afghanistan, North Korea, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. By 2030 the worlds population is expected to reach top eight billion. These facts complicate the huge task for the world leaders of more than 100 countries at the UNs Johannesburg Earth Summit (24 August to 4 September 2002). It was a bitter first-world debate on GM crops which, some say, is a solution to world hunger, and others regard as a threat. Can the world produce enough food to meet global demands? Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) report reveals GM crop are not needed to feed the world.(12) Using a baseline year of 1995/7, according to FAO the growth rate of world population indicates a drastic deceleration, while the annual rate of growth in global crop production, as well as global per capita food consumption will grow significantly. The world average

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will exceed 3000 kcal/person/day by 2030, and the number of countries having high incidence of undernourishment will be reduced by 84% - all this by ignoring the impact of any future developments in genetic engineering. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) the world already produces 50% more food than it needs. Today we have plenty of food, but it is not distributed equally. It means that hunger is not the result of food shortage. It results from social and economic inequalities between nations, and even between people of the same nation. The little research that has been conducted on the origins of famine reveals that the solution of more food may be no solution at all.(13) Besides, researchers have shown that in India, for instance, land reform and simple irrigation systems could boost food production by 50%. Contrary to what has been promised, GE crops do not yield more and often yield less than the best available conventionally bred cultivar or hybrid. For instance: the results of over 8200 university-based soybean variety trials in 1998 showed the yield drag of over 5 percent.(14) Biotechnology was, and still is seen as a major area of expansion for the US business interests. The products of biotechnology have been highly attractive to multinational corporations. They were patentable and effectively promised control over the food chain to country/company, which could develop the technology first. Otherwise, if we want to use biotechnology to help feed the worlds starving poor we have two options: We can persuade government to do it, or we can mobilise public opinion to persuade biotechnology companies to donate technology to those who will never be able to buy it.(15) Ad 3 Genetic engineering will protect environment by lower use of herbicides and pesticides Not true. If a herbicide is used on a continuous basis, a weed population can build up resistance to that compound. For instance: today, farmers growing RR soybeans use 2 to 5 times more herbicides, thanks to the increased degree of tolerance to Roundup (glyphosate) in several weed species, or shift in weeds toward less Roundup herbicide sensitive. There is evidence of a super weed creation by cross-pollination the wild relatives of cultivated GM crops, or even worse: the production of virtually undestructable weeds, such as multiple resistant canola collecting resistance genes to glyphosate and gluphosinate.(16, 17) It was shown that GI toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis could have deleterious effects on other beneficial insects: Green lacewings death rate increases when they are fed on army worms eating corn engineered to contain bacterial (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin.(18) Ladybugs life-span and fertility suffer when eating aphids that have been fed genetically engineered potatoes.(19) Transgenic pollen harms monarch butterfly larvae(20) etc.

European corn borer can develop resistance to Bttoxin in GE corn. To suppress this, at the beginning producers were advised to hold back a 5 percent refugee, planted with non-Bt hybrids. Later, the advice was to increase this refugee zones for 10 percent, and today the US EPA, and other biotech corporations advice the increase for 20, or even 40 percent. The purpose of refugee zone is to feed non resistant European corn borer insects, which could mate with resistant one, and produce susceptible offspring. Ad 4 Is genetically engineered food like natural food (substantial equivalence)? - In 1989 the US National Research Council publicly concluded that crops derived from GE did not differ substantially from those derived using traditional techniques. This conclusion is based upon the principle of substantial equivalence which states that the introduction of a gene of known and safe function into a crop of known characteristics is technologically neutral, hence the resulting crop can be presumed to be safe and it is not subjected to mandatory testing prior to release. If so, why in 1999, the mainstream British Medical Association (representing 115,000 doctors) published statement calling for moratorium on planting GM crops and ban on releasing GMOs into the environment. Ad 5 Genetic engineering is not an extension of traditional crossbreeding. The philosophy of traditional crossbreeding is built on entirely different principles. It includes different branches of genetics like: population genetics and genetics of quantitative traits. Traditional crossbreeding respect interactions between genes and environment, it accepts that all agricultural important properties of crop result from quantitative interactions of not one but a number of genes and the environment. Traditional crossbreeding is relatively slow (8-10 years are needed to produce new improved organism), and during that selection period the mentioned interaction is stabilised in the best possible way, which can never be achieved by any faster method, including GE. Even as such, traditional crossbreeding can produce less valuable organism, but in such case this is the failure of a breeder and his incorrect breeding ideotype. For instance: by producing semidwarf cereals, new crop has got ability for higher yield in intensive (industrial) agriculture, but the quality and feeding value of the grain is usually lower (less micronutrients, less proteins etc). It is impossible to improve yield and quality at the same time it is well known that they are in negative correlation.

Legislation and public opinion on genetically engineered (GE) foods

The integration of the precautionary principle into the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety (Montreal, 2000) was a significant step in protecting biological diversity

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from potential hazards related to living modified organism (LMO). The Cartagena Protocol belongs to the Convention of Biological Diversity, and according to the international law, its legal value is as strong as WTO rules. As a result, a country has the right to reject growing transgenic crops (LMO), but has to accept food products containing GMO ingredients. The question remains: Should GM food be labelled to give consumers the right on their own decision what to buy? A few examples: EC Rule 97/35 requires mandatory labelling of products containing over 0,9 percent GMO. European regulatory framework on GMOs is now in force with stricter legislation on deliberate release into the environment (Directive 2001/18/EC), GM food and feed (Regulation 1829/2003) as well as traceability and lebelling (Regulation 1830/2003). According to Business Day (16 August 2002) Cape Town legislation to control the labelling of genetically modified food could be passed by the end of the year, once the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) finalises its system to segregate GM from normal food. Also, many surveys of the US public opinion regarding GM food have been recently conducted. All of them very clearly and constantly indicate that American people would like to have GM food labelled. Just a few examples:(21) 92% of 36 thousand polled say they want GE food labelled - 94% prolabelling responses are from women, and 84% from men (Vance Publishing in Food R&D, February 1995). 93% of Americans who responded to a Novartis survey agree that GE foods should be labelled (Novartis, February 1997). 93% of American women say they want all GE food clearly labelled (National Federation of Womens Institutes, 1998). 92% of Americans support legal requirement for labelling GM food. (BSMG World-wide for the Grocery Manufacturers of America, September 1999). 93% of Americans say that the federal government should require labels (ABC News.com poll, June 2001). 90% of American farmers support labels (Farm Foundation/Kansas State University, September 2001). 90% of Americans say that GM food should have special labels (Rutgers University Food Policy Institute study, November 2001). American people believe that the US government has a constitutional duty to respect the peoples desire to know what they eat. Instead, the US government does not only ignore the opposition to genetic engineering in the US, but also even threatens to use international courts to force GM foods upon other nations (for instance Croatia).

Genetically modified organisms represent a huge uncontrolled experiment whose results can not be forecasted. There is no recovery plan in case of disaster, and it is not even clear who should be liable for negative consequences. The multinational corporations, willing to earn a profit by controlling the global food production, owns patents on life, and use the safety claim of GE as a marketing slogan. In this situation the only scientific solution is to foster public scientific debate and to delay application until all fundamental questions are resolved

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6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

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14. Benbrook, C. (1999): Evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield drag from University based varietal trials in 1998. Ag BioTech InfoNet Technical Paper No.1. 15. Raeburn, P . (1999): Where do we go from here? The view from Times Square. NABC Report 11 World food security and sustainability: The impact of biotechnology and industrial consolidation. p. 149-152. 16. King, J. (1996): Could transgenic supercrops one day breed superweeds. Science, 274:180-181. 17. MacArthur, M. (1998): Canola crossbreeds create tough weed problem. Western Producer, 15 October, 1998. 18. Hilbeck, A., Baumgartner, M., Fried, P .M., Bigler, F. (1998): Effect of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis corn fed prey on the mortality and development time of immature Chrisophera carnea (Neuroptera Chrysopidea) Environmental Entomology 27(2):480487.

19. Birch, A.N.E., Geoghegan, I.E., Majerus, M.E.N., McNicol, J.W., Hackett, C.A., Gatehouse, A.M.R., Gatehouse, J.A. (1999): Tri-trophic interactions involving pest aphids, predatory 2-spot ladybirds and transgenic potatoes expressing snowdroplectin for aphid resistance. Molecular Breeding, 5(1):75-83. 20. Losey, J.E., Rayor, L.S., Carter, M.E. (1999): Transgenic pollen harms monarch larvae. Nature, 399:214. Center for Food Safety, Washington D.C., USA: www.centerforfoodsafety.org


SA@ETAK Primjena moderne biotehnologije u procesima poljoprivredne proizvodnje stvorila je nova eti~ka, ekonomska, socijalna i okoli{na pitanja, suprotstavljaju}i znanstvenike {irom svijeta. Danas je postoje}e znanje nedovoljno za procjenu obe}avane koristi i mogu}e opasnosti od geneti~ki preoblikovanih organizama (GMO), a na~elo bitne jednakosti u poredbi GM i konvencionalne hrane je znanstveno neodr`ivo. Postoje}i GM usjevi, osim profita korporacijama, trenutno farmeru gotovo da ne osiguravaju korist. TRIPS sporazum je omogu}io patentiranje gena i mikroorganizama, kao i geneti~ki preoblikovanih organizama. To davanje patenta na `ivot potaklo je biopiratstvo i kra|u geneti~kog bogatstva lokalnih zajednica. Istovremeno takav patentirani proizvod se prodaje po visokoj cijeni zemljama u razvoju onim istima iz kojih potje~e patentirani proizvod. Klju~ne rije~i: GMO, geneti~ko in`enjerstvo, tvrdnje i ~injenice, zakonodavstvo, javno mi{ljenje

(Received on 17 April 2003; accepted on 18 December 2003 - Primljeno 17. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 18. prosinca 2003.)


9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 57.087.1:633.15


D. [imi} (1), J. Gunja~a (2), Z. Zduni} (1), I. Brki} (1), J. Kova~evi} (1) Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak
SUMMARY Yield stability of genotypes and analysis of genotypeenvironment interaction (GEI) as important objects in analyses of multienvironment trials are well documented in Croatia. However, little is known about suitability and biometrical characters of the sites where genotypes should be tested. Objectives of this study were in combined analysis of balanced maize trials i) to compare test sites in joint linear regression analysis and ii) to compare several stability models by clustering test sites in order to assess biometrical suitability of particular test sites. Partitioning of GEI sum of squares according to the symmetrical joint linear regression analysis revealed highly significant Tukeys test, heterogeneity of environmental regressions and residual deviations. Mean grain yields, within-macroenvironment error mean squares, and stability parameters varied considerably among 16 macroenvironments. The highest grain yields were recorded in Osijek in both years and in Vara`din in 1996, with more than 11 t ha-1. It seems that Feri~anci would be optimum test site with relatively high and consistent yield and high values of entry mean squares indicating satisfactory differentiation among cultivars. However, four clustering methods generally did not correspond. According to three out of four clustering methods, two macroenvironments of Feri~anci provide similar results. Employing other methods such as shifted multiplicative models, which effectively eliminate significant rank-change interaction, appears to be more reasonable. Key-words: genotype by environment interaction (GEI), maize, stability analysis, test site

Assessing yield stability is an important object in analyses of multienvironment trials. Cultivar stability and adaptability analyses as well as inherent genotype by environment interaction analyses (GEI) are well documented in Croatia (e.g. Sikora, 1973, Vasilj and Milas, 1981; 1984; Milas, 1989; Vujevi} and Brki}, 1992; [imi} et al., 1994; Rozman, 1994; Rozman et al., 1997; Gunja~a, 1997; Zduni}, 1998). However, the authors, at most instances, did not take into consideration biometrical characters of GEI. They supposed that the main reason for this interaction is changeable sensitivity of genotypes to environmental variables, i. e. significant heterogeneity of genotypic regressions assuming that all environments have equal environment regression coefficient according to classical models of Finlay and Wilkinson (1963) and Eberhart and Russel (1966). Although there are modifications of these models which take into account heterogeneity of environmental regressions (Freeman and Perkins, 1971), little is

known about biometrical suitability of testing sites in Croatia. According to DeLacy et al. (1996), there is an extensive set of methods for analysis of multienvironment trials, including i) analysis of variance (ANOVA); ii) stability analysis comprising joint linear regression (Yates and Cochran, 1938; Finlay and Wilkinson, 1963) and its subsequent modifications; iii) ordination (e.g. principal components analysis; additive main effects, multiplicative interaction - AMMI), and iv) grouping. All these methods have some advantages, but joint linear regression technique is mostly used. It is particularly appropriate for complete and balanced data sets, which cover the environmental range without any major discontinuities (Hill et al., 1998).
(1) Ph.D Domagoj [imi}, Ph.D Zvonimir Zduni}, Ph.D Ivan Brki} and Ph.D. Josip Kova~evi}, Prof., Agricultural Institute Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek; (2) Ph.D Jerko Gunja~a, Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics, Biometrics and Experimentation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Sveto{imunska 25, 10000 Zagreb

9 (2003)



However, it is shown that non-additivity is frequently present at GEI analyses (van Eeuwijk, 1996), making regression analyses and univariate analyses of variance unsuitable for GEI Characterizing. When linear model is not fitted (non-additivity is significant), transformations should be employed or, more often multivariate procedures for the interpretations of the interaction. Cluster analysis (Hallauer et al., 1988), the primary multivariate technique used for grouping environments and genotypes to improve the efficiency of breeding programs has been used. Rosielle and Hamblin (1981) suggested that the most desirable approach in maize would be (Zea mays, L.) choosing test sites being representative of environment population for which the breeder wishes to improve mean yield. Hamblin et al. (1980) concluded that yields at the test site consistently correspond to their yield over the range of target environment. The optimum test site should maximize yield differences among cultivars and it should be consistently high yielding. Objectives of this study were in combined analysis of balanced maize trials i) to compare test sites in joint linear regression analysis and ii) to compare several stability models by clustering test sites in order to assess biometrical suitability of particular test sites.


Maize hybrids used in the study were presented in detail by Zduni} (1998). The two-year experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications at each of sixteen environments. There were nine locations in 1995: Bizovac - Bi, Bjelovar- Bj, \akovo - Dj, Feri~anci - Fe, Kutjevo - Ku, Osijek - Os, Pitoma~a - Pi, Rugvica - Ru and Vara`din - Va. The sites Bjelovar and Pitoma~a were not available in 1996, making total of seven locations in this year. Trials were planted in two-row plots. Each row consisted of 12 hills with two plants per hill resulting in 48 plants per plot. Fertilization, weed control, and cultural practices were performed as in practical farming. Grain yield data (t ha-1) were recorded in each environment by 14% of moisture. Each year-location combination was considered as a macroenvironment (see e.g. Eberhart and Russel, 1966). Sixteen macroenvironments were analyzed as a series of random locations with entry means and effective error variance (Cochran and Cox, 1957), which were used for the combined analysis. In the combined ANOVA, genotype by macroenvironment interaction sum of squares was partitioned according to symmetrical joint linear regression analysis (DeLacy et al, 1996) proposed by Wright, 1971 and Utz, 1972 according to the following model: yij = m + gi + ej +agiej + cjgi + biej + ij

where m is the grand mean over all genotypes and environments, gi is genotype effect, ej environment effect, agiej joint regression effect with a concordance parameter a. Due to identical one degree of freedom for a, joint regression effect was replaced with the Tukeys test for non-additivity (Tukey, 1949), as suggested by Utz (1972); bi is regression coefficient for genotype i; cj is regression coefficient for environment j and ij is residual. Regression coefficients, deviation mean squares, entry mean squares and GEI mean squares were employed as yield stability parameters for each macroenvironment. The Bartletts test of homogeneity within macroenvironment error variances gave a nonsignificant chi-square, so the hypothesis of homogenous within macroenvironment error variances was accepted. Four methods of cluster analyses for evaluating two-way classification data were carried out for the further analysis of GEI since both Tukeys test and the chisquare test were significant. Method 1 is based on the regression model, rows are grouped for similarity of both intercepts and slopes (i.e. means and regressions). Method 2 is based on the regression model as well, and rows are grouped for similarity of slopes alone. Method 3 is based on the ANOVA model: rows are grouped for similarity of average effect (G) and interaction (GE) combined. Method 4 is also based on the ANOVA model, but rows are grouped for similarity of interaction (GE) alone. PLABSTAT (Utz, 1995) and S116 were program packages used for the analyses.


Data from each macroenvironment were analyzed separately showing highly significant effects of genotypes in all environments (data not shown). In the combined ANOVA, genotypes, environments and their interaction were highly significant (Table 1). Differences between macroenvironments accounted for 64.8 % of the total sum of squares, while GE interaction accounted for 19.8%, and genotypes 15.4% of the total sum of squares. Partitioning of GEI sum of squares according to the symmetrical joint linear regression analysis, revealed highly significant Tukeys test, heterogeneity of environmental regressions and residual deviations. Significant Tukeys test indicates that the GEI has more complex nature than linear. Nevertheless, the nonlinear character of the interaction is frequently reported stressing the limitations of the linear regression technique, as summarized by Hill et al., 1998. Moreover, since a significant amount of the GEI variance remained unaccounted for, the linear model is not completely satisfactory (Hill et al., 1998). However, since heterogeneity of environmental regression was significant as well, it justifies to some extent further examination of stability parameters for each macroenvironment separately. Mean grain yields in16 macroenvironments, their

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Table 1. ANOVA for grain yield of 24 maize hybrids grown in 16 environments combined over two years Tablica 1. Kombinirana analiza varijance kroz dvije godine za prinos zrna za 24 hibrida kukuruza posijanih na 16 okolina

** Significant at the 0.01 probability level; ns = nonsignificant ** Signifikantno na razini 0.01; ns = nesignifikantno

Table 2. Mean grain yield averaged across 24 maize hybrids, within-environment error, and stability parameters for 16 macroenvironments in Croatia Tablica 2. Srednje vrijednosti prinosa zrna uprosje~enih kroz 24 hibrida kukuruza, unutarokolinska gre{ka i parametri stabilnosti za 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj

within-macroenvironment error mean squares, and stability parameters are shown in Table 2. The highest grain yields were recorded in Osijek in both years and in Vara`din in 1996, with more than 11 t ha-1. The lowest

yielding site was Kutjevo: average yield of 24 hybrids was just the same in both years with 7.16 t ha-1. Macroenvironments differed greatly in their stability parameters and also in their individual contribution to

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Figure 1. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across 24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the regression model. Rows are grouped for similarity of both intercepts and slopes (i.e. means and regressions) Slika 1.Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u 4 ponavljanja na osnovi regresijskog modela. Redovi su grupirani prema sli~nosti srednjih vrijednosti i regresije

Figure 2. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across 24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the regression model. Rows are grouped for similarity of slopes (parallelism) alone Slika 2. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u 4 ponavljanja na osnovi regresijskog modela. Redovi su grupirani samo prema paralelizmu

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Figure 3. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across 24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the ANOVA model. Rows are grouped for similarity of average effect (G) and interaction (GE) combined Slika 3. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u 4 ponavljanja na osnovi ANOVA modela. Redovi su grupirani zajedno prema sli~nosti efekta srednje vrijednosti (G) I interakcije (GE)

Figure 4. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across 24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the ANOVA model. Rows are grouped for similarity of interaction (GE) alone Slika 4. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u 4 ponavljanja na osnovi ANOVA modela. Redovi su grupirani samo prema sli~nosti GE interakcije

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the interaction mean square. Notable highest values for regression coefficients and deviations from regression occurred in Vara`din in 1996. Interestingly, the environmental regression coefficients for Feri~anci in both years were exactly the same. Classifications of the macroenvironments according to clustering criteria of four methods are presented in Figures 1-4. The same (low) yields and similar regressions in both years resulted in small distances of macroenvironments of Kutjevo 1995 and 1996 according to Models 1 and 3. Analogously, dissimilarity index due to identical regression coefficient was very low for two macroenvironments in Feri~anci (Figure 1 and 2). Vara`din 1996 and Rugvica 1996 made a separate group according to Model 2. Vara`din 1996 was clearly separated from the other seven locations according to Model 4 and left unclustered. Macroenvironments appeared most diverse in dendrogram for Model 4 (Figure 4). Although environment rank changes (crossover interactions) were not statistically tested, it seems that they are considerable in magnitude. Thus, an appropriate test, identifying crossover interactions, should be employed. Furthermore, other methods such as shifted multiplicative models (Cornelius et al., 1996; Crossa et al., 1996) could effectively eliminate significant rankchange interaction. Generally, four clusterings did not correspond. Compared with each other, clusterings based on the same model, whether regression model or ANOVA, but different grouping criterion, substantially rearranged assignments of sites to clusters. It seems worthwhile to apply combined criteria (Models 1 and 3) due to partly analogous groupings. If these groupings emerge as consistent patterns over several years of testing, a breeder could identify a subset of key testing sites within and thus reduce the cost of testing without losing information on adaptation and performance of cultivars.

1. 2. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. (1957): Experimental designs. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Cornelius, P .L., Crossa, J., and Seyedsadr, M.S. (1996): Statistical tests and estimators of multiplicative models for genotype-by-environment interaction. In: Genotypeby-environment interaction. (eds M.S. Kang and H.G. Gauch), p. 199-234. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Crossa, J., Cornelius, P .L., and Seyedsadr, M.S. (1996): Using the shifted multiplicative model cluster methods for crossover genotype-by-environment interaction. In: Genotype-by-environment interaction. (eds M.S. Kang and H.G. Gauch), p. 175-198. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Eberhart, S.A.and Russel, W.A. (1966): Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6:36-40. DeLacy, I.H., Basford, K.E., Cooper, M., Bull, J.K., and McLaren, C.G. (1996): Analysis of multi-environment trials - an historical perspective. In: Plant adaptation and crop improvement (eds M. Cooper and G.L. Hammer), p.39-124. CAB International. Finlay, K.W. and Wilkinson, G.N. (1963): The analysis of adaptation in a plant-breeding programme. Austr. J. Agr.Res. 14:742-754. Freeman, G.H. and Perkins J.M. (1971): Environmental and genotype-environmental components of variability. VIII. Relation between genotypes grown in different environments and measures of these environments. Heredity 27:15-23. Gunja~a, J (1997.): Procjena stabilnosti prinosa iz nebalansiranih setova podataka. Master thesis. University of Zagreb. Hallauer, A.R., Russel, W.A., and Lamkey, K.R. (1988): Corn breeding. In: Corn and corn improvement. Third edition. (eds. G.F. Sprague and J.W. Dudley). p. 463564. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI, Hamblin, J.H., Fisher M., and Ridings, H.I. (1980): The choice of locality for plant breeding when selecting for high yield and general adaptation. Euphytica 29:161168. Hill, J., H.C. Becker, and P .M.A. Tigerstedt. (1998): Quantitative and ecological aspects of plant breeding. Chapman & Hall. London. Milas, S. (1989.): Odnosi parametara stabilnosti i koeficijenata veze za prirod i komponente priroda kod nekih genotipova kukuruza i p{enice. Dissertation. University of Zagreb. Rosielle, A.A. and J. Hamblin (1981): Theoretical aspects of selection for yield in stress and non-stress environments. Crop Sci. 21:943-946. Rozman, L. (1994.): Doprinos oplemenjivanja pove}anju i stabilnosti prinosa hibrida kukuruza FAO grupe 100 i 200. Dissertation. University of Zagreb. Rozman, L; \. Vasilj, V. Kozumplik, (1997): Yield stability in long- term released maize hybrids FAO 100 and 200, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.179,(4):193-199. Sikora, I. (1973.): Procjena stabilnosti jednostrukih hibrida OSSK 295 i OSSK 619. Zbornik radova Polj. inst. Osijek 1:29.-36.


4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.


Apart form Kutjevo, Feri~anci and Osijek, macroenvironments at the same sites did not yield highly repeatable results. The consistently highest yielding site was Osijek with relatively small errors and appropriate regression coefficient and deviation mean square. However, entry mean squares are not constantly high. According to criteria proposed by Hamblin et al., 1980, it seems that Feri~anci would be optimum test site with relatively high consistent yield and high values of mean squares indicating well differentiation among cultivars at this site. Moreover, according to three out of four clustering methods, two macroenvironments of this site provide similar results.

11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

This paper is dedicated to our dear mentor Prof. \ur|ica Vasilj.



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17. [imi}, D., I. Brki}, and E. Pla{~ak (1994.): Analiza parametara stabilnosti prinosa novih OSSK hibrida razli~itih FAO grupa. Poljop. aktual. 30 Sv. 3-4:343.-349. 18. Tukey, J.W. (1949): One degree of freedom for nonadditivity. Biometrics 5:232-242. 19. Utz, H.F. (1972): Die Zerlegung der GenotypUmwelt Interaktionen. EDV in Medizin und Biologie, Band 3, Heft 2:52-59. 20. Utz, H.F. (1995): PLABSTAT Version M. Ein Computerprogramm zur statistischen Analyse von pflanzenzchterischen Experimenten. Selbstverlag Universitt Hohenheim, Stuttgart. 21. van Eeuwijk, F.A. (1995): Linear and bilinear models for the analysis of multienvironment trials. I. An inventory of models. Euphyitca. 84:1-7. 22. Vasilj, \. and Milas S. (1981.): Analiza interakcije genotip okolina u procjeni stabilnosti nekih kvantitativnih svojstava. Genetika 13:105.-114.

23. Vasilj, \ and Milas, S. (1984): Relationship between stability parameters estimated with different methods for some maize and wheat genotypes, Vortrge Pflazenzchtung 7, 266 - 279. 24. Vujevi}, S. i I. Brki} (1992.): Procjena stabilnosti linija kukuruza za razna svojstva u trogodi{njem pokusu u Osijeku. Znan. prak. polj. tehnol. 22 Sv.2:245.-267. 25. Wright, A.J. (1971): The analysis and prediction of some two factor interactions in grass breeding. J. Agric. Sci., Camb. 76:301-306. 26. Yates F. and Cochran, W.G. (1938). The analysis of groups of experiments. J. Agr. Sci. 28:556-580. 27. Zduni}, Z. (1998.): Stabilnost i adaptabilnost prinosa novih Os hibrida kukuruza. Master thesis. University of Zagreb.


SA@ETAK Stabilnost prinosa genotipova i s tim povezana interakcija genotip okolina (GEI) kao va`ni predmeti analize vi{eokolinskih pokusa dobro su dokumentirani u Hrvatskoj. Me|utim, malo se zna o prikladnosti i biometrijskim karakteristikama pojedinih lokacija gdje se genotipovi testiraju. Ciljevi ovoga rada su u kombiniranoj analizi varijance balansiranih pokusa kukuruza i) usporediti lokacije za testiranje prema zdru`enoj linearno-regresijskoj analizi i ii) usporediti nekoliko modela stabilnosti klasteriranjem lokacija za testiranje, kako bi se odredila biometrijska prikladnost pojedine lokacije. Dioba sume kvadrata GEI prema simetri~noj regresijskoj analizi otkrila je visoko signifikantan Tukeyev test, kao i heterogenost okolinskih regresija i devijacija ostatka. Srednje vrijednosti prinosa zrna, unutarokolinska gre{ka i parametri stabilnosti zna~ajno su varirali izme|u 16 makrookolina. Najvi{i prinos bio je u Osijeku u obje godine i u Vara`dinu 1996. godine, s vi{e od 11 t ha-1. Me|utim, ~etiri metode klasteriranja op}enito se nisu podudarale. ^ini se da su Feri~anci optimalna lokacija za testiranje s relativno visokim prinosom i visokim vrijednostima varijanci hibrida, ukazuju}i na zadovoljavaju}u diferencijaciju izme|u kultivara. Nadalje, prema tri od ~etiri metode klasteriranja, dvije makrookoline lokacije Feri~anci dale su sli~an rezultat. Uporaba nekih drugih metoda, kao {to su multiplikativni modeli koji bi eliminirali razlike u klasteriranju, ~ini se prihvatljivijom. Klju~ne rije~i: interakcija genotip okolina (GEI), kukuruz, analiza stabilnosti, lokacije za testiranje (Received on 19 September 2003; accepted on 3 November 2003 - Primljeno 19. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 3. studenoga 2003.)


9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 632.768:633.15(497.5)

D. D`oi} (1), Marija Ivezi} (2), Emilija Raspudi} (2), Mirjana Brme` (2) Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak
SUMMARY A new insect pest - the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) was identified in Croatia in 1995. The first objective of this research was to determine the population density of all stages, except eggs in commercial cor fields. The second objective was to investigate the efficacy of three organophosphate insecticides on larvae. The experiment was conducted in Gunja, Croatia in 1999 and 2000. Treatments were commercial corn hybrids (OSSK 444, OSSK 552, Florencia,) and three soil insecticides (terbuphos, chlorpyriphos-ethyl, chlormephos) applied at planting. Results showed the highest number of larvae per plant (0.70) in the untreated plot of OSSK 552. In 1999, significant differences in larval numbers occurred among hybrids, but not among the insecticides. In 2000, larval numbers only differed statistically between the insecticide treatments. The highest beetles population counted per plant was 0.55 in 2000. This population level is very close to economic threshold of 0.70 beetles per plant. Significant differences in beetle numbers per plant between hybrids were only detected in 2000. Pheromone traps containing the lure, Csal m N, caught significantly more beetles than the Multigard yellow sticky-trap. Terbufos was the only soil insecticide providing a significant yield advantage to the hybrids. Based on the current value of corn and cost of insecticide, terbufos is the only soil insecticide cost-effective for growers. These studies should be conducted with other insecticides, and growers should avoid planting corn after corn in their fields. Key-words: Corn, Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, soil insecticides

The first manifestation of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) (WCR) was noticed back far in 1909 in USA. Today, this pest is the most dangerous corn pest in USA, and the estimation of the damages reaches around 1 bill. US $ yearly (Metcalf, 1986). Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte probably occured in Europe in 1989 or 1990, but the pest was determined and confirmed as Diabrotica in 1992, near Belgrade Airport Sur~in, Serbia (Ba~a, 1993). In 1995 the pest was found in Croatia (Zlof, 1996) and Hungary (Ripka & Princzinger, 2001) , in 1996 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Festic et al., 1997) and Romania (Vonica, 1996). In 1998 Bulgaria (Ivanova, 2001) was also infested, and the pest was found in Italy, near Venezia Airport (Furlan et al., 2000). During 1999, WCR was found on Slovakia border (Sivicek, 2000), near Airport

Lugano in Switzerland (Bertossa et al., 2001). In 2001, pest was recorded in Ukraine (Omelyuta & Filatova, 2002), and in 2002, in Austria (Cate, 2002). WCR was found in Croatia in 1995 in village Bo{njaci, near @upanja. In the last five years the pest was spread on cca. 250 000 ha. The monitoring showed that pest was spreading 35-40 km yearly, and 25% of terrestrial land was infested (Igrc et al., 2000). Since the populations increase every year, the first aim of this study was to determine the population density of all stages, except eggs in commercial corn fields. The second objective was to investigate the efficacy of three organophosphate insecticides on larvae.
(1) MSc. Dra`en D`oi} - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ul. grada Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb; (2) Ph.D. Marija Ivezi}, Full Professor, Ph.D. Emilija Raspudi}, Professor Assistant and MSc Mirjana Brme`, Young Researcher - University of J.J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek


9 (2003)


D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...


The experiment was conducted in Gunja, Croatia (44o87N, 18o94 E) in 1999 and 2000. In 1999 the experimental field was 1344 m2, while in 2000 it was 3360 m2. Three corn hybrids were used in the experiment, OSSK 444, OSSK 552 and Florencia. It is important to reveal that on experimental field corn was sown after corn for four and five years respectively, which can also contribute to the spread of WCR. Three soil insecticides (terbufos, chlorpyriphos-ethyl, chlormephos) were applied at planting, on each hybrid dosed as follows:
COUNTER G-5 (terbuphos) DURSBAN G-7, 5 (chlorpyriphos-ethyl) DOTAN 5-G (chlormephos) 22.5 kg/ha 17.5 kg/ha 9.0 kg/ha

number of imagoes (Luckman et al., 1975). It was done on 4x10 plants in every treatments and untreated plot, in both years of the investigation. Collected data were analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and LSD multiple range test.


1. Larvae and pupae Roots checking for larvae and pupae was done in both years of investigation on all treatments (3 insecticide treatments and untreated plot) on three corn hybrids. Average numbers of larvae and pupae per corn plant in 1999 were shown in Fig. 1 and 2, and for 2000 in Fig. 3 and 4. The analyses of variance and LSD test showed no differences between treatments in 1999 concerning number of larvae and pupae, while in 2000, very significant differences occurred in number of larvae between all treatments with insecticides and untreated control. In 2000 there werent significant differences between treatments regarding the number of pupae. It appears that number of pupae was higher than number of larvae in several cases in the same treatment. The reason is because the larvae already transformed to pupae, and moreover, at the end of June 2000, 224 imagoes were caught by pheromone traps. Looking through hybrids, significant differences occurred just in 1999 between Florencia and both OSSK hybrids and very significant difference between OSSK 552 and OSSK 444. In year 2000, statistically important differences werent observed between hybrids. The analyses of research results showed the highest number of harmful larvae per plant (0.70) in untreated plot of hybrid OSSK 552. This number did not reach the economical injury, being according to Edwards et al. (1994), two larvae per plant.

So, each hybrid was sown in 16 row, and every four row were treated with one insecticide plus 4 untreated rows. Roots checking for larvae was done at the beginning of June, in order to determine the attack intensity and eventually damages on root. Population density of imagoes was determined by using pheromone traps (Csal?m?N) and Multigard yellow sticky traps. One pheromone and one Multigard trap were placed in every treatment and in untreated plots. Traps were set apart 2025 m, in zigzagging, and were replaced every 28 days with the new ones. Traps checking was done every week during the monitoring period, from 26th of June to 09th October in 1999, and from 20th of June to 13th of October in 2000 year. The monitoring in 2000 was finished almost a month earlier compared to 1999, due to extremely dry period during the vegetation in year 2000. Beetles attack intensity was determined on corn silk, by cutting the ear top with the silk at 2.5 cm length, samples collecting into the plastic bag and counting the

Figure 1. Number of larvae per plant in 1999 Grafikon 1. Broj li~inki po biljci u 1999. godini

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Figure 2. Number of pupae per plant in 1999 Grafikon 2. Broj kukuljica po biljci u 1999. godini

Figure 3. Number of larvae per plant in 2000 Grafikon 3. Broj li~inki po biljci u 2000. godini

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Figure 4. Number of pupae per plant in 2000 Grafikon 4. Broj kukuljica po biljci u 2000. godini

Beetles on silk
Number of beetles on corn silk was checked in both years of investigation and the obtained results are showed in Fig. 5 and 6.

Figure 5. Number of silk caught beetles in 1999 Grafikon 5. Broj imaga na svili u 1999. godini

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Figure 6. Number of silk caught beetles in 2000 Grafikon 6. Broj imaga na svili u 2000. godini There werent any significant differences between treatments regarding the number of beetles on corn silk, for both years of investigations. Statistically significant differences occurred between hybrids in 2000. Hybrid Florencia had average of 0.369 beetles on silk/plant, while OSSK 552 and OSSK 444 had 0.519 and 0.488 beetles on silk/plant respectively. Many authors considered the threshold and recommended chemical control for next year larval damage, when one beetle occurs per corn plant (Luckman et al., 1975; Higgins et al. 1988; Edwards et al. 1994), especially in continuously corn growing field (Ostlie & Noetzel, 1987).

3. Beetles on traps
The majority of trap caught beetles in both years of investigation belong to pheromone (Csal m N) traps, while lower number were caught on Multigard yellow sticky traps in all investigated treatments and hybrids (Fig. 7 and 8). Pheromone traps (Csal m N) caught approximately 10 times more beetles compared to Multigard traps. Igrc-Bar~i} & Maceljski (1998) and Ivezi} et al. (2000) have previously obtained similar results.

Figure 7. Number of trap caught beetles in 1999 Grafikon 7. Broj imaga po mamcu u 1999. godini

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Figure 8. Number of trap caught beetles in 2000 Grafikon 8. Broj imaga po mamcu u 2000. godini

4. The yield of corn

The yield of corn was analyzed for both years of investigation, and statistically significant differences occurred between treatments and hybrids. The greatest yield was achieved in treatments with Counter, in all three hybrids in both years of investigation (Fig. 9 and 10).

Regarding the hybrids, in both years Florencia showed the best results. Lower grain yield in 2000, across all hybrids and treatments were caused by extremely dry period in 2000. Based on the current value of corn and cost of insecticide, as well as results of our research, terbuphos is the only soil insecticide which can be recommended as the most effective for growers.

Figure 9. The average yield (t/ha) of corn in 1999 (14% of moisture) Grafikon 9. Prosje~an prinos (t/ha) kukuruza u 1999. godini (14% vlaga)


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Figure 10. The average yield (t/ha) of corn in 2000 (14% of moisture) Grafikon 10. Prosje~an prinos (t/ha) kukuruza u 2000. godini (14% vlaga)

Insecticide Counter (terbuphos) showed the best results, and hybrid Florencia reached the best grain yield in this investigation. Also, all insecticide treatments were better compared the control plots without insecticides. These studies should be conducted with other insecticides, and growers should avoid planting corn in these fields it is preceded by corn.


Festi}, H., Faginovi}, M., Berberovi}, H., Seratli}-Turki}, A. (1997): The result of monitoring Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1997. Western Corn Rootworm 97 Abstract volume of 2nd FAO WCR/TCP Meeting, Gdll, Hungary, 10.

1. Ba~a, F. (1993): New member of the harmful entomofauna of Yugoslavia Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). IWGO Newsletter. Vol.XII, 1-2:21. Bertossa, M., Derron, J., Colombi, L., Brunetti, R. (2001): Update of monitoring data of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Switzerland in 2001. Abstract 21th IWGO Conference, VIII. Diabrotica subgroup meeting, Venice, Italy, 2001: 32. Cate, P .C. (2002): The Confirmation of WCR (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in Austria: Occurrence, expansion and future prospects. Book of abstract, 9th IWGO Diabrotica Subgroup Meeting and 8th EPPO ad hoc Panel, Belgrade, 2002: 16. Edwards, C.R., Larry, W.B., Turpin, F.T. (1994): Field crop insects managing corn rootworms 1994. Purdue University, Cooperative extension Service, West Lafayette, E-49: 1-6.




Furlan, L., Vettorazzo, M., Montagner, M., Donantoni, L., Funes, V. (2000): Diabrotica eradiction attempt in the Veneto region of Italy. 7th International IWGO Workshop, 16-17. November 2000, Stuttgart, Germany: 5-6. 7. Higgins, R.A., Gibb, T.J., Wilde, G.E. (1988): Corn rootworm management in Kansas field corn. Cooperative extension Service, Kansas State University, Mangatan Entomology: 128. 8. Igrc-Bar~i}, J., Maceljski, M. (1998.): Novi {tetnik kukuruzna zlatica. Gospodarski list, prilog mali gospodarski savjetnik: 8. 9. Igrc-Bar~i}, J., Dobrin~i}, R., Maceljski, M. (2000): New development of WCR in Croatia. IWGO Newsletter.Vol. XIX, 1-2: 25-26. 10. Ivezi}, M., Tollefson, J.J., Raspudi}, E., D`oi}, D. (2000): Effect of different traps on captures of adult corn rootworm beetles (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in East Slavonia. IWGO Newsletter. Vol. XXI, 12: 29. 11. Ivanova, I. (2001): Monitoring of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Bulgaria in 2001. Abstract 21th IWGO Conference, VIII Diabrotica subgroup meeting, Venice, Italy 2001: 30. 12. Luckman, W.N., Shaw, J.T., Kuhlman, D.E., Randell, R., Lesar, C.D. (1975): Corn rootworm pest management in canning sweet corn. Illinois natural history survey, Urbana, Illinois. Circular 54.



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13. Metcalf, R.L. (1986): Forward: In: Methods for study of pest Diabrotica. (Eds): Krysan, J.L., Miller, T.A., Springler Verlag, p.p. 1-23. 14. Omelyuta, V., Filatova, N. (2002): The Western Corn Rootworm in Ukraine in 2002. Book of abstract, 9th IWGO Diabrotica Subgroup Meeting and (EPPO ad hoc Panel, Belgrade, 2002: 11. 15. Ostlie, K., Noetzel, D. (1987): Managing Corn Rootworms, Minnesota Extension Service and University of Minnesota. AG-FO 3281: 1-4. 16. Ripka, G., Princziger, G. (2001): Monitoring of Western korn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifea virgifera Le Conte) in Hungary in 2001. Abstract 21th IWGO Conference,

VIII Diabrotica subgroup meeting, Venice, Italy 2001: 28. 17. Sivicek, P . (2000): Report on Survey Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in the Slovak Republic 2000. IWGO Newsletter XXI 1-2:37-38. 18. Vonica, I. (1996): Monitoring for Diabrotica virgifera in Romania. IWGO Newsletter, Vol. 16, No. 2: 15-16. 19. Zlof, V. (1996): Monitoring of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Croatia in 1996. IWGO News letter, Vol. 16, No. 2: 16-17.

SA@ETAK U Hrvatskoj je 1995. utvr|en novi {tetnik, kukuruzna zlatica (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte). Cilj ovoga istra`ivanja je bio utvrditi gusto}u populacije razli~itih stadija kukuruzne zlatice na polju, osim jaja. Osim toga utvr|ena je efikasnost tri organofosforna insekticida na li~inke kukuruzne zlatice. Istra`ivanje je provedeno u Gunji, 1999. i 2000 godine. Tretmani su obuhva}ali komercijalne hibride kukuruza (OSSK 444, OSSk 552, Florencia), te tri zemlji{na insekticida (trebufos, klorpirifos-etil, klormefos) koji su aplicirani pri sjetvi kukuruza. Najve}a brojnost li~inki kukuruzne zlatice po biljci (0,70), utvr|eno je netretiranoj parceli hibrida OSSK 552. U 1999. godini statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike pojavile su se izme|u hibrida, ali ne I izme|u insekticida. U 2000. godini, broj li~inki zna~ajno se razlikovao samo izme|u ispitivanih tretmana s insekticidima. Najve}i broj imaga po biljci utvr|en je u 2000. godini (0,55). To je vrlo blizu ekonomskog praga {tetnosti od 0,70 po biljci. Statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike s obzirom na broj imaga utvr|ene su samo izme|u ispitivanih hibrida u 2000. godini. Feromonski mamci, Csal m N, uhvatili su statisti~ki zna~ajno ve}i broj imaga od Multigard `utih ljepljivih plo~a. Utvr|eno je kako je trebufos jedini zemlji{ni insekticid koji je omogu}io statisti~ki zna~ajno pove}anje prinosa kod hibrida kukuruza. Na temelju sada{nje cijene kukuruza te cijene insekticida, terbufos se pokazao kao jedini insekticid ~ija je upotreba ekonomski opravdana. Istra`ivanja bi trebalo nastaviti sa {to ve}im brojem hibrida te preporu~iti uzgajiva~ima kukuruza va`nost izbjegavanja sjetve kukuruza u monokulturi. Klju~ne rije~i: kukuruz, kukuruzna zlatica, Diabrotica virfigera virfigera, insekticid

(Received on 29 November 2003; accepted on 28 October 2003 - Primljeno 29. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 28. listopada 2003.)


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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK =631.523:633.16

A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi} , G. Drezner, D. Babi}
Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak
SUMMARY The objective of this study was to assess the effects of breeding methods on grain yield and grain yield components in winter barley cross Timura * Osk.4.208/2-84 by growing 150 lines of F4 generation advanced by single seed descent method (SSD) and 26 lines of F4 generation advanced by pedigree method under two planting densities (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2). The mean value of the population for grain yield per plot at both planting densities found by the pedigree method (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2) was significantly increased compared to the SSD method. However, when five most yielding lines developed from both breeding methods were compared, it was found that SSD method was superior compared to the pedigree method at both planting densities (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2). Five most yielding lines advanced by the SSD method were superior for the traits of lower heritability such as grain yield per plant and the number of fertile tillers at thin planting density (100 kernels/m2) in comparison to the lines advanced by the pedigree method. Howerer, pedigree method was superior for these traits at thick planting density (400 kernels/m2). Phenotypic variability for all analysed traits was reduced by pedigree method in comparison with SSD method. The SSD method was important in preserving the variability of traits with high heritability such as mass of one grain and the grain number per spike. It was found that even though the selection response is greater in populations with a higher genetic variance it is possible to grow the most yielding lines or lines with similar yields from the populations with a reduced phenotypic variance, but with high mean value for grain yield. Key-words: winter barley, single seed descent method, pedigree method, grain yield, grain yield components, planting density

The pedigree method is widely spread method in the breeding of self-pollinating plants as it allows for visual selection of plants across various generations and control of a larger number of traits such as winter hardiness and resistance to diseases till the final tests of homozygous lines for grain yield. The procedure encompasses selection of superior progenies at each segregating generation and maintaining records of all parent-progeny relationships being limited by the amount of materials a plant breeder can handle (Allard, 1960). The single seed descent method, proposed by Goulden (1939) and later modified by Grafius (1965), as a modification of the bulk breeding scheme, appears to have the characteristics to overcome the problem of natural selection and inadequate sampling in conventio-

nal pedigree and bulk-population breeding. According to Snape and Simpson (1984), selection among various homozygotes is better than selection from a segregating genetic material, being possible by the single seed descent method (SSD). Furthermore, according to the same authors, desired genes might disappear, if selection proves to be inefficient in early generations (genetic drift). Similar facts were suggested by Brumpton et al. (1977), Boughey and Jinks (1978), Jinks and Pooni (1981) and Kova~evi} (1986), who reported on poor breeding success in case of traits of low to medium heritability, based on selection of individual plants. The same was confirmed by Tee and Qualset (1975), who reported that, provided physiological factors affecting the survive ability are not present in a population, the
Ph.D Alojzije Lali}, Ph.D Josip Kova~evi}, Ph.D Dario Novoselovi}, Ph.D Georg Drezner, Darko Babi}, BAgr - Agricultural Institute Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek


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SSD method will show advantages as compared to bulk populations. It was more suitable for preserving high mean value and variability in a population. Besides the methods of breeding, successful selection depends on the expression of traits at different planting densities. In early generations, plants and progenies of individual plants are not homozygous and they grow near other genotypes, which might considerably affect the expected response to selection. According to Kulshrestha (1989), none of the present form breeding methods, which may considerably vary, has ascribed enough importance to the problem of competition. The authors proposition is to apply modified pedigree method of selection at two planting densities with greater emphasis to the coefficient of productive tillering as a noticeable indicator of the plant response to competition. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of breeding methods on grain yield and grain yield components by comparing 150 lines of F4 generation advanced by single seed descent method and 26 lines of F4 generation advanced by the pedigree method in barley cross Timura * Osk.4.208/2-84 under two planting densities (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2).

nels at 5 x 5 cm distance. Laboratory measurements were taken on a randomised sample of five plants per plot for the following traits: culm length (cm), grain weight per primary spike on the tallest tiller (g) the grain number per primary spike on the tallest tiller, the number of fertile tillers per plant, the grain yield per plant (g) and the total above ground biomass (g). The average mass of one grain per primary spike was derived from the ratio between the grain weight on primary spike and the grain number per primary spike. The harvest index was calculated for each plant and expressed as percentage. The grain yield per plot was calculated by using the sum of the grain yield per plants analysed and other plants on each plot.

Data analysis
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and difference testing of the difference between two mean values by the t-test on samples of equal and different size were carried out by using SAS/STAT software. Estimates of phenotypic and environmental variances were performed for each repetition separately. Mean values were calculated across the repetitions. Based on these calculations, phenotypic (CVP%) and genotypic (CVG%) coefficients of variability were estimated.


Material in this study includes parents, Timura and line Osk.4.208/2-84 winter barley, and their 150 lines of F4 generation developed by SSD method and 26 lines of F4 generation developed by pedigree method with selection intensity of 10 % after breeders criteria. This material was included in the final trial in 1992/93 year. Preparation of the material and selection from the crossing till the F4 generation were done in a thin stand (10 x 10 cm) with 2 m plot length.

It was found that the culm length, the grain weight on primary spike, the grain number per spike, a grain mass per primary spike and the harvest index are traits showing less phenotypic (5.27-14.8%) and genotypic (4.4011.77%) variability. The number of fertile tillers, the grain yield per plant and the grain yield per plot are traits showing higher phenotypic (26.8540.53%) and genotypic (21.0729.08%) variability (Table 1). Applying the pedigree method compared to the SSD method resulted in phenotypic variability being reduced in grain yield and other traits (Table 1). If we compare all tested lines for grain yield per plot, those selected by pedigree method had significantly (p=0.01) higher grain yields at both planting densities (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2) than those grown by SSD method. However, five most yielding lines grown by the SSD method at thin planting (100 kernels/m2) had a significantly (p=0.01) higher grain yield per plot (174.4 g) than those grown by the pedigree method (147.6 g). Likewise, at thick planting (400 kernels/m2), five most yielding lines grown by the SSD method had a significantly higher (p= 0.05). At thick planting (400 kernels/m2), all tested lines and five most yielding lines selected from a population grown by the pedigree method had a significantly (p=0.01 and p=0.05) higher culm length, compared to those all tested and five most yielding lines grown by the SSD method (Table 2).

Field experiment
Final trial in 1992/93 year was set up as a randomized block design with three repetitions under two planting densities (400 kernels/m2 and 100 kernels/m2) at the field of Agricultural Institute Osijek. The main thick planting plot was a square, 25 x 25 cm, on which 36 kernels at 5 x 5 cm distance were planted corresponding to the planting of 400 kernels/m2. The main thin planting plot was a rectangle shape, 50 x 80 cm, on which 48 kernels at 10 x 10 cm distance were planted correspondsing to the planting of 100 kernels/m2. Mixture of parents seeds were used for the plot margins planting. Plants from plot margins were not taken for analysis. Five plants were analysed from each plot. Similar main plot was used by Hamblin and Donald (1974), when 36 kernels were planted at 8 x 8 cm distance, and by Kova~evi} (1986), who planted 36 ker-


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Table 1. Coefficients of phenotypic (CVP%) and genotypic (CVG%) variability for grain yield and grain yield components for pedigree and single seed descent methods (SSD) Tablica 1. Koeficijenti fenotipskog (CVP%) i genetskog (CVG%) varijabiliteta za urod zrna i komponente uroda zrna za pedigree metodu i metodu sjemenka po biljci (SSD)

Thick - planting density 5 x 5 cm (400 kernels/m2); Thin - planting density 10 x 10 cm (100 kernels/m2) Gusto - gusto}a sjetve 5 x 5cm (400 zrna/m2); Rijetko - gusto}a sjetve 10 x 10cm (100 zrna/m2)

Significant differences (p=0.01) were found for number of grains per spike (23.04 vs. 20.83) and grain weight per spike (1.361 vs. 1.231) for all tested lines grown by pedigree method at thin planting (100 kernels/m2) when compared to all tested lines grown by SSD method (Table 2). Significant differences between pedigree method and SSD method were not found (Table 2) for mass of one grain and harvest index. Significant differences (p=0.01) were found between pedigree method (4.7) and SSD method (4.04) at thick planting (400 kernels/m2) wen we compared all tested lines for number of fertile tillers per plant. Five most yielding lines grown by the SSD method had a significantly higher (p= 0.01) number of fertile tillers (9.07 vs. 7.66) and grain yield per plant (9.494 vs. 8.33) at thin planting (100 kernels/m2) when compared to five most yielding lines grown by the pedigree method (Table 2). This implies that genotypes with a higher number of tillers per plant and higher grain yield per plant are preserved in the population grown by the SSD method at lower competition. Five most yielding lines grown by the pedigree method had a significantly (p= 0.01) higher grain yield per plant ( 5.485 vs. 4.591) and a higher number of fertile tillers (5.36 vs. 4.32) at thick planting (400 kernels/m2). This could be partially explained by the breeders choice, who selected plant phenotypes with a more upright leaf position and more uniform tillers. Selection by the pedigree method can contribute to the losing of genotypes from a population, being more suitable for certain growing conditions such as thinner stand and less favourable conditions.

The pedigree method with continuous individual selection commonly used in breeding of self-pollinating plants, is an attractive breeding method for the improvement of grain yield. However, its value with regard to the accuracy in estimating grain yield by yield components could be disputable. Breeders can considerably influence the direction and results of breeding towards the desired goal. If physiological factors are not easily recognised and show lower heritability, larger losses of positive gene effects on grain yield are possible. As for the application of the pedigree breeding method, Kova~evi} (1986) reported the success in reducing the culm length and increasing grain yield in barley, but also, weakness of this method in increasing the 1000grain weight, the grain number per spike and the grain weight per spike. The possible causes, according to the author, are undesirable correlation of these traits with the culm length and the number of fertile tillers. In the investigations conducted, the value of lines grown by the pedigree method was higher than for SSD lines for the grain yield per plot and number of fertile tillers per plant at thick planting (400 kernels/m2). According to the literature, SSD method maintains more easily higher mean values and variability of the population as compared to bulk method (Tee and Qualset, 1975; Srivastava, 1989), individual selection (Srivastava et al., 1989; Kova~evi}, 1986) and the dihaploid method (Riggs and Snape, 1977). According to Peters et al. (1991), lines with a very low potential for grain yield are easily discarded in the F4 generation and the risk of discarding high yielding lines is minimum. Genotypes being superior for growing at thin planting

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Table 2. Mean values of the analysed traits for the lines of F4 generation grown by pedigree method and single seed descent (SSD) method Tablica 2. Ostvarena dobit u linija F4 generacije uzgojenih primjenom pedigree metode i metode sjemenka po biljci (SSD)

*, ** - significantly different at the level of probability of p = 0.05 and 0.01, ns - not significant *, ** - zna~ajna razlika uz P 0.05 i P 0.01, ns - razlika nije zna~ajna

were preserved by the SSD method. Also, genotypes being superior for the traits showing less heritability such as the grain weight per plant and the number of fertile tillers were preserved in a population by this method. These traits are important elements for higher yields at thin planting as evident from intensive tillering and a better ability for compensation. This was confirmed by the most yielding lines which were grown by the SSD method at thin planting density of 100 kernels/m2. The SSD method is important in preserving traits of high heritability such as the mass of one grain and the grain number per spike. Targeted selection for a specific trait was avoided with such selection. Results indicated a lower phenotypic variability of major traits in lines grown by the pedigree method, but also higher mean values in selected lines as compared to the lines grown by the SSD method (Tables 1 and 2). Based on the literature data (OBrien et al., 1978) and

the investigations conducted it was found that even though the selection response is great in populations with a higher genetic variance, it is possible to grow most yielding lines from the populations with a lower genetic variance, but with high mean value of the trait, accomplished in these investigations by the pedigree method.

1. 2. Allard, R.W. (1960): Principles of Plant Breeding. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Boughey, H., Jinks, J. L. (1978): Joint Selection for Both Extremes of Mean Performance and of Sensitivity to Macro-Environmental Variable. III The Determinants of Sensitivity. Heredity, 40, 363-369. Brumpton, R. J., Boughey, H. , Jinks, J. L. (1977): Joint Selection for Both Extremes of Mean Performance and



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of Sensitivity to a Macro-Environmental Variable. I Family Selection. Heredity, 30, 219-226. 4. Donald, C.M., J. Hamblin (1976): The biological yield and harvest index of cereals as agronomic and plant breeding criteria. Advances in Agronomy, 28, 361-405. 5. Goulden, C.H., (1939): Problems in plant selection. Proc. Seventh International Genetical Congress Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 132-133. 6. Grafius, J.E. (1965): Short cuts in plant breeding. Crop Science 5:377. 7. Hamblin, J., Donald, C.M. (1974): The relationships between plant form, competitive ability and grain yield in a barley cross. Euphytica, 23, 535-542. 8. Jinks, J. L., Pooni, H. S. (1981): Properties of Pure Breeding Lines Produced by Dihaploidy, Single Seed Descent and Pedigree Breeding. Heredity, 46, 391-395. 9. Kova~evi}, J. (1981.): Procjena heritabilnosti nekih kvantitativnih svojstava dvorednog je~ma (Hordeum vulgare L., conv. distichon). Magistarski rad.- Zbornik radova Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, 11, 151.-250. 10. Kova~evi}, J. (1986.): Kvantitativna analiza prinosa i komponenata prinosa je~ma u odnosu na metode oplemenjivanja. Doktorska disertacija. - Zbornik Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, 1-111. 11. Kulshrestha, V.P . (1989): A modified pedigree method of selection. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 78, 173176.


12. OBrien, L., Baker, R.J., Evans, L.E. (1978): Response to selection for yield in F3 of four wheat crosses. Crop Science, 18., 1029-1033. 13. Peters, B., Spanakakios, A. and Weber W. E. (1991): Efficiency of Early Selection for Yield Performance in Wheat, Plant Breeding, Vol 107.(2), 97-104. 14. Riggs,T.J., Snape, J. W.(1977): Effects of Linkage and Interaction in a Comparison of Theoretical Populations Derived by Diploidised Haploid and Single Seed Descent Methods. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 49, 111115. 15. SAS/STAT software, Release 6.12 version, SAS Institute Inc., 1996. 16. Snape, J.W., Simpson, E. (1984): Early Generation Selection and Rapid Generation Advancement Methods in Autogamous Crops. In: Lange, W., Zeven, A. C., Hofenboom, N. G. eds. Efficiency in Plant Breeding. Proceeding of the 10th Congress of the Eucarpia, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 82-86. 17. Srivastava, R. B., Paroda., R. S., Sharma, S. C., Yunus Md. (1989): Genetic variability and advance under four selection procedures in wheat pedigree breeding programme. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 77, 516520. 18. Tee, T. W., Qualset, C. O. (1975): Bulk Populations in Wheat Breeding: Comparison of Single- Seed Descent and Random Bulk Methods. Euphytica, 24, 393-405.

SA@ETAK Istra`ivanjima su analizirani u gustoj (400 zrna/m2) i rijetkoj sjetvi (100 zrna/m2) potomstva F4 generacije kri`anja Timura x Osk.208/2-84, uzgojena pedigre metodom (26 linija) i metodom sjemenka po biljci (150 linija). Pedigre metodom u odnosu na metodu sjemenka po biljci zna~ajno (p0,01) smo pove}ali, u odnosu na SSD metodu, prosje~nu vrijednost uzgojene populacije za urod zrna, ali uz smanjenu fenotipsku i genetsku varijabilnost uroda zrna i ostalih istra`ivanih svojstava. Tom metodom ostvaren je ve}i uspjeh u oplemenjivanju na urod zrna u gustoj sjetvi, vjerovatno pod utjecajem oplemenjiva~a i odabir fenotipa biljaka uspravnijeg polo`aja lista i ujedna~enijih vlati. Metodom sjemenka po biljci o~uvani su u populaciji genotipovi superiorniji za uzgoj u rje|oj sjetvi, te su linije dobivene ovom metodom oplemenjivanja u odnosu na linije dobivene pedigre metodom zna~ajno vi{eg uroda zrna kod rijetke sjetve. Tom metodom u populaciji smo zadr`ali genotipove superiornije za svojstva ni`e nasljednosti, poput mase zrna po biljci i broja plodnih vlati. Metoda sjemenka po biljci zna~ajna je i za o~uvanje svojstava visoke nasljednosti, poput mase jednog zrna i broja zrna po klasu, a koja su opozitivnog odgovora na selekciju obzirom na izbor na kra}u vlat. Na temelju saznanja iz literature i provedenih istra`ivanja ustanovili smo da iako je reagiranje na selekciju veliko kod populacija s ve}om genetskom varijancom, najrodnije linije ili linije sli~ne razine uroda zrna mogu}e je uzgojiti iz populacija sa smanjenom genetskom varijancom, ali velikom prosje~nom vrijednosti za urod zrna. To je u provedenim istra`ivanjima ostvareno pedigre metodom. Klju~ne rije~i: ozimi je~am, metoda sjemenka po biljci, pedigre metoda, urod zrna, komponente uroda zrna, gusto}a sjetve (Received on 9 September 2003; accepted on 7 December 2003 - Primljeno 9. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 7. listopada 2003.)

9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 631.111.2:633.63


A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi} Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak Original scientific paper
SA@ETAK U poljskim pokusima ispitivane su proizvodne vrijednosti 5 diploidnih (2n=2x=18) cms linija, 2 tetraploidna (2n=4x=36) i 2 diploidna polinatora te 10 diploidnih i 10 triploidnih (2n=3x=27) hibrida {e}erne repe koji su dobiveni kri`anjem ispitivanih cms linija i polinatora. Kao standard posijana su 2 triploidna hibrida, ra{irena u proizvodnji Os Sana i Iva. Istra`ivanja su provedena na dva lokaliteta (Osijek i \akovo) tijekom dvije godine (2002. i 2003.). Godine su se me|usobno razlikovale po vremenskim prilikama, a lokaliteti po osobinama tla. Prva godina istra`ivanja bila je vla`na i topla, a druga suha i vru}a. Na lokalitetu Osijek tlo pripada ~ernozemno-livadskom, a u \akovu lesiviranom pseudoglejnom tipu. Izme|u ispitivanih genotipova {e}erne repe, najve}i prosje~ni prinos korijena ostvario je triploidni hibrid 15 (58,09 t/ha) te hibridi 11, 13, kao i standard 31. S obzirom na sadr`aj {e}era, najbolje rezultate je postigao standard 31 (15,15%) te hibridi 15, 18, 17 i 11. Najve}i prinos {e}era imao je hibrid 15 (7,08 t/ha), a zatim sljede hibridi 13, 11, 10 i 18. Klju~ne rije~i: {e}erna repa, linije, hibridi, prinos, kvaliteta korijena

U procesu oplemenjivanja {e}erne repe cilj je pove}ati genetski potencijal kultivara za najva`nija kvantitativna i kvalitativna svojstva, kao {to su prinos korijena i sadr`aj {e}era, a istovremeno smanjiti sadr`aj topivih ne{e}era (alfa amino du{ik, kalij, natrij) radi boljeg iskori{tenja {e}era. Tako|er se `eli u podru~jima kao {to je na{e, radi {to potpunijeg kori{tenja genetskog potencijala, pove}ati otpornost prema uzro~nicima najva`nijih bolesti lista (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), koji redovito napadaju {e}ernu repu. Oplemenjiva~i {e}erne repe zadane ciljeve nastoje ostvariti kori{tenjem heterozisa i ploidnosti. Kako je {e}erna repa biljka dvospolnih cvjetova, to je za proizvodnju hibrida bilo nu`no prona}i samo-sterilne biljke. Owen (1945.) je prona{ao mu{ki sterilitet, {to je otvorilo put ka stvaranju hibrida i kod {e}erne repe. Kri`anjem genetski razli~itih linija, populacija ili sorata u F1 generaciji manifestira se hibridna snaga ili heterozis, tj. pojava da su potomstva F1 generacije bujnija i rodnija od roditelja. U istra`ivanjima inbred linija {e}erne repe, Stewart i sur. (1946.) dobivene hibride analizirali su kroz prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era i prinos {e}era. Nekoliko hibrida zna~ajno je nadma{ilo prosjek roditelja ili standarda, {to je obja{njeno kao jasan pokazatelj da

se heterozis doga|a i kod {e}erne repe. Heterozis je najve}im dijelom uvjetovan neaditivnim djelovanjem gena (dominacija i interalelna interakcija) te je za o~ekivati da linije koje imaju superiorne aditivne u~inke gena ne}e uvijek imati i superiorne kombinacijske sposobnosti (Hecker, 1967., Smith i sur., 1973.). Na prinos korijena vi{e djeluju neaditivni geni (Smith i sur., 1973., Hecker, 1978., Scaracis i Smith, 1984.), dok je sadr`aj {e}era uvjetovan aditivnim genima, a dominacija i superdominacija nemaju zna~aj u naslje|ivanju te osobine. Hecker (1978.) je `elio dobiti superiorno potomstvo za prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era i prinos {e}era. Me|utim, u kri`anju nije prona|ena izuzetno dobra specifi~na kombinacijska sposobnost za prinos korijena i sadr`aj {e}era istovremeno niti u jednom od 40 hibrida. O geneti~koj kontroli i nasljednoj osnovi ne{e}era (alfa amino du{ika, kalija, natrija), koji utje~u na iskori{tavanje {e}era, ne zna se puno. Navodi Hra{ka i sur. (1989.) ukazuju da se sadr`aj ne{e}era naslje|uje uglavnom intermedijarno.
Dr.sc. Andrija Kristek, red. prof., dr.sc. Suzana Kristek, doc., dr.sc. Manda Antunovi}, izv.prof. Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek

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Prou~avaju}i genetsku osnovu otpornosti na cerkosporu, razni istra`iva~i su dobili vrlo nejednake podatke. Tako Smith i Gaskill (1970.) navode da otpornost prema cerkospori kontrolira ve}i broj gena (4-5), a Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) jedan gen kod rase C2 Cercospora beticola, uz napomenu da taj gen nije efikasan prema rasi C1. Kako genetska osnova, tako i rezultati o na~inu naslje|ivanja, otpornosti prema cerkospori, nisu ujedna~eni. Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) opisuju da se otpornost u F1 generaciji naslje|uje dominantno, a Kohls (1950.) recesivno. Hasegawa i sur. (cit. Kova~ev, 1982.) po tipu nepotpune dominacije recesivnog roditelja, dok Smith i Gaskill (1970.) na~in naslje|ivanja opisuju kao intermedijarni. Osnovni broj kromosoma kod vrsta roda Beta je x=9, a naj~e{}e 2n=18 kromosoma. Poliploidija je uve}anje osnovnog broja kromosoma u genomu. Od poliploidnih formi kod {e}erne repe je najinteresantnija tetraploidna, odnosno triploidna, koja se dobije kri`anjem diploidne i tetraploidne forme. Razlog za komercijalno kori{tenje poliploida kod {e}erne repe dala su istra`ivanja koja su pokazala da je negativna korelacija izme|u prinosa korijena i sadr`aja {e}era kod tetraploida manje izra`ena nego kod diploida (Kristek i sur., 1993.).

Provedena istra`ivanja imala su za cilj utvrditi proizvodne vrijednosti cms monogermnih diploidnih te diploidnih i tetraploidnih multigermnih linija {e}erne repe, kao i u~inak ploidnosti pri kri`anju cms linija s tetraploidnim, odnosno diploidnim parovima. @eljelo se utvrditi i proizvodnu vrijednost F1 hibrida u odnosu na danas u proizvodnji ra{irene kultivare.

Proizvodne vrijednosti 5 cms (citoplazmatski mu{ko sterilnih) linija {e}erne repe, 2 diploidna i 2 tetraploidna polinatora te nastale kri`ance izme|u cms linija i polinatora istra`ivali smo u poljskim pokusima. Sjeme linija proizvedeno je 2000. godine u kasetama, uz prostornu izolaciju od konoplje, a sjeme kri`anaca u 2001. godini. Kri`anja cms linija (1-5) i tetraploidnih (6-7), odnosno diploidnih polinatora (8-9), izvr{ena su tako da je svaka linija kri`ana sa svakim polinatorom. Na taj na~in dobiveno je 10 triploidnih i 10 diploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe (Tablica 1.). Pokusi su postavljeni na dva lokaliteta (Osijek i \akovo), koji su se me|usobno razlikovali po tipu tla. U Osijeku pokus se nalazio na ~ernozemno-livadskom tlu, a u \akovu na lesiviranom pseudogleju. Istra`ivanja su obavljena u 2002. i 2003. godini. Poljski pokusi su posi-

Tablica 1. Linije i proizvedeni kri`anci u poljskim pokusima Table 1. Lines and produced crosses in the field trials


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Tablica 2. Koli~ina oborina i srednje mjese~ne temperature zraka za vegetaciju {e}erne repe u Osijeku 2002. i 2003. Table 2. The precipitation and mean monthly air temperatures for sugar beet vegetation in Osijek 2002 and 2003

jani po shemi potpuno randomiziranog bloknog rasporeda u ~etiri ponavljanja. Razmak izme|u redova bio je 50 cm, a u redu oko 20 cm. Du`ina reda iznosila je 10 m. Veli~ina osnovne parcele bila je 20 m2. Sjetva {e}erne repe obavljena je u drugoj dekadi o`ujka, a va|enje sredinom listopada. Nakon va|enja utvr|en je prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era, K, Na, amino-du{ika te izra~unat {e}er u melasi ([uM) i prinos ~istog {e}era. Vremenske prilike u godinama izvo|enja pokusa (Tablica 2.) razlikovale su se i utjecale na tok porasta {e}erne repe, prinos i kvalitetu korijena. Godinu 2002. u vegetaciji karakterizira povi{ena mjese~na temperatura zraka u odnosu na vi{egodi{nji prosjek za 1,20C prosje~no. Osobito topli, s temperaturom 22,10C, odnosno 23,0 0C bili su lipanj i srpanj. Koli~ina oborina u vegetaciji iznosila je 477 mm, {to je za 97 mm vi{e od dugogodi{njeg prosjeka za to podru~je. Druga godina istra`ivanja (2003.), suprotno od prve, bila je izrazito suha. U vegetaciji je palo svega 219 mm oborina. Malo oborina bilo je i u vrijeme sjetve (o`ujak), svega 2,9 mm, te u vrijeme nicanja (travanj), kada je palo 9,1 mm ki{e. Tako suho vrijeme dovelo je do ote`anog nicanja i slabog porasta {e}erne repe. Slabom porastu su doprinijele i visoke temperature. Prosje~na mjese~na temperatura zraka u vegetaciji iznosila je ~ak 20,2 0C, odnosno, bila je za 2,6 0C vi{a od vi{egodi{njeg prosjeka. Visoke temperature zraka bile su osobito u lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu (24,7; 22,9; 24,6 0C), {to je utjecalo na porast, a zatim i na akumulaciju {e}era. Vremenske prilike na drugom lokalitetu (\akovo) imale su ista obilje`ja.

Prinos korijena zavisio je od godine, lokaliteta i genotipa. Prosje~ni prinos korijena za dvije godine i dva lokaliteta iznosio je 47,54 t/ha (Tablica 3.). Statisti~ki zna~ajno ve}i prinos korijena (P<1%) ostvaren je 2002. godine 60,07 t/ha, a manji 2003. godine 36,02 t/ha. Isto tako, statisti~ki ve}i prinos korijena bio je na lokalitetu Osijek 52,09 t/ha, dok je u \akovu ostvaren manji prinos korijena za 17%, tj. iznosio je 47,21 t/ha.

Cms linije (1-5) imale su prosje~ni prinos korijena od 46,47 t/ha, tetraploidni polinatori (6-7) 49,87 t/ha, a diploidni polinatori (8-9) 45,02 t/ha. Od cms linija najve}i prinos korijena 48,50 t/ha ostvarila je linija 1 (cms 987/12), a najmanji (43,68 t/ha) linija 5 (cms 986/4). Razlika u prosje~nom prinosu korijena izme|u dvije tetraploidne te izme|u dvije diploidne linije je veoma mala i statisti~ki neopravdana (1,24, odnosno 1,50 t/ha), iako izme|u pojedinih linija postoje statisti~ki opravdane razlike. Triploidni kri`anci (10-19) imali su prosje~ni prinos korijena od 49,73 t/ha, a diploidni (2029) 45,64 t/ha. U komparaciji triploidnih kri`anaca najve}i prinos korijena prosje~no 50,83 t/ha, dali su kri`anci cms linije i polinatora 6. Od diploidnih kri`anaca najve}i prinos 51,95 t/ha, postigao je kri`anac 27. Usporedba diploidnih kri`anaca pokazuje da su razlike izme|u njih male, no ipak ne{to ve}i prinos korijena dali su kri`anci cms linije s polinatorom 8 (OD-173/16). Kori{teni standardi (triploidi) postigli su prosje~ni prinos od 48,78 t/ha, {to je statisti~ki opravdano vi{e od kri`anaca cms i diploidnih linija, na istoj razini kao i kri`anci cms i tetraploidnih opra{iva~a. Sve grupe triploidnih hibrida bile su, dakle, po prosje~nom prinosu korijena bolje od diploidnih hibrida (Tablica 3.). Analiziramo li ostvareni prinos korijena kri`anaca po godinama i lokalitetima, zapa`amo da u prosjeku izme|u diploidnih i triploidnih hibrida u prvoj godini u Osijeku nema statisti~ki zna~ajnih razlika, ~ak su diploidni hibridi dali ne{to ve}i prinos od triploida. Na drugom lokalitetu (\akovo) i u drugoj godini istra`ivanja (2003.) na oba lokaliteta triploidni kri`anci dali su statisti~ki opravdano ve}i prinos od diploidnih. Dobiveni rezultati ve}eg prinosa korijena kod triploidnih hibrida u odnosu na diploidne u skladu su s na{im ranijim istra`ivanjima (Kristek i sur., 1993.), kao i rezultatima drugih autora Hecker i Helmerick (1985.), Kova~ev i Mezei (1986.), McFarlane i sur. (1972.), Doki} (1972., 1975.). Sadr`aj {e}era u repi iznosio je u prosjeku istra`ivanja svega 14,56% (Tablica 3.). Zavisio je od godine i lokaliteta, a dobivena razlika je vrlo zna~ajna

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Tablica 3. Prinos korijena {e}erne repe i digestija po lokalitetima i godinama istra`ivanja Table 3. Sugar beet root yield and sugar content by the localities and years of investigation


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Tablica 4. Sadr`aj {e}era u melasi i prinos ~istog {e}era po lokalitetima i godinama istra`ivanja Table 4. Content of sugar in molasses and sugar yield by localities and years of investigation


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(P<1%). U 2002. prosje~na digestija iznosila je 15,18, a u 2003. svega 13,95%. Razlika izme|u lokaliteta je manja, ali ipak osjetna, jer je u Osijeku repa sadr`avala prosje~no 14,28, a u \akovu 14,85% {e}era. Izme|u ispitivanih genotipova postojala je statisti~ki vrlo zna~ajna razlika. Najve}u prosje~nu digestiju 15,15% imao je standard Iva (Tablica 3.), cms linije postigle su prosje~nu digestiju 14,52%, a najbolja linija bila je 1, s 14,59% {e}era u korijenu. Multigermne tetraploidne linije postigle su prosje~nu digestiju 14,61%, a diploidne 14,51%. U prosjeku godine i lokaliteta za sadr`aj {e}era izme|u linija nije bilo statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike. Triploidni hibridi (10-19) imali su digestiju 14,61%, a diploidni (20-29) 14,48%. Najve}i sadr`aj {e}era izmjeren je kod triploidnog hibrida 18 14,86%, a najmanji kod diploida 23 14,33% i razlika je statisti~ki zna~ajna (P<5%). Zbog zna~aja digestije pri proizvodnji {e}era, oplemenjiva~i od po~etka rada s repom nastoje stvoriti genotipove sa {to ve}im sadr`ajem {e}era. Me|utim, kako se sposobnost akumulacije {e}era naslje|uje na kvantitativni na~in i zavisi od interakcije nekoliko gena, to je sadr`aj {e}era u F1 i F2 generaciji na razini prosjeka roditelja, a u F3 generaciji i povratnih kri`anja nema promjene u odnosu na roditeljske linije (Culbertson, 1942.). Osim navedenog, postoji drugi problem koji le`i u ~injenici da su prinos korijena i sadr`aj {e}era u korijenu u negativnoj korelaciji. Prema mi{ljenju europskih oplemenjiva~a {e}erne repe, bolju kombinaciju visokog sadr`aja {e}era i prinosa korijena je lak{e posti}i na poliploidnoj, nego na diploidnoj razini. To je iz razloga {to kod tetraploidnog tipa cijepanja masa korijena i sadr`aj {e}era ostaju stabilniji i manje se od diploidnog mijenjaju u sljede}im generacijama. Na kraju treba dodati kako i vremenske prilike mogu utjecati na odnos izme|u prinosa korijena i sadr`aja {e}era (Hill, 1948.), a to pokazuju i dobiveni rezultati u ovom istra`ivanju. [e}er u melasi ([uM) predstavlja koli~inu {e}era koja se u postupku proizvodnje ne da izdvojiti te odlazi u melasu. Koliko }e {e}era ostati neiskori{teno, zavisi, osim od tehnolo{kog postupka, i od sadr`aja K, Na, amino-du{ika elemenata koji ometaju kristalizaciju. Utvr|eno je da je sadr`aj tih elemenata me|usobno u pozitivnoj korelaciji, kao i s masom korijena, a u negativnoj korelaciji s koncentracijom {e}era. Tako je u Osijeku u 2002. godini ostvaren najve}i prinos korijena (63,84 t/ha), izra~unat najve}i [uM 2,89%, ali isto tako i u \akovu 2002. godine ostvaren je dobar prinos korijena (53,32 t/ha), uz visok sadr`aj {e}era (16,24%) pa je [uM iznosio 2,12%, {to je visoko signifikantno manje nego u Osijeku (Tablica 4.). Razlike izme|u genotipova po sadr`aju {e}era u melasi pojedina~no su po godinama i lokalitetima visoko signifikantne, dok su u prosjeku zna~ajne na razini P<0,5% i to samo u malom broju slu~ajeva. Prosje~no najmanje [uM izra~unato je kod standarda Iva 2,37%, a najvi{e kod diploidnog hibrida 26 2,70%.

Linije cms prosje~no su imale 2,60% [uM, tetraploidne 2,52%, diploidne 2,58%, a triploidni i diploidni hibridi prosje~no po 2,57%. Prinos ~istog {e}era odre|en je prinosom korijena, sadr`ajem {e}era te prisustvom K, Na i aminodu{ika, na {to utje~u: vremenske prilike, stani{te (fizikalno-kemijska svojstva tla), gnojidba, broj i raspored biljaka, trajanje vegetacije, zakorovljenost, zdravstveno stanje usjeva, genotip i drugi faktori. Ostvareni prosje~ni prinos {e}era iznosio je 5,74 t/ha (Tablica 4.), s tim da je najve}i prinos ostvaren u vremenski povoljnoj 2002. godini i na boljem tipu tla (~ernozemno-livadsko tlo) 7,42 t/ha, a manji 3,74 t/ha u suhoj 2003. godini na lo{ijem tipu tla (lesivirani pseudoglej). Razlike izme|u ispitivanih godina i lokalitete su statisti~ki vrlo zna~ajne. U prvoj godini istra`ivanja prosje~ni prinos {e}era bio je 7,30 t/ha, a u drugoj 4,18 t/ha. U Osijeku dobiveni prinos {e}era iznosio je 6,03, a u \akovu 5,46 t/ha. Genotip je tako|er zna~ajno utjecao na prinos {e}era. Najve}i prinos {e}era 6,15 t/ha dala je grupa triploidnih hibrida (10-14=cmsxOT-23/18). U istom rangu nalaze se jo{ standard Iva te druga grupa triploidnih kri`anaca (15-19=cmsxOT-97/8) te tetraploidni polinatori (6 i 7=OT-23/18 i OT-97/8), dok su manji prinos imali diploidni kri`anci, diploidni polinatori i cms linije. Analizirano po godinama i lokalitetima, zapa`amo da su u vla`noj 2002. godini, koja je bila povoljna za formiranje visokog prinosa korijena, razlike izme|u diploidnih i triploidnih kri`anaca manje izra`ene, i to osobito na boljem tipu tla (Osijek), kada su statisti~ki ve}i prinos {e}era (P<1%) dali standardi. Pojedina~no gledano, u ovoj godini, zna~ajne razlike postoje i izme|u cms linija, gdje se prinos {e}era kretao od 7,36 (linija 3) do 6,89 t/ha (linija 5) i izme|u triploidnih i diploidnih hibrida. Najve}i prinos u 2002. godini (10,58 t/ha) imao je triploidni hibrid 15 (cms 88/39xOT-97/8) u \akovu, a najmanji diploidni hibrid 28 (cms 985/1xOD 230/51). U 2003., po vremenskim prilikama nepovoljnoj godini, prinosi {e}era su ni`i, a razlike izme|u genotipova manje izra`ene, ali je ipak u mnogim slu~ajevima razlika u prinosu {e}era statisti~ki opravdana. U ovoj godini, na lokalitetu Osijek, najve}i prinos {e}era 5,70 t/ha, dao je standard Iva, zatim sljede triploidni kri`anci 10, 15 i 17, a najmanji 4,19 t/ha, diploidni kri`anci 21 i 28.

Na temelju rezultata istra`ivanja linija i kri`anaca cms linija s polinatorom razli~ite razine ploidnosti, mo`e se zaklju~iti da: - dobiveni prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era i prinos ~istog {e}era ve}i je kod triploidnih kombinacija kri`anja u odnosu na diploidne - izme|u ispitivanih hibrida najve}i prosje~ni prinos korijena ostvarili su triploidi 15, 11 i 13, standard 31 te diploid 27, a od linija tetraploidne linije 6 i 7 te cms linije 1 i 2

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10. Kova~ev, L. (1982.): Naslje|ivanje prema Cercospora beticola Sacc. kod F1 triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe. Zbornik Matica srpska, 62, 151.-155. 11. Kova~ev, L., Mezei, S. (1986.): Produktivnost monogermnih triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe iste genetske konstitucije kad se koriste razli~iti izvori mu{ke sterilnosti. Savremena poljoprivreda, 34: 327.-334. 12. Kristek, A., Liovi}, I., Magud, Z. (1993.): Proizvodne osobine diploidnih i triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe. Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 29:365.-371. 13. Lewellen, R.T., Whitney, E.D. (1976): Inheritance of resistance to rase C2 of Cercospora beticola Sacc. In Sugar beet. Crop Sci., 16(4):558-561. 14. McFarlane, J.S., Skoyen, I.O., Lewellen, R.T. (1972): Performance of sugarbeet hybrids as diploids and triploids. Crop Science, 12:118-119. 15. Owen, F.V. (1945): Cytoplasmatically inherited malesterility in sugar beets. Journal of Agricultural Research, 71:423-440. 16. Scaracis, G.N., Smith, G.A. (1984): Prediction of threeway top cross sugarbeet hybrid performance. Crop Science, 24:55-60. 17. Smith, G.A., Gaskill, J.O. (1970): Inheritance of Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugarbeet. J. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol., 16:172-180. 18. Smith, G.A., Hecker, R.J., Maag, G.W., Rasmuson, D.M. (1973.): Combining ability and gene action estimates in an eight parent diallel cross og sugarbeet. Crop Science, 13:312-316. 19. Stewart, D., Gaskill, J.O., Coons, G.H. (1946.): Heterosis in sugar beet single crosses. Proceedings American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, 4:210222.

- najve}i sadr`aj {e}era utvr|en je kod standarda 31. Od kri`anaca, najbolju digestiju imao je triploidni hibrid 15, 18, 17 i 11, a od linija tetraploid 7 i cms linija 1. - najve}i prinos {e}era postigli su triploidni kri`anci 15, 13, 11, 10, i 18 te standard 31, a od linija tetraploid 6 i 7 te cms linija 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Culbertson, J.O. (1942): Inheritance of factors influencing sucrose percentage in Beta vulgaris. Journal of Agricultural Research, 64:153-172. Doki}, P . (1972.): Efekt heterozisa i triploidnosti kod me|usortnih hibrida u F1 generaciji {e}erne repe. Genetika, 20: 217.-228. Doki}, P . (1975.): Prou~avanje genetskog potencijala za prinos korijena i {e}era monogermnih hibrida {e}erne repe. Savremena poljoprivreda, 23:31.-42. Hecker, R.J. (1967): Evaluation of three sugar beet breeding methods. Journal of the American Society og Sugar Beet Technologists, 14:309-318. Hecker, R.J. (1978): Recurrent and reciprocal recurrent selection in sugarbeet. Crop Science, 18: 805-809. Hecker, R.J., Helmerick, R.H. (1985): Sugar beet breedint in the United States. In: G. E. Russell (ed.), Progress in plant bredding. Burrerworths, London. Pp. 37-61 Hill, K.W. (1948): The relationship of yield and size of beets to sucrose percentage of beets grown in southern Alberta, Canada. Proceedings American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, 5: 329-334. Hra{ka, S., Barto{, P ., Mar{alek, L. (1989.): Specialna Genetika polnohospodarskych raslin. Priroda, Bratislava. Kohls, H.L. (1950): A genetic study of 17 f1 hybrids and their inbred patents. J. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Techn, 165-170.

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SUMMARY Five diploid (2n=2x=18) cms lines, 2 tetraploid (2n=4x=36) and 2 diploid pollinators, as well as 10 diploid and 10 triploid (2n=3x=27) sugar beet hybrids, given by the crossing of investigated cms lines and pollinators were investigated in the field trials. Two triploid hybrids, widespread in sugarbeet production, were sown as standards Os Sana and Iva. The trials were conducted on two localities (Osijek and \akovo) during the two years (2002 and 2003). There was a difference between years in weather conditions and between localities in terms of type and features of soil. First year of the investigation was humid and warm and the second was dry and hot. Osijek locality was characterized by chernozem-meadow type soil and \akovo by loessial pseudoglei. The best average root yield was achieved between the investigated genotypes by the triploid hybrid 15 (58.09 t/ha) and the hybrids 11, 13 and standard 31. As for the content and utilization of sugar, the standard 31 achieved best results (15.15%) followed by the standard hybrids 15, 18, 17 and 11. The best sugar yield was achieved by hybrid 15 (7.08 t/ha), followed by hybrids 13, 11, 10 and 18. Key-words: sugar beet, lines, hybrids, yield, root quality (Primljeno 2. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 20. studenoga 2003. - Received on 2 September 2003; accepted on 20 November 2003)

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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 620.91:631.572

Ljiljanka Tomerlin Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak Original scientific paper
SA@ETAK U ovom je redu prikazana proizvodnja etilnog alkohola (biogoriva) iz kiselinskih hidrolizata kukuruzovine, odnosno kukuruzovine, djelovanjem kvasaca Pichia stipitis y-7124 i Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 i Candida shehatae y-12856. Vla`na kukuruzovina (hibrid OSSK 619) sklona je raspadanju djelovanjem filosferne ili epifitne mikroflore. Da bi se za{titila (konzervirala), poprskana je pojedina~no mikrobicidima: Busanom-90, Izosanom-G te formalinom i u obliku prizmati~nih bala dr`ana je na otvorenom prostoru tijekom 6 mjeseci (listopad-o`ujak). Na po~etku pokusa te nakon 6 mjeseci provedena je mikrobiolo{ka kontrola. Jedna nepoprskana (kontrola) i tri bale kukuruzovine, koje su bile poprskane mikrobicidima nakon 6 mjeseci, pojedina~no su usitnjene i kuhane s razrije|enom sumpornom kiselinom. Dobivena ~etiri kiselinska hidrolizata tih kukuruzovina su kompleksni supstrati, osim {e}era (oko 11 g dm-3 pentoza i oko 5,4 g dm-3 heksoza), sadr`e i te{ko razgradive sastojke kao lignin, karamelne {e}ere i uronske kiseline. Provjerom aktivnosti navedenih kvasaca, utvr|eno je da kvasac Pichia stipitis y-7124 pokazuje najbolju sposobnost proizvodnje etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskih hidrolizata kukuruzovina od 0,23 vol. % do 0,49 vol. %. Klju~ne rije~i: kvasac, kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine, etilni alkohol

Dana{nji se svijet sve vi{e suo~ava s energetskom krizom. Kako svake godine nastaju velike koli~ine poljodjelskih otpadaka, koji su zapravo izvor ugljikohidrata (Taherzadeh,1999.; Riley, 2002.) te se u svijetu nastoje iskori{tavati za proizvodnju biogoriva. Posljednjih godina porastao je interes da se iz kukuruzovine, ili slame, proizvede biogorivo (Domac, 1998.). Kukuruzovina je najva`niji, najobilniji i uz to obnovljivi poljodjelski proizvod (Gagro, 1997.; Gong, 1999.). Vla`na kukuruzovina sklona je brzom raspadanju, ~emu je uzrok prisutna filosferna1 ili epifitna mikroflora2 koja se nalazi na cijeloj njenoj povr{ini, tj. na stabljici, listu i metlici (Dubovska, 1982.; Tomerlin,1990.). Da bi se sprije~io raspad kukuruzovine, moraju se koristiti kemijska sredstva (dezinficijensi) koja uni{tavaju mikrobe u razli~itim medijima ili na povr{inama. Dezinficijensi se me|usobno razlikuju po kemijskom sastavu, na~inu i u~inku djelovanja, a ponekad i po na~inu upotrebe (Gershenfeld, 1957.; Todar, 2000.). Gotovo da i nema novijih informacija o kori{tenju mikrobicida, poput Busana-90, Izosana-G i formalina u cilju konzerviranja kukuruzovine, odnosno u cilju spre~avanja njenog propadanja (Tomerlin, 1990.).

Osnovni kemijski sastav kukuruzovine je celuloza (50,3%), hemiceluloza (23,9%) lignin (18,6%), pektin (2,5%) i anorganska tvar (4,7%) (Gagro, 1997.; Aristidou, 2000.). Hemiceluloza (heksoze i pentoze) iz kukuruzovine relativno se lako hidrolizira razrije|enom sumpornom kiselinom (Ghosh, 1993.; Aristidou; 2000.). Glavni produkt hidrolize je Dksiloza, koje ima 80-90% od ukupno nastalih {e}era u hidrolizatu, dok su ostali {e}eri arabinoza, galaktoza i glukoza. Dugo se smatralo da kvasci ne mogu razgraditi ksilozu kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine do etilnog alkohola (Bruinenberg, 1984.; Ligtheln,1988.; Slininger, 1991.; Jeffries, 2000.). Me|utim, istra`ivanja su pokazala da kvasci i plijesni razgra|uju D-ksilozu u D-ksilitol, koji oksidacijom prevode u D-ksilulozu. D-ksilulozu-5-P mnogi kvasci lako prevode u etilni alkohol. Bakterije prevode D-ksilozu izomerizacijom u D-ksilulozu-5-P . Iz lite(1) Dr.sc. Ljiljanka Tomerlin, znan. savjetnik, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno tehnolo{ki fakultet Kuha~eva 18, 31000 Osijek
1 filosfera = okoli vezan uz listove biljaka u kojem odre|ene vrste mikroorganizama nalaze svoje stanite (prema gr~koj rije~i phyllon=list) 2 mikrobicid = naziv sastavljen od imenice mikrob i glagola occidere, to zna~i ubiti


9 (2003)

raturnih podataka uo~ava se da su naj~e{}e istra`ivani kvasci Pichia stipitis, Pachysolen tannophilus i Candida shehatae (Slininger, 1991.; Aristidou, 2000.; Govinden, 2001.). Za dobar uzgoja kvasca ili bakterije u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine te proizvodnju etilnog alkohola potrebna je intenzivna aeracija, dobar izbor cjepiva te optimalna temperatura, kao i pH-vrijednost (Ligthelm,1988.). Cilj je ovog rada bio iz kukuruzovine (hibrid OSSK 619), odnosno kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine, proizvesti etilni alkohol djelovanjem odabranog kvasca.


Bale kukuruzovine dr`ane su 6 mjeseci na otvorenom prostoru (od listopada do o`ujka). Na po~etku i nakon pokusa provedena je mikrobiolo{ka analiza (Tomerlin, 1991.).

Kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine

Uzorci kukuruzovina i to kukuruzovina koja nije poprskana mikrobicidom (K) te kukuruzovine poprskane mikrobicidima: Busanom-90 (K+M1), ili Izosanom-G (K+M2), ili formalinom (K+M3), pojedina~no su usitnjeni i podvrgnuti kiselinskoj hidrolizi (Ghosh, 1993.) sa 4,4 %-tnom sumpornom kiselinom u trajanju od 50 minuta, pri 100oC. pH-vrijednost kiselinskih hidrolizata pode{ena je pomo}u ~vrstog Ca(OH)2 na pH 4,5. Sastav kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine prikazan je Tablicom 1.


Kukuruzovina (hibrid OSSK 619), uzgojena na seoskom gospodarstvu na podru~ju Tvr|avice Osijek, isje~ena je u pru}e duga~ko do 50 cm i slo`ena u obliku prizmati~nih bala. Svaka bala pojedina~no je te`ila oko 30 kg, a stranice su iznosile 56x88x26 cm, odnosno zapremale su u prosjeku po 0,128 m3 Zbog za{tite od djelovanja nativne mikroflore vla`na je kukuruzovina prije oblikovanja bala pojedina~no poprskana mikrobicidima: Busanom-90 (2-bromo-4-hidroksiacetofenon, koncentracija 2 cm3 dm-3 destilirane vode, koli~ina aktivnog sastojka 30%, pH-vrijednost 5), Izosanom-G (natrij-dikloro-izocijanurat, koncentracije 2 g dm-3 destilirane vode, koli~ina aktivnog sastojka 56%, pH-vrijednost 6) i formalinom (koncentracije 2 cm3 dm-3 destilirane vode, koli~ina aktivnog sastojka 37%, pH-vrijednost 6,3). Jedna bala kukuruzovine kori{tena je kao kontrolna, odnosno nije bila poprskana mikrobicidom.

Za razgradnju ksiloze u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine kori{tena su tri soja kvasca: Pichia stipitis y7124, Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 i Candida shehatae y-12856, koji potje~u iz Zbirke mikroorganizama Poljoprivrednog istra`iva~kog centra Peoria, Illinois, USA. Kvasci se ~uvaju na kosom sladnom agaru pri + 4oC.

Analiti~ke metode
Sve promjene u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine tijekom fermentacije odre|ene su po APHA-standardu (APHA, 1992.). Supstrati za uzgoj mikroorganizama, ~vrsti i teku}i, koji su u ovom radu kori{teni, pripravljani su po uputama za mikrobiolo{ke metode (Collins, 1995.).

Tablica 1. Kemijski sastav kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine* Table 1. The chemical components of acid hydrolysate of corn stover*

* U kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine dodane su sljede}e soli (g dm-3): 1,5 (NH4)2HPO4; 1 (NH4)2SO4 i 0,2 Mg SO4x7H2O - In acid hydrolysat of corn stover are added the next salt (g dm-3): 1,5 (NH4)2HPO4; 1 (NH4)2SO4 i 0,2 Mg SO4x7H2O; ** pH-vrijednost je korigirana s 2 mol dm-3 NaOH i 20 %-tnom H2SO4 - pH value was corrected with 2 mol dm-3 NaOH and 20 % H2SO4

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Metode rada
S kosog sladnog agara kvasci su precijepljeni na sladni agar u Petrijevim zdjelicama, a zatim u sterilnu teku}u podlogu koja je sadr`avala: glukozu (ili ksilozu) 20 g dm-3; Bacto pepton 10 g dm-3; kva{~ev ekstrakt 5 g dm-3 i agar 25 g dm-3. Vrijednost pH prilago|ena je oko 4,5. Umno`ena biomasa kvasca kori{tena je kao po~etno cjepivo, a sposobnost odabranih kvasaca da razgra|uju reduktivne sastojke kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine u etilni alkohol provedena je u Erlenmeyerovoj tikvici od 0,5 dm-3 i volumena kiselinskog hidrolizata 0,2 dm-3 i pH-vrijednost 4,5. Pojedina~ne po~etne koli~ine biomase kvasaca, kao cjepiva, iznosile su 4,0 g dm-3, odnosno 1,5 g dm-3. Uzorci su treseni na rotacijskoj tresilici (180-200 okretaja min-1), pri temperaturi do 30oC.

Sastav filosferne mikroflore netom pobrane kukuruzovine (hibrid OSSK 619) podudara se s rezultatima sli~nih istra`ivanja doma}ih i stranih autora (Dubovska, 1982.; Tomerlin, 1990.). Uo~eno je da se koli~ina vode u sve ~etiri bale kukuruzovine, dr`ane na otvorenom prostoru od mjeseca listopada do o`ujka, od po~etnih 31% smanjila do 11% i pri tome je utjecaj imala promjena u temperaturi (Slika 1.), vla`nosti zraka (Slika 2.) i vjetar. Mikrobiolo{kom kontrolom uo~eno je smanjenje broja razli~itih vrsta mezofilnih fakultativnih mikroorganizama (bakterije, kvasci, plijesni), kojih je na po~etku bilo 36, i to samo na kukuruzovini koja je bila poprskana kemijskim mikrobicidima. Pre`ivjelo je svega pet

Slika 2. Srednja dnevna vla`nost zraka mjerena 10. i 25. dana u mjesecu tijekom ~uvanja bala kukuruzovine na otvorenom prostoru od listopada do o`ujka Figure 2. The average daily air moisture measured on 10thand 25th day in month during keeping bals corn stover on opened space from Octobar to March

vrsta i to: 3 bakterije (Bacillus sp., Psudomonas sp. i Lactobacillus sp), 1 kvasac (Trichosporon sp) i 1 plijesan (Mucor sp.) (Tomerlin, 1990.). U uzorku kukuruzovine koja je kori{tena kao kontrola odre|en je isti broj morfolo{ki razli~itih vrsta bakterija (17), kvasaca (7) i plijesni (12), kao {to je odre|eno na po~etku pokusa (Tomerlin1, 1991.). Za proizvodnju etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine ispitana su tri soja kvasca: Pichia stipitis, Pachysolen tannophilus i Candida shehatae. Kao {to rezultati pokazuju (Slike 3. i 4.), fermentacijska sposobnost triju kvasaca razlikuje se ne samo po koli~ini, ve} i po vremenu proizvedenog etilnog alkohola. Kvasci Pichia stipitis i Candida shehatae proizvedu tijekom prvih 48 sati 0,39 vol. %, odnosno 0,30 vol. % etilnog alkohola, dok ga kvasac Pachysolen tannophilus istovremeno proizvede svega 0,08 vol. %. Nakon 72 sata od postavljanja pokusa najve}u koli~inu etilnog alkohola proizveo je kvasac Candida shehatae, tj. 0,36 vol. %, dok kod kvasaca Pichia stipitis i Pachysolen tannophilus to iznosi 0,09 vol. % i 0,01 vol. %. Koli~ina cjepiva u ovom pokusu (Slika 4.) iznosila je oko 4 g dm-3 (cjepivo je potjecalo iz prethodnog pokusa), pretpostavljeno, a proizvedene koli~ine etilnog alkohola mogu biti najve}e. Da bismo provjerili dobivene rezultate (Slika 3.) u sljede}em pokusu (Slika 4.), koli~ina cjepiva bila je smanjena na 1,5 g dm-3. Vrijeme razgradnje reduktivnog sastojka smanjilo se na 48 sati. Uo~eno je da pri toj koli~ini cjepiva ta tri kvasca nakon 24 sata ne nastavljaju proizvoditi etilni alkohol, unato~ tome {to je jo{ preostalo reduktivnog sastojka u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine (Slika 4.). Mjerenjem je uo~eno smanjenje koncentracije etilnog alkohola. Prema literaturnim podacima, uzrok spre~avanja nastanka etilnog alkohola

Slika 1. Srednja dnevna temperatura mjerena 10. i 25. dana u mjesecu tijekom ~uvanja bala kukuruzovine na otvorenom prostoru od listopada do o`ujka Figure 1. The average daily temperature measured on 10th and 25th day of month during keeping bals corn stover on opened space from Octobar to March

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Slika 3. Usporedba razgradnje reduktivnog sastojka (A, B i C) kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrola 1) i proizvodnja etilnog alkohola (A 1, B 2 i C 3) djelovanjem 4 g biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis (A 1) ili Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) ili Candida shehatae (C 3) pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 tijekom 72 sata Figure 3. The comparison of degradation reductive components (A, B and C) acid hydrolysate corn stover (control) and production ethyl alcohol (A 1, B 2 and C 3) by 4 g biomass yeasts Pichia stipitis (A 1) or Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) or Candida shehatae (C 3) at initial pH value 4,5 during 72 hours

Slika 4. Usporedba razgradnje reduktivnog sastojka (A, B i C) kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrola 2) i proizvodnja etilnog alkohola (A 1, B 2 i C 3) djelovanjem 1,5 g biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis (A 1) ili Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) ili Candida shehatae (C 3) pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 tijekom 48 sati Figure 4. The comparison of reductive components degradation (A, B and C) of acid hydrolysate corn stover (control) and production of ethyl alcohol (A 1, B 1 and C 1) by 1,5 g of biomass Pichia stipitis (A 1) or Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) or Candida shehatae (C 3) yeasts at initial pH value 4,5 during 48 hours

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mo`e biti u nakupljanju nekog produkta metabolizma tih kvasaca, kao ksilitola, odnosno inhibiciju mogu stvarati aromatski spojevi u podru~ju molekulskih masa 1500, 100-200 (Glancer, 1989.). Tako|er se dalje navodi da uzrok tome mo`e biti pomanjkanje nekih faktora rasta, izbor cjepiva, pH-vrijednost, volumen supstrata, ili temperatura pri kojoj se provodi fermentacija (Gong, 1983.). Najbolju proizvodnju etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskog hidrolizata pokazali su kvasci Pichia stipitis i Candida shehatae. Iako su sva tri kvasca pokazala dobru sposobnost proizvodnje etilnog alkohola, kvasac Pichia stipitis postigao je najbolje iskori{tenje reduktivnog sastojka kiselog hidrolizata kukuruzovine. Sljede}i korak u tim ispitivanjima bio je ispitati utjecaj po~etne koli~ine cjepiva kvasca Pichia stipitis (Slika 5.), po~etne pH-vrijednosti (Slika 6.) i volumena kiselinskog hidrolizata na proizvodnju etilnog alkohola (Slika 7.). Cjepivo za te pokuse uzeto je na po~etku logaritamske faze, tijekom logaritamske faze i stacionarne faze rasta kvasca (Slike 5. 7.). ETOH 1 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem biomase kvasca, koja je uzeta iz zavr{ne faze prethodnog pokusa, a ETOH 2 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem biomase kvasca, uzete u logaritamskoj fazi rasta. ETOH-3 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem biomase kvasca, uzete iz stacionarne faze rasta. Uo~eno je da biomasa kvasca Pichia stipitis uzeta na po~etku logaritamske faze rasta proizvede ve}u koli~inu etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1) od onog uzetog tijekom logaritamske faze rasta (ETOH 2), ili iz stacionarne

Slika 6. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1 i ETOH 2) tijekom 24 sata pri razli~itim po~etnim pH-vrijednostima iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrolne) djelovanjem 1,5 g dm-3 biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza uzgoja Figure 6. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production (ETOH 1 and ETOH 2) during 24 hours at different initial pH value from corn stover acid hydrolysate (control) by 1,5 g dm-3 of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass taken from different growth stages

Slika 5. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1 i ETOH 2) tijekom 24 sata iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrolna) djelovanjem 1,5 g biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza uzgoja Figure 5. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production (ETOH 1 and ETOH 2) during 24 hours in corn stover acid hydrolysate (control) by 1,5 g of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass taken from different growth stages

Slika 7. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1, ETOH 2 i ETOH 3) tijekom 36 sati u volumenu 0,22 dm-3 kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrolne) pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 djelovanjem 1,5 g dm-3 biomase* kvasca Pichia stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza uzgoja Figure 7. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production (ETOH 1, ETOH 2and ETOH 3) during 36 hours in volume of 0,22 dm-3 of corn stover acid hydrolisate (control) at initial pH value of 4,5 by 1,5 g dm-3 of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass taken from different growth stages

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faze rasta (ETOH 3) (Slika 7.). Biomasa kvasca Pichia stipitis, uzeta iz logaritamske faze rasta pri po~etnoj pHvrijednosti 4,5, i volumen hidrolizata od 0,22 dm-3, proizvedu do 0,35 vol. % etilnog alkohola, na {to upu}uju i drugi istra`iva~i (Slininger, 1991.; Jefffries, 1994.). Optimalni parametri za razgradnju su po~etna pH-vrijednost 4,5, volumen kiselinskog hidrolizata 0,22 dm3 i izbor cjepiva. Istim postupkom ispitana je sposobnost kvasca Pichia stipitis da proizvodi etilni alkohol iz kiselinskih hidrolizata kukuruzovina poprskanih mikrobicidima (Slika 8.). Koli~ine proizvedenog etilnog alkohola iz tih supstrata (K+M1; K+M2 i K+M3), nakon 40 sati djelovanjem 1,5 g dm-3 biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis, razli~ite su. Adaptirani kvasac Pichia stipitis iz kiselinskih hidrolizata (K+M1, K+M2 i K+M3) tijekom prvih 24 sata proizvede razli~ite koli~ine etilnog alkohola od 0,28 do 0,40 vol. %, me|utim, kao i u prethodnim pokusima, (Slika 3. i 4.), taj kvasac nakon 24 sata koristi proizvedeni etilni alkohol kao jednostavniji izvor ugljika. ETOH-0 je etilni alkohol proizveden iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine koja nije poprskana mikrobicidom (kontrola).


U literaturi se navodi da kvasac Pichia stipitis nakon 24 sata naglo po~inje tro{iti etilni alkohol kao jedini izvor ugljika te da nakon 72 sata potro{i svu raspolo`ivu koli~inu (Malleszka i Schneider, 1982.). Kao mogu}e inhibitore tih procesa navode se lignin, uronske kiseline i karamelni {e}eri (Jeffries, 1985.; Gong,1999.). Ti spojevi, dodani pojedina~no u kiselinske hidrolizate kukuruzovine u koli~ini od 0,05 dm3/0,2 dm3, nisu ometali metaboliti~ke aktivnosti kvasca Pichia stipitis u proizvodnji etilnog alkohola. Me|utim, nema literaturnih informacija o pona{anju tog kvasca kada su kori{teni mikrobicidi Busan-90, Izosan-G ili formalin.

Mikrobicidi Busan-90, Izosan-G i formalin {tite vla`nu kukuruzovinu od propadanja tijekom {estomjese~nog stajanja u obliku prizmati~nih bala na otvorenom prostoru. Kiselinski hidrolizati kukuruzovina dobiveni iz njih prikladni su supstrati za proizvodnju etilnog alkohola s dobro prilago|enim kvascem Pichia stipitis y-7214. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju na mogu}nost iskori{tavanja kukuruzovine kao sekundarne sirovine, vrijednog obnovljivog lignoceluloznog materijala u proizvodnji etilnog alkohola, odnosno biogoriva.

1. 2. Aristidou, A., Penttila, M., (2000): Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 11: 187-198. Bruinenberg, Peter M., de Bot, Peter, H.M., van Dijken, Johannse, P ., Scheffers, Alexander, W. (1984): NADHlinked aldolase reductase: the key to anaerobic alcoholic fermentation of xylose yeasts. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol., 19:256-260. Collins, C.H., Lyyne, P .M., Grange, J.M. (1995): Microbiological Methods. 7. izdanje, ButterworthHeinemann Ltd. Domac, J. (1998): Biofuels production possibilities in the Republic of Croatia. Nafta, 5 159-166. Dubovska, A., Barnet, J. Horska, E. (1982): The phyllospheric microflora of maize. Microbiology X , 31-38. Gagro, M. (1997.): Ratarstvo obiteljskog gospodarstva (`itarice i zrnate mahunarke). Hrvatsko Agronomsko dru{tvo Zagreb. Ghosh, P ., Singh (1993): Physicochemical and Biological Treatment for Enzymatic/Microbial Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass, Advances in Applied Microbiology, 39:295-333. Gong, C.S., Cao, N.J., Du, J.N., Tsao, G.T. (1999): Ethanol Production from Renewable Resource. Advance Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. 65 207-241. Gershenfeld, L., Iodine. In Reddish, G.F. (1957): Antiseptic, Desinfectants, Fungicides and Chemical and


4. 5.

Slika 8. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 0, ETOH 1, ETOH 2 i ETOH 3)* iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrola) i kiselinskih hidrolizata kukuruzovina koje su poprskane mikrobicidima, a djelovanjem 1,5 g dm-3 biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 i volumenu kiselinskog hidrolizata od 0,2 dm3 tijekom 40 sati. Fig 8. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production (ETOH-0, ETOH-1, ETOH-2 and ETOH-3) from corn stover acid hydrolysate (control) and corn stover acid hydrolysate which are spasttered with microbicids by 1,5 g dm-3 of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass at initial pH-value of 4.5 and acid hydrolysate volume of 0,2 dm-3 during at 40 hours





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Physical Sterilization, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 223-277. 10. Jelavi}, V., Domac, J. (1999.): Biomasa-izvor energije za obuzdavanje emisije stakleni~kih plinova. Energija, 1:35.-39. 11. Govinden, R., Pillay, B., van Zyl, W.H., Pillay, D. (2001): Xylitol production by recombinat Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing the Pichia stipitis and Candida shehatae XYL! genus. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 55:76-80. 12. Jeffries, T.W. (2000): Ethanol and Thermotolerance in the Bioconversion of Xylose bay Yeasts. Advances in Applied Microbiology 47: 222-268. 13. Ligthelm, M.E., Prior, B.A., du Preez, J.C. (1988): The oxygen requirements of yeasts for fermentation of Dxylose and D-glucose to ethanol. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol, 63-68. 14. Riley, C. (2002): AIChE Spring Conference. 15. Slininger, P .J,. Branstrater, L.E., Bothast, R.J., Okos, M.R, Ladisch, M.R. (1991): Growth, Death and Oxygen Uptake Kinetics of Pichia stipitis of Xylose. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 37: 973-980.

16. Taherzadah, M.J. (1999): Ethanol from lignocellulose: Physiological Effects of Inhibitors and Fermentation Strategies. Department of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Gteborg, Sweden, 1-56. 17. Tomerlin, Lj., Glanser, M., Landeka, T. (1990.): Doprinos istra`ivanju fungalnih populacija kukuruzovine, Mikrobiologija, 27(2):129.-138. 18. Tomerlin, Lj. (1991): The investigation of the utilization of cornstover conserved by means of diferent microbicides as a secundary raw material of the biological production of ethanol. II. Jugoslovensko savjetovanje Za{tita `ivotne sredine u procesnoj industriji, 39-47. 19. Todar, K. (2000): The control of Microbial growth. University of Visconsin-Medison. 20. Glancer, M., Ban, S.N. (1989): Biodegradation of lignin from the Acid Hydrolysate of Cornstover by Selected Mixed Culture of Yeasts, Process Biochemistry,109113. 21. APHA-standardi, American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Waste Water, APHA (1992).


SUMMARY This paper deals with production of ethyl alcohol (biofuel) from corn stover acid hydrolysate by yeasts, respectively at Pichia stipitis y-7124 and Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 and Candida shehatae y-12856. Since moist corn stover (Hybryds 619) is proving to decomposition by phyllospheric microflora. It was (conserved) spattered individually by microbicids: Busan-90, Izosan-G and formalin. In form of prismatic bales, it was left in the open air during 6 months (Octobar - March). At the beginning and after 6 months the microbiological control was carried out. The only one unspattered (control) and three stover corn bals being individually spattered by microbicids were fragmented and cooked with sulfur acid. The obtained four acid hydrolysates are complex substratums, containing, apart from the sugars (about 11 g dm-3 pentosa and about 5.4 g dm-3 hexose), decomposite components as lignin, caramel sugars and uronic acids. By controlling the activity of the mentioned yeasts it was confirmed that yeasts Pichia stipitis y7124 obtained best capability of ethyl alcohol production from corn stover acid hydrolysate at 0.23 vol. % to 0.49 vol. %. Key-words: yeasts, acid hydrolysate of corn stover, ethyl alcohol Zahvala Izradba ovoga rada potpomognuta je sredstvima odobrenim od Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije, SVIBOR - projekt pod brojem 4-07-108. (Primljeno 7. velja~e 2003.; prihva}eno 2. rujna 2003 - Received on 7 February 2003; accepted on 2 September 2003)


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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 631.422

T. Askin (1), N. zdemir (2) Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni lanak
SUMMARY Soil bulk density is a dynamic property that varies with the soil structural conditions. The relationships between some soil physical and chemical properties such as, clay content (C), silt content (Si), sand content (S), very fine sand content (Vfs) and organic matter content (OMC) with soil bulk density (b) were studied using path analysis on 77 surface soil samples (0-20 cm). Soil bulk density showed positive relationships with S and Vfs and negative relationships with Si, C and OMC. It was determined that the direct effects of some soil properties on b were in the following order; S>C>Si>OMC>Vfs. On the other hand, the indirect effects of soil particle size distribution varied among soil bulk densities. The indirect effects of the soil particle size distribution generally occured through sand content. Sand content was the most effective soil property that affected bulk density in soils. Key-words: soil bulk density, clay content, silt content, sand content, organic matter content

Soil bulk density is defined as the ratio of ovendried mass weight to its bulk volume depends on the soil particles densities such as sand, silt, clay and organic matter and their packing arrangement. Bulk density values are required for converting gravimetric soil water content to volumetric and to calculate soil porosity which is the amount pore space in the soil (Blake and Hartge, 1986). Researchers often need a bulk density value to use in models, characterize field conditions, or convert to volumetric measurements (Reinsch and Grossman, 1995). Soil bulk density is a basic soil property influenced by some soil physical and chemical properties. Bulk density is a dynamic property that varies with the structural condition of the soil. This condition can be altered by cultivation, trampling by animals, agricultural machinery, weather, i.e. raindrop impact (Arshad et al., 1996). Knowledge of soil bulk density is essential for soil management, and information on the soil bulk density of soils is important in soil compaction and structure degradation as well as in the planning of modern farming techniques. If both, bulk density and particle density are known, the total porosity can be calculated by using these values (Hillel, 1982). Soil bulk density should be used as an indicator of soil quality parameter. Akgl and zdemir (1996) stuPoljoprivreda

dies on relationships between soil bulk density and some soil properties explained that these constants can be estimated by means of developed regression models. A unit increases in organic matter and clay content caused a relatively larger decrease in soil bulk density. A soil system can be thought as a network of soil properties. Path analysis may be used to investigate the relationships among these soil properties. The path diagram gives a picture of network of relations among the characters, as quantitative evaluation is possible from the data (Wright, 1968). The objective of this study was to determine relationships between soil particle size distribution and organic matter content and soil bulk density by using path analysis.


Samples of seventy-seven surface soils (0-20 cm depth) were taken from grassland in Samsun district in Turkey. This area has a brown forestry soil. Annual
(1) Ph.D Tayfun Askin, Associate Professor - Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, 52200, Ordul, Turkey; (2) Ph.D. Natullah zdemir, Full Professor Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, 55139, Samsun, Turkey

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mean of precipitation is 670.4 mm and mean temperature is 14.2 0C (Anonymous, 2002). Bulk soil samples were air dried and then crushed to pass through a 2 mm sieve. Soil organic matter content was measured by a modified Walkley-Black method (Nelson and Sommers, 1982); soil particle size distribution was determined by the hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1979); lime content was measured by Scheibler Calcimeter (Soil Survey Staff, 1993); soil pH was measured by using a 1:2.5 (w/v) soil-water ratio by pH-meter with glass electrode (Black, 1965). Bulk density was determined by means of the clod method (Blake and Hartge, 1986). The soil bulk density was selected as dependent variables to determine statistical relationships between soil particle size distribution and organic matter content (C, Si, S, Vfs, and OMC) and soil bulk density. Also, direct and indirect effects of the variables were determined with path analysis (Wright, 1968), using TARIST computer package program.

Relationships Between Some Soil Properties and Soil Bulk Density

Correlation coefficients between soil particle size distribution and soil organic matter content and the soil bulk density are given with direct and indirect effects of the variables on the bulk density in Table 2. According to Table 2, sand content showed significant positive relations with the soil bulk density at p<0.05. Direct effect of sand content on soil bulk density was found to be higher than that of the other soil properties. Also, the soil properties had higher indirect effects through sand content on the soil bulk density. It indicates that sand content was the most important soil property that affected bulk density in soils. Indirect effects of sand content through the other soil properties on soil bulk density were as follows; Vfs (0.05 %), Si (10.72 %), C (38.78 %) and OMC (0.24 %). On the other hand the direct effect of clay content on bulk density (43.82 %) was higher than the other fractions. The clay content and organic matter content gave significant negative relations with soil bulk density. Soil bulk density decreases with increasing organic carbon concentration (Bauer and Black, 1992). Also Gupta and Larson (1979), proposed a model for predicting the dry bulk density of soil. The particle size distribution and organic matter content are used in the model. Organic matter content showed the very significant negative correlation (r=-0.59**) with the soil bulk density (Table 2). The clay content had higher direct effects on soil bulk density after sand content. The silt content was adversely related with soil bulk density as non significantly. Also, the silt content had higher indirect effects through sand content (49.44 %) on the soil bulk density (Table 2).


Some descriptive statistical results for some soil physical and chemical properties are given in Table 1. The results can be summarized as; soil samples have mostly fine in texture, neutral in pH, high in organic matter (average of 4.65 %), low in lime content (average of 2.35 %), and alkaline problem free (ESP<15 %) (Soil Survey Staff, 1993) (Table 1).

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for some soil physical and chemical properties of soil samples (n=77) Tablica 1. Deskriptivna statistika za neka fizikalna i kemijska svojstva uzoraka tla (n=77)

Sd; standard deviation standardna devijacija, Se = standard error standardna greka


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Table 2. Path analysis results on soil bulk density and relationships with some soil properties Tablica 2. Path analiza rezultata volumne gusto}e tla i odnos izme|u nekih svojstava tla


p<0.01; *p<0.05

Behavior of particle size distribution of Si in soils might be the similar to clay fractions of soil texture. Therefore increasing of silt content may decrease soil bulk density. Thus, silt content did not give highly significant correlate with soil bulk density according to clay content. Statistically non significant relation was determined between the very fine sand content of soil and soil bulk density. Wagner et al. (1994) suggested using soil texture parameters along with organic carbon content values to estimate soil bulk density.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Soil bulk density gave the significant positive correlation with S and negative correlation with C at p<0.05. Also, bulk density achieved the significant negative correlation with OM at p<0.05. Sand and clay contents showed higher direct effects on soil bulk density. Indirect effect of the soil properties were generally occured through sand and clay content. Sand content was found to be the most effective soil fraction that influenced soil bulk density. It was determined that the direct effects of some soil particle size distribution and organic matter content on b were in the following order; S>C>Si>OMC>Vfs. It was suggested that the sand fraction of soils should also be assessed in soil management.

8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14.

1. 2. 3. Akgl, M., zdemir, N. (1996): Regression models for predicting bulk density form measured soil properties. Tr. J. Of Agriculture and Forestry, 20:407-413. Anonymous (2002): Samsun Meteorology Bulletin Reports. Samsun, Turkey. Arshad, M.A., Lowery, B., Grossman, B. (1996): Physical tests for monitoring soil quality. In: J.W. Doran and A.J. Jones(eds.) Methods for assessing soil quality, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Spec. Publ. 49:123-142, SSSA, Madison, WI, USA.

Bauer, A., Black, A.L.(1992): Organic carbon effects on available water capacity of three soil textural groups. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 56:248-254. Black, C.A. (1965): Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, American Society of Agronomy, No 9. Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H. (1986): Bulk Density. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 363-376, Madison, WI, USA. Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W. (1979): Particle size analysis by hydrometer: A simplified method for routine textural analysis and a sensitivity test of measured parameters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 43:1004-1007. Gupta, S.C., Larson, W.E. (1979): A model for predicting packing density of soils using particle size distribution. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 43:758-764. Hillel, D. (1982): Introduction to Soil Physics. Academic Press Limited, 24-28 Oval Road, London. Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E. (1982): Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. In: A. L. Page(ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2, Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Agronomy Monograph No. 9, p. 539-580, ASA Inc., SSSA Inc., Madison, WI, USA. Reinsch, T.G., Grossman, R.B. (1995): A method to predict bulk density of tilled Ap horizons. Soil & Tillage Research, 34:95-104. Wagner, L.E., Ambe, N.M., Ding, D. (1994): Estimating a Proctor density curve from intrinsic soil properties. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 37:1121-1125. Wright, S. (1968): Path Analysis: Theory, Evolution and The Genetics of Populations, Volume:1, 299-324, The University of Chicago Press. . Soil Survey Staff , 1993. Soil Survey Manuel. USDA Handbook No:18, Washington, USA.


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SA@ETAK Volumna gustoa tla je dinami~ko svojstvo koje varira sa stanjem strukture tla. U radu je istra`ena povezanost nekih fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava tla, kao to su sadr`aji gline (C), mulja (Si), pijeska (S), vrlo finog pijeska (Vfs) i organske tvari (OMC), s volumnom gusto}om tla (b) pomo}u path analize na 77 povrinskih uzoraka tla (0-20 cm). Volumna gusto}a tla pokazala je da postoji pozitivna korelacija sa S i Vfs i negativna korelacija sa Si, C i OMC. Utvr|eno je da su direktni u~inci nekih svojstava tla na b bili sljede}i: S>C>Si>OMC>Vfs. Nasuprot tome, indirektni u~inci distribucije veli~ine ~estica tla varirali su kod volumne gusto}e tla. Indirektni u~inci distribucije veli~ine ~estica uglavnom su se javljali ovisno o sadr`aju pijeska. Sadr`aj pijeska bilo je naju~inkovitije svojstvo tla koje je utjecalo na volumnu gusto}u tala. Klju~ne rije~i: gusto}a tla, sadr`aj gline, sadr`aj mulja, sadr`aj pijeska, sadr`aj organske tvari (Received on 10 April 2003; accepted on 1 September 2003 - Primljeno 10. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 1. rujna 2003.)


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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 636.061.4:636.1


T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i} Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak
SUMMARY Investigations of correlation between some body measurings refer to Lipizzaner mares and stallions raised in \akovo stud. Measures were carried out with 16 stallions and 34 mares by Lydtin stick and cattle tape measure. Achieved correlation values indicate correlation among some body measures. The correlation ranged from slightly negative to highly positive with correlation coefficients from -0.242 to 0.894**. The poorest correlation was determined between forehead width and cannon bone circumference with other body measures whereas positive correlations were found out with other body measures. Key- words: Lipizzaner mares and stallions, correlation, body measures

INTRODUCTION Correlation between some body measures plays an important role in successful performance of breeding-selection work in horse breeding. If the correlation is positive this improvement of one property will result in other interrelated properties improvement effecting selection success. Former investigations refered to basic body measures processing and colour inheriting (Romi}, 1975). Body measures correlation of Croatian draft horse were investigated by Rastija et al. (1994). In 1988 and 1995 Rastija et al. investigated correlation between main developing Lipizzaner foals body measures. Saastamoinen (1990) found out interrelation between body measures of diverse foal age structures. Morphological description, resemblance and distinctness analysis of Lippizaner horses population were stated in the investigations conducted by Zechner et al. (1998 and 2001) and Slkner et al. (2001). These investigations aimed to determine correlation between some body measures of grown up Lipizzaner stallions and mares. MATERIAL AND METHODS
The investigations comprised 34 mares and 16 stallions of Lipizzaner breed raised in \akovo stud. Measurings of the above mentioned heads were conducted by cattle tape measure and Lydtin stick. Chest girth, cannon bone circumference, head length, forehead width and withers height were measured by a cattle tape measure whereas other measures were carried

out by Lydtin stick. On finishing the experiment results of the body measures were exposed to basic statistical processing (a single variance analysis and correlation) and processed by a computer statistical program StatSoft, Inc. (2001).


The investigation results from Table 1 indicate that stick measured stallion withers height was higher by 3.59 cm and tape measured by 2.09 cm compared to mare withers height. Attained withers height differences were highly significant (P<0.01) and significant (P<0.05). Values of investigated stallion withers height measured by a cattle tape was higher by 1.47 cm compared to values achieved by Rastija et al.. (1991). Mare withers height values stated by the mentioned authors are in accordance with our investigations. Obtained stallion back height values were higher by 3.15 cm compared to mare back height and achieved difference was highly significant (P<0.01). Difference of 4.85 cm in stallions and mares small of the back height was highly significant (P<0.01). Stallion tail root height was, as expected, higher by 2.94 cm compared to mares. Stallions had significantly lonPh.D. Tomo Rastija, Full Professor, Ph.D. Zvonko Antunovi}, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Mirjana Baban, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Ivan Bogut, Associate Professor and Ph.D. \uro Sen~i}, Full Professor University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculy of Agiculture in Osijek, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek

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Table 1. Body measures of Lipizzaner stallions and mares (cm) Tablica 1. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih pastuha

*P<(0.05); **P<(0.01)

ger body compared to mares. Values of stallion chest depth were highly significant higher than mares chest depth whereas chest width differences were insignificant. Difference in shoulders width of stallions and mares was highly significant (P<0.01). Length of crupper, hips width as well as head measures were insignificantly higher in stallions compared to those in mares. Stallions chest girth was higher by 0.96 cm related to those in mares. According to Rastija et al. (1991) investigation values of mares and stallions chest girth were lower by 2.28 cm i.e. 2.09 cm compared to our investigation values. Cannon bone circumference was, as expected, higher in stallions by 1.25 cm indicating greater bonniness. Values of these investigations indicate stallion thicker cannon bone by 0.64 cm compared to values stated by Rastija et al. (1991) whereas mares cannon bone circumference values are in accordance

with our investigations and the above mentioned authors. Better horse breeding selection is possible if influence of some body measures is understood. Interrelation of 15 processed body measures of Lipizzaner breed stallions at \akovo stud was presented in Table 2. Statistically very significant correlations (P<0.01) were determined between withers height (measured by a stick) and back height, withers height, chest depth, height of small of the back, tail root height, shoulder width, chest depth, crupper length, shoulders width, head length, body length, withers height (measured by a tape measure) and head length. Slightly negative to slightly positive correlations were determined between forehead width and other body measures.

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Also slight correlation was determined between cannon bone circumference and other body measures whose values ranged between -0.112 and 0.451.Correlation between other body measures is mainly positive. From the Table 2 it could be seen that correlation between the above mentioned properties ranged from slightly negative to highly positive with correlation coefficients ranged from -0.242 to 0.894**. Correlation values between mares body measures of Lipizzaner breed in \akovo could be seen from the Table 3. The correlation ranged from slightly negative to highly positive with correlation coefficients from -0.304 to 0.826**. Significant (P<0.05) and highly significant (P<0.01) correlation was determined with hight, length and depth mare measures. However, correlation significance was less pronounced between other properties. Slight correlation was determined between shoulders width, crupper leangth and chest girth and other body measures. On the basis of his investigation Saastaminen (1990) ponted out existence of highly positive correlation especially between young horses height body measures. Butler et al. (1986) indicate higher correlation between body measures in grown up horses. According to the investigation results by Mc Cann et al. (1988) correlation between body measures was positive ranging from 0.34 and 074. Rastija et al. (1994) found out highly significant correlation (P<0.01) between height measures, chest girth and cannon bone circumference whereas correlation between depth and width measures of body and head was less pronounced, even negative correlation was determined. According to investigation carried out by Rastija et al. (1988) correlation between withers height and chest girth with male Lipizzaner foals was negative and with female ones positive. Positive correlation between withers height, chest girth and cannon bone circumference in developing phases of Lipizzaner foals was determined by Rastija et al. (1991.). Correlation between withers height and chest girth was positive with correlation coefficient r=0.214 in the investigation conducted by Rastija et al.. (1995). The same authors stated that there was higher correlation between withers height and cannon bone circumference of the same age compared to heads of diverse age.

- Correlation between stallion cannon bone circumference and forehead width with other body measures is less pronounced ranging from very slightly negative to middle positive. - Statistically very significant correlations (P<0.01) were determined between height, depth, width and length measures ranging from slightly negative to complete one. - Correlation of mare body measures was more pronounced between height, length and depth measures whereas this correlation was slightly lower. - Correlation coefficients with stallions ranged from r=-0.242 to r=0.894** and with mares from r=-0.304 to r=0.826**.

Significant and highly significant mean values differences of Lipizzaner stallions and mares among withers height, back height, small of the back height, body length, chest depth, hips width were determined whereas no significant differences were found with other measures. On the basis of the conducted investigations in terms of correlation between body measures of Lipizzaner stallions and mares the forthcoming conclusions could be drawn:

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Table 2. Correlation coefficients among Lipizzaner stallions body measures Tablica 2. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih pastuha



Withers height (stick) 1Visina grebena ({tapom); 2Withers height (tape measure) 2Visina grebena (vrpcom)

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Table 3. Correlation coefficients among Lipizzaner mares body measures Tablica 3. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih kobila


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Withers height (stick) 1Visina grebena ({tapom); 2Withers height (tape measure) 2Visina grebena (vrpcom)



1. Baban, Mirjana, Rastija, T., Caput, P ., Kne`evi}, I., Stipi}, N. (1999.): Genetske i fenotipske korelacije nekih morfolo{kih svojstava populacije lipicanskih konja. Poljoprivreda 5, 1.-5. Butler, Ines, Kelnhofer, R., Pirchner, F. (1986): Phenotypic correlations between conformation and performance traits of trotters. 37th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. 1986. Ljube{i}, J., Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Mandi}, I. (1997.): Morfolo{ka i reprodukcijska svojstva lipicanaca po krvnim linijama. Poljoprivreda 3, 53.-56. McCann, J.S., Heird, J.C., Ramsey, C.B., Long, R.A. (1988): Skeletal bone and muscle proportoniality in small-and large-farmed mature horses of different muscle thickness. Equine Vet. Sci., 8, 255-261. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Bari{i}, A. (1988.): Korelacijska povezanost razvoja tjelesnih mjera `drebadi lipicanske pasmine. Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj tehnologiji, 2-3, 308.-314. Rastija, T., Baban Mirjana, Kne`evi}, I., Mandi}, I., Antunovi}, T. (1991.): Komparacija tjelesnih mjera lipicanaca po linijama u ergelama \akova i Prnjavor. Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 3-4, 679.-684. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Jovanovac Sonja, Ljube{i}, J., Baban Mirjana (1994): Korelacija tjelesnih mjera kobila hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 30, 6, 765-769.


9. 10.


3. 4.



12. 13.




Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Jovanovac Sonja, Mandi}, I. (1995): Heritability and phenotypic correlations among Body Measurments of Lipizzaner Horses. Sto~arstvo, 49, 9-12, 299-302. Romi}, S. (1975): Kapacitet rasta i privredna svojstva hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. Praxis veterinaria, 2, 23, 75. Saastamoinen, M. (1990): Heritabilities for Body Size and Growth Rate and Phenotypic Correlations among Measurements in Young Horses. Acta. Agri. Scand., 40, 377-386. Slkner, J., Zechner, P ., Zohmann, F., Achmann, R., Bodo, I., Marti, E., Habe, F., Brem, G. (2001): Analysis of diversity and population structure in the Lipizzan horse breed based on pedigrees and morphometric traits. 52 nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP). Budapest. StatSoft, Inc. (2001): Statistica (data analysis software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com. Zechner, P ., Zohmann, F., Slkner, J., Brem, G., Bodo, I., Habe, F. (1998): Analyse der morphologischen hnlichkeit von Lipizzanern aus Staatsgestten Mittel-und Sdosteuropas. Vortragstagung der DGfZ/Gft, Berlin. Zechner, P ., Zohmann, F., Slkner, J., Bodo, I., Habe, F., Brem, G., (2001): Morphological description of the Lipizzan horse population. Livestock Production Science 69, 2, 163-177.


SA@ETAK Istra`ivanja korelacijske povezanosti pojedinih tjelesnih mjera odnose se na kobile i pastuhe lipicanske pasmine uzgojenih u ergeli \akovo. Mjerenja su provedena Lydtinovim {tapom i sto~nom vrpcom na 16 pastuha i 34 kobile. Dobivene vrijednosti korelacije ukazuju na povezanost izme|u pojedinih tjelesnih mjera. Ta se povezanost se kretala od slabo negativne do vrlo jake pozitivne, s korelacijskim koeficijentima od 0.242 do 0.894. Najslabija povezanost utvr|ena je izme|u {irine ~ela i opsega cjevanice s ostalim tjelesnim mjerama, dok su kod ostalih tjelesnih mjera utvr|ene pozitivne korelacije. Klju~ne rije~i: lipicanske kobile i pastusi, koreacije, tjelesne mjere (Received on 16 September 2003; accepted on 17 November 2003 Primljeno 16. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 17. studenoga 2003.)


9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 636.084:636.32./38

Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, \. Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner
Original scientific paper Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak SUMMARY This paper aims to investigate feeding season effect (winter and summer) on reproductive and productive traits of the ewes and suckling lambs. Biological investigations were conducted on 60 Merinolandschaf breed ewes aged 4 years on the average and their lambs (123) in the suckling-ablactation period. In the winter feeding season ewes were fed grain mixture (300 g daily) containing 60% oats, 30% maize and 10% soybean meal as well as hay (ad libitum). The lambs were suckling and they received forage mixture, quality hay and fresh water ad libitum. During the summer feeding season ewes grazed on the pastures. The lambs were suckling and received forage mixture, quality hay ad libitum and pasture green mass in smaller portions. While comparing winter to summer feeding season the ewes had longer gravidity period (150.76 and 150.40 days), more lambs at parturition (1.21 and 1.11) and ablactation (1.10 and 1.07), more twins (12 and 8), higher body weight during gravidity (65.52 kg and 61.86 kg) and increased body weight losses after lambing (7.72 kg and 6.44 kg). As for the body weight losses after lactation (7.94 kg and 7.78 kg) no statistically significant differences were determined between the feeding seasons. Birth weight of lambs was higher by 26.91% (4.15 kg and 3.27 kg) and at 60 days of age it was higher by 11.40% in winter compared to summer feeding season. Faster daily gains of lambs (by 7.21%) was determined during the winter feeding season. However, it was noticed that lambs aged from 40th to 60th and 20th to 60th day obtained higher daily gains (by 6.25% and 1.74%) in summer feeding season. Key-words: ewes, suckling lambs, feeding seasons, reproduction and production traits

Sheep production success depends on a number of genetic and paragenetic factors. Of paragenetic factors feed has an important impact on ewe and lamb reproductive and productive traits. Feed quality considerably affects sexual activities, conception success, embryo survival and later foetus growth of the reproductive sheep. Some authors (Lopez and Robinson, 1994; Gonzales et al. 1997; Robinson et al. 2001) found significant feed influence on ewe-breeding reproduction success. Insufficient feed and feed of bad quality in reproductive sheep, especially during the last third of pregnancy, brings about reproduction problems and reduces sheep fertility (Fekete and Huszenicza, 1996). Since there is no sufficient literature data on feeding season effect, the aim of this paper was to investigate its impact on the ewe and suckling lamb reproductive and productive traits.


Biological investigations have been conducted on a sheep farm Jasenje comprising two feeding seasons (winter and summer). Winter feeding period lasted from October 1 when the ewes were in the third gravidity month till February 1 when they were non lactating. Longtime average temperature of this area was to 4.30 C in the winter feeding season whereas the longtime average precipitations were 362.1 mm/m2. Summer feeding period started on May 1 when the ewes were in the third gravidity month and finished by
Ph.D Zvonko Antunovi}, Associate Professor, Ph.D Zdenko Steiner, Full Professor; Ph.D \uro Sen~i}, Full Professor, Ph.D Matija Doma}inovi}, Associate Professor and MSc. Zvonimir Steiner, Assistant University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Department of Animal Science, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia

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Table 1. Feed chemical composition (%) Tablica 1. Kemijski sastav hrane (%)

their non-lactating period on 18 September. The experiment with lambs from winter and summer feeding season was running from birth to ablactation (60th day). Many years average temperature of this region has been 17.70 C during the summer feeding season whereas a long time average amount of the total precipitations was 466.7 mm/m2. Sixty Merinolandschaf breed ewes aged 4 years on the average, healthy, in good condition and their lambs (123) in the suckling-ablactation period were used as the experimental material. In the winter feeding season ewes were in stable boxes and fed 300 g grain mixture (60% oats + 30% maize + 10% soybean grits) per ewe and received quality hay, salt lick and fresh water ad libitum. The lambs were suckling and received forage mixture, quality hay and fresh water ad libitum. During the summer feeding season ewes were exposed to pasture (Lolium perenne, Lolium italicum, Phleum phleoides, Trifolium repens and Dactylis glomerata). On their return to the stable ewes consumed hay ad libitum. The ewes were given salt lick and fresh water (ad libitum). The lambs were suckling and they received forage mixture, quality hay (ad libitum) and pasture green mass in smaller portions. Chemical composition of the forage mixtures, hay, grains and green mass mixture was prepared according to A.O.A.C. (1984) as displayed in Table 1. Crude proteins share was determined by Kjehldahl method, whereas crude fiber by Henneberg and Stochman method. Ash share was investigated by samples burning in a Muffol oven at a temperature of 5500 C within two hours and crude fats by Soxhlet method. Dry matter content was determined by samples drying

at a temperature of 1050 C for 1 hour untill a constant weight was reached. During the feeding season the following reproductive indicators were observed: gravidity duration, number of parturited lambs, sex, male/female lambs ratio, number of twins and their sex ratio, number of lambs per ewe (at admission, lambing and ablactation) and post lambing fertilityof ewes. To investigate productive indicators the following traits were monitored: body weight of the pregnant ewes (15 days prior to lambing), body weight instantly after lambing and body weight after ablactation. Each ewe weighing was followed by the calculation and registration of the ewe body weight losses per lambing, as well as the ewe body weight losses during the suckling period. In winter and summer season the lambs body weights were observed immediately after parturition, as well as on 20th, 40th and 60th suckling day (ablactation). Daily gains of lambs were registered instantly after parturition. Calculated of the suckling lambs daily gains was accomplished for the period to 20th day, from 20th to 40th, from 20th to 60th, from 40th to 60th and on the average from the parturition to 60th day. Statistical analysis of data was performed by computer program STATISTICA (StatSoft, Inc. 2001). The results were statistically evaluated using Students ttest.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Reproductive traits of ewes

The ewes gravidity period during the feeding season can be seen in Table 2.

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Table 2. The ewes gravidity period depending on the feeding season (days) Tablica 2. Trajanje gravidnosti ovaca u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe (dani)

As for the feeding season, slightly longer average gravidity period was recorded with the ewes during the winter compared to the summer feeding season (150.76 and 150. 40 days), in the case of twins (148.09 and 147.50 days) and in the case of male offsprings (152.20 and 151.23 days). However, gravidity period in the case of female offsprings was uniform (150.35 and 150.37 days). Similar to these investigations Miti} (1984) claimed that gravidity period was longer (1-2 days) with male lambs, and reduced (by 3-5 days) if the ewes were having twins. Kompan et al. (1996) reported shorter gravidity period with more

lambs at parturition. The average gravidity period of 150.9 days was recorded in the investigation conducted by Beri} et al. (1994) with Merinolandschaf breed ewes. Similar gravidity period was determined by Petrovi} et al. (1995) with Wrtemberg breed ewes (149.81 days). The average ewes gravidity period of 152.7 days, ewes gravidity with twins of 152.8 days as well as ewes gravidity with one lamb of 151.6 days was recorded by Ozturk and Aktas (1996) in Turkey. Feeding season had a significant effect on the total number of lambs (Table 3), while larger number of lambs (70 compared to 62 lambs), as well as larger

Table 3. Number and sex of the lambs, ewes fertility depending on the feeding season Table 3. Broj i spol janjadi te plodnost ovaca u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe


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number of twins (12 compared to 8) was recorded during the winter feeding season compared to summer one. This can be in relation with nutrition (Table 1) and slightly higher summer environment temperatures. Namely, Alexander and Williams (1971) obtained less lambs in the summer compared to the winter pregnancy. The reason, according to them, are high summer temperatures. Guun et al. (1995) obtained that nutrition during late pregnancy can influence subsequent lifetime reproductive performance of the ewes and that this can influence the pre-natal losses. More female lambs (52.86% and 53.23%) compared to male lambs (47.14% and 46.77%) were obtained during both feeding seasons. Thus, there were no significant differences between the feeding seasons. In both winter and summer feeding season pregnant ewes lambed more twins with various sex ratios (41.66% and 50.00%), less male lambs (33.34 and 37.50%) and least female lambs (25.00% and 12.50%). Similar number of the male lambs (49.86% and 49.96%) was obtained by Kent (1995 and 1996) with Ireland ewes (crossed with Suffolk) during ten and nine year lambing season. The same investigation showed that there were more male lambs born as singles (52.88% and 53.04%) as well as more female lambs in numerous litters (45.46% and 45.54% male lambs). A number of lambs per admissed and lambed ewe and by ablactation was higher during the winter feeding season (1.17; 1.21 and 1.10) compared to the summer feeding season (1.03, 1.11 and 1.07). Similar number

of lambs per lambed ewe (1.20) and per ablactation (1.02) was determined by Brash et al. (1994) where differences between lambing seasons and insemination (spring and autumn) were significant. Beri} et al. (1994) recorded similar number of lambs per admissed (1.10) and lambed ewe (1.20). Winter season period resulted in both. More lambs per ewe and higher percent of the pregnant ewes were observed in winter compared to the summer feeding season (116.67% and 103.33%). Somewhat higher fertility percent in Wrtemberg breed ewes (120.05%) was obtained by Petrovi} et al. (1995). Lower fertility (84.4%) was recorded by Ploumi et al. (1997) of Florina breed ewes in Greece.

Productive traits of ewes

Body weight range of ewes and its losses during both feeding seasons can be seen in Table 4. The average body weights of pregnant ewes during the winter season were statistically significant (P<0.05) higher by 5.92% compared to the pregnant ewes in the summer feeding season. This is a result of better quality winter feeding. Similar trend in terms of body weights was shown by the lambed ewes in the winter feeding period when they were statistically significantly (P<0.05) higher by 4.30% compared to body weights of the lambed ewes during the summer feeding season. Body weights of the ewes at ablactation during the winter feeding were also higher by 4.67% compared to the ewes in the summer feeding.

Table 4. Productive ewe traits depending on the feeding season Tablica 4. Proizvodna svojstva ovaca u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe

*(P<0.05); ns nonsignificant nije zna~ajna


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Table 5. Body weights and daily gains of the suckling lambs depending on the feeding season Tablica 5. Tjelesne mase i dnevni prirasti sisaju}e janjadi u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe

** (P<0.01); *(P<0.05); ns nonsignificant nije zna~ajna

Master et al. (1991) obtained higher body weights of ewes (on pasture) in winter and autumn compared to the summer and spring season. The average body weight losses of ewes after lambing during the winter feeding season (7.72 kg) were statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to the summer feeding season (6.44 kg). Similar body weight loss of 6.3 kg at lambing of one lamb was obtained by Orr and Treacher (1989) whereas for two lambs it was 10.6 kg. ODoherty and Crosby (1998) determined ewe body weight losses from 4.3 to 14.6 kg in the period from 91st gravidity day to 24th hour lambing period. Increased losses of body weights after lambing (17%) were recorded by Horak et al. (1998) in the winter season. The loss of body weight after lactation and the average daily loss body weight during lactation did not statistically differ; 7.94 kg, 132.33 g and 7.78 kg, 129.67 g during winter and summer season. During lactation Snowder and Glimp (1990) determined similar average body weight losses of the Polypay, Columbia and Rambue ewe breeds, whereas slightly higher ones were determined with Suffolk breed. Mitchell et al. (1998) recorded somewhat higher daily body weight loss during the lambs suckling period, in autumn, with older

ewes of 153 g/day whereas with yanger ewes the loss was 85 g/day. Horak et al. (1998) recorded lower drop (2.2%) of the ewe body weights during the winter season in the first lactation month compared to other lactation months.

Productive traits of the suckling lambs

During the winter feeding season mesured after parturition, on 20th, 40th and 60th day suckling lambs obtained statistically highly significant (P<0.01) higher body weight compared to the suckling lambs in the summer feeding season (Table 5). While analysing increasing trend of the suckling lambs body weight during the summer season compared to the suckling lambs in the winter feeding season differences of reducing in terms of the absolute share is obvious ranged from 26.91% to 11.40%. Lower body weights in summer compared to winter were also achieved by Khan and Hanjra (1970) in their investigations conducted in Pakistan. In winter Sormunen-Cristian and Suvela (1995) reported higher birth weight (3.00 and 3.47 kg) and weight on the 60th day (13.03 and 16.62 kg) with Finnish meaty breed lambs and their cross compared to summer season

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(2.92, 3.17 kg and 12.70, 13.50 kg). Similar results were accomplished by Beri} et al. (1994) and Antunovi} et al. (1999). Statistically significant decrease of the birth weight by 0.4 0.6 kg compared to summer lambs was determined by Alshorepy and Notter (1998) with autumn lambs. The authors attributed this fact to the impact of summer gestation length impact, climatic conditions and individual sheep influence. Higher birth weight of the Charollais breed lambs and cross (Booroolo x Charollais and improved Wallachian x Bergshaf) was recorded by Kuchtik et al. (1997) during the summer season. During the winter feeding season very significantly higher (P<0.01) daily gain (by 22.06%) was recorded with suckling lambs measured from birth to 20th day. However, recorded differences between suckling lamb gains measured from 20th to 40th day were non significant compared to daily gains of the suckling lambs obtained during the summer feeding season (Table 5). In the winter feeding season statistically significantly (P<0.05) higher daily gain was recorded in suckling lambs measured from birth to 40th day by 13.46%, as well as from birth to 60th day by 7.21% compared to the summer one. During the summer feeding season suckling lambs obtained significantly higher (P<0.05) daily gains measured from 40th to 60th day by 6.25% compared to the winter one. It indicates that pasture green mass rich in proteins (Table 1) favourably affects increased weight of lambs during the summer feeding season. Similar daily gains in the winter season were achieved by Horak et al. (1998) ranging from 200 to 242 g. Higher daily gains of Merinolandschaf breed suckling lambs were obtained in the summer by Antunovi} et al. (1999) and Kuchtik et al. (1997) with the Charollais breed lambs and their cross (Booroolo x Charollais and improved Wallachian x Bergshaf).

during the summer feeding season depending on the pasture quality.

1. 2. 3. Alexander, G., Williams, D. (1971): Heat stress and the development of the conceptus in domestic sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science Camb., 76: 53-72. Al-Shorepy, S.A., Notter, D.R. (1998): Genetic parameters for lamb birth weight in spring and autumn lambing. Animal Sci., 67, (2): 327-332. Antunovi}, Z., Rastija, T., Beri}, B., Bogut, I., Bukvi}, @. (1999.): Utjecaj spola na proizvodna svojstva janjadi u pa{nim uvjetima dr`anja. Znanstveni glasnik, 7: 227.235. A.O.A.C. (1984): Association of offical Agricultural Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 14th ed. Association of Official Analytical chemists, Washinngton, DC. Beri}, B., Jovanovac, S., Rastija, T., @ubrini}, D., Baban, M. (1994.): Mogu}nost sinkronizacije estrusa u pripusnoj i vanpripusnoj sezoni kod ovaca. Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 30: 603.-608. Brash, L.D., Fogarty, N.M., Gilmour, A.R. (1994): Reproductive performance and genetic parameters for Australian Dorset sheep. Australian J. Agricultural Res., 45: 427-441. Fekete, S., Huszenicza, G. (1996): Relation between feeding and reproduction Review Article. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja, 51: 413-420. Guun, R.G., Sim, D.A., Hunter, E.A.: (1995): Effect of nutrition in utero and early life on the subsequent lifetime reproductive performance of scottish blackface ewes in two management systems. Animal Production, 60, 2: 223-230. Gonzalez, R.E., Labuonora, D., Russel, A.J.F. (1997): The effect of ewe live weight and body condition score around matting on production from four sheep breeds in extensive grazing systems in Uruguay. Animal Sci., 64 (1): 139-145. Horak, F., Zizlavsy, J., Zizlavska, S. (1998): Reproduction and growth of animals during the winter season when using the system of mixed pasture of cattle and sheep. Zivocisna Vyroba 43: 111-117. Kent, J.P . (1995): Birt sex rations in sheep over nine lambing seasons - years 7-9 and the effects of ageing. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 36: 101-104. Kent, J.P . (1996): Birt sex rations in sheep over10 lambing seasons-year 10, the effects of litter size, seasonal factors and ageing. Irish J. Psychology, 17: 60-70. Khan, A.H., Hanjra, S.H. (1970): Effect of grazing and grazing-plus-supplement feeding on body weight, wool quality and carcass quality in sheep. Pakistan J. Agricultural Sci., 7: 65-68. Kompan, D., Erjavec, E., Kastelic, D., Kav~i}, S., Kermauner, A., Rogelj, I., Vidrih, T. (1996): Reja drobnice. ^ZD, Kme~ki glas, Ljubljana. Kuchtik, J., Zizlavska, S., Horak, F., Kucera, J. (1997): Growth ability and carcass value of lambs reared on common grazing of cattle and sheep. Zivocisna Vyroba, 42: 293-298.




7. 8.


While comparing winter to summer feeding season the ewes had longer gravidity period (150.76 and 150.40 days), had more lambs at parturition (1.21 and 1.11) and ablactation (1.10 and 1.07), more twins (12 and 8), higher body weight during pregnancy (65.52 kg and 61.86 kg) and increased body weight losses after lambing (7.72 kg and 6.44 kg). As for the body weight losses after lactation (7.94 kg and 7.78 kg) no statistically significant differences were determined between both feeding seasons. At birth body weight of lambs was higher by 26.91% (4.15 kg and 3.27 kg) and measured on 60th day it was higher by 11.40% in winter compared to summer feeding season. Faster average daily gains of lambs (by 7.21%) was determined during the winter feeding season. However, it was noticed that in summer feeding season lambs aged from 40th to 60th and from 20th to 60th day obtained higher daily gains (by 6.25% and 1.74%). On the basis of the research results the rations of ewes and lambs should be balanced


11. 12. 13.

14. 15.


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production & 1st Symposium on the reproduction of domestic animals, Proceedings p. 18-23, 5.-9. September 1995. Ohrid, Macedonia. Ploumi, K., Christodoulou, V., Vainas, E., Giouzelyannis, A., Katanos, J. (1997): Performance analysis of the Florina (Pelagonia) sheep for lamb production and growth. Zivocisna Vyroba, 42: 391-397. Robinson, J.J., Mc Evoy, T.G., Ashworth, C.J. (2001): Nutrition in the expression of reproductive potential. J. Anim. Feed Sci., 10, (1):15-27. Snowder, G. D., Glimp, H.A. (1991): Influence of breed, number of suckling lambs, and stage of lactation on ewe milk production and lamb growth under range conditions. J. Anim. Sci., 69:923-930. Sormunen-Cristian, R., Suvela, M. (1995): Out-OfSeason Lambing Of Finnish Landrace Ewes. 46th Annual Meeting of the Europen Association of Animal Production, Prague, 4-7 September 1995, (1):244-250. STATISTICA StatSoft, Inc. (2001), data analysis software system, version 6, www.statsoft.com.

16. Lopez S., Robinson J.J. (1994): Nutrition and pregnancy in sheep. Invest. Agraria, Prod. Sani dad Animals, 9: 189-192. 17. Masters, D.G., Yu, S.X., Purser, D.B., Yang, R.Z., Lu, D.X. (1991): Identifying mineral deficiencies in grazing sheep in northern China. Trace Elem.in Man and Anim., 7:5-8. 18. Mitchell, L.M., King, M.E., Gebbie, F.E., Ranilla, M.J., Robinson, J.J. (1998): Resumption of oestrous and ovarian cyclicity during the postpartum period in autumlambing ewes in not influenced by age or dietary protein content. Animal Sci., 67 (1): 65-72. 19. Miti}, N. (1984.): Ov~arstvo. Zavod za ud`benike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, p. 508. 20. Odoherty, J.V., Crosby, T.F. (1998): Blood metabolite concentrations in late pregnant ewes as indicators of nutritional status. Animal Sci., 66, (3):675-683. 21. Orr, R.J., Treacher, T.T. (1989): The effect of concentrate level on the intake of grass silages by ewes in late pregnancy. Animal Prod., 48:109-120. 22. Ozturk, A., Aktas, A.H. (1996): Effect of environmental factors on gestation length in Konya Merino sheep. Small Ruminant Res., 22: 85-88. 23. Petrovi}, P .M., @ujovi}, M., Stojkovi}, M. (1995): Reproduction characteristic of Wrtemberg breed of sheep. 3rd International conference of sheep and goat


25. 26.



SA@ETAK Cilj ovoga rada bio je istra`iti utjecaj sezone hranidbe (zima i ljeto) na reproduktivna i proizvodna svojstva ovaca i sisaju}e janjadi. Biolo{ka istra`ivanja provedena su sa 60 ovaca pasmine merinolandschaf, prosje~ne dobi 4 godine, i njihovoj janjadi (123) tijekom sisaju}eg razdoblja. Tijekom zimske sezone hranidbe gravidne ovce su dva mjeseca pred janjenje i tijekom laktacije hranjene s 300 g smjese `itarica (60% zobi + 30% kukuruza + 10% sojine sa~me) te su po volji jele kvalitetno livadno sijeno. Janjad je sisala i jela po volji krmnu smjesu i kvalitetno livadno sijeno te uzimala svje`u vodu. Tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe, ovce su bile na pa{njaku, a janjad je sisala i uzimala krmnu smjesu i livadno sijeno po volji te zelenu masu. Tijekom zimske, u odnosu na ljetnu sezonu hranidbe, ovce su imale du`i graviditet (150,76, odnosno 150,40 dana), ve}i broj janjadi pri janjenju i odbi}u (1,21 i 1,10, odnosno 1,11 i 1,07), ve}i broj blizanaca (12, odnosno 8), ve}e tjelesne mase tijekom graviditeta (65,52 kg, odnosno 61,86 kg) i ve}e gubitke tjelesne mase nakon janjenja (7,72 kg, odnosno 6,44 kg). U pogledu gubitaka tjelesne mase nakon laktacije (7,94 kg, odnosno 7,78 kg), nisu utvr|eni statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike izme|u sezona hranidbe. U zimskoj, u odnosu na ljetnu sezonu hranidbe, utvr|ena je vi{a porodna masa janjadi za 26,91% (4,15, odnosno 3,27 kg) i tjelesna masa janjadi, mjerene 60. dana za 11,40%. Tijekom zimske sezone hranidbe utvr|en je ukupno br`i porast janjadi (za 7,21%), no uo~eno je da je janjad tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe u dobi od 40. do 60. i od 20. do 60. dana ostvarila ve}e dnevne priraste (za 6,25 i 1,74%). Na temelju rezultata istra`ivanja potrebno je uravnote`iti obroke ovaca i janjadi tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe, ovisno o kvaliteti pa{e. Klju~ne rije~i: ovce, sisaju}a janjad, sezona hranidbe, reproduktivna i proizvodna svojstva (Received on 3 September 2003; accepted on 17 November 2003 - Primljeno 3. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 17. studenoga 2003.)

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ISSN 1330-7142 UDK = 616.995.132:636.4(497.5)


T. Florijan~i} (1), D. Rimac (1), B. Antunovi} (1), A. Marinculi} (2), H. Gutzmirtl (3), I. Bo{kovi} (1) Pregledni znanstveni ~lanak Scientific review

SA@ETAK Sto~arstvo isto~ne Hrvatske, posebice na obiteljskim gospodarstvima, poznato je po tradicionalnom na~inu uzgoja svinja te obradi mesa i mesnih prera|evina. Ve}a u~estalost pojave trihineloze u svinja u posljednjem desetlje}u rezultirala je pove}anjem broja oboljelih ljudi. Osim ljudskog zdravlja, ta bolest izravno ugro`ava i svinjogojsku proizvodnju. Ukoliko se bolest dijagnosticira u samo jedne `ivotinje, neophodno je ne{kodljivo ukloniti sve svinje iz doti~ne proizvodnje. Na taj na~in nastaju i veliki ekonomski gubici, kako za vlasnika, tako i za dr`avu. Sustavnim monitoringom i dosljednim provo|enjem zakonski propisanih mjera za suzbijanje i sprje~avanje trihineloze u posljednje ~etiri godine zna~ajno je smanjen broj invadiranih svinja, ~ime je izravno smanjena i {teta u uzgoju i selekciji svinja. Klju~ne rije~i: trihineloza, zoonoza, svinja, svinjogojstvo

Trihineloza je parazitarna zoonoza uzrokovana nametni~kim obli}em iz roda Trichinella, u kojem je do danas identificirano deset genotipova (T1-T10) (Pozio i La Rosa, 2000.). Naj~e{}i genotip T1 nominiran je kao vrsta Trichinella spiralis, koja predstavlja tipi~ni etiolo{ki ~imbenik trihineloze. U zemljama u kojima se trihineloza u uzgojima svinja javlja u enzootskom obliku, T. spiralis se obi~no javlja i u divljih `ivotinja, sinantropnih glodavaca, odnosno u ~ovjeka (Pozio, 1998.; Dupouy-Camet, 1999.). U Republici Hrvatskoj, T. spiralis naj~e{}i je uzro~nik trihineloze u doma}ih svinja, a T. britovi u divlja~i (Marinculi} i sur., 2001.). Murrell i Pozio (2000.) navode da se u posljednjih desetak godina u svijetu zna~ajno pove}ao broj ljudi oboljelih od te bolesti. Uzroke tomu treba tra`iti u socijalnim, politi~kim i ekonomskim problemima zemalja u razvoju i tranziciji, demografskim promjenama (\or|evi} i sur., 2003.), rapidnim promjenama u distribuciji hrane i marketin{kog sustava (Murrell i Pozio, 2000.), kao i u ratovima te one~i{}enju okoli{a (Florijan~i} i sur., 2002.). U Republici Hrvatskoj broj oboljelih ljudi pove}ao se za vrijeme Domovinskog rata (1991.-1995. godine), a posebice u godinama nakon uspostavljanja teritorijal-

ne cjelovitosti (1996.-1999. godine) (Ga{par i Marinculi}, 2000.). Pri tome se najve}i broj oboljelih invadirao mesom trihineloznih doma}ih svinja, dok se manji broj invadirao konzumiranjem termi~ki nedovoljno obra|enim mesom divlje svinje, jazavca ili medvjeda (Beus, 1999.). Najve}i broj oboljelih zabilje`en je u isto~noj Slavoniji, s naglaskom na Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji, ~ije je cijelo podru~je, kao i dijelovi `upanija Osje~ko-baranjske, Brodsko-posavske i Viroviti~kopodravske, ozna~eno kao endemi~no podru~je trihineloze u Republici Hrvatskoj. Zna~ajnu ulogu u epizootiologiji te bolesti ima divlja~ u kojoj je nametnik konstantno prisutan (Vu~emilo i sur., 1998.; 2001.; Tucak i sur., 2000.; Kova~ i sur., 2001.; Florijan~i} i Ozimec, 2003.), zbog ~ega se ona smatra prirodnim rezervoarima trihineloze. Navedena situacija imala je za posljedicu dono{enje zakonskih i podzakonskih akata, koji propisuju odre|ene mjere koje treba provoditi s ciljem suzbijan(1) Mr.sc. Tihomir Florijan~i}, mr.sc. Damir Rimac, dr.sc. Boris Antunovi} i Ivica Bo{kovi}, dipl.in`. -Poljoprivredni fakultet Sveu~ili{ta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek; (2) Prof.dr.sc. Albert Marinculi} - Veterinarski fakultet Sveu~ili{ta u Zagrebu, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb; (3) Hrvoje Gutzmirtl, dr.vet.med - Centar za unapre|enje sto~arstva d.d., Vinkova~ka 63,31000 Osijek


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ja i sprje~avanja te bolesti (Narodne novine 143/98.; 81/99.; 145/99.). To se prije svega odnosi na obvezni trihineloskopski pregled mesa svinja kod klanja za potrebe vlastitog doma}instva. U slu~aju pozitivnog nalaza pretrage, sve svinje iz invadiranog dvori{ta prisilno su zaklane, a njihove le{ine ne{kodljivo uklonjene. Budu}i su glodavci, posebice {takori, najzna~ajniji rezervoari i posrednici u {irenju te bolesti, propisana je obvezna sustavna deratizacija u endemi~nim podru~jima. Osim toga, neadekvatan veterinarsko-sanitarni nadzor, neprovo|enje sustavne deratizacije, sanitarni nered, nerije{eno pitanje deponija i odlagali{ta komunalnog otpada te nerije{eno zbrinjavanje le{ina, konfiskata i otpadne animalne tvari, zasigurno su pogodovale {irenju te bolesti te predstavljale ozbiljan socioekolo{ki problem i prijetnju svinjogojstvu, kao zna~ajnoj sto~arskoj grani u gospodarstvu isto~ne Hrvatske u ratno i poratno vrijeme. Stoga se pristupilo postupnom rje{avanju tih problema, ponajprije osnivanjem Radne grupe za trihinelozu u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji, ~iji su zadaci bili planiranje, organiziranje i dosljedno provo|enje pobrojanih mjera, kao i sustavni monitoring. S ciljem provjere uspje{nosti i svrsishodnosti provo|enja navedenih mjera, analizirali smo broj pretra`enih uzoraka mesa dostavljenih na pretragu u ovla{tene veterinarske organizacije i u klaonicama tijekom ~etverogodi{njeg razdoblja primjene tih mjera (1999.-2002.) u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji, ukupno, po sezonama, te pojedina~no po mjesecima. Dobivene rezultate usporedili smo s brojem pozitivnih nalaza, odredili trend kretanja broja invadiranih svinja te utvrdili najve}a enzootska `ari{ta.

mjeseci, 4 sezone: 1 (XII., I. i II. mjesec); 2 (III., IV., V.); 3 (VI., VII., VIII.) i 4 (IX., X., XI.) te 11 ovla{tenih veterinarskih organizacija. Za statisti~ku obradu podataka kori{tene su uobi~ajene metode za opis varijabilnosti svojstava, dok je za utvr|ivanje razlika izme|u godina, sezona i veterinarskih organizacija kori{tena analiza varijance. Podaci su obra|eni uz pomo} ra~unalnog programa STATISTICA 6.0.

U promatranom razdoblju ukupno je pregledano 734.699 uzoraka svinjskog mesa, od ~ega je 5.220 uzoraka bilo pozitivno (0,71 %). Navedeni podaci detaljno su prikazani u Tablici 1. te u Grafikonu 1.

Podaci za analizu uzeti su iz sredi{nje baze podataka Radne grupe za trihinelozu, a odnose se na ukupan broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji u razdoblju od 1999. do 2002. godine. Pretrage su obavljene u ovla{tenim veterinarskim organizacijama, metodom klasi~ne trihineloskopije uzoraka mesa s obiteljskih gospodarstava, odnosno umjetnom probavom u klaonicama. U skladu s ciljem istra`ivanja, svaka je godina podijeljena na 12

Grafikon 1. Relativan broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinja s obiteljskih gospodarstava i iz klaonica u promatranom razdoblju od ~etiri godine Chart 1. Relative number of positive pork samples from family enterprises and slaughter-houses in the four- years monitoring period

Iz Tablice 1. i Grafikona 1. vidljiv je opadaju}i trend pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa na obiteljskim gospodarstvima kroz promatrano razdoblje, dok je u klaonicama tijekom promatranog razdoblja zabilje`en varijabilni trend broja pozitivnih uzoraka.

Tablica 1. Ukupan broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa s obiteljskih gospodarstava i klaonica u promatranom razdoblju Table 1. Total number of examined and positive pork samples from family enterprises and slaughter-houses in the monitoring period


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Tablica 2. Varijabilnost relativnog broja pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa po godinama promatranja Table 2. Relative variability of positive pork samples by year of observation

Koeficijent varijacije u Tablici 2. ukazuje da se varijabilnost pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa iz godine u godinu pove}avala, dok je prosje~an broj pozitivnih uzoraka opadao, {to ukazuje na vrlo veliku varijabilnost pojavljivanja trihineloze na podru~ju Vukovarsko-srijemske `upanije. To govori da se zbog primijenjenih mjera za smanjivanje trihineloze u ukupnom svinjogojstvu Vukovarsko-srijemske `upanije broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa u pojedinim dijelovima smanjivao, dok je u drugim dijelovima bolest bila konstantno prisutna, odnosno da u @upaniji postoje stalna `ari{ta te bolesti. Analiziraju}i broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinja prema sezonama, utvrdili smo da je apsolutno najve}i broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa bio u prvoj i ~etvrtoj sezoni, tj. zimi i u jesen (Tablica 3.), odnosno u studenome i prosincu (Tablica 4.), {to je u skladu s kalendarom tradicionalne slavonske svinjokolje na obiteljskim gospodarstvima. Ukoliko se podaci o broju pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka u veterinarskim organizacijama i klaonicama rasporede po mjesecima i godinama, uo~ljivo je zna~ajno smanjenje broja pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa u 2002. godini u usporedbi s 1999. godinom, kada su se mjere za suzbijanje trihineloze po~ele ozbiljno provoditi (Tablica 5.). Analiza varijance relativnih vrijednosti za utjecaj godine, sezone i veterinarske organizacije pokazala je da su razlike izme|u godina, sezona i veterinarskih organizacija postojale i da su bile visoko signifikantne (P<0,01), {to je prikazano u Tablici 6. Post hoc test po Tukeyu pokazao je da ne postoji razlika izme|u 1999. i 2000. godine te 2001. i 2002. godine, dok je izme|u ostalih godina razlika bila visoko signifikantna (P < 0,001), te se sa sigurno{}u mo`e tvrditi da je relativan broj pozitivnih uzoraka mesa svinja

Tablica 4. Broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa po mjesecima u razdoblju od 1999.-2002. Table 4. Number of examined and positive pork samples through months in the period 1999-2002.

iz godine u godinu sve manji, {to je u skladu s istra`ivanjima koja su proveli Florijan~i} i sur. (2002.) te Rimac i sur. (2003.). Promatraju}i sezone, Tukey test je pokazao da visoko signifikantna razlika postoji (P<0,001) izme|u sezona 1 i 4 (zima i jesen), sezone 2 i 3 (prolje}e i ljeto) i sezone 2 i 4 (prolje}e i jesen), odnosno da se signifikantno ve}i relativni broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinja javlja zimi, a posebice u prolje}e u odnosu na ostale sezone, dok razlike nema izme|u sezona 1 i 2 (zima i prolje}e), sezona 1 i 3 (zima i ljeto) te sezona 3 i 4 (ljeto i jesen). Tukey testom za utjecaj veterinarske organizacije utvr|ena su mjesta u endemi~nom podru~ju Vukovarsko-srijemske `upanije, koja predstavljaju najve}a `ari{ta trihineloze (Slika 1.).

Tablica 3. Broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa po sezonama u razdoblju od 1999.-2002. Table 3. Number of examined and positive pork samples through seasons in the period 1999-2002.


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Tablica 5. Broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka po mjesecima i godinama Table 5. Number of examined and positive samples through months and years

Tablica 6. F vrijednosti analize varijance za relativan broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinja Table 6. F values for ANOVA concerning relative number of positive pork samples

*** P<0,001; * P<0,05

Ekonomska va`nost suzbijanja trihineloze o~ituje se u velikim gubicima ponajprije za vlasnike svinja ~iji je uzgoj ozna~en kao trihinelozan. Primjerice, 1998. godine samo je podru~ju Vinkovaca uni{teno preko 100 tona

svinjskog mesa. Ukoliko uzmemo da je cijena `ivih tovljenika oko 1,3 eura po kilogramu, gubici su samo navedene godine iznosili oko 130.000,00 eura. Gubitke zbog trihineloze bilje`i i dr`ava, budu}i da je du`na uzgajiva~ima svinja nadoknaditi nastalu {tetu. Tako je samo 2000. godine iz dr`avnog prora~una izdvojeno 5 milijuna kuna ili preko 660.000,00 eura. Gubici se vi{estruko pove}avaju uzme li se u obzir i lije~enje ljudi oboljelih od trihineloze.

Sustavnim monitoringom i provedbom propisanih mjera za sprje~avanje {irenja trihineloze u endemi~nom podru~ju isto~ne Slavonije zna~ajno je reduciran broj invadiranih svinja obli}em iz roda Trichinella, stoga je primijenjeni model analize opravdan. Na taj su na~in smanjene {tete, kako uzgajiva~ima svinja, tako i dr`avnom prora~unu. Istodobno je smanjena mogu}nost invazije i klini~kog o~itovanja bolesti u ljudi, {to je s jedne strane eti~ko na~elo veterinarskog javnog zdravstva, dok su s druge strane umanjeni tro{kovi lije~enja oboljelih ljudi.

Slika 1. Trihinelozna `ari{ta u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji Figure 1. Trichinellosis focuses in Vukovarsko-srijemska county


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1. Beus, A. (1999.): Klini~ke osobitosti trihineloze u ~ovjeka. U: Knjiga sa`etaka 1. hrvatskog simpozija o trihinelozi s me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem, Kutjevo, 28.-29. svibnja 1999. \or|evi}, M., Ba~i}, M., Petri~evi}, M., ^uperlovi}, K., Malakauskas, A., Kapel, C.M.O., Murrell, K.D. (2003): Social, political and economic factors responsible for the reemergence of trichinellosis in Serbia. A case study: J. Parasitol. 89(2):226-231. Dupouy-Camet, J. (1999): Is human trichinellosis an emerging zoonosis in the European community. Helmintologia 36:201-204. Florijan~i}, T., Ozimec, S. (2003): Occurence of Trichinellosis in Wild Game at forest habitats in the eastern Croatia. Proceedings of international scientific conference 50 Years University of Forestry, Sofia, 110-112. Florijan~i}, T., Rimac, D., Antunovi}, B. (2002): Trichinellosis as an ecological problem in Republic of Croatia. Acta Agraria Kaposvariensis 6(2):301-305. Ga{par, A., Marinculi}, A. (2000.): Stanje trihineloze u Republici Hrvatskoj i mjere suzbijanja. Zbornik radova Drugog hrvatskog veterinarskog kongresa, Cavtat, 459.467. Kova~, Z., Peri{ki}, M., Krznari}, M., Bali}, D., Marinculi}, A. (2001.): U~estalost trihineloze u lisice (Vulpes vulpes) na podru~ju Slavonije. Zbornik sa`etaka 2. hrvatskog simpozija o trihinelozi s me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem, Vinkovci, 26.-28. travnja 2001. Marinculi}, A., Ga{par, A., Durakovi}, E., Pozio, E., La Rosa, G. (2001): Epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in the Republic of Croatia. Parasite J. Soc. Fr. Parasitol. 8(2 Suppl S):92-94. Murrell, K.D., Pozio, E. (2000): Trichinellosis: the zoonosis that wont go quietly. Int. J. Parasiotol. 30 (1213):1339-1349.


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10. Pozio, E., La Rosa, G. (2000): Trichinella murrelli n. spp.: etiological agent of sylvatic trichinellosis in temperate areas of North America. J. Parasitol. 86, 134-139. 11. Pozio, E. (1998): Trichinelosis in the European Union: epidemiology, ecology and economic impact. Parasitol. Today 14, 35-38. 12. Rimac, D., Florijan~i}, T., Antunovi}, B., Bari}, J. (2003.): Va`nost monitoringa i suzbijanja trihineloze za uzgoj svinja. Zbornik priop}enja 38. znanstvenog skupa hrvatskih agronoma, Opatija, 487.-490. 13. Tucak, Z., Florijan~i}, T., Dragi~evi}, P ., Tu{ek, T. (2000): Incidence of trichinellosis in Wild boar in hunting areas of Osijek-baranja county. Agriculture 6(1):152-153. 14. Vu~emilo, M., Bodako{, D., Vinkovi}, B., Tofant, A., Desnica, B. (2001): Prevalence of sylvatic trichinellosis in wild boars in game preserve in east Croatia and the present status of trichinellosis in swine and people in the region. Z. Jagdwiss. 47(4):259-267. 15. Vu~emilo, M., Had`iosmanovi}, M., Tofant, A. (1998): The Role of Wild Boars in the spread of trichinellosis in east Croatia. Z. Jagdwiss. 44(2):98-101. 16. Narodne novine broj 143 (1998.): Naredba o obveznom trihineloskopskom pregledu mesa svinja kod klanja za potrebe vlastitog doma}instva, Zagreb. 17. Narodne novine broj 81 (1999.): Pravilnik o mjerama za suzbijanje i iskorjenjivanje trihineloze svinja, Zagreb. 18. Narodne novine broj 145 (1999.): Naredba o mjerama za{tite `ivotinja od zaraznih i nametni~kih bolesti i njihovom financiranju, Zagreb. 19. StatSoft, Inc. (2001): Statistica (data analysis software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com


SUMMARY Animal husbandry in Eastern Croatia, especially concerning family husbandries, is well known for its traditional way of swine breeding and processing meat and its products. Higher frequent occurrence of trichinellosis in swine during last decade has resulted in increased number of people reported to be infected. Beside human health, this disease directly threatens swine breeding, as well. If only one animal is found to be trichinellotic, it is necessary to remove harmlessly all the other swine from the same production group. This makes huge economical losses, both for the owner and country itself. Systematic monitoring and persistent practicing of by low regulated trichinellosis eradication and preventive measures during the last three years has significantly reduced number of infected swine, which directly reduced harmful effects on swine breeding and selection. Key-words: trichinellosis, zoonosis, swine, swine breeding
(Primljeno 16. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 7. studenoga 2003. - Received on 16 September 2003; accepted on 7 November 2003)


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SSN 1330-7142 UDK = 638.141:638.15

Z. Pu{kadija (1), T. Florijan~i} (1), I. Bo{kovi} (1), P. Miji} (1) S. Ozimec (2) Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak Original scientific paper
SA@ETAK Formiranje nukleusa u~inkovita je metoda za usporavanje rasta populacije nametnika Varoa destructor, s ciljem smanjivanja njenog infestacijskog pritiska na p~elinju zajednicu. Prednost ove biotehni~ke mjere je u tome {to se mo`e primijeniti u vrijeme vegetacijske sezone, odga|aju}i uporabu kemijskih sredstava za kontrolu populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici za razdoblje poslije glavnih p~elinjih pa{a. Nukleusi p~elinjih zajednica formirani su od oko polovice zatvorenog legla (35,55,8 dm2) i od prosje~no 5 915912 p~ela. Rezultati prebrojavanja parazita pokazuju kako je formiranjem nukleusa iz mati~nih zajednica uklonjeno prosje~no 37,25,6% varoa, minimalno 30,8%, a maksimalno 45,5%. Zbog tako relativnog malog u~inka, tu se metodu ne mo`e preporu~iti kao jedinu, ali mo`e biti vrlo u~inkovita ako se primjeni nakon proljetne pa{e kao dio strategije koja ima za cilj sprje~avanje rasta populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici. Klju~ne rije~i: p~ele, Varroa destructor, ekolo{ka proizvodnja, biotehnolo{ki postupci

Formiranje nukleusa u~inkovita je metoda za usporavanje rasta populacije nametnika Varroa destructor, s ciljem smanjivanja njenog infestacijskog pritiska na p~elinju zajednicu. Prednost te biotehni~ke mjere je u tome {to se mo`e primijeniti u vrijeme vegetacijske sezone, odga|aju}i uporabu kemijskih sredstava za kontrolu populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici za razdoblje poslije glavnih p~elinjih pa{a. Istra`ivanjima se `eljelo dokazati koliki se dio populacije nametnika Varroa destructor ukloni iz mati~ne zajednice formiranjem nukleusa p~elinje zajednice po~etkom lipnja na podru~ju kontinentalne Hrvatske. Istra`ivanje je provedeno 2002. godine na podru~ju Baranje, lokalitet Koha Kozarac.

p~elinjih zajednica, od kojih je formirano osam nukleusa. Nukleusi p~elinjih zajednica formirani su od oko polovice zatvorenog legla (35,55,8 dm2) i od prosje~no 5915912 p~ela. Veli~ina mati~nih p~elinjih zajednica i formiranih nukleusa procijenjena je nakon podjele mati~nih zajednica metodom po Liebefeldu. Nakon formiranja, nukleusi su odvezeni na p~elinjak udaljen od mati~nog p~elinjaka oko 8 km. U mati~noj zajednici matica je tijekom tri tjedna bila blokirana. Nukleusima je dodana selekcionirana oplo|ena matica. Nakon tri tjedna, i mati~na zajednica i nukleus nisu imali poklopljenog legla te je izvr{eno tretiranje Perizinom (50 ml). Sakupljene su mrtve varoe i prebrojene na `icom za{ti}enim podlo{cima umetnutim u podnicu ko{nice, i u mati~nim zajednicama i u nukleusu. Ukupno prebrojene mrtve Varroa destructor u mati~nim zajednicama i u nukleusima predstavljaju 100% populacije parazita prije diobe mati~ne zajednice.
(1) Mr.sc. Zlatko Pu{kadija, asistent, mr.sc. Tihomir Florijan~i}, Ivica Bo{kovi}, dipl.in`. agr. i mr.sc. Pero Miji} - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,Trg Svetog Trojstva, 31000 Osijek; (2) Mr.sc. Sini{a Ozimec - Pedago{ki fakultet Sveu~ili{ta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Jegerova 9, 31000 Osijek

Nukleusi su formirani po~etkom lipnja 2002. godine od jakih p~elinjih zajednica smje{tenih u LR ko{nice, koje te iste godine do tada nisu bile tretirane protiv Varroa destructor. U pokusu je bilo osam mati~nih

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Z. Pu{kadija i sur.: U^INKOVITOST FORMIRANJA NUKLEUSA P^ELINJIH ZAJEDNICA ... Tablica 1. Veli~ina mati~nih zajednica i nukleusa procijenjeni po Liebefeldu Table 1. Size of parental and nucleus colonies estimated by Liebefeld method


Mati~ne p~elinje zajednice podijeljene su 08. lipnja 2002. godine, nakon ~ega je obavljena procjena veli~ine mati~nih zajednica i formiranih nukleusa (Tablica 1.) po Liebefeldu. Tri tjedna nakon diobe mati~nih zajednica i tretiranja Perizinom (50 ml), prebrojana je otpala mrtva Varroa destructor na `icom za{ti}enoj podlo{ci u podnici ko{nice mati~ne zajednice i nukleusa. Rezultati prebrojavanja parazita pokazuju kako je formiranjem nukleusa iz mati~nih zajednica uklonjeno prosje~no 37,25,6% varoa, minimalno 30,8% a maksimalno 45,5% (Grafikon 1.). Charriere i sur. su provode}i sli~na istra`ivanja u [vicarskoj, na ko{nicama tipa Dadant, izmjerili kako se formiranjem nukleusa od oko polovice zatvorenog legla krajem svibnja mo`e iz mati~ne zajednice ukloniti minimalno 17% i maksimalno 45% varoa, tj. prosje~no 35% varoa. Kao dodatni u~inak primjene metode formiranja nukleusa krajem prolje}a, u literaturi je navedeno sprje~avanje pojave rojidbenog nagona kod proizvodnih zajednica, dok nukleusima ostaje dovoljno vremena da se razviju kako bi sigurno prezimili i sljede}e godine bili jake proizvodne zajednice. Prodajom tako formiranih nukleusa mo`e se na p~elinjaku ostvariti i dodatna zarada. Zbog tako relativnog malog u~inka, tu se metodu ne mo`e preporu~iti kao jedinu, ali mo`e biti vrlo u~inkovita ako se primjeni nakon proljetne pa{e, kao dio strategije koja ima za cilj sprje~avanje rasta populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici. Ritter (1999.) nagla{ava zna~aj primjene biotehni~kih metoda, naro~ito formiranja nukleusa u prolje}e, za dobrobit zimskih p~ela. Isti autor upozorava i na opasnost primjene kemijskih sredstava u vrijeme medonosne pa{e, zbog mogu}nosti pojave rezidua primjenjenih lijekova u borbi protiv varoe u medu. Upravo biotehni~ke metode imaju vrlo veliku primjenjivost u to doba godine. Zbog tih istih razloga, Kristiansen (1999.) isti~e kako se ekolo{ka proizvodnja meda mo`e bazirati samo na biotehni~kim metodama, kojima pripada i formiranje nukleusa te na primjeni organskih kiselina (mravlje, mlije~ne i oksalne).

Formiranjem nukleusa od oko polovice zatvorenog legla u mati~noj (proizvodnoj) zajednici krajem svibnja mo`e se u pa{nim i klimatskim uvjetima kontinentalne Hrvatske iz mati~ne zajednice ukloniti prosje~no 37,2 % 5,6 % od ukupne populacije parazita Varroa destructor. Ta biotehnolo{ka metoda mo`e se primijeniti samo kao dio godi{nje strategije za kontrolu parazita Varroa destructor. Kako se tijekom primjene te metode ne koriste kemijska sredstva, metoda formiranja nukleusa s ciljem smanjivanja infestacijske razine nametnika Varroe destructor, pogodna je za ekolo{ku p~elarsku proizvodnju.

1. Berg, S., Bubalo, D. (2002.): Tehnologija p~elarenja i integrirana koncepcija u borbi protiv varoe. Savjetovanje p~elara Rezidue u p~elinjim proizvodima kao posljedica lije~enja p~ela. November, Selce, Hrvatska. Zbornik radova 23.-39. Bharriere, J.D., Maquelin, C., Imdorf, A., Bachofen, B. (2001): What Part of Varoa population is removed by creating a nucleus?, http://www.apis.admin.ch, Swiss Bee Research Centre Charriere, J.D., Imdorf, A. (1999): Ecological Varoa Control notes on control strategies for Central Europe. November 13.-14., Agricultural Research Centre-Ghent, Merelbeke, Belgium. Proceedings from the meeting, 6570. Imdorf, A., Gerig, L., Kilchenmann, V., Wille, H. (1987.): Uberprufung der schatzmethode zur ermittlung der brutflache und der anzahl arbeiterinnen in freifliegenden bienenvolkern. Apidologie, 18(2): 137.-146. Imdorf, A., Gerig, L. (1999.): Lehrgang zur Enfasung der Volkstrke. ttp://www.apis.admin.ch/deutsch/pdf/Volksentwicklung/Lehrgang99_d.pdf. On line february 2002. Imdorf, A., Charriere, J.D., Maquelin, C., Kilchenmann, V., Bachofen, B. (1995): Alternative Varoabekampfung. Schweiz. Bienenztg. 118(8), 450-459.




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Grafikon 1. Populacija Varroe destruktor u mati~nim zajednicama i u pripadaju}im nukleusima * broj p~elinje zajednice 9 predstavlja srednju vrijednost uzorka Figure 1.Population of Varroa destructor in parental and in belonging nucleus colonies *number of 9thbee colony is average value of sample


8. 9.

Kristijansen, P .(1999): Ekological varoa control. Coordination in Europe of research on integrated control of Varroa mites in honey bee colonies, Merelbeke, Belgium Nach Gerig, L. (1983.): Lehrgang zur erfassung der volksstarke. Schweiz, Bienen-Zeitung 106 (4) 1099.204. Ritter, W. (1999): Building strategies for varoa control. Coordination in Europe of research on integrated control of Varoa mites in honey bee colonies. November 13-14., Agricultural Research Centre-Ghent, Merelbeke, Belgium. Proceedings from the meeting, 4-9.

10. . StatSoft, Inc. (2001). STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com.


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SUMMARY Forming of nucleus colonies is efficient method in growth control of Varroa destructor population. Its goal is to decrease parasites pressure on bee colony. The advantage of this bio-technical measurement lays in its implement during vegetation season which delays use of the chemical resources for Varroa destructor control population in beehives for the post major honey harvest period. Nucleus colonies were formed from approx. half of sealed brood (35.5 5.8 dm) and average of 5915 912 bees. Results showed that there were 37.2 5.6% mites removed from parental colonies. Minimum was 30.8%, and maximum was 45.5%. Due to such relatively small efficiency, this method cannot be recommended as unique, but it can be effective if it is applied in the post springs honey harvest period as a part of growth reduction strategy of Varroa destructor population in beehive. Key-words: Varroa destructor, ecological product, bio-technical measurement (Primljeno 9. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 22. listopada 2003. - Received on 9 September 2003; accepted on 22 October 2003)


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POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis (ISSN 1330-7142), kojega publiciraju Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku i Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, objavljuje znanstvene i stru~ne radove na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Objavljuju se radovi koji nisu tiskani u drugim ~asopisima, niti predani u tisak. Izvodi, sa`eci, sinopsisi, magistarski radovi, disertacije te izlaganja na znanstvenim i stru~nim skupovima ne smatraju se objavljenim radovima. U dodatku ~asopisa mogu se objaviti prikazi knjiga ili njihove recenzije, kra}i prijevodi, osvrti i vijesti iz podru~ja poljoprivrede. Radovi se {alju u Uredni{tvo ~asopisa u 2 primjerka, a moraju zadovoljiti sljede}e tehni~ke propozicije: Maksimalni obujam rada (uklju~uju}i tablice, grafikone, slike i sheme) je 10 stranica A-4 formata (max. znakova 30000, uklju~uju}i razmake izme|u rije~i), sa`etka disertacije 2 stranice, a sa`etka magistarskog rada 1 stranica. 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Ispod naslova dolaze inicijali imena (`enski autori puno ime) i prezime autora bez akademske titule, a iza svakog prezimena ozna~iti eksponentom ukoliko autori nisu iz iste ustanove (podebljanim slovima u kurzivu font 11). SA@ETAK: jezgrovit prikaz rada koji ~itatelju omogu}ava procjenu zanimljivosti rada. Sa`etak treba biti napisan podebljanim slovima u kurzivu (font 10) i da se bez ve}e prerade mo`e tiskati u referalnim ~asopisima. Optimalna du`ina je oko 100 rije~i. Sa`etak mora sadr`avati klju~ne rije~i bitne zbog uklju~ivanja u informacijske sustave, a koje tako|er treba pisati podebljanim slovima u kurzivu (font 10). UVOD: izla`e se ideja i cilj provedenih istra`ivanja, a mo`e se dati vrlo selektivan osvrt na literaturu, ako nema posebnog poglavlja Pregled literature. MATERIJAL I METODE: detaljno se opisuju samo nove ili modificirane metode. Za poznate metode i postupke daje se samo literaturni izvor. 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Adresa: Uredni{tvo asopisa Poljoprivreda, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Trg sv.Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek Kontakt osobe i tehni~ki urednici: Manda Antunovi}, tel. +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail: Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr i Danica Han`ek, tel. +385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr


9 (2003)



AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review (ISSN 1330-7142) is published by The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek and The Osijek Agricultural Institute. Scientific and professional papers are published in both Croatian and English language. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been or will be published elsewhere. Inferences, summaries, synopses, masters theses, dissertations as well as presentations at symposia are not considered as published papers. Book surveys or their reviews, short translations and communications covering agriculture field will also be published in the journal supplement. The manuscripts submitted to Editorial Board in2 copies and should meet propositions as follows: Maximum paper scope (including tables, graphs, figures and other supplements) is 10 printed pages of A-4 format (30 000 characters, including spaces between words), dissertation summary 2 pages and masters one 1 page. Text should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher, Font Times New Roman, with line spacing 2. All margins should be 2.5 cm The whole text should be written in letters sized 11 except head title (size 12), authors names and addresses, summaries and graphs and tables description (size 10). Headtitle and subtitles of the sections should be written in bolded capital letters. Initial paragraph must not be drawn in, neither key tabulator can be used, paragraphs should be divided by ENTER key. Automatic page numbering should be used (position bottom right) Full authors names with titles, occupations and addresses of the institutions they work at (letter size 10, italic) should be placed at the bottom of the first page below 3 cm long line, they are not allowed to be written in the automatic footnote program. In case of footnote writing, automatic footnotes are advised. Cited authors in the paper must not be bolded, written in italic or capitalized. Graphs, figures and schemes should be as clear as possible and easy to survey. They must be saved in Winword and edited as an integral part of the paper (in the text). Titles of tables and graphs in the paper written in Croatian language should be bolded whereas English translations in italic are devised to be unbolded and vice versa (font 10). Colour graphs and figures are not welcome. Due to more sured paper printing, graphs and figures should also be submitted in one of graphic or figure formats (*.xls, *.tiff or *.jpg). They must not be submitted as drawings on parchment paper. Titles as well as contents of tables, graphs, figures and schemes of the paper must be also translated in English and vice versa. If the paper is written in Croatian language titles of tables, graphs, figures and schemes should be written in bolded letters whereas English translations of their titles as well as contents should be written in italic unbolded letters and vice versa. Only commas should be written in Croatian texts while using decimal numbers in both text and tables whereas a point in an English version. In Croatian texts and tables as well as in a literature list a point should be placed after all mentioned years. Papers will be reviewed by at least 2 critics from corresponding field and language edited. Papers are classified by reviewers into: original scientific paper, scientific review, preliminary communication, conference paper and professional paper. All papers have UDK classification number (a paper is classified per certain fields). Titles, summaries, key-words, tables and graphs of the papers printed in Croatian language must be written in English (italic) and vice versa. English version of summary and key-words in the Croatian printed text is placed at the end of the paper after Literature chapter and vice versa. Generally, all papers should be divided into the following sections: TITLE: Should be as short as possible, informative, written in capital (bolded) letters, font 12. Initials of authors name (full name for females) and surname without academic titles should be placed below the title. Each surname should be followed by an exponent if authors do not work in the same institution (bolded letters in italic font 11). SUMMARY: A core display of the paper presenting readers clear idea of what it is about. Summary should be written in bolded letters in italic (font 10) enabling printing the paper in referable journals without a large-scale revision. Optimal length should be kept to approx. 100 words. Summary should contain key-words, vital for incorporating into information systems, that must also be written in bolded italic letters (font 10). INTRODUCTION: Displays an idea and aim of the conducted investigations. Very selective review of the literature may also be given here if there is no special section Literature review. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Only new or modified methods are described in details whereas literature source is given for recognized methods and procedures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Determined facts and regularities are described, phenomena are explained whereas set up hypothesis is confirmed or denied. Significance of the own investigations should be substantiated by comparing them with other authors papers. Care should be taken in avoiding repeted data in tables, graphs and again in the text. CONCLUSION: Contains synthesis of the investigations and results. While writing take care of the presentation graduation. REFERENCES: References should be listed alphabetically by putting ordinal number before the first author, full data is required (authors, year, reference name, editor, editing place, pages). Authors should not be written in capital letters. Final versions of papers, corrected regarding to reviewers opinions, must be sent to Editorial Board printed in one copy and on a floppy disk. Manuscripts and disks will not be returned. Address: Editorial Board of the Journal Agriculture, The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia Contact persons and technical editors: Manda Antunovi}, Tel.: +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail: Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr and Danica Han`ek, Tel. + 385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr


9 (2003)

UDK 63

ISSN 1330-7142

Scientific and Professional Review Volume 9; Number 2; December, 2003
CONTENTS Aleksandra Sudari}, Marija Vratari}, T. Duvnjak, J. Klari} PHENOTYPIC GRAIN YIELD STABILITY OF SEVERAL SOYBEAN OS-CULTIVARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Jot M. IMPACT OF AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ON ENVIRONMENT AND FOOD SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D. imi}, J. Gunja~a, Z. Zduni}, I. Brki}, J. Kova~evi} BIOMETRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TEST SITES FOR MAIZE BREEDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 D. D`oi}, Marija Ivezi}, Emilija Raspudi}, Mirjana Brme` CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) IN CORN PRODUCTION OF EASTERN CROATIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi}, G. Drezner, D. Babi} COMPARISON OF PEDIGREE AND SINGLE SEED DESCENT METHOD (SSD) IN EARLY GENERATION OF BARLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi} PRODUCTIVITY OF SUGAR BEET LINES AND THEIR CROSSES DEPENDING ON PLOIDITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Ljiljanka Tomerlin BIOFUEL FROM CORN STOVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 T. Askin, N. zdemir SOIL BULK DENSITY RELATED TO SOIL PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT . . . .52 T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i} CORRELATION BETWEEN BODY MEASURES IN LIPIZZANER MARES AND STALLIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, . Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner EFFECT OF FEEDING SEASON ON REPRODUCTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE TRAITS OF EWES AND SUCKLING LAMBS .62 T. Florijan~i}, D. Rimac, B. Antunovi}, A. Marinculi}, H. Gutzmirtl, I. Bo{kovi} IMPORTANCE OF MONITORING AND TRICHINELLOSIS ERADICATION MEASURES IN EASTERN CROATIA SWINE BREEDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Z. Pukadija, T. Florijan~i}, I. Bokovi}, P. Miji}, S. Ozimec EFFICIENCY OF FORMING NUCLEUS COLONIES IN ORDER TO DECREASE POPULATION OF Varroa destructor (ANDRESON AND TRUEMAN, 2000) IN BEEHIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

OSIJEK 2003. Vol. 9

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