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Equivalent Citation: 149(2008)DLT515(SC), JT2008(5)SC325, 2008(2)KLT473(SC), (2008)5MLJ106(SC), 2008(6)SCALE207

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal No. 5354 of 2002 Decided On: 21.04.2008 Appellants: Surjit Singh Vs. Respondent: Mahanagar Teleph ne Niga! "t#. H n$%le &u#ges' H.K. e!a and "a#$ande% Kat&'( )). C unsels' *o# Appellant+,etitione#+,laintiff: R.K. Kapoo#( "'$es- K'!a# .e#!a( -/eta Kapoo#( "ansi D-i!an and Anis A-!ed K-an( Advs *o# Respondents+Defendant: A!a#end#a a#an( A 0.( 1.R. Rao( "ad-' i$#i and Nid-i( Advs. Su%je(t' Me#ia an# C !!uni(ati n A(ts)Rules)Or#ers' 1tta# ,#ades- 2-oodan Act3 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'les( 1751 8 R'les 2 and 443 Cases Re*erre#' D#. 2... "ane$ v. "a-ana6a# 5elep-one Ni6a! 9td. "AN1+"H+0012+177:3 anto$- in6- v. Divisional ;n6inee#( 5elep-ones( -illon6 and O#s. A4R 1770 0a'-ati 4<3 Divisional ;n6inee# 5elep-one and O#s. v. a#da# anto$- in6- Civil Appeal No. 2847+17713 "adan 5a%al and ,#an K#. 5a%al v. "5N9 1787 =1:> DR) 513 Ra&iv 0osain v. "5N9 Civil ?#it ,etition No. :343+17813 '$Da%al Na#'la v. "5N9 Civil ?#it ,etition No. 1:73+177:3 4nd#avadan ,#anlal -a- v. 0ene#al "ana6e#( A-!eda@ad 5elep-ones Dist#ict K-a#p'#( A-!eda@ad and An#. "AN1+0)+0053+17703 R.9. A#o#a v. tate of 1tta# ,#ades- and O#s. "AN1+ C+0033+17:43 Hind'stan 9eve# 9td. v. As-o$ .is-n' Kate and O#s. "AN1+ C+00<<+177:3 2eni ,#asad v. Ha#dai Devi =1872> 49R 14 All :<3 1.,. 2-oodan Aa6na a!iti v. 2#i& Kis-o#e "AN1+ C+0540+17883 . . Kal#a v. 1nion of 4ndia "AN1+ C+0527+1771 Auth rities Re*erre#' "aB/ellCs C4nte#p#etation of tat'tesC 0.,. in6-Cs @oo$ D,#inciples of tat'to#% 4nte#p#etationD 7t- ;dition( 2004 pa6es <0 to << *#ancis 2ennion( tat'to#% 4nte#p#etation( econd ;dn. p. :57( ::1 C"i!ansa R'les of 4nte#p#etationC @% ,#of. K.9. a#$a#( 5a6o#e 9a/ 9ect'#e e#ies

Pri r Hist r+' 1

*#o! t-e final )'d6!ent and O#de# dated 10.01.2002 of t-e Hi6- Co'#t of Del-i at Ne/ Del-i in 9,A No. ::5 of 2001 Disp siti n' Appeal dis!issed Citing Re*eren(e' D#. 2... "ane$ v. "a-ana6a# 5elep-one Ni6a! 9td. "AN1+"H+0012+177: anto$- in6- v. Divisional ;n6inee#( 5elep-ones( -illon6 and O#s. "AN1+0H+0013+1770 Divisional ;n6inee# 5elep-one and O#s. v. a#da# anto$- in6"adan 5a%al and ,#an K#. 5a%al v. "5N9 Ra&iv 0osain v. "5N9 "AN1+D;+045:+2000 '$- Da%al Na#'la v. "5N9 4nd#avadan ,#anlal -a- v. 0ene#al "ana6e#( A-!eda@ad5elep-ones Dist#ict K-a#p'#( A-!eda@ad and An#. R.9. A#o#a v. tate of 1tta# ,#ades- and O#s. "AN1+ C+0033+17:4 Hind'stan 9eve# 9td. v. As-o$ .is-n' Kate and O#s. "AN1+ C+00<<+177: 2eni ,#asad v. Ha#dai Devi 1.,. 2-oodan Aa6na a!iti v. 2#i& Kis-o#e "AN1+ C+0540+1788 . . Kal#a v. 1nion of 4ndia "AN1+ C+0527+1771 Case N te' Distin6'is-ed Disc'ssed Disc'ssed "entioned "entioned "entioned Disc'ssed Disc'ssed Affi#!ed Disc'ssed Disc'ssed Disc'ssed

Me#ia an# Tele( !!uni(ati n , Teleph ne , Dis( nne(ti n , N npa+!ent * #ues , Rules -.pp/0 112 * the In#ian Telegraph Rules0 3453 , Appellant ha# three ph ne ( nne(ti ns t6 in his na!e an# the ne in the na!e * his 6i*e , There 6ere arrears * teleph ne #ues in ( nne(ti n 6ith the line 6hi(h 6as in the na!e * the Appellant7 6i*e , F r n n8pa+!ent * #ues the ther t6 lines in the na!e * the Appellant 6ere #is( nne(te# , Single &u#ge #is!isse# the 9rit Petiti n *ile# %+ the Appellant against su(h #is( nne(ti n , Appeal %e* re the Di:isi n ;en(h * the High C urt 6as als #is!isse# , Hen(e0 present appeal , Appellant ( nten#e# that in :ie6 * Rule 1120 the teleph ne lines in the na!e * the Appellant ( ul# n t ha:e %een #is( nne(te# %e(ause * n npa+!ent * #ues in respe(t * the line in the na!e * his 6i*e , Hel#0 6here t6 relati:es 6ere li:ing in the sa!e h use a #istin(ti n has t %e #ra6n %et6een a teleph ne line in the na!e * a pers n 6h is e( n !i(all+ #epen#ent n an ther .6h !a+ %e the hus%an#0 *ather et(./0 an# the teleph ne line in the na!e * a pers n 6h has an in#epen#ent s ur(e * in( !e *r ! 6hi(h he is pa+ing the teleph ne %ills , Appellant7s 6i*e a h use6i*e 6h is li:ing 6ith the Appellant at his resi#ential pre!ises , Pa+!ent * %ill * the teleph ne line in the na!e * the Appellant7s 6i*e 6as %eing !a#e %+ the Appellant hi!sel*0 sin(e his 6i*e has n in#epen#ent s ur(e * in( !e an# is e( n !i(all+ #epen#ent n hi! , Teleph ne line in the na!e * the pers n 6h is reall+ pa+ing the %ills in ( nne(ti n 6ith the teleph ne line in the na!e * an ther pers n 6h is e( n !i(all+ #epen#ent n the * r!er (an %e #is( nne(te# * r n n pa+!ent * %ills in ( nne(ti n 6ith the teleph ne line in the na!e * the latter , Teleph ne lines in the na!e * the Appellant (an %e #is( nne(te# * r n n8pa+!ent * the #ues in ( nne(ti n 6ith the line in the na!e * his #epen#ent 6i*e , Appeal #is!isse# Rati De(i#en#i' Telephone lines in the name of the person can be disconnected for non-payment of the dues in connection with the line in the name of his dependent wife. 2

&UD<MENT Mar=an#e+ >atju0 &. 1. 5-is appeal @% special leave -as @een filed a6ainst t-e i!p'6ned &'d6!ent of t-e Division 2enc- of t-e Del-i Hi6- Co'#t dated 10.1.2002 in 9,A No. ::5 of 2001. 2. Hea#d -#i R.9. Kapoo#( lea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant and -#i A!a#end#a a#an( lea#ned Addl. olicito# 0ene#al fo# t-e #espondent. 3. 5-e facts of t-e case a#e t-at t-e appellant and -is /ife a#e livin6 to6et-e# at t-ei# #esidence in Ra&o'#i 0a#den( Del-i. At t-at #esidence( t-e#e is one telep-one line @ea#in6 No. 512118< in t-e na!e of appellant '#&it in6- and t-e#e is also anot-e# telep-one line @ea#in6 No. 541:473 at t-e sa!e #esidence in t-e na!e of t-e appellantCs /ife. 5-e#e is a t-i#d telep-one line @ea#in6 No. 32:5301 in t-e na!e of t-e appellant and installed at t-e @'siness p#e!ises of t-e appellant at 1175( C-a-#a-at 2'ildin6( )a!a "as&id( Del-i. 4. 4t appea#s t-at t-e#e /e#e a##ea#s of telep-one d'es in connection /it- line No. 541:473 /-ic- /as in t-e na!e of t-e appellantCs /ife. *o# non8 pa%!ent of t-e telep-one d'es in connection /it- t-is line( t-e ot-e# t/o lines in t-e na!e of t-e appellant @ein6 512118< at -is #esidential p#e!ises and line No. 32:5301 at -is @'siness p#e!ises /e#e disconnected. 5. 5-e contention of t-e appellant /as t-at t-e telep-one lines in -is o/n na!e @ein6 line No. 512118< at -is #esidence and line No. 32:5301 at -is @'siness p#e!ises s-o'ld not @e disconnected on acco'nt of non8pa%!ent of d'es in connection /it- t-e line in t-e na!e of -is /ife @ein6 line No. 541:473. He contended t-at -e and -is /ife a#e t/o sepa#ate le6al entities( and -e co'ld not @e penaliEed fo# t-e fa'lt of -is /ife. :. 5-e appellant filed a /#it petition in t-e Del-i Hi6- Co'#t /-ic- /as dis!issed @% a lea#ned in6le )'d6e @% -is &'d6!ent dated 25.7.2001 and -is appeal @efo#e t-e Division 2enc- of t-e Hi6- Co'#t /as also dis!issed @% t-e i!p'6ned &'d6!ent dated 10.1.2002. Hence( t-is appeal @efo#e t-is Co'#t. <. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant -as #elied on R'le 443 of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'les /-ic- states: 443. Defa'lt of pa%!ent 88 4f( on o# @efo#e t-e d'e date( t-e #ent o# ot-e# c-a#6es in #espect of t-e telep-one se#vice p#ovided a#e not paid @% t-e s'@sc#i@e# in acco#dance /it- t-ese #'les( o# @ills fo# c-a#6es in #espect of calls of p-ono6#a!s o# ot-e# d'es f#o! t-e s'@sc#i@e# a#e not d'l% paid @% -i!( an% telep-one o# telep-ones o# an% teleB se#vice #ented @% -i!( !a% @e disconnected /it-o't notice. 5-e telep-one o# telep-ones( o# t-e teleB so disconnected !a%( if t-e 5ele6#ap- A't-o#it% t-in$s fit( @e #esto#ed( if t-e defa'ltin6 s'@sc#i@e# pa%s t-e o'tstandin6 d'es and t-e #econnection fee to6et-e# /it- t-e #ental fo# s'c- po#tion of t-e inte#venin6 pe#iod as !a% @e p#esc#i@ed @% t-e 5ele6#ap- A't-o#it% f#o! ti!e to ti!e. 5-e s'@sc#i@e# s-all pa% all t-e a@ove c-a#6es /it-in s'c- pe#iod as !a% @e p#esc#i@ed @% t-e tele6#ap- a't-o#it% f#o! ti!e to ti!e. 8. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant s'@!itted t-at in vie/ of R'le 443 t-e telep-one lines in t-e na!e of t-e appellant co'ld not -ave @een disconnected @eca'se of non8pa%!ent of d'es in #espect of t-e line in t-e na!e of -is /ife. 7. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant invited o'# attention to t-e decision of a 9ea#ned in6le )'d6e of t-e 2o!@a% Hi6- Co'#t in Dr. ;.V. Mane= v. Mahanagar Teleph ne Niga! "t#. "AN1+"H+0012+177: : A4R177:2o!53 . ?e -ave ca#ef'll% pe#'sed t-e afo#esaid decision and find t-at it is distin6'is-a@le. 4n 3

t-at case( t-e telep-one line of t-e petitione# -ad @een disconnected @eca'se of non8pa%!ent of t-e d'es of anot-e# line /-ic- /as in t-e na!e of -is fat-e#. 5-e lea#ned in6le )'d6e of t-e Hi6- Co'#t -eld t-at t-e Depa#t!ent cannot disconnect t-e telep-one of t-e s'@sc#i@e# on acco'nt of t-e defa'lt co!!itted @% a #elation of s'c- s'@sc#i@e#. 4t -as not @een !entioned in t-e said decision of t-e 2o!@a% Hi6- Co'#t t-at t-e petitione#Cs fat-e# /as econo!icall% dependent on t-e petitione#. 10. 4n t-e p#esent case /-ic- is @efo#e 's it -as co!e on t-e #eco#d t-at t-e appellantCs /ife is a -o'se/ife /-o is livin6 /it- t-e appellant at -is #esidential p#e!ises at Ra&o'#i 0a#den( Del-i. 4t -as not @een alle6ed t-at t-e appellantCs /ife -as an independent so'#ce of inco!e @% doin6 so!e @'siness o# @% so!e se#vice etc. 4n t-ese ci#c'!stances( it can @e infe##ed t-at t-e pa%!ent of t-e @ill of t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e appellantCs /ife /as @ein6 !ade @% t-e appellant -i!self( since -is /ife -as no independent so'#ce of inco!e and is econo!icall% dependent on -i!. 11. 4n o'# opinion( /e -ave to d#a/ a distinction @et/een t-e cases /-e#e a #elative /-o t-o'6- livin6 in t-e sa!e -o'se -as an independent so'#ce of inco!e( and cases /-e#e one #elative is dependent on anot-e#. ?-ile in t-e fo#!e# case if t-e#e a#e t/o diffe#ent lines( one in t-e na!e of t-e #elative /-o is econo!icall% independent and -as -is o/n so'#ce of inco!e and t-e ot-e# in t-e na!e of t-e petitione#( it co'ld @e -eld t-at non8pa%!ent of d'es @% t-e #elative cannot lead to t-e conseF'ence of t-e disconnection of t-e telep-one line of t-e petitione#. Ho/eve#( in t-e latte# cate6o#% of cases i.e. /-e#e one #elative is econo!icall% dependent on anot-e#( t-e position( in o'# opinion( is /-oll% diffe#ent. *o# instance( if t-e#e is a telep-one line in t-e na!e of a !ino# c-ild of a fat-e#( and anot-e# telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e fat-e#( and @ot- of t-e! a#e livin6 to6et-e# in t-e sa!e -o'se( t-en o@vio'sl% t-e telep-one @ills of t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e !ino# c-ild is @ein6 paid @% t-e fat-e#. Hence( in o'# opinion( fo# non8pa%!ent of t-e @ills of t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e !ino# c-ild( t-e telep-one line of t-e fat-e# can @e disconnected. 12. i!ila#l%( t-e#e can @e a case /-e#e t-e -'s@and and /ife a#e livin6 in t-e sa!e -o'se and @ot- -ave independent so'#ces of inco!e( and t-e /ife -e#self is pa%in6 fo# t-e @ills in connection /it- t-e telep-one line in -e# o/n na!e( /-e#eas t-e -'s@and is pa%in6 fo# t-e @ills of -is o/n telep-one line. 4n s'c- a case( fo# non8pa%!ent of t-e @ill of t-e /ife t-e telep-one line of t-e -'s@and cannot @e disconnected. 13. As stated a@ove( in t-e &'d6!ent of t-e lea#ned in6le )'d6e of t-e 2o!@a% Hi6- Co'#t( it is not !entioned t-at t-e fat-e# /as econo!icall% dependent on t-e petitione#. Hence( t-e afo#esaid decision can @e of no -elp in decidin6 t-e p#esent disp'te( since necessa#% fact'al details a#e lac$in6. 14. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant t-en invited o'# attention to t-e decision of a lea#ned in6le )'d6e of t-e And-#a ,#ades- Hi6- Co'#t in ?. Pri#h:i >u!ar v. The <eneral Manager0 Tele( ! Distri(t0 H+#era%a# "AN1+A,+0025+1773 : A4R1773A,131 . ?e -ave ca#ef'll% pe#'sed t-e said decision and find t-at t-at decision is also distin6'is-a@le. 4n t-e said decision it appea#s t-at t-e#e /as a telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e !ot-e# and anot-e# telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e son( and @ot- /e#e livin6 to6et-e#. 5-e#e /e#e d'es in t-e na!e of t-e !ot-e# and it /as -eld @% t-e And-#a ,#ades- Hi6- Co'#t t-at in t-at sit'ation t-e lia@ilit% co'ld not @e fastened on t-e son and -is telep-one line co'ld not @e disconnected. 4t is not clea# f#o! t-e afo#esaid decision of t-e And-#a ,#ades- Hi6- Co'#t /-et-e# t-e !ot-e# /as econo!icall% dependent on -e# son. 4t is F'ite possi@le t-at t-e !ot-e# /as econo!icall% dependent on -e# -'s@and /-o /as pa%in6 -e# @ills. 4t is also possi@le t-at t-e !ot-e# /as a /o#$in6 /o!an /it- an independent so'#ce of inco!e. Hence( t-e appellant in t-e p#esent case cannot de#ive an% @enefit f#o! t-e afo#esaid decision of t-e And-#a ,#ades- Hi6- Co'#t. 15. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant also so'6-t to #el% on t-e decision in Sant =h Singh v. Di:isi nal Engineer0 Teleph nes0 Shill ng an# Ors. A4R 1770 0a'-ati 4<. Ho/eve#( it appea#s t-at an appeal /as filed a6ainst t-e afo#esaid &'d6!ent in t-is Co'#t @ein6 Civil Appeal No. 2847+1771 titled Divisional 4

En ineer Telephone and !rs. v. "ardar "anto#h "in h decided on 22.4.2001 @% t-is Co'#t. 4n t-e said decision it /as -eld t-at t-e &'d6!ent of t-e 0a'-ati Hi6- Co'#t in "anto#h "in h v. Divisional En ineer Telephone and !rs. s-all not @e t#eated as a p#ecedent. 1:. On t-e ot-e# -and( lea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e #espondent -as #elied on t-e decision of a Division 2encof t-e Del-i Hi6- Co'#t in Ma#an Ta+al @ Pran >r. Ta+al v. MTN" 1787 =1:> DR) 51( t-e decision of a lea#ned in6le )'d6e of t-e Del-i Hi6- Co'#t in Raji: < sain v. MTN" in Civil ?#it ,etition No. :343+1781 decided on 20.4.2000( and t-e decision of a lea#ned in6le )'d6e of Del-i Hi6- Co'#t in Su=h Da+al Narula v. MTN" in Civil ?#it ,etition No. 1:73+177: decided on 2:.7.177<. 4n t-ese decisions t-e Del-i Hi6- Co'#t -as -eld t-at t-e telep-one line of a s'@sc#i@e# can @e disconnected fo# non8pa%!ent of d'es of a #elative /-o is livin6 in t-e sa!e p#e!ises. 9ea#ned Co'nsel also #elied on t-e decision of t-e 0'&a#at Hi6- Co'#t in In#ra:a#an Pranlal Shah v. <eneral Manager0 Ah!e#a%a# Teleph nes Distri(t >harpur0 Ah!e#a%a# an# Anr. "AN1+0)+0053+1770 : A4R17700'&85 in /-ic- it /as -eld t-at t-e telep-one of t-e petitione# can @e disconnected if t-e#e is fail'#e @% t-e fi#! in /-ic- -e is a pa#tne# to pa% t-e d'es of t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e fi#!. 1<. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant -as invited o'# attention to R'le 2=pp> of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#apR'les( 1751 /-ic- defines a Cs'@sc#i@e#C as follo/s: C '@sc#i@e#C !eans a pe#son to /-o! a telep-one se#vice -as @een p#ovided @% !eans of an installation 'nde# t-ese #'les o# 'nde# an a6#ee!ent. 18. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant s'@!itted t-at in vie/ of t-e definition of s'@sc#i@e# in R'le 2=pp>( t-e telep-one lines in t-e na!e of t-e appellant co'ld not -ave @een disconnected fo# defa'lt in t-e pa%!ent of d'es in connection /it- t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of -is /ife. 17. ?e -ave al#ead% stated a@ove t-at /-e#e t/o #elatives a#e livin6 in t-e sa!e -o'se a distinction -as to @e d#a/n @et/een a telep-one line in t-e na!e of a pe#son /-o is econo!icall% dependent on anot-e# =/-o !a% @e t-e -'s@and( fat-e# etc.>( and t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of a pe#son /-o -as an independent so'#ce of inco!e f#o! /-ic- -e is pa%in6 t-e telep-one @ills. 4n t-e case of t-e fo#!e#( i.e. a pe#son /-o is econo!icall% dependent on anot-e# /-o is pa%in6 -is telep-one @ills( t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of s'c- ot-e# #elative on /-o! t-e s'@sc#i@e# is dependent can @e disconnected fo# non8 pa%!ent of t-e telep-one @ills of t-e no!inal s'@sc#i@e#. 20. 9ea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant p#otested t-at s'c- an inte#p#etation /o'ld @e in t-e teet- of t-e lan6'a6e 'sed in R'le 443 #ead /it- R'le 2=pp> of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'les. 21. 4t is t#'e t-at on a lite#al inte#p#etation of R'le 443( /e /o'ld -ave to accept t-e contention of lea#ned Co'nsel fo# t-e appellant. Ho/eve#( in o'# opinion( in t-is case( t-e lite#al #'le -as not to @e adopted( @eca'se /e -ave also to see t-e intention of t-e #'le. 5-e intention o@vio'sl% /as t-at pa%!ent of telep-one d'es s-o'ld @e !ade p#o!ptl%( ot-e#/ise t-e telep-one depa#t!ent /ill s'ffe#. ?e -ave( t-e#efo#e( to ta$e an inte#p#etation /-ic- effect'ates and f'#t-e#s t-e intention of R'le 443( i.e. t-e telep-one @ills s-o'ld @e paid in ti!e. 22. 4n t-e case of a /ife /-o is a -o'se/ife and is econo!icall% dependent on -e# -'s@and( o@vio'sl% t-e telep-one @ills in connection /it- t-e line in -e# na!e a#e @ein6 paid @% -e# -'s@and and not @% -e#self. Hence( /e -ave to adopt a p'#posive const#'ction in t-is case and not 6o @% t-e lite#al #'le of inte#p#etation. 23. 5-o'6-( no do'@t( o#dina#il% t-e lite#al #'le s-o'ld @e applied /-ile inte#p#etin6 a stat'te o# stat'to#% #'le( @'t t-e lite#al #'le is not al/a%s t-e onl% #'le of inte#p#etation of a p#ovision in a stat'te( and in 5

eBceptional cases t-e lite#al #'le can @e depa#ted f#o!. As o@se#ved in t-e Constit'tion 2enc- decision of t-is Co'#t in R.". Ar ra v. State * Uttar Pra#esh an# Ors. "AN1+ C+0033+17:4 : G17:4H: CR<84 : *'#t-e#( a lite#al inte#p#etation is not al/a%s t-e onl% inte#p#etation of a p#ovision in a stat'te( and t-e co'#t -as to loo$ at t-e settin6 in /-ic- t-e /o#ds a#e 'sed and t-e ci#c'!stances in /-ic- t-e la/ ca!e to @e passed to decide /-et-e# t-e#e is so!et-in6 i!plicit @e-ind t-e /o#ds act'all% 'sed /-ic- /o'ld cont#ol t-e lite#al !eanin6 of t-e /o#ds 'sed in a p#ovision of t-e stat'te. 4t is pe#!issi@le to cont#ol t-e /ide lan6'a6e 'sed in a stat'te if t-at is possi@le @% t-e settin6 in /-ic- t-e /o#ds a#e 'sed and t-e intention of t-e la/8!a$in6 @od% /-ic- !a% @e appa#ent f#o! t-e ci#c'!stances in /-ic- t-e pa#tic'la# p#ovision ca!e to @e !ade. =e!p-asis s'pplied> 24. Hence it follo/s t-at to inte#p#et a stat'te one -as to so!eti!es conside# t-e conteBt in /-ic- it -as @een !ade and t-e p'#pose and o@&ect /-ic- it see$s to ac-ieve. A too lite#al inte#p#etation !a% so!eti!es f#'st#ate t-e ve#% o@&ect of t-e stat'te( and s'c- an app#oac- s-o'ld @e esc-e/ed @% t-e Co'#t. 25. 4n Hin#ustan "e:er "t#. v. Ash = Vishnu >ate an# Ors. "AN1+ C+00<<+177: : =177:>499)877 C t-is Co'#t o@se#ved: *#ancis 2ennion in -is tat'to#% 4nte#p#etation econd ;dn.( -as dealt /it- t-e *'nctional Const#'ction R'le in ,a#t I. of -is @oo$. 5-e nat'#e of p'#posive const#'ction is dealt /it- in ,a#t II at p. :57 t-'s: A p'#posive const#'ction of an enact!ent is one /-ic- 6ives effect to t-e le6islative p'#pose @%8 =a> follo/in6 t-e lite#al !eanin6 of t-e enact!ent /-e#e t-at !eanin6 is in acco#dance /it- t-e le6islative p'#pose =in t-is Code called a p'#posive8and8lite#al const#'ction>( o# =@> appl%in6 a st#ained !eanin6 /-e#e t-e lite#al !eanin6 is not in acco#dance /it- t-e le6islative p'#pose =in t-e Code called a p'#posive and st#ained const#'ction>. At p. ::1 of t-e sa!e @oo$( t-e a't-o# -as conside#ed t-e topic of D,'#posive Const#'ctionD in cont#ast /it- lite#al const#'ction. 5-e lea#ned a't-o# -as o@se#ved as 'nde#: Cont#ast /it- lite#al const#'ction 8 Alt-o'6- t-e te#! Cp'#posive const#'ctionC is not ne/( its ent#% into fas-ion @eto$ens a s/in6 @% t-e appellate co'#ts a/a% f#o! lite#al const#'ction. 9o#d Diploc$ said in 17<5: C4f one loo$s @ac$ to t-e act'al decisions of t-e GHo'se of 9o#dsH on F'estions of stat'to#% const#'ction ove# t-e last 30 %ea#s one cannot fail to @e st#'c$ @% t-e evidence of a t#end a/a% f#o! t-e p'#el% lite#al to/a#ds t-e p'#posive const#'ction of stat'to#% p#ovisionsC. 5-e !atte# /as s'!!ed 'p @% 9o#d Diploc$ in t-is /a% 8 ...4 a! not #el'ctant to adopt a p'#posive const#'ction /-e#e to appl% t-e lite#al !eanin6 of t-e le6islative lan6'a6e 'sed /o'ld lead to #es'lts /-ic- /o'ld clea#l% defeat t-e p'#poses of t-e Act. 2't in doin6 so t-e tas$ on /-ic- a co'#t of &'stice is en6a6ed #e!ains one of const#'ction( even /-e#e t-is involves #eadin6 into t-e Act /o#ds /-ic- a#e not eBp#essl% incl'ded in it. =e!p-asis s'pplied> ?e #espectf'll% a6#ee /it- t-e vie/ eBp#essed a@ove.

2:. 4n o'# opinion( in t-is case( a p'#posive const#'ction -as to @e adopted in inte#p#etin6 R'le 443 of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'les. 2<. ?e !a% also conside# t-e !atte# f#o! t-e point of vie/ of o'# t#aditional p#inciples of inte#p#etation. 5-e 6#eat ans$#it 6#a!!a#ian Na6es- 2-att in -is @oo$ C,a#a! 9a6-' "an&'s-aC -as said t-at a /o#d o# p-#ase can -ave t-#ee !eanin6s: =i> A@-id-a i.e. lite#al !eanin63 =ii> 9a$s-ana i.e. t-e indicative o# s'66estive !eanin63 =iii> .%an&ana i.e. t-e fi6'#ative !eanin6. 1s'all% t-e lite#al !eanin6 is follo/ed( @'t so!e ti!es t-e s'66estive o# fi6'#ative !eanin6s a#e adopted. As #e6a#ds t-e s'66estive !eanin6 =9a$s-ana> t-e oft F'oted eBa!ple is CBaB$3$eJ aK$$sD$C : i.e. D4 live on t-e 0an6es.D 5-is sentence cannot @e lite#all% inte#p#eted @eca'se no one can live on t-e s'#face of t-e 0an6es #ive#. Hence it -as to @e inte#p#eted to !ean D4 live on t-e @an$ of t-e 0an6a #ive#.D As #e6a#ds t-e t-i#d !eanin6 .%an&ana( t-e oft F'oted eBa!ple is CB#$s v9#edLC /-ic- !eans: D5-e s'n -as set.D He#e t-e #eal !eanin6 -as in fact not-in6 to do /it- t-e s'n o# its settin6( @'t it #eall% !eans Dli6-t t-e la!pD o# Dlet 's 6o -o!eD =@eca'se t-e s'n -as set>D. 28. 4n o'# opinion( in t-e p#esent case( /e -ave to adopt t-e 9a$s-ana =o# 9in6a> #'le of inte#p#etation #at-e# t-an t-e -#'ti o# A@id-a =t-e lite#al> #'le. 4n ot-e# /o#ds( R'le 443 of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'le -as to @e inte#p#eted in a p'#posive sense. Hence t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e pe#son /-o is #eall% pa%in6 t-e @ills in connection /it- t-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of anot-e# pe#son /-o is econo!icall% dependent on t-e fo#!e# can @e disconnected fo# non pa%!ent of @ills in connection /itt-e telep-one line in t-e na!e of t-e latte#. 'c- an inte#p#etation /o'ld effect'ate t-e intention of R'le 443( /-ic- is t-at telep-one @ills s-o'ld @e paid p#o!ptl%. 27. Also( it /o'ld !a$e no diffe#ence /-et-e# t-e telep-one line is at t-e #esidence o# at t-e @'siness p#e!ises( even if t-e t/o a#e enti#el% sepa#ate. Hence in o'# opinion @ot- t-e telep-one lines in t-e na!e of t-e appellant( one at -is #esidence and t-e ot-e# at -is @'siness p#e!ises( can @e disconnected fo# non8 pa%!ent of t-e d'es in connection /it- t-e line in t-e na!e of -is dependent /ife. 30. ?e can also 'tiliEe t-e "i!ansa R'les of 4nte#p#etation in inte#p#etin6 R'le 443. 31. 4t is deepl% #e6#etta@le t-at in o'# Co'#ts of la/( la/%e#s F'ote "aB/ell and C#aies @'t no@od% #efe#s to t-e "i!ansa ,#inciples of 4nte#p#etation. 5oda% o'# so8called ed'cated people a#e la#6el% 'na/a#e a@o't t-e 6#eat intellect'al ac-ieve!ents of o'# ancesto#s and t-e intellect'al t#eas'#% t-e% -ave @eF'eat-ed 's. 5-e "i!ansa ,#inciples of 4nte#p#etation is pa#t of t-at intellect'al t#eas'#%( @'t it is dist#essin6 to note t-at apa#t f#o! a #efe#ence to t-ese p#inciples in t-e &'d6!ent of i# )o-n ;d6e( t-e t-en C-ief )'stice of Alla-a@ad Hi6- Co'#t( in ;eni Prasa# v. Har#ai De:i =1872> 49R 14 All :< =*2>( t-e#e -as @een al!ost no 'tiliEation of t-ese p#inciples even in o'# o/n co'nt#% =eBcept @% one of 's( ". Kat&'( ).>. 32. 4t !a% @e !entioned t-at t-e "i!ansa R'les of 4nte#p#etation /e#e o'# t#aditional p#inciples of inte#p#etation 'sed fo# ove# t/o and a -alf t-o'sand %ea#s( laid do/n @% )ai!ini /-ose 't#as /e#e eBplained @% -a@a#( K'!a#ila 2-atta( ,#a@-a$a#( etc. 5-ese "i!ansa ,#inciples /e#e #e6'la#l% 'sed @% o'# 6#eat &'#ists li$e .i&nanes-/a#a =A't-o# of "ita$s-a#a>( )i!'tva-ana =a't-o# of Da%a@-a6a>( Nanda ,andit( etc. /-eneve# t-e% fo'nd an% conflict @et/een t-e va#io's !#itis o# an% a!@i6'it% o# incon6#'it% t-e#ein. 5-e#e is no #eason /-% /e cannot 'se t-ese p#inciples on app#op#iate occasions. Ho/eve#( it is a !atte# of deep #e6#et t-at t-ese p#inciples -ave #a#el% @een 'sed in o'# la/ Co'#ts. 4t is no/-e#e !entioned in o'# Constit'tion o# an% ot-e# la/ t-at onl% "aB/ellCs ,#inciples of 4nte#p#etation 7

can @e 'sed @% t-e Co'#t. ?e can 'se an% s%ste! of inte#p#etation /-ic- -elps 's solve a diffic'lt%. 4n ce#tain sit'ations "aB/ellCs p#inciples /o'ld @e !o#e app#op#iate( /-ile in ot-e# sit'ations t-e "i!ansa p#inciples !a% @e !o#e s'ita@le. 33. 5-e @oo$s on "i!ansa a#e al!ost all in ans$#it( @'t t-e#e is one 6ood @oo$ called t-e $Mi!ansa Rules * Interpretati n$ @% ,#of. K.9. a#$a# p'@lis-ed in t-e 5a6o#e 9a/ 9ect'#e e#ies( /-ic- !a% @e seen. 34. 4t !a% @e !entioned t-at t-e "i!ansa R'les of 4nte#p#etation /e#e c#eated fo# #esolvin6 t-e p#actical difficlties in pe#fo#!in6 t-e .edic %a6%as. 5-e #'les fo# pe#fo#!in6 t-e va#io's %a6%as /e#e 6iven in @oo$s called 2#a-!anas e.6. -atapat- 2#a-!an( Aita#e%a 2#a-!an( 5aite#e%a 2#a-!an( etc. 5-e#e /e#e !an% a!@i6'ities( conflicts( incon6#'ities( ellipses etc. in t-e 2#a-!ana teBts( and -ence p#inciples of inte#p#etation -ad to @e c#eated fo# t-is p'#pose. 5-'s t-e "i!ansa p#inciples /e#e o#i6inall% c#eated fo# #eli6io's p'#poses( @'t t-e% /e#e so #ational and lo6ical t-at s'@seF'entl% t-e% @e6an to @e 'sed in la/( 6#a!!a#( lo6ic( p-ilosop-% etc.( t-at is( t-e% @eca!e of 'nive#sal application. 35. )ai!ini in 't#a :: 3: 7 states: ?-en t-e#e is a conflict @et/een t-e p'#pose and t-e !ate#ial( t-e p'#pose is to p#evail( @eca'se in t-e a@sence of t-e p#esc#i@ed !ate#ial a s'@stit'te can @e 'sed( fo# t-e !ate#ial is s'@o#dinate to t-e p'#pose. 3:. 5o eBplain t-is it !a% @e !entioned t-at t-e 2#a-!anas state t-at t-e p#esc#i@ed A'pa =sac#ificial post fo# t%in6 t-e sac#ificial ani!al> !'st @e !ade of K-adi# ?ood. Ho/eve#( K-adi# /ood is /ea$ /-ile t-e ani!al tied !a% @e #estive. Hence( t-e "i!ansa p#inciple =stated a@ove> pe#!its t-at t-e A'pa can @e !ade of K-ada# /ood /-ic- is st#on6. No/ t-is s'@stit'tion is @ein6 !ade despite t-e fact t-at t-e p#esc#i@ed /ood is K-adi#( @'t t-is p#esc#iption is onl% s'@o#dinate o# accesso#% to t-e pe#fo#!ance of t-e %a6%a( /-ic- is t-e !ain o@&ect. Hence( if it co!es in t-e /a% of t-e %a6%a @ein6 pe#fo#!ed( it can @e !odified o# s'@stit'ted. 3<. 4n t-is connection /e !a% also #efe# to t-e ?ooden /o#d "aBi! = p-adi N%a%a>( /-ic- is a /ell $no/n "aBi! in t-e "i!ansa s%ste!. 5-is "aBi! states D/-at is p#esc#i@ed as a !eans to an action( is to @e ta$en in a sense s'ited to t-e pe#fo#!ance of t-e actionD =vide )ai!ini 3:1:2( F'oted in t-e @oo$ C"i!ansa R'les of 4nte#p#etationC @% K.9. a#$a# at p. 185>. 5-e /o#d C p-aC in ans$#it !eans a s/o#d( /-ic- is no#!all% a !etallic o@&ect fo# c'ttin6. Ho/eve#( C p-aC in connection /it- a Aa6%a -as to @e inte#p#eted as a /ooden s/o#d( @eca'se in a Aa6%a a s!all /ooden s/o#d called C p-aC is 'sed /-ic- is a p's-in6 inst#'!ent =as a Aa6%a #eF'i#es no c'ttin6 inst#'!ent( @'t onl% a p's-in6 inst#'!ent>. 5-'s( C p-adi N%a%aC i!plies t-at /e -ave to see t-e o@&ect of t-e teBt to co##ectl% inte#p#et it. 38. 4n t-e "i!ansa s%ste!( t-e lite#al #'le of inte#p#etation is called t-e -#'ti =o# A@-ida> p#inciple( and o#dina#il% it is t-is p#inciple /-ic- is to @e applied /-en inte#p#etin6 a teBt. Ho/eve#( t-e#e a#e eBceptional sit'ations /-en /e -ave to depa#t f#o! t-e lite#al #'le and t-en ce#tain ot-e# p#inciples -ave to @e #eso#ted to e.6. =1> t-e 9in6a =also called 9a$s-ana> p#inciple o# t-e s'66estive po/e# of /o#ds o# eBp#essions( =2> t-e .a$%a p#inciple o# s%ntactical a##n6e!ent( =3> t-e ,#a$a#ana p#inciple( /-ic- pe#!its const#'ction @% #efe##in6 to ot-e# teBts in o#de# to !a$e t-e !eanin6 clea#( =4> t-e t-ana =position> p#inciple /-ic- !eans t-e #elative position of one teBt /it- #efe#ence to anot-e#( =5> t-e a!a$-%a =na!e> p#inciple /-ic- !eans t-e connection @et/een diffe#ent passa6es @% t-e indication acco#ded @% t-e de#ivative /o#ds of a co!po'nd na!e. 37. 4n t-e p#esent case /e a#e of t-e opinion t-at t-e 9in6a =9a$s-ana> p#inciple /ill appl%.

40. 9in6a #eall% !eans inte#p#etation @% 'nde#standin6 t-e conteBt( and it is a depa#t'#e f#o! t-e lite#al #'le of inte#p#etation. 41. 5-e 9in6a p#inciple can @e ill'st#ated @% t-e decision of t-is Co'#t in U.P. ;h #an ?agna Sa!iti v. ;rij >ish re "AN1+ C+0540+1788 : A4R1788 C2237 /-e#e t-e /o#ds Mlandless pe#sonC /e#e -eld to !ean Clandless peasantC and not landless @'siness!en. 42. He#e /e see t-at t-e Co'#t -as depa#ted f#o! t-e lite#al #'le of inte#p#etation( @eca'se @% t-e lite#al #'le even a ve#% #ic- @'siness!an /-o o/ns no land /ill @e #e6a#ded as a landless pe#son. ince t-e o@&ect of t-e 1.,. 2-oodan Act /as to 6ive so!e land to t-e landless peasants( t-e eBp#ession Clandless pe#sonC /as inte#p#eted to !ean Clandless peasantC onl%. 5-is inte#p#etation /as necessa#% ot-e#/ise t-e enti#e o@&ect of t-e 1.,. 2-oodan Act /o'ld @e f#'st#ated and land donated fo# dist#i@'tion to landless peasants co'ld @e 6#a@@ed @% #ic- @'siness!en on t-e 6#o'nd t-at t-e% o/ned no land( alt-o'6- t-e% !a% -ave -'6e a!o'nt of /ealt- in t-e fo#! of s-a#es in t-ei# co!panies( sec'#ities( c#o#es of #'pees in @an$s etc. 43. ?e !a% also li$e to point o't t-at t-e#e is a diffe#ence @et/een 9in6a =9a$s-ana> p#inciple and t-e .a$%a p#inciple. 4n t-e fo#!e# no violence is done to t-e /o#din6 of t-e teBt( @'t t-e /o#ds o# eBp#essions a#e const#'ed diffe#entl% f#o! t-e lite#al sense( and -ence 9in6a is #eall% const#'ction @% conteBt. 4n .a$%a( -o/eve#( so!e violence is done to t-e teBt( e.6. @% connectin6 t/o sepa#ate sentences( o# @% addin6 /o#ds o# eBp#essions( o# @% t#ansfe##in6 /o#ds o# eBp#essions 'p o# do/n a sentence. 5-is violence !a% so!eti!es @eco!e necessa#% to save t-e teBt f#o! @eco!in6 !eanin6less o# a@s'#d( &'st as t-e s'#6eon !a% -ave to do violence to t-e @od% =@% ope#ation> to save t-e patientCs life. *o# t-is p'#pose t-e 1-a p#inciple is 'tiliEed =5-e 1-a p#inciple o# 'se of #eason( is 6ene#all% applied fo# const#'ction of teBts>. 4n t-is connection it !a% @e !entioned t-at "aB/ell also pe#!its doin6 violence to t-e stat'te in eBceptional sit'ations. He sa%s D?-e#e t-e lan6'a6e of a stat'te( in its o#dina#% !eanin6 and 6#a!!atical const#'ction leads to a !anifest cont#adiction of t-e appa#ent p'#pose of t-e enact!ent( o# to so!e inconvenience o# a@s'#dit%( -a#ds-ip o# in&'stice( p#es'!a@l% not intended( a const#'ction !a% @e p't 'pon it /-ic- !odifies t-e !eanin6 of t-e /o#ds( and even t-e st#'ct'#e of t-e sentence. 5-is !a% @e done @% depa#tin6 f#o! t-e #'les of 6#a!!a#( @% 6ivin6 an 'n's'al !eanin6 to pa#tic'la# /o#ds( @% alte#in6 t-ei# collocation( @% #e&ectin6 t-e! alto6et-e#( o# @% inte#polatin6 ot-e# /o#ds( 'nde# t-e infl'ence( no do'@t( of an i##esisti@le conviction t-at t-e le6islat'#e co'ld not possi@l% -ave intended /-at t-e /o#ds si6nif%( and t-at t-e !odifications t-'s !ade a#e !e#e co##ections of ca#eless lan6'a6e and #eall% 6ive t-e t#'e intentionD. 5-'s( in S.S. >alra v. Uni n * In#ia "AN1+ C+0527+1771 : G1771H1 CR3:4 t-is Co'#t o@se#ved t-at so!eti!es co'#ts can s'ppl% /o#ds /-ic- -ave @een accidentall% o!itted. = ee also t-e #'lin6s !entioned in 0.,. in6-Cs @oo$ D,#inciples of tat'to#% 4nte#p#etationD 7t- ;dition( 2004 pa6es <0 to <<>. 44. 5-e p#inciple of 9in6a is ill'st#ated @% )ai!ini in n'!e#o's 't#as and Ad-i$a#nas. 5-'s t-e ,#ana@-#it Ad-i$a#ana /-ic- is @ased on )ai!iniCs 't#a 28( C-apte# 4.( 2oo$ 1 s-o/s -o/ /o#ds acF'i#ed a /ide# !eanin6 @% t-e 9in6a o# 9a$s-ana p#ocess. 45. 4n t-e 5aitti#i%a a!-ita => t-e#e is a passa6e: He disposes t-e ,#ana@-#it 8 iE$.$NM# !inO$f# 4:. A6ain in t-e sa!e a!-ita =5.<.2.5> t-e#e is a si!ila# passa6e: He disposes t-e A&%ani 8 v$53$'$s&s#$ !inO$f#

4<. No/ /-at is t-e !eanin6 of ,#ana@-#it in t-e one case and of A&%ani in t-e ot-e# K 5-e /o#ds ,#ana@-#it and A&%ani a#e #espectivel% t-e na!es of t/o "ant#as o# ve#ses /-ic- @e6in /it- t-ose /o#ds. 5-ese ve#ses a#e 'sed in consec#atin6 @#ic$s #eF'i#ed fo# a ce#tain p'#pose in a %a6%a. *#o! t-is fact t-e @#ic$s consec#ated @% t-e ,#ana@-#it "ant#a acF'i#ed t-e na!e of ,#ana@-#it. i!ila#l% t-e @#ic$s consec#ated @% t-e A&%ani "ant#a acF'i#ed t-e na!e of A&%ani. 2't in co'#se of ti!e t-e /-ole -eap of @#ic$s of a pa#tic'la# $ind ca!e to @e called ,#ana@-#it( @eca'se one o# t/o @#ic$s of t-at -eap /e#e consec#ated as ,#ana@-#it @#ic$s. 5-'s t-e instance of ,#ana@-#it @eco!es a !aBi! fo# eBtendin6 t-e scope of a na!e in t-e a@ove !anne#. 4n fact( t-e !eanin6 of t-e /o#ds ,#ana@-#it and A&%ani in t-ese cases is dete#!ined @% t-e pec'lia# association of t-e /o#ds and @% t-e conteBt of t-e passa6es in /-ict-e% a#e 'sed. 'c- a 'se is called 9in6asa!a@a%a =e!@odi!ent of t-e 9in6a>. 48. Nanda ,andit( in -is /o#$ CDatta$a "i!ansaC( #efe#s to t-e ,#ana@-#it !aBi! to s-o/ t-at alt-o'6t-e /o#d Ms'@stit'teC /as at fi#st applied in eBp#ess te#! onl% to siB desc#iptions of sons( late# t-e /o#d @% 6ene#al 'se @eca!e applica@le to all t-e t/elve desc#iptions. 47. 5-e ,#ana@-#it !aBi! iE$.$NM# 13$3 states: 5-e pec'lia# feat'#e of one leadin6 o@&ect @elon6in6 to a class !a% 6ive na!e to t-e /-ole class. 50. ,#ana@-#it lite#all% !eans fillin6 /it- life o# inspi#in6 life3 @'t t-e eBp#ession fo#!s t-e co!!ence!ent of a "ant#a /-ic- is 'sed in consec#atin6 ce#tain @#ic$s. Hence t-e /o#d -as co!e to !ean a $ind of @#ic$s =iE$.$NMn$fnPCn$'$?a 9#FR3QLRoefOd&.$e >. 5-is is t-e /a% in /-ic- t-e /o#d A&%ani also -as co!e to !ean anot-e# class of @#ic$s. 51. 5-e ,#ana@-#it !aBi! applies in t-e p#esent case also @eca'se /e -ave to fill life =i.e. 6iven an app#op#iate inte#p#etation> to t-e /o#d Ms'@sc#i@e#C in R'le 443 of t-e 4ndian 5ele6#ap- R'les. 52. 5-e ,#ana@-#it !aBi! is often 'sed in t-e inte#p#etation of a teBt @% t#eatin6 it as ill'st#ative and not eB-a'stive. 5-e ill'st#ative #'le of inte#p#etation is a depa#t'#e f#o! t-e lite#al #'le /-ic- no#!all% -as to @e adopted /-ile const#'in6 a teBt. Ho/eve#( so!eti!es depa#t'#es f#o! t-e lite#al #'le a#e pe#!issi@le( and one of s'c- depa#t'#es is t-e ill'st#ative #'le. 5o 6ive an eBa!ple( in ans$#it t-e#e is an oft8F'oted state!ent DKakebhyo Da h! "ak#h!$a%D /-ic- !eans Dp#otect t-e c'#d f#o! t-e c#o/sD. No/ in t-is sentence t-e /o#d Cc#o/C is !e#el% ill'st#ative and not eB-a'stive. 5-e state!ent does not !ean t-at one s-o'ld p#otect t-e c'#d onl% f#o! c#o/s @'t allo/ it to @e eaten 'p @% cats( do6s o# to 6et da!a6ed @% di#t o# filt- etc. 4t #eall% !eans t-at one s-o'ld p#otect t-e c'#d f#o! all dan6e#s. Hence t-e /o#d Cc#o/C in t-e a@ove state!ent is onl% ill'st#ative and not eB-a'stive. 53. ?e can ta$e anot-e# eBa!ple. 4n t-e 1. . Constit'tion( A#ticle 1 ection 8 states t-at Con6#ess =t-e A!e#ican ,a#lia!ent> can #aise A#!ies and Navies. 5-e#e is no !ention of an Ai# *o#ce t-e#e( o@vio'sl% @eca'se t-e#e /e#e no ai#c#aft in 1<71 /-en t-e 1. . Constit'tion /as p#o!'l6ated. 5-e fi#st ai#c#aft /as invented @% t-e ?#i6-t @#ot-e#s in 1703. Ho/eve#( toda%Cs #ealit% is t-at a !ode#n A#!% cannot fi6-t /it-o't ai# cove#. A!end!ent to t-e 1. . Constit'tion is a ve#% a#do's and len6t-% p#oced'#e @eca'se it #eF'i#es t/o8t-i#d !a&o#it% of @ot- Ho'ses of Con6#ess and #atification @% t-#ee8fo'#t- of t-e tates. 2% t-e ti!e t-is is done( t-e ene!% !a% invade and occ'p% t-e co'nt#%. Hence t-e /o#ds MA#!ies and NaviesC -ave to @e inte#p#eted as ill'st#ative and not eB-a'stive( and t-e% #eall% !ean all a#!ed fo#ces necessa#% fo# t-e sec'#it% of t-e co'nt#% =/-ic- /o'ld incl'de an Ai# *o#ce( also>. 54. 5-'s A#ticle 1 ection 8 of t-e 1. . Constit'tion -as to @e inte#p#eted not @% appl%in6 t-e -#'ti #'le =lite#al #'le>( @'t @% appl%in6 t-e 9in6a #'le. 5-e /o#ds CA#!ies and NaviesC in A#ticle 1 ection 8 a#e to @e const#'ed not lite#all% @'t as s'66estive. 4n ot-e# /o#ds( t-e% a#e onl% ill'st#ative( and t-e% #eall% !ean all A#!ed *o#ces necessa#% fo# t-e sec'#it% of t-e co'nt#%. 10

55. ?e !a% also #efe# to "aB/ellCs C4nte#p#etation of tat'tesC /-e#e it is stated: 2't it is anot-e# ele!enta#% #'le( t-at a t-in6 /-ic- is /it-in t-e lette# of a stat'te is not /it-in t-e stat'te 'nless it @e also /it-in t-e #eal intention of t-e 9e6islat'#e( and t-e /o#ds( if s'fficientl% fleBi@le( !'st @e const#'ed in t-e sense /-ic-( if less co##ect 6#a!!aticall%( is !o#e in -a#!on% /it-in t-at intention. 9an6'a6e is #a#el% so f#ee f#o! a!@i6'it% as to @e incapa@le of @ein6 'sed in !o#e t-an one sense3 and to ad-e#e #i6idl% to its lite#al and p#i!a#% !eanin6 in all cases /o'ld @e to !iss its #eal !eanin6 in !an%. 4f a lite#al !eanin6 -ad @een 6iven to t-e la/s /-ic- fo#@ade a la%!an to Dla% -andsD on a p#iest( and p'nis-ed all /-o d#e/ @lood in t-e st#eet( t-e la%!an /-o /o'nded a p#iest /it- a /eapon /o'ld not -ave fallen /it-in t-e p#o-i@ition( and t-e s'#6eon /-o @led a pe#son to save -is life( /o'ld -ave @een lia@le to p'nis-!ent. On a lite#al const#'ction of -is p#o!ise( "o-a!!ed 44.Cs sa/in6 t-e .enetian 0ove#no#Cs @od% in t/o( /as no @#eac- of -is en6a6e!ent to spa#e -is -ead3 no# 5a!e#laneCs @'#%in6 alive a 6a##ison( a violation of -is pled6e to s-ed no @lood. "aB/ell also states: 5-e /o#ds of a stat'te a#e to @e 'nde#stood in t-e sense in /-ic- t-e% @est -a#!oniEe /it- t-e s'@&ect of t-e enact!ent and t-e o@&ect /-ic- t-e 9e6islat'#e -as in vie/. 5-ei# !eanin6 is fo'nd not so !'c- in a st#ictl% 6#a!!atical o# et%!olo6ical p#op#iet% of lan6'a6e( no# even in its pop'la# 'se( as in t-e s'@&ect o# in t-e occasion on /-ic- t-e% a#e 'sed and t-e o@&ect to @e attained. =e!p-asis s'pplied> 5:. 5-'s( in @ot- s%ste!s of inte#p#etation( t-e "i!ansa s%ste! as /ell as "aB/ellCs s%ste!( it is e!p-asiEed t-at t-e intention of a stat'te -as often to @e seen to p#ope#l% inte#p#et it( and it is not t-at t-e Co'#t can neve# depa#t f#o! t-e lite#al #'le of inte#p#etation. 4t all depends on t-e conteBt( t-e s'@&ect8 !atte#( t-e p'#pose fo# /-ic- t-e p#ovision /as !ade( etc. 5<. As al#ead% stated a@ove( /-ile const#'in6 R'le 443 /e -ave to 6ive an inte#p#etation /-ic- s'@se#ves t-e intention of t-e R'le /-ic- is t-at telep-one @ills s-o'ld @e p#o!ptl% paid( ot-e#/ise t-e depa#t!ent /ill @e s-o#t of t-e f'nds needed fo# financin6 t-e telep-one se#vices /-ic- a#e to @e #ende#ed to t-e cons'!e#s. Afte# all( t-e sala#% of t-e e!plo%ees of t-e telep-one depa#t!ent -ave to @e paid( t-e telep-one eF'ip!ent -as to @e !aintained( #epai#ed and $ept 'p8to8date. o!eti!es ne/ tec-nolo6% -as to @e int#od'ced. 5-e#e !a% @e va#io's ot-e# #eF'i#e!ents fo# /-ic- f'nds !a% @e #eF'i#ed( and all t-ese can onl% @e possi@le if t-e telep-one @ills a#e paid in ti!e. Hence( in o'# opinion( t-e /o#d Cs'@sc#i@e#C in R'le 2=pp> -as to @e 6iven a /ide# !eanin6( as al#ead% stated a@ove. 58. 4n vie/ of t-e a@ove( /e find no !e#it in t-is appeal /-ic- is acco#din6l% dis!issed. 5-e#e s-all @e no o#de# as to costs.


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