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Lucrri tiinifice vol.

56/2013, seria Agronomie


Ciprian CIOBANU1, Iulian Cons an in POPOVICI1, !i"ai STAVARACHE1, Ciprian Vasili#$ SLAVNICU1, C$ $lina CIOBANU1

A%s ra# The application of organic fertilizers for extended period of time has determined a high biodiversity of the investigated grassland. The ob ective of this study is to determine the effect of sheep and cattle manure application on grassland and the effect on phytodiversity of a Festuca valesiaca !chleich. Type association. " high similarity appears by comparing the phytocenosis from #$ fertilization variant %&' t(ha cattle manure(& year basis) and that of #* fertilization variant %+' t(ha cattle manure(& year basis) %T , '.+*1-.*/0, " , -'.'01'0'*.), yet differences 1ere not statistically signifficant. The phytocenosis from unfertilized variant %#1), is largely dominated by grasses or Poaceae botanical family, 1ith a dominance of /$2 in the s1ard. 3ithin grasses, the species 1ith the highest "dm value is Festuca valesiaca 4. 10.02, follo1ed by Arrhenatherum elatius 4. +2 and Dactylis glomerata 4. 1.&2 &'( )or*s: sheep and cattle manure, phytodiversity, Festuca valesiaca !chleich.

5rassland represents a area covered 1ith permanent vegetation comprised 1ith plant species from many botanical families, among the most important are perennial grasses and legumes %#6ntu #. et al., /''+). 5rasslands are a ma or biosphere resource 1ho is responsible for sustaining cca. 1 bilion people from the entire 1orld %!chnyder 7. et al., /'1'). "s the agriculture and production technology developed, human intervention in grassland ecosystems accentuated progressively. Today, the fizionomy of those particular formations, regardless of their origin, is determined first by humans and grazing. 8atural or semi-natural grasslands 1orld1ide are true green oceans, of the greates importance for life on earth and, 1ho 1ere sub ected to many research during the time. These vast green areas are closely lin9ed to our life and to conservation of the habitat 1e live in. !tarting from the imense areas ocuppied by grasslands, and their productive potential, 1e can say that they are an enormous food supply for the future populations %#6ntu #. et al., /''+). :ertilization is one of the main measures to increase the production of all crops, but on grasslands fertilizers have multiple role %!amuil ;., et al., /''-).

"fter 1**', 1ith the entry in the <era of biological productions=, the focus 1as on the restriction of using chemical fertilizers and on the other hand using on a larger scale organic fertilizers. >rganic fertilization influences vegetation composition, naure fertilizer is indicated for use on permanent grassland 1ith a high specific richness %?@curar :. and A. Botar. /''+). The Cuantity of manure applied in order to preserve floristic biodiversity is bet1een * to /' t(ha depending on the trophic level of the soil %Driemle 5. and >ppermann B. /''&). An our country, the Cuantities of organic fertilizers available are relatively lo1, and poorely variated, thus they 1ere carrefully used and ne1 organic materials, li9e food industry byproducts, some 1ith high polluting potential 1ere see9ed and used as fertilizers in agriculture. Eaintaining and preserving biological biodiversity, the production of Cuality superior goods, forces the precise 9no1ledge of the effects of anthropic interventions on natural biocenosys and their habitats, in the context of increased demands for productivity, individual or cooperative farming rentability that o1n or use permanent grasslands.

Fniversity of "gricultural !ciences and #eterinary Eedicine G AaHi

niversitatea !e tiine Agricole "i #e!icin $eterinar %a"i


&'e e()eriment *as organi+e! on a Festuca valesiaca ,c'leic'. t-)e )lant association locate! in #ol!avian s-lvoste))e, on a slig'tlincline! groun!, *it' ./ e()osition, cam0ic c'erno+em soil t-)e, lo* leac'a0ilit-, silt1 clate(ture, 'umus content 2,212,34 me!ium su))lie! *it' )'os)'orus 530136 ))m.7 an! *ell su))lie! *it' )otassium 52351320 ))m.7, )8 6.5 to 6.9 in t'e 0120 cm la-er of soil. &'e e()eriement is monofactorial, *it' ran!omi+e! )lots in t'ree re)licates, *'ic' stu!ies t'e role of s'ee) an! cattle manure in various !o+es, in t'e increase of )'-tomass an! t'e mo!ification )ro!uce! in t'e floristic com)osition as a result of t'e c'anges of soil nutritional status. :e use! t'e follo*ing fertili+ation sc'emes; $1 unfertili+e! control, $2 10 t/'a s'ee) manure anuall-, $3 20 t/'a s'ee) manure/2 -ear 0asis, $2 30 t/'a s'ee) manure/3 -ear 0asis, $5 20 t/'a s'ee) manure/3 -ear 0asis, $6 10 t/'a cattle manure anuall-, $6 20 t/'a cattle manure/2 -ear 0asis, $3 30 cattle manure/3 -ear 0asis, $9 20 t/'a cattle manure/3 -ear 0asis. 8arvesting *as !one at earing1flo*ering stage of !ominant grasses, results *ere statisticallinter)rete! 0- anal-sis of variance an! limit !ifferences. <or 0io!iversit- anal-ses *e use! t'e )rogramme =>1?@A, *'ic' )erforms multivariate! anal-sis of ecological !ata from calculation s'eets 5#ccune an! Brace, 20027.. &'is )rogramme sets accent on non)arametric instruments, gra)'ic re)resentations, ran!omi+ation tests, an! trust intervals for anal-sis on ecological communities. <rom t'e *i!e range of coor!inates )ro!uce! 0- t'is )rogramme *e use! t'e #@== 5#ulti @es)onse =ermutation =roce!ure7 an! multi!imensional scalling .#, Auto)illot. %n or!er to e()ress floristic !iversit- *e use! ,'annon 1 :iener in!e(.

<igure 1 The display of floristic composition in 2011, influenced by organic fertilization (V1 unfertilized control, V2 10 t/ha sheep manure anually, V3 20 t/ha sheep manure/2 year basis, V 30 t/ha sheep manure/3 year basis, V! 0 t/ha sheep manure/3 year basis, V" 10 t/ha cattle manure anually, V# 20 t/ha cattle manure/2 year basis, V$ 30 cattle manure/3 year basis, V% 0 t/ha cattle manure/3 year basis&

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION >verllaping experimental variants, 1ith the help of 8E! "utopillot sho1s the effect of organica fertilization on the s1ard, 1ith

signifficant changes, the floristic composition of the experimental variants does not overllap in the graphic representation %fig. 1) 1hich demonstrates that the similarity of the phytocenosis is not very high. "nalyzing the level of the floristic composition, many of the experimental variants

Lucrri tiinifice vol. 56/2013, seria Agronomie

compared in table 1 presents statisticall assurance %pI'.'0). 1e can say that sheep and cattle manure had a positive effect on phytodiversity. The comparison bet1een the other experimental variants presents statisticall signifficance as displayed in table 1. An some cases the floristic composition differs substantially, the highest differences 1ere noticed 1hen comparing unfertilized control %#1) to #0 %+' t(ha sheep manure(& year basis), or to #* % 20 t/'a cattle manure/3 -ear 0asis) or to #$ %30 cattle manure/3 -ear 0asis) these variants 1ere statistically assured %pI'.'0).

3hen comparing some phytocenosis among them 1e see very little differences such as variants #$ compared 1ith #*, #& and #., these phytocenosis have no statisticall signifficance. The highest similarities appear 1hen comparing phytocenosis from #$ to #* %T , '.+*1-.*/0, " , -'.'01'0'*.) but they donJt have statisticall signifficance %pK'.'0).

&a0le 1

'omparison bet(een floristica composition of the e)periment fertilized (ith organic fertilizers *+,, in the year 2011 (T test T, - group omogenity, p statisticall signifficance&
>om)arison 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 5 1 vs. 6 1 vs. 6 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 9 2 vs. 3 2 vs. 2 2 vs. 5 2 vs. 6 2 vs. 6 2 vs. 3 2 vs. 9 3 vs. 2 3 vs. 5 3 vs. 6 3 vs. 6 3 vs. 3 3 vs. 9 2 vs. 5 2 vs. 6 2 vs. 6 2 vs. 3 2 vs. 9 5 vs. 6 5 vs. 6 5 vs. 3 5 vs. 9 6 vs. 6 6 vs. 3 6 vs. 9 6 vs. 3 6 vs. 9 3 vs. 9 & 11.93326366 12.30316329 12.36236991 12.63650611 12.50612113 12.39250065 12.62399312 12.66606096 11.13699212 12.16335136 12.63930969 11.22026662 11.51053626 12.26299933 12.23363599 11.63509050 11.92563611 10.35262623 11.52690922 12.33312636 12.15199263 12.20166200 12.16619252 12.12220666 12.62353063 12.56619661 11.36021129 12.50220602 12.32062065 12.00363236 11.36332219 12.35323132 12.23201225 12.12252133 12.39366696 0.29166925 A 0.16166296 0.19302656 0.13356326 0.23213929 0.22023050 0.21353166 0.32696523 0.30920536 0.09215231 0.16393996 0.23902926 0.12210321 0.10363005 0.26252932 0.22663696 0.11069962 0.12306509 0.06391063 0.09051169 0.22113636 0.16265220 0.13613216 0.19963135 0.20560253 0.32661666 0.26366120 0.16065099 0.21163036 0.21332129 0.16136929 0.12636291 0.23312320 0.22603226 0.20396121 0.19600966 10.05105096 ) 0.03650052 0.02666593 0.02323162 0.02232212 0.02336092 0.02639651 0.02360353 0.02311931 0.12023663 0.02310335 0.02311355 0.03322262 0.06223612 0.02263222 0.02221932 0.05193229 0.03519605 0.13636332 0.06220239 0.02653310 0.02633553 0.02393521 0.02902322 0.03123029 0.02201666 0.02226996 0.02223660 0.02325966 0.02522503 0.03331356 0.03511253 0.02631335 0.02663266 0.03231366 0.02252336 0.65213931 ,ignifficance C C C C C C C C ns C C ns ns C C ns C ns ns C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C ns

An the phytocenosis of control plot Poaceae species have a mean participation inthe s1ard of /$2 %tab. /). 3ithin grasses, the species 1ith the highest "dm value is Festuca valesiaca 4. 10.02, follo1ed by Arrhenatherum elatius 4. +2 and Dactylis glomerata 4. 1.&2

The botanical families Cyperaceae Hi Juncaceae at this variant are not present. The family Fabaceae has a mean dominance in the s1ard of /1,. 2. "mong Fabaceae the highest dominance has Medicago falcata L. %*,& 2) follo1ed by rifolium pratense 4. %$2).

niversitatea !e tiine Agricole "i #e!icin $eterinar %a"i

"mong species from other botanical families: Centaurea !acea 4. 3ith a mean dominance of ..$ 2, Fragaria viridis L. cu o 1ith a mean coverage of ..- 2, "anunculus polynanthemus 4. Hi Cerastium pumilum 4. 3ith &.0 2 mean coverage, #ieracium baubinii 4. 1ith /.0 2 mean coverage.

The general coverage of the s1ard is *$ 2-1''2. :loristic diversity in the #1 is sho1n by index !hannon - 3iener of /.*., 1ith a maximal value of &.'. 1hich indicates an average diversity. "verage speceis number is &1, minimal /$, and maximal &0 species % tab. $).
&a0le 2

.loristic structure of plant association types in 2011 under the influence of organic inputs (/0 1hanon 2nde), 10number of species& economic grou)s )'-to!iversit>-)eraceae an! ot'er =oaceae <a0aceae 8E , Duncaceae s)ecies fertili+ation variants $aloare me!ie 26.5 36.1 0.3 35.1 2.65 23 $1 23 21.6 0.0 23 2.96 31 $2 26.3 33 0.0 36.9 2.99 29 $3 25 22 0.0 32 2.35 23 $2 31 30 0.0 39 2.36 26 $5 30 39 0.0 31 2.66 29 $6 33 35 0.0 32 2.36 30 $6 26 21 0.0 32 2.66 23 $3 22 26 0.3 29 2.32 26 $9 22 25 0.0 33 2.23 23

"fter determining the floristic composition of the meado1 that experiments 1ere conducted, the type determined is Festuca valesiaca !chleich. - Medicago falcata 4., 1hich is part of the type Festuca valesiaca !chleich.

specific set steppe zone %Lucra et al., 1*$-). This type is usually found in xerothermal-continental biotops flat land or moderately pitched ribs, sunny, dry soils, eubazice neutral-1ea9ly al9aline. %Lucra et al. 1*$-) %fig. $).

<igura 2 ,hytocoenosis (itness dominant fre3uency cur4e under the influence of organic inputs 5Legen!; <reFG ,)ecies freFuenc-, Logsum G Log in 0ase 10 to s)ecies freFuenc-, ,)ecies; Agropyron repens 5L.7, =.H G Agrorepe, Arrhenatherum elatius L., =resl. G Arrhelat Bromus inermis, Le-ss. G Hrominer, Dactylis glomerata L. G Aact glom, Festuca pratensis 8u!s. G <est)rat, Festuca valesiaca ,c'leic'. G <estvale, Koeleria macrantha 5L!0.7,c'ult. G Ioelmacr, Poa pratensis L. G =oa)rat, Lathyrus touberosus L. G Lat'tou0, Lotus corniculatus L. G Lotucorn, Medicago falcate L. G #e!ifalc, Medicago lupulina L. G #e!ilu)u, Trifolium pratense L. G &rif)rat, Trifolium repens L. &rifre)e, Trifolium montanum L. G &rifmont, Trigonella caerulea L. G &rigcaer, icia sativa L. G $icisati, icia tetrasperma 5L.7 #unc'. G $icitetr, !are" tomentosa L. G >aretome, !are" distans L. G >are!ist, !are" hirta L. G >are'irt, !are" preco"

Lucrri tiinifice vol. 56/2013, seria Agronomie DacF. G >are)rec, A#uga genevensis L. G AJuggene, Agrimonia euptoria L. G Agrieu)t, Achillea milefolium L. G Ac'imile, Achillea setacea Haumg. G Ac'iseta, Allium rotundum L. G Allirotu, !apsella bursa$pastoris L. G >a)s0urs, !ardaria draba L. G >ar!!ra0, !onvolvulus arvensis L. G >onvarve, !entaurea #acea L. G >entJace, !entaurea pannonica 58euff.7 8a-. G >ent)ann, !erastium pumilum >urt. G >era)umi, !haerophyllum bulbosum L. % >'ae0ul0, !ichorium intybus L. G >ic'int-, Daucus carota L. G Aauccaro, Dianthus caryophyllus L. G Aiancar-, &ryngium campestre L. G /r-ncam), &ryngium planum L. % /r-n)lan, &uphorbia agraria #.H. G /u)'agra, Fragaria viridis Auc'. G <ragviri, Filipendula vulgaris #. G <ilivulg, 'alium verum L. G Baliveru, 'alium mollugo L. G Balimoll, 'lechoma hederacea L. G Blec'e!e, (eracleum sphondylium L. G 8eras)'o, (ieracium bauhinii Hess. G 8ier0au', Knautia )itaibelii 5,c'ult.7 Hor0. G InauKita, Leontodon hispidus L. G Leon'is), Linaria vulgaris #ill. G Linavulg, Miosotis micranta =all. G #iosmicr, Plantago lanceolata L. G =lanlanc, Plantago media L. G =lanme!i, Potentilla anserina L. G =oteanse, Potentilla argentea L. G =otearge, Potentilla recta L. G =oterect, Potentilla reptans L. G =otere)t, *anunculus polynanthemos L. G @anu)ol-, *osa canina L. G @osacani, *ume" crispus L. G @umecris, +alvia nemorosa L. G ,alvnemo, +tellaria graminea L. G ,telgram, Tra"acum officinale :e0er. G &ragoffi, Tragopogon pratensis L. G &rag)rat, eronica arvensis L. G $eroarve, eronica chamaedris L. G $eroc'am7

An terms of freCuency of species in the 1itness phytocoenosis Festuca valesiaca !chleich. - Medicago falcata 4. besides dominant and codominant species there are other species 1ith a higher freCuency and coverage such as: Achillea setacea Daumg., Centaurea !acea 4% Fragaria

viridis Much.% rifolium pratense 4% &alium verum 4.% Arrhenatherum elatius 4.% Poa pratensis 4% Dactylis glomerata 4.% "anunculus polynanthemos 4. etc. and species 1ith a lo1er coverage and freCuency, such as: Plantago media 4. %fig. ').

<igura 3 'ur4e5dominant fre3uency phytocoenosis treatments (ithout (itness, 5<reFG ,)ecies freFuenc-, Logsum G Log in 0ase 10 to s)ecies freFuenc-, for s)ecies names see legen! from fig, -7

;omparing floristic composition of the 1itness 1ith the floristic composition of other variants appeared that certain species under the influence of organic fertilizers changes its dominance and freCuency. Thus, some species in the control sho1ed high coverage li9e the species: Festuca valesiaca !chleich. and Medicago falcata 4. currently are found in a lo1er percentage %fig. '). >ther species, such as species rifolium pratense 4. 1e observed that the freCuency has increased Cuite a lot and is classified as dominant species, 1hich is explained by the abundance of the most studied surveying. >ther species that change their dominance and freCuency are: Poa pratensis 4., Achillea setacea Daumg., Agropyron repens %4.), ?.D etc.

CONCLUSIONS "fter determining the floristic composition of the meado1 that experiments 1ere conducted, the type determined is Festuca valesiaca !chleich. - Medicago falcata 4. An the phytocenosis of control plot Poaceae species have a mean participation in the s1ard of /$2. "fter applying organic fertilizers the grassland type found in the control has changed, so species rifolium pratense 4. had a very high freCuency and dominance, being framed as the dominant species.

niversitatea !e tiine Agricole "i #e!icin $eterinar %a"i &'is *orK *as )u0lis'e! !uring t'e )roJect =?,A@ />==106/A#%1.5/,/66222, co1finance! 0- t'e /uro)ean ,ocial <un! t'roug' t'e ,ectorial ?)erational =rogramme for t'e 8uman @esources Aevelo)ment 200612013. 1pirescu, Principalele tipuri de pa#i/ti din *om0nia, A,A, %>=>= Hra"ov VCntu V>, -l> *oisuc, <h> *otc@, 2> +otar, 200 , >ultura )aJi"tilor "i a )lantelor furaJere, /!. L%on %onescu !e la Hra! M, %a"i 1amuil '>, Vintu V>, 2acob T>, 200# , %nfluence of mineral an! organic fertili+ation on t'e )ro!uctivit- of )ermanent grasslan! from forest ste))e in t'e nort'1eastern )art of @omania. =rocee!ing of t'e 12t' ,-m)osium of t'e /uro)ean Brasslan! <e!eration, ,e)tem0er, Bent, Helgium, %,H. 9639031100631, ). 1261 129. 1chnyder /ans, .riedhelm Taube, ?ohannes 2sselstein, 2010. <ore*or! of Brasslan! in a c'anging *orl!, &uropean 'rassland Federation, Iiel, Berman-

=riemle <>, +> 8ppermann> 2003. $on !er %!ee +um =rogramm; Aie <or!erung artenreic'en Brunlan!es in #/IA %%, Artenreic'es Brunlan!, erlag &ugen .lmer, ,tuttgart, )g. 26132 *ccune =>, <race ?>=> (2002& Anal-sis of /cological >ommunities. )).1321213. ,@curar .> and 2> +otar> 200 > #aintaining 0io!iversitan! incresing t'e )ro!uction of !r- matter on mountain mea!o*s, 'rassland +cience in &urope, vol.9, )g. 2161213 Aucra 2>, ->?> 6o4acs, '> +ou, '> 'iubotariu, T> 'hifu, *> 7eacu, '> =@rbulescu, V> 'ardaol, B> ,opo4ici, 7> 1mitea, <h> *otc@, 2> Bragu, *>

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