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Introduction of Case study Jose (age 4) is a child with low vision. He was a newcomer from Winnipeg moving to Toronto.

He had een in a child care center in Winnipeg. !oreover" Jose is an only child in a two#parent family. $n the other hand" oth of Jose%s parents are all newcomers to Toronto"they were loo&ing for some family supports services. !oreover" oth of them wor&" they do not have time to ta&e care their child.

Information of low vision 'ow vision is a term that refers to vision ()*+) or worse that cannot e fully corrected y glasses or contact lenses.( wi&ipedia). ,or e-ample" the normal vision is someone loo&ing at a standard eye chart from . feet away will see or ()*() vision sees from /0 feet away. low vision means that a person standing 1 feet from the eye chart will see the same thing as a person with 2normal2 vision from .) feet away. If someone2s sight is any worse than this" they are classified as lind.The symptoms of 'ow 3ision are loss of central vision "night lindness" loss of peripheral vision" lurred vision" ha4y vision. !oreover" there are many factors can cause of low vision" such as lac& of pigment" the a sence of the lens of the eye and lens of the eye ecoming cloudy or opa5ue. 6econdly" The partial or complete loss of vision has a negative impact on physical a ilities that re5uire visual control. (6erme7ev 8.3." /90)). The study of vision impairment

performed as part of the :ni5ue (/90;) pro7ect" showed that in relation to the general population of children" low vision children have considera ly lower speed" strength" fle-i ility" and cardiovascular endurance (6hort ,.6." Winnic& J.<." /90.). (http=***pdf*eur#)14#gr ovic#ale&sandra.pdf)

<lan ways

>ccording to this case" there are many ways to meet the children and family. ,irstly" we can provide some hand#held vision spectacle magnifiers in the classroom or at home.The hand#held spectacle magnifiers are very easy to use for children. Children can change oth the distance etween the magnifier and the o 7ect or te-t" and the distance etween the eye and the magnifier. The greater the distance etween the magnifier and the o 7ect or te-t" the higher the magnification will e. Thus" the child can choose the most suita le and comforta le viewing distance for each activity" depending on the si4e of the o 7ect or te-t. The hand#held vision spectacle magnifiers can not only using in reading time( oo&s" newspaper)" ut also can using in discovering time( plant " animals ). !oreover" we also can provide some small telescopes to let children to see the things at the distance. These can e in the

classroom" when children with low vision" it was really helpful to them to read the lac& oard. $n the other hand" if some centers do not have telescopes" they can seat child with low vision as close to the oard as practical" let children to choose a seat where they see the est" and provide a seating often necessary for children with

low vision.

6econdly" we can plan some trips for children with low vision. >ccording these trips" children can get more useful informations a out low vision" respected each other etween normal vision to low vision. ?uring the classroom" we can read some stories a out low vision. >fter reading" we can encourage children to discuss together. >ccording to discuss" the children will see that there was no difference etween the children with low vision and normal vision. This was very helpful to improve the children with low vision%s self#esteem and self#confident s&ill.

Thirdly" according to case study" we &now that Jose%s parents are newcomers to Toronto" also they are usy to wor&. !ay e" they do not have time to research some information a out low vision" some family support a out children with low vision. Therefore" creating some parent%s newsletter or wor&shops are very helpful for parents to understanding the low vision" such as information a out low vision" strategies of low vision and also provide some information a out family support program with low vision. 8y using these strategies" parents will have a good opportunity to ta&e care their children with low vision at home.

>ccording to the case study" we &nown that Jose%s parents are newcomers in Toronto and oth of them are usy to wor&" they do not have time to find some agencies in Toronto area. Therefore" the agency @6urrey <lace CentreA is very good for Jose%s parents. TheA6urrey <lace CentreA is an internationally

recogni4ed organi4ation" employing over ()) staff mem ers. It provides speciali4ed clinical services that are responsive to individual need and promote health and well# eing in the Toronto region. In additional" this agency is committed to supporting the social inclusion of people with developmental disa ilities and*or autism spectrum disorders. This agency help children and families living with developmental disa ilities and * or autism spectrum disorders reach their full potential. They offer a variety of groups and wor&shops for children" families and caregivers" and community agencies conducted e-tensive education and counseling services. ,or e-ample" in this agency" they have a program a out @'ow 3ision <rogramA (formally the $ntario ,oundation for 3isually Impaired Children).A'ow 3ision <rogramA will help families and caregivers to provide support for all the senses to optimi4e learning opportunities" such as @>ssessment of sensory functioning to determine the child%s primary learning channelA" Bvaluation of the child%s environments to develop

recommendations for optimi4ing the child%s learning opportunitiesA" 6upport to families and caregivers to promote healthy attachment and @social interactions" and Cuide parents in understanding their child%s sensory functioning and re5uired modifications to the environment to support learningA. !oreover" this program services children and their families living in Toronto" Halton" <eel" Dor& and ?urham Eegions. In additional" Eeferrals for service must e received through Eegional 8lindF'ow 3ision <rogram 'ead >gencies= ,amilies living in Toronto # Toronto <u lic Health # 4/..110.0(;;.

Through this assignment, I learned many informations about children with special needs. According to the study case, I learned the information about low vision, such as cause of low vision, symptoms of low vision. In additional, I gained a lot of ways to meet the needs of children with low vision in the child care center. For example, provide hand-held spectacle magnifiers in the center, seat the child with low vision as close to the board and provide some parentss newsletter or workshop to help parents get a better way to take care their children. Moreover, I also know that there are many agencies around Toronto to provide services to children with special needs. As before, I never pay attention to these kinds of agencies. The strength to me, according to this assignment, I can get a better way to teach the children with special needs. Because during in my placement, I have one child who has special needs. Although, he was not a low vision, but I still can use some strategies to him. uch as give his parents some newsletter about special needs, create some workshops. As before, I did not get more information about special needs. Therefore, I have no idea to teach him. The challenge of this assignment to me is too hard to do the !uestion. "ue to my #nglish barrier, some parts of !uestions I could not understand and confused. It cost me a lot of time to thinking and understanding. The other one is hard to research the agency. I reali$ed that there are many agencies in the Toronto. But some are agencies were not very good for %oses parents. They did not provide some special needs

programs in the center. &ast but not least, if I did the same assignment in the future, I will take more ways to research the information about special needs and to be use in my teaching area in the future. In additional, this assignment was very helpful for me to be a teacher in 'anada or other counties. Because of to be a #'#, we should understand the full range of the needs of each child, including special children.

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