Position Paper Senegal

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$ Country: The Republic of Senegal Committee: Historical General Assembly Name: Nicole Prez University: Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello- Guayana Topic: The Genocide in Rwanda The decolonization wave at the end of World War II brought to the African continent a glimpse of hope, freedom and progress, which was fairly idealized. Since our independence, African States have suffered by the stigma of domestic conflicts in which ethnic intolerance has stood out as a common factor among our people. In the case of Rwanda we find clashes between the Government of Rwanda and the Rwanda Patriotic Front. In Senegal our struggle remains with the Casamance movement, although the severities of both conflicts are different, the roots are certainly alike. The delegation of Senegal as a member of the Organization of African Unity supported the negotiations held by the Government of Rwanda and the Rwandan Patriotic Front during the creation and signing of The Arusha Accords, in an attempt to end with the hostilities and bring an everlasting peace to the Region of Lakes. Committed to assist the implementation of the Arusha Accords, The Republic of Senegal has contributed actively by sending troops to the Peacekeeping Operation UNAMIR established by the Security Council Resolution 872 (1993). Nevertheless we have seen with grave concern how violence has rapidly escalated in Rwanda since April 6th, sharing the feelings of shock and outrage along with the people from Rwanda and Burundi after the assassination of both the Presidents Juvnal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamir and standing indignant by the following murders of Prime Minister Uwilingiyimana, Rwandan civilians and Belgian soldiers. The current widespread killings in Rwanda accounts for approximately tens of thousand victims. The magnitude of this tragedy should alarm the International Community of the possibility to be witnessing a Genocide, and the promise stated in the article 1.1 of the UN Charter to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace. We are called to carry all necessary means in order to protect the human integrity of the Rwandan population and rebuild stability in the African country. The delegation of Senegal believes important for this General Assembly to take note of

the Secretary Generals Special Report on United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda S/1994/470 issued on April 20st to the Security Council, focusing the attention on the proposed options in terms of UNAMIRs mandate modification and urge the Security Council to act according alternative I, reinforcing and expanding the mandate of UNAMIR allowing it to execute a peace enforcement mission, including the recommendation of increasing the number of troops; in this matter, Senegal commends African countries to be the main contributors in order to provide a rapid response and deployment. Senegal would also supports this General Assembly to suggest to the Security Council the establishment of an arms embargo in Rwanda with the aim to prevent the delivery of weapons of all types. Including a monitoring group capable of supervising its correct implementation and report in case of violations. Highlighting the crucial roll of Humanitarian Aid during this precarious situation. The Senegalese delegation would also like to propose a coordinated approach between UN Specialized agencies, NGOS and UNAMIR in order to boost efforts, stretch the communication, and determine priorities and amount of funding by each agency for addressing the needs of the most vulnerable. Lastly, we consider the best way to efficiently confront such a critical situation demands the implementation of a Triangle strategy with a comprehensive synchronization of efforts between The United Nations, Organization of African Unity and NGOS. Rwandas crisis needs to be comprehended in it deeper roots, and we ought to see beyond the massacre itself in order to achieve a tangible social reconstruction. Confidents in the political will of all international actors towards a soon and constructive resolution of the Rwandan Crisis, we would like to send a message of an urgent view of conciliation and pacification to all the parts involved in the conflict, and confidence, whereas justice, if the international community and Rwandan people are pledged to, will come as it always do.

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