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Alignment: Evil Army Special Rules

All units are Terrifying. Terrifying Daemons are horrifying in appearance, evoking abject terror in mortal minds. The mere sight of the creatures can be enough to send even the most battle hardened warrior running in fear. When testing the Nerve of enemy units that do not themselves possess the 'Terrifying' rule, the Daemon player may add +1 to the roll. However, this onus !annot e used if it would !ause the enemy unit to "out. Shatter Spirit (n) Those that choose to stand against daemonic armies are assaulted body, mind and soul subject to wicked spells of domination, or haunted by harrowing illusions. The unit has a ranged atta!#, that !an target units in melee. $ou roll %n& di!e for this ranged atta!# rather than using the Atta!#s value of the unit. This atta!# has a range of 1'(, and always hits on a )+. *or every hit infli!ted, you may add +1 to any Nerve tests against the target unit for the remainder of the !urrent turn Daemon Lord (x) The greatest Daemon Lords rarely appear on the battlefield, but on those occasions they lead mighty armies that threaten the foundations of civilisation. $ou only gain a!!ess to the Hero y having a 'solid' unit of the spe!ified type. Additionally, the Hero may only e ta#en on!e per army.

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

nit Si!e Troop %1,& "egiment %',& Sp Me .+ .+ "a / / De )+ )+ #t 1, 1,

Infantry $e %ts 1101. 1,, 1)011 1'-

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength ) * 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts&

nit Si!e Troop %1,& "egiment %',& Spe&ial Terrifying 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts& Sp 1 1 Me .+ .+ "a / / De )+ )+ #t 11-

Infantry $e %ts 1101. 111)011 1-,

%estilent (uard
nit Si!e Troop %1,& "egiment %',& Sp ) ) Me )+ )+ "a / / De -+ -+ #t 1, 1,

Infantry $e %ts 1101. 41)011 1'-

Spe&ial Terrifying, +egeneration. 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts&

)ormless 'nes
nit Si!e Troop %1,& "egiment %',& Spe&ial Terrifying, ,ap )-* 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts& Sp Me -+ -+ "a / / De )+ )+ #t 1, 1,

Infantry $e %ts 1101. 41)011 1.,

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

)ormless %yroman&ers
nit Si!e Troop %1,& "egiment %',& Sp Me -+ -+ "a )+ )+ De )+ )+ #t 1, 1,

Infantry $e %ts 1101. 1'1)011 11-

Spe&ial Terrifying, .iercing ) *

#byssal *arpies
nit Si!e Troop %-& "egiment %1,& Spe&ial Terrifying, /ly Sp 1, 1, Me )+ )+ "a / / De .+ .+ #t 1,

Infantry $e %ts 1,01' -, 1101. 4,

nit Si!e 1 Troop %.& "egiment %1& Spe&ial Terrifying Sp 1 1 1 Me .+ .+ .+ "a / / / De )+ )+ )+

Large Infantry #t $e %ts ) 1101. -1' 1.01- 1., ') 1)011 '1,

%estilent S+arms
nit Si!e 1 Troop %.& "egiment %1& Spe&ial Terrifying Sp ) ) ) Me -+ -+ -+ "a / / / De .+ .+ .+

Large Infantry #t $e %ts 5011 .11,01. 5., 1.011 1--

%lague Mollus&s
nit Si!e 1 Troop %.& "egiment %1& Sp ) ) ) Me )+ )+ )+ "a / / / De -+ -+ -+

Large Infantry #t $e %ts . 1101. ), 4 1.01- 1,, 15 1)011 14,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength ) *, +egeneration

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

#byssal Warhounds
nit Si!e Troop %-& "egiment %1,& Sp 5 5 Me .+ .+ "a / / De )+ )+ #t 5 11

Ca,alry $e %ts 1101. 61)011 1),

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength ) *

#byssal *untresses
nit Si!e Troop %-& "egiment %1,& Spe&ial Terrifying 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts& Sp 1, 1, Me .+ .+ "a / / De )+ )+ #t 4 15

Ca,alry $e %ts 1101. 51)011 1),

Infernal -ehemoths
nit Si!e 1 Troop %.& "egiment %1& Sp 6 6 6 Me .+ .+ .+ "a / / / De -+ -+ -+

Large Ca,alry #t $e %ts . 1101. 5, 4 1.01- 1615 11015 .,,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )%* 'ptions 2anner %+1-pts& 3usi!ian %+1,pts&

nit Si!e 1 Troop %.& "egiment %1& Spe&ial Terrifying, /ly Sp 1, 1, 1, Me )+ )+ )+ "a / / / De )+ )+ )+ #t . . .

Large Ca,alry $e %ts 4011 '1101. 11)011 1)-

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

Lord of War
nit Si!e 1 Sp 1, Me .+ "a / De 1+ #t 5

*ero $e %ts 16014 .6-

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )0*, 1nspiring, /ly, Daemon Lord )2arseekers*

Su&&ubus .ueen
nit Si!e 1 Sp 6 Me .+ "a / De -+ #t 1,

*ero $e %ts 16014 .1,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )%*, ,ap3 )4* (hatter (pirit )4*, 1nspiring, Daemon Lord )(uccubi*

%estilent #bomination
nit Si!e 1 Sp ) Me )+ "a / De 1+ #t -

*ero $e %ts 16014 ..,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )%*, 5eal )4*, 6reath 7ttack ) #*, (hatter (pirit ) *, +egeneration, 1nspiring, Daemon Lord ).estilent 8uard*

)ormless ',erlord
nit Si!e 1 Sp 1, Me -+ "a / De -+ #t .

*ero $e %ts 16014 .6,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )%*, ,ap3 )-*, (hatter (pirit ) *, 1nspiring, /ly, Daemon Lord )/ormless 9nes*

#s&ended #r&hfiend
nit Si!e 1 Sp 1, Me .+ "a / De -+ #t $e 16014

*ero %ts .,,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength )%*, (hatter (pirit ) *, 1nspiring, /ly 'ptions 7an have one of the following+ 8igil of 2attle, gaining 'rushing (trength )4* %+'-pts& 8igil of Dominion, gaining (hatter (pirit )%* %+'-pts& 8igil of 9lague, gaining +egeneration %+'-pts& 8igil of 8or!ery, gaining ,ap3 )4* %+'-pts&

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

nholy Champion
nit Si!e 1 Sp Me .+ "a / De -+ #t .

*ero $e %ts 1101. 1,

Spe&ial Terrifying, 'rushing (trength ) *, (hatter (pirit ) *, 1ndividual 'ptions 7an have one of the following+ 8igil of 2attle, gaining 'rushing (trength )%* %+'-pts& 8igil of Dominion, gaining (hatter (pirit )%* %+'-pts& 8igil of 9lague, gaining +egeneration %+'-pts& 8igil of 8or!ery, gaining ,ap3 )4* %+'-pts&

#byssal -east
nit Si!e 1 Spe&ial Terrifying Sp Me 'D1: -+ "a / De )+

Monster #t $e %ts D1:: 140', -,

:"oll for the 8peed value at the eginning of the 3ove phase. ::"oll for the num er of Atta!#s every time you resolve a melee.

6ased on the :ings of 2ar ruleset written by Alessio Cavatore Daemons list written by MalusCalibur

Written y+ MalusCalibur [Last updated !"#$"%# %&

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