HRM Old Final Paper

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PROGRAMME: INTAKE: DURATION: EXAMINER: Diploma in Advanced Management January 2007 3 Hours TOTAL MARKS: 100 Mrs L Naidoo MODERATOR: Mrs L Imandin INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATE:
1. Questions must be attempted in the answer book provided. 2. All queries should be directed to the invigilator; do not communicate or attempt to communicate with any other candidate. 3. You have THREE HOURS to complete this paper. You are not allowed to leave the examination room within the first hour and in the last 15 minutes of this examination. 4. This is a CLOSED BOOK examination. 5. Answer ALL questions.

Question One Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False. 1.1


Affirmative action is aimed at redressing the inequalities that exist within the workplace as a result of past discriminatory practices.


Employers organizations are a formal association of a number of employers that advise, represent and defend the interest of their members both with trade unions and the government.

1.3 1.4

Confidentiality is not an important factor in medical testing of employees. Probationary employees are only employed on a daily basis and for a limited number of days.

1.5 1.6

Induction is the process of attracting the most suitable candidate for a specific position. Career planning is a process of analyzing an individuals situation, specifying his or her career goals and finding ways to realize these goals.


A bargaining council is established in terms of the Labour Relations Act in order to attend to the interest of the trade unions and employers in a certain sector of industry.


Picketing refers to the negotiation process between two parties with the assistance of a third party.


A shop steward is a member of the trade union who is elected to represent employees in the workplace.


The Public Finance and Monetary policy chamber is one of the four chambers of NEDLAC. (10)

Question Two Define each of the following terms: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Personnel Management Manpower Planning Employment Equity Strike Dispute of interest

(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (20) (10) (10)

Question Three 3.1 3.2 Explain the effects of labour turnover in an organization. Discuss the factors that contribute to a stable workforce.

Question Four 4.1 4.2 Describe the steps to be followed when drawing up a job description.

(20) (10)

Every employee who is appointed in an organization must be issued a Contract of Employment. What information must be included in the contract? (10)

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Question Five 5.1 5.2 Explain the problems associated with training in an organization. Off-the-job training is undertaken away from the learners work environment. Explain the different methods used in off-the-job training. Question Six 6.1 Organisations are constantly affected by the environment in which they operate. Discuss the following macro-environmental factors that influence labour relations: 6.1.1 Economic Environment 6.1.2 Social Environment 6.1.3 Technological environment

(20) (8)

(12) (20)



Discuss the differences between Pluralism and Unitarism in labour relations.



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