Wi Lliam M Lee E'S P Paren NTN Ewsl Ette Er: A L ' A T

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William m Lee es Paren P nt Newslette er

Apr ril 14, 2014 2 Week W 37 7

DidYo ouKnow wYourChilds Sch hoolAtt tendanc ceis R Required dbyLaw w?

D Didyouknow wthatyourc childisentitle edtoapublic e education?A sprincipal,Iwanttoinfo ormparentsof y yourrespons sibilityregardingschoola attendance. A Aparent/gua ardiansresp ponsibilityun nderthelawis t tobringtheir rchildtoschoolontime,everyday. T Truancyisag gainstthelaw w.Mostpare ents/guardia ans a atWilliamLe eeCollegePrepupholdth heir r responsibility yregardings schoolattend dance,but s somedonot. Hereareso omethingsyo oushould k knowabouts schoolattend dance:

Scho oolAttendance e Re eviewTeams T to t Meetwith Pa arentsof o Trua antStud dents

AtWilli iamLeeColle egePrep,we etakeourres sponsibility toprev ventelementa aryschooltr ruancyseriou usly.To ensurethatwearet takingevery ystepwecan ntoinform softheirresp ponsibilityfo orschoolatte endance,we parents willhol ldaSchoolA AttendanceReviewTeam(SART)for parents s/guardiansofstudentsw whoarehabi itually truant,chronicallyt truantorchr ronicallyabsent.The istoimprove eschoolatten ndanceby purposeofaSARTi understandin ngwhyapar rent/guardia anisnot betteru bringin ngtheirchildtoschoolregularlyoron ntimeand ensurin ngparentsun nderstandth heirresponsib bilities. owthattrua ancyhasane egativeimpa acton Wekno childre enbecauseth heymissoutonthelearninggoing oninclasswhenthe eyarelate,le eaveearlyor rmiss altogether.W Weknowtha atitspoilstheschool schoola culturewhenabsen nteeismorpu ullingchildre enoutof arlybecomes sthenorm.W Weknowtha atchildren classea misstheirclassmateswhenthey yarenother re. hataretheconsequence c esoftruancy yfor But,wh parents ts? areaparent/ /guardianwh hosechildishabitually Ifyoua orchro onicallytruan nt,youarepu uttingyourse elfatriskof facings seriousconse equencesinc cluding: Referraltot theDistrictA Attorneyforp prosecution Jailtime Fines Lossofpubl licassistance e ParoleViola ation Eachm month,theSac cramentoDis strictAttorneysOffice holdsT TruancyCour rttohearcas sesinvolving gtheparents ofstude entsingrade esK8.Pleas sedoyourpa artto preven ntelementar ryschooltru uancy.

KeyTerms: K T Truancy :InC California,astudentistruantifhe/sh he isabsentort tardybymor rethan30mi inuteswithout a avalidexcuse eon3occasi ionsinascho oolyear. H Habitual Tru uancy:Astudentishabit tuallytruantif h he/sheisabs sentwithoutavalidexcus sefor5days s d duringascho oolyear. C Chronic Truancy:Astud dentischronicallytruantif h he/sheisabs sentwithoutavalidexcus seforatleast 1 10%ofthesc choolyear. C Chronic Absence:InCali ifornia,chron nicabsencei is t typicallydefi nedasbeing gabsentfora anyreason ( (excusedoru unexcused)f foratleast10 0%ofthe s schoolyear.T Thus,ina175180daysc choolyear,a a s studentwho aysofschool lormoreis misses18da c chronicallya bsent.

W William Lee Colleg ge Prep 3300 Stoc ckton Blvd Sacram mento, CA 95820 Phone: P 916-273-10 030 williamleecoll legeprep.org


William Lees Parent Newsletter

Page 2

April 30th is Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day. Have you made plans?

April is College Month at WLCP!
Mark your calendar for your childs college visit. Only scholars with permission slips and positive behavior will be permitted to attend college field lessons.

Upcoming College Visits:

2nd & 3rd Grade April 17th CSU Stanislaus 4th & 5th Grade April 23rd Stanford

Dates to remember
Smarter Balanced Field Test Grades 3-5 April 28th May 16th School Site Council Elections April 18th Playground Build May 3rd

Enrollment Meetings April 17th & May 1st 5:30PM 6:30PM Kindergarten Open House April 24th & May 8th 9:15AM 10:30AM

Tell a Friend about William Lee College Prep Open Enrollment!

William Lee College Prep 3300 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95820 Phone: 916-273-1030 williamleecollegeprep.org

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