Department of Education

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Department of Education

Two positions as research fellow i(SKO 1017) vacant at the Department of Education within one of the research groups

Education and Societ! "igher Education #nstitutional d!namics and Knowledge $ultures ("E#K) "uman Diversit! in Education ("%&D#'Ed) "umanit! Studies in (edagog! ("%&ST%D) #nter&edia) *earning and $ommunication with Digital Knowledge +epresentations *earning at ,or- (./*K) Te0t comprehension Development1 #nstruction and &ultiple Te0ts (Te0tD#&) Trans/ction ) *earning1 Knowing and #dentit! in the #nformation Societ!

#nterested applicants should contact the leader of the relevant research group2 3iven well 4ualified applicants one of the positions will 5e dedicated to the research group ./*K2 (ositions as research fellows are fi0ed)term educational posts where the aim is that the research fellow completes a doctoral degree ((hD) during the period of emplo!ment2 / prere4uisite for the emplo!ment is admission to the .acult!s doctoral degree programme1 and applicants formal and other 4ualifications for admission will therefore also 5e assessed2 +esearch fellowship positions are defined as recruitment posts and represent an important instrument in the sectors wor- of generating 4ualified applicants for other academic posts at universities and universit! colleges in the long)term perspective2 The doctoral candidate is e0pected to participate activel! in the organi6ed research training and in the .acult!s research communit!2 The appointment is made for a period of up to four !ears (789 of which is devoted to re4uired duties1 usuall! in the form of teaching activities)2 The appointment can have a more limited scope within the framewor- of the applica5le guidelines on account of an! previous emplo!ment in academic positions2 ,e refer also to 3uidelines concerning appointment to post doctoral and research posts at the %niversit! of Oslo2 Qualification requirements /pplicants must satisf! the re4uirements for admission to the .acult!s (hD programme2 This normall! includes

Successful completion of a &asters degree programme or similar higher education programme in the su5:ect area in 4uestion or in another relevant su5:ect area2 &inimum ; grade or e4uivalent for the &asters degree (E$TS grading scale)2

.urther information on admission re4uirements and an application form can 5e found at this we5site2 #n the assessment of applications1 emphasis will 5e put on

The applicants academic aptitude for completing the research training programme2 The pro:ect description1 which must 5e su5mitted with the application2 The applicants personal suita5ilit! and motivation for the post1 including his<her a5ilit! to colla5orate and to form part of a cross)disciplinar! academic communit!2 Other 4ualifications that meet the o5:ectives which form the 5asis of this t!pe of post2

3ood English language s-ills are also re4uired2 Application procedure The application must 5e su5mitted electronicall! and must include the following

*etter of application (ro:ect description (cf2 3uidance)2 $ompleted application form for admission to the doctoral degree programme $ertified copies of diplomas1 grade transcripts and an! other testimonials #n the event of diplomas from other countries printouts of prospectuses or similar that descri5e the content and framewor- of the courses of stud! on which the application is 5ased2 &asters thesis and an! other academic wor-s that ma! 5e of relevance to the application2 $' that also includes an overview of an! previousl! pu5lished academic<scientific wor-s2

/pplicants from countries outside the =ordic countries where English is not the official language must attach a TOE.* test with a minimum score of 880 unless the! have a diploma from a universit! in an English)spea-ing countr!2 #ncomplete applications will in normal circumstances not 5e assessed2 /s a rule1 interviews will 5e conducted as part of the appointment process2 /t the interview the applicant will 5e as-ed to present original diplomas and grade transcripts from previous courses of stud!2 We offer

Salar! in line with pa! grades 80 87 (=OK >71 100 >7? >00 per annum)2 +esearch fellows are normall! allocated pa! grade 80 on appointment2 / positive and challenging wor-ing environment (ension arrangements in the =orwegian (u5lic Service (ension .und / position in an inclusive wor-ing life enterprise /ttractive welfare arrangements

The %niversit! of Oslo has an /c4uisition of +ights /greement for all emplo!ees for the purpose of securing intellectual propert! rights to research results etc2 (ursuant to section 781 paragraph 7 of the =orwegian .reedom of #nformation /ct1 information a5out the applicant ma! 5e included in the pu5lic applicant list even though the applicant has re4uested non)disclosure2 The %niversit! of Oslo also aims to recruit more individuals with an immigrant 5ac-ground to academic positions2 $andidates with an immigrant 5ac-ground are encouraged to appl!2 Kategori 1 %tdanning < %ndervisning < .ors-ning (rofessorat < Stipendiat

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