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ER" 2##$ %ohanne&'urg" RS( Thi& infor)ation )a* 'e &hared +ith other &ource& on &trict condition& that no infor)ation i& altered or deleted and the &ource of the infor)ation 'e ac, lea&e note that reading thi& infor)ation +ill ha.e an effect on *ou- 0ou +ill energeticall* 'e lin,ed +ith the Channeling 'eing and a &i)ilar 1roce&& faciltated +ith *ou- It i& not e2actl* the &a)e a& 'eing in the 1re&ence of the channeling Ma&ter" the effect& are 3u&t a& 1o+erful- Do not concern *our&elf too )uch regarding ti)e line& gi.en to the 1artici1ant& in the channeling- 0ou +ill 'e ta,en through a &i)ilar one in accordance +ith *our Di.ine lan"Ti)ing 4 ur1o&eI a) Kuthu)i and I co)e for+ard u1on the ra*& of lo.e and +i&do) to greet each of *ou at thi& ti)e and to 'ring unto *ou the 'le&&ing& of har)on*" of a'undance" of 1eace" and of .italit*- 5reeting&" !elo.ed One&5reeting&" Lord Kuthu)i(nd it i& +ith great 3o* and 1lea&ure in our heart& that +e )a* gather +ith each of *ou u1on thi& da* a& +e hold *ou fir)l* +ithin the heart of Chri&t and &ecurel* u1on the hand& of 5od!elo.ed one&" a& +e &tand in the 1re&ence of all that i&" +e dra+ *our energ* into the &un te)1le of the Chri&ted con&ciou&ne&&" and co)e together in cele'ration of *our S1ring Sol&tice- Thi& i& a ti)e +hen energ* i& rene+ed and *ou undergo a .er* dee1 tran&for)ation a& *ou 1a&& through the la&t 1ha&e of the inner +orld of &elf di&* and intro&1ection" and ri&e into the light of a ne+ c*cle to )eet the &un" and the ne+ o11ortunitie& life 1re&ent& *ou +ith- The rene+ed energ* of &1ringti)e i& one that can 'ring +ith it highl* .olatile energie&6 the rea&on 'eing for the &outhern he)i&1here &1ecificall*" *our &1ring ti)e fall& in the )onth of Se1te)'er +hich in it&elf i& a ti)e of great change" one in +hich *ou are undergoing the &hift of con&ciou&ne&& that *ou ha.e 'een +or,ing through fro) the )onth of %anuar* and a& *ou &te1 into the .i'ration of Se1te)'er *ou 'egin dro11ing that +hich *ou ha.e 3ourne*ed through for the 1a&t 7 )onth&- Se1te)'er i& *our la'our )onth &o to &1ea," the ti)e +hen *ou feel the di&co)fort of the contraction& that 'ring a'out the &hedding of the old +a*&" 1re1aring for the rene+ed energ* to 'e 'orn into the ne+ +orld *ou ha.e created for *our&elfIt i& the ti)e of ending& and ne+ 'eginning&" therefore )an* of *ou )a* 'e finding *our&elf &+i))ing through rough &ea&" and dou'ting at ti)e& if *ou +ill find the &hore or cal)er +ater& again- Ha.e faith" 'elo.ed one&" for it i& 'efore *ou0ou ha.e co)e to integrate the light of the Solar Con&ciou&ne&& lan of Rene+ed Life- Thi& i& the ti)e +hen the Solar Ma&ter& gather together +ith Lord Ra in the Solar Te)1le and

'ring forth the ne+ .i'ration& +hich in&1ire each 1er&on to a+a,en to the da+ning of a ne+ da*" and e)'race the 1o+er and light re&ident +ithin each 1er&on" &o a& to e)'ar, u1on a ne+ 1ha&e of life and 1ur1o&e- The &olar con&ciou&ne&& 1lan i& lin,ed to *our &un cha,ra- Thi& i& the cha,ra located 'et+een *our 'a&e and &acral cha,ra- Thi& cha,ra enhance& the .i'ration& of in&1iration that )oti.ate *our creati.e force- (& *ou anchor thi& 1lan in *our energ* field and *our cha,ric &*&te) u1on thi& da* *ou &et in )otion a ne+ 1lan a& +ell a& furthering the acti.ation of dor)ant D8(- The con&ciou&ne&& re&ident +ithin dor)ant D8( e)'odie& 1o+er 'e*ond *our current con&ciou&ne&&9 a'ilit* to i)agine- The choice to e)'ar, u1on the 1ath of &elf di&* in it&elf initiate& acti.ation& of dor)ant energ* +hich 'ring to the fore +hat i& 1ercei.ed a& latent talent& a& +ell a& &urge& of energ* that 1re.iou&l* *ou +ere not accu&to)ed to e21eriencing" therefore 'e 1re1ared 'elo.ed one& to e21erience an increa&e of energ*" including )ental and 1h*&ical*" and .italit*- :hat *ou do +ith thi& energ* i& .ital" for if *ou do not gi.e it an a.enue of e21re&&ion 'elo.ed one&" it +ill cau&e di&har)on* in *our 1h*&ical 'od* re&ulting in feeling& of agitation" irritation and fru&tration- (n* creati.e force not e21re&&ed 'eco)e& a &elf de&tructi.e energ*- Thi& i& the )ain rea&on +h* +e" the )a&ter& of light" encourage each of *ou to indulge in creati.e* for it gi.e& *our &*&te) an a.enue of e21re&&ion- :hen one contain& energ* )eant to 'e e21re&&ed one create& an internal eru1tion +hich i& de&tructi.e rather than creati.e- 0our inherent 'lue1rint re;uire& creati.e e21re&&ion- (ll of *ou ha.e 'een created in the i)age of <ather=Mother 5od" the greate&t creator& of all ti)e- !ecau&e *ou are an i)age of thi& )ight* creati.e force" there i& no a.oiding *our creati.e need- 0ou +ill find a& the ne+ energ* continue& to 'e integrated the )onth& and *ear& that lie 'efore *ou"* +ill 'eco)e one of the )o&t i)1ortant acti.itie& of *our dail* life- :ithout the creati.e e21re&&ion a& 1art of *our regi)e *ou +ill e21erience a &en&e of li)itation" irritation and fru&tration" a& I ha.e alread* )entioned- (ll of *ou here toda*" and tho&e +ho +ill co)e to read the&e +ord& or hear the&e +ord& again" are the grounding )echani&)& for the ne+ te)1late& of creati.e energ*- 0our +orld +ill 'e &+e1t a+a* '* thi& ne+ force- It i& not a de&tructi.e force- It i& not one that +ill re)o.e 1eo1le fro) the 1lanet- :hat it +ill do i& re)o.e 1eo1le fro) their &en&e of i&olation" the feeling of &tagnation and the &en&e of 'eing in a &tate of &u&1ended ani)ation- 0ou +ill co)e to e21erience the ,i&& of life that co)e& +ith the ne+ &urge of energ*" ,no+n a&*Thi& energ* +ill a+a,en +ithin *ou *our 1ro&1erit* con&ciou&ne&& and +ill acti.ate the di.ine con&ciou&ne&& of acce1tance in&ide of *ou +hich trigger& the acce1tance of the affir)ation of truth- Thi& affir)ation of truth i& acce1ting *our di.ine right to 'e on earth and to )anife&t *our need& a& )et" *our di.ine right to 'e acce1ted and to acce1t di.ine a'undance- !elo.ed one&" *ou ha.e all reached a ti)e in *our 1er&onal a+a,ening a& a &oul on the 1lanet of higher learning +here no+ *ou )u&t e)'race 1ro&1erit* con&ciou&ne&& and acti.el* integrate the con&ciou&ne&& of a'undance- 0our +orld i& ) into eigth di)en&ional con&ciou&ne&&- The .i'ration of +hich i& a'undance" and unli)ited in it& e21re&&ion- 0our re&1on&i'ilit* a& co= creator& co)e& under the &1ot light" for *ou +ill 'e &ho+n the 1o+er a& a co=creator inherent +ithin *ou- 0ou +ill +itne&& ho+ *our thought&" *our conditioning&" and *our )ind deter)ine the ;ualit* of the a'undance *ou create- Therefore ,no+ thi&" &hould *ou choo&e to focu& on* ,no+ *ou +ill create it in a'undance" for *ou focu& on +ill co)e to *ou in a'undance- 0ou +ill &ee that +hat *ou are +ithin +ill 'e reflected in the +orld around *ou" therefore change *ou de&ire to &ee in *our +orld *ou )u&t 'eco)e in order for it to co)e to life- (nd thi&" 'elo.ed one&" i& the Solar Con&ciou&ne&& lan of Rene+ed Life- 0ou 'ring the 1lan to life" for *ou are the encoder& of thi& di.ine 1lan for the 1h*&ical +orld *ou are a 1art of-

re&ent +ith *ou in thi& 1lace no+ are the Solar Lord& of Light- (rchangel Michael and facilitate& thi& 1articular acti.ation along&ide Lord Ra- I a&, each of *ou no+ to clo&e *our e*e& and to hold *our concentration on the 1oint 'et+een *our 'a&e and &acral cha,ra&Thi& i& *our &un cha,ra- I)agine that area of *our 'od* gro+ing +ar) +ith the &olar energ* of <ather=Mother 5od" 'eginning to acti.ate it&elf in *our 1h*&icalit*- If *ou cannot 1h*&icall* feel it" i)agine +hat it +ould feel li,e- Ta,e a dee1 'reath in through *our no&e" and e2hale through *our )outh" rela2ing *our 'od* and 'eco)ing a+are of ho+ *ou feel 1h*&icall*- Continue to 'reathe in dee1l* through *our no&e" e2haling through *our )outh" and allo+ing all the )u&cle& in *our 'od* to rela2 and 'eco)e &oft- In *our )ind call u1on the 1re&ence of <ather=Mother 5od6 a&, that thi& 1re&ence &urround& all *our 'odie&- Call u1on *our Ma&ter 5uide 9 it )atter& not +hether *ou ,no+ thi& 'eing9& na)e or not- Call u1on all the Lord& and Ladie& of Lo.e and Light +ho guide *ou and +or, +ith *ou" and through *ou- Call u1on an* other !eing of Light +ho) *ou ha.e a clo&e relation&hi1 +ith(&, (rchangel Michael to )erge hi& energ* +ith *our&- (&, Lord Ra to )erge hi& energ* +ith *our&- (nd a&, the Solar Lord& of Light to )erge their energ* +ith *our&- 8o+ i)agine *our&elf &tanding in the centre of a great 'ig &un- The &un i& a force of light" a &ource of* and energ*- <eel the &un +ar) *ou and in&1ire *ou- (c,no+ledge that thi& 'od* of light ha& no intention to har) *ou in an* +a* +hat& It i& one +ith *ou" for it i& reflected +ithin *our 'eing- Thi& i& +hat *ou no+ ,no+ a& *our &un cha,ra:hile &tanding in the centre of thi& 'od* of light ta,e a )o)ent to reflect on *our 1a&t and ho+ *ou ha.e utili/ed* to )anife&t &olution& or find an&+er& to ;ue&tion& that ha.e 'een 1re&&ing u1on *our heart and )ind- It i& .ital to 'ear in )ind that* i& an* force of energ* that )anife&t& life-* i& not li)ited to the art of dra+ing" 1ainting or &cul1ting- It i& not li)ited to &e+ing" or to for e2a)1le- (n* energ* that gi.e& life i& creati.eThe Solar Lord& a&, *ou to no+ ta,e *our attention and focu& on +hat *ou 1ercei.e a& 'eing a creati.e talent or gift- (ll of *ou ha.e &o)e ,ind of creati.e talent- Re)e)'er not to li)it *our 1erce1tion of*- The Solar Lord& no+ a&, *ou if *ou +i&h to focu& on &trengthening thi& creati.e talent or if *ou +i&h to gi.e 'irth to a latent talent" and if &o" +hat i& *our choice- 8o+ i)agine *our&elf utili/ing *our enhanced creati.e a'ilit* or the re.i.ed creati.e a'ilit*- See it gro+ing +ithin *ou- I)agine it 'ringing an&+er& to *our ;ue&tion&- See it& force 'rea,ing through +all& of defen&e- I)agine it di&)antling fence& of li)itation- Ta,e a dee1 'reath in through *our no&e and ta,e thi& creati.e energ* and )o.e it into *our &un cha,ra- (& *ou continue to 'reathe in dee1l* and e2hale full* i)agine thi& creati.e 1o+er gro+ing in &trength a& it 'eco)e& one +ith the fi're& of *our &un cha,ra- I)agine *our )ind" *our 'od* and *our e)otion& 'eco)ing &tronger" )ore centred and )ore ali.e a& thi& creati.e 1re&ence 'egin& a +a.e of .i'ration through *our 'od*- I)agine thi& +a.e of energ* di&)antling the old li)ited 1rogra)& of conditioning tra11ed +ithin *our &el.e&- I)agine *our cell rece1tor& re&1onding to thi& creati.e energ* and 1urging the 1o.ert* con&ciou&ne&&I)agine *our cell rece1tor& o1ening and 1urging all* con&ciou&ne&&- I)agine *our&elf &1itting thi& energ* out- >i&uali/e* 1ore of *our &,in o1ening and 1urging 1o.ert* con&ciou&ne&&" and all* con&ciou&ne&&- I)agine *our 'od* e.icting* )e)or* of fear"* 'elief in fear" and* attitude )oti.ated '* fear- Cha&e it out- U&e the ra*& of *our &un cha,ra to )elt it" to 'urn it" and relea&e it- 8o+ o1en the rece1tor& of *our 'rain that re&1ond to* and allo+ an* )e)or* of a 1er&on" a ti)e or a 1lace co)e to )ind- !e &1ontaneou& and tru&t that i& in *our )ind no+ i& a11ro1riateCall (rchangel Michael for+ard to &tand 'efore *ou- (&, hi) to utili/e hi& )ight* &+ord of truth and to &lice through the attached cord& of illu&ion that ,ee1 thi& )e)or* ali.e in *our

con&ciou& and &u'=con&ciou& &elf- 8o+ e.o,e the 1o+er of *our &un cha,ra- I)agine the ra*& of thi& creati.e force e)erging and en.elo1ing thi& )e)or*- !urn it or )elt it" and relea&e itTa,e a dee1 'reath in through *our no&e" e2haling through *our )outh" allo+ing all the ne+ energ* to flo+ through *our 'od*- The rene+ed life force i& alread* cour&ing through *our energ* field" and i& 'eing acti.ated in *our cha,ric &*&te)8o+ thin, of a'undance and i)agine*thing that +ould )a,e *our life ea&* and co)forta'le a& 'eing in *our life a'undantl*- (n a'undance of )one*" an a'undance of lo.e" an a'undance of 1eace" of 3o*" &u11ort" an a'undance of &incere friend&" an a'undance of creati.e energ*" an a'undance of 1h*&ical energ*" an a'undance of ha11* thought&" an a'undance of )oti.ation and in&1iration- !e a+are if an* 1art of *ou re&i&t& the 'elief that thi& can 'e a 1art of *our life" and feel +here in *our 'od* thi& re&i&tance i& located- Tho&e of *ou feeling re&i&tance focu& on the 1oint in *our 'od* +here *ou 1ercei.e the re&i&tance to 'e held- 8o+ e.o,e the creati.e 1o+er of the &olar energ* in *our &un cha,ra and call u1on the &u11ort of the Solar Lord& and i)agine thi& re&i&tance 'eing en.elo1ed in the &olar light- 8o+ call u1on the di.ine e&&ence of <ather= Mother 5od and i)agine thi& e&&ence 1enetrating the .er* core of thi& re&i&tance- (nd no+ i)agine thi& di.ine e&&ence +hich ha& 1enetrated the core of *our re&i&tance to 'egin e21anding +ithin the re&i&tance" and e21loding and o'literating that force of re&i&tance- U&e the &olar energ* to )elt all the frag)ent& of re&i&tance or to 'urn the frag)ent& of re&i&tance- !reathe in dee1l* and e2hale full*- (llo+ *our&elf to ha.e energ* in *our 'od*" and allo+ *our&elf to relea&e that +hich *ou no longer need- 8o+ ta,e a )o)ent to &can *our 'od* fro) head to foot" u&ing *our creati.e energ* in an* +a* *ou can creati.el* i)agine it and 1in1oint intuiti.el* an* other 1oint of re&i&tance in *our 'od*- 0ou )a* e21erience thi& a& a halting of focu&" &uddenl* &to11ing at a 1oint in *our 'od*" feeling nu)'ne&&" feeling a tingle- Tru&t *our intuition8o+ re1eat the 1roce&& of e.o,ing the &olar 1o+er of *our &un cha,ra and calling u1on the &olar 1o+er of the Solar Lord&- U&e thi& energ* to enfold the re&i&tance in *our 'od*- Call u1on the di.ine e&&ence of <ather=Mother 5od to 1enetrate the .er* core of the re&i&tance or the 'loc,age in *our 'od*- Ta,e a dee1 'reath and i)agine thi& di.ine e&&ence of <ather= Mother 5od e21anding and e21loding" o'literating the &en&e of re&i&tance or li)itation- Then u&e *our &olar energ* to )elt or 'urn a+a* the frag)ent& of re&i&tance and li)itation- !reathe in dee1l* and e2hale a& *ou allo+ *our 'od* to relea&e" to let go and &urrender8o+ gi.e *our* a for)- It could 'e a &*)'ol" a &ha1e" e.en &o)ething *ou are fa)iliar +ith- (c,no+ledge that thi& &*)'ol" &ha1e or for) that *ou &ee no+ i& *our creati.e trigger-* ti)e *ou need an an&+er to a ;ue&tion or a &olution to a 1ro'le)" in&1iration or )oti.ation" each ti)e *ou need *our energ* to 'e u1lifted or &i)1l* to feel re=connected +ith 5od" i)agine thi& &*)'ol and each of *ou )u&t dra+ it and ,ee1 it +here *ou +ill &ee it )o&t often- 0our 1er&onal )a&ter guide no+ encode& *our* trigger through *our con&ciou&" *our &u'con&ciou& and uncon&ciou& )ind- Encoding the trigger in thi& )anner &u11ort& *ou on all le.el&" therefore e.en in the throe& of e)otion& or fear *our* trigger +ill 'e acti.ated and *ou +ill 'e a'le to ta1 into the creati.e force of the to 'ring &olution& or el&e it i& *ou re;uire to 'ring *ou 'ac, into centeredne&& and focu&- 8o+ +hen *ou are read*" ta,e another dee1 'reath in" e2haling through *our )outh and in *our )ind 1lea&e re1eat after )e? @I call u1on the di.ine e&&ence and 1o+er of <ather=Mother 5od- I co))and that )* creati.e force 'e relea&ed into it& full creati.e 1o+er and in &o doing 'ringng +ith it )* )e)or*" )* a'ilit* and )* inner ,no+ing that it i& &afe to tru&t thi& ;ualit* to 'ring 'alance" 1eace and

truth to )* life- I call u1on the di.ine e&&ence" 1o+er and light of <ather=Mother 5od and the Solar Lord& of the Light" and I a&, that all conditioning& of li)itation" of 1o.ert* con&ciou&ne&& and attitude& of li)itation and de1ri.ation 'e relea&ed fro) )* 'od* cellularl*" fro) )* )ind uncon&ciou&l*" &u'con&ciou&l*" and con&ciou&l*" under grace in 1erfect har)oniou& and )iraculou& +a*&- I call forth the creati.e force of all that I a) and co))and )* full* )a&tered and Chri&ted &elf of the light to )erge +ith and 'eco)e one +ith )* current &elf" and in &o doing li'erating )e fro) the li)itation& of the collecti.e con&ciou&ne&&9 attach)ent to fear" to 1o.ert*" to .icti) and conditional lo.e con&ciou&ne&&- I co))and li'eration fro) the third di)en&ional old 1aradig) of 1o.ert* and I co))and the full integration of the light of 1ro&1erit* con&ciou&ne&& no+- I co))and the full 1o+er and di.ine lo.e e21re&&ion of )** to co)e forth and 'eco)e one +ith )* 1h*&ical &elf" '* e)otional &elf" )* )ental and &1iritual &el.e&- I co))and thi& 'e anchored no+- I co))and the full di.init* of )* &olar con&ciou&ne&& 'eco)e full* aligned and at one +ith the di.ine e&&ence of <ather=Mother 5od and in &o doing full* acti.ating )* &olar con&ciou&ne&& 1lan of rene+ed life and freeing )e to fear=le&&=l* e)'race )* ne+ life" )oti.ated '* the di.ine in&1iration of the creati.e e21re&&ion of &olar lo.e- I a&, that thi& )anife&t 8O: under grace in 1erfect" har)oniou& and )iraculou& +a*&" and &o 'e it-@ Ta,e a dee1 'reath in 'elo.ed one&" e2haling through *our )outh" feeling the energ* root it&elf in *our 'a&e cha,ra- Ta,e another dee1 'reath in and a& *ou e2hale feel it root it&elf in *our &un cha,ra- Dee1 'reath in and a& *ou e2hale root the&e +ord& in *our &acral cha,raDee1 'reath in and root *our ne+ con&ciou&ne&& in *our &olar 1le2u& cha,ra- Dee1 'reath in and anchor *our affir)ation& in *our heart cha,ra- Dee1 'reath in and root the ne+ creati.e force in *our throat cha,ra a& *ou e2hale- Dee1 'reath in and anchor *our intention in *our third e*e cha,ra- Dee1 'reath in and e)'race all *ou ha.e intended for toda* in *our cro+n cha,ra- (nd a& *ou 'reathe in again i)agine the &olar 1o+er of *our &un cha,ra +ra11ing it&elf around *our 'od* and &ealing in all the ne+ energ* *ou ha.e intended and called for8o+ allo+ *our&elf to find a &tead* and co)forta'le rh*th) of 'reathing!elo.ed one& *ou ha.e &ucce&&full* anchored *our Solar Con&ciou&ne&& lan of Rene+ed Life- 0ou ha.e acti.ated the ne+ creati.e te)1late of 1ro&1erit* +ithin *our cellular &tructure- 0ou ha.e al&o added to the further a+a,ening of *our dor)ant &trand& of D8( that contri'ute to the full acti.ation of *our creati.e a'ilitie& in their full force- Thi& 1articular acti.ation +ill &ti)ulate the u&e of *our 'rain to a greater ca1acit*- Thi& +ill heighten *our &en&e& 1h*&icall* and 1&*chicall*- 0our a+arene&& +ill 'eco)e &har1er- 0our a'ilit* of o'&er.ation +ill 'eco)e acuter- Thi& +ill e21and *our a'ilit* to a'&or' )ore infor)ation con&ciou&l* and to utili/e it in & to *our&elf and for the greater good of the +hole- Thi& dee1er connection +ith the collecti.e creati.e force and di.ine e&&ence of <ather=Mother 5od +ill a&&i&t *ou in & the greater 1lan of life and for hu)anit*9& a&cen&ion 1roce&&(ll *ou are re;uired to do 'elo.ed one& i& do +hat *ou do 'e&t and 5od +ill ta,e care of the re&t- The &u11ort& action- The ti)e ha& co)e to re&1ond to *our in&1iration and to allo+ *our&elf to drea) *our drea)& to life" to entertain the )agic in&ide of *ou- 0ou are the )a&ter 'uilder& of the ne+ te)1late +hich i& to 'eco)e the foundation u1on +hich the te)1le of 5olden Con&ciou&ne&& i& to 'e con&tructed- It i& *our e)anation& of creati.e force +ith the other light +or,er& u1on *our 1lanet +ho are doing &i)ilar +or,- Thi& collecti.e connection i& +hat +ill carr* all of *ou into the ne+ +orld- :e" the Lord& of Light tru&t in *our a'ilitie& to 'ring ne+ life to life- :e ,no+ *our full 1otential- :e ha.e &een *ou in action" 'elo.ed one&- 8o longer do *ou ha.e to fall .icti) to *our .icti) con&ciou&ne&&- 0ou are free to e21lore the creati.e te)1late of the U&e thi& 1o+er +i&el*" and go forth and create-

!elo.ed one& i)agine *our 'od* anchored full* u1on the earth" and 'reathe all of *our con&ciou&ne&& 'ac, into *our 1h*&ical 'od*" grounding *our&elf- lace 'oth *our feet fir)l* on the earth" and 'reathe all *our energ* 'ac, into *our 'od*- Stretch *our leg& out6 rotate *our an,le& and *our +ri&t&8o+ +e &hall ta,e an* ;ue&tion&- lea&e 1roceed +hen *ou are read*Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I +a& *a+ning through the +hole initiation- :hat doe& that )eanB Re&1on&e? 0a+ning i& a +a* of relea&ing old energ*" e&1eciall* )ental energ*- Therefore if the )ind ha& 'een a &hield of defen&e" if it ha& 'een a .eil of illu&ion" it )u&t 'e &u11orted in relea&ing the old +a* and of e21eriencing rene+ed life- 0a+ning i& a +a* of relea&ing it- I& thi& clearB 0e&- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" +a& )** +hat I +a& hiding 'ehind a &)o,e &creenB :a& it )**B Re&1on&e? 0e&" &i&terSo I can let go of that no+B I ha.e--- %a- Than, *ou- Than, *ouC If *ou li,e" *e&C DlaughterE Than, *ouC :e are certainl* not &to11ing *ouAue&tion? %anice? Lord Kuthu)i" can *ou tell )e +ho )* Ma&ter 5uide i&B Re&1on&e? :ho do thin, it i&B DlaughterE Co)e on" one gue&&C 0ouB

She9& a girl- 0e&Than, *ou- Than, *ou Lord Kuthu)iToo, *ou that longBCB Dlot& of laugherE Aue&tion? (ngi? Lord Kuthu)i" dare I a&, +ho )* Ma&ter 5uide i&B D)ore laughterE Re&1on&e? I dare *ou to gue&&CC Dlot& )ore laughterE I& it *ouB Clo&e- Do *ou ,no+ +ho )* t+in 'rother i&B 8o" I don9tI ha.e t+o" in fact- M* t+in 'rother& or energie& of light are Ma&ter El Mor*a and Lord %e&u&Can *ou gue&& no+B 8o:ho do *ou feel a connection +ithB <eel +ith *our energ* rather than thin, +ith *our headLord El Mor*aB It i& correctThan, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" can I a&, +ho )* Ma&ter 5uide i&B DlaughterE Re&1on&e? Let9& go around the grou1 to &ati&f**one9& need&-

Let u& 'egin then fro) )* left- lea&e gi.e )e *our na)e &o I )a,e &ure I get the right guideC HelenSt 5er)ainThan, *ouRe&h*)!a'a3i8a&i)Lord !uddhaSand*It i& I" Kuthu)iIr)gardMa&ter El Mor*a%u&tineLord HilarionLaurenMa&ter Sera1i& !e*5ilaLord Hilarion:arrenIt i& I" Kuthu)iSha*neIt i& I" Kuthu)i:arren 5Hello &onC It i& I" Kuthu)iCal-

Lad* Mar*De&i5reeting&" daughterC %udiLord Melchi/ede,MarianneLord Hilarion(re *ou all &ati&fiedB Than, *ou- Than, *ou Ma&ter Kuthu)i0ou are +elco)e- (n* further ;ue&tion&B Aue&tion? 0e&" 1lea&e" Lord Kuthu)i- I +ould li,e to a&, if *ou can gi.e )e an* guidance +ith regard& to )* &on Shandon- If I can 3u&t hel1 hi) 9 he9& on )edication at the )o)ent" +hich +e don9t reall* +ant hi) to 'e on" and are there an* other +a*& that I can &u11ort hi) 'etter" that I can hel1 hi)B Re&1on&e? :hat i& the )edication he i& onB It9& called Stratera- It9& to hel1 hi) concentrate:a& he i))uni/ed after 'irthB 0e&" he +a&In thi& ca&e for *our &on" +e &ugge&t a D8( flu&h- :e al&o &ugge&t that *ou loo, at hi& nutritional need&" e&1eciall* around the e&&ential fatt* acid&" .ita)in !" and 1rotein- Creati.e acti.itie& +ill hel1 hi) to focu& hi& energ* in a non=in.a&i.e )anner- Do *ou under&tandB 0e&That &hould create a )ore co)forta'le &hift for hi)" &o a& to +ean hi) off the )edication- I& thi& clearB 0e& it i&- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)e-

Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I find )*&elf dra+n into .ariou& area& of*- Can *ou hel1 )e on +hich one I &hould focu&B Re&1on&e? Son" thi& i& one of the dile))a& of the ne+ +orld of )ulti=di)en&ional Man* 1eo1le are difficult* choo&ing one &1ecific area" and in fact there are ti)e& that one doe& not ha.e to choo&e one &1ecific area 'ut rather learn to integrate all of tho&e +hich one i& dra+n to- Do *ou under&tand thi&B I do- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eI +i&h to add 'riefl* at thi& 1oint" that one of the &ide effect& to i))uni/ation of children i& +hat i& referred to a& (ttention Deficit Di&order- The .i'ration or the lac, of .i'ration rather" in the &u'&tance ,no+n a& a .accination cau&e& acti.e D8( to &hut do+n +ithin the childrenIt create& a re&huffling of their energ* centre& and ner.ou& &*&te) and thi& cau&e& +hat i& inter1reted a& lac, of concentration- (nother a&1ect to 'ear in )ind i& that the ne+ children are far )ore alert than the children of 1re.iou& generation& and need far )ore creati.e* than in 1re.iou& generation&- Teacher&" +ho are gi.en the 1ro1er guidance and &u11ort to under&tand ne+ children" +ill 'egin to &ee .er* clearl* +ho are the acade)icall* orientated children and +ho are the creati.el* orientated children and +ill 'e a'le to &u11ort the) accordingl*- It i& ridiculou& to in&i&t that a child of F *ear& or $" e.en G *ear& old" 'e re;uired to &it and concentrate or focu& u1on an* ta&, longer than 1$ )inute&- :e are a+are of the fact that in certain in&tance& children a& *oung a& F and $ *ear& old are re;uired to focu& on a 1ro3ect for F$ )inute& and are then diagno&ed a& (ttention Deficit Di&order" +herea& children can reali&ticall* onl* concentrate for 1$ )inute&- Do *ou all under&tandB 0e&Therefore do not 3udge *our children 'a&ed on current &*&te)& of unreali&tic e21ectation u1on the child9& concentration a'ilit*- Thi& i& .er* i)1ortant- <or *ou a& 1arent& are catal*&t& in 'ringing thi& change a'out- Ha.e I )ade )*&elf clearB 0e&lea&e continue +ith *our ;ue&tion&Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" i& there an alternati.e to i))uni/ation at thi& 1articular ti)eB Re&1on&e? 0e&" there i&- There are )an* ho)eo1athic re)edie&- In fact a ho)eo1athic re)ed* i& a.aila'le for* one of the &o=called di&=ea&e& that children are i))uni/ed again&t-

Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" to )a,e all tho&e HD cr*&tal re)edie& into ho)eo1athic re)edie&" do +e need the cr*&tal& to 'e 1ul.eri/ed or can +e 3u&t u&e the +hole cr*&tal and )a,e a tincture or a 9 &o)ething to that effectRe&1on&e? Si&ter" in certain ca&e& there +ill need to 'e a 1ul.eri/ation of the&e cr*&tal&-" do not &tre&& for the&e cr*&tal& +ill 9 let )e 1ut it thi& +a* 9 that i& their 1ur1o&e- Do *ou under&tandB The one& that +ill 'e 1ul.eri/edOK- So to ha.e the) )ade" +e9.e a&,ed &o)e'od* to ha.e the) )ade" do +e need to ta,e the +hole cr*&tal and a&, the) to 1ul.eri/e the)B 0e&(ll of the HD one&" or 3u&t one or t+o need to 'e 1ul.eri/edB (ll of the)(ll of the)B 0e&Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i ho+ do +e rectif* energeticall* the children +ho are no+ &uffering fro) (DD" (DHD" and .ariou& other 1ro'le)& 'ecau&e of i))uni/ation and anti'iotic&B Re&1on&e? Si&ter it +ill ta,e &o)e ti)e- <ortunatel* 1ro'iotic& ha.e alread* 'een created- 8utrition i& one of the core area& of 'alancing the children9& energie&" along +ith energ* +or,- The D8( flu&h +hich I ha.e 1er&onall* 'rought to hu)anit* and taught i& there to &u11ort children and adult& +ho ha.e had i))uni/ation" +ho ha.e had anae&the&ia" anti'iotic&" or an* other ,ind of &*nthetic &u'&tance in their 'od*- Children need to 'e &u11orted +ithin en.iron)ent& that &ti)ulate the creati.e a&1ect and cal) the )ental a&1ect- Do *ou under&tandB 0e&" I doIt i& .ital to 'ear in )ind that )odern life &t*le& in the)&el.e& are .er* acti.e- The +orld of &ti)ulation often i)1act& u1on the children in a negati.e +a*- arent& are 'egining to learn the i)1ortance of colour thera1*" of nutrition" creati.e thera1* and .er* i)1ortant a& +ell" 1h*&ical e2erci&e- 8ot all children ha.e to 'eco)e tenni& 1la*er&" or &occer 1la*er&-

There are )an* gentle for)& of e2erci&e that gi.e their 'od* the nece&&ar* energ* relea&e to ,ee1 the) 'alanced on all le.el&- E.en adult& are in need of e2erci&e- 8ature i& a ,e* healer for adult& and children" and children need to &1end )ore ti)e in nature in&tead of in front of the .er* de&tructi.e and di&ru1ti.e radiation of co)1uter& and tele.i&ion &et&- I& thi& clearB 0e&" than, *ouAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" *ou )entioned &o)ething 3u&t no+ a'out &*nthetic thing& in *our 'od*- I ha.e a titaniu) 1late in )* nec,- Doe& that affect )eB Re&1on&e? Si&ter *ou ha.e &1o,en to u& a'out thi& 'efore" and +e alread* ha.e a recali'rating 1roce&& &et u1 for *ou +hich ta,e& care of thi&- I& thi& clearB 0e& than, *ouAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" the D8( flu&h 9 +ill *ou 'e ta,ing u& in the near future through another 1roce&& of ho+ to do the D8( flu&h in our 'odie&" or i& there &o)eone +e can go and &ee for thatB Re&1on&e? 0ou are a'le to go through thi& 1roce&& +ith an* 1er&on +ho) I ha.e alread* taught thi& to- I +ill align +ith the &oul& of one& &uch a& *our&elf and if there i& the need for it to 'e re1eated I &hall do &o- I& thi& clearB Than, *ou" Lord Kuthu)iAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" &ince a cou1le of da*& I feel a ,ind of 1ain around )* heart and in the 'ac, at the le.el of the heart- Can *ou tell )e +hat it i&B Re&1on&e? Tho&e of *ou +ho are tra.elling 1h*&icall* to the heart of the heart 1oint are 'eing *our 1roce&& alread*- I a) referring to the 1h*&ical tri1 to Eg*1t- I& thi& clearB 0e&" than, *ouAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I ,no+ that the nature of )* +or, i& going to change- I& there a direction I &hould 'e concentrating onB

Re&1on&e? Si&ter" 'ecau&e the current flo+ of energ* i& &o di&ru1ti.e and .olatile" it i& i)1ortant that *ou feel in&ide of *our 'eing +hat +ill 'ring *ou the greate&t 1eace and in&1iration- Ha.e *ou a& *et felt thi&B I thin, it +ould 'e an*thing other than +hat I9) doing no+C So choo&e one an*thingC DlaughterE The rea&on +h* I &a* thi& i& 'ecau&e toda*9& energ* +ill cata1ult *ou into that creati.e" therefore *ou currentl* ha.e the 1o+er to choo&e a creati.e &trand of energ* and run +ith itTherefore I &ugge&t that *ou ta,e &o)e ti)e toda* to &it ;uietl* in nature and &en&e +here *ou +ould li,e to direct that energ*- It i& i)1ortant for *our future and 1er&onal +ell 'eing- I& thi& clearB 0e&- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I +onder if *ou could )a*'e hel1 )e +ith thi&- <or the la&t F *ear& I ha.e had tre)our& going u1 )* &1ine- It +a& ;uite 'ad a cou1le of *ear& ago" 'ut it ha& i)1ro.ed .a&tl*- Doctor& ha.en9t 'een a'le to tell )e +hat it i& at all- So )a*'e *ou can tell )e +hat it i&B Re&1on&e? (re *ou fa)iliar +ith the ,undaliniB 0e& I a)Thi& i& the .i'ration& of *our ,undalini 1o+er acti.ating energ* along *our &1ine- Thi& electrical current lin,& *ou to a 'eing ,no+n a& Lord (rcturu&" and another 'eing ,no+n a& the (rchangel Metatron- The&e t+o 'eing& of great light are the one& +ho +or, +ith *ou and through *ou- I &ugge&t *ou 'egin aligning *our&elf con&ciou&l* +ith the) on a dail* 'a&i&" and 1er)i&&ion for the) to con&ciou&l* guide *ou in the direction of *our future 1ath &o that thi& current of electrical energ* can 'e focu&ed and e21re&&ed" therefore creating a con&ciou& 1ur1o&e and 1lan for *ou- The rai&ing of *our ,undalini in a )ore con&ciou& fa&hion +ill gi.e 'irth to i))en&e creati.e 1o+er- Thi& *ou ha.e 'een groo)ed for the 1a&t four *ear&6 Lord (rcturu& and (rchangel Metatron +ill ta,e *ou through another I initiation& of energ* +hich &hall 1re1are *ou for *our & +ith the)" +hich &hall full* co)e into acti.ation 'et+een Se1te)'er and Octo'er of the *ear 2##J- I& thi& clearB Dinaudi'leE-- that .er* unco)forta'le feeling and I &truggle +ith concentration and 3u&t the tre)or& ha.e 'een .er* unco)forta'le-

!rother I &ugge&t *ou o'tain Selenite- ( Selenite +and &1ecificall*- It i& e&&ential i& 'e un1oli&hed- 5et one a& long a& 1o&&i'le- lace thi& along *our &1ine* da*- Lie on *our &to)ach and 1lace it on *our &1ine- U&e 'reathing to direct the energ* in *our 'od* and it +ill 'ring an align)ent of *our &1ine and the energ*- Thi& +ill en&ure that the di&co)fort 'e eli)inated a& )uch a& i& 1o&&i'le- I& thi& clearB Ho+ do I +or, )ore con&ciou&l* on the align)ent +ith Lord (rcturu& and (rchangel MetatronB %u&t '* in.ocation9-B 0e&- In.o,e their 1re&ence and a&, the) to )erge their energ* +ith *ou and guide *ou through in&1iration" thought i)1rint&" to &1ea, through *our intuition and in an* other language *ou are rece1ti.e to- I& thi& clearB 0e&- Than, *ou Lord Kuthu)i0ou are )o&t +elco)e- !le&&ing& 'e +ith *ouAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" can *ou 1lea&e tell )e a'out 2 guide&? Lord Hilarion and !ig !earB (nd --B !ig !ear- Lord etru& DBE Re&1on&e? !elo.ed one" Lord Hilarion i& one of the ,e* lord& of )anife&tation- He i& al&o the Chohan of the ra* of concrete ,no+ledge and &cience- :ith hi& in1ut of energ* *ou +ill 'e guided to under&tand the e&&ence of the &1irit of &cience and the &cience +ithin &1irit- 8o+ +hen I refer to &cience it doe& not )ean *ou +ill 'e re;uired to &tand in a la'orator* and 1la* +ith green 'u''ling )i2ture& of an* ,ind- Do *ou under&tandB 0e&It i& certainl* to 'ring to light the )ergence of &1irit and &cience and to &ee that one +ithout the other cannot 'e full* functional- The energ* of the 5reat !ear i& a co)'ined energ* that e)'odie& the light of )* energ*" Kuthu)i" that of Lord El Mor*a" and Ma&ter %e&u&- It i& an energ* that ha& &u&tained the energ* nece&&ar* for the great tran&for)ation of con&ciou&ne&& on *our 1lanet to ta,e 1lace- 5reat !ear align& the energ* of hi& initiate& +ith the 8ati.e ()erican Indian 1eo1le" +ith the !u&h)an 1eo1le" +ith the E&,i)o 1eo1le" and the Maori&Do *ou under&tandB Each of the&e tri'e& hold& an e&&ence of the root race& of *our 1lanet" +ho&e truth& and +i&do) are ree)erging to en&ure that right action and right relation 'et+een hu)an and all other ,ingdo)& of life co)e into 'alance- Doe& that an&+er *our ;ue&tionB 0e&" than, *ou0ou are +elco)e-

Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I ha.e ringing in )* ear& all the ti)e- I& it a )edical condition or i& it a 1&*chic9B Re&1on&e? Ha.e *ou tried an&+ering the door and &eeing +ho9& thereB DlaughterE It9& 2F hour ringingSi&ter" it9& not tinnitu&- Thi& i& the &*)1to)& of clairaudient a'ilitie& acti.ating- (& one 'eco)e& )ore detached fro) the den&it* of third di)en&ional con&ciou&ne&& and )o.e& )ore into fifth di)en&ional con&ciou&ne&& and 'e*ond all the higher &en&e& 'eco)e )ore rece1ti.eThat i& +hat *ou are e21eriencing- 0ou +ill al&o 'egin to notice that a& *our guide& co))unicate +ith *ou the tone and 1itch +ill change a& the* enter into *our energ* field" tran&)it and )o.e out of *our energ* field- Do *ou under&tandB I do- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I9.e felt ,ic,ing in )* +o)' for the la&t $ +ee,&" 'ut a& inten&i.el* a& the la&t hour" &o I9) actuall* tired- It feel& li,e it9& going to co)e out of )* &ide an* &econd- :hat9& thi& &oul getting &o e2cited a'outB D)uch laughterCE Re&1on&e? Do *ou not thin, thi& i& cau&e for great cele'rationBCB It9& getting o.erl* e2citedC (ctuall* I fell a&lee1 I +a& &o tired- It9& 3u&t ta,en )* 'eing entirel*It i& )erging +ith 3o*" &i&ter- (llo+ *our&elf to 3u)1 +ith 3o*That9& a 'it of a 1ro'le) 'ecau&e I9.e 'een in a dead end career for the la&t 1# *ear&- I9.e 3u&t found a career" and I found out that I9) 1regnant &o I9.e difficult* e)'racing 3o*- I9) ha11* a'out it" 'ut difficult* e)'racing 3o*- I can9t feel 3o*ful* ti)e he ,ic,& =*one el&e around )e i&Si&ter +hat *ou can al&o a&, i& that *our un'orn child 1erha1& choo&e to e21re&& it& energ* in a )ore gentle +a*- 0ou could al&o a&, that it choo&e le&& &en&iti.e area& of *our 'od* to do it& cali&thenic&- I& thi& clearB

Aue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i--B Re&1on&e? One )o)ent 1lea&e &i&ter(nother &ugge&tion +e ha.e for *ou i& to e)erge *our 'od* in +ater- Thi& +ill &oothe the &en&* of *our 1h*&ical 'od* and +ill al&o &oothe *our un'orn child- Re&cue re)ed* +ill al&o 'e goodI& --Dinaudi'leE conduci.e at thi& 1ointB Re1eat *our ;ue&tion 1lea&eDinaudi'leE 0e&" *ou can u&e thi&Than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i I ha.e 'een e21eriencing great di&co)fort in )* and gall'ladder area- I& there an*thing that I &hould ,no+ a'out" an*thing that I &hould ta,e for itB Re&1on&e? Mil, thi&tle i& .er* good for the" to deto2if* it" of the negati.e 'elief &*&te)& that ha.e 1re.ented *ou fro) acce1ting *our )a&culine 1o+er a& a creati.e and acti.e &u11ort &*&te) rather than a & )echani&)- Do *ou under&tandB 0e&0our gall 'ladder re1re&ent& truth- (& one &te1& into the authentic &elf the gall 'ladder 'egin& to relea&e energeticall* the cellular )e)or* of that +hich ha& denied it the o11ortunit* of e21re&&ing the authentic and di.ine truth of the &oul9& e&&ence- :e &ugge&t &+eet al)ond oil )a&&aged that area of *our 1h*&ical 'od*" +ith 'reathing e2erci&e& and 1o&iti.e affir)ation- I& thi& clearB I& that 1o&iti.e affir)ation of the Dinaudi'leE gall'ladder and &ufficientB :e &ugge&t that *ou add? it i& &afe to tru&t *our )ale &elf to &u11ort *our creati.e*" and that it i& &afe to re.eal *our authentic &elf- I& thi& clearB It i&- Than, *ou Lord Kuthu)i-

0ou are +elco)e- !elo.ed one& I &hall ta,e 2 )ore ;ue&tion& and then +e )u&t end thi& tran&)i&&ionAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" 'rother :arren a&,ed &o)ething a'out the ,undalini- In a 1re.iou& channelling I a&,ed I thin, it +a& Ma&ter D3+ahl Kuhl I a&,ed the ;ue&tion that had to 'e an&+ered and I don9t ,no+ +hether )* ;ue&tion +a& an&+ered- It +a& a'out )* daughter 'eing electricall* charged-*thing &he touche& 9 the other da* &he touched the cell 1hone charger and &he actuall* 'ro,e it- She 9 do I e21re&& )*&elf clearl*B Re&1on&e? 0e&- Si&ter +ith *our daughter &1ecificall*" it i& an a'undance of )agnetic energ* in her 'od*She in fact need& to call u1on the a&&i&tance of Lord Melchi/ede, to 'alance the current& of )agnetic energ* through her 'od*- :hen there i& a lot of electrical energ* in the ether& it can cau&e an o.erload of electrical energ* +ithin the 1h*&ical 'od*- Thi& al&o occur& +hen one i& undergoing an accelerated rate of a+a,ening- Man* 1eo1le ha.e found that the* +ill 'lo+ light 'ul'&" the* di&ru1t their co)1uter&" the* 'lo+ u1 1lug& and all &ort& of other thing&- Lord Melchi/ede, hel1& to 'alance that flo+- I& thi& clearB 0e&" than, *ou0ou are +elco)eAue&tion? Lord Kuthu)i" I ha.e a friend Mer*l +ho at 1J +a& diagno&ed +ith 'i1olar- She9& not &ure that &he i& 'i1olar" and 'ecau&e her )other ha& it &he +a& i))ediatel* 1ut onto Lithiu) and all &ort& of other detri)ental drug&" and &he9& reall* &truggling +ith the +hole c*cle- :hat do *ou ha.e for her in ter)& of" i& &he 'i1olar" or ha& the )edication interfered +ith her 'od*B Re&1on&e? 5i.e u& her full na)e 1lea&eB Dgi.enE She i& 8OT 'i1olar- There i&" it a11ear&" a t+i&t of energ* 'et+een the )ental and e)otional 'odie& +hich ha& cau&ed a fluctuation of e)oti.e energ* +hich lead& to feeling& of de1re&&ion and elation at different ti)e&- !ecau&e )an* doctor& do not under&tand the energetic )a,eu1 of the 'od* a )i&diagno&i& &uch a& thi& i& often )ade-" thi& i& not the doctor&9 fault a& &uch" for the* ha.e not 'een taught other+i&e- :e &ugge&t that &he e21lore alternati.e )ethod& of 'ringing her 'od* into align)ent- She +ill need to undergo a .er* gentle deto2ification on a 1h*&ical le.el and 'egin +or,ing +ith her energ* 'odie& to 'alance the t+i&t of energ* 'et+een her )ental and e)otional 'od*- She )u&t 8OT ru&h thi&- She need& to +or, +ith it" +ith focu&ed intention and 1atientl*- :e antici1ate a11ro2i)atel* 1G )onth& and &he +ill ha.e 'rought her 'od* 'ac, to full 'alance- It" )u&t 'e her indi.idual +ill and choice to follo+ thi& route- I& thi& clearB

0e& it i&- I& there an* )a&ter that &he can call on to hel1 her +ith thi&" and an* &tone& &he could u&e to hel1 'alance her energ*B (ll &he need& do i& to call on Lord (rcturu& and hi& tea) of )edical ad.i&or& and the* +ill guide her in the right direction- I& thi& clearB 0e& it i&- Than, *ou0ou are +elco)e(nd &o it i& 'elo.ed one& that our ti)e ha& co)e to an end" 'ut not for long- I +ill re)ain in tele1athic co))unication +ith all of *ou- I a) onl* a thought a+a*" and can 'e called u1on at an* )o)ent for guidance" for a&&i&tance" for &u11ort and 1rotection- :e 'le&& each of *ou +ith the di.ine inner &trength" the courage" the focu&" the +ill 1o+er" the 1atience and 1er&e.erance to continue +ith the 3ourne* of life *ou ha.e cho&en" and to &ee *our c*cle& through to co)1letionTru&t in the )an* in.i&i'le ar)& that hold *ou" and ,no+ that not do *ou +al, alone for +e are all one and +ith *ou al+a*& in all +a*&- Ma* the light of <ather=Mother 5od &hine u1on the 1ath 'efore *ou and )a** &te1 *ou ta,e 'e a &tead* oneI a) Kuthu)i" Chohan of the 5olden Ra* of Lo.e and :i&do)" and I greet and 'le&& *ou in lo.e- (donai-

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