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Internal Commands

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These commands are automatic loaded into the memory when operating system is loaded into the memory. Thus these are also called memory-resident commands. The command available are all combined together and are stored in file, which is a executable command file. These internal command are further grouped according to their properties. These are as follows.

enral purpose
#. C$% &. "I' (. )*' +. ),$ -. ".T* /. TI0*

!ile related commands "irectory related commands

1. C,P2 C,N 3. T2P* 4. C,P2 #5. '*N ##. "*$ #&. 0" #(. C" #+. '"

eneral purpose commands

#. CLS67 8Clear the screen9 This command is used to clear the screen or wipe out every thing written on the screen. %yntax67 C6:; C$% and press *nter

&. DIR:- 8Directory9 "ir command is used for listing files and directories present in the current dis<. %yntax67 C6:; "I' =>switches? *xample67 C6:; "I' >P


>P >@ >% >.A >.% >."

Page wise @idths wise $ist all files and directory of subdirectories "isplay directory with hidden files "isplay directory with system files "isplay only directories present in current drive

(. VER:-8Version) )ersion numbers indicates that which edition of ",% we are wor<ing on. %yntax67 C6:; )*' press enter ,utput67
C6:;)*' @indows 43 =)ersion +.#5.&&&&?

+. VOL:-8Volume9 "isplays the dis< volume label and serial number, if it exist. %yntax67 C6:; ),$ press enter ,utput67C6:;),$
)olume in drive C is B.I )olume %erial Number is (*+&7#451

-. DATE:- "isplay the current "ate %yntax67 C6:; ".T*

C6:;".T* Current date is !ri 5&7#-7&55& *nter new date 8mm7dd7yy96

Type ".T* without parameters to display the current date setting and a prompt for a new one. Press *NT*' to <eep the same date. Note67 @e enter new date in the format of 007""722. /. TIME:- "isplay current time %yntax67 C6:; TI0*
C6:;TI0* Current time is 36(36+1.15a *nter new time6

Type TI0* with no parameters to display the current time setting and a prompt for a new one. Press *NT*' to <eep the same time. Note67 @e enter the time in the format of &+ hour cloc<.

!ile related commands

1. COPY CON:- This command gives the facility to create a new text file. %yntax67 C6:; C,P2 C,N C!ilename;
C6:;C,P2 C,N 'ose.txt . cloc< in a office can never get stolen Too many employees watch it all the time DE # file8s9 copied

.fter copy con we must specify a suitable file name. Press enter. %tart typing the informations of the file. .fter gathering the information we press DE 8CT'$FE9 button or !/ button to save the file. .fter pressing enter <ey computer will show a message li<e # file8s9 copied. This means that file is stored in the dis<. %uppose we donGt want to save the file or we Hust want to abort from file creation Hob, then we simply press DC 8CT'$FC9 button to abort without saving the file, intend of pressing DE button. Notes67 #. Never forget to give a suitable filename &. 2ou can use extension as .TIT for denoting the file as Text file. 3. TYPE:- This command is used to display the contents or text of any file to the display device. %yntax67 C6:; T2P* C!ilename;
.6:;T2P* J$.K.TIT . cloc< in a office can never get stolen Too many employees watch it all the time

4. COPY :- Copy command is used for copy any file to another location or to copy the files to another directory. This command may also be used for copying any file to another dis< with different file name.

%yntax67 C6:; C,P2 C%ource filename; CTarget file name;

C6:;C,P2 ',%*.TIT ',%*.0% # file8s9 copied

T, copy a file from hard disk to floppy disk

C6:;C,P2 'ose.txt .6 # file8s9 copied

To copy a file from Floppy Disk to Hard disk

.6:;C,P2 $,TJ%.TIT C6: # file8s9 copied

#5. REN:- 8Rename9 This command is used to change the name of any file or directory. %yntax67 C6:; '*N C%ource filename; CTarget filename;
C6:;'*N ',%*.TIT J$K.$.TIT

If we get successfully C6: that means filename or directory name is get changed. *ither it will show the error message. To changing the filename present in floppy dis<
C6:;'*N .6:',%*.TIT J$.K.TIT

Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination. ##. DEL:- This command is used for erasing any file from the dis<. %yntax67 C6:; "*$ C!ilename;
C6:;"*$ $,TJ%.TIT

If it successfully erase the file from dos< then C6:; prompt will be appear, either computer will show an error message. Note67 >P option is used for permission before deleting the file.

"irectory related commands

#&. MD:- 8Make Directory97 This command allows to create a new directory. %yntax67 C6:; 0" C"irname;
C6:; 0" '*P,'T C6:;

Now this directory can be used for <eeping various sort of reports. Jnder this directory we can create another directory which is <nown as subdirectory. #(. CD:- 8Change Directory967 @e can enter or exit from any directory using this command.

%yntax67 To access any directory C6:; C" C"irectory name;

C6:; C" '*P,'T C6:'*P,'T;

Prompt will change with the directory name. If we <eep two dots after C" command than we will exit from the directory. %yntax67C6:; C"..
C6:'*P,'T; C".. C6:;

#+. RD:-8Remove directory967 This command is used when we want to remove any unusable directory form our dis<. %yntax67 C6:; '" C"irectory name;
C6:; '" '*P,'T

#-. PATH:- This command is used for display or sets directories for executable files. %ynatx67 C6:; P.TA This command display current path settings.
C6:; P.TALC6:@IN",@%:C,00.N"MC6:@IN",@%:MC6:TC

this command will sets the directories windows, the command subfolder of windows and TC folder for executable files. ,perating system will loo< for executable files in these directories. N,T*67 If we need any help for above ",% commands the we put a G>NG symbol after writting the command at ",% prompt . *xample67 C6:; "I'>N or C6:; C,P2>N
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rcpp project office Rashtriya Computer Prakshikshan Pariyojna

@ild card commands

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@ildcard commands are used when we are wor<ing with multiple files instant of a single file at a time. These commands uses GNG and GOG symbol. The '?' wildcard character

%uppose we want to list out all the files and directories which have primary file name made of four characters and secondary name made of ( characters. then here we use "I' command with following switches

Aere a GNG symbol represent that N can be a any character or it may be special symbols. %uppose we want to list out all the files which primary field name made of + characters, the first character start with GCG and secondary name is G*I*G. Then we uses
C6:; "I' CNNN.*I*

The ' ' wildcard character If we want to list all the files with extension .*I* the the command we give is7
C6:; "I' O.*I*

If we want to display all files with first character G"G and extension G*I*G in floppy dis<, then we give the command
C6:; "I' .6 "O.*I*

%ome Internal commands with wild card

COPY:-If we have to copy the songs from our C" drive to our Aard dis<. Then we suppose *6: is our C" drive and we have to store all the songs in C6: %,N % directory.
C6:; C,P2 *6: O.0P( C6: %,N %

REN:- If we want to rename all the files which have extension of GTITG to extension G0% G then we give the command
C6:; '*N O.TIT O.0%

DEL:- If we want to erase those files which have the extension of GT0PG from our dis< then we uses the command
C6:; "*$ O.T0P

If we use >p switch the computer give as< every time before deleting the file. If we enter G2G the it will erase the file from dis< either it will leave the file.
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rcpp project office Rashtriya Computer Prakshikshan Pariyojna

*xternal commands

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*xternal commands are <nown as Disk residence commands. Kecause they can be store with ",% directory or any dis< which is used for getting these commands. Theses commands help to perform some specific tas<. These are stored in a secondary storage device. %ome important external commands are given below7 0,'* 0*0 %2% IC,P2 0,)* !C CAP"%P %,'T !IN" "I%PC,P2 .TT'IK $.K*$ ",%P*2 !,'0.T

#. MORE:-Jsing T2P* command we can see the content of any file. Kut if length of file is greater than &- lines then remaining lines will scroll up. To overcome through this problem we uses 0,'* command. Jsing this command we can pause the display after each &- lines. %yntax67 C6:; T2P* C!ile name; | 0,'*
C6:; T2P* ',%*.TIT | 0,'* or C6:; "I' | 0,'*

&. MEM:-This command displays free and used amount of memory in the computer. %yntax67 C6:; 0*0 the computer will display the amount of memory. (. SYS:- This command is used for copy system files to any dis<. The dis< having system files are <nown as Kootable "is<, which are used for booting the computer. %yntax67 C6:; %2% ="rive name?
C6:; %2% .6 %ystem files transferred

This command will transfer the three main system files C,00.N".C,0, I,.%2%, 0%",%.%2% to the floppy dis<. +. !COPY:- @hen we need to copy a directory instant of a file from one location to another the we uses xcopy command. This command is much faster than copy command. %yntax67 C6:; IC,P2 C %ource dirname ; CTarget dirname;
C6:; IC,P2 TC TJ'K,C

-. MOVE:- 0ove command is used for moving one file or multiple files from one location to another location or from one dis< to another dis<.

%yntax67 C6:; 0,)* Cfile name; Cpath name;

C6:%,N %; 0,)* O.0P( C6: %,N %:,$" %,N %: C6:;

/. "C:-8File Compare) This command is capable for comparing two set of files and display difference between two files. %yntax67 C6:; !C C!irst set of file; C%econd set of file;
C6:; !C ',%*.TIT J$.K.TIT

1.CH#DS#:-8Check disk) - This command is used to chec< the status of a dis< and show the report of result status. %yntax67 C6:; CAP"%P

C6:;CAP"%P CAP"%P has N,T chec<ed this drive for errors. 2ou must use %C.N"I%P to detect and fix errors on this drive. )olume B.I created #57#47&55# 16#+p )olume %erial Number is (*+&7#451 +,&5(,51(,-(/ bytes total dis< space (3#,433,3/+ bytes available on dis< +,54/ bytes in each allocation unit #,5&/,#+# total allocation units on dis< 4(,&-4 available allocation units on dis< /-#,&/+ total bytes memory /#5,13+ bytes free Instead of using CAP"%P, try using %C.N"I%P. %C.N"I%P can reliably detect and fix a much wider range of dis< problems.

3. SORT:- This command is useful when we want to sort a file. @hen we run this command the result can be get to display device or file. %yntax67 C6:; %,'T >' C Input file name; Coutput file name; %uppose we have a file Player.txt which having the list of a cric<et player team and we want to sort the list of players, then we uses this command
C6:; %,'T Player.txt

If we not specify the output file name then result will show to the screen. >'7 switch is used for sorting the file in descending order li<e from E to . or from 4 to 5. 4. "IND:- The !IN" command is used to search a file for a text string. %yntax67 C6:; !IN" Q%tring to searchQ C!ile name;
C6:T*%T;find QofficeQ gulab.txt

7777777777 gulab.txt . cloc< in a office can never get stolen

#5. DIS#COPY:- "I%PC,P2 copies the contents of a floppy dis< to another. %yntax67 C6:; "I%PC,P2 C"rive#; C"rive&;
C6:; "I%PC,P2 .6 K6

This command will be copy all contents of . drive to K drive. ##. ATTRI$:- %ets the various type of attribute to a file. $i<e 'ead only, .rchive, Aidden and %ystem attribute. %yntax67 C6:; .TT'IK =R r? =R a? =R h? =R s? C!ile name; here r 7 for read only, a7 for archive, h 7 for hidden, s 7 for hidden attribute.
C6:; .TT'IK Fr ulab.txt

This command will change the attribute of file gulab.txt to read only mode. To remove the read only attribute we will follow this command.
C6:; .TT'IK 7r ulab.txt

#&. LA$EL:- If you are not happy with the volume label of hard dis<, you can change it. %yntax67 C6:; $.K*$
C6:;$.K*$ )olume in drive C is B.I )olume %erial Number is (*+&7#451 )olume label 8## characters, *NT*' for none9N IN!,@.2

#(. DOS#EY:- ,nce we install dos<ey , our dos will star to memoriSe all commands we uses. @e can recall those commands using up or down arrow <eys. It also gives the facility to create macros, which creates a short <ey for long <eyword or command. Pey function for "os<ey are given as7 JP,",@N *sc !1 .ltF!1 !4 .ltF!#5 %yntax67 C6:; ",%P*2
",%Pey installed

arrows recall commands clears current command displays command history clears command history selects a command by number clears macro definitions

Creating 0acros67
C6:;dos<ey tLtime C6:;t C6:;time Current time is (6(465-.41p *nter new time6

To list out all macros defined Hust type ",%P*2>0.C',% at dos prompt and press enter.
C6:;",%P*2>0.C',% T"Ldate TLtime

#+. "ORMAT:- This command creates new Trac< U %ectors in a dis<. *very %yntax67 C6:; !,'0.T =drive name? =>%?
C6:; !,'0.T .6

this command will create new trac< U sectors.

C6:; !,'0.T .6 >%

This command will transfer system files after formatting the dis<.
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rcpp project office Rashtriya Computer Prakshikshan Pariyojna


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*dit is an external way to create or modify any file. *dit meant *ditor is very good utility for creating or modifying any file. To start *dit type *dit on dos prompt and press enter. Then a full screen window will appear li<e this7

!ile label displays the current file name which is open in the current window. If file name is not specified then Jntitled will be show. . menu bar contains various commands. @hich are given in detail. %elect the items from menu and clic<.

!I$*7 @e can activate !ile menu by pressing .ltF! <ey.

New:- New command open a new window for creating new file with file name Jntitled. O%e&'':- If we want to open any existing file for modification or for any purpose then we choose this option. .fter selecting this option a dialog box will be appear, which loo<s li<e @e enter the file to be open in "ile Na(e box and press enter, or press down arrow <ey to choose from the given "ile) menu. Sa*e:- %uppose we have do some editing in the file and want to store it in dis< then If the file which is currently in use have a file name. the editor will store all these editing with this specified file name either if it is Jntitled then a )a*e a) dialog box will be appear which will as< a new file name to store these editing, which loo<s li<e this7 @e enter a new file name in "ile Na(e field and press enter. Sa*e A)''':- %ome time we need a copy of any existing file with minor changing. $i<e if we are writing a letter to few consumers with same message but with different name and address. .t that time %ave .s option helps us to save our time. @e create a letter for one consumer and save that file with his name, again after changing the name and address of file for next consumer we %ave .s the file with next consumer name and so on for others. This option is same li<e as copy command of ",%. Kut it helps when we are going to use the file systems li<e 0ail 0erge. Cl+)e:- Close option is give for close the current open file.

Pri&t''':- *dit have a very excellent feature to print a file. ,pen the file and from !ile7 ;Print chose the complete document option and press enter. This will print all the document at a time. If we want to print only selected text means only a small part of file then we choose %elected Text ,nly option after selecting the text and press enter. E,it:- To close *dit and return to ",% prompt.

*dit67.ll the commands available in this menu are related to editing the current open
document. Kefore start editing we must need to select the text. The <ey combination for selecting the text are as given below7 %AI!T F $*!T .'',@ %AI!T F 'I AT .'',@ %AI!T F ",@N .'',@ %AI!T F JP .'',@ %AI!T F CT'$ F $*!T .'',@ %AI!T F CT'$ F 'I AT .'',@ %AI!T F A,0* %AI!T F *N" %elect one character left %elect one character right %elect one line below the current line %elect one line up to the current line %elect one word left %elect one word right %elect to beginning of current line from current cursor position. %elect to *nd of line from current cursor position.

C-T:- Cut option remove the selected text and store them to the memory buffer. The sort <ey for cut is CT'$ F I. COPY:- Copy option copy the selected text into memory buffer. selected text can be copied also by pressing CT'$ F C PASTE:- Paste will insert the text store in computers buffer to the current cursor position. It can be achieved by pressing CT'$ F ) button. CLEAR:- @e can delete the selected text for ever by clear option. This command is useful when we need to delete a long paragraph or more than a line. @e select the whole line by pressing %AI!T F ",@N .'',@ <ey and after selection Hust press "*$ <ey the sort <ey for this option.

%earch67 This menu contains the items for searching and replacing the text of document.
This facility provide very powerful feature when we have to replace text with another text in a large document. "i&d:- @e can find any text in the current document. !or that at first go to the top of document. %elect %earch7 ;!ind . In appeared window type text to be search in "i&d what field. Re%eat la)t .i&d:- !rom "i&d edit will search only once the text we type on the "i&d /hat field. If we want to search same text , the we select %earch7;'epeat $ast !ind or Hust press "0button. Re%lace:- *dit gives the facility to search a text and replace that text with other upon your choice. %uppose we want to replace all A*0.N we uses in current document with 0.C',0.N then we select Re%lace from %earch7 ;'eplace... and press enter. In appeared window we type A*0.N in "i&d what field and type in 0.C',0.N in Re%lace with field. %elect 'eplace button to replace only first find text otherwise select 'eplace .ll to replace all A*0.N with 0.C',0.N without as<ing any more for replace.

)iew67 @e can open more than a file into edit. @e can open upto 4 files at a time into
editor. )iew option gives the facility to reload these currently loaded files. @e can display two files at a time after splitting current window in two parts. Koth different window may contain different files in each. S%lit /i&d+w:- .s declared above that we can open two files at same time in two different window. Place the cursor in the document after which we have to split the window and select )iew7;%plit @indow option. Re)i1e /i&d+w:- To change the siSe of each window we select this option. To change the siSe of the selected window select )iew7;'esiSe @indow and press enter. The divider between two files will change to resiSable cursor, which can be move up or down using up and down arrow <ey. To fix the siSe press enter <ey.

Cl+)e /i&d+w:- If you are not more need of two window, place the cursor in one which you want to close and select )iew7;Close @indow. %econd window will maximiSe to full screen mode.

,ption67 This menu contains the items for changing settings for editor li<e setting of
printer port, tab spacing and color management. Setti&2)''':- This option is used for set tab spacing and printer port setting.

C+l+r:- *ditorGs screen color can be set up with your own choice. These screen color includes color of 0enu bar, color of scroll bar, status bar, window border, text color, bac<ground color and many more. To set default color of edit Hust press De.a3lt button from this dialog box. *dit will restore itGs own color management.

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rcpp project office

'ashtriya Computer Pra<shi<shan PariyoHna

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