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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources Zorn, Robert E. Cemetery John: The Undiscovered Mastermind of the Lindbergh Kidnapping. New York: Overlook, 2012. Print. Robert Zorn investigated furthermore to find an answer to the Lindbergh kidnapping mystery. We used this book to get more of a base for knowledge of the crime.

Gardner, Lloyd C. The Case That Never Dies: The Lindbergh Kidnapping. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2004. Print. We used this source to learn more about the case. Lloyd Gardner mentions the Lindbergh kidnapping as the case that never dies due to the multitude of controversies about the case.

Fisher, Jim. The Lindbergh Case. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1987. Print. We used this books to more about the case in general, everything about the case was included in this book. The investigation, the critcism, the hoax, it is all included.

"Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped From Home of Parents on Farm Near Princeton." The New York Times Mar. 1932: 1. The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.

"The Lindbergh Kidnapping." FBI. FBI, 28 July 2010. Web. 5 Dec. 2013.

This source helped us to learn much background information about the kidnapping. We read of the ransom letters on this website. The first note of ransom, found at the scene, demanded $50,000, the second note of ransom, received by Charles Lindbergh on March 6,1932, demanded $70,000, and the third note of ransom was received by Charles Lindbergh's attorney, on March 8, 1932, requesting a note in the newspaper. The fourth letter of ransom was received by Dr. Condon, on the same date, stating it acceptable that he was the "go-between", the fifth letter of ransom was received on March 12, 1932, by Dr. Condon, stating that another note (sixth letter of ransom) would be found under a stone at a vacant stand, 100 feet from a subway station, the sixth note of ransom read instructions discussing payment money to a man referring to himself as "John".What had been assumed to have been baby Charles Lindbergh's sleeping suit, as well as the seventh note of ransom were received by Dr. Condon on the 16th of March. The sleeping suit was identified once received by Charles Lindbergh. The eighth letter of ransom was received on March 21, 1932, by Dr. Condon claiming that the kidnapping had been planned for over a year. On March 31st a ninth letter of ransom had been received threatening to raise the demand to $100,000. The tenth ransom note was received on April 1, 1932 demanding the money to be ready the night of April 2nd. The eleventh note of ransom, delivered by an unidentified taxi driver, instructed Dr. Condon to the twelfth letter of ransom, located at 3225 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York. This letter contained more instructions; after following so Dr.Condon met a stranger, delivered the $50,000 demand, and was given a thirteenth letter of ransom and a receipt. The thirteenth letter stated that the child could be found on a boat named "Nellie" near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Erik Satie. Erik Satie Gnossienne No. 4. N.d. Mp3bear. Web. <>.

Used for background music.

Erik Satie. Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 1. N.d. Mp3bear. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>. Used for background music.

How They Caught the Lindbergh Baby's Kidnapper. Smithsonian Channel, n.d. Smithsonian Channel. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <>. Audio of video used for background audio on website.

Dark, Haunting Piano Piece "AT NIGHT" Mazdak Khamda. Youtube Dark, Haunting Piano Piece "AT NIGHT" Mazdak Khamda. N.p., 24 Oct. 2010. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. <>. Used as background music.

Erik Satie. Gymnopedie No. 1. N.d. Mp3bear. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. <>. Used as background music.

Erik Satie. Trois Gymnopedie. N.d. Mp3bear. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. <>. Used as background music.

Secondary Sources

"Bruno Richard Hauptmann." Gale Biography in Context. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Biography in Context. Web. 3 Jan. 2014. 0c08438ff852417ce5e102a89ee4c&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CK165000 0034&source=Bookmark&u=mlin_n_nams&jsid=c68c00264493da70f2053d502b8c1d6 b This was a helpful source because it helped us to learn more about the accused kidnapper, Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Bruno Richard Hauptmann was the man executed for the Lindbergh kidnapping crime. Hauptmann was an illegal immigrant of German descent.

" The Lindbergh Trial." The Lindbergh Trial. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This source helped us to answer any unanswered questions we had about the crime, investigation, and trial.

"The Crime of the Century." The Crime of the Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This source helped us to discover more details of the crime. In fact, Charles Lindbergh Jr.s remains were discovered by a truck driver.

"The Richard Hauptmann (Lindbergh Kidnapping) Trial." The Richard Hauptmann (Lindbergh Kidnapping) Trial. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2013. This website helped us build onto information we learned from previous sources and compare the information provided.

Aiuto, Russell. "The Lindbergh Kidnapping." : The Theft of the Eaglet The Theft of the Eaglet Crime Library on N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2013. This website helped us focus on different details that we had not seen with previous sources.

"The Kidnapping." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 27 Dec. 2013. This website helped us to develop a background page for our website. This website provides a very detailed summary of what occurred during the trial and investigation.

"The Crime (and Trial) of the Century.." The Lindbergh Kidnapping Site - The Real Story! N.p.,19 Nov. 2000. Web. 27 Dec. 2013 . This website provided us with an alternate view on the Lindbergh Kidnapping. This source questions the execution and if Hauptmann was the murderer and kidnapper of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. or if the kidnapping was a hoax.

"Lindbergh's Baby Kidnapped." 20th Century History. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. This website led us to learn more about Charles Lindbergh as well as the Lindbergh familys new home in Hopewell, New Jersey. Charles Lindbergh was an aviator, in fact he was the first aviator to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo. Before the kidnapping the Lindberghs had just moved into their new home in a very secluded section of Hopewell, New Jersey.

"Lindbergh Kidnapping Index." Lindbergh Kidnapping Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Dec. 2013. This website came to our advantage providing us with various details on the Lindbergh Kidnapping. This webpage also provided us with images for our website.

"The Charles Lindbergh House in Hopewell New Jersey." House Crazy. Housecrazy, 26 May 2012. Web. 30 Dec. 2013 This webpage provided us with images included in our website.

Mack, Julie. "Charles Lindbergh Jr. Ann Arbor Bay City Detroit Flint Grand Rapids Jackson

Kalamazoo Lansing Muskegon Saginaw All Michigan." The Kalamazoo Gazette. N.p., 17 May 2012. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This webpage provided us with an image for our website.

Fields, Jason, Karen Workman, Julie Westfall, and Michael Topel. "12 Ridiculous Ways the Media Has Tried Explain the Sequester." Spundge. N.p., 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 2 Jan.. 2014. This webpage provided us with an image for our website

"Charles Lindbergh (1902 1974)." Charles Lindbergh. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2014. This website provided us with information about aviator Charles Lindbergh, the father of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr.

Fisher, Jim. "The Lindbergh Case." The Lindbergh Case. N.p., 9 Jan. 2008. Web. 24 Dec. 2013. This website provided us with images of the evidence found at the crime scene.

"Lindbergh Kidnapping 1932." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2014.

This website provided us with images for our website.

"Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping." Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This website provided us with images for our website, such as the image of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr.s remains.

Peterson, Judy Monroe. The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial: A Headline Court Case. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2000. Print. This book provides information of the investigation and trial. This source goes in detail with the case including the eleven and a half hour jury deliberation debating the verdict would Hauptmann be found guilty or innocent?

Ahlgren, Gregory, and Stephen Monier. Crime of the Century: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax. Boston, MA: Branden, 1993. Print. This book showed the different possibilities of the kidnapping tragedy. Some believe that Hauptmann was not the man at fault here, and that Lindbergh himself kidnapped and murdered his son. According to the book, Lindbergh had been known as a prankster and faked a kidnapping of his son just three months earlier, but people had not thought much of it because he was famous and it was a joke. However, the police did not investigate him, and ultimately a possible innocent man was pinned with the crime and executed.

Kraft, Betsy Harvey. "Chapter Three - Baby Charles and the Carpenter." Sensational Trials of the 20th Century. New York: Scholastic, 1998. 48-78. Print. This book included a chapter of the Lindbergh kidnapping trial. We found in this book that the Lindberghs went to multiple people for help along the way, however many of them did not have much to offer. For example, Mickey Rosner, Rosner ended up being a con man with absolutely no information of the well being of the Lindbergh baby. Another man, Gaston Means, sent a message to a wealthy socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean, claiming he had contact with the kidnapping gang and would have the baby safely returned if she supplied him one hundred thousand dollars. Once he received the money, and the baby was not returned, McLean realized that he conned her. Means was arrested, but McLeans money was never returned.

Who Killed Lindbergh's Baby? Dir. Larry Klein. NOVA, 2013. Who Killed Lindbergh's Baby? PBS, 30 Jan. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>. Used to help us learn more about the crime. Also, found authors through this documentary.

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